Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

How did you meet?

We didn't speak English at all at the time,

well, and we still managed to get along and it was awesome.

We knew each other indirectly since we were on the same page:

he was 15, I was 16 and we both were considered some sort of

very promising Quake newbies.

It was quite fun:

we laughed a lot, but we didn't talk almost at all.

We just partied and laughed at everything we saw.

What thing is he the best at in Quake?

At doing the impossible.

What are his hobbies?


He likes fights, he likes sports, gym, he likes music very much -

our music tastes are very similar!

He's very many-sided.

What type of girls does he like?

Well, fiery redheads, I think.

His best match?

WSVG Louisville, the match against Toxjq, the entirety of the maps.

Who has more fans?

Well, in fact, I think he has more fans... and fangirls as well, undoubtedly.

Does he have a cute nickname?

Teddy bear.

Well, because he's my teddy bear. For life.

For more infomation >> Cypher & Av3k on russian rap, girls and best aim in Quake - Duration: 3:56.


13 причин высасывающих жизненную энергию из тебя – Почему ты всегда уставший и как стать энергичным - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 13 причин высасывающих жизненную энергию из тебя – Почему ты всегда уставший и как стать энергичным - Duration: 3:40.


Cars You're Not Allowed To Buy In The United States - Duration: 3:07.

America may be the land of the free, but when it comes to automobiles, it turns out there

are some limits to just how much freedom you have.

Yes, it may sound crazy, but thanks to pesky little things like safety regulations and

import fees, there are some cars you just can't buy in the United States.

Holden Ute SS-V

If you want to take a ride in the Holden Ute SS-V, you'll have to head to the outback,

because the Australian light truck isn't available in the United States.

And you can blame chickens for that.

See, way back in 1963, the United States got angry at France and Germany for imposing tariffs

on chickens imported from America.

In retaliation they created what's known as the "Chicken Tax," which is a whopping 25

percent tax on light trucks imported to the U.S.

As a result, the Holden Ute SS-V is just too cost prohibitive for the manufacturer to send

them to America.

Toyota Hilux

Once upon a time, you could get a Toyota Hilux in America.

But by 1995, it had been replaced domestically with the Tacoma.

Which is too bad, because the Hilux is legendary for its ability to soak up punishment and

keep on running, as vehicles regularly clock over 300,000 miles without trouble.

Nowadays, though, if you want a Hilux you'll have to travel overseas, because North America

is one of the places on Earth where you can't get one, along with India, Japan, and North

and South Korea.

Tata Nano

There is a very good reason why the Tata Nano isn't available in the USA—it's a death


Receiving zero stars in NCAP safety tests, the 2009 Nano was billed as "the world's cheapest

car," not a slogan that'll inspire a lot of confidence.

Intended to challenge popular two wheeled vehicles like scooters, the Nano was originally

priced at $2,500, but the terrible safety rating meant it sold poorly.

An upgraded version is regularly rumored to be on the verge of release in the USA, but

so far, Americans have been spared this rolling coffin.

The car does have at least one fan in the U.S., though.

"And it's $2,700!

It's Amazing!"

Lada Niva

First produced in 1977, the Lada Niva is a compact off-road vehicle halfway between a

Volkswagen Rabbit and a Land Rover.

One of Russia's best-selling export vehicles, the Niva continues to be manufactured and

sold almost everywhere, except, of course, in the United States.

As a result, the car has developed a bit of a cult following in America.

And hey, if it's good enough for Vladimir Putin, it's good enough for the American public,


Especially if you're into skateboarding.

[Engine roar] "Woah!"

Toyota Century Royal

If you want to truly ride in luxury, the Toyota Century Royal is the car for you.

Or it would be, if anyone were allowed to buy them.

Unfortunately for the common folk of America, the Century Royal is a special edition reserved

only for the Japanese Imperial Household.

Only four Century Royals were produced, at an estimated cost of roughly a half million

dollars for the base model, and close to a million dollars each for vehicles upgraded

with special safety enhancements.

So in order to get one, all you need to do is be rich, move to Japan, and marry into


Those boring old American cars don't seem quite so bad now, do they?

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Cars You're Not Allowed To Buy In The United States - Duration: 3:07.


Japanese Try American Sushi from Whole Foods - Duration: 14:01.

For more infomation >> Japanese Try American Sushi from Whole Foods - Duration: 14:01.


Top 5 marketing strategies for a lawn care business - Duration: 11:17.

hey guys so I always get the question from listeners of my podcast on you know

how do I get clients for my lawn care business so I made this video and I'm

gonna share my top five marketing strategies for a lawn care business now

these are the exact same strategies that I've used in my own business over

the course of the past 12 years and it's what kept me self-employed

during that time so my number one tip or marketing strategy is to make a website

or get a website for your lawn care business now people say you know I just

have facebook page and stuff like that and it's good enough I strongly disagree

with that the problem with relying on someone else's platform like Facebook

for example is that they can change the rules to the game at any time you know

there was a time a few years back where everything in facebook was in

chronological order so every page that you liked and people that you were

friends with when they posted stuff it would automatically show up on your feed

and now Facebook has changed and added algorithms and now you know content that

you see isn't necessarily what everybody posts and it's basically if it conforms

with the algorithm and it's what Facebook wants to show you then that's

what you are going to get so if you're trying to maybe do some advertisements

and things like that unless you're you know a paid Facebook advertiser your

stuff may not show up so to rely on Facebook or some other third party is

not advisable in my eyes having your own website where you're on equal ground

with everyone else you can of course have facebook and other social media and

we'll talk about that in a bit but to have you know all that redirect to your

website where you are in control of all of it

so number two is nice looking trailer graphics so having your trailer

really professional-looking having really nice graphics that are

eye-catching that can be seen from a far distance but

not overly done to the point that they become cluttered you'll see that a lot

where people overdo graphics put too much and they can be like right beside

you in traffic and you can't even read what's going on so keeping you know

remembering to not keep it cluttered but just you know your company name your

website address your phone number maybe some services but keeping it fairly less

is more type idea and just making contrasting

colors you know if you're gonna have a black

trailer like I do having that sort of lime green and white text and logo is

just pops so finding colors that work well

together that are really eye-catching can really make your vehicle and

trailers standout number three is to use Google Places so this is a listing on

Google's website where you go in and you verify your business as a real business

and basically what happens is you enter your company information you put in your

address now you don't have to show your address in the listing but you have to

put a real physical address for verification and what happens is after a

few weeks Google will send you a postcard in the mail to that physical

address to verify that yes this is a real business because you are receiving

mail at that address for that business once you get that postcard there's a

verification code on it you log back into Google you enter that code and that

verifies that yes you are a real business and what will happen now is

when people search for lawn care you know landscaping that sort of stuff

whatever you are putting as the parameters in your business will show up

so you'll notice when you're doing searches for things like that services

and stuff you'll see the little section that sort of comes up before the regular

website listings and it got them Google Places map with the

little pointers on it and it sort of chronological with like one pointer

saying a another one B another one C and then those line up with the listings

that they have there so that's what that does and basically the closer you are to

the person who's searching at that moment the higher up in the listings

that you will be discovered in so that's my third marketing strategy for your

lawn care business so number four would be nice looking postcards or flyers so I

have used these throughout the years in my own lawn care business at the

beginning of seasons if I'm looking to build new clients in certain areas that

I want to heavily invest my time in or concentrate my time in then I will grab

a whole load of those postcards I get mine from Vistaprint nice full colored

glossy postcards and I will just go door-to-door just before the season

starts so we're talking you know January February

I'll start hitting those you know addresses those neighborhoods with

postcards door-to-door and just start blanketing areas another strategy that

I've used in the past with those same postcards is I've approached flyer

carriers or you know paper boys as they call them in certain neighborhoods and

asked if they would add my you know postcards to the houses that they were

going to you know at the same time and I would just pay them extra for that and

they would blanket those areas for me while they're delivering those

newspapers so that's just a little side tip there that you can use with those

fires another thing that I do is during the season when I'm mowing a lawn in a

specific neighborhood if it's the only lawn that I'm doing or maybe I've got a

couple and I want some more I will once I've done that mowing go to those houses

on that street that I'm trying to build up more clients in and just repeatedly

and regularly put fliers at their doorstep each and you know a few times

during this season just to keep them you know reminded that I'm available

need anything so number five the fifth strategy to use is referrals referrals

are probably the best form of marketing for your business because it's your

existing clients ones that you've served already that are happy with your service

that actually go out and tell their friends about how great you are so these

can be really easy sales because everybody's looking for you know

somebody who knows someone you know people don't want to be bothered with

having to search through the listing of companies that they don't know that they

don't know how their experience is going to end up being like and they will ask

their friends you know do you know a lawn care company do you know a plumber

do you know an electrician you know how was your service how was your experience

would you recommend them so when you have a existing client already or

somebody that you've done work for in the past and they're willing to you know

tell their friends about you like I say it makes it a really easy sale because

that client is then now calling you for an estimate and they've already been

sold on how good the quality of work that you provide is and how reliable you

are and all that stuff so it makes it a lot easier even if you come in priced a

bit higher maybe even some other quotes that they may if they have even called

anybody else they're more likely to go with you because they will trust their

friends recommendation and having that past experience with you so those are my

top five marketing strategies for a lawn care business on the note of the

referral one it's great to get into the habit of asking your clients for

referrals you know if they're happy with the job you know at the end of the job

when you're talking to them you know just to let them know that you know if

they're happy with it that you would appreciate if they would tell their

friends about it or ask them if they know anybody that

we'll need lawn care services in the future I'll leave them with a postcard

or business cards and have them give those out to their friends on my behalf

so those like I said are my top five lawn care business marketing strategies

I'm gonna throw in a sixth one just as the bonus round here and that is one

that I haven't quite used myself to be completely honest and that's because it

just wasn't really around when I started my business 12 years ago it was very

much in its infancy so I sort of went with those first five sort of the tried

and trusted types of methods and this fifth or though our sorry sixth one is

social media so of course at the top of the show we talked about you know

Facebook pages and I said we would get back into that so this is what I'm

referring to now is to of course even if you have your own website to still of

course have a Facebook page for your business have an Instagram account for

your business even a YouTube account for your business and showcase videos and

photos and that and maybe display those usernames on your trailer I've seen that

become quite popular where they'll be like an Instagram logo and the act you

know name on the side of the trailer or something so people can go to Instagram

and see your past work you know easily so social media is the sixth and bonus

and probably you know going forward into the future another one that will be huge

of course it you know hasn't already been huge already starting but like I

say to be completely honest I haven't used that one myself I haven't had found

the need to yet but of course it would be a major you know part of your

marketing strategy going forward so that's it for this video guys why don't

you leave a comment below on marketing strategies that you use in your lawn

care business and don't forget to hit the like button if you haven't

subscribed consider doing so and that's it for this video here's to wishing you

guys overwhelming success and freedom in your

lawn care business bye for now

For more infomation >> Top 5 marketing strategies for a lawn care business - Duration: 11:17.


November Reading Wrap Up | 2017 - Duration: 14:24.

Hey guys it's Trina and this is my reading wrap-up for November. This month

I had these five books on my TBR list and I did read all five of them this

month. Yay! I read six books in total in November, so those five plus another one.

So into my reviews for the books I read in November. As always I am starting at

my lowest rated book and working my way up to my favorite books of the month and

this month I did have doozy of a one-star book and unfortunately that

book was one I was really looking forward to. It was Replica by Lauren

Oliver. This is a young adult science fiction novel and I don't want to say

too much about what the sci-fi element is because I was kind of unsure of it

going in. Like I had a suspicion but wondering if it was right was part of

the appeal to me so I don't want to tell you too much about it. I want to talk

about the representation issue that I had, and then I want to talk about the

format and whether or not I thought it worked, and lastly I'll talk about my

thoughts on the plot. I had been looking forward to this book for over a year. It

came out last year, I was very excited about it then and I just didn't get to

it in time because I procrastinate on anticipated releases a lot of the time

so by the time I got to this book I was still very curious in it and it just

let me down from chapter one and the big issue that I had with this book was

the amount of body shaming that happened in it. There was a lot of fat shaming and

also some thin shaming. It was offensive and it was never challenged. If you want

to know specific quotes from the book you can go to my Goodreads account and

find my review of this one - I will link it down below just so it's easier to

find - and when I did all of my individual page reading status updates

I pulled quotes word for word from this book and then talked about why I didn't

like them. There are a lot of negative stereotypes used and I just think that

all it does in a case like this is it just serves to ingrain those negative

stereotypes in the minds of readers. A lot of people did try to defend it and

say well that's just how the character thinks about herself, and hey that is

totally fair. If a character internalizes some kind of negative

connotation or stereotype about themselves - I've been there, I do that

myself too. I think all of us do it to some extent, but I had an issue with it

because these things that I pointed out and the things that I was offended by

were not internal thoughts of the character. They were all coming from a

third-person narrative and there's a huge difference to me in saying "Gemma

felt like a hippopotamus," versus "Gemma WAS a hippopotamus." Like do you see

the difference there? You can feel like a thing or you can just be told you ARE

thing and the book was telling us she was as fat as a tree trunk, as fat as

hippopotamus, as fat as a parade balloon. Now I'm not saying that everyone is

going to be offended by the same things that I am. Certainly we aren't. I'm not

telling you you have to feel the same way. I'm not telling you you can't read

this book. I'm just telling you this is a thing that went into why I gave it a low

rating. Now as for the format of the book, you can read the first half of the book

and you will get a Lyra's story. Flip it over and the second half is Gemma's

story. You can read this in any order. You can read all of Gemma's and then all of

Lyra's, or you could start with Lyra's, or you can alternate each girl chapter by

chapter. It will line up that way. But I used the reading order found on and I'll put a link directly to that reading order down

below if you guys are wanting to read this and want to use it because I do

think that that reading order flowed really really well. As for the format

itself, I don't think it was necessary. I don't think it did the book any favors. I

think it was just kind of a marketing gimmick. Both character's points of views

are told in third person. We are not getting like their internal thoughts.

Their perspectives aren't incredibly different when they're encountering like

the same scenes and dialogue and whatever so to me it was kind of

pointless. There was no reason why this book couldn't have just been written

chronologically and that way it would have cut out some of the backtracking

that we kept having to do every time you would flip. And it would also cut out

some of the repetitiveness, like there were two or three scenes where the girls

are together like the exact same dialogue and stuff happens and you just

don't get enough extra to justify reading those scenes twice in my opinion.

So I did not like the representation, I did not like the format - I don't think

it suited this story - and the third thing I did not like was the plot. For about

two or three chapters I was very intrigued by the plot. Like Lyra's first

couple chapters when I finally got to know like this is really what's going on,

I've been wondering what this book was really about, I was here for it and it

did deliver and then like the plot just kind of fizzled out. I didn't like the

plot, I didn't like the characters, I really didn't like the romances - they

were just so contrived - and I think a big part of it is because I did have you

know large expectations for this book. I wanted to like it. I was interested in it

and it just kind of let me down. So I think because I expected so much from it

let me down even further plot wise. So I didn't like the story and how it

unfolded in everything so I'm not gonna be continuing this series. I personally

wouldn't recommend it but I'm also not gonna ever tell anyone you can't read a

book. If you do want to read it definitely check out that reading order

I mentioned because I think that that is probably the best order to go about things.

Next I read Turtles All the Way Down by John Green, which I gave three

and a half stars. This is his latest YA contemporary story and there's not

much of a plot here, this is very much a character centric book so I just want to

tell you guys that it is an own voices representation of obsessive-compulsive

disorder, OCD. I don't have OCD so I don't want to talk a whole lot about the

representation in this book but I do have an anxiety disorder and OCD does

fall under the umbrella of anxiety disorders so many moments in this book

were very relatable to me as well. Aside from the main character I don't think

the other characters were memorable. I don't think that they were super well

developed or anything. The romance wasn't quite as awkward or angsty as most YA

romances, I did appreciate that. I did also appreciate the way that the main

character reflected on and thought about her friendship with her best friend. I

don't think it was the best friendship but I just enjoyed the conversations

that it kind of brought up about it. It was overall a good book.

I enjoyed it more than I disliked it but when I left this book, as soon as I was

done I just knew that it wasn't going to stick with me very long. There's not a

lot here to grab on to aside from I think the representation. It's a very

character centric book and I think if you love character centric books this

one is probably going to be you know a great fit for you but I

keep just finding about myself I like a little bit more plot than was in this

one so it didn't quite like feel like a rounded out full story to me, and there's

nothing wrong with that. This is just a personal preference thing. So overall I

did like it but I don't think it's gonna really stick with me. Next I read Follow

Me by Sara Shepard, which is the second book in her Amateurs trilogy. This is a

young adult thriller series and in the first book it is set up where we're

following a group of four or five different characters that have met

online on a website that is dedicated to unsolved true crimes. In the first book

these characters come together to investigate a disappearance of a really

pretty popular high school girl that had happened five years previously and in

the first book that mystery is wrapped up but there is a story thread that does

carry over into book two and I am assuming it will also carry over into

book three. Book two for the most part though does follow a brand new mystery.

Another girl has gone missing, she's a social media star. Now the interesting

thing in the structure of this book to me is that the reader and the

main characters - the sleuths, the amateurs - we know who the suspect is and they are

sending notes to the amateurs gang that are basically like clues of how to

follow him and find him. So the main question in this is can they find him in

time before something else really bad happens. So if you don't like books set

up like that where you kind of know who the main suspect is from the start I can

understand why you might think this isn't suspenseful enough but I think if

you liked her Pretty Little Liars series, you wanted to see characters who were

much more capable of solving mysteries and crimes, and you really liked A and

wanted to see kind of a behind the scenes of A and what they were up to, I

think that this book in the series, at least a second one, would appeal to

you so I still would recommend it for that. So I gave it four stars. It did lack

a little bit of suspense for me but I mean overall it met my expectations for

a Sara Shepard book, for an Amateurs book. I wasn't unhappy with it at all so

I did enjoy this one. Another YA thriller that I read this month was

There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie

Perkins. This one is about a small town where some of the high school students

are being murdered. I gave this book four stars and I feel like that is a highly

unpopular opinion because I've heard nothing but bad reviews of this book. The

main things that I saw people saying that they did not like was they did not

like that the killer was revealed too early, that killed the suspense for them.

Totally fair. If you don't like that I can see why you wouldn't like this book.

They also didn't like that it was a cheesy slasher. They didn't like that

there was a big romance in it and to me I didn't think that the romance took

front-seat. I expected there to be a romance in the book because like the

synopsis on Goodreads like leads out with "love is hard" or "love is killer" or

something like that so I was like okay I know there's gonna be a love story in it.

I also totally expected this to be a cheesy thriller slasher in the vein

of Scream or something, like kind of a parody, kind of cheesy. I just expected

it to be a romantic cheesy slasher and that's exactly what this book was and

that's what I wanted from it so it delivered upon my expectations. I could

have used a little bit more creepiness. There is a lot of gore in it. I don't

think it's the worst gore I've ever read there just happens to be a lot of

it. The main character is biracial, she is African-American and Native Hawaiian. Her

grandmother is African-American, one of her best friends is trans. I do want to

note here that there was an issue with the trans rep in this book. Early readers

of the ARC copy alerted Stephanie Perkins that she had deadnamed the

trans male character and that is pretty offensive. Stephanie did apologize

for that, she you know showed that she had learned better and that she was

going to edit that and it would not be in the final finished copy. However, it

was in my finished copy which is a first printing. Both in my first edition

finished copy and my partial ARC it was on pages 11 and 83. I'm just pointing

this out to you in case you were really counting on that being changed. If you

need it to be changed then definitely wait for a future version of the book to

come out, I hope that it will be fixed in the future. I'm going to give her the

benefit of the doubt that it will be changed and I don't want to really hold

that against the book or my rating. As for the story and the characters and

stuff like that, like I said it was what I thought it was gonna be so I enjoyed it.

Next, my favorite new

to me book that I read this month was Before the Devil Breaks You by Libba

Bray. This is the third book in The Diviners series. I think that there a're

gonna be four books total so it's not over yet. This is a series following

different characters who have supernatural abilities and so they are

called diviners. The series is set in 1920s New York. In the first book it

was very much a murder mystery where they were trying to figure out what was

causing the string of murders that were happening, and then the second book is

following the outbreak of a sickness, and then the third book is more following

the group of characters as they are you know coming together and trying to

uncover more about their abilities. The diversity in this book in this series is

incredible. My favorite things about this third book in the series was really just

seeing this group of characters like all be together. They're an amazing friend

group in my opinion. I really really love this series. I would definitely recommend

it if you're looking for a lot of different relationships that you can

kind of root for, ship, and a lot of good friendships. Evie is like really growing

as a character to me. Sam is growing as a character to me. Some things have

happened with other characters that have made me completely flip my opinions, like

one of my favorite characters I now hate, one of my least favorite characters I'm

now like aww. It was an emotional roller coaster for me and this series

definitely has some vibes that were giving me similarities to like a mashup

of Scooby Doo, Stranger Things, and Ghostbusters. As for the spooky level, the

first book I remember being so creeped out by the first book in certain scenes

and I think that the first book definitely has a much more occult feel

to it but once that mystery is over it's it's lighter than that with books two

and three. I absolutely love it. If you're gonna read this series I highly

recommend it on audio and I will definitely be talking about this

audiobook more in an upcoming audio review video. The last book that I read

this month that I only want to talk about briefly because it was a reread

for me, it is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling. I've mentioned in

my last few wrap ups that I am rereading this series via listening to the audio

books and my thoughts on this book have actually changed. It's been like seven or

eight years since I last read this book. I had a

picture in my mind of the movie of Goblet of Fire which is much more prevalent in

my mind than the actual book even though I knew that there were big differences

or whatever, and to me I've always considered Goblet of Fire to be my

second to least favorite book in the series because to me I was like oh it's

too different, it doesn't focus enough on their school year, it's so much about you

know the games and the Triwizard Tournament and whatever, but reading this

book I was like what was I thinking?? This is an incredible book. I love this. It's

like jumped up from being one of my least favorites to being one of my

favorites. More of a favorite than Prisoner of Azkaban was, which I always

considered that one to be my favorite in the series because it was just the first

one that I read so it had a great sentimental value. But guys, I just read

those two books back-to-back and I definitely enjoyed Goblet of Fire more.

The big events are starting to be laid down in this one so I was just really

fascinated that I could have such a change of opinion on it. I loved it.

So those are the things that I've read in November. Let me know what you guys read

this month and what your favorite read of the month was. Happy reading in December.

I hope you all have good holidays and thank you so much for watching and I

will see you in the comments. Bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> November Reading Wrap Up | 2017 - Duration: 14:24.



For more infomation >> HOW TO PLAY IN CLASHPOINT ?! CLASHPOINT VIMEWORLD! - Duration: 4:48.


Bất Ngờ Khi An Vy FAPTV Tự CHÊ Mình Xấu !! - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Bất Ngờ Khi An Vy FAPTV Tự CHÊ Mình Xấu !! - Duration: 1:42.


Kadali Masala Bhaja Recipe | ଅଳ୍ପ ସମୟରେ ବନାନ୍ତୁ କଦଳୀ ମସଲା ଭଜା | Banana Masala Fry | Odia Authentic - Duration: 5:43.

Namaskar. Welcome to

Today we will make Banana masala fry

If you leaning from my recipes don't forget to like , share and subscribe

Let's see today's recipe

We need all these ingredients for making this dish

Raw banana - 1

Masala - 2 tbsp ( Paste of onion , ginger , garlic and green chili )

Turmeric powder

Red chili powder

Cumin seeds


And mustard oil

Let's cut the banana

Take some water in a contatiner

And put a pinch of turmeric powder before cutting the banana

Otherwise banana colour will get black

Stir it

** Do not cut it much thicker or much thinner **

Slice it like I have shown

Remove the water from it

Marinate it by adding all these ingrdients

Add the prepared masala paste ( onion , ginger , garlic and chili )

Put 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder

1 tsp of kashmiri chili powder

Salt according to your taste

Put 2 tsp of mustard oil

And mix it well

Leave it for 5 minutes to absorb the salt and spices in banana

Now it is ready to fry

Heated up the pan

Then pour 2 tsp of mustard oil

Once it is heated up put cumin seeds

Place the marinated banana on it

Keep the gas flame low

** Do not overload the bananas , place it by keeping distance in each **

Pour a little water ( 2 - 3 tbsp) in it

Cover and cook it on low flame for some time

Flip it in between

Cover and cook it again until the opposite side gets dark brown in colour

As you can see here both the sides turned dark brown

And also cooked well

Now spread a little mustard oil around it

And mix

It is done now

Take it out into a plate

Roast the remaining bananas in the same way

Banana masala fry is ready to serve now

Serve it with pakhala ( Water rice ) or with steamed rice as a side dish

So try this recipe at home

And share with me your experience

Thank you

See you soon in my next video

You could subscribe my channel by clicking on this face icon

For more infomation >> Kadali Masala Bhaja Recipe | ଅଳ୍ପ ସମୟରେ ବନାନ୍ତୁ କଦଳୀ ମସଲା ଭଜା | Banana Masala Fry | Odia Authentic - Duration: 5:43.


ベトナムで妊娠糖尿病の検査を受けに行きました【第559話】 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> ベトナムで妊娠糖尿病の検査を受けに行きました【第559話】 - Duration: 3:53.


My NEW ROOM-SIZED Ant Farm! (35 FEET LONG) - Duration: 14:52.


Guys, what you will see in this video is truly one of the coolest things we've ever done

on this channel, and I cannot wait to show you!

Today we explore this newly created massive, 35 ft long ant farm setup I designed to house

our newly caught Pharaoh ants from last week's video, and get this, it spans the entire ant

room winding through furniture and room decor with tubes that lead to some really cool living


How has the new Pharaoh ant colony been adjusting to these new enclosed territories?

Did we catch a queen and are there any eggs?

We even discover the colony's very first world event that posed a potential threat to their

survival, so keep on watching until the very end!

AC Family, it's time to enter the interesting and unique world of our new Pharaoh ants,

and explore the new giant, room-sized territory we've made for them, in this eye-opening episode

of the AntsCanada ant channel.

Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel, and hit the bell icon.

Welcome to the AC Family.

Tired of nature channels not showing nature shows?

Just watch this channel.


Last week, we watched with bated breath as we formulated some cool traps to capture sections

of an intruding army of Pharaoh ants that were raiding our Garden of Eden, a terrarium

belonging our colony of Marauder ants called the Titans.

If you haven't seen last week's video yet, feel free to watch it here after watching

this video.

After isolating large sections of the colony, we were able to catch a good number of ants,

and turn the traps into actual terrariums, and as promised, it's time to show you AC

Family the home of our new Pharaoh ants, once enemies, but now friends.

But before we take a look at them, in last week's video, you, the AC Family, voted for

the official name of our Pharaoh ants.

AC Family, I am happy to announce that this new colony of ours is officially called the

Tomb Raiders.

Look at them!


They're still new in this setup, and they've chosen to camp out together in one area, but

we'll get back to them in a second.

Let's take our first walk through their majestic properties.

Alright, let's start here, in what I call the Valley of the Kings, named after the famous

valley in Egypt where, for a period of 500 years, tombs were excavated for the Pharaohs

and powerful nobles of the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt.

It's a simple plot of land with soils from the Garden of Eden, so it contains Springtails

to help with breaking down any waste left in the valley.

I consider it the Tomb Raiders' valley area as it is the lowest point of their entire


Moving up the west side of the Valley of the Kings we make our way up into Nefertiti's

Tunnel, named after the famous Egyptian queen, and it's here where our Tomb Raiders are camped

out now.

Not sure why they have elected this area as the main nesting camp, but they are really

digging Nerfititi's Tunnel.

Now, one of my concerns through all of this was whether or not we managed to catch a fertilized,

egg-laying queen.

Pharaoh ant colonies which can be absolutely massive can contain hundreds of egg-laying


The technical term describing this is polygyny.

Pharaoh ants are a polygynous species, and the queens themselves are daring enough to

leave the safety of their nests to actually feed out in the open with the rest of the

colony on site!

This was advantageous for us because during the whole trapping process last week, I did

make sure to capture a few queens, and look, here is one now.

But here's the thing, yes, we had queens but the question was whether these queens were

fertilized queens?

They could have been unmated, virgin alate queens which of course meant they couldn't

lay eggs and perpetuate the colony.

Without a fertilized, egg-laying queen ant, our Tomb Raiders would all die out in just

a few months.

But look, just two days after living in their new home, our Tomb Raiders are tending to

growing piles of brood.

It was great news to know that one of the queens in here was actually laying fertile


It's hard to see through the polyvinyl tubing but it does look like we have some eggs and

even larvae.

Check out the size of this larva which was filmed only 5 days after moving in, which

means it developed from egg to mature larva in just 5 days!

That is insane growth!

It seems our Tomb Raiders don't waste any time at creating workers.

I feel they're on the road to growing into a really impressive army!

Another reason why seeing this brood develop so quickly was a relief, was because when

Pharaoh ants hold their feeding raids, they leave all their young back home wherever they

are nesting.

A smart move, but because our trapping system last week involved using food bait to capture

our Tomb Raiders, none of the colony we captured contained brood, and considering that worker

ants only survive for two months tops, it meant that we would have a bunch of ants dying

out over a two month period and eventually nobody would be around to take care of the

succeeding generation of ants and the queens.

But, no need for us to worry about that now, as our Tomb Raiders are thriving in their

new home, and hey!

Will you look at that?

It seems some strangler Tomb Raiders from the outside, members who weren't caught have

discovered their family and are trying ever so desperately to find a way inside!

I'll tell you how I deal with these stragglers later, but let's move on.

Nerfititi's Tunnel opens up into the Tomb Raider's next home.

Behold the Garden of Anubis, another beautiful and simple living area with soils from the

Garden of Eden, also containing Springtails.

From here we enter the Nubian shelf which extends eastward, but also comes to a fork.

Let's take a moment to move upwards.

So check this out, AC Family, from the Nubian Shelf the Tomb Raiders can choose to climb

what I call the Pyramids Rise which takes them directly into a completely dry, desert

landscape of rocks and sands called the Rosetta Stone Desert, named after the famous ancient

Egyptian stone containing text written by a group of priests in Egypt to honour the

Egyptian pharaoh.

This neat desert terrain in the Tomb Raider's highlands is left completely dry.

The reason is because as a general rule, an effective ant setup provides the ants with

both a humid area and a dry area.

You essentially want to give the ants a humidity gradient, and the chance to hydroregulate,

meaning allow them to move to whatever area they want according to their humidity preferences.

This is important especially for the young, meaning eggs, larvae, and pupae, whose humidity

needs are a lot more critical to survival than the adults.

The Rosetta Stone Desert provides our Tomb Raiders with a dry escape if they ever need


The succulent plant at the back is artificial and I don't intend to add any water or food

in here.

It is just barren land.

Perhaps the ants may choose to use this as the colony's sacred burial grounds.

We'll see.

By the way all of these terrariums you see in this video are designed with the help of

cool AC Biome Kits from our shop at, which contain various decorations to help

you design the perfect habitat and terrarium for your ants.

Another neat thing you might notice is the large rock positioned at the back.

Legend has it, that this rock is a piece broken off from ancient hydrostone from a past extinct

world in AC Lore.

Perhaps those of you AC Family, who have been subscribed to the channel for years may recall

its origins.

So let's back track to the Nubian Shelf where we descend down Cairo's Drop, and come to

Club Oasis.

Of course, our tomb raiders need fresh and clean water.

This hydro station which was built from an AC Test Tube Adapter and AC Test Tube offers

the colony some clean water at any time they need it.

What's interesting is that not every ant needs to visit it.

The Tomb Raiders simply send some messenger ants to drink from it, fill up their social

stomachs, then return to the colony to distribute the water through mouth to mouth regurgitation


These ants act as living water servants visiting Club Oasis frequently and making sure all

ants, queens, and young are hydrated properly.

It's an effective system because it means not all members of the colony need to risk

their lives by leaving the protection of the camp.

Moving downwards we enter the Garden of Alexandria, after a good hydration, our Tomb Raiders can

relax in this space, on Garden of Eden soils before taking the longest trek in their setup

on their journey to the next terrarium.

Now AC Family, are you ready for this?

As we saw in last week's video, we learned that our Tomb Raiders love to travel and are

highly nomadic.

So from the Garden of Alexandria, the ants embark on a 25 ft journey up the Pharaoh's

Rise, behind my curtain, and across the great Bridge of Horus, named after the ancient Egyptian

sky god.

The bridge of Horus winds around my curtain rod and emerges in the eastern territories

of the Tomb Raiders, down into what I call the Osiris Underpass, named after the ancient

Egyptian god of the underworld.

I just love watching the ants traveling through this stretch of tunnel!

Coming from the other end of the Osiris Underpass we enter the Sphinx Staircase, and we finally

end here at the easternmost territories of the Tomb Raiders, a place known as the Field

of Aaru, named after the Egyptian mythological heavenly paradise to which souls who qualified

on their great journey in the afterlife remained to rest.

And this AC Family, is the vast home of our Tomb Raiders.

A 35 ft stretch of fertile land for the Tomb Raiders to enjoy and travel through.

Size-wise it doesn't beat our Dark Knight's territories which spans over 40 ft of travel

area, but for an ant whose workers are twice as small as those of the Dark Knights, the

Tomb Raiders actually have the bigger space to travel relative to their size.

And guess what, this colony is about to get lucky.

It's feeding time!

Today, I placed a pre-killed cockroach into the Garden of Anubis.

It wasn't long before the ants moved in to feast, not all of them of course, only the

food servants.

They would then bring the food back to the rest of the colony stored in their social


Overall, I certainly have some high hopes for this colony.

I want them to continue to grow and increase in numbers.

As for the outside Pharaoh ants hovering around the setup, I simply collect these straggler

Tomb Raiders with a cotton ball and place them into the territories to reunite with

their family.

I will continue to catch as many interloping outsider Tomb Raiders so the family can continue

to grow while the queens work on egg-laying and workers on raising the young to maturity.

If this colony gets really big I will continue to add more and more additional lands to their


For now, we'll let them explore and charter these lands and mark them territory of the

Tomb Raiders.

Now as the ants were eating, I noticed something strange.

Wait a sec.

Oh no!

AC Family, look.

Alien mold!

This is very bad news.

Oh boy!

It looks like our Tomb Raiders are about to head off on a rough start.

Stay tuned next week for the continuation of this epic ant story!

But hey, if you enjoyed this video and want to help these ants out, be sure to hit that

like button, leave me a comment, share this video with your friends, and if you're not

AC Family yet, what are you waiting for?

Hit that SUBSCRIBE button and bell icon to be notified every time we upload a video.

AC Inner Colony, I've left a hidden cookie for you hear, if you would just like to watch

some extended play footage of our Tomb Raiders living in their new setup.

Now, before we proceed to the AC Question of the Week, I have an awesome announcement

to make!

The holiday spirit is in the air and as we do every year at AntsCanada, we are having

our huge Christmas Sale on select items from our shop!

This year our brand new Hybrid Nest 2.0 and our All You Need Hybrid Nest Gear Pack are

15% off!

Yes, 15% off these brand new items, so if you've always wanted to get into ant keeping,

I have left links in the description box to these sale items so you can pick one up for

yourself or someone you love this Christmas.

We ship worldwide, but just a reminder, you must order before Dec 18th to get your order

before Christmas so go get it asap!

But if you're not fussy about getting the item before Christmas day, this Christmas

sale as usual will continue until January 1st, 2018 and we also have gift cards in case

you would like to get your special loved one an ant setup but are not sure what they would


I'd love for you guys to keep ants with us on this channel and discover how amazing these

creatures are in real life!

Alright, and now it's time for the AC Question of the week!

In last week's video we asked:

List any one of the phases of our ant trapping process!

Congratulations to NoNameNation who correctly answered:

Phase 6 - Captivity!

We also accepted:

Phase 1: Locate The Site Of The Colony Phase 2: The Line Of Death

Phase 3: Setting Of The Traps Phase 4: Removal

and Phase 5: Precautionary Maintenance

Congratulations NoNameNation, you just won a free ebook handbook from our shop!

In this week's AC Question of the Week, we ask:

Name any one of the sites in the Tomb Raider's Setup.

Leave your answer in the comments section and you could win a free ant t-shirt from

our shop!

Hope you can subscribe to the channel as we upload every Saturday at 8AM EST.

Please remember to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video to help us keep

making more.

It's ant love forever!

For more infomation >> My NEW ROOM-SIZED Ant Farm! (35 FEET LONG) - Duration: 14:52.


Иван Диденко о новом переводе Ромео и Джульетты - Duration: 50:17.

For more infomation >> Иван Диденко о новом переводе Ромео и Джульетты - Duration: 50:17.


Minecraft Server Stream-Jack Freescape - Duration: 1:15:37.

For more infomation >> Minecraft Server Stream-Jack Freescape - Duration: 1:15:37.


Tere Naam Humne Kiya Hai Full Song | Tere Naam | Salman Khan - Duration: 1:59.

Marke bhi na vaada apna todenge

Ek duje ka saath kabhi na chhodenge

Apna to sadiyon janmon ka naata hai

Jaan se jaan ko kaun juda kar paata hai

Tere siva, tere siva

Tere siva is dariya ka nahin koi kinaara sanam

Tere naam humne kiya hai jeevan apna saara sanam

For more infomation >> Tere Naam Humne Kiya Hai Full Song | Tere Naam | Salman Khan - Duration: 1:59.


How to Ask Questions in English | Make English Conversation - Duration: 7:56.

In any type of conversation, in English and in your own language, you always need

to ask questions! if you don't ask questions this is what happens in a

conversation 99% of the time –

let's fix that! the first

type of questions you need to ask are for comprehension. things you didn't

understand. things you need to clarify! the other type is to react. these are

questions to continue the conversation. to build on it. to get to know someone or

something better, but before we look at either of these, you need to remember

it's always okay to ask a question! if you don't understand, or if you want to

know more, if you want to be in control, ask! ask a question and be the person who

decides how slow or how fast a conversation goes. someone is always in

control of a conversation, I want you to be that person! for your English is made

possible thanks to the coolest motherfackars! after you become a patron

you will also beginning this video published later today, just showing some

of my messy brainstorming, creating ideas and talking about that process! alright

and now before we really continue, put your hand up and repeat after me: I swear

that if I don't understand what people are saying or talking about, I will ask! I

will do my best to insert myself into any conversation. I swear to take risks

and chances when speaking and communicating in English, because not

doing so will result in failure! all right!

you swore the oath. we're ready to begin, let's do it! let's start with

comprehension questions, and the two easiest ways to ask them. first, switch or

invert the subject and auxiliary verb. here is the subject in these sentences,

and here is the auxiliary verb. it is raining. they can read Italian. she was

living abroad. you have been studying English. we will arrive late. to turn them

into questions, we invert the subject and the auxiliary verb. to invert, means we

change, we change the order. so it becomes, is it

raining? can they read Italian? was she living abroad? have you been studying

English? will we arrive late? but what if the sentence has no auxiliary verb? it's

simple, we add do for the present and did for the past. and we use the infinitive

of the main verb, that means we don't conjugate or change it after do and did.

you speak Hindi becomes do you speak Hindi? you studied business becomes did

you study business? they live in Basra becomes do they live

in Basra? she lived in Rio becomes did she live in

Rio? he has a brother becomes does he have a brother? to ask more specific

questions, we put super useful question words at the front. these question words

are: who, what, where, when, why, and how. let me give you some examples of when we can

use these question words for comprehension. "oh yeah he arrived by

?d/d/D?D?D?" "HOW did he arrive?" "oh I just spoke with Sh?D?D?D?"

"WHO did you just speak with?" "Oh him, he's from SH??D?D?D" "WHERE is he from?"

"hey! I wanted to tell you about SHD?D??D?" "WHAT did you say?"

"Yeah I'll be home at 7!??!?!" "WHEN will you be home?" "He didn't want to come

because of A!?!?!??!" "WHY didn't he want to come?" "oh, he did it by going BL!?!?" "HOW

did he do it?" alright so that's how we ask questions when we don't understand.

to get clarity, for comprehension. now let's look at how to ask questions to

continue, to make conversation. first of all, you need to do this– you need to be

inquisitive, you need to ask questions and be curious. that means asking a lot

of questions and you can do this very easily with the question words we just

learned, who what where when why how, these are ideal to make conversation

with people you just met, don't know very well, or don't know at all. so after basic

introductions, you know, like giving your name,

what you do, why you're there, where you're from, that kind of stuff – we can

immediately start to ask questions! but only if you actively listen, if you are

actually listening to what the other person is saying can we use this method!

so make sure that you are always listening, always paying attention and

asking questions if you don't understand! otherwise, we can't make conversation! let

me give you an example, "hi I'm Kallan. I'm from the US and I'm visiting

Ethiopia for two weeks" here, if you are actively listening to me,

you already have a lot of questions you can ask me. for example, WHERE are you

from in the US? WHY are you visiting Ethiopia?

Do you like Ethiopia? DO you speak Amharic? HAVE YOU traveled anywhere else

before? all I did was introduce myself, one quick sentence, and you already have

so many questions you can ask me! and if you didn't understand my introduction,

then we have to use those comprehension questions. and now every time a person

responds to you, you can continue to ask more questions. or give your own

information! for example, in the same situation that I introduced myself, you

can say "oh I haven't visited the US yet!" or "I have visited the US". or you can give

advice, "If you are in Addis Ababa, you should visit this great Sudanese

restaurant", "my favorite thing to do in Ethiopia is..." blah blah blah! there are

always so many great opportunities for you to speak if you're paying attention,

ask if you didn't understand, or give your own information. and if the person

you're talking to is also good at making conversation, they will ask questions or

make comments about what you are saying! but if they're not good at making

conversation, then continue to introduce new topics and keep on asking questions

about them! try using topics that you're interested in or that you think the

other person might be interested in. here there are so many topics that you can

use! Weather: WHAT do you like to do in the summer, the fall or the winter? Sports:

DO you play any sports? DO you watch any sports? Movies: HAVE YOU seen any good

movies lately? and if none of these work, if you can't find any good topics,

ask one of these, "WHAT are you interested in?" or "WHAT type of work do you do?"

everyone must have at least one interest, and everyone must be doing some type of

work in their life! so after they respond to one of those questions, you can

continue to ask or introduce your own interests or your own work. some people

are just terrible at making conversation. so if you have tried every

technique that we have talked about so far, make an excuse to leave! say you need

to use the bathroom, pretend you need to make a phone call, do

something to end the conversation and give you an opportunity to talk to other

people! don't blame it on you or your English skills. even in our own languages,

a lot of people are just bad at making conversation!

so say, "nice meeting you, but..." and then give your excuse. or say, "oh just one

second, I need to..." and then do what you need to do. you just learned a lot of

great conversation stuff. to make sure that you don't forget or that you're

using it properly, write your examples in the comments under this video. even

better practice, ask these questions out loud! that is the best way to improve

your English conversational skills by yourself. so come on, you can do it! get


For more infomation >> How to Ask Questions in English | Make English Conversation - Duration: 7:56.


ITALIAN FOOD IN STONE TOWN | Traveling to Zanzibar - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> ITALIAN FOOD IN STONE TOWN | Traveling to Zanzibar - Duration: 4:49.


Tales of Berseria #26 1080p 60fps - Duration: 1:40:46.

Scout ship departing

Between the cold the famine and the demon blight there were times i thought the world was done for

But over the past three

Years i've stopped worrying i know, we're overly reliant on arthur and the exorcists but, this village has

Changed the exorcists taught us that there are things that demons hate, we can't defeat them, but, we can, keep them

Away it's peaceful now the exorcists stop, by on patrol every now and then

We haven't had a case of demon blight since what happened to your sister, was horrible but

You, and ma fille said should try to move on make the most of your lives i hope he, wakes up?

Soon i'm sure he will

Velvet it's been forever great to see you you haven't changed a whit what do you mean by that

Have you seen nico yet i have she's is full of life as she always

Was right come to think of it nothing's really changed much has it i suppose not

By, the way how were theand rus doing those pups haven't changed the wit either they, saw

A guy, with a, big sword walking with a, dollar i'd fellow

In black they freaked out and hightailed it that would be roker owen

Dyson those dogs are as cowardly as always so what part of velvet hasn't changed a

Whit hmm, she doesn't have any makeup on aha

The coming of the maliki are a gift from the imperius a reward for our repentance and our renewed prayers

The maliki, mara blades against the demons and the exorcists the hands that wield them

humanity's hope you never change

Want me to take you home this time no

Don't treat, me like i'm senile, oh uh, uh

okay, oh

it's you velvet

Be careful when fighting prickle bourse if they charge you punch him in the nose right no


sand in the eyes

Got it you finally started listening to me



you really grown, yeah

16 but aren't you 19 leave her be

It's been a long time hasn't it velvet i wanted to apologize to you for ages now

Apologize, what for that business with arthur back then i said he seemed like a fraud i know you took it pretty hard

But if he wasn't there three years ago our village would have been destroyed

I'm sorry i doubted him i didn't trust him then either i only realized how. Amazing of a

Person he was when he saved all of our lives?

Ashamed of myself all this time we've been feeling terrible

thinking, we may have driven you to leave the village


forgive, us that's not i

Didn't where have you been these past three years

It must have been tough living on your, own without any family to help you

Sorry, you don't have to talk, about it if it hurts

But if you, ever feel like talking we're here for you i know, we can't make up for all the pain

We put you through but if there's anything, we can, do?

Just, ask and if you'd like, you're always welcome to come back the whole village would welcome you with open arms

Hey, could i get some eggs, milk spinach and tomatoes, and i'd love to know

What cheese you'd recommend - you got it an in celebration of your homecoming i won't even charge with

you cooking up a feast like that i'm sure lafayette will, wake up straightaway thanks i really appreciate it you're getting spinach i

Can't really handle it myself you'll never grow

Up strong if you, don't eat your spinach young lady, i've done just fine without it so far thank you

No, if you, insist i'll leave it out

Just this once wow velvet you must be special not many folks get to be friends with an exorcist she's not my friend

The, way you two bicker i find that hard to believe

Oh, yeah, do you have, any prickled war oh i'm sorry, to say that i'm out at the moment. And that's fine i'll

Handsome up myself in the tranquil woods just like old times

Actually there haven't been, any prickle bores there lately you should try the morgana woods instead okay i'll, do that thanks for the tip

You, don't like spinach right eleanor, well you know i just

All right it's true but keep that between us. Ok velvet really seemed to be enjoying herself at the shop


And she can really pick out a nice balance of foods

While making every gold count she seems so cheerful

And carefree that's the real velvet i'm sure of it yes an

Ordinary dutiful loving sister i wish she could have stayed that way

She could, have lived a happy life

Surrounded, by her friends

Just plain velvet crow

Sister to lord artorius, uh and maybe not lord artorius but

Just plain arthur a happy ordinary life for an ordinary girl with. A kind family and supportive friends, oh?

Ready to the morgana woods to hunt, some prickle boars, yeah sure

It's guardian, was was angry on?


Um yeah, sorta

We're looking for prickle, bors keep your eyes on the thickets

This, fight is over?

Not even worth, my time

This, is hunting, we keep this up and who knows how

Many, will bring home

Not even worth, my time

They, were nothing

Okay, this should be enough


Huh, what's wrong?

Nothing i just feel a little, sorry for them is all i hear you these prickle boars might have a hope in family

People can, be so heartless

Yeah, i had forgotten this feeling, well what can

You, do at the end of the day, we have to eat just as much as they, do

Yes, what can, you do in this situation


Fluffy's waiting for us, we should run on home now la fille

Shopping hunting laughing with friends

That was how, her life used to be wasn't it yes it reminds me of my, own past huh

But wasn't your village

i'm sorry

it's not your fault the happy times i shared with, my family i

Still treasure those memories and even after the attack i've still been able to find happiness

Eating a good, meal

making, new friends and

yes falling in love

You, made me say pan foo there's nothing to be ashamed of most deadly girl's happiest memories are of her first love

after all

Don't you think there, was someone special out there velvet had feelings for a

First love

Do you really think so that's enough of that talk bien phu you sound like an old man

but still i would like to meet the guy velvet first fell for i wouldn't i

See you're a guy

Bird the news, about. Your brother i'm happy for you, so what's your plan now

You, guys are snooping around the village

Yeah, we wanted to check out that shrine too but, we got stopped?

Apparently the abbeys designated it off-limits if there's a theory in around it's probably there i'm going to draw it out

This is a trap things may turn violent

Either way this place is about to get a lot, less tranquil the

Same as everywhere, else i've been

You can, quit here if you, like, but i'm going to keep on fighting the abbey

and if i try to stop you you'll insist i presume

velvet no

I'll give you one day once you've made up your mind come meet me at the cape

I'm with him now tomorrow shakes out depends on what you decide velvet


your aunt


As you can, see i'm a demon

Three years, ago i was the one who attacked. This village i don't, want to hear it

demon or no demon you're, still you

okay, so you're, scary i'll get used to it i

Promise i'll keep it a secret

Let's just live here in the village like, we used to okay?

You, have me and everyone else


That was rather good velvet? Yeah lafayette gets a gold star for being such a. Good taste tester to

Tomorrow i'll fix you up a nice do

Hey, is this

It's the original copy of the book on you know, me not and all the pages are here valve a fee

Can i borrow your compass real, quick i'll give it right back

please, uh

all right

He really wanted a compass more than anything else

Just like you he loved to stare out at the sea wondering, what's on the other side

He wanted to go adventuring someday, oh?

I didn't know that i bet once he wakes up you two will be really good friends

So this is what your life used to be like before everything happened. Huh, huh, what's gotten into you

Hmm, maybe i made the pudding a little too sweet

Velvet how, do you know, what it tastes like, ah

I think i'll get myself, some shut-eye

But what are you going to do about tomorrow

Ma gullu, are there arts that let the caster manipulate dreams


dreams, why

There is yes an art that requires a certain, type of mullick

It envelops you in a fog and reads your regrets then traps you in a happy dream

An art that reads your regrets and shows you happiness

I'm going to the cape now, what on earth's gotten into you though

Belvin don't go stay here stay with me

This, is filles compass

I'm sorry, mafia

No, don't wait benefit, wait, don't don't leave me here

Fog is this what la, gala, was talking, about we're going to the cape, shrine it's time to drag out the variance

belvin there you are

Though, that you have to stop your friends they, keep saying they're, going to the cape

And they just won't listen the abbeys forbidden anyone from going inside

you'll all be punished if anyone breaks the rules i

Hate to say it nico but i think i'm a terrible person

I'd really thought i could have, my old life back

Again and i could forget everything else i tried to act like i was doing it for la. Fée but it was all for myself

but i can't forget i shouldn't forget

luffy, is dead he, was murdered without even knowing, why i

Will never forgive that never

So get out of my, way if you, don't i'll devour you, again

of it why

There, we go the truth at last

This, way the shrines through, these woods hey mind telling

Me what the hell's going on it's a trap trap trap trap our enemies spun an illusion based on velvets dreams

That's a nasty little art but velvet saw. Through it all she did

But even if it's all a dream such brutality on her part

Velvets always been our brutal poodle but to shake off the dream by herself

Now that's something the boundary between dreams and reality is demarcated solely, by one's own heart?

What i'm saying she's wow he's now he cool, beans come on we got a. Hurry

It was all a dream hell, even if it wasn't i won't turn back

I had no problems here

I'll cut, down anyone in my, way

Scout ships

Sorry, pups, you're coming with, me

It's okay, i killed their, owner i deserve all their hate and then some

But not now


once i get my revenge you can, tear me apart if you like i

Promise until then i'll need your help

Guess the art finally evaporated

the, book it disappeared, what book i

Found a copy of the ancient. Book with, every page still intact it was in velvets house

Artorius is book

The real, one might still be there, we should go back to build its house to search for it

That was one hell of an illusion i have to admire the skill that

Went into its construction the caster probably has a tethered moloch with. A unique power on the same level as my reapers curse

And i can think of one person, who, would lay, such a wicked trap still, we may have a, new

Clue to the nature of innominate you've found an omen arts

Book, right lafayette yeah in velvets house then, let's hurry to velvets house

Filled up to the ball


- that was tougher than i would have liked


This, fight is over?

There's nobody here this is reality

It's empty no surprise there

Artorius is too thorough to overlook something like

That if only i'd showed it to you as soon as i found it don't beat yourself up over it

We wouldn't have been able to read it without grimoire anyhow. It was just a dream

all of it

This, was your room wasn't it you can knit i was trying to learn nico said she teach me how as a thank-you for giving

Her my, quiche recipe

We wanted to finish a set of scarves for the winter velvet forget about it i don't need to knit anymore

Check out all these complicated looking, books a

hand-drawn map nice

It's incomplete but seems quite detailed it's

Beautiful, my, brother drew it every day, even when his fever got too strong for him to read a

Book, he'd stare at that map for hours laughy, said he he wanted to travel the world

Yes it was his dream i never understood what made him?

Want to do something so dangerous but i'm living his dream now

It's ironic isn't it

Those are the graves of my sister and her son he died before he was even born

They're in rough shape, we should lay, some flowers don't bother there's no point a

keen insight

Eating, one would be cruel enough but plucking an innocent flower just to offer it as decoration for some memorial

That's not even a sacrifice just a cruelty devoid of all purpose

milk york

as obtuse as ever i

Take it you're the one behind the dream fog i must say you did

Well to break through such resolve if you weren't a fairy, and i'd be tempted to take you under my wing

did you come here to flatter me

Indeed although i was already in the neighborhood to retrieve this, book i'll be taking that

This, book, was compiled, by, my, dear friend who's

Also, artorias mentor and predecessor as head of the exorcists it contains the hopes and dreams left

By a noble soul, who gave his life

For the world that grieved him it is not full of tainted demon to touch like, we need your permission

Look, who obeyed me for once is that?

You, dennis be patient you'll know. Everything before long

What, we seek is the realization of a perfect order as tranquil and beautiful as a wild flower in bloom a

perfect order

Let's go, there's nothing left for us here

Oh, look it's the book of you know, me not what's it doing there?

wait that's one of arthur's

Actually it's a copy, that luffy sent made

Rafi made a copy of the book

He transcribed it all, by hand and then, he sold it just to buy me back home

There was something here for us after all


If that's the complete manuscript, we might be able to unravel. Ii know, me not secrets we'll have to show it to grimoire

Pulling one over on the old man are you never a dull moment with lady calamity around


Alright time to drop off the pups and get grimoire to translate this, book we're. Going back to titania


Stop fooling around fooling around


Scoutship settings sick

At horned monster he, was with melchior there was something different, about him, he, wasn't a mohawk though right


I'm pretty sure he's a demon

But, why, would the abbey be working with a demon he could be etherion maybe i mean there, was medicine coma

Wanna know i don't think so the abbey keeps their therians behind barriers and bound to earth pulse points

Ethereum can't send malevolence to anomie not all walking freely, that's correct and besides orthrus

Was already here in any case now, we know melchior has a mean-looking bodyguard in addition to his illusions that'll take

Quite a lot to stop him ah

That's a fact?

did you think you could escape me

Eleanore there's something i have to, ask, what is it did you leak our plans to the abbey?

Helen or hasn't done anything like that then how

do you, explain melchior and his illusions already waiting for us when we got to a ball i

Promised you that i would work together with. You until i found the truth for myself

I'm not up to any, tricks it's far too late for that now

Exactly what a guilty, party, would say if anyone's suspicious here i'd say it's you maggie lou, no tricks i don't even know

What a trick is?

enough if eleanor was leaking information

Then titania, would surely be under attack. By, now, right i'm sure the abbey would love to have those therians, back, but the enemy

Was in that village waiting in ambush

The abbey isn't foolish

They figured out, by now that we're rounding up the therians

they'll, have left traps for us with, each remaining, one

It's the obvious, move all right if that's how. You see it i'll stand down

So you trust me then, no i'm saying that anything the abbey tries i'll be ready for it oh?

Such a brave determined soul

eleanor does the abbi possess an art that can control demons not that i've ever heard of

Besides if they could control, demons there'd be no need to resurrect. You know not what there

Can't argue with that

But melchior was obviously in control of that demon how, did he manage that you can't tether

Them like a moloch and now, kira, wasn't using oaths or mana to compel him no

This, was something more like mind control mind control let's say you know

Your targets innermost desires you simply, conjure the right illusion show. Them what would push their buttons in just the right way ah

If you can create an illusion of something someone really wants you can, control them

Exactly you can force a powerful burden upon your target. Psyche until their spirit breaks that is

What happens when they break

Depends on the target they might become an empty shell they might go wild with desire a meet eenie spiny crow

You, sure know a lot about this now that you put it that way, why, would i know so much about it

But if someone is controlling, me making, me say, these very words how

Horrifying, i believe i'll take your words with a grain of salt

You're, not hurt are you no

come on really

listen eleanor really

Isn't spying on us i was with her almost every minute and what i wasn't velvet was watching her?

And she's a woman, who keeps her promises she wouldn't lie to

Law he said?

We understand law. He said it's a lenore if she were lying to herself to somehow

keep spying on us the guilt, would fill her with malevolence i


You're, right the fact that i haven't turned into a dragon proves that thank you

Both of you i didn't think you were giving them information

Intentionally but there are illusionists like, milk you're out there that, means, we can't rule out someone recording

Your thoughts in secret i don't think, we need to worry, about that either not with. You and lafayette always mirror

Now that that's settled it's time for you all to testify to my innocence that could be difficult what

Well okay, why, don't you start off by telling us all about the time you sold us out to theresa back in hell of these

Damn you're a very vindictive man do you know. That you're just figuring that out so

Well there's your proof at least you wouldn't, make much of a spy



My, sister's making pickle board meatballs for dinner tonight hey, what did i tell you about bothering travelers

Sorry, about that he's totally obsessed with food, that's all right

Prickle, boar meatballs huh

sounds delicious

They're, really, super tasty, but this says that they used to taste even better, why

Is that we used to get deliveries of fresh delicious prickle?

Boar meat from the nearby village of a ball but in the advent. Three years ago

Demons attacked the village and now it's gone it's such a tragedy if they only could have held out for just one more day

I'm sure lord artorias would have, saved them



Our town decided to make a new, holiday marking the day, that lord artorius, became the shepherd

Three years, ago, when the moloch eema peered on the advent

Taliesin, was the first town, that lord our torre is saved, we hold great pride at being the city

Where humanity first struck back, against the demons that explains, why, you'd celebrate his ascension

But wasn't a ball closer to his heart you may be right, about that not being able to save a ball was a terrible

Agony, for lord artorius, even, though, he killed the demons that destroyed the village

He couldn't bring back the lives that had been lost if lord artorias had gone to a ball first

Our city might have been destroyed instead, we won't forget the tragedy that befell a ball

That's the other purpose of this holiday?

remembrance that's right

Lives lost can, never be brought back

Wow the weather's just, swell, is something i've said, every day, for three months now

Huh, but, wasn't there just a heavy fog nope never seen

A wisp of fog in this village it's been, sunny so long i think i might dry, up that, means that fog

Was just another of milky ors illusions seems that, way?

Excuse me my partner and i here would like to put on a comedy show, if it's possible ah

Not often you run into someone with a real fire in their eyes

All right show, me what you got with pleasure helen, or i'm impressed i didn't know

you Had this sort of initiative you just have to do what you have to do all right besides if we pull this off

it could be your chance to get closer to module ooh did you say modulo i

Haven't seen her recently but she seems to be making a, name for herself in logrus

Yeah, her dances are really beautiful do you know her i do

Her and her teacher volta, now i'm not saying modulo isn't great but

Volta was utterly sublime i worry?

About him pushing modulo so much to be honest he's never been one to accept compromise in his art

Huh, i didn't know that, we don't have time to stop, and feel bad for our rivals did you

Memorize the script of course i did and i won't tolerate any slip-ups from you either

Hearing, that just makes me more motivated, well let's get going we've got a show, to put on

Whoa, back it up

Again, if we're supposed to be regulars here then, why, does everyone look, like they've never heard of bien phu

And what's with this magic, azam stuff, is that some kind of spell

Gosh it's really been getting cold here lately are you just going to ignore my questions

Aren't you too cold to worry, about things like, that does this feel summery to you i can be cold

And ask you questions at the same time

Actually it's rather cold

See i said it was cold in fact i've been so cold lately i even set fire to my, clothes isn't that going too far

In fact that wasn't enough so i set the house on fire to your house, why, would you do that

Oh, don't worry it doesn't bother me at all and who said it was my house so when i said on fire was yours?

That's a crime you know


That's not in the script barson is a serious crime

Well yes but in the script the punchline, was supposed to be but when i saw, how

Much it would cost to replace them i got the chills yeah but i got into the moment and thought i could

Have lived something better you're advocating something morally abhorrent

Change it back the big deal you're getting worked up over a. Joke crime is not a

Joke, even speaking as a normal citizen i can't condone speech

That promotes such a, horrific ly antisocial act oh, no you've got me all, mad i give up for good

it's bad

My deepest apologies for putting on an act about something so terrible today sir, well the whole thing

Was meant to be about morals anyway so?

How, did we do?

Can i just, ask, you one question are you for real yes i am i should have known

Is one of them off limit class for islands that folks call

serpent isle place has been overrun with snakes since forever i

hate that things

Sounds like hell to me but i've heard there's a woman, who actually lives there whatever for why, would anyone

Want to live in a place like that i know

it's mighty strange

Place supposedly is crawling with demons too the last time i was in the area i checked it out kept my distance of course

he, was my spyglass and

Was she there hi

she was

Except she looked like a snake herself i mean she was human up top, but her face was a?

Weird color and a lower half, was all?

slithering and wiggly, yeah

Creeped, me out a snake, woman. Huh, even worse look, like you couldn't swing a cat without hitting a snake

Just the thought of it keeps me awake at night you should have

A, stiff drink, and get some sleep before you, pass out on deck i'll tell benwick to give you an extra ration wow

Thanks a lot first mate i appreciate it

Yeah, i oughta, pester him for some of that aged reserve he keeps hitting, away

Scoutship, setting sick

Welcome back yeah we're bringing these, two back to titania

Dogs look lizards, no problem walking hunks of armor i can, deal with but dogs, my ship you're not a dog

person i was

Bit by one when i was a kid then you've got nothing to worry about

If they're, biting anyone on this ship

It'll be me are you okay velvet. Oh sure you're just dogs no i mean in general

Fine they can come, aboard i'll take us back to titania

We have to take good care of orthey and russ that's on you they, won't let me near ah

Yeah, well what do you expect?

You, only, killed their master don't worry i'll take responsibility you mustn't they're

Quite vicious you know i just asked him that they, wanted to be friends

I'm sure you said something to irritate them like i'll make you my minions you had it coming

she knows

But you have therians to find love he said, you will be able to look after them all the time i suppose

What should i do?

You could, ask, kama, wada and medusa kama

Wanna said she once had a dog even if they get a little rowdy, but this will be around to keep them safe

That's a good idea?

I'll go, ask them

Thanks, we can't be killing off their ants?


They remind, me of nikko

velvet you

Want a pet dog, wealthy you should go to the abbey then, why, the abbey

Because the place is full of the shepherds lap dogs

Yeah, i get it

I devoured them again, no don't

So you said your little brother made this copy he could read the ancient, tongue that's amazing

Lafi, was different from most other kids she read, books a lot, because his, body, was so weak?

He study all the time so that he could be ready to travel the world one day

Which, was kind of funny considering hugh to hide in my bed whenever he had a nightmare


But i don't care, that he got scared i just wanted him to live

and that's why i


film it

I'll devour as much as it takes he will have fan chance

Done the art is attuned to you

Thank, you this time i'll make sure to finish, what i set out to do?

I've got to say i didn't think you had it in you oscar

I don't believe i asked for your opinion, lord artorias

Go, back outside

Theresa will see me when we're done

Are the rumors, true are you, using that experimental art on oscar?

It is true


Was under the impression it was still incomplete sir

Yep still a potentially fatal weakness for its channel

We've taken the theory as far as it will go the next step is to learn its control and actual practice

Don't tell me you intend to test it against that barian

Please let me do it i should be the one not him you are not strong enough

Then at least let, me back him up so you can, take the enemy out before oscar uses the art a

Noble plan but i'm afraid it did mess everything up

So it was my idea to volunteer sister

I failed at titania and allow the farion to be stolen from palamidi i need to atone for my mistakes

then let me come with you i

Have different orders for you to

resell than ours

You are hereby relieved of your duties as an exorcist and are to return your mark

Relieved of duty, why

For our plans to be realized, we require an especially strong mark

We've analyzed your marks dormant abilities and ease of considerable power on the same level as the young moloch

Who betrayed us or the enemy

simply put

You just don't got what it takes to handle it

how could you

When this is all over i'd love to have some of your homemade cooking, again. A sister

I could, go for that key she used to make

How can, you talk of that right now

lord artorias i

Know what you're going to ask?

Yes oscar when you fulfill your mission i will, make teresa an exorcist, again


Are you doing this

Don't worry about, me i'd go to the ends of the earth and back for a plate of your delicious quiche

No, oscar don't go oscar?

What should i do if i don't do something he'll?

Huh, what's this?


Receptive to that art

and to you


Where am i take it easy velvet you've been out for three days

Then that's three, days wasted

What's the situation?

Well let's see?

For one thing grimoire has been deciphering that ancient. Book

She says that this new, copy is complete all the pages, we were missing are there

As for the dogs come alana's taking a real shine to them all right then no

We just need to find that last theory in it velvet no i said take it easy


hold on have you not had anything to eat um

well i just thought

Since you hadn't either are you serious, why, would you do a full, thing like, that you'll die if you don't eat

actually i

They, will die if he doesn't eat molly keen don't actually depend on food for sustenance if they do eat it's only as a quirky


All right if you're, sure if you, feel, like, going hungry it's. Your, life, but there's, no sense in doing it on my account, oh?

Good to see you're feeling, better again as you probably noticed, we made it back to titania already

sorry to keep you all waiting on me

Get everyone together, we meet now?

well that could have gone better i


Wanted to better understand the hardships velvets suffering through it seems unfair for her to bear all of it alone

well she's

how could i put it a

very straightforward kind of person but nothing gets under her skin like a clumsy display of sympathy

What should i do about her then?

For now just get something in your tummy any, good warrior knows. You eat when you have the chance

Even maliki, and have more strength on a full stomach than an empty one don't they

It's true food will fill an empty stomach but, what is there to fill an empty heart i wonder

time for some grub lafayette, what are you hungry for

Hmm i'll have some stuff - giant squid or prison crab dumplings horsies nipple it's

Your first meal in three days right

Better stick with something mild or you'll be sorry, how

About a risotto or a vegetable rice soup that could be nice i could

Go, for some borscht or shark fin and egg. Soup, for dessert i'll have a sweet bean and jelly fruit cup

A giant parfait and a triple berry cake

Zipit maggie lou, oh, well i'm getting full just thinking, about it i think i'd like

Some rice porridge with. A pickled plum, and baby sardines on top ooh?

An austere choice and an apple in that case you should, have, some apple, boo

Apple, boo what on earth, is that?

It's just grated apples but, when my, brother, wasn't feeling, well i often fed it to him i think i'd like

to, try, some if you insist he'll, make, some for you at least it's something i can, make without needing to taste it okay i

Insist okay if you're already, making, some i'd like sip it maggie lou


Haven't seen many a bee patrol ships around here of late i noticed that too

Do you, think something happened the blood wings said the abbeys been quiet everywhere

Apparently, some bad demons and a. Cursed pirate crew

Have been giving, them trouble

And they can't spare the men to patrol the other seas that's i fried's pirates for you

Always gathering information and keeping on their guard a. Cursed, pirate crew

Isn't that us if the info sound we've really made a name for ourselves

Abbey ships run, and hide when they see us coming reason, dictates that we avoid? Oh bliss fights, oh?

Shepherd artorias you're, my hero

Haha, if only our enemies were truly that dumb

Sadly, the world isn't that forgiving, we can't drop our guard?

Hi i've contacted, some fisherman friends of mine they'll let us know if they notice anything

Fishy, we've got the first mates curse to deal with, we can, never be too careful

Yeah, with that reapers curse hanging over us, we don't have room to relax

Well at least they're, not too bothered by it

Hey, get this i was out fishing the other day

When before i knew it i had wound up near a class-four island once i realized what

Was happening i tried to turn the ship around but then it got dark all around, me was it a sudden

Storm i wish it was this great monstrous bird

Damn thing had wings big enough to cover up the whole blasted sky that

Sounds like a bit of a stretch to me you

Think i'm lying and then check it out for yourself you just might not make it back alive a huge bird


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For more infomation >> Tales of Berseria #26 1080p 60fps - Duration: 1:40:46.


COAJA™ | SATRA SE INTOARCE | SATRA B.E.N.Z. ® - Duration: 0:40.





Is Satra...




Is Satra...




Is Satra...





The Junior 89' Lama Crima

Fuck cats on the street , BRRRP with a fine pipe

The guard will not catch us , NIGGER

Vagabont demolish gangsters

who think they are tough because they are underground

They drink beer , poverty , their envy grinds

I store in my account and this money is buried in the cellar

I fuck just with Lucian Blaga(money paper) , fuck off

You do not give as much as I give on the beat, fuck off.

For more infomation >> COAJA™ | SATRA SE INTOARCE | SATRA B.E.N.Z. ® - Duration: 0:40.


The ESB & Enhancing Your Life - Duration: 3:55.

Energetic Synthesis Of Being With Dr Dain Heer

If you were in the presence of a system or a structure I guess

that has been created by judgements

that is now locked down based on somebody's judgements

and you are the space of no judgements

and total caring and total kindness and total gratitude

and total acknowledgement of that person

beyond that space of limitation.

You become the source and the contribution for unlocking that limitation.

I am so grateful for having found Access Consciousness.

Some years ago I discovered it

and the first thing were these points on the head, called Access Bars.

I have done it over and over again,

because I realized that it's like a wellness day.

It feels so good.

You have great relationships you can build on and amazing conversations.

And what I noticed on me personally,

I could improve my health massively, great improvements of my blood values.

I think I have done ten classes or so by now.

I have no clue, many as possible.

My financial situation has improved significantly.

My health has improved significantly.

My life as a whole is much better now.

What shall I say?

All I can say, If you don't want it, too bad for you.

I am with this energy.

It comes in waves, it leaves in waves,

flows through my body, leaves my body.

It goes to Dain, it comes from Dain and goes back.

It is undescribable.

The feeling is simply... this perception is incredible.

Well, just do these three days, enjoy your time, you don't need to work.

Well, I have worked, worked a lot inside me, with myself.

I have..changed completely now.

I am different with the energy that is inside me

which I would like to release into the world.

And energy is everything for me.

Energy is air, light, colours, a glance, a smile, life as a whole.

That is energy.

I can't say it is this or this or that.

It is the sum of everything,

which runs through us and out of us and with it we can face people.

Wow, it was very intensive.

I had been to a few classes before but this one,

get's under the skin.

The most, I like the intensity that comes from Dain.

How he facilitates...that is. Well, this can hardly be topped.

That's why I chose this.

My whole nature and being has chosen that.

And it's so good to be here, to perceive the change in myself.

And I think...

Well, it cannot get any better than this but when you show them without judgment

the possibilities Access Consciousness has,

they choose it because they can realize and perceive

that it's a contribution for themselves.

It boosts more and more

and how does it get any better and faster than that?

Because with enough people with these tools,

nobody will buy limitation again.

For more info:

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