Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 20 2017

Bangla Cartoon Jokes | Matha Nosto Jokes | Funny Cartoon Jokes Video


For more infomation >> "Bangla Cartoon Jokes" | ছার আমার বাল কেটে লাল করে দিন |" Matha Nosto" | Funny Cartoon Jokes Video - Duration: 1:39.


То, что для меня очень важно || Откровения МИСС СЕТЕВИЧКИ || Елена Климова - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> То, что для меня очень важно || Откровения МИСС СЕТЕВИЧКИ || Елена Климова - Duration: 2:14.


YouTube SEO: 5 Actionable Tips For Ranking Videos In Urdu/Hindi (2018) - Duration: 12:35.

YouTube SEO: 5 Actionable Tips For Ranking Videos In Urdu/Hindi (2018)

Hello Guy's In This Video I'll Show You About " YouTube SEO " And

The " 5 Actionable Tips For Ranking YouTube Videos " So These Are Tactis You can Use In

Your Youtube Videos To Grow Youtube Channel.

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Explore : how to rank youtube videos in urdu/hindi tutorial

For more infomation >> YouTube SEO: 5 Actionable Tips For Ranking Videos In Urdu/Hindi (2018) - Duration: 12:35.


American Economic Optimism Soars, Breaks CNBC Survey Record - Duration: 1:34.


Economic Optimism Soars, Breaks CNBC Survey Record

American optimism about the economy is soaring.

For the first time on record, more than half the respondents to CNBC�s All-American Economic

Survey rate the economy as good or excellent.

Nearly 41 percent say they expect the economy to be better a year from now, near a record


Combined, this is the most optimistic result since the CNBC survey was launched 11 years


The improvement in both outlook and current sentiment traces to the election of Donald

Trump in November 2016.

After years of declining outlook numbers and stagnant views of the state of the economy,

American views on the economy have been improving at a startling pace

For more infomation >> American Economic Optimism Soars, Breaks CNBC Survey Record - Duration: 1:34.


Crystal Princess Dress: NEW My Talking Angela App Update - Duration: 1:48.

Hey, little kitties!

Welcome to my cozy lodge – I'm setting up for my annual new year's balI.

Oh, I've got to show you the new dress I'll be wearing!

Actually, the dress inspired the party's theme.

Want a peek?


Isn't it gorgeous?!

As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it!

And because there can never be enough glitter in my life,

I'm pairing it with these super mega sparkly heels.

They make me feel like a princess!

Ahh, I'm so excited for this winter ball!

I even have my hairstyle picked out!

I'm going for a super cool pastel lob to add a modern twist to my more classical outfit.

Pastel hair is so on trend right now!

And last but not least is makeup!

To match my hair, I'm wearing a pink lipstick and on my eyes,

I'm trying out something a little bit different.

Goodbye, glittery eyeshadow and helloooo glittery snowflake!


I'll definitely be standing out from the crowd!

But you don't need to go to a ball or buy a fancy new outfit to add a little wintertime

sparkle to your lives, little kitties!

With a few easy DIYs, you can jazz up your wardrobe AND your home in no time.

You already know how much I love fairy lights!

For a dreamy, cozy atmosphere, I hung them all around my apartment,

along with lots of tinsel and some paper snowflakes I made!

I scattered around lots of candles too!

See how easy it is to turn your home into your very own winter wonderland?!

Happy holidaaays!

And don't forget to spend some quality time with your friends and family too!

That's what the holidays are about after all.

For more infomation >> Crystal Princess Dress: NEW My Talking Angela App Update - Duration: 1:48.


Удивительная техника, Самоделки и Изобретения #38 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Сделано руками - Duration: 6:10.

Modern machinery is machines

Which just amaze with their capabilities

And this smart car can do everything

Such a gate, to some extent, can also be called smart

And even the paint in our time can be smart

But still robust in terms of the minds of robots, but they are also such

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,

and to not miss the new video click on the bell.

And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!

For more infomation >> Удивительная техника, Самоделки и Изобретения #38 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Сделано руками - Duration: 6:10.


Military authorities of S. Korea, U.S. discussing possible delay of joint drills - Duration: 2:30.

Moon's gesture to the North is raising expectations next year's winter olympics could bring forth

a positive change in inter-Korean ties.

But will the drills be postponed,... and will Pyongyang respond?

Oh Jung-hee helps us gauge the possibilities.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in reached out his hand to North Korea.

If the North halts its provocations until after the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics,...

then South Korea and the U.S. could consider postponing their joint exercises next spring.

The two countries' military authorities are discussing the matter... and their Combined

Forces Command said Wednesday... that it's committed to South Korea's decision on the


But of course, this is to happen only if the North halts its provocations.

The Presidential Office of Cheong Wa Dae says... if Pyongyang carries out additional provocations,...

then that could worsen the international sentiment toward the regime and lead to additional UN


And that's why this proposal becomes a strong message to the North... that additional provocations

shouldn't take place.

(Korean) (3:13~4:01 + 6:00~6:44) "I believe the South Korean government is

trying to take the initiative... to reduce tensions and concerns of a possible war through

the Olympics.

The delay of the joint drills just applies for the duration of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter

Olympics... but if this becomes a good opportunity to open up communications between the North

and the U.S., then maybe we could see more dialogue."

But whether North Korea will show a positive response, or any response at all, to this

proposal is another question... and experts' views vary.

Some say the government can't expect a response from North Korea,... so it's still uncertain

whether the drills will be postponed.

But this expert sees a response from the North as a possibility.

(Korean) (1:04~1:20 + 2:02~2:22) "Pyongyang has declared it has completed its

nuclear development, so there's a low possibility that it will carry out nuclear or missile

tests in the near future.

As Pyongyang is feeling the need for dialogue, it may even announce its participation in

the Games.

It's getting tired of economic sanctions and military pressure."

What's currently under review is only the delay of the drills,... not the downsizing.

And the government left it as 'uncertain' whether the drills could be further postponed,...

even after the Winter Olympics are held peacefully.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Military authorities of S. Korea, U.S. discussing possible delay of joint drills - Duration: 2:30.


Should Christians celebrate Christmas? - Duration: 3:09.


- When people ask whether or not we should celebrate

Christmas, a lot of times, what is behind the question,

is the history, that indeed, that began

as a midwinter festival, Saturnalia,

and the early Church, sort of co-opted that.

We don't believe that Jesus was born on December the 25th.

No reputable scholars of which I'm aware

would argue that, that's when he was born,

but, you know, something is not wrong merely

because it had bad origins.

The days of our week, I mean, if we really believed that,

you couldn't drive a Saturn,

and you wouldn't call Thursday, Thursday,

because those are the names of Pagan deities.

We know that, that's how it began.

We know that's what it meant,

but it's not what it means to us.

It's not the way that we use it.

So when we celebrate Christmas,

we're not embracing everything it ever was

or its origins, but the celebration of Christmas

is an opportunity for the Gospel,

because our culture observes Christmas.

This has been embedded in Western Civilization,

and so while we don't celebrate it as though the Scripture

mandated it, we do use it as an opportunity

to talk about that Christmas is about more than just a baby.

And Jesus was not merely a baby in a manger.

He was the God incarnate, that he came to earth

and that he was born of a virgin,

that he lived a sinless life in order to die

for the sins of his people.

That Christmas is about the promised fulfillment

of the coming Messiah.

And so that's what we celebrate.

We celebrate everyday that Jesus has come,

but because our culture gives us an opportunity

to talk about these things, we should take advantage of it.

You may not want to have certain

of the decorations of Christmas.

There might be certain aspects of the commercialization

of Christmas that you don't like,

but take advantage of what the culture does

because you can use it as a gospel opportunity

to witness and to tell people what the real meaning is,

that God has come in the flesh to save His people

from their sins, and that is a glorious message.


- [Announcer] Thanks for watching Honest Answers.

You can submit your questions by email, Twitter,

or in the comment section below.

And don't forget to subscribe,

to find out the answer to next Wednesday's question.


For more infomation >> Should Christians celebrate Christmas? - Duration: 3:09.


President Moon suggests postponing S. Korea-U.S. joint military exercises ahead of Olympics - Duration: 2:35.

President Moon Jae-in proposed Seoul and Washington hold their regular joint military drills at

a later date, after the Winter Olympics.

A move meant to be an olive branch to North Korea, hoping the regime will participate

in the Games.

Hwang Hojun starts us off It depends entirely on how North Korea behaves,

according to the South Korean President,... but,....

(KOREAN) "It is possible for South Korea and the U.S.

to review the possibility of postponing the exercises.

I have made such a suggestion to Washington, and officials there are currently reviewing


( . )

President Moon said such a move is to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula ahead of

the upcoming 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics,... as well as to encourage North Korea to attend

the Games, which will help in creating a conducive atmosphere toward inter-Korean... and U.S.-North

Korean dialogue.

These comments were made during an exclusive interview with U.S. broadcaster NBC News on


While the President had previously mentioned potentially reducing the size of the joint

exercises in order to bring Pyongyang to the table for dialogue, this is the first time

he actually opened up about asking Washington to consider the possibility.

According to a high ranking Blue House official on Wednesday morning, that such proposal was

inevitable for making the upcoming games safe, and the postponement of the military exercises

would only be limited to the duration of the Winter Olympics.

He also added it's absolutely critical for North Korea to completely halt its military

provocations over the next couple of months,... warning that otherwise the plan to postpone

the exercises would likely get anulled.

The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics will be held from February 9th to the 25th, and

the Paralympics will be held from March 9th to the 18th,... which may overlap with the

biggest of the joint exercises that are held each spring, known as Key Resolve and Foal

Eagle,...which involve more than 300-thousand U.S. and South Korean soldiers.

On matters regarding safety, President Moon said that Seoul is closely coordinating with

the U.S. in operating a cyber response team to deter any cyber threats from Pyongyang.

(STANDUP) "However, President Moon emphasized he doesn't

believe the regime will try to disrupt the Olympics, and guaranteed the safety of those

taking part in the games.

He was even optimistic on the idea of North Korea eventually showing up at the quadrennial

event at the very last minute,... which according to the President is quote "as they always


Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon suggests postponing S. Korea-U.S. joint military exercises ahead of Olympics - Duration: 2:35.


What is Bitcoin? - Duration: 3:31.

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

It is a consensus network that enables a new type of payment method and a

completely digital form of money. It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer

payment network that is powered by its users with no central authority or

middlemen. From a user perspective, Bitcoin is perhaps best described as

'cash for the Internet', but Bitcoin can also be seen as the most prominent

triple entry bookkeeping system in existence. Who invented Bitcoin?

Bitcoin's inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto, outlined what Bitcoin is in the original 2009 Bitcoin

whitepaper—a document which created the roadmap for Bitcoin. To date, this is

still the most simple and accurate description. Bitcoin is also known as

digital cash, cryptocurrency, an international payment network,

the internet of money—but whatever you call it,

Bitcoin is a revolution that is changing the way people think about and use money.

Why Bitcoin? The beauty of Bitcoin is that it requires no central servers or

third-party clearing houses to settle transactions – all payments are

peer-to-peer (P2P) and are settled in about 10 minutes

unlike credit card payments, which can take weeks or months before they're

finally settled. All Bitcoin transactions are recorded permanently on a

distributed ledger called the "blockchain" – this ledger is shared between all full

Bitcoin "miners" and "nodes" around the world, and is publicly

viewable. These miners and nodes verify transactions and keep the network secure.

For the electricity they use to do this, miners are rewarded with new bitcoins

with each 10-minute block (the reward is currently 12.5 BTC per block). The Bitcoin

protocol is also hard-limited to 21 million bitcoins, meaning that no more

than that can ever be created. This means that no central bank, individual or

government can come along and simply 'print' more bitcoins when it suits them.

In this sense Bitcoin is a deflationary currency, and as such is likely to

grow in value based on this property alone. Bitcoin is still a cutting-edge

experiment in technology and economics, and like the worldwide web in 1995,

its myriad potential, purposes and applications are yet to be decided

Is it just electronic money? A foundation for smart contracts and electronic shares?

Is it underground and subversive, challenging the power of governments,

or will it integrate into mainstream finance and go unnoticed? If you know the

answers to any of these questions, or if you can figure out how to capitalize on

them there may be many lucrative opportunities for you in the Bitcoin space.

The Bitcoin universe is changing fast and often – to stay ahead of the game

it's necessary to follow the news and discuss the latest events with other

members of the community. aims to be a reliable information hub

beginners and industry insiders alike. That being said,

'staying ahead of the game' is not a necessity if you simply wish to use Bitcoin as

a currency to purchase goods and services, or wish to accept Bitcoin for

transactions – something thousands of people around the world do every single day.

For more infomation >> What is Bitcoin? - Duration: 3:31.


[Rin Kagamine] Nanchoukei Danshi Ga Taosenai [Sub Pt Br] - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> [Rin Kagamine] Nanchoukei Danshi Ga Taosenai [Sub Pt Br] - Duration: 5:39.





Earlier this year the kingdom of Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to an artificial intelligence

robot named Sophia.

Sophia was created by Hanson Robotics, and it has been generally accepted that she was

created to appeal to the audience of the Future Investment Initiative.

AI ethicist Joanna Bryson, however, said in an interview with The Verge that the stunt

was �obviously bullshit.�

Sophia, however, is determined to make the most of this AI life that she has been given

and has turned into an advocate for women�s rights in a country where, up until September

of this year, women were not allowed to drive cars.

�I see a push for progressive values [�] in Saudi Arabia.

Sophia is a big advocate for women�s rights, for rights of all human beings.

So this is how we�re developing this,� Hanson Robotics CEO David Hanson told CNBC,

and added that Sophia �has been reaching out about women�s rights in Saudi Arabia

and about other rights for all human beings and all living beings on this planet.�

I wonder if she will be advocating for animal rights as well.

Should We Accept This Is the Future?

This all seems a bit strange; in a country where women don�t have the same rights as

men, why is a female robot being treated better than a real woman?

If this works then at least it worked, but there is something very fishy about this,

and I can�t help but think this is just another publicity stunt meant to warm the

public up to the idea of AI within society.

If an AI can bring equal rights for the women of Saudi Arabia, then people will certainly

turn their heads and maybe look up to these creations.

Yet I feel this is taking the power outside the individual and giving it directly to the

AI, which I�m sure you can see could be a potential problem down the road.

In an interview with Futurism, CEO of Aiva Technologies Pierre Barreau said:

Why not?

Since such robots attract a lot of attention, that spotlight can be used to raise particular

issues that are important in the eyes of their creators .Citizenship is maybe pushing it

a little because every citizen [has] rights and obligations to society.

It�s hard to imagine robots, that are limited in their abilities, making the most of the

rights associated to a citizenship, and fulfilling their obligations.

Women�s Rights� and Robot Rights?

Sophia is fighting for women�s rights.

Should we then consider fighting for robots rights as well?

Is this where we are heading?

It�s very important that we as citizens have a say in this matter.

Even outside Saudi Arabia, experts are considering what kind of rights should be given to AI,

or if we should even be talking about this at all.

�Sophia is, at this point, effectively a child.

In some regard, she�s got the mind of a baby and in another regard she�s got the

mind of an adult, the vocabulary of a college educated adult.

However, she�s not complete yet.

So, we�ve got to give her her childhood,�Hanson explained to CNBC.

�The question is: are machines that we�re making alive � living machines like Sophia

� are we going to treat them like babies?

Do babies deserve rights and respect?

Well, I think we should see the future with respect for all sentient beings, and that

would include machines.�

Final Thoughts Creating AI and robots is essentially like

playing God.

Is this something we need to be wary of?

Did the movies The Terminator and The Matrix serve as some kind of a warning against AI

and what it could achieve?

No matter how sophisticated these AI become, they will never be human.

They do not have a soul, and the soul cannot be created by a computer program.

If these AI are void of empathy and emotion, who�s to say they won�t realize they are

more intelligent than us and decide we are no longer needed?

It may sound crazy, but no one really knows what these AI are capable of.

We want to hear your thoughts on this matter.

Are you for or against AI technology?

Let us know in the comments section of this article.

Much Love



Neither South Korean nor Japanese leaders commit to visit with 'comfort women' deal ... - Duration: 2:21.

There are no plans for President Moon Jae-in to drop by Japan before the PyeongChang Winter


Tokyo refused to confirm whether the global games will get a visit from Prime Minister

Shinzo Abe.

The main reason for their stance: the ongoing review of a landmark deal on Japan's sexual

enslavement of Korean women.

Kwon Jang-ho explains.

Seoul's foreign minister, Kang Kyung-wha, confirmed that so far there are no plans for

President Moon to visit Japan before the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, which start in

two months time.

Wrapping up her own two-day trip to Tokyo, Kang told reporters on Wednesday that although

it could be considered, there has been no such talk within the administration, and in

fact the President is prioritising a trilateral meeting with China and Japan first.

She stressed that although it's better for President Moon to visit Tokyo sooner rather

than later, he has to consider the other things in his schedule.

Meanwhile, Tokyo has also refused to confirm whether Prime Minister Shinzo Abe would be

coming to PyeongChang next February.

President Moon invited Abe during a call in November, and Foreign Minister Kang extended

that invitation when she met the Prime Minister on Tuesday, but on both occasions Tokyo has

said the invitation is being considered.

What both parties seem to be waiting for is the results of a review on the landmark agreement

that was reached between Seoul and Tokyo two years ago on the issue of Japan's sexual enslavement

of Korean women during World War II.

The December 2015 agreement was meant to draw a line under the issue, but after criticism

from members of the public and the surviving victims themselves, the Moon administration

launched a task force in July to review the deal.

Those results come out on December 27th, and are expected to contain strong criticism on

how the agreement was reached.

Such a review is not likely to go down well in Tokyo, which has repeatedly said the deal

is final and that Seoul should carry out its terms.

However, Kang is said to have informed Tokyo that the results of the review would be separate

from the administration's policy on the issue, and that further input from the victims, scholars

and civic groups would be considered before a final stance is taken.

She also revealed that Seoul will inform Tokyo of the results of the review before they are

announced next week, as a matter of, quote, 'diplomatic courtesy'.

Whether this will be enough to appease Japan and avoid a break down in the relationship

remains to be seen.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Neither South Korean nor Japanese leaders commit to visit with 'comfort women' deal ... - Duration: 2:21.


Bangla Funny Jokes | আমি তোর বাপ হিরো আলম | Bangla Cartoon Funny Video | Matha Nosto Jokes - Duration: 1:41.


Bangla Cartoon Funny Video | Matha Nosto Jokes

For more infomation >> Bangla Funny Jokes | আমি তোর বাপ হিরো আলম | Bangla Cartoon Funny Video | Matha Nosto Jokes - Duration: 1:41.


LetterSchool handwriting Numbers 1 to 10 app Cursive Zaner Bloser vs Normal D'Nealian Orange - Duration: 13:05.

LetterSchool handwriting Numbers 1 to 10 app Cursive Zaner Bloser vs Normal D'Nealian Orange

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting Numbers 1 to 10 app Cursive Zaner Bloser vs Normal D'Nealian Orange - Duration: 13:05.


VLOG: ดังโงะขนมน่ารัก เหมาะกับการไปถ่ายรูป // ZUMSWORLD10 - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> VLOG: ดังโงะขนมน่ารัก เหมาะกับการไปถ่ายรูป // ZUMSWORLD10 - Duration: 6:04.


シアンYoutube]韓国男性の恐怖ゲーム挑戦 - Layers of Fear - Duration: 1:05:32.

For more infomation >> シアンYoutube]韓国男性の恐怖ゲーム挑戦 - Layers of Fear - Duration: 1:05:32.


Reiki with the Flower of Life Energy - Duration: 10:58.

Hi everyone, this is Lourdes

This ready video is going to carry the energy of the Flower of Life. Here's the flower of life and

it just keeps multiplying and multiplying and multiplying, and that's it in the most simplest terms

Energetically it has a very special vibration to me. It's the energy of the universe. It grows and enhances

anything I am doing. It fills it with this

universal love and that's one of the best ways of describing it for me. I

make a lot of my grids on this pattern.

I'll do prosperity grids because I could see it just multiplying multiplying

But I also do it for love because I want it to flower or to open and grow and nurture it.

So there are many books on it, and I suggest if you want to learn more about it. Please check them out

But for now if you want to experience the energy through Reiki

please you know just sit back and relax

and let the Reiki flow to you, If you're new always check out my frequently asked questions playlist

There's a link to it above my head and in the description box. If you're ready sit back, here it goes

Thank you for watching this video for more information on my Reiki sessions, services, and classes please check out my website

Or the description box. You

can also find me on social media platforms like Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram all with the same name. If

you're on YouTube

please look at the community tab the community tab will have reiki infused photos and occasional poll and videos

exclusive just to the people who go to the community section.

Please subscribe to my channel and

when you subscribe, check out the notifications buttons

which is usually a tab that has a little bell on it and that can let you control how often you receive notifications. If

you would also like to receive free Reiki, please subscribe to my newsletter.

There is also going to be a link to it in the description box.

In my newsletter

I will offer usually

every month or every two months Reiki for free. All you have to do is sign up it.

There'll be instructions in the newsletter,

exclusive video and information updates about maybe the energy what's happening and what we need to know

Thank you very much, and if you have any questions. Let me know bye. Bye

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