Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

This was an official attempt for the largest gathering

of people dressed as Jay and Silent Bob.

I can tell you, we did have several deductions for costumes

that did not meet our standards.

[Crowd groans] Ohh! I know.

So the mark to beat was 250 today

in Red Bank, New Jersey, USA.

You had...


Two hundred...

84! It's a new Guinness World Records title!

[Cheers and applause]

We did it! We did it!

We're on the books!

Great job.

Let me bring this down.

[Cheers and applause]

I'd like to welcome you to the Guinness World Records family.

Congratulations, Kevin.

Thank you so much.

We did it!

[Cheers and applause]

So we made the record by 34 bodies, man.

It was electric.

[Cheers and applause]

And now I would love to introduce the mayor

of the great town of Red Bank.

Give it up for Pat Menna, ladies and gentlemen!

[Cheers and applause]

Kevin, in your honor,

the official key to the city.


[Cheers and applause]

And we have dedicated and declared today

to be Kevin Smith Day.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you, uh, Mr. Menna.

Thank everybody, uh, for coming out and doing this.

I can't even think of a better way

to spend my 47th birthday

or the 20th anniversary of the Stash.

Thank you so much. We did it!

[Cheers and applause]

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I-I-It was probably one of the most moving days

I've ever had in my life,

and, like, it put us in the Guinness World Record Book.

How amazing is that?

A book that we grew up reading as kids,

never imagining we'd be in it,

unless, like, well, I get any fatter,

maybe I could be in it for that.


And now that we've come to the end of our long roster

or imposters and cosplay, it's time to wrap up the show.

For "Comic Book Men," I'm Kevin Smith.

Bryan Johnson. Walt Flanagan.

Mike Zapcic. Ming Chen.

To the good folks of Red Bank,

to the good folks at the Guinness World Record Books,

and to the 284 intrepid souls

that cosplayed Jay and Silent Bob

on that fateful anniversary day,

I give you the highest honor we can bestow upon thee --

snooch to the nooch.

For more infomation >> 'Guinness World Record w/ Jay & Silent Bob Cosplay' Talked About Scene Ep. 705 | Comic Book Men - Duration: 2:50.


High-Octane Faith Runs on Love with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 12-4-17) - Duration: 22:36.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory.

Kenneth Copeland is once again teaching about your spoken word.

Speak God's words and discover how faith-filled words always

bring victory. Now, for today's message, here's Kenneth.

KENNETH: Hello, everybody, and welcome to the Believer's

Voice of Victory broadcast. And merry Christmas, everybody.

Praise God. And here on the Believer's Voice of

Victory, we're celebrating Christmas from now

through December the 25th, Christmas Day, glory to God, by

giving you a special gift every day. It's part of our "25 days

of Christmas." Just go to, and get all the

information there. Hey, we went--we get excited about this.

I'm a Christmas kind of a guy. Amen. I just--I just--whoa. I

mean, when I was a little boy, my birthday was on the 6th of

December, so mother would always get the Christmas tree up by my

birthday. Oh, I just had to have it. But then, boy, the 6th

through the 24th, oh, oh, it was agony. Ha-ha-ha. You would, oh,

you know, watch the presents stack up. I just--and my mother

loved Christmas. Well, so did my dad. But we're just a Christmas

family, and we always enjoyed it, and we still do. And so

we're--we're all in it with you. Praise God. Father, we thank You

today. We receive Your presence on this broadcast, and we thank

You and worship You. We open our hearts, we open our minds to

receive revelation from heaven. And we thank You in Jesus' name.

Amen. Hallelujah. We're talking about words, the most important

things in this earth. Let me say it again. Words are the most

important things in this planet. Praise God. Now let's go to

Matthew, Chapter--excuse me. Matthew 4:4, "But Jesus answered

and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone,

but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Let

me--the-- "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word

that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Now, since words are

the most important things in this planet, that makes the Word

of God the most precious thing in this planet. Praise God. Oh,

thank You, Father. Oh, Lord, give us--give us deeper insight

and revelation of this. Now, you remember John 1, "In the

beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was

God. The same in the beginning with God." Hallelujah. The

Father, the Son, who is the Word, and the Holy Spirit. Now,

this, then, the Word of God, the covenants of God, His very bond

is just as much a revelation of God in the earth as He is. Oh,

this is just His--this is just as much God as He is. Mm. Oh, my

goodness. My, my, my. Hallelujah. Now then, we talked

about the fact that this universe--this is a Word-created

universe, Genesis, Chapter 1; 1, 2, and 3. Then Hebrews, Chapter

1, we found out that it is a Word-upheld universe. He is

upholding all things by the Word of His power. Amen. Now let's go

back to Mark 11:23 once again because you--it--it is not--it

is not a good thing to talk about all of these things--you

can't separate them from faith because faith cometh by hearing,

and hearing by the Word of God. "Brother Copeland, why do you

preach so much about faith? I mean, why do you talk about

faith so much?" Well, for one thing, that's what I'm called to

do. And--but now think about this. You can't get born again

without it. We are born again by faith. The just shall live by

faith. You can't walk the Christian walk without it

because we walk by faith and not by sight. It is by faith so that

it might be by grace. The gift of righteousness is by the faith

of Jesus Christ. Oh, you could just go on and on and on and on

and on and on. God is a faith God. He is love. He is a faith

God. Faith worketh by love. Oh, yeah. Let me tell you something.

We must--mm. I can't impress this on you enough. The Lord has

been impressing me with this now for months. We must, we must

renew our minds that when we say, "love," we said, "God." And

when we say, "God," we've said, "love." We've-- "love" has

become a slang word. "I love my car. I love pizza. I love this,

I love that." And that--you can have very little respect for the

love of God when you don't respect the word "love." So what

does the Word say? To love my new shirt? No, no, no. The

Scripture says He gives us all things richly to enjoy. He wants

you to have a new shirt. He wants you to have these things.

These things are good, and He knows you have need of all of

these things. But we must develop a greater and higher

respect for God Himself. When you say, "love," you've said,

"God." And you ask--ask any Christian, "You believe God

loves you?" "Oh, yes, Brother Copeland." Then why, when the

going gets tough, do-- "I just don't understand why You--don't

You care? How could You let this come on me?" See, you don't

believe He loves you. Not--you understand that He does, but

you--but you don't trust the love. "I know you didn't do this

to me, and I know--praise God. I know with all my heart the

reason you told me to do this is because You love me. Now, it

don't look--it doesn't make sense right now, but I believe

it. I believe the love, and I trust You with all my heart. And

I don't lean to my own understanding." That is so

vital. That is faith in love. Faith in God, faith in love,

same thing. But the renewing of your mind to love--all of

these--all of these words and all of this has to do with His

love. Praise God. Now, Mark 11, Verse 20, "In the morning, as

they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.

Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold,

the fig tree which you cursed is withered away. Jesus answering

said, Have faith in God," or "Have the faith of God." "For

verily I say--" Well, "Have faith in love." Huh? Oh, oh,

yeah. Glory to God. "For verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall

say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, be thou cast into the

sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that

those things which he saith--" What are things that you say?

Words. So let's read it that way: "--believe that those words

which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever

he saith." Now then, let's go to the 12th chapter of Matthew.

Matthew, Chapter 12, and look at the 36th, "I say unto you, That

every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account

thereof in the day of judgment." You tell me words are not

important? "For by your words you shall be justified, by your

words you shall be condemned." This is serious business. Now,

let's look at this from the 6th chapter--or--yeah, 6th chapter

of Luke because Luke adds something to it in his writing

that Jesus said. 6:45, "A good man out of the good treasure of

his heart," or the deposit of his heart, "bringeth forth that

which is good." Verse 44, "Every tree is known by his own fruit.

For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush do

they gather grapes." See? "The--A good man out of the good

treasure," good deposit, what you've put in there. What you

have put in there is what comes out. Huh? "--bringeth forth that

which is good; an evil man out of the evil deposit of his

heart," or a heart full of fear and unbelief, "bringeth forth

that which is evil." Why? How? How, Jesus? How does He do it?

"For of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." That's

what causes it to come to pass. You have, today in your life, I

have, today in my life, what I said yesterday. Amen. Now,

this is spiritual law. You can't change it. You can change the

words. Ha-ha-ha. Hallelujah. Oh, yeah, I just--ha-ha-ha. I

preached myself happy on that one right there. So now stop and

think about it. We live in a Word-created, Word-upheld,

Word-dominated environment. Amen. All right. Now, let's go

back over our--we won't take time to look all these up. We

looked them up last week. We've got so much to do today. And

you--if you've got your--if you've got your--downloaded your

notes from last week, you've got them. Now then, download them

for this week, and you'll have them, have all the scriptures

and everything there. So now, Genesis 1:1-3, "God said, Light

be: light was." Hebrews 1:3, He's "upholding all things by

the word of his power." Psalm 19:14, "Make my words acceptable

to you, O Lord." Psalm 91:2--ha-ha. Oh, oh, this

one--this one just does me that way. Hallelujah. Ha-ha-ha. Think

about that--think about it. Let's turn over there. I

can't--I can't bypass this one. Glory to God. Nope, no, no, no.

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall

abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Now, how do I get in

there? "I--hey, I want to--that's where I want to

abide. I want to be there in the shadow of the Almighty.

I--that--I don't want to be outside that. How do I--how do I

get in there? Oh, God, let me in there. You just--(Whining)" That

won't do it. That will not do it. "I will say of the Lord, He

is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely

he will deliver me." (Laughs) Glory be to God. Hallelujah. I'm

telling you, well, if that don't set you on fire, your wood's

wet, brother. Praise God. I'm telling you, that's dancing time

in the household of faith. Praise God. That thing--that's

the reason David would dance before the Lord with all of his

might because this work--these things work for--these psalms

worked for him in combat. Hallelujah. That's the soldier's

psalm. I--I know--I know of--I've met a few. I know of

hundreds and hundreds under the command of personal friends of

mine that caused their--Keith Kurber, colonel retired,

pastoring church up in Alaska now, Special Forces. He said, "I

want you to lay hands on me." And Gloria and I did. He was

about to deploy. And he said--and he said, "I'm taking

over a high-casualty unit." Well, we went over the 91st

Psalm, and I told him about what I had read of a World War I

commander that commanded all of the troops under his command to

memorize the 91st Psalm. And you had to be standing ready, you

know. I mean, you walk up in front of them and say, "Verse

5!" "Thou shalt not be afraid of terror by night; nor for the

arrow that flies by day, sir!" I don't care--just like they--like

we had to do when we was in the service learning the orders of

the day, if they called out number 3, I mean, brother, you

had to come up with number 3. And that--that's--and they did

it with that whole 91st Psalm so that they had it. They said it

every day. They said it in formation every day. And in

combat, that man did not lose a man under his command. So

Colonel Kurber and Gloria and me and--phew, we believed God,

stood on the Word. I said, "Keith, let me know." So the

four of us were standing there praising God and worshiping God.

And then, he went on, you know, two-year deployment. Well,

I--you know, I pray in the Spirit over my partners and

over--and, you know, all that, but I wasn't thinking about

Keith every day. But, now, that's the reason you need to be

praying in tongues and take care of your prayer life every day.

You turn that over to the Holy Spirit, and it would come up.

And--but I wouldn't--but my partners, I prayed for my

partners every day, day--every day, every day, every day, every

day, every day, every day, every day. Well, I got a call, and it

was about 2:00 in the morning. Gloria and I were in the bed,

and that phone rang. And I answered it, and it was Keith.

"Brother Copeland, I'm home!" I said, "Hey, Keith!" He said,

"I'm so excited! I want to tell you, I didn't lose a man! Praise

God!" He said, "We were protected through this whole

thing!" Ha, why? He was in the secret place, and he knew how

to--he knew how to control his tongue. And like David

said--David said, "Keep--don't let me sin with my tongue, put a

watch over my mouth." Amen. Hallelujah. All right. So,

words, that's the way you get in there is words, words spoken in

faith. Hallelujah. And--well, okay, I got--I've got so much to

do this week. We'll--okay. Psalm 103, Verse 5, and Verse 20.

Well, yeah, I'm--ha-ha-ha. Oh, Lord, this is going to be a fun

day. Verse 5, "Who satisfies thy mouth with good things; so that

thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." Now, the words

"things" in the King James translation is italicized, so it

just simply tells you that it was put in there by the

translator. "Satisfies thy mouth with good; thy youth is renewed

like the eagle's." Now, is he talking about food? I've heard

people translate that way. But actually, it simply says, "Who

satisfies thy mouth with good; thy youth is renewed like the

eagle's." So now, let's take the way this was translated. That's

fine. The root--Hebrew root to "things," material things,

anything that can be touched and so forth, is "word." That's

good, isn't it, because all things are created by words. So,

"He fills my mouth with good words; that my youth is renewed

like the eagle's." Now, we can--we can--if that was just

one little spot, we couldn't do that. But we know because of the

flowing principal. So what do we know from the--what do we know

from the book of Isaiah? "He renews my--I wait upon the

Lord." Huh? What am I doing waiting upon the Lord? I'm

praising Him. I'm standing before Him. I'm worshiping Him.

Words. Amen. "And he renews my strength like the eagle's."

Praise God. Words. How does He do that? "I believe I receive

it." Isn't that what Jesus said in Mark 11:24, talking about

Mark 11:23? "I believe I receive the strength." Words, words.

Now--whoa. You can't--there's just scripture after scripture.

I carry a whole list of them in my little book here. I go from

strength to strength as the day--as the days--as my days

are, so shall my strength be. He is my strength. He upholds me.

Praise God. Saying it, saying it, making confession of these

things before God, may come to pass. All right. Now, also,

I want you--now, that was the 5th verse. Let's go to the 20th

verse of the 103rd Psalm. "Bless the Lord, O you angels, that

excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto

the voice of his word." They're not listening for

what God is saying in the earth. They already

know what God is saying. It's when we

say it that activates it, otherwise they don't have

anything to work with. Amen. Hebrews 1:14, "To which of the

angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand--are they not

all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for those that

shall be heirs of salvation?" "Well, what are they waiting

for?" They're waiting for--to hear what's coming out of your

mouth. You are--and--you and I are the deciding witness. "Out

of the mouth of two witnesses let every word be established."

Amen. So what you're saying is what licenses the angels or the

devils to work. Hallelujah. Whoa-ho-ho-ho. Glory to God. And

we're out of time. I'll be back in just a moment.

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> High-Octane Faith Runs on Love with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 12-4-17) - Duration: 22:36.


PANININDIGAN | Deluge (Part 1 of 3) - Duration: 9:57.

The sea surged up to San Jose?

Yes. Before coming downtown, it surged through our place.

Our house was just over here.

How high was the wave?

It's not just as high as a person but is much higher than a two-storey house.

Our house has a second floor.

The water was higher than our second floor.

So, all of our things, like electrical gadgets, was lost.

Nothing was left behind.

When Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) happened,

almost all located at the downtown up to here in San Jose was hit by the storm surge.

It reached Norte up to Diit.

All of the coastal barangays downtown suffered losses.

In terms of property, lives, businesses, and livelihood were affected.

From above, this is the picture of Tacloban City now.

Houses are once again constructed by the sea.

Their livelihood is once again thriving.

The ship that once came with the surge which took many lives,

is now a monument of the past.

A few meters from here, the house of worship of the Church Of Christ still stands firm.

It was not brought down by the deluge; a sign of hope and steadfastness of its members.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It was Wednesday.

I saw many people panicking because of what we heard in the news that a deluge will strike our place.

According to PAGASA,

Super Typhoon Yolanda is the strongest storm in history not only in the Philippines but in the whole world.

Good evening, Jessica.

The provinces of Eastern Samar, Samar, Leyte, are now under PAGASA's storm signal number 4.

We had a hard time traveling home because all public vehicles are full of passengers.

Sometimes we already see people sitting at the vehicle's roof just to make it home before the storm comes.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

That was Thursday, in our worship service,

the brethren were fervently praying because we knew that a super typhoon would come.

While I perform my duty as a human being,

I could not stop myself to be afraid and be nervous.

But I convinced myself to be calm because I told myself that I am a member of the Church Of Christ.

I have a God that will guide me.

I firmly believe that He will never forsake me.

The night before the typhoom came, we had a committee prayer.

We became firm because of that.

But fate is playful.

The typhoon hit us, it was devastating.


November 8, 2013

The day that typhoon yolanda struck

I was not able to sleep. I waited for Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan).

Around four in the morning, the wind was howling.

I heard the roof slam.

My chest pounded even harder.

It was really devastating.

We looked outside the window trees were being uprooted. Houses were getting destroyed.

Then the vehicles we saw were turned upside down.

After that, we could not see anything. Everything was white.

I was thinking, and thought that this typhoon is unstoppable.

I told my children, "Let's pray. We should pray, Pa." He said, "Yes, we should pray."

After we prayed, I told people outside to come in.

I prayed, "Father, please save us." I know that the typhoon will go on.

The winds got stronger and stronger.

We felt that our roof was slowly being torn apart. It was already flooding.

What my wife, my children, and I did was hide in the comfort room.

Our comfort room was the safest place in the house.

The floodwater was steadily rising up to here.

We were standing here and the water was up to here.

I told my husband that we should climb the windows, so we did.

I saw coconut trees outside, swaying until they were split in two because of the wind's strength.

Other trees and including the electrical posts fell down.

So in other words, we could not see anything standing.

I was hanging there. The water was too deep. I stayed there near the ceiling.

This gutter? The water reached that level?

Yes, it did.

You hanged there?

Yes, I did. I just held on to that.

I no longer have anything to hold on to.

I just stayed there. I just waited to what would happen.

Who were you with at that time?

My youngest child. He was clinging to my neck.

I let go of him as long as he was clinging at me.

I no longer saw a safe place to go or something that I could hold on to for us to survive.

Everything was floating.

Here at...

Yes, as far as your eyes could see, everything was water.

After we prayed, in less than five minutes, the water was already deep.

My child told me, "Mama, our car is already being taken away by the water."

When we were at the second floor, the roof was already gone.

The water already reached our second floor.

Around five in the morning,

I thought of saving our things.

I saved my second child's uniform in Church, mine as well, our hymnals,

my firstborn's finance uniform, and our shoes used for performing our duty.

I covered everything with plastic and placed it inside the freezer.

I thought that if the water continued to rise and reach us,

our uniforms for our Church office will not be damaged.

I did not mind other things.

What's important for us is the things we use for the performance of our duty.

I covered my children with a huge tarpaulin so that they will not be hit by the strong wind.

But when the wind got stronger, we could not do anything.

We just hid under the coconut tree because our house was already carried away by the strong wind.

For more infomation >> PANININDIGAN | Deluge (Part 1 of 3) - Duration: 9:57.


JULPYSSEL DAG 4 | julsquishy: polkagris - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> JULPYSSEL DAG 4 | julsquishy: polkagris - Duration: 2:39.


Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #17 (Daily Fortnite Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:13.

Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #17 (Daily Fortnite Funny Moments)

For more infomation >> Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #17 (Daily Fortnite Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:13.



For more infomation >> БИТКОИН ПРИЗНАЛИ В США / КУРС БИТКОИНА СТРЕМИТСЯ К 20000$? ИЛИ ПАДАЕТ К 5000$? ЧЕГО ЖДАТЬ? - Duration: 11:55.


South Korea, U.S. begin massive air combat drills - Duration: 1:58.

In a massive show of force to North Korea,...

South Korea and the United States have kicked off their largest air force exercise to date...

just five days after Pyongyang launched its new ICBM.

The drills will run through various wartime scenarios,... including targeting North Korea's

key nuclear and missile facilities.

Kim Hyun-bin reports.

Dozens of state-of-the-art American fighter jets, including F-22 raptors and F-35s,...

are blazing across the skies surrounding the Korean peninsula.

Their goal in this training exercise is to take out key North Korean nuclear facilities.

Scores of fighter jets neutralize hostile threats,... while escorting bombers to their

designated targets north of the border.

The bombers drop their bombs,... demolishing all targets.

The simulation of a possible war-time scenario is part of the major air force exercise dubbed

Vigilant Ace.

It comes less than a week after North Korea launched its newly developed inter-continental

ballistic missile.

The five-day exercise is the largest ever combined air force drill between the two allies,...

involving 230 warplanes and around twelve-thousand personnel.

(Korean) "The exercise is held annually.

We hold it to enhance our joint operations capabilities."

. .

Six F-22s and six F-35s have been deployed to the Korean peninsula,... marking the first

time the highly-advanced jets have cruised the skies above Korea at the same time.

Other U.S. assets include two B-1B bombers and six Growler electronic warfare jets as

well as dozens of F-15s and F-16s.

South Korea has deployed 90 fighter jets, including its F-15 and FA-50 fighters.

North Korea condemned the drills on Sunday saying they could lead to an all-out provocation

that may lead to a nuclear war.

Running a commentary in North Korea's state-run Rodong Sinmun on Sunday,... Pyongyang said

"such a drill is a dangerous provocation as it's driving tension on the Korean peninsula

to the brink of a war",... and that both "South Korean and the U.S. puppet forces are foolish

to run amok with such stealth fighters."

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea, U.S. begin massive air combat drills - Duration: 1:58.


Afghan's Elite Special Forces: Afghan National Army Commando Force 333 Ground Assault Force Demo - Duration: 2:48.

This is the best I have seen here in Afghanistan.

This is an indication of your skill, your courage and most of all, your dedication.

And in the face of your capability, the enemy can not win.

It's obvious to me why you've never lost a battle, and you never will.

I want to thank all of you for your dedication to your country.

The war has been going on in Afghanistan for too long, for over 40 years.

And we are committed to help you bring about a peaceful and stable country for you and your families.

This is not only good for Afghanistan, it's good for the entire world. That is why we are with you.

So thank you again.

For more infomation >> Afghan's Elite Special Forces: Afghan National Army Commando Force 333 Ground Assault Force Demo - Duration: 2:48.


Whatsapp Update - Update Youtube Video - New Whatsapp Update December 2017 - Duration: 2:56.

New Whatsapp Update December 2017

Whatsapp Update December 2017

New Whatsapp Update

Whatsapp Update December 2017

New Whatsapp

New Whatsapp Update December

For more infomation >> Whatsapp Update - Update Youtube Video - New Whatsapp Update December 2017 - Duration: 2:56.


N. Korea suggests meetings to U.S. expert close to Trump administration: Sankei - Duration: 0:50.

It has emerged that North Korea reached out to meet an American expert close to the Trump

administration several times this year...

possibly to get an idea of the White House's North Korea strategies.

In an interview with Tokyo-based Sankei Shimbun,... Douglas Paal, Vice President for Studies at

the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said...

Pyongyang proposed meeting EIGHT TIMES this year,... the most recent being in early October.

The North suggested he could visit the North and meet high-level officials... or speak

to Choe Son-hui , director-general for North American Affairs, in a third country like


Pyongyang said it won't negotiate over its nuclear weapons... but welcomes discussions

if the U.S. wants.

Paal said he rejected all the proposals.

For more infomation >> N. Korea suggests meetings to U.S. expert close to Trump administration: Sankei - Duration: 0:50.


Special cooking methods to make better multigrain rice and tenderize cheap beef cuts - Duration: 2:30.

Local researchers have devised some new methods that can help us make more enticing home-cooked


Researchers say all it takes is a cup of edible alcohol to make multi-grain rice fluffier…while

special aging methods can make cheap beef cuts more tender.

Cho Sung-min reports.

More and more Koreans are choosing multigrain rice over the nation's traditional staple,

white rice,... as their main source of carbs.

The Korea Rural Economic Institute reports that as of 2016 Korea's per capita rice consumption

had fallen sharply to 61.9 kilograms a year, down from 128.1 kilograms in 1985.

Sales of grains like barley, beans, and quinoa meanwhile... have doubled since the last decade...

and continue to increase.

Multigrain rice didn't go mainstream overnight.

Health experts have consistently warned that white rice can raise the risk of diabetes.

Westernized eating patterns have also contributed to the decline of white rice consumption.

To make multigrain rice more enjoyable and approachable for beginners,… researchers

at the Rural Development Administration have a suggestion -- they say the trick is alcohol.

Cooking the rice in nine parts water and one part Korean rice wine soju... brings down

the boiling temperature and lengthens the cooking time.

That makes the rice fluffier and smoother.

(KOREAN) "The overall texture and taste were better

when the alcohol was used."

The researchers added that the alcohol prevents rice from causing a spike in blood sugar when

consumed by bringing down its glycemic index.

(KOREAN) "Once the water is heated, the alcohol penetrates

the grains and weakens the structure."

A second cooking tip the team showcased is a special aging method for cheap beef cuts.

Researchers said the aging method can make unpopular cuts like chuck rolls and rounds

more tender.

(KOREAN) "During aging, meat is contained in a special

pack to retain its moisture for certain amount of time."

The researchers aim to complete the development of twenty four different meat-aging methods

depending on what part of cow the meat comes from.

Each method has a different duration and temperature.

The complete set of recipes will be publicized so that people can try it for themselves.

Cho Sung-min, Arirang news.

For more infomation >> Special cooking methods to make better multigrain rice and tenderize cheap beef cuts - Duration: 2:30.


गव्हाची खीर | Gavhachi kheer | How to make Wheat Kheer | MadhurasRecipe | Ep - 280 - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> गव्हाची खीर | Gavhachi kheer | How to make Wheat Kheer | MadhurasRecipe | Ep - 280 - Duration: 9:20.


Potential of war with N. Korea rising every day with its nuclear - Duration: 0:45.

The possibility of war with North Korea is rising every day with the regime's nuclear

and missile programs unresolved.

That's what U.S. National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster said... in an interview with

Fox News on Sunday.

He said...

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is getting closer to completing his weapons program,...

and there's not much time left for the international community to solve this issue.

He admitted China has implemented unprecedented sanctions on the regime,... but urged the

country to do more... not to satisfy other countries but to secure its own interest.

McMaster warned... the threat of South Korea and Japan possibly becoming nuclear-armed...

wouldn't be in China and Russia's interests.

For more infomation >> Potential of war with N. Korea rising every day with its nuclear - Duration: 0:45.


U.S. considering moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem - Duration: 2:30.

U.S. President Donald Trump is weighing up whether to move the U.S. embassy in Israel

from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,... a move opposed by Palestine and Arabic nation.

The U.S. State Department is concerned that moving the embassy could lead to violent protests.

Park Soyun reports.

Palestine has criticized U.S. President Donald Trump's plans to consider moving the U.S.

embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The Arab League, consisting of 22 Arabic states, has also warned that the transfer of the U.S.

embassy could fuel Arabic extremism and lead to violent protests.

Trump's Adviser Jared Kushner says the U.S. President still hasn't made his final decision

over the embassy.

(English) "He's still looking at a lot of different


When he makes his decision, he'll be the one to want to tell you, not me.

So he'll make sure he does that at the right time."

No U.S. President has ever recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel since 1948, when

Israel was created.

Palestine says the eastern part of the city is Palestinian territory and that relocating

the embassy to Jerusalem is the equivalent of recognizing the city as Israel's capital.

(English) "Admitting and recognizing East Jerusalem

as the capital of Israel and moving the embassy to Jerusalem that means that they are going

to demolish totally the two-state solution, which is totally against the UN resolution

and against the American calls for having a just peace and a two-state system."

On the other hand, Israelis say the decision to move the embassy has come later than expected.

(English) "I think he waited too long, he should have

done it immediately when he became president."

Israel has occupied East Jerusalem since 1967 and claim that Jerusalem is a unified capital.

Palestine on the other hand are hoping that the eastern sector of the city will be their

future capital.

White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster has said that the relocation will

"create momentum to broker a peace agreement in the Middle East."

But Middle East experts say moving the embassy will make a peace agreement more difficult.

The U.S. Department of State is also concerned that the transfer of the U.S. embassy will

spark violent protests against U.S. offices.

Park Soyun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. considering moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem - Duration: 2:30.


12th session of UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage opens on Jeju Island - Duration: 0:53.

The twelfth meeting of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible

Cultural Heritage has convened on Korea's southern island of Jeju.

The six-day meeting will examine nominations to be added to the Representative List of

the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of

Urgent Safeguarding and more.

The meeting will also discuss ways to improve the convention and on the allocation of funds.

There are some 50 nominations this year, including Germany's organ craftsmanship and music.

With already 19 items on the intangible cultural heritage list, including last year's addition

of the Haenyeo , or women divers, Korea has to wait until next year to have its next item,

Ssirum or traditional wrestling, examined.

For more infomation >> 12th session of UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage opens on Jeju Island - Duration: 0:53.


American drugstore chain CVS acquires health insurer Aetna for US$ 69 bil. - Duration: 0:42.

It's this year's largest corporate acquisition.

American drugstore chain C-V-S is purchasing U.S. health insurance company Aetna.

C-V-S announced Sunday that the deal has been reached at whopping 69 billion U.S. dollars.

Shareholders of the insurer will claim some 22 percent of the combined entity and the

rest is owned by C-V-S shareholders.

The pharmacy retailer says the merger will widen the spectrum of medical services available

for clients and bring in new customers.

CVS plans to provide basic medical services and assistance to Aetna's over 20 million

clients through its clinics.

For more infomation >> American drugstore chain CVS acquires health insurer Aetna for US$ 69 bil. - Duration: 0:42.


AI Companion Robot Pororot - Duration: 5:06.

What would it be like if AI robots were your friends?

This is no longer a story from a sci-fi movie.

(SOV) "I'm your Pororot."

(" .")

Let's learn more about Korea's first AI robot of an animated character, prepping us

for a future in which humans coexist with AI robots.

On the 11th earlier this month, the Presidential Fourth Industrial Revolution Committee was

officially launched.

And there, a child-like and pure voice caught everyone's attention.

(SOV) "Who are you?

What's your name?"

( ? ?)

(SOV) "I'm Pororot, the children's president."

( .)

(SOV) "Are you a president as well?"

( ?)

(SOV) "Yes, I'm President Pororo of the children."

( . .)

It was none other than Pororot, Korea's first AI robot modeled after an animation


The name Pororot is a combination of the popular character "Pororo" and "robot," and

it was created by a new startup company in Korea.

(Korean) "Pororot is a combination of "Pororo"

and "robot."

It's modeled after one of the most beloved Korean native characters, which I believe

is an innovative attempt never seen."

The robot's main feature is a speech recognition and synthesis engine, which is based on machine

learning to communicate with children and also convert texts into Pororo's voice.

As a result, Pororot can understand and interact with children, improving their language skills.

(SOV) "Can you sing your theme song?"

( .)

(SOV) "I will sing the theme song."

( )

(SOV) "Wow, it's Pororo

(" ~ ~)

(Korean) "Pororot can converse with children, read

books, play music or play simple games like word chain, which are some of its most basic


Also, it features some educational functions, including a word-guessing game for children

based on pictures."

Based on that feature, Pororot can assist children with academic studies,

(SOV) "Airplain."

(SOV) "That's right.

It's an airplane.

You are doing great " (" Airplain . )

allow parents to input text for Pororo to speak using a feature called Avata Talk, and

help parents better communicate with their children.

(SOV) "Would you like to eat some carrots?"

( )

(SOV) "Go to bed early so we can play more tomorrow


( )

(Korean) "We believe the most fundamental function

of robots is to keep people company.

Pororot can be more of a friend than assistant to children needing care.

Thus, it perfectly fulfills its core function."

Then, how was Pororot developed in the first place?

It resulted from over 2 years of hard work by Korea's top AI experts with chief marketing

officer Han Jeong-seok and engineer turned entrepreneur Jang Young-seung as the driving


(Korean) "I predicted that people would start using

robots instead of computers at home within a few years.

I saw the immense potential and value of the robotics industry, and it motivated me to

develop Pororot."

There were, however, more obstacles to overcome even after the completion of the development.

(Korean) "We had a hard time dealing with hardware

issues because we had to meet a hardware expert whenever those issues occurred, which took

a lot of time and effort."

One of the toughest obstacles was indeed the fact that AI robots are not considered real-life

applications just yet.

Therefore, consumers weren't keen to spend over $US1,000 just for an AI robot.

(Korean) "We were skeptical about the interest of domestic

consumers in robots that cost over US$1,000 each because robots aren't considered everyday

applications just yet.

Therefore, we decided to develop Pororot Mini with the most simple and essential features."

Then they received advanced orders using crowdfunding prior to the official launch in December and

sold a total of 1,400 robots within just a month, raising 260% of the target goal with

115 thousand dollars.

But the innovation never stops.

The crew will continue to spark a revolution with upgraded versions of Pororot.

(Korean) "Companion robots are supposed to remedy the

loneliness of humans.

We're going to continue to tackle various challenges in order for Pororot to fulfill

that role.

I'm sure companion robots will be a household essential and part of everyone's life sooner

than we think."

Beyond merely making life easier, they hope AI robots will be good friends and companions

for people.

That's what makes us anticipate what the AI robot field will create.

For more infomation >> AI Companion Robot Pororot - Duration: 5:06.


SoMe og Video Julekalender 2017 - 4. december - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> SoMe og Video Julekalender 2017 - 4. december - Duration: 0:37.


Rival parties to continue talks aimed at reaching agreement on 2018 budget bill - Duration: 3:02.

Grueling negotiations are underway again at the National Assembly -- with the aim of reaching

an agreement over the government's 20-18 budget proposal... and hopefully putting it up for

a full floor vote.

The clock is ticking... after Saturday's midnight deadline came and went without the rival parties

reaching a compromise.

Let's turn to our National Assembly correspondent Kim Min-ji on the phone for the latest details.

Min-ji, fill us in on any developments.

Floor leaders from the three main political parties resumed negotiations this morning,...

in the hope of reaching a compromise over the government's 394 billion U.S. dollar budget

bill for next year.

Now it's their first face-to-face encounter after missing the deadline on Saturday...

unable to narrow their differences.

They are under strain with just weeks left before the end of the year.

If a budget proposal isn't passed by the new year, the government will have to draw up

a provisional budget that can only be used for mandatory expenditure.

But questions linger over whether rival parties will find common ground today,... as they

are still quite a way apart on key issues.

On top of that, also on the table today for negotiation is a disputed tax reform bill

-- that calls for higher taxes on the wealthy and on big corporations.

Rival parties have been locked in crunch talks running up to Saturday's deadline,... and

even on Sunday.

Walk us through the major areas of contention.

The most contentious area has been the creation of public sector jobs -- the Moon Jae-in administration's

number one campaign pledge.

The ruling Democratic Party of Korea wants to add some twelve-thousand new jobs next


It says it's willing to cut the number to 10-thousand-500,... but the opposition is

demanding the figure be slashed further.

Rival parties also still have to narrow their differences over the two-point-seven billion

dollars to be set aside for small firms... to cushion the fallout from next year's hefty

minimum wage hike.

They're clashing over how long the support would be provided,... with the opposition

stressing that the budget can't be used to bankroll higher wages.

The main opposition Liberty Korea Party is firm on its stance that it will not accept

what it calls a "populist" budget,... that will damage the country's fiscal health.

The center-left People's Party -- which holds 40 seats -- seen to hold the deciding vote

-- has also been more or less aligned with the conservatives on the disputed areas.

As you know, it's an opposition-led parliament with the ruling party short of a majority

with just 121 seats.

So, winning the opposition's support is seen as crucial to get the government's agenda


We'll have to see if any compromise is reached today,... but at this point it seems unclear,

with neither side willing to budge.

For more infomation >> Rival parties to continue talks aimed at reaching agreement on 2018 budget bill - Duration: 3:02.


BEMBI FOLGE 48: En scheene Taach unn geniesst die Adventszeit. Politiker kommt in die Strümp - Duration: 1:38.

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