Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

Hug me darling, show your love to me

And spread that energy

Repeat that you love me

See, this black sea's watching me with full of jealousy

It wants to swallow me

But hey, why should I be afraid

When I know that you'll stay with me till the end

I'm in love with a girl, she loves rock n' roll

She was born when Kurt died, it was in 94

And I guess that I'm blessed cause she loves me too

Hope I'm never gonna break her heart in two

And the way that she moves makes me lose my place

She gets me high every time with her angel's face

I'm in love with a girl, she is rock n' roll

And the way that I felt I've never ever felt before

Felt before

Kiss me darling, Give life to me

To my wizened lips

A kiss that I will miss

Swear that you'll never swear to another man

Yeah, I know that you can

But hey, why should I be afraid

When I know that you'll stay with me till the end

I'm in love with a girl, she loves rock n' roll

She was born when Kurt died, it was in 94

And I guess that I'm blessed cause she loves me too

Hope I'm never gonna break her heart in two

And the way that she moves makes me lose my place

She gets me high every time with her angel's face

I'm in love with a girl, she is rock n' roll

And the way that I felt I've never ever felt before

I'm in love with a girl, she loves rock n' roll

She was born when Kurt died, it was in 1994

And I guess that I'm blessed cause she loves me too

Hope I'm never gonna break her heart in two

Oh the way that she moves makes me lose my place

She gets me high every time with her angel's face

I'm in love with a girl, she is rock n' roll

I'm in love with a girl, she loves rock n' roll

She was born when Kurt died, it was in 94

And I guess that I'm blessed cause she loves me too

Hope I'm never gonna break her heart in two

And the way that she moves makes me lose my place

She gets me high every time with her angel's face

I'm in love with a girl, she is rock n' roll

For more infomation >> Nemra - Born in 94 (Official Video) - Duration: 4:56.


Book Spine Spell | 7 Days of HP Giveaways [CC] - Duration: 1:34.

[festive music plays]

Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy. Happy Bookmas.

I'm shooting this really quickly in my staff break room before anyone else comes to work.

Today I am doing the Book Spine Spell Challenge for the 7 Days of Harry Potter Giveaways.

The challenge is simple: take a book, take it's spine, take the letters on that spine,

rearrange them to make a spell that would have something to do with the book you've picked.

For this challenge, I grabbed this very loved copy of Fangirl off the shelf at work.

I've rearranged Fangirl to Nafrigl.

And when this spell is uttered, you get an extra hour before your deadline is due.

I mean, honestly, who couldn't use this one?

I'm pretty proud of how my spell turned out.

Would you have rearranged these letters any differently?

Let me know down in the comments below. On they day to the comments, if you hit that

Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.

You can like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you tomorrow for more Bookmas. Bye!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Book Spine Spell | 7 Days of HP Giveaways [CC] - Duration: 1:34.


Visiting the highest waterfall in Colombia - Miguel in Bogotá - Duration: 15:52.

For more infomation >> Visiting the highest waterfall in Colombia - Miguel in Bogotá - Duration: 15:52.


Ağaçkakan - Betamaks (Live @Babylon) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Ağaçkakan - Betamaks (Live @Babylon) - Duration: 3:30.


La maravillosa habilidad de Arjen Robben para simular faltas | Qué Momento | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> La maravillosa habilidad de Arjen Robben para simular faltas | Qué Momento | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 2:51.


Christmas Calendar Countdown Day 3 — Light the first candle - Duration: 1:23.

hi everybody this is Andreas from off grid Sweden if

you haven't been here before I want to welcome you for the first time on this

channel I show you things that we do on the homestead tips and tricks review

stuff related to home studying and off your living and also videos like this

one if you haven't subscribed please do so if you like the content and you will

get notified on new content now back to the topic of this video today we light

the first candle this is the beginning of the journey towards Christmas don't

forget that Christmas isn't all about gifts it's about spending time together

with your family and friends you love

if you haven't subscribed already do so by clicking down there on the Swedish

flag and then you can also click on the little bell icon up there and then

you'll get notified when I put out new videos and if you want to watch another

video I got one over there for you

For more infomation >> Christmas Calendar Countdown Day 3 — Light the first candle - Duration: 1:23.



For more infomation >> ИДЕАЛЬНОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ ДЛЯ ПЕРЕШИВА СТАРОЙ ДУБЛЕНКИ - Duration: 20:20.


DEAMN - Hypnotized - Duration: 3:19.

DEAMN - Hypnotized

For more infomation >> DEAMN - Hypnotized - Duration: 3:19.


The ViV | ضربت الودع ملقتش صاحب جدع - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> The ViV | ضربت الودع ملقتش صاحب جدع - Duration: 6:01.


¿Cómo y dónde nació el #Nofuepenal? | Qué Momento | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo y dónde nació el #Nofuepenal? | Qué Momento | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 6:17.


Interview with Barbara Soltysinska - IndaHash - Duration: 6:01.

Barbara, grazie per l'invito, sono contento di essere qui

perchè il tutto è stato veramente ben organizzato ed ho apprezzato l'esperienza in generale

Grazie mille, grazie per aver accettato.

A questo punto, questa è una ICO che arriva da una società che ha già costruito il suo nome

che è già ben conosciuta, è in qualche modo qualcosa di diverso rispetto a quello che siamo abituati a vedere nel campo delle crypto.

La mia domanda è: ora avete deciso di entrare nelle crypto ed utilizzare un token

è abbastanza ovvio il perchè,

ma come mai avete scelto di crearne uno nuovo? Invece di utilizzarne

uno esistente, forse non Bitcoin perchè ne conosciamo le difficoltà, ma magari un altro.

E' davvero una buona domanda.

Prima di tutto noi vogliamo creare la Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers.

E' anche legato alla volatilità.

Per questo abbiamo preferito avere il nostro token, che possa riflettere la crescita della nostra azienda

E la crescita nel mercato degli influencers in generale.

Per esempio, comparando i quadrimestri di quest'anno con quelli del precedente.

La crescita è stata quasi del 300%

e il valore del mercato degli influencers

è previsto essere tra i 5 e i 10 milioni per il 2020

Quindi vogliamo che questa particolare cryptocurrecy, IndaHash, possa rifletterlo.

Quindi per collegare l'immagine dell'azienda

a qualcosa creato in questo settore (crypto), che cresce sempre di più.

Sì, ed anche per essere La Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers, allo stesso tempo.

Per essere identificati anche lì con quel nome

e non essere associati a qualcosaltro di già esistente. Ha senso.

L´altra domanda è..Non so se puoi rispondere, ma..

molti spettatori si chiedono quando verrà listata su qualche exchange,

se già avete contatti con qualche grande exchange e come sarà pianificato il post ICO.

La nostra roadmap è Dicembre-Gennaio, quindi alla fine di Gennaio vogliamo essere listati (su Exchanges).

Non posso rilasciare più dettagli.

Quindi ci sono già dei piani o dei contratti fatti?

Non posso rilasciare niente, ma vogliamo essere listati per la fine di Gennaio.

Ok, è questa è ancora più difficile da rispondere..

Ora il prezzo di acquisto per la prima settimana della ICO è

per 1 Ether avremo 3840 IndaHash tokens (IDH)

Questo è calcolato per essere il 20% in più rispetto a quello che si avrebbe nelle fasi finali della ICO.

Quindi, come sempre è un bonus e un vantaggio arrivare nelle fasi iniziali.

Esatto, perchè la prima settimana c'è il 20% di bonus. La seconda il 10% e nell'ultima nessuno.

Quindi, avete qualche attesa sui numeri o qualche cifra che prevedete di raggiungere?

Questa è un azienda ed un progetto a lungo termine,

la vedo così perchè questa è un'azienda consolidata e non una di quelle ICO

che pompano parecchio solo all'inizio,

ma è qui per starci (a lungo).

Quindi la domanda è se avete un'idea dei numeri che volete raggiungere, ad esempio tra un anno.

Sicuramente abbiamo dei piani. Vogliamo continuare a crescere. In realtà non posso dire di più..

ma abbiamo una roadmap nel nostro whitepaper. Vogliamo aprirci a nuovi mercati.

posizionare nuovi uffici in altre zone.

vogliamo introdurre le funzionalità di pagamento,

vogliamo implementare IndaHash coin per la fine del primo trimestre del prossimo anno.

Quindi entro Marzo 2018.

Vogliamo anche dare la possibilità agli influencers di creare i loro tokens per ripagare i followers.

Abbiamo tanti piani, direi che è abbastanza intenso.

E penso che la differenza principale è che abbiamo un business che già funziona, una app che funiona,

abbiamo un team, che hai incontrato oggi per la gran parte.

Quindi ci sono tante cose su cui noi abbiamo già lavorato.

Non è solo un white paper, ma c'è un business già funzionante a cui vogliamo fornire un token.

E riguardo all'Italia?

Abbiamo una campagna in Italia.

non lo sapevo.

Sì, sì, abbiamo due campagne (pubblicitarie) già attive in Italia.

Quindi è già nei piani di espandersi, ma questo è anche dimostrato dal fatto che io sono qui!

Queste erano le domande che volevo farti.

Giusto un paio e non di più perchè ho già avuto modo di visionare l'azienda e tutto il resto.

Sembra tutto ben consolidato e mi è piaciuto ciò che ho avuto modo di vedere.

"Grazie mille!"

For more infomation >> Interview with Barbara Soltysinska - IndaHash - Duration: 6:01.


OVERWATCH !!! تجرية Blizzard World !! ومبرسي - Duration: 22:07.

For more infomation >> OVERWATCH !!! تجرية Blizzard World !! ومبرسي - Duration: 22:07.


Funny!!! Indonesians Reading Polish - Globe in the Hat #9 - Duration: 5:11.

Test! One.. Two..

So difficult


Difficult for my tongue

Polish language is far different than Indonesia, for sure

The point is that I'm happy and I have experience of reading Polish

Good morning!

I'm Anggoro

And I live in Indonesia

For more infomation >> Funny!!! Indonesians Reading Polish - Globe in the Hat #9 - Duration: 5:11.


ГОРТАННОЕ ВИБРАТО JESSIE J :: Как петь красиво Not My Ex :: Вокальные упражнения - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> ГОРТАННОЕ ВИБРАТО JESSIE J :: Как петь красиво Not My Ex :: Вокальные упражнения - Duration: 8:29.


Вышивка крестом: Похождения кота Василия фирма Золотые Ручки - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Вышивка крестом: Похождения кота Василия фирма Золотые Ручки - Duration: 3:22.


Wonder Woman trailer EXCEPT there's no Wonder Woman - Duration: 1:17.

In a world where men are fighting other men. DC Comics presents WW2: The Movie.

For more infomation >> Wonder Woman trailer EXCEPT there's no Wonder Woman - Duration: 1:17.


Hannover tamed, FC Bayern focus turns to Paris Saint-Germain - Duration: 1:12.

Training on Sunday at the Säbener Straße, the day after Bayern

posted a merited 3-1 victory at home to Hannover in an incident-packed Bundesliga encounter.

The stars can now turn their mental focus completely to Paris Saint-Germain -

Jupp Heynckes and his men contest the last and certainly most intriguing Champions League fixture of the season so far on Tuesday.

The objective is clear-cut. In the midweek showdown at the Allianz Arena,

FC Bayern are determined to send out a message of intent to all their European rivals. They face a team acclimatising to the unusual sensation

sensation of defeat as PSG were beaten in a competitive fixture for the first time this season

on Saturday against Racing Strasbourg – not particularly good timing ahead of the top-billing clash in Munich.

Before the serious stuff on Tuesday, Heynckes seized the opportunity for some time with the fans

fans as part of the traditional annual round of Fan Club visits.

Timed to take place on Advent Sunday, the boss met the Rollwagerl ´93 e.V. wheelchair users' fan club.

It was of course the calm before the storm – specifically the Champions League clash with PSG.

For more infomation >> Hannover tamed, FC Bayern focus turns to Paris Saint-Germain - Duration: 1:12.


Whatever Happened To Susan Boyle? - Duration: 3:19.

In 2009, 47-year-old Susan Boyle stood on the stage of Britain's Got Talent and told

host Simon Cowell,

"I'm trying to be a professional singer."

Fast forward to nearly a decade later, and she's living her dream.

But what's this millionaire songstress been up to since she went viral, sold a ton of

records, and became a household name?

Here are a few reasons she might be shying from the spotlight.

Behind the scenes

In an exclusive with The Daily Mail, Boyle said she feels safest on stage, but admits

her Asperger's can make things difficult off-stage.

Boyle's vocal coach, Yvie Burnette, told the BBC that Boyle experiences performance anxiety,


"She always fears she's going to fail, she fears that people won't like her singing anymore."

"People are loving her singing, she just wants to hold on to that and have everyone still

love it, and love it forever."

But contrary to her fears, those fans aren't going anywhere.

In 2014, Boyle's net worth was estimated at $33 million — and she continues to rake

in the royalties, thanks to being owner of her three music management firms.

Perhaps another reason why we don't see much of her is that she's so busy behind the scenes.

A victim of bullying

Bullying has been a part of Boyle's life since childhood — and it continues today.

In July of 2017, the Daily Mail reported that some teens were following Boyle near her home.

She shared,

"They have been shouting at me, taunting, saying vile things, swearing.

And on one occasion they were throwing things at the bus I was sitting on."

She admitted to crying over the familiar feelings from being bullied as a child.

But she now sees things from a compassionate perspective.

She says,

"I'm all about giving people a chance and the opportunity to see right from wrong.

That doesn't mean I'm a pushover."

All for her fans

Speaking with the Daily Mail about taking some time off, Boyle stressed the importance

of her fan base when it comes to choosing the next steps in her singing career, saying

she doesn't want to let them down.

She also claims she's not even close to retiring, and says,

"They will have to chase me off this world with a whip.

In my book, 'retirement' is a dirty word."

Piano lessons

Boyle's time has been taken up by more than just singing.

According to The Scottish Sun, Boyle has been taking piano lessons since 2012, with the

goal of being able to play on her own records.

In 2014, the singer even surprised fans by playing keyboard while singing "Who I was

Born to Be."

As her spokesman shared with Edinburgh Evening News,

"Susan loves to surprise people.

She had been determined to perform this song on the tour."

Managing her health

In recent years, Boyle has stepped back into the spotlight with a new outlook on her health.

As reported by The Sun, doctors told the star in 2014 that she needed to lose weight due

to her Type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

Boyle took this seriously, and has lost nearly 30 pounds already.

She revealed her simple weight loss secret, telling The Mirror,

"I been doin' a lot of walkin', a lot of exercise, and I haven't been eatin' any bad foods anymore."

Worried about money

Although Boyle has achieved major success, she still appears to be waiting for the other

shoe to drop.

The star told The Sunday Post that before Britain's Got Talent, when her mother passed

away, Boyle couldn't afford to pay her bills.

But these days, Boyle has her eyes on the prize.

She said,

"My goals are simple now.

To have good friends and family around me and enjoy some of the money I have earned

within reason and ensure I never have to worry about paying my gas and electric again."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Whatever Happened To Susan Boyle? - Duration: 3:19.


Jak odnowić felgi. Tanio szybko i na lata - Duration: 17:45.

How to renew your rims. Cheap quickly and for years. Have I come through a series of double varnish for us?

rubbing wire brushes and we can do something very cool at home, that is, renew our steel rims.

That's what skoda looks like on nicely made steel rims.

All our work will take us about 30-60 minutes, a little space and we operate.

We work like this through the effect of being, lasting, professional, and for years

and also cheap :)

For today's work we need: chalk or concealer, flat screwdrivers, primer, black lacquer, wairtarka, hard wire covers and mints

Papers abrasive gradation from 120 to 180. What to wash before our work and glasses for nothing happened.

a few pieces of paper or paper tape to not paint his tires

we wash everything together with the tire, to make a break where our bolders were (remember by returning to your places!)

Unscrew all of the vices in one place, clean everything with a wire brush, watch out for the valve!

After each cleaning you will remove all the years like most of the dryer you can from it. Manually remove the appropriate elements while working on grinding.

The rim is up to the next step, gloves and glasses absolutely necessary.

We work for important cooldowns and make it look good.

It starts to look :) - we work with a soft brush

we reach a heavy place with a screwdriver

we are cleaning up with a hard brush!

it walks by just as you see here

the interior can work on hand paper 80.

I went through 120 and 200 again.

a lot of redhead? really? :)

the whole is degreased with gasoline, we do not regret the means until the cloth is dust free!

We protect our opposition from painting, paper or tape

and now, overlapping the fan curtain, I recommend this product: D, put on the trousers so that nothing will blend.

we wait until it dries, we read what is at work. We can warm up our team slightly and apply slowly.

The effect of satisfied content satisfied for the

Attaching weights, determines how to exert pressure, and hammer another thing into place.

My story for a moment that the rim is too badly damaged

working time not counting drying 20-30 minutes.

summary, which you add, let me know in the comments. In this time we will secure the alloy wheels :)

we spent little, so it's probably a nice effect

the effect of working with such on such

which you want to try yourself, we have prepared sets with papers and other necessary things.

thanks for watching, subscribe and see you;)

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