Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 3 2017

(YOLO Inn)


My feet are all dirty from working the fields.

What are you doing?

I'm going to wash my feet.

Goodness... I'll wash them for you.

Why are you doing this?

These feet worked the fields

to send our kids to college.

That tickles. Stop it.

- Come here. / - Oh, stop it.

If you keep moving, I'll kiss your feet.

- Stop it. / - Come here.

Stop it.

- That's it. I'm kissing your feet. / - Dear!

I said to stop it!

Oh, I didn't hit him right. Let's try another take...

I said to stop it!

Dear, are you okay?

I'm fine.

- I'm sorry, dear. / - You think I'd be alright?

- Oh, gosh... / - Grandpa!


What is it?

Why are you here?

Grandpa, do you know what this is?

What's this?

A corn dog, a steamed bun, a rice cake skewer.

A corn dog, a steamed bun, a rice cake skewer?

Do you know what this is then?

Age spots.

- No, it's a boiled... / - Boiled age spots.

Boiled age spots?

I'm going to get sulky.

See? I told you he doesn't act his age.

He's so lame.

Why are you here?

Grandpa, one for $1. Please buy one.

What? Sweet potatoes?

- Hot, hot... / - Do you have $2?

- I have $2. / - Good.

We'll take 2.

- Thank you! / - Here.

- Thank you. / - Hot, hot!

Hey. These aren't hot at all.

See? He can still feel with his hands.


There's nothing in here.

It's $1 for the foil.

I never once said they were sweet potatoes.

Use them for grilling meat on.

- We made $2! / - You brats!

Dear, don't get so angry.

Dear, apples are in season these days.

- I bought some apples. / - Apples?

- You like apples. / - I'll wash them.

No need. I'll wash them here.

- That's from... / - Don't they look good?

Didn't you wash something else in that?

What are you talking about?

They sure look good.

Here, eat the apple.

No, no. Eat it fresh. Don't wipe it off.


You have to eat it like this. Nice and fresh.

I bought these from Garak Market.

Not Feet Market?

Why would you say that?

- How is it? / - Yummy.


I'll leave these here, so enjoy.

Right. You like rice wine.

I brought rice wine.

You brought rice wine?

- Here. / - Alright.

- A drink for the two of us. / - It looks good.

- Thank you. / - Hold on.

Is someone badmouthing me?

Badmouthing you? Nobody's badmouthing you.

Hold on! You need to stir rice wine.

- What's this? / - Rice wine.

I see earwax floating in here.

It's rice wine.

- I'm not drinking this. / - Drink it. You like alcohol.

- I can't handle alcohol. / - I said to drink it.

Now I'm too offended to drink this.

I ate your apple!

Is it about to rain?

Gosh... Better get out my umbrella.

Hold on. All these umbrellas are busted.


- Hello, sir. / - Hello.

It sure is pouring outside.

Go inside where it's warm.

- Alright. / - Okay.

Hey! Rice wine!

Sir, could I have some?

Sure. Drink this one.


I'm getting tipsy!

- It's bitter. / - It's bitter?

There's an apple!

Honey, you can have this as a chaser.

You're the best, honey.

Wash it first.

Thank you for washing it!

That looks delicious.

- Yummy! Thank you! / - Thank you.

Why are there so many flies?

A frog.

Here. Eat the fly.



Big trouble, sir.

What's going on?

I slipped and fell on the rainy street.

Oh, that was a close one.

You sure are strong, young man.

This is good exercise.

- Honey. / - Yeah?

My clothes are all wet from the rain.

What if you catch a cold? You should get changed.

You'd better not peek.


Honey, I feel like someone else is watching!

Who's watching?

- I'm sorry. / - How did you hurt yourself?

I'm sorry.

It's just the old man eating flies.

- Stop joking around. / - I wasn't.

Honey, I don't think I brought a change of clothes.

What should we do?

Alright, you can borrow my clothes.

- Thanks, honey. / - Sure.

Dear, what are you doing?

The can-can!

What are you all doing?

For more infomation >> YOLO Inn | 욜老 민박 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 5:57.


Probleme cu Rezolutia - Duration: 3:39.

8:49AM. I woke a really late today.

I was really tired after the last 6 days.

Today is my day off.

I'm gonna start the day by doing some Close Captioning.

I want to translate my YouTube videos in English.

I'm gonna start doing some manual Close Captioning

It's gonna take some time because it is not generated automaticaly.

It doesn't work yet for Romanian.

I have a lot of friends that asked about some kind of translation. They would want to know what's this all about.

On High Sierra,

my Youtube videos are looking perfect.

I'm checking

and the footage streams perfectly, with any problems whatsoever.

Minimized or Full Screen there is no issue.

Let me show you

On my Macbook pro, when it is minimized, for some reason it is pixelated.

It looks awful, disgusting.

Let me show you. Here is the image. It seems ok.

But pay attention at the screen.

Look at this footage here. I don't know if you can see it but it's awful.

It's really pixelated.

When I'm hitting Full-Screen mode, it's perfect allover again.

It's gonna take me 10-15 minutes to get there.

I'm gonna send you the directions right now, ok?

That's it!

Music: Stra_ja :

Listen to the exhaust..

Going quiet at 40mph.

That's the park.

There's the runway and the airport. Right on that side.

Whatcha doin' buddy?

Omnomnom French Fries :)

...I promise you..Wait! Why are you hitting me?! Haha..

For more infomation >> Probleme cu Rezolutia - Duration: 3:39.


NCT MARK "RUNNING 2 U" Compilation - Duration: 2:04.


i deeply apologize

For more infomation >> NCT MARK "RUNNING 2 U" Compilation - Duration: 2:04.


We Have Upgraded To A New Cosmic Frequency - Duration: 6:44.

We Have Upgraded To A New Cosmic Frequency

All of 2017 has been packed full of upgrades.

There are no certain amounts of Gateways, Downloads, Upgrades or Waves that happen at

any given year or time.

They can and do happen at any time and many times when least expected.

As the years go by since 2012 the upgrades have become increasingly stronger for longer

periods of time with less let up or rest time inbetween.

More and more are awakening to the LIGHT, The TRUTH and their authentic selves.

We have lots of cosmic helpers in this process, all of our passed on loves ones, our spirit

guides which are many times ascended masters, the Creator, the Angels and the ET benevolent

beings of Light that are making this shift with us.

This shift is one that is fueled by the Divine Feminine of Nature, Nurture, Love, Creation,

Compassion and Deep Connections to the other worlds, other dimensions and other timelines.

The Feminine has been called to rise for some time but it has taken years for this calling

to come into full effect.

The amount of darkness that has had to be sifted through and transformed has been a

phenomenal feat just on it�s own.

As darkness has run wild unchecked for eons now, the Creator has called, enough� it

is time to go back to the old ways of Love and Ascend beyond this Reality.

This reality has been off track, it has been our mission to now get back on the track we

should be on.

As we make this process we will be confronted with all things that do not match who we really


Who we really are is pure Love, Light and Pure Divine Spirit.

Many aspects of the underworld will come to the surface for us to process and for those

new to this process they will have to face even more.

Those of us that have been in this Ascension process for some time have found ourselves,

come clean with ourselves and have merged with our authentic selves.

Even though we have been through a tremendous amount of upgrades already we will still be

tested time and time again.

What takes place as these Light Codes come in to upgrade us is we will no longer be able

to hold any space of inauthenticity.

These are the the tests that unfold.

This aspect will not feel good if we are forced to revert back to it.

We will be forced at times because in this revealing process of accessing our true self,

others will not understand who we are becoming.

Do not blame yourself for falling backwards in this process, it will happen again and

again until we are strong enough to represent our True Light Body as the Spirit we really

are and have become through the years of transformation.

Be kind to yourself as you go through these many processes and years of transformations.

We literally are not the same person as we were the day before.

Give yourself the freedom to transform each day in any way that presents itself.

Make the most of each upgrade, download and new timeline that appears.

Give yourself permission to evolve and flow with the changes that are happening.

We must be fluid like reality and be free to transform as the changes come in for us

and make themselves known.

These changes will happen eventually for everyone.

Yet everyone is not all on the same track or timeline.

Some are further ahead and some have just begun but we will all end up together going

through the final Ascension together.

You will find the old dysfunctional ways no longer work, so don�t try and force them.

Relax into the new way of being and learn how to embrace change.

Change typically has not been easy for humans but now is the time we must embrace changes

day in and day out.

We must look forward to all of these changes as they take place as they bring us all home

ultimately to our Authenic selves.

The past few weeks intense changes for all of humanity has taken place and we have again

entered into a new timeline.

This new timeline is one of more authenticity and more connection to the Divine.

These changes in timelines always come with the some of the same symptoms and now they

come with the Mandela effect in full force.

The Mandela Effect brings in new timelines as other timelines are dropped off and relooped.

As I said in my last article I call this timeline looping.

This timeline looping brings with it skipped and missing time.

This is not the regular time of the 3D world but actual missing time when you look at your

clock at it says one time and then 5 minutes later 25 minutes may have passed.

I have noticed in all these years of tracking timeline changes these sequences often happen

in 20 minute intervals for me, so watch for this in your own life.

As these time loops take place reality resets all of us into a better timeline and the old

one is dropped away.

You may experience more psychic connections during these times, feeling more connected

to the Divine Creator and have more synchronicities taking place.

These are all things that happen to me during every timeline shift that occurs.

As these new frequencies take hold there is more left over of the new reality than of

the discarded one and each new timeline works this way.

Each time we have more of an advanced timeline to hold on to.

Look for psychic experiences to show you the way through these timelines.

We are entering the realms of Light and Transformation where anything is possible.

So look for this when noticing timeline changes.

They must have a psychic or paranormal component.

Since this is my life it is relatively easy for me to notice when a timeline change occurs.

As we move into the higher realms we experience more bliss and complete oneness with Unity

and Love.

This happens because the higher realms exist in this field of PURE Love.

To be able to feel this bliss we must work through all that does not serve us and discard

all the ways we have learned that are out of alignment with who we really are.

As we evolve we have more access to everything in every reality.

This is our future and what we are striving for.

For more infomation >> We Have Upgraded To A New Cosmic Frequency - Duration: 6:44.


ហោរាសាស្រ្ត ប្រចាំថ្ងែ អាទិត្យ ទី​ ០៣ ខែ ធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ ២០១៧, khmer horoscope 2017​ ​- ByOkideMedia - Duration: 12:54.

For more infomation >> ហោរាសាស្រ្ត ប្រចាំថ្ងែ អាទិត្យ ទី​ ០៣ ខែ ធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ ២០១៧, khmer horoscope 2017​ ​- ByOkideMedia - Duration: 12:54.


Kinna Sona | Punjabi Folk Songs | Live Performance by Sahil Syndicate | USP TV - Duration: 3:53.

O kinna sohna tainu

Rabb ne banaya

O kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

Jee kare vekhda ravan

Kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

O kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

Kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

Jee kare vekhda ravan

Kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

Dil mudh da nai lakh samjhaya

O dil mudh da nai lakh samjhaya

Jee kare vekhda ravan

Kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

Pyaar tera ae jindari meri

Karni aan main pooja teri

O pyaar tera ae jindari meri

Karni aan main pooja teri

Tainu dil wale sheeshe ch vasaya

Tainu akhiyan de vich main vasaya

Jee kare vekhda ravan

Kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

O pyaar tera ae jindari meri

Karni aan main pooja teri

Pyaar tera ae jindari meri

Karni aan main pooja teri

Tainu akhiyan de vich main vasaya

Tainu akhiyan de vich main vasaya

Jee kare vekhda ravan

Kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

O kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

Kinna sohna tainu rabb ne banaya

For more infomation >> Kinna Sona | Punjabi Folk Songs | Live Performance by Sahil Syndicate | USP TV - Duration: 3:53.


The Accent Tag [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 5:09.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

Hey guys, so in today's video I am going to be doing the accent tag. Now if you guys

haven't noticed yet from watching my videos, I do have a bit of an accent. It

might be a bit hard to pick up, but I totally have an accent.

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and particularly on the South Shore we have

quite the unique accent, we kind of sound like Pirates

sometimes. We pronounce our R's weirdly, we go like areee, not r. Actually I

can't even do it properly because I still pronounce it in my accent. So I'm going

to get started, there's I think ten questions in total and then you have to

pronounce about thirty different words. So let's get started. Okay the first

question is - what is it when you throw toilet paper on a house?

we call that tp'ing. Number two - what is the bug that when you touch it, it curls

into a ball? I can't, I don't even know what bug that is. What bug is that? Touch

it and it curls into a ball? A caterpillar? Um, number three - what is

the bubbly carbonated drink called? We call it pop here. Number four - what are

gym shoes called? Sneakers. Number five - What do you

say to address a group of people? Guys, that's usually what I say - if it's a

group of people I usually say guys, even though there is probably girls in there

too. Number six - What do you call the kind of

spider or spider-like creature that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long

legs? We call that a Dandy-Longlegs. Number seven - What do you call your

grandparents? Grampy and Grammy. Number eight - What do you call the wheeled contraption

in which you carry groceries at the supermarket? We call it a cart. Number

nine - What do you call it when the rain falls while the sun is shining? Sun

showers. Number 10 - What is the thing that you change the TV channel with? The

clicker clacker. Okay so, we're going to go on the

part where we pronounce different words. So number One is - 'Water', water,

water. Number Two is 'Sure'. Number Three - 'Data'.

Number Four - 'Ruin'. Number Five - 'Crayon'. Number Six - 'New Orleans'.

Number Seven is - 'Pecan' 'Pacon'. Number Eight - 'Wolf'. Number Nine - 'Again'. Number Ten -

'Probably'. Number Eleven - 'Spitting image' - I think you could really

tell my accent with that one, spittin' image, not spitting image. Number Twelve -

'Alabama'. Number Thirteen - 'Lawyer' 'Loyer' lol. Number Fourteen - 'Coupon'. Number Fifteen -

'Mayonnaise'. Number Sixteen - 'Syrup'. Number Seventeen - 'Pajamas'. Number Eighteen - 'Caught'.

Number Nineteen - 'Naturally'. Number 20 - 'Aluminum'. Number Twenty-one - 'Envelope'.

Number Twenty Two - 'Aunt'. Number Twenty-three - 'Roof'. Number Twenty-four - 'Route' - 'route', you can

really tell my accent with that, people say 'route', we say 'root'. Number

Twenty-five - 'Wash'. Number Twenty-Six - 'Oil'. Number Twenty-seven - 'Theatre'. Number Twenty-eight -

'Iron', you could really tell my accent with that one. It's the 'I's' and 'R''s that

really do it, iron. Number Twenty-nine - Salmon, and Number Thirty - 'Caramel' or

'Caramel'. But yeah that it just a short quick little video for you guys. I do

have a really bad, like you can definitely tell my accent, especially

when I'm in a lot of pain, I slur my words, and I mumble a bit, and my accent -

when I'm with my sister, becomes much stronger because we're just a bunch of

hicks. And I say my words really quick sometimes. I remember the first

time that I made a vlog and I um, watched back the footage and I couldn't

believe that I had such a strong accent, it's actually pretty weird. I hope

you guys enjoy this quick short little video. In the comments below I'm wanna

know, do you guys have accents? because I',m I guess if we're from it's really not

considered an accent, but to anyone looking, you know, on the outside in it kind

of is an accent. So yeah, I want to know what accents you guys have, whether

you're British, Australian, maybe you're Southern, maybe you're French. So yeah,

Thank you for watching this video, please be sure to give it a thumbs up, subscribe

if you're new. Please be sure to hit the notification button down below to get

notified when I upload new videos. All my social media links will be in the

description below, and I hope to see you guys next time, bye!

[Outro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

For more infomation >> The Accent Tag [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 5:09.



For more infomation >> ЛУЧШИЕ МУЛЬТФИЛЬМЫ ТОП 30 ЧТО ПОСМОТРЕТЬ №3 THE BEST CARTOONS TOP 30 №3 - Duration: 8:45.


Croosh - Dark & Stormy (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:17.

Just enjoy the moment cause I know this shit won't stay see baby you're a free bird and I know you'll fly away don't confuse this with a love song it's more of a kickback sip this drink and catch a buzz song

Dark & Stormy

That's the drink that she bought me, on that Friday afternoon on that Friday afternoon..

Is it the drinks speaking right now or is it just my heart thinking out loud it's hard to tell when you're six shots deep and you just can't win no more no more no more

Just enjoy the moment cause I know this shit won't stay see baby you're a free bird and I know you'll fly away don't confuse this with a love song it's more of a kickback sip this drink and catch a buzz song

Dark & Stormy

That's the drink that she bought me, on that Friday afternoon on that Friday afternoon..

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