Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

Mokhamhom Music

For more infomation >> ၵိုတ်းႁွႆးၸဵပ်းဝႆႉ ယိင်းမူၺ်ႁွမ်ၾႃႉ กึ๊ดฮอยเจ็บไว้ - ยิงหมวยหอมฟ้า เพลงไตยออกใหม่2018 - Duration: 5:17.


VEDUS Day 27 (End of Watch, The Empire Striketh Back COMPLETE) - Duration: 3:56.

Hey everybody, welcome back to Tanner's Books and Beyond and day 27 of VEDUS.

Guess what? It's the season for...Life Day!

So make sure you crack open your Life Day advent calendars.

If you're wondering what that flashing is I've got the Christmas Tree going on.

Check it out.

Nice work decorating that thing, mom.

Looks pretty sweet.

I should probably turn it off, though, because that's gonna cause hell for my recording!

Alright, so this seems like a better angle for that.

Now, let's get into it.

Today I was able to read Certain Point of View story by Adam Christopher.

It was called "End of Watch" and it focuses on a group of Imperial security officers who

are just trying to figure out what's going on on the Death Star, like why is there a

YT-1300 freighter in the docking bay?

Why is the AA block being shut down?

Why is Vader on the comm links all of a sudden? All that kind of stuff.

But unfortunately it wasn't that great because it felt like it never really got to a point really.

The characters were underdeveloped, the plot was kind of stretched over a whole bunch of things.

The only interesting factor was one of the characters saying that she was really excited

to meet up with her brother because she hadn't seen him in four weeks and the last place

he was positioned was on Scarif.

Then there's a little thing about how her commanding officer knew that they were at

Scarif, but even she did not know what they were doing on Scarif because the Death Star's

so huge that unless it was destroyed or got into a collision with a star destroy, no

one could necessarily know everything that went on.

So there's that scary little tidbit that, yeah, they blew up a planet and most of the

people on the Death Star didn't even know that they'd done that!

But the thing is, that's not expanded on.

When that came up I thought it was going to be the focal point of the story, but

it's dropped pretty quickly and the rest of it just kind of meanders until it reaches its end,

so I was really disappointed. It's only a two-star, at best.

I also finished The Empire Striketh Back, and of course as usual I'll be posting a full

review of this on Goodreads which I'll be linking down below along with the rest of

my social media, but I do want to talk about a few things.

One of them, which I'm surprised I haven't talked about yet because he's been in

four of the plays so far, is Yoda.

Yoda, in these plays, speaks in haikus...and that's really interesting because Shakespeare

never used haikus - I don't even know if Shakespeare knew what a haiku was.

But I didn't bring it up mainly because I wanted to see why Doescher used that style,

so I waited until I got to the end of this so I could read the afterward.

Basically he did it because a lot of people pointed out that so many of the people already

talking in iambic pentameter already sound a bit like Yoda just because their speech

patterns are a bit reversed to fit with the style.

So of course when he got to Yoda he needed to do something very different and he went

through several options - one of them was having him just speech like a normal modren

person, and another one was having him speaking in a really, really olde English, like Chaucer

style English.

I like that idea of Chaucer, but it would've been really hard to understand him and also

fit that into the Shakespearean thing, but when you're playing with syllables and you

get to haikus I think that's a really smart choice because it does make Yoda sound different

from everyone and it also sounds like someone who is ancient, even in the time of the prequels, really.

So I really like that choice.

He also point out the fact (which I almost missed) that Han and Leia, when they start

getting romantic, they start doing rhyming couplets just like Anakin and Padme did.

But of course I kinda didn't notice and...that makes sense because they're kinda snuck in there.

They're not always doing rhyming couplets, it's only in the scenes where they start getting

romantic, and then as soon as something happens they kinda break those off.

And finally, the final act of this defied my expectations because the two big moments

- the one where Han and Leia say they love each other and the one where Luke finds out

Vader is his father - I expected large monologues about those situations, but instead they're

almost completely preserved the way they were in the movies and I really love the way that was executed.

That's something I'll definitely get in to more detail with in my full review.

And that concludes today's VEDUS update.

As per usual you can hit that subscribe button to see more videos, you can check me out on

the social media I've linked below.

Happy Life Day everyone!

Or whatever you celebrate.

I don't know, what else is there in December?...Candlenights?

I think that's it.

Anyways, until tomorrow I'll see you all *snap* later!

*funky music*

For more infomation >> VEDUS Day 27 (End of Watch, The Empire Striketh Back COMPLETE) - Duration: 3:56.


CAT HOUSE - Thai Cuisine: Chiang Mai Edition | VLOGMAS 2017 - Duration: 4:59.

Lotta is laughing at me

I want my breakfast burrito with cheese, tofu and bacon

It's Antti's style to select everything with everything

Deal with it

This place is called Cat House and their logo is a cat that has a house on its back

But they also have another shop that's called Cat Shack

They have the same logo

That one is located on the North side of the old town, now we're on the East side

We've visited both of them a few times and they have the same menus

They have a great menu, great food and excellent smoothies

Here they also have a list of specials above the counter

So I decided to try one of those

Vietnamese tostada with chickpea flour tortilla and vegetables

Sounds pretty great

Is it strong?

Ginger and pineapple


What did you order?

A breakfast burrito that has two omelets inside with some sides

And I also added bacon, cheese and tofu

Because I love them all

And ginger kombucha tea, a coffee and hummus with pita bread

It doesn't surprise me at all but this place makes their own pita bread by hand

It's so good and definitely my recommendation here

This kombucha is also very nice as well as the coffee

So good


Ohhh this is hot!

Hummus is one of my favorite things

But they make this amazing home made hummus here

Absolutely amazing, my recommendations

So, I chose this Vietnamese tostada

It has an open tortilla topped with a huge amount of veggies, tofu and peanut

The owner just told us that she's been spending some time in Vietnam before so she got this idea from there

But she wanted to make the tortilla out of chickpeas

And to make it open because it's hard to keep in shape if rolled

This dish is a fusion of several food cultures

Let's have a taste, I'll try to collect all the elements

Very nice

This dish is high on protein since the tortilla is made out of chickpeas

It does have a slight flavor of chickpeas

This dish is quite mild, tough, so I'd add a bit of chili sauce

And then there's this caramelized onion to give a nice sweetness to the dish

Very nice

And this dish is huge, I didn't realize it would be this big

Let's add a bit of chili


Works great

How am I able to finish this since I also asked for one more of these while waiting

Cat House has a very nice atmosphere

This place is nice since they have some familiar flavors but then also new flavors on their menu

Flavors from around Asia

So there's always something to try

Which is nice

And the staff here is very friendly as well

Will visit again

For more infomation >> CAT HOUSE - Thai Cuisine: Chiang Mai Edition | VLOGMAS 2017 - Duration: 4:59.


Starbucks Sumatra Coffee Review - Duration: 5:47.

- Hey! Welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee.

Your place for average Joe coffee reviews.

Today's coffee is of single origin, unlike myself.

- (laughs)

- So what is today's wonderful, or not wonderful, coffee?

- Right, it is Starbucks' Sumatra

single origin dark roast coffee.

It's 100% Arabica beans, ground, obviously,

and it's supposed to be earthy and herbal.

So, again this is one of those conservation,

international blends, ethical sourced coffee.

Ethically sourced coffee. There we go.

Yeah, so it's dark roast, full bodied, yeah.

- There's a tiger on the-

- There is. I do like their packaging. It's nice.

- Yes.

- But you pay a price for the packaging.

- That's right.

- It is got, like, a whole, you know where Sumatra is?

- It is in Indonesia.

- It is. The western island of Indonesia.

A western island of Indonesia.

- Mm hmm.

- So, yeah, so, the question is is it good coffee?

Because it's, you know, Sumatra, sorry,

Starbucks is really a more expensive brand.

- Mm hmm.

- Generally, like, nine dollars per bag.

- Right.

- Sometimes it's less, depending if you get it on sale,

but it's a more premium coffee.

- Yes. - Yeah.

- So we'll find out.

- And we did have Sumatra blend, right,

with New York Gourmet Coffee.

- Yes. That review is also one we've done,

and that coffee was fantastic.

- It was so good, oh my gosh. So good.

- So-

- So we have high hopes for this one.

- Talkin' 'bout high cotton. That's a different song.

What is high cotton?

- It's when the cotton's ready to be harvested.

- It's not cotton from the low country?

- No. (laughs)

- I don't know.

- What does that even mean?

- Low country, low country boil.

- Yeah, that's, like, Louisiana

and stuff, right? South Carolina?

- Louisiana.

- Yeah, no, South Carolina, like,

low country boil. I guess it's all-

- (mumbles in Southern accent)

That's Louisiana.

- Oh. Oh well, it doesn't really matter.

- Smells like coffee. Oh that-

- Yeah, okay, so on the bag it does say

that you should have, it should have a smooth mouth feel,

it's full bodied, there are lingering flavors

of dried herbs and fresh earth, and almost no acidity.

- Lingering flavors of dried herbs and fresh earth.

- And-

- What is fresh earth?

- I've never tasted fresh earth.

It's not, I think that's a medical condition.

Pica, or something like that,

but, what, I think that's right.

- I don't even know how to spell it.

- It's, like, a thing you have to

watch out for when you're pregnant.

Some women, so I read about it a long time ago

when I was pregnant with probably the first kid. Anyway, so-

- When she read about all the

terrible things that can happen.

- Yeah, I did. Yeah.

But the question is do you like it?

I'm gonna go first, though. I don't like it. (laughs)

- The coffee, it's staining my mug. It's super-

- It's thick, right?

- Yeah, like, what coffee stains your mug? This does.

- Yeah, it's, I don't like the dried herb taste.

That's the thing. It's like that herbal,

I guess, herbal taste is just not my favorite.

It's kinda like, mmm no. It's not

coffee- tasting to me. It's herb-y.

- It's interesting that the

New York Gourmet Coffee's Sumatra-

- Uh huh, totally different than this.

- Yeah, which, I mean all it is

is that's where they got the beans from.

They roasted it in a different way.

- Right, yeah.

- And so theirs had a chocolate-y thing, I believe.

And it was really good. And this-

- Is not. - Is not.

- Yeah, yeah. We were kind of excited

when we found this in the store.

It's when we still had the New York Sumatra.

It was like, "Ooh! That should be like the same thing."

And it's not the same thing, so, it's different.

- Yeah, so, you know we've done some other

Starbucks reviews, and they can be hit or miss.

- Yeah, hit or miss, I would say so far.

- It just depends on your palette.

- This one, yeah, would we buy it again?

I'd pass on it. How many donuts out of five?

- Two.

- Two. That's be two and a half.

I feel like, it's like, I mean if somebody served us this,

you know, I wouldn't be like, "Oh! Get it out of my face."

I wouldn't do that even if it was horrible coffee, but-

- Yeah, so I guess two and a half-

- Yeah.

- Is what we'll go with.

- Yeah. Yeah, two and a half.

- All right.

- I'm feeling generous.

- Yeah. Want anything else to add on it?

- I don't think so.

- All right, well thanks for joining us again on another

episode review of coffee on Coffee Coffee Coffee.

If you have any other things about different coffees

that you've tried and you'd like us try it,

send us a little note either, wherever you're watching this,

and we'll see if we can check it out.

- Yeah, and if you've tried this coffee

leave it in the comments below,

like, how many out of five would you give it.

- That's right, how many donuts out of five.

No, like it matters.

- Right, yeah.

- All right, well thanks for joining us,

and until next time-

- Keep grinding.

- [J.R.] Hey, thanks for watching our reviews.

Please be sure to subscribe and

check out our other reviews here.

For more infomation >> Starbucks Sumatra Coffee Review - Duration: 5:47.


SoMe og Video Julekalender 2017 - 2. december - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> SoMe og Video Julekalender 2017 - 2. december - Duration: 0:32.


JULPYSSEL DAG 2 | recept julgodis wienernougat - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> JULPYSSEL DAG 2 | recept julgodis wienernougat - Duration: 1:38.


CTN Khmer Comedy, Ptas Lok Ta CTN, Pekmi Comedy New This Week (24/05/2015) - Duration: 44:45.

For more infomation >> CTN Khmer Comedy, Ptas Lok Ta CTN, Pekmi Comedy New This Week (24/05/2015) - Duration: 44:45.


The Queen Just Gave Michelle Royal Beatdown After She Tried To Sneak A Spot On Wedding Guest List. - Duration: 4:58.

The Queen Just Gave Michelle Royal Beatdown After She Tried To Sneak A Spot On Wedding

Guest List.

For eight years, Michelle Obama genuinely thought she was a queen and expected to be

treated like one.

Now that she's a regular citizen, she's having a hard time of letting go of her former

status as the first lady and keeps trying to push her way into every major social scene

where she doesn't belong and is apparently not invited.

When she heard the news that Prince Harry was marrying a black American girl, she assumed

it was her place to be on that guest list, which has to be approved by the Queen of England


Michelle made a desperation move to sneak a spot on that exclusive guest list and as

soon as the real queen found out what the wannabe royalty did, she delivered a brutal

beatdown that was definitely deserved.

As soon as the big news about the royal engagement of Prince Harry and an American actress Meghan

Markle was announced, the Obamas saw an opportunity to edge their way into the elites, like a

couple of desperate kids trying to hang with the popular crowd at school.

Barack immediately got on social media to beat President Trump to the congratulatory


He has a lot more time on his hands than the Commander-in-Chief who is busy cleaning up

his mess.

Barack practically stalked the prince on Twitter and made a post within seconds of the news

coming out, which perhaps had an undertone of letting the royals know that he and Michelle

were available that day to attend.

The Obamas know what they are doing when it comes to getting attention on themselves and

this post was no exception.

It garnered a whopping 1 million "likes" on it which both he and Michelle were likely

elated about since the royal family was likely sure to see it.

The exposure of this post sparked rumors that the Obamas would likely be added to the guest

list in the current president and first lady's place, the Independent reported.

While Barack was making desperate tweets to secretly get on the guestlist, Michelle was

doing something worse to shove the Trumps aside and ensure her spot, even though the

honor is typically reserved for the current president and first lady.

Michelle has been making the speaking engagement rounds lately to rack in hundreds of thousands

of dollars to trash Trump.

Her recent trip to Canada was no exception as she combined it with a hidden mission of

getting to the royal wedding.

The former first lady had been invited as the keynote speaker in addressing the "Economic

Club of Toronto," when she deviated from her planned remarks to double down on her

and Barack's desperate attempt to kiss up to the Queen of England.

According to Page Six, Michelle took the opportunity to make fun of President Trump then immediately

gushed over the queen.

Both conversation deviations had no place in an event like this, but for calculated

Michelle, it has a passive-aggressive purpose of saying that Trump wasn't fit for her

guest list, but since she loves the queen so much, she should get a spot.

"After being introduced by Canada's first lady, Sophie Trudeau, Obama told the crowd

that it is 'never a good idea' to put your first thought in the morning on social

media, and never a good idea to 'tweet from bed,' which appears to be one of the president's

favorite pastimes, presuming that he is actually in bed when he tweets at 3 a.m," Page Six


"Going on about effective communication, and the importance of doing drafts, Obama

went on, 'Then you need to edit and spell-check it.'

The 45-minute conversation, hosted by the Economic Club of Toronto, flowed into a bunch

of amusing side stories, including her memories of being awestruck when meeting Queen Elizabeth

of England."

"'What do you do with the queen?

I touched her.

She touched me first,' she said, adding that her dream dinner guest would be Jesus,

whom she'd serve pizza."

It's well known that the respect, proper etiquette, and holding a high-level of decorum

is important to the royal family and by painting a picture that Trump can't control himself,

Michelle thought she was making him look like a bad person to have at the wedding.

However, the bigger motive in her comments was to cover up her actual faux-pas with the

Queen when, not surprisingly, brash Michelle showed a complete lack of respect and protocol

when she got a little too touchy with her bullying her way into a hug and pushing her

toward a chair, The Guardian previously reported.

The Queen felt so grossly disrespected by Michelle that she royally snubbed the former

first lady after the touchy-feely offense.

When she flew into London with her mother and daughters in tow, expecting an audience

with Queen Elizabeth only, she received a big slap-in-the-face instead, the Globe reported.

Instead of spending the day with Michelle and her family who flew in to meet with her,

the Queen ditched her and went off the horse race instead.

Michelle may think she's royalty and even try to act like it, but she's got nothing

on the actual Queen of England who's the real deal and put her in her place when she

changed plans.

The Queen does what she wants which hopefully means that she kicks her off the coveted guest

list too.

what do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment bellow and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> The Queen Just Gave Michelle Royal Beatdown After She Tried To Sneak A Spot On Wedding Guest List. - Duration: 4:58.


Borderlands 2 UVHM Road To OP8 LIVE #10 - Duration: 1:16:43.

For more infomation >> Borderlands 2 UVHM Road To OP8 LIVE #10 - Duration: 1:16:43.


Wudang Taijiquan Mirror Round Long Form: 2nd Section, Back View - Duration: 3:51.

[Intro: music]

[Soundtrack: instrumental music]

For more infomation >> Wudang Taijiquan Mirror Round Long Form: 2nd Section, Back View - Duration: 3:51.


MEGAVALANCHE QUALI TRACK - famous top section / advent calendar #2 - Duration: 7:28.

last time EN10 .. La K-LIF

can't go wrong with a manual

carrying momentum ... up there...

over there...

somehow... can be ridden faster.. but somehow I struggle .. and I got always a wrong gear

Tim broke his wheel here...

I admit there are a lot of big rocks lying around here

sharp left hander

little break... cause I want to carry momentum down there

finally got speed here

pre jumping works really well!

I love it!

whoooops... missed the line.. happpened the first time .. on the last run



nice enduro trail

no dual ply anymore I hope that wasn't a snakebite

checking pressure

here we go again my hands are really done...

haven't found a flowy line there... that wasn't good for sure... well one time I cut the whole section

skipped the corner.. which was lame

oh f... wtf? I'm a bit out of it..

that's the best when rocks are getting wild... oh something's wrong.. bike is falling apart...

one more run please

what is it?

oh derailleur.. sh..

that little thing saved the day

ok one more run on rock & wood

strange that I didn't notice that earlier..

For more infomation >> MEGAVALANCHE QUALI TRACK - famous top section / advent calendar #2 - Duration: 7:28.


Libya slave trade: Caroline Danjuma slams Nigerian celebrities for snubbing protest |NVS News - Duration: 2:19.

Libya slave trade: Caroline Danjuma slams Nigerian celebrities for snubbing protest

Nollywood actress, Caroline Danjuma has blasted her colleagues, who failed to show up for protest in Lagos against the alleged ongoing slave trade in Libya on Friday.

She took to her Instagram to lament the low turnout of celebrities during the protest.

According to her, Nigerian celebrities only shared pictures of the protest on their platforms just for fame and attention but failed to show up at the main match.

Alongside video shared on her IG page, she wrote: So highly disappointed, you are the voice of the masses .

those of you here in Lagos couldn't spare 15 min of your time.

posting one or two pictures because you want followers .

If you can't fight for the masses then stop seeking for their attention … you only shout when you need them but when they need you , you keep mute .


I hope the masses will wise up to really know who cares and invest their energy on themselves .

celebrities take the first step and fight for the masses .

oops I forgot the sun is too hot it will burn your skin.

For more infomation >> Libya slave trade: Caroline Danjuma slams Nigerian celebrities for snubbing protest |NVS News - Duration: 2:19.


Do You Have to Take Your Required Minimum Distribution? - Duration: 1:04.

You might be thinking, "Since I don't need the required minimum distribution from

my retirement accounts in order to live on, can't I just leave it in my retirement account?"

If you do not withdraw the required minimum distributions, the IRS will impose a penalty

of 50%.

Further, after imposing the penalty, you are still required to make the withdrawal.

You must make the withdrawals so that you can pay taxes to the government.

The remainder of the withdrawal after taxes can be invested with the goal of building

wealth outside your IRA.

Let's discuss strategies to help you invest money both inside and outside of your IRA.

Give us a call today.

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