Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

Hi everyone, today I will show you how to make squishy from recycled plastic bags.

Squishy is a Milk Box.

Of course, its squishy does not fade and also recycle garbage at home.

I love to use spoon because the squishy can be shaped according to the original item.

The foam I use is a foam mat, but can wear any foam.

For the same left-right, make a line first around the spoon.

Create a triangle image and mark the tip to be the same.

Then scissor in the way as in this video.

Then seal with double-sided tape, if afraid to stick to hand, use double tape paper to avoid sticking.

Remember if you want to squishy slow, make sure the spoon is closed all.

Attach the plastic little by a little Then stick the double-sided tape on the side

Then stick the double-sided tape on the side

Then drawing uses a permanent black marker

This is the result,.... pretty good texture

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE SQUISHY FROM PLASTIK BAG - Duration: 6:59.


Christmas Canon - by: Trans-Siberian Orchestra *CHRISTMAS SPECIAL* - Duration: 4:20.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

(Merry Christmas) the joy that he brings (Merry Christmas) the joy that he brings (Merry Christmas) the joy that he brings

( Merry Christmas ) the joy that he...

(Instruments Playing)

This night

We pray

Our lives

Will show

This dream

He had

Each child

Still knows

This night, we pray

Our lives, Will show

This dream, He had, Each child, Still knows

This night, We pray, Our lives, Will show

This dream, He had, Each child, Still knows

This night, We pray, Our lives, Will show

This dream, He had, Each child, Still knows

On this night On this night On this very Christmas night

On this night On this night On this very Christmas night

On this night On this night On this very Christmas night

On this night On this night On this very Christmas night

On this night On this night On this very Christmas night

On this night On this night On this very Christmas night

On this night On this night On this very Christmas night

On this night On this night On this very Christmas night...


For more infomation >> Christmas Canon - by: Trans-Siberian Orchestra *CHRISTMAS SPECIAL* - Duration: 4:20.


How the BEST Japanese Ramen Noodles are done in Tokyo - Duration: 11:13.


- And then over here... - Check it out they're noodles now!

- We know those noodles now! - We are familiar with them now.

Oh wow this looks tasty.

Hello everyone on Youtube!

- I am Cathy Cat from the Ask Japanese channel. - I am Asou Natsuko from Japan in Motion.

Today we have come to Nakano in Tokyo.


Today we will make a report about RAMEN. (popular Japanese noodle soup)

Japanese ramen have become popular world wide now.

When I go to a ramen restaurant, I see a lot of foreigners eat there.

Cathy how about you?

Ramen noodles come actually from China, right.

But they took the idea and made it suit the Japanese tastes.

Today we will show you some of the secrets of good Ramen!

Today's special Ask Japanese and Japan in Motion collaboration video takes us

to Nakano in Tokyo.

We went away from the busy streets into a living area

where we found a place that lets us have a look at real ramen noodles.

And how the magic is done.

For this we changed into special suits...

and ventured into an unknown territory.

Oh wow what a place!

The scent of flour is in the air.

We have come to the inside of the factory now...

In what order do you make all of this?

Over here we first mix the flour with the other ingredients.

Over there, we make the dough.

And finally we cut it into the right shape.

This here is the starting point then. - Right.

There are so many different types of flour here.

We pick locally made flour, based in what type of noodles we need to create.

We blend them and create the dough.

So the dough comes out of there?

We are just mixing it now. - Will it pour out soon? - Yes.


Wow! - I didn't think it would look like that.

And it already comes out at the other end straight away as dough.

So the separate dough will be compressed.

They compress it here.

It looks like one long dough sash.

That's how you make that rool!

Do you wanna lift it? - Can we?


Don't hurt yourself. - Uuuh.

Wow... I really didn't expect it to be this heavy.

Apparently one of these weighs 10 kilos.

Super heavy stuff.

When do you start work here in the mornings?

We start at 1am in the early mornings. - What? In the middle of the night?

We create it that night so we can deliver it fresh to the ramen restaurants

in the mornings.

- That's super early. - Wanna see how they are cut?

Sure show us please.


It gets raised and lowered by rolls...

And then over here...

- And then over here... - Check it out they're noodles now!

- We know those noodles now! - We are familiar with them now.

If we throw them into hot water, can we eat them already? - Yes!

These ones are fresh raw ramen now.

Raw ramen. These ones are curly, the other ones there are straight raw ramen.

We make many different types of ramen noodles here.

Then cut them here.

So if you put the setting right, you can change their shape.

These ones are done. - Freshly formed.

When you look at these, you really start caring more about these noodles.

Makes me want to think, I should appreciate being able to eat them. - True.

- And done. - Wow that was quite an experience.

I was surprised how quickly they can actually be made.

You can eat them straight away on the next day and even the same day they're made.

That was quite impressive.

I think focusing so much on the freshness of the noodles is very Japanese.

To my surprise the factory has a person kitchen that lets people try the ramen there and then.

So let's ask the managing director of Taisei Foods about their Ramen strategy.

Thanks for chatting with us.

Since when does this factory exist here?

For about 100 years by now.

What? 100 years?!

You have a meeting room and a kitchen next to it, why the kitchen?

Not all ramen restaurants are successful.

There are many which actually fail in their attempt to make a successful restaurant.

So we teach ramen restaurant important ramen know-how

The kitchen there is like a school for ramen restaurants.

Recently some want to open ramen restaurants abroad,

they come here to learn the basics first.

Japanese people who want to open ramen restaurants abroad?

We are changing into a more global world.

Getting more people come like that, we can spread the ramen love over the world.

Would be great if that was possible.

And I hope that will bring happiness to many people.

Thank you so much.

Are you hungry already?

Natchan and Cathy's adventure continues here in a but but before

that lets's go and Ask Japanese on the streets

about the BEST ramen in Japan.

What's your favourite ramen?

I like soy sauce ramen.

Pork broth ramen!

Oh yes pork broth all the way.

Spicy Miso ramen soup is great.

That sounds already so tasty.

Salt ramen base is better than Soy, because you can eat more of it.

Especially if you have vegetables with it, you can eat a lot.

I like the pork soup base better.

My relative lives in Hakata which is famous for it's ramen.

It ate there a lot, so I became to love the Hakata ramen style.

Hakata ramen is generally made with pork? - That's right gurl.

I love pork soup ramen from the ICHIRAN restaurant.

Wow you are specific about that one. Why?

They have a secret sauce recipe and it tastes so good.

When do you feel like having some steaming hot ramen?

- When it's cold. - On rainy days.

And when I am stressed they're great.

De-stress ramen noodle binge!


Exactly like that!

Do you have a favorite noodle type?

I like the thin and hard ones.

I like the thin noodles and when they are more al dente.

When you add the noodles to the soup, they become soggy quickly.

So I make them a bit too hard so they are just right when I eat them.

That's the way.

Seems like we have a ramen professional here.

I like the thick and hard ones, they are nice and squishy.

I like the thin and harder ones because they have a real bite to them.

They are incredibly tasty.

Wow total opposites you guys. Everyone has a different favourite here.

I like them warikata style. - Warikata?

You only boil them for a short moment. They are super hard.

They still have a good bite. My recommendation would be to boil them for 30 seconds.

30 seconds? They barely touched the hot water.

That makes them tasty. You should try it too.

Because you like them hard, you need to eat them quickly.

I like hard noodles so much, I could eat them without boiling them.

I haven't tried that yet. I shall do that sometime.

Warikata. Try it out. - Thank you for your time.

Switch back to Nakano and Natchan and Cathy Cat.

We heard there is a popular ramen place called Shanghai Menkan.

which actually serves the noodles made by Taisei Foods where we went earlier.

Now that we have seen how the noodles are made,

to actually go and try and taste them.

Wow that looks so good.

- It's done! - It looks so good!

Cathy, yours is done too!

Wow that looks amazing.

Wow all the colors on the plate look so pretty.

Now. Usually I would start with reviewing the soup but this time I'll start from the noodles.

Let's try it!

Wow this looks so good. The noodles are so thin!

How how how? - Yum yum yum!

The flavor, the bite, the smooth texture, it all tastes amazing.

Cathy you should try it too!

I like the smell of the dough.

This smells good.

The good thing about Tsukemen type noodles is that you dip them into the sauce.

That's what makes them fun.

The tsukemen look thicker than the ramen noodles.


This is so tasty! Amazing.

You only dip them in for a quick moment...

But the flavor gets soaked up by the noodles almost instantly.

It has a real good bite to it, and it is really nice and chewy.

Now that you have seen the factory, has your opinion on ramen changed?

It has. My love for ramen has gone up 3-40 times.

Even though I am full, I still wanna keep eating more. - Exactly!

I understand now how much Japanese work at creating this dish.

I am gonna eat it all. Thanks makers!

Finally being able to taste real fresh ramen is the best!

And they were soo good.

Just the thing you want at the end of a busy day.

Thanks for the feast.

Wow that was so good.

That was a real feast and it was so good.

It was!

When you come to Tokyo, you need to try the noodles at that place.

It was soo good.

- It's really close to the station! - Japanese ramen noodles are the best!

Shall we go home? - Wanna eat some more?

Let's have some more! - Ok see you guys! Bye!

Now if you come to Nakano you can't go into the factory like we did

But! But!

We found out that there is a shop right next to the factory

called "Rakubaku sha".

That sells noodles and more. So you can get the noodles, soup

and more other fresh things fresh out from the factory.

So you can make your very own special ramen at home.

Now have you had ramen before?

What's your favorite type of ramen noodles?

Leave us a comment! We're looking forward to reading your tasty ramen recommends

Comment straight away. And until next time on Ask Japanese!


bai bai

For more infomation >> How the BEST Japanese Ramen Noodles are done in Tokyo - Duration: 11:13.


Top 5 Scariest Things Caught on GoPro Camera - Duration: 12:51.

Top 5 Scariest Things Caught on GoPro Camera


Brian Garcia and 3 friends were exploring the train tracks in Chatsworth Park, just

north of Los Angeles.

Garcia films with his Gopro as they come to a tunnel and decide to walk through the dark

passage to the other side.

When Brian Garcia uploaded his scary GoPro video to Youtube, it got a harsh response

from many viewers who felt that entering the train tunnel was a pretty stupid decision

to begin with.

The video received over 570 thumbs down and scathing comments like "I can't be the only

person who was rooting for the train..."

Level 3 Helmet

Gopro cameras are not just used for all fun and games.

Militaries around the world now use the compact cameras to monitor training missions, and

even to document dangerous real military operations.

Sometimes the Gopros catch some pretty scary footage.

Thanks to his Kevlar helmet, this Marine doesn't even get a scratch from the sniper's bullet.

Tunnel of Terror

Youtuber Streetzips decided to explore a winding rain sewer with a Gopro camera mounted to

his forehead.

Now perhaps the most frightening part of this footage is that Streetzips is exploring the

dark abandoned tunnel all alone.

The footage looks like something right out of an intense first person horror game, and

not long into the video, life seems to imitate horror.

He climbs a ladder in the tunnel and finds a strange abandoned backpack in a wall recess.


he explores further, he begins to hear strange sounds and arms himself with a large stick.

In the distance, he hears the sound of metal being dragged along concrete.

As his flashlight battery begins to drain, he becomes a bit panicked and starts to run.

In one clip, Streetzips claims that he saw something large move in the shadows and dashes

toward the tunnel exit.

Meals on Wheels

Du�an Vin��k was riding with a friend on a bike park trail in Slovakia.

The Gopro mounted to his helmet catches some amazing nature shots along the trail.

But then they find themselves getting a little too close to nature in this scary encounter

caught on camera.

The Gopro footage was so scary that some Youtube commenters questioned if it was real, so Vinzik

uploaded a longer uncut version, proving that the video was 100% authentic.

It's unsure why the two bikers chose to stop their bikes while still VERY near the bear's


But it may be because the bear actually seems to be moving to cut the riders off further

up the circling trail.

We Are Not Alone

Now what I personally find disturbing about Urban Exploration videos is not the idea that

the explorers might encounter ghosts, hauntings, or anything supernatural, it's the thought

of what strange real-life people might be lurking around the dark abandoned buildings.

Youtube channel "The Proper People" decided to explore an abandoned insane asylum.

The old institution was in the middle of nowhere, miles through the woods down a dark unmarked


At first, their exploration was creepy, but mostly uneventful.

They trekked from room to room, documenting the decaying asylum.

But then, one of the urban explorers looked out a broken window to film an outer staircase.

He noticed something very disturbing

What looked to be someone using a cell phone was walking around just outside the building.

Again, keep in mind that this institution was in the middle of nowhere.

There were no other cars around, and no reason for anyone else to be there.

The explorers immediately decide to leave.

After they've made their way outside, the guys call out to the person in the dark ...but

no one answers.

They hop in their car and make a hasty retreat down the dark unpaved trail.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scariest Things Caught on GoPro Camera - Duration: 12:51.


#FlatEarth Friday FringeCast S02 Ep14 12\1\2017 Bin 'Hacker' Hamin - Duration: 4:25:02.

For more infomation >> #FlatEarth Friday FringeCast S02 Ep14 12\1\2017 Bin 'Hacker' Hamin - Duration: 4:25:02.


News24 News 02 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 29:11.

News24 News 2 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla

For more infomation >> News24 News 02 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 29:11.


Pakar Mikroekspresi Sebut Demian Tunjukkan Tanda Bahwa Sulap 'The Drop Dead'nya akan Gagal? - Duration: 5:20.

Pakar Mikroekspresi Sebut Demian Tunjukkan Tanda Bahwa Sulap 'The Drop Dead'nya akan Gagal?

TRIBUNJATIM.COM - Hal mengerikan terjadi pada aksi sulap Demian Aditya pada Rabu (29/11/2017) lalu.

Seorang pstuntman bernama Edison Wardhana dikabarkan mengalami kecelakaan saat melaksanakan aksi sulap bertajuk The Death Drop itu.

Edison yang menggantikan Demian tak berhasil keluar dari peti yang terjatuh.

Jadilah, beberapa besi tajam yang diletakkan di bawahnya menembus ke dalam peti di mana Edison yang masih berada di dalamnya.

Edison langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit Royal Taruma, Grogol, Jakarta Barat.

Yang menarik, jauh sebelum aksi maut itu disiarkan secara live di televisi,

ada beberapa pertanda yang seolah menyiratkan kalau aksi itu tidak akan berhasil.

Inikah keempat tanda-tanda itu?

1Sebenarnya Damien Ragu Lakukan Aksi The Death Drop

Sebelum aksi maut itu berlangsung, Edison Whardana sempat diwawancari oleh Robby Purba.

Proses wawancara itu berlangsung saat Demian melakukan gladi bersih di arena acara.

Dalam video yang diputar dalam program Pagi Pagi Pasti Happy,

Edison tampak lancar dan percaya diri menjelaskan aksi maut yang akan dipertontonkan.

Hal ini berbanding terbalik dengan Demian, yang dinilai ragu oleh Pakar mikroekspresi, Poppy Amalya.

Poppy menegaskan kalau Demian lebih sering melihat ke arah bawah alias menunduk, yang menandakan adanya kekhawatiran.

"Stuntman-nya ini bisa menjelaskan dengan runtut, tapi Demian banyak lihat ke bawah.

Kenapa itu terjadi, karena sebelumnya ada story, trauma, ada kegagalan," kata Poppy.

Memang sebelumnya, Demian mengalami kegagalan, saat melancarkan aksi yang sama di acara America's Got Talent.

2Ternyata Demian Aditya Sudah Sebut Keberhasilannya Tidak 100 Persen

Menurut pakar mikroekspresi Poppy Amalya, saat diwawancarai Uya Kuya sebelum jalankan aksinya,

Demian lagi-lagi lebih banyak menunduk.

"(Saat diwawancara Uya Kuya) nunduk lagi, itu menggabarkan ada pengalaman emosional," kata Poppy.

"Ada kekhawatiran, bahkan kalimat yang dipilihnya juga keberhasialnnya 50:50," kata Poppy.

3 Sara Wijayanto Perlihatkan Kekhawatiran Sebelum Aksi The Death Drop

Tak hanya Demian Aditya yang diwawancarai sebelum aksi The Death Drop dimulai.

Istri Demian, Sara Wijayanto, juga diwawancarai seputar aksi maut suaminya.

Menurut Poppy Amalya, Sarah banyak menelan ludah, yang menandakan ada yang dia khawatirkan.

"Biasanya orang akan membasahi tenggorokan,

kalau dia mengalami kecemasan, sebenarnya Sara juga khawatir," kata Poppy.

4 Teriakan Sara Wijayanto Terbukti

Dalam video yang viral di media sosial, terlihat Sara Wijayanto berteriak-teriak saat peti tersebut jatuh.

Awalnya, banyak netizen yang menganggap Sara berlebihan.

"Apa gue bilang? Gue udah bilang enggak usah!" teriak Sara setelah peti itu terjatuh.

Namun, menurut pakar mikroekspresi Poppy Amalya,

sebenarnya teriakan Sara itu adalah hal spontan yang dia lakukan.

"Pas sampai Sara itu teriak, ya itu beneran," kata Poppy.

"Apalagi ada tangan keluar dari dalam peti ya," tambah Poppy.

For more infomation >> Pakar Mikroekspresi Sebut Demian Tunjukkan Tanda Bahwa Sulap 'The Drop Dead'nya akan Gagal? - Duration: 5:20.


Tula Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, December 4 to December 10, in Kannada - Duration: 1:05.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Vara Bhavishya

Tula Rashi

For more infomation >> Tula Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, December 4 to December 10, in Kannada - Duration: 1:05.


รถไถ Tractor yanmar 123เทส มีที่ดันปรับได้ มีคลิป รถเกี่ยวข้าว รถแม็คโคร รถสิบล้อ ให้ชม พง เท่านั้น - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> รถไถ Tractor yanmar 123เทส มีที่ดันปรับได้ มีคลิป รถเกี่ยวข้าว รถแม็คโคร รถสิบล้อ ให้ชม พง เท่านั้น - Duration: 2:13.


14 Signs You THINK With Your HEARTH instead of your HEAD - Duration: 4:54.

14 Signs You Think With Your Heart Not Your Head

If you've been told you think with your heart, it means you make decisions and behave

based on how you're feeling rather than what may be rational.

It also means that your heart dictates your life in most occasions.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 14 Signs that you're thinking with your heart

instead of your head.

If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future!


You wear your heart on your sleeve.

You tend to show your emotions easily and even when you are trying to hide what you

are truly feeling, your eyes will give it all away eventually.


You blurt out more than you should.

You pour your heart out when you're having a conversation, it's how you bond with people.

You prefer conversations that are deep, honest and meaningful even if it means revealing

more than what people asked for.


You need a lot of time before making a decision.

It's easy to make a decision based on logic, but making one based on fleeting emotions

and feelings can take a totally different direction.

You take your time to understand how you feel about something.

But once you do, you know in your heart that it was the right choice, at least for you.


You get angry when you see dishonesty and injustice.

You are always trying to make the world a better place, and it deeply saddens you when

you see that other people are suffering because of someone else's wrongdoings.


You easily absorb the energy of those around you.

You don't know how to isolate yourself from the energy around you.

You take it all in, more than you should because you are more attuned to emotions.

Which can be a downfall if you don't look out for yourself and stop yielding to the

energy of others.


You dream big.

If you think with your heart, that means you're both passionate and empathetic,

this is why you have big dreams and want to touch the hearts of millions of people or

change the world one day.

You know that your heart will pave the way for you to do great things, and you are constantly

thinking of how you can put it to good use.


The phrase, 'I feel like…' is your favorite sentence.

Forget about 'I think that,' it's all about how you feel and what triggers those


Even when you are trying to solve a mathematical equation, you will always go with the answer

that feels right.


You are a good friend.

Because you are highly intuitive and care about your friends, you are usually the person

they go to when they really need to talk to someone or need support.

They know that you will always make time for them and listen to them with all your heart.


You are spiritual.

You love nature and exploring the beauty of the world.

You pay attention to the sounds of nature and you like to just daydream and contemplate

for hours by yourself.

You are totally fine with spending time alone to invigorate your heart.


You are highly creative or artistic.

You have a knack for art and appreciate the delicacies of it.

You feel the passion that was behind a specific project and you relate to it so much more.

You are either an artist or you have great potential to be one.


You are dynamic.

Because you can experience several emotions throughout the day,

you are versatile and can find yourself getting involved in projects that are very different

or hanging out with people who are polar opposites.

But this what makes you an interesting individual, you are unpredictable – even to yourself.


You feel like an old soul.

Sometimes you look around and feel like you were born in the wrong era, you crave an era

when life was simple and people were honest, or you crave the innocence of childhood when

you only thought with your heart.

Many times you feel like you don't belong to this generation.


You have a love-hate relationship with your brain.

You love it because it gives you the reality check you need and you hate it because it

holds you back from being who you really are.

You still haven't figured out a way to co-exist and you don't know if you ever will.

Until then, your heart will always take over.


You will never give up on love.

No matter how many times your heart has been broken, no matter how many people disappointed

you, no matter how many people told you to use

your brain instead, you will always love wholeheartedly and think with your heart,

even if it means hurting yourself, but you know that your heart is the force that keeps

you going and it won't let you have it any other way.

All in all, that's the 14 signs you think with your heart not your head.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 14 Signs You THINK With Your HEARTH instead of your HEAD - Duration: 4:54.


Most Londyński wali się | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Kołysanki | Filmy Dla Dzieci - Duration: 1:14:08.

London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down,

London Bridge is falling down,

My Fair Lady.

Build it up with wood and clay,

Wood and Clay, wood and clay,

Build it up with wood and clay,

My Fair Lady.

Wood and clay will wash away,

Wash away, wash away,

Wood and clay will wash away,

My Fair Lady.

Build it up with bricks and mortar,

Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,

Build it up with bricks and mortar,

My Fair Lady.

Bricks and mortar will not stay,

Will not stay, will not stay,

Bricks and mortar will not stay,

My Fair Lady.

Build it up with iron and steel,

Iron and steel, iron and steel,

Build it up with iron and steel,

My Fair Lady.

Iron and steel will bend and bow,

Bend and bow, bend and bow,

Iron and steel will bend and bow,

My Fair Lady.

Build it up with silver and gold,

Silver and gold, silver and gold,

Build it up with silver and gold,

My Fair Lady.

Silver and gold will be stolen away,

Stolen away, stolen away,

Silver and gold will be stolen away,

My Fair Lady.

Set a man to watch all night,

Watch all night, watch all night,

Set a man to watch all night,

My Fair Lady.

Suppose the man should fall asleep,

Fall asleep, fall asleep,

Suppose the man should fall asleep,

My Fair Lady.

London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down,

My Fair Lady.

For more infomation >> Most Londyński wali się | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Kołysanki | Filmy Dla Dzieci - Duration: 1:14:08.


Vrischika Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, December 4 to December 10, in Kannada - Duration: 1:01.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Vara Bhavishya

Vrischika Rashi

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