Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Vara Bhavishya

Vrishabha Rashi

For more infomation >> Vrishabha Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, December 4 to December 10, in Kannada - Duration: 1:02.


Kman夾娃娃 小海螺選台條件心得分享!K88【金冠小海螺】。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#185 - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 小海螺選台條件心得分享!K88【金冠小海螺】。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#185 - Duration: 6:23.


【Logless Gacha】 Spiritual sword Ardeverde God - Duration: 5:27.

New weapon of water attribute "Spirit sword Aldevelde"

It seems that you can expect a considerable amount of damage so it is definitely a place you want to come by all means, but with a low probability of 1/300 in box gacha.

People who do not charge are level enough to worry about turning this new weapon gacha or turning around the year-end and new year's gacha.

I was able to get 110 consumption of magic stones.

However, this is too lucky, is not it?

For more infomation >> 【Logless Gacha】 Spiritual sword Ardeverde God - Duration: 5:27.


6 Common Characteristics of INTUITIVE PEOPLE - Duration: 3:48.

6 Common Characteristics of Highly Intuitive People

Many people use their intuition in different ways, but there are few characteristics of

highly intuitive people which separates them from the rest.

We all use our intuition in various day to day decisions,

some of us do it knowingly whereas some believe that their past experiences have trained them

to make the right decisions based on something which is higher than logic.

Usually, people believe that the psychic abilities are meant only for some special people and

no one else could acquire it, well that's a lie anyone can develop his

intuition with practice.

However, there are people who are naturally good in using their sixth sense.

Since such people are little different from normal people,

they deliberately hide their true nature by pretending to be normal, so that they don't

appear weird in front of others, this mostly happens in their childhood and

gradually they forget their true nature completely.

The intuitive skill is never lost, so even when they don't realize about their highly

intuitive gift, these are few characteristics which can tell

if someone belongs to that category.

It does not matter if you are trying to "fit in," or you are making use of your psychic


If you are highly intuitive then there are few qualities that you might be having and

they are as follows:

Number 1.

Highly Sensitive

As I mentioned earlier, few natural characteristics of intuitive people makes them to appear "weird",

being too sensitive is often very humiliating and that is why sensitive people train themselves

to hide their true emotions.

If you are very sensitive then there are high chances that you also have a gifted ability

to know more than what you could perceive with your five senses.

Number 2.

Knowing the Emotional States of Others

People with more psychic awareness are easily affected by the emotional states of others,

they can instantly detect how someone is actually feeling inside even when they pretend to be


This is a very big disadvantage, since such people find themselves depressed very frequently

because their energy is very vulnerable to other people's emotions,

unless they have learned to protect themselves using some methods or tools.

Number 3.


From what we have discussed in the two points before, we can see that it is pretty obvious

that highly intuitive people are not very comfortable in front of others, so they prefer

to be alone as much as possible.

Number 4.

Imaginative Ability

Advanced perception can only be acquired by people who are very creative; every person

who is highly intuitive is also very good in using his imagination.

Number 5.

Special Love for Nature, Pets, and Babies

It is true that we all love babies and nature (at least most of us), but people with extra

sensory perception have a deep love for them because they feel more connected to their

higher self in their presence.

Number 6.

Better Understanding of People and Situations

Just like they can sense the feelings of others they have a better knowledge of people and

situations without being told.

Due to this particular characteristic people find it so easy to share their issues with

such people because they understand them better.

So, these are few characteristics that are found in a highly intuitive person,

the emotional problems faced by people gifted with psychic abilities can be resolved using

various spiritual practices.

All in all, that's the 6 Common Characteristics of Highly Intuitive People.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Common Characteristics of INTUITIVE PEOPLE - Duration: 3:48.


5 Things EMPATHS Will Have To Struggle With - Duration: 3:12.

5 Things Empaths Have A Really Hard Time With

Number 1.

Breaking up with someone

Okay, so no one really likes breaking up with someone.

Well, unless you're a malicious sociopath?

The song "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do," speaks a pretty universal truth, that shit

is really sucks.

But because empaths are so affected by other people's energies, it makes splitting up

even more difficult.

Empaths cringe at the thought of hurting someone they love, and this can even manifest in physical

symptoms of the hurt.

Chest pains, stomach aches, migraines, etc.

It's not unusual for an empath to become sick to their stomach when having to end a


Though neither way feels good, an empath would almost always prefer being broken up with

to being the one who initiates it.

Number 2.

People who are constantly wishy-washy

The phrase "all in or nothing" rings true for empaths.

They are usually 110% committed, or they just don't care.

There's never this idea of doing something halfway.

Classic 0 or 100, they aren't ones for moderation.

So, when people aren't totally sure of how they feel (or what they want), it's totally



You're only 49% sure you want to do that?


Number 3.

Disconnecting from tragic news

At a time when the media is constantly churning out so many images of horrific and devastating

tragedies, it's never been easier to tune in and closely

follow upsetting stories from all over the world.

And when something happens, empaths have a hard time stepping away from the TV, computer,


It's this terrible combination of feeling helpless, heartbroken, yet not knowing how

to stop checking for updates.

Number 4.

Dealing with negativity

Because empaths absorb the energy and emotions of those around them, being around toxic and/or

negative sources can take a huge toll on the empath's physical and mental well-being.

They are natural care-givers and want to help (or at least try to) fix situations, which

can end up hurting the empath.

It's not always easy for them to recognize when it is time to walk away.

Number 5.

Emotional hangovers

It doesn't take much to drain the empath.

They are prone to nervous system overdrive.

They end up soaking all sorts of things, like a friend's distress over relationship troubles,

a family member complaining about stress, something they overheard while running errands.

It's easy for the empath to end up feeling like they are suffering from a terrible hangover,

but not one that can be fixed with a little hair of the dog.

All in all, that's the 5 things empaths have a really hard time with.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

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