Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

For more infomation >> 🔥 [FREE DL] Migos Type Beat | Rap Beat / Trap Instrumental "Expensive" (Prod. Teflon Kwam) - Duration: 3:26.


If Only I Had A Father - Duration: 6:44.

I'm sorry, Sophia. I'm not yet ready.


Has Sophia given birth yet?

Not yet.

Oh... I can't believe she can do such a thing.

How about the father? Do you know him?

Will he support the child?

Mom! Does it even matter?

I'm just worried about the child, Andrei.

You know that I never knew my father.

It had a lot of effect on me when I was young.

Huh? Like what?

I was a very lonely child..

I cried each time my mom went to work.

Without a father figure, it was hard for me to get along with boys.

In school during events...

Everyone had both and mother and father.

I always wished to have a father, just like they do.

As it got older...

My mom had lovers.

She had a few...

But none of her relationships lasted very long.

And then the worst thing happened to me...

I was at home, alone with that creep.

My mother's last suitor.

It's hard for me to say this...

These were the darkest times in my life.

I don't ever want to remember what happened.


If only I had a father to keep me safe.

Then it wouldn't have happened.

I always felt unwanted and damaged.

I had a hard time trying to fit in. And I was being bullied.

I hated myself. I lost my will to live.

And due to my lack of motivation

My performance in school was affected.

I felt like a disappointment to my mom.

She struggled to earn just to provide for me.

She never had a relationship again to protect me and be there for me.

She was a willing, to sacrifice everything for me.

But my father...

He decided not, to show himself.

He had a choice.

If only I had a father, then none of the bad things in the past would have happened

I... I didn't know.

It's hard, that's why I'm concerned.

I don't want any child to experience what I've been through.

Every parent is responsible for their child.

If the parent chooses to be selfish...

The child is the one who suffers.

I'm sorry I brought that up.

It's alright, mom.

Um... May I be excused?

Okay, Andrei.


Yes, right inside.


Sophia, I'm sorry.

Sophia. I'm really sorry.

Please, give me another chance.

Stop crying you big baby.

I forgive you.

I'm really sorry for being so selfish.

I swear, I'll make it up to you.

Don't worry.

At least you're here now.

She's going to need a father, you know.


Can I hold her?

As time went by...

I became more determined to study for our child.

I became a better student.

She was the reason why I worked so hard and achieved more than what I could have done.

Well, of course it wasn't easy.

My dad was so upset when he found out about the baby.

I wasn't really ready to be a father yet.

But now that I am, I'm really happy.

She's a blessing for me and Sophia.

I love my child more than anything else in this world.

She gives me happiness that no one else can bring.

I'm just really glad that I didn't abandon her.

For more infomation >> If Only I Had A Father - Duration: 6:44.


TOUT sur l'augmentation mammaire - Duration: 11:02.

For more infomation >> TOUT sur l'augmentation mammaire - Duration: 11:02.


Fases del proceso informático forense - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Fases del proceso informático forense - Duration: 2:17.


EASE: Surgery Update App | #SpinaBifida - Duration: 1:43.

Hey everyone, welcome to #SpinaBifida


Recently I was on Facebook and Arnold Palmer Hospital

shared this article of this app

that people can use while they wait for someone in surgery.

This app is called EASE and the purpose of it is

to ease the stress of someone waiting

for their loved one in surgery.

EASE stands for Electronic Access to Surgical Events.

And it allows doctors or nurses to send families photos,

texts, videos of what's going on in the operating room.

This app is secure and encrypted

which allows it to comply with the HIPAA and HITECH healthcare privacy regulations.

And for more security all texts, photos and videos

expire within 60 seconds after it's been viewed.

Nothing on the app will be saved.

I downloaded the app just to see how it is

and when you open the app you click user agreement

which is basic stuff.

Then it gives you the option to either register as a patient

or I assume if you've recieved a text invitation.

I couldn't really go any further because no one I know

I know right now is having surgery.

But I wanted to show you this app because

I do think this is something worth checking out.

If you have any family or friends that are about to have surgery.

It's a way to keep families calm and up to date

while they're waiting for someone that's in surgery.

Which we all know is very stressful.

Especially because a lot of times doctors and nurses

can't come out to the waiting room to update anyone.

EASE is free for patients, family and friends.

It's paid for and set up by participating hospitals.

Which I think is pretty awesome.

I think if this becomes a success

I would really like to see it used more in waiting rooms

and have more hospitals give this option

to family and friends.

And that's all I have for #SpinaBifida.

Have you used the EASE app?

And what do you think of it?

Thank you for watching and if you like my work

and wanna help support me, the links to my Patreon

and PayPal are down below.

And until next time, bye!

For more infomation >> EASE: Surgery Update App | #SpinaBifida - Duration: 1:43.


LetterSchool handwriting apk w\ Santa Z to A New Year Normal UpperCase letters Multi colored ZYXWVUT - Duration: 30:45.

LetterSchool handwriting apk w\ Santa Z to A New Year Normal UpperCase letters Multi colored ZYXWVUT

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting apk w\ Santa Z to A New Year Normal UpperCase letters Multi colored ZYXWVUT - Duration: 30:45.


Elif Episode 616 - Opening Scene | Season 4 Episode 56 - Duration: 5:09.

Oh, thank the Lord!

Finally, I'll meet Yusuf's precious girl.

I hope she's the girl you're looking for.

How old is she, what does she look like?

Around 7-8 years, a blonde, very pretty girl.

That might be her, Mrs. Macide.

I can only hope, Mustafa, only hope.

This is the room.

But, there's no one here?

How could that be? She was here a minute ago.

Nurse, where's the child?

She was just here!

Are you sure? Could one of you have put her in another room?


No way...

What is her condition?

Is it possible that she ran away on her own?

No, impossible

She was unconscious.

Where is she then?


...did someone came here before us and grabbed her?

I don't know.

We came this close...

Oh no...

-Mrs. Macide? -That cannot happen!

Are you allright, Mrs. Macide?

Are you allright?

If you want, I'll check your blood pressure.

I'm allright, I don't need a thing!

Take care of the child, do something Mustafa!

OK, Mrs. Macide, but first, you feel better.

At least, let me check your blood pressure.

I said that's unnecessary.

My blood pressure jumped for a bit, I guess.

It'll be OK when I get my pill.

Do you have it with you?

There are some in my purse.

I've left it in the car, the meds are in it.

Allright, I'll go get it.

-You stay with her, OK? -Do not worry.

Where is this guy?

What's going on?

Is it Elif, or not?

Well... Mr. Tarık...

What IS going on?

What is it that you're blabbering about?

Answer me!

Mr. Tarık...

Mrs. Macide and Mustafa are here.


They are.

The girl brought to the hospital is gone.

What do you mean she's gone?

They took her, didn't they?

You didn't make it on time, did you?

You couldn't handle this simple thing!

You idiot!

-Mr. Tarık! -Sssh... Come over here.


Go after him,

Mustafa passed through.

...see if he's gone.

He's gone, Mr. Tarık.

What's going on?

You were late, right?

Now they got the girl.

No, Mr. Tarık, it didn't happen how you think.

They're wondering, too.

The girl brought to the hospital...

...she's missing!

No one knows anything

No one knows how it happened.

She just disappeared.



How could that happen?

Bravo Sema, good thing that you thought about checking here!

It's alright little girl, I'm gonna take you home so you can take a proper nap!

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 616 - Opening Scene | Season 4 Episode 56 - Duration: 5:09.


S1 / #1 // Mineheroes skyblock1 // Een nieuw begin! - Duration: 13:03.

Help de vid te vertalen!

For more infomation >> S1 / #1 // Mineheroes skyblock1 // Een nieuw begin! - Duration: 13:03.



For more infomation >> VISITE ATELIER MONTAGE CANNES MTX - Duration: 6:17.


]How to get a hard heart - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> ]How to get a hard heart - Duration: 1:58.


DCS: F-15C FC3 - Radar WVR - Dogfight - AN/APG-63 (V)1 - #7 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 8:34.

Hi and welcome to Revientor Reborn, this is DCS in a F-15 with a camo Mig type

now we´ll speak about the radar dogfight mode, under the webcam you have the key to use today

you can see the previous video to now how to operate the radar

with the radar off, you can also get the dogfight mode on

for example, this is the vertical scan, you got some data in the radar now

from A9 to A39, in theory the vertical scan use 5º under the nose and 55º up the nose

but those number of the radar do not match with my opinion of the altitude to scan

there are a Su27 and you will see how if I put the Su27 in my vertical I get a lock

there is the lock, and you can see the sidewinder is the selected one, I change now to other missile to avoid that sound

in Flood dogfight mode, look the dogfight mode are always at 10 nm, see how it change from normal mode to dogfight

this is the close combat mode, this work just putting the enemy inside the circle

must be over there the target... xD

thee it is, and just lock it, in this mode

in the bore mode like I like to say, the target must be in the small circle, the big one is the missile

ones you have a lock, the radar will follow the target all over it´s coverage, not only vertical or that small circle

depending which missile you have

we can use the FLOOD mode or not, now with the AIM7 selected, I have the flood mode operational, this is a big circle in the HUD,

I have to search for the enemy again... XD

in this mode you will not get a lock, this is a particular mode for the Aim7 to shoot the aim7 without any lock

you have to put the target in that circle , there it is, as you can see there is no lock , my radar now is emitting in that area

and those yellow light means something has been detected in that circle, now we can shoot it and the missile will follow it and the target will never know that you shoot

in that circle could be many target, the Aim7 will select the biggest or the closest one, kind of random

you can see the flood in the radar, only with the aim7, the antenna is stopped

in the other modes, the bore one, you can see the radar say only 13000 feet, but I move my altitude and nothing happens, thas is buggy, in reality the important is the hud view

do not look to much the number in the radar just aim with the hud that is the important thought

when the flood mode is not possible due we have other missile selected, we get other mode, like the bore, it´s autoguns

let me look for the target...

is there, you have to put in the circle also, this could work when many planes are together to aim to specific one

only when inside of that circle

this is kind of weird mode, do not use it xD

it´s better use the vertical mode and keep the lock, each time you change the mode you lose the target lock

this ones are the dogfight mode,only 3, vertical scan, the bore, and autoguns/flood

this was the tutorial, kind of short, in the next video will speak off the AA weapons, and as usual, subscribe, thumbs up, and give a comment, bye bye and be happy

For more infomation >> DCS: F-15C FC3 - Radar WVR - Dogfight - AN/APG-63 (V)1 - #7 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 8:34.


MEMÓRIA TERRENA ALTERADA e os Cristais Átomos Semente - Duration: 17:20.

For more infomation >> MEMÓRIA TERRENA ALTERADA e os Cristais Átomos Semente - Duration: 17:20.


From the League Office | Introducing League Tokens - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> From the League Office | Introducing League Tokens - Duration: 1:45.


ASMR: Reading Hate Comments [CC] | Late to the Trend Kid | ChandlerNWilson - Duration: 7:37.

Hey everyone! Chandler here and I'm late to the trend I still wanted to do this

video though because I thought it would be funny and I decided that I wanted to

start a series called late to the trend kid where I do videos of trends that

have come and gone. Just comment down below if there are some videos that you

would like to see me do, and I thought it would be really funny for the first

video to do the reading hate comments in ASMR. Meghan Tonjes made this video and

it became very very popular to make these videos and I will link a few of my

favorites in the description box down below but I wanted to make one but I

didn't have a microphone and I thought it would be extra weird if I was like

super up close to my camera. So now that I have a microphone I can actually make

this video I'm going to dive right in and delve into the dark dark world of

the held for review youtube comment section. We have the capacity to have

specific words blacklisted that way if this word is in the comment it doesn't

show up in the comment feed and I have a lot of words blacklisted mainly specific

slurs which will not be in this video without further ado here we go. Hey everyone

So what I'm going to be doing today is reading my hate comments in ASMR.

I have my microphone right here and my laptop in front of me.

And I'm going to be telling you what video the comment is from and what the comment says

and just be responding to some of them

On my coming out demiromantic video which

I made years ago this comment says "oh my god you're so naive that's how a normal

relationship works. What's next tumblr? A group for people

who are straight but only develop a romantic attraction to people with the

same eye color as them?"

I don't think you realize that demiromantic means

you don't have any romantic attraction at all

it's not just like "oh I haven't had a crush yet, and I'm

developing a crush." It's literally I feel nothing at all in terms of romantic

attraction at all even a little to anyone ever

at all until a super strong bond has been formed and I mean like being

friends with this person for like five years

this next comment is from my non-binary and transitioning body dysphoria video

that I just recently uploaded and this person says, "I haven't been on your

channel since 2015 and I was curious are you still dating that one girl or are

you completely gay?"

Well welcome back.

No. I'm engaged to someone now.

And I think I've always been completely gay.

So the next comment is from my trans body positivity video so

"So you have a dick or what?" There's nothing down there. I'm like a ken doll.

The next comment is on my non-binary and transitioning video.

"Just because you are androgynous and wanted

broader shoulders etc doesn't mean you are a new gender" I'm not a new

gender. I have no gender. Also, non-binary genders

aren't new. They've always existed. "It's called special snowflake syndrome and

there are only two genders." And to that I say, my friend, transgender means that

your gender identity is not the same as your gender assigned at birth and I

was not assigned agender at birth so therefore I am allowed to claim the

language of trans and you don't get to tell me what I am or what I am not.

So, good discussion. My next comment is also from my trans body positivity video and it

just says "So both of you are confused?" You're right

we are both confused as to why you felt like it was necessary to comment on my

videos. Next comment. The next comment is from my trans kid reacting to old photos

video and it says "I'm confused lol I thought

you were a boy at birth but is trans and gay but this video is saying that you

were a girl at birth now you are trans into a boy and is with a boy"

That's not at all what the video is saying. Like at all.

The next comment is from my what is gender neutral hint everything video.

And it just says "okay STFU

I except transgenders but fuck gender neutrals." Honestly I don't even know what to say

My next comment is from my LGBTQ sex ed video

And it just says "two gay dudes talking about sex hmm"

Neither of us are gay dudes... but thank you.

I'll take that as a compliment. The next comment that I received

is on my what is gender neutral hint everything video and it says

"LMFAO. Remember when we were all little kids and wanted to pretend to be something different.

You know like a police, doctor, astronaut.

I guess some people just don't grow out of it and take it to the next level.

I identify as women's panties."

But are you like... used women's panties?

"So that means I can stick my face in any chick's panties and not get

in trouble."

I don't think that's what that means I think that means that you

are women's panties like already, not that as a person you get to stick your

face in women's panties but okay let's keep reading "and if someone doesn't like

it then I will sue them for hurting my feelings." You don't get to sue people for

hurting your feelings that's not how suing works and also do you really want

to spend thousands of dollars when you're the one who committed a sexual

assault crime? And before I end this video I would just like to say a huge

thank you to all of the "go die" comments and the "go kill yourself" comments.

Thank you. They just warm my heart.

Reading the YouTube comment section is just not complete without

I'm getting emotional.

It's just not complete without a "go fuck yourself" comment.

And I just want to really put that out there

And I just want to thank you for not letting me down this time, YouTube comment section.

Okay, I'm going to go now, but if you liked this video, please like and subscribe.

And check out the other videos that I linked down below in the description

because they are so good.

And I will see you all very soon.

Thanks for watching! Bye!

For more infomation >> ASMR: Reading Hate Comments [CC] | Late to the Trend Kid | ChandlerNWilson - Duration: 7:37.


4# ¿Qué sabe la gente de Turquía? | Yabancılar Türkiye'yi ne kadar tanıyor? - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> 4# ¿Qué sabe la gente de Turquía? | Yabancılar Türkiye'yi ne kadar tanıyor? - Duration: 8:01.


UPGRADE SYSTEM EXPLAINED in 2 MINUTES - Brawl Stars Update - Sneak Peek 1 | December 2017 - Duration: 2:31.

Welcome to today's Brawl Stars video I'm your host Judo Sloth. Today we're

going to explain the brand new upgrade system in just a couple of minutes, if

you find this one helpful make sure to leave a like and subscribe for more

Brawl Stars. So the previous system used elixir, you could use this to upgrade

attack, super or health and each upgrade gave a percentage increase of the base

attack, super or health. So it always went up the exact same value no matter when

you did the upgrade, that is all changed. You now have pins, badges and medals.

These still comprise of health, attack and super, but each time you move up the

ranks, lets use health as an example, you will see that at the bottom there the pins

are only worth a set amount, then as you move to badges they are worth more and

the medals are worth the most amount, these are the legendaries if you will of

the upgrade system. You can get any of these from a Brawl Box. If we move across

to Colt you can see we have the health medal here but we actually haven't got

all of the pins yet, if you want to purchase these in terms of tokens which

you get from brawl boxes as well, you have to upgrade them in order but you might

get lucky and get one of them top ones from the brawl box. Once you have got all

of the pins for a set brawler you can unlock the first crest. This is a massive

boost, you can see the bottom one here for Shelley is health, the middle one is

super, and the top one is attack. Now that gives you an even better boost than the

legendary medal if you will for the attack, health and super, I hope this is

all making sense guys. The final thing of the new upgrade system is the star power.

This is not your super, the super for each character which you gain from

getting attacks within the game will be the same, your star power is a passive

ability that once you have bought all of the pins, badges and medals and all of

the crests, you can then purchase the star power and this

a unique ability for every single brawler. I hope that has explained

the brand new upgrade system to you guys, make sure to leave any other

questions in the comment section but that wraps it all for this one, I've been

your host judo sloth and until next time peace out.

For more infomation >> UPGRADE SYSTEM EXPLAINED in 2 MINUTES - Brawl Stars Update - Sneak Peek 1 | December 2017 - Duration: 2:31.


Some pipeline protesters get fines, community service - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Some pipeline protesters get fines, community service - Duration: 1:32.


How to Draw Cute Apple for Kids🍎 Drawing Fruits. Step by Step Art. DIY Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 5:42.

How to Draw Cute Apple for Kids🍎 Drawing Fruits. Step by Step Art. DIY Coloring Pages for Children

For more infomation >> How to Draw Cute Apple for Kids🍎 Drawing Fruits. Step by Step Art. DIY Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 5:42.


Tens talent trailer - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Tens talent trailer - Duration: 0:38.


I BET YOU WILL LIKE THIS ASMR VIDEO! [SUB ENG] 100K special - Duration: 10:50.

Hi guys! Thank you thank you thank you for being with me today

Today will be a really special video. To be honest, it won't be a single video, but more videos.

I'm not good at talking so i won't be here and make an emotional speech

i just wanted to say that i'm so grateful to have this channel, to have your support and to all of you.

I hope that i can help you to sleep better and better, to relax or just make you smile.

. All this makes me extremely happy,

especially because ( i hope you notice this) i have a strong passion about making these videos, so i'm very grateful.

To show you my gratitude i have 2 things

. The first is that i made a gift to the channel. This zoom h5.

I'm so happy, i dreamed of it for a long time. I hope that the audio is better.

The second way to thank you is this, This is a framework on how this video will be.

I wrote 100k special and at the end of this video you will find 4 mini videos

that will bring you to 4 different videos, that are the most popular type of videos on my channel

I wanted to do this because i wanted a video that would be enjoyed by all of you

It will be a video of unusual mouth sounds, one of tapping no talking , one of pure inaudible whispering and one of "find your trigger" series

They, in turn, will be divided in more video to dedicate an entire video for a single trigger.

These 4 videos will be one of only trtr, one of ticotico, one of zac and one of point

If you will click on tapping no talkig you will have a taste of different objects

then at the end you will find a video of tapping on tascam, one of tapping on a gel bead mask, one tapping on a lemon, and one of tapping on a perfume.

If you will choose the inaudible, first you will have a pure inaudible without sounds

then one with finger fluttering, one with mic brushig and one with tapping on tascam.

The 4 video is a "find your trigger" video with the mic with the ears

because i wanted to make also a more simple and chit chat video in which i will do some trigger. Than you will have 4 options:

one with eating sounds, one with sound of necklace, one with a sweater and one with a wig on the ears

So this is it

Obv i created a playlist in which you will find all the videos , but i hope you will have fun in searching videos

Also, i wanted to say that for the forst 3-4 days i the videos will be NOT monetized

so you can enjoy the videos without worry about loud ads.

Last thing i want to say is simple but important.

If you have a passion for something, launch your self, don't be afraid to fail.

Don't care about judges, just have a lot of patience, passion and perseverance

Ok i will leave you these 4 options and i will write in the infobox all the structure of this video

I give you a big kiss and i thank you from the bottom of my heart,

comment below if you like this idea, maybe i will use this in a roleplay, thank you 

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