Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

Take an Old laptop Battery

Carefully Open It

Open the notch using Screwdriver

Separate each individual 18650 Li-ion cell

Check the Voltage of each cell using multimeter

Discard cells with voltage less than 2.5v

Carefully check the voltage of each Cell

Remove the Solder tabs from cell terminals

Quickly apply some solder at the cell terminals

Apply solder over the solder tabs

Place the Solder tabs over the cells

Connect all the four cells in parallel

Our Battery pack for Powerbank is ready

Mark the dimensions of battery over a cardboard

Make Enclosure box for the powerbank

Fix the Battery pack in the Enclosure

Mark the position of Boost converter

Also, mark position of charging Module

Make slots in enclosure to fit components

Connect a switch to positive terminal of boost converter

Fix all the powerbank components in the enclosure

Solder all the connections

Plug in a USB device to test the powerbank

Mobile charges well with about 500mA of current

Completely seal the enclosure box using hot glue

Our Mobile Powerbank is now ready

The powerbank can be charged with any 5v adapter

Now you know "How to make a Powerbank" at home

Thanks For Watching...

For more infomation >> How to make a Mobile PowerBank - Duration: 4:03.


Real Rap - Richchoi x Vinadu - Baby Im Real - Eminem Da Vàng - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Real Rap - Richchoi x Vinadu - Baby Im Real - Eminem Da Vàng - Duration: 2:21.


How the new driving test can go wrong with a sat nav - Duration: 4:26.

Hi everyone I was just doing a driving lesson a few minutes ago on roundabouts

like this one coming up and a really good example came up of how a sat nav can

totally screw up your driving test. Now, you probably can't see the sat nav at

the moment but it is on. It's on the left corner of the screen, the

windscreen but you probably can't see it. I'm going to show this example

of how it can really make things difficult for you on the driving test

and I know I did make a video a few weeks ago now saying about how it would

make things easier (laughs). It normally would but just look at this example and

see what you think

So checking the left mirror just in case anyone's there, which at the moment there's not. So round and round and round

when you pass this one check that left mirror again, signal, left lane

That's going to confuse a lot of people!

It's the name of the road

Yeah, it's saying on here middle lane

Road but that energy minimalism ever

is not my life is wrong

so come again tomorrow night after 800 yards though right on the

mouth of Texas little thing yeah Izzy's middle Isis

commuter that I would've owned not that so my sneakers on

that's good

so David is my son again that just shows me that pencil yeah hard breaking for

yard they're right on the roundabout and take

the fourth exit light

so chicken - Murchison coils which at the moment so around around around

when you pass this one to check it out though from her again you clean

everything take the exit little lane then you have

reached your destination on your right now it's gonna give you a lot people her

middle height yeah

For more infomation >> How the new driving test can go wrong with a sat nav - Duration: 4:26.


Hastings 3000 - Invasive Species: The Second Wave [OFFICIAL VIDEO] DIRECTOR'S CUT - Duration: 4:57.

(Dogs barking, crickets chirp)

(Alien/devil/robot sounds)

(Electrical disturbance)

(Foreboding music starts)

(T.V.) "Are you ready for your miracle?"

"Yes, I'm looking for my miracle."

The fire becomes the smoke

(T.V.) "Bah, ah, ah shit is crap!"

The breath takes the fire

The rise and fall becomes the breath

(T.V.) "We've got it all here this morning!"

(T.V.) "I have sinned!"

The wind for now, a caress

Fires steal my mind away

They try to steal the words in flames

I begin to lead, a move in the dance

It seems the eyes stay the same

Save me from myself, I have become

I have become

Buildings fall from words

She's behind it all, it's about to fall

What have you become?

A simple guess is your truth

The breath takes the fire

The water washes the fires away

As the wind brings the truth

Again the earth leads a move in the dance

The breath takes the fire

We have become... invasive species

For more infomation >> Hastings 3000 - Invasive Species: The Second Wave [OFFICIAL VIDEO] DIRECTOR'S CUT - Duration: 4:57.


FBI Agents Fire Back At Trump : Saying We Aren't Dedicated Is 'Simply False'. - Duration: 2:05.

FBI Agents Fire Back At Trump : Saying We Aren't Dedicated Is 'Simply False'.

The head of FBI Agents Association (FBIAA) fired back at President Trump's comments

against the bureau on Sunday, saying any suggestion that agents aren't dedicated to their jobs

"is simply false."

"Every day, FBI Special Agents put their lives on the line to protect the American

public from national security and criminal threats.

Agents perform these duties with unwavering integrity and professionalism and a focus

on complying with the law and the Constitution," FBIAA head Thomas O'Connor said in a statement.

"This is why the FBI continues to be the premier law enforcement agency in the world.

FBI Agents are dedicated to their mission; suggesting otherwise is simply false."

Trump tweeted earlier Sunday that the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" after being

lead by former FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump fired in May.

"After years of Comey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more),

running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters - worst in History!

But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness," Trump tweeted.

Comey also shot back at Trump's tweet on Sunday.

Obama Attorney General Eric Holder also hit back at Trump's comments earlier Sunday.


Not letting this go.

The FBI's reputation is not in 'tatters,'" Holder tweeted.

"It's composed of the same dedicated men and women who have always worked there and

who do a great, apolitical job."

"You'll find integrity and honesty at FBI headquarters and not at 1600 Penn Ave

right now."

Trump made the comments after a report that special counsel Robert Mueller removed an

FBI agent from his team for potentially making anti-Trump remarks.

Mueller was appointed as special counsel after Trump fired Comey.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> FBI Agents Fire Back At Trump : Saying We Aren't Dedicated Is 'Simply False'. - Duration: 2:05.


Shaw Kills Colonel Hendry | X-Men First Class (2011) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:56.

Still drinking champagne, Bob?

I will pass.

Okay, well, so much for the pleasantries.

I was wondering who you told about our little arrangement.

No one.

- He's telling the truth. - Good.

Well, I guess we're done here.

Let's wrap things up, shall we?

I knew better than to trust you.

Now, you let me walk out of here with my money,

or I will pull this pin, and we all die.

Go ahead. Pull it.

I'll do it, I swear to God.

No, you won't.

But I will.

You're one of them?

Very astute of you, Colonel Hendry.

You want to guess what I can do?

I've got the power to absorb energy. It keeps me young.

But that's the boring part.

The fun stuff is what I can do with it once I've got it.

For more infomation >> Shaw Kills Colonel Hendry | X-Men First Class (2011) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:56.


ICO Gold Rush Powr Quantstamp Privatix Genesis Mining - Duration: 11:51.

good afternoon and having Monday so it's about 1 o'clock here on the coast

weather is about to turn pretty nasty-looking as about a hundred two

hundred millimeter is actually coming as today instead of like a weekend I was

supposed to so keep it wet outside just started then so let's get into it today

obviously I want to start with I see a gold rush I think this is a with the one

of the best program or course I'm not it's not a program the best courses I

have joined and of the taken part in and pretty much it shows you how to learn

how to tint on journyx ICO you know so imagine people Bitcoin for five dollars

seven years ago today you'd have 4.4 million dollars so any of you brought a

thousand dollars worth of aetherium at the ico stage you know in 2015 but the

cents you know you'd have over a million today so if you think you've ministered

but you haven't there's always tons of us you launch every day with

opportunities of profit the only problem is it's obviously going to pick there's

a lot of bad ones out there there's a lot of good ones out there there's a lot

of good price well there's a few decent projects I mean there are a few coming

but it's also you meant that there are other good ones there's obviously 10

times the bad ones so the idea is to be able to pick do the course learn how to

pick out the different ones so you're not losing any money so we got the five

steps the five easy steps to profit step one is obviously buying a CEOs step

to a point out I see a gold rush checklist it's proof that our checklist

give you a rough idea it's obviously you choosing you know you go through scene

like mint take admit trick stuff like that if you don't take a metric so you

should until the course in because without that if you can stuff that up

that's the difference between getting a good one and getting a bad one

and it's obviously go through our criteria have a score at the end and

then down by the score we have a like a selection of what you should recommend

it what you could invest in or shoe invest obviously step three is invest

responsibly obviously shoe like you shoot it a little programs there is risk

no matter what regardless obviously if you're picking out the good ones but

there's less risk less unlikely anyway step four is obviously to sell the

tokens when the time's right and Step five is rinse and repeat so pretty so

explanatory so what's in the course it's a step by step blueprint on how to

invest in I SEOs from HSN let me show you how to sell those tokens to make

profit every step of the way is showing so if you're if you're a new me or

experience with IPOs you will still learn something new and it is so true

because like I've saved my previous videos I thought on you a bit about uh

SEOs but in reality after tilling the course already knew and this much so

take it from me and trust me yeah well I won't say trust me but you know I I

thought I knew more than I did not didn't so that's the way it is you're

always learning new something you every day

so there's some ones obviously the basics again everybody on the same page

so pre-field self-explanatory listen to the waltz set up send and receive tokens

less than three the core lessons in ICO checklists so he goes through it like

I'll say the token see if the token metrics are off you could be investing

into deep space with no returns there's obviously the two distinctions that can

make a break in Osseo then there's less enforce a checklist videos so ng Gavin

does his over the shoulder videos obviously shows you how the token

metrics calculator works and then there's also a live example of a good

SEO and then things got the live example of a bad I see oh listen v is obviously

flipping for profits so this is teaching that you have to sell

the different exchanges these are for this I want to be dressed pretty nice

lots about it's pretty early but obviously the videos are there for your

new me less than six is to summarize everything that's going on no hair right

I don't feel it so what do you get from learning the course you will have their

knowledge two to five ten your own ten times your I cos you'll be able to know

what to look for in an upcoming IC o---- make a decision to participate or not

you will have confidence to know how to buy and the steps involved you will have

no hesitation to sell four to five or ten as you follow a step-by-step SEO

checklist you will no longer be seen on the sidelines watching you'll be

searching for your next SEO to dominate and obviously we go over the IC o----

base a I share basics the theory and wild basics the smart contract Pauline

has always about the start so what that means is you can individually go into a

nación by yourself so say if you did see it as an example of you might only

hit news one either with the smart with a all of us joining together we could

probably jump in with a hundred either or 50 to 100 either therefore we're in

the IC o---- even cheaper because we're a bigger pool of money so you win we're

by all win in that way so and even if a coin goes if it does go bad the fact

that you're buying it cheaper and we're all behind it's cheaper together when it

and set on exchange the odds are we're going to be able to pull it out and

still even if it goes bad pull down and still make a profit because we're

getting the coins like 42 or whatever it is 40 to 60% cheaper obviously have the

ICO checklist now there's some buying strategies and the selling strategies so

I goes through the testimonials you can do that on your own leisure

what I will so get the bonuses obviously we have a set group so everyone that

joins the course gets into the set group so it's like a telegram is like telegram

but it's better than telegram same kind of principle but you can either do it on

your phone or on your desktop or laptop pretty much this is where everyone comes

and talks pretty much about upcoming coins coins we hit the exchanges the

webinars we're going to replays etc and obviously money back guarantee and get

sure all that and that's everything I've got for that so that's you know I mean I

think it's the best thing I've done I mean should always invest in yourself it

would Gathers he'd be watching you to be a just you know motivational things

every day or whatever read a book keep yourself informed playing it so well

like I said some of the best courses I've ever done so and still learning

from it every day so the best you can do like I said invest in yourself and go

from there if you're in your programs you get it probably you can tell at the

same time if you wanted have it as a I learned this new skill set and keep it

as a backup if any of your programs to go down which one unlikely they probably

will one day because there's usually a shelf life or their programs so hard to

hear now but you will learn it in the future if you're not already at that

stage of being screwed before so or not screw you you know whatever alright so

I'm just gonna check the markets as I do every day

so bitcoins up eleven thousand three hundred and fifty seven sites up about a

hundred and seventy bucks from yesterday - is down a little bit from yesterday so

761 cerium 462 so it's a bit the same roughly like

coin sitting at 100 it's in 100 for a couple days now and then I've got the

ones I'm looking at the moment is obviously power ledger which I think's a

monster of a project that's at 70 cents that's gone down a little bit from

yesterday of 73 and my other ones of God he's sure one step just 13.1 sits about

the same and my newest one that I'm allowed to give out his privet X and

that is sitting at a dollar thirty seven so it's got about five cents over well

in the last twenty four hour period but like these are any these are like he say

the only early days for all these coins at the moment so obviously so privet X

anybody had since 18 November Kuan stamp I'm pretty sure whoops don't let me do

it there's some reason look one stamps on you been half like a 22nd of November

I think I'd say Wang fertiliser some incidence as well as the weather study

pretty bad near 22nd and I impalas man for a while about a month or so I've got

about maybe Parature

let's have a quick screws it's a seven cents yeah he's been October I could be

wrong could be September no no November okay sorry

and being a November and she's young a rock she's a common and that's just a

sitting a bit the old you know it's not gonna help with a bit coming down up at

the moment so yeah other than that guys anything I talked about usually here so

Genesis mining

the only thing anything at the moment is Manero I'm pretty sure Simon arrow still

profitable so I think it's more profitable in a theory of anyway

definitely obviously is no Bitcoin - like coin etherium Zed cash

so when arrows the last one standing at the moment until I get some more so I

think uh it is pretty profitable just got to keep moving the camp and that's

the main game of it so who knows how long this maneras you know last cuz this

is anything left side I don't know if everyone's by Manero or not at the

moment although just waiting obviously Bitcoin team if they you come

out you're not gonna get it so March or something so your Mosel gonna take your

toe even get create some passive income you want to jump into Manero

I think forty or forty nine so one of these packages or one of the morning

packages so it will get you about sixty three dollars a year see it is obviously

if you only buy one get sixty three dollars in first year it's a two-year

contract so you second year be pure profit so obviously if you're

compounding but you probably come with more than 60 Hertz you probably here

maybe a hasn't hurt something like that that'll

be the guy then cap and there you go so I'm gonna leave like that was gonna be

bad okay here it's just absolutely pouring

again and the lights no good obviously as you can see and I'm gonna leave like

that and I hope you all have a great Monday wherever you are in the world and

if you like my video hit the like button if you want to subscribe hit the

subscribe button hit the bell so I'm going to do my video you will have the

notification since I've uploaded it other than that guys see I don't enjoy a

day and I'll see you tomorrow alright

For more infomation >> ICO Gold Rush Powr Quantstamp Privatix Genesis Mining - Duration: 11:51.


KARAOKE | Em Có Hay Mùa Xuân Về | Võ Hoàng Lâm - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Em Có Hay Mùa Xuân Về | Võ Hoàng Lâm - Duration: 4:42.


Benji Winterstein - Gypsy Jazz Rhythm - Slow - Duration: 2:43.

Hello! My name is Benji Winterstein.

I would like to show you my way of playing rhythm.

Don't forget:

"O Sinto chala gern, bijela gern!"

For more infomation >> Benji Winterstein - Gypsy Jazz Rhythm - Slow - Duration: 2:43.


How to Win a GunFight - Duration: 2:39.

Ok, Please get out. Slaves!

You're free now.


Ok, First come first served!

Be careful~

First is First.

You're always at the crossroads of choice.

the person who acts first wins the game. Okay?

Doug Rude, shall we try hunting for the last time today?

Oh, this guy's guilty of murder...

It saids that he could be found near Goodsprings.

Okay, shall we go there?

Are you hiding there? You've got guts.

Found him.


Of Course,I am Professional!

If he just give me his own way

If you maim this friend

he's gonna turn himself in?

Because I'm so famous

He wanted to try a confrontation

I was ready for Someone Like You, and also My Gun was hungers for blood!

I'll fight like a gunfighter in the West!

Just In case, Let's Put up some Good Armor.

Bring it!

Where are we going then?

What? I mean...Now?

I thought we are going to fight with dignity

Oh, shit! I forgot!

It's not on purpose!

Well, He looks like maimed man.

Oh shit...I'm so sorry kkk

Well, This can be the solution too right?

For more infomation >> How to Win a GunFight - Duration: 2:39.


Beetroot Tikki | Beetroot Cutlet Recipe | Beetroot Tikki Recipe | How To Make Beetroot Patties - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Beetroot Tikki | Beetroot Cutlet Recipe | Beetroot Tikki Recipe | How To Make Beetroot Patties - Duration: 5:06.


《晚吹 - 啪啪 Channel》第17集 -好想瘋狂與外籍人士 啪啪啪? - Duration: 23:00.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 啪啪 Channel》第17集 -好想瘋狂與外籍人士 啪啪啪? - Duration: 23:00.


Style Winter Scarves According to Your Face Shape | Mohna Sharma - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Style Winter Scarves According to Your Face Shape | Mohna Sharma - Duration: 3:11.


KARAOKE | Giã Từ Đêm Mưa | Hoài Lâm - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Giã Từ Đêm Mưa | Hoài Lâm - Duration: 3:38.


Folge 48: En scheene Taach unn geniesst die Adventszeit. Politiker kommt in die Strümp. By B.S. - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Folge 48: En scheene Taach unn geniesst die Adventszeit. Politiker kommt in die Strümp. By B.S. - Duration: 1:38.


AMAZING - Google Pixelbook: $1000 of Weird! - Iphonesta - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> AMAZING - Google Pixelbook: $1000 of Weird! - Iphonesta - Duration: 3:11.


Bembi 48: En scheene Taach unn geniesst die Adventszeit. Politiker kommt in die Strümp. By B.S. - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Bembi 48: En scheene Taach unn geniesst die Adventszeit. Politiker kommt in die Strümp. By B.S. - Duration: 1:38.


YÊU VÀ YÊU | Huỳnh Lập ft Lê Nhân | MỘT BƯỚC ĐỂ CHIẾN THẮNG - DAMtv (VTV9) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> YÊU VÀ YÊU | Huỳnh Lập ft Lê Nhân | MỘT BƯỚC ĐỂ CHIẾN THẮNG - DAMtv (VTV9) - Duration: 2:32.


WOW iPhone SE 2 Is Happening! - Iphonesta - Duration: 2:31.

IPhone se - 2018 preview design talking of the iPhone X the most intriguing

Possibility design wife is that the SE two will get a bigger screen and lose its home button just like the X some concept

Illustrations, which is to say unofficial illustrations created?

speculatively five artists unconnected with papal have already appeared showing what the se might look like with an iPhone x5 free design

Expects at this early stage we can only speculate about tech specs although. We're studying to get a decent idea of what to expect

Reports suggest that we'll be looking at an a-10 processor

a slightly older chip this was first seen in the iPhone 7

But still an improvement on the original s sees a 9 2 gigabytes of RAM a 12 MP rear facing

camera a 5 MP FaceTime camera and either 32 gigabytes or

128 gigabytes of storage the battery capacity is expected to increase slightly from

1640 Mon to

1700 mah

But this may be offset by the inclusion of a larger and therefore more power-hungry screen

Measuring 4.2 in rather than the current 4 in this will apparently be made possible by reducing the size of the bezels

But this change isn't expected to be as radical as seen on the iPhone X

The home button is expected to remain on the iPhone se

2 we'd expect 2 SC 2 to be pitched at or close to the same price

Perhaps a touch higher since the SE has dropped slightly in price since launch the only way Apple could justify

significant price prize would be if a radically redesigns the

Handset in other words if the SC - turns out to be a sort of iPhone X menu with a larger screen and a wide

Range of new features release date no official release date has been announced for the iPhone se - we think however

That it's likely to make an appearance at Apple's usual spring press event probably in March 2018


For more infomation >> WOW iPhone SE 2 Is Happening! - Iphonesta - Duration: 2:31.


Youtube channel renewal - Duration: 5:24.

Hello everyone I am Gigi Miu!

Today I will inform you about some changes to this channel

And the reasoning behind the changes.

We will start with the reasoning behind it.

Not even sure if I can call it a reason because, more than a reason, it is an hallucination I had recently.

Some of you that follows me on other social networks, knows already that I have been feel sick recently.

I had high fever and while having fever I was having these strange hallucinations about the renewal of my Youtube Channel

I mean, my mind couldn't keep resting even when I was feeling sick and it was still completely focused here on this Youtube channel

And what to do on how improve it and to make it even better.

Awn these hallucinations saw thatI had to trash away lot of contents I had published and restart almost from scratch.

As you know I am a person who is really methodic and likes long term planning

And I never take a decision without thinking a lot about it

But at the same time these hallucinations were so vivid in my mind

That for once in my life I said: "screw it! Let's just follows these hallucinations and let's screw all the long therm plan".

So the only things I am going to leave in the channel are the diaries, the interviews, the 3d models and of course the songs.

I mean, do not worry, this will still be a Vocaloid only channel.

But instead on focusing on boring stuff we will keep it focused on more entertaining content.

Songs, are entertaining, right? So are the interviews!

Diaries are funny too, right? I mean, look at me with this green wig lol

And people loves the MMD models too, so that will still be a feature.

But I will put all the other videos in a somehow hidden place

something like an unlisted playlist

Called the "great box of shit" or something like that

Hopefully this will remove clutter to the channel

Since all the useless content will be in the great box of shit.

I mean, courses on how to make Vocaloid music were good, but they only interested a minor of users.

If someone is interested in learning he can still contacts me in private and I will teach him.

But keeping this stuff public is not something that interested the majority of the subscribers here

This cleaning operation ill affect other social networks as well, Instagram, Facebook, deviant art and more.

Hopefully this will also be accompanied by a channel redesign

And in few months from here we will see if I was right in following these hallucinations or not.

Sometimes may be good to take strange decisions, even if they are not rational ones.

I would also like to thanks everyone who supported me when I was sick. cIn particular I would like to thanks Violet

Who made a lovely drawing of me. You can see the drawing on my Facebook page since her Instagram account is private

Speaking of Facebook I would like to remember you to check my Patreon channel (check the card on the top of the screen)

Since it will still have lot of exclusive content that is not here on Facebook

Like the monthly puchi-nendroid raffle or other stuff.

Regarding the puchi-nendroid raffle, the winners for November have just been announced, but the raffle is monthly so feel free to take part next month too.

You can take part to the next one donating 1$ on my Pattern.

To wrap everything up, I hope you will enjoy the changes o the channel

Not only the Youtube ones, but also all my social network renewal.

It will be a slow process but it has started already!

Enjoy the journey, and if you have questions or suggestions let me know in the comment.

Thanks for watching and see you soon!

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