Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

TOP3 Cat Sleeping Spaces in Winter

For more infomation >> TOP3 Cat Sleeping Spaces in Winter - Duration: 2:08.


South Korea, U.S. begin massive air combat drills - Duration: 2:05.

In a massive show of force to North Korea,...

South Korea and the United States have kicked off their largest air force exercise to date...

just five days after Pyongyang launched its new ICBM.

The drills will run through various wartime scenarios,... including targeting North Korea's

key nuclear and missile facilities.

Defense ministry correspondent Kim Hyun-bin leading us off.

Dozens of state-of-the-art American fighter jets, including F-22 raptors and F-35s,...

are blazing across the skies surrounding the Korean peninsula.

Their goal in this training exercise is to take out key North Korean nuclear facilities.

Scores of fighter jets neutralize hostile threats,... while escorting bombers to their

designated targets north of the border.

The bombers drop their bombs,... demolishing all targets.

The simulation of a possible war-time scenario is part of the major air force exercise dubbed

Vigilant Ace.

It comes less than a week after North Korea launched its newly developed inter-continental

ballistic missile.

The five-day exercise is the largest ever combined air force drill between the two allies,...

involving 230 warplanes and around twelve-thousand personnel.

(Korean) "The exercise is held annually.

We hold it to enhance our joint operations capabilities."

. .

Six F-22s and six F-35s have been deployed to the Korean peninsula,... marking the first

time the highly-advanced jets have cruised the skies above Korea at the same time.

Other U.S. assets include two B-1B bombers and six Growler electronic warfare jets as

well as dozens of F-15s and F-16s.

South Korea has deployed 90 fighter jets, including its F-15 and FA-50 fighters.

North Korea condemned the drills on Sunday saying they could lead to an all-out provocation

that may lead to a nuclear war.

Running a commentary in North Korea's state-run Rodong Sinmun on Sunday,... Pyongyang said

"such a drill is a dangerous provocation as it's driving tension on the Korean peninsula

to the brink of a war",... and that both "South Korean and the U.S. puppet forces are foolish

to run amok with such stealth fighters."

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea, U.S. begin massive air combat drills - Duration: 2:05.


Еврейский анекдот из Одессы! Анекдот про мужа и жену! - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Еврейский анекдот из Одессы! Анекдот про мужа и жену! - Duration: 0:28.


जानिए एक्यूप्रेशर से जुड़े गुप्त सवालों के जवाब | ACUPRESSURE FAQ BY DR PRADIP GUNWANTA DESHMUKH | - Duration: 3:52.

Hello Myself Dr Pradip Gunwanta Deshmukh M.D (A.M)

In my previous video we talk about "Importance of Healthy Eating Habits In Acupressure"

And I promised that I'll talk about that How Does Acupressure Science Works ?

Also I'll try to answers the questions of yours

Q-1) What is the speciality of Acupressure ?

Acupressure is such science which prevents the growing diseases in your body

And it also has the strength to cure yourself from it

Q-2) How to cure diseases in Acupressure?

Here we notice patients's hand and their fingers

We try to put force on all the points

Whoever point pains, which organ is not working accordingly we gather information

We treats is fully and it further that organs start functioning well

Most likely every patient is curious to know that Why does pain increase after Acupressure ?

Let me give you its answer, As soon we start working on your hand.

There are two points in your body they also start working and their blood circulation becomes active

As soon the circulation goes active, blockages of that area start getting removed

Though the radius of pain doesn't increase majorly but it goes little bit higher as compare to previous.

Because when your nerves get open then only they realise pain

Though pain doesn't grow rather it gets low & these are the symptoms of getting the diseases cured

Is that permanent treatment is possible in Acupressure ?

The answer is Yes, Your body will be healthy

That the possibilities of any diseases in your body becomes completely null.

Till the time a human is not playing with his body, his body remains healthy

Another question is, What all diseases are cured by Acupressure ?

The answer is , Expect Death, the treatment for every disease is possible in Acupressure.

Though Acupressure doesn't work in Burns & Cuts but Acupressure has the best treatment for its recovery

There is another question i.e Does Acupressure has any treatment for bone fractures?

The answer is Yes, Possibility of curing broken bones is possible in Acupressure.

Even when Dr. talk about laceration of legs & hand reaping

In acupressure its possible that you may not require this kind of treatment.

The last question, Does Acupressure is useful at the time of emergency?

The answer is "Absolutely Yes"

If anybody is suffering from Heart Attack

Just forcefully press this point of patients's left hand, point below the smallest finger- upper his heart line

Within 10 seconds the heart attack will be stopped

Whenever you are getting shock of paralysis, just take a needle in your one hand

And puncture this way in the hand of patient

Puncture all the fingers, make sure that 1 drop of blood is leak out

Immediately the attack of paralysis will be stop.

Even if any haemorrhage is going to happen, that too will be converted into normal attack

I'm sure that in this video, I've given all the answers of your question

You must have liked our video, do like and share our video.

Do send your comments and also subscribe to this channel.

Thank you..

For more infomation >> जानिए एक्यूप्रेशर से जुड़े गुप्त सवालों के जवाब | ACUPRESSURE FAQ BY DR PRADIP GUNWANTA DESHMUKH | - Duration: 3:52.


🔔 UMFRAGE 🔔 - Nimmst du 1KG Gold oder 3,5 Bitcoins zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt? bitcoin oder gold - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> 🔔 UMFRAGE 🔔 - Nimmst du 1KG Gold oder 3,5 Bitcoins zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt? bitcoin oder gold - Duration: 5:41.


osu! Alert | Cookiezi's 2 Year of Reign! Touchscreen Nerf Incoming, Filsdelama 700pp + osu! Giveaway - Duration: 16:16.

What is up guys, I'm Poised and I am back for yet another episode!

This time please don't bully my J, please and thank you.

Now let's roll the intro and make sure to enjoy this episode!

And before this episode starts, I once again want to thank our friends over at

for helping us out with website hosting!

Because of their help, we host all of the skins we use in our videos directly on our


If you're ever interested in hosting servers for minecraft, terraria or even a website,

[4 video showing the process, do several cuts, just make sure they see 35% and the code]

Please do check out their link in the description, and if you want to try any of their options

use the code "CirclePeople" for 35% off your first month!

One more thing before we start this episode; After a lot of requests for ways to support

us, we over here at Circle People now have started our own Patreon!

If you haven't heard or of Patreon before, it's a support platform where you can donate

to your favorite creators and get some rewards in return!

If you really enjoy our content, and you want to see it evolve and improve, please check

out our Patreon in the description below!

Some of the rewards include, but are not limited to, getting your name displayed on-screen

at the end of each osu!

Alert episode, getting access to our super special private Discord channel, and having

our eternal love here at Circle People.

In the future we want increase the amount of rewards available, as we really do appreciate

any and all help.

If you have any ideas for what rewards we could have, please do comment them below!

We cannot thank you enough for the continued support on our channel, and want you to know

that all of the money pledged via Patreon will be put back into the channel for the

improvement of our videos.

That's all I have to say about our Patreon.

We hope you enjoy this episode of osu!


Kicking off this episode, peppy has doubled the friend limit for osu!supporters from 250

to 500.

Also, if you run out of supporter, you can keep more than 250 friends, but you cannot

add more.

Do you guys remember that guy who paid over 1k dollars for a lifetime of osu!

Supporter that we talked about last week?

Well he managed to get into this episode too, but this time because he has created a website

called "LookAtMyScore", which you can use if you've ever set an awesome score

and wanted to brag to all of your friends, but you also want to make sure to include

awesome information like how much pp it is worth without showing them your ecchi skin.

If you're interested, LookAtMyScore has your back.

LookAtMyScore takes your replay file and generates a small but detailed graphic showing everything

from Max combo to pp given.

Now onto a bit more serious topic; one of osu!'s featured artists, Helblinde, is having

some financial difficulties because of private reasons at the moment, and is currently having

a sale for a collection of all of his songs for 50% off on his bandcamp.

Let's go and give him some CP love.

Next up we have a bit of a happier topic as it has been over 2 YEARS since Cookiezi was


Following his unban, he has held the number 1 spot for over a Year and has broken countless


It's really nice to have him back in the community, now we just have to get some other

players up there to poke him,,, pls rafis we're counting on you

Speaking of un-restrictions, the player jot_bab recently got unrestricted and within his first

day back set 2 600pp scores.

We can't wait to see what kind of plays he'll make in the future.

Now for some news a big part of the community has been waiting for for a long time: peppy

announced on reddit that there will be an upcoming touchscreen nerf.

Hopefully the tech will be a bit more polished soon as quite a lot of players have been getting

the "Touchscreen Detected" message on their plays, and it also appears a lot in

the older 30fps replays

Next up we have Mathi going ham this week and taking the #9 spot with his 629pp choke

on radwimp['?]s Yume Tourou hidden hardrock doubletime.

This technically makes him the highest ranked player without a 700pp score, which is kinda

funny as he does have an "unranked" 830pp score on the loved map Monochrome Butterfly

with Double Time.

We also have Bro_Gamer72, previously known as gayzmcgee taking the #2 USA spot from HappyStick

with his 608pp 1 miss choke on Stonebank All Night hidden doubletime!

Speaking of big achievements, osu! player Zalaria has managed to get over 20000 SS ranks.

She got her 20 thousandth SS on a 6 minute map that no one had SS'd with Hidden until

she managed to.

Next up we have the "Winter 2017 Fanart Contest" starting, so if you're an artist

and haven't submitted your art yet, get drawing because you only have until wednesday

to submit!

If you do submit art, please make sure to read all of the rules and guidelines so that

you're eligible to win that sweet osu!

Supporter when the time comes!

There was also a criteria change for r/osugame's scoreposts so be sure to check that out if

you're one of the cute score posters on osugame

Speaking of reddit, we have two threads which were made to help highlight some lesser known

maps and plays.

The First of which was as simple as typing a comment of a player and someone else will

reply with their favourite 3 plays of that player.

The second thread asked redditors to comment the name of a mapper while others reply with

their favourite 3 maps of said mapper.

The threads were a huge success, raking in over 700 comments between them.

Be sure to check them out in the link below.

Also, we have a collab map from hvick225, Nathan, and VINXIS being ranked.

The map is a marathon featuring a single diff called "NathanZhanKamal225's Blossom".

Truly a work of art.

Moving on, we have reddit user Ivrih giving us some extremely detailed statistics on osu!

World Cup's Group Stage, where they Showed the average accuracy of each player and each

team, and also who fc'd the most maps.

In order to keep things fair, single player statistics are only taken for the players

that played over 5 maps in the group stage.

Be sure to check it out in the link in the description..

While on the topic of the world cup, Last week, we talked about the group stage, so

this week it's time for the round of 16.

Nothing too surprising happened except for Canada losing 6-3 to Brazil.

But for more info be sure to check out the Round 16 recap on our channel made by Junihuhn.

Link of course will be in the description.

Let's get into scores, shall we?

First of all, we have Totoki getting a Full Combo on Skrillex, First Time of the Year

with Double Time, getting 406pp.

While the pp may not say that much, the map is 326bpm with Double Time.

Then, filsdelama FC's the loved map, Shounen Ripples.

Taking the first FC and #1 on the 8.11 star map would have gotten him 732pp if the map

was ranked.

Keeping with filsdelama, he also reversed choked Inai Sekai's Regret difficulty getting

a single slider break in the first 200 combo, the choke got him 594pp, without the slider

break he would have gotten over 650pp and the first Hard Rock FC on this map.


And then we have Rucker doing his usual thing as he Full Combos Mountain of Faith with Hidden,

getting a single 100.

The best acc on the map, and with Hidden too.

Sadly, the play was only worth 388pp.

Last week we mentioned Detro Volcanic getting loved.

This week Cookiezi takes #1 on the map with Hidden and 94.17% accuracy, getting only 13


Next up, Bro_gamer72 takes #1 on High Free Spirits Extra diff with Hidden Doubletime

along with only 2 100s, outaccing Vaxei's previous #1 on the map by over 1%.

This play got him 580pp

Then we have Aireu on Susumu Hirasawa - Aurora 2, KIRBY Mix diff with Doubletime.

The map has less than 20 no mod fc's, I'll just let this play speak for itself.

Next up we have Totoki going absolutely ham this week FC'ing Shiori Hidden Hardrock

Doubletime with 94% accuracy, he got himself 707pp.


on the Totoki hype train, he also fc'd LiSa - Datte Atashi no Hero, plus ultra Diff with

Hidden Doubletime, with 97.47 acc he got himself a deserved 673pp

Next up we have mathi taking #1 on the newly LOVED Sakura no Zenya with Hidden with 99.86%


Next up we have WubWoofWolf getting a Hidden Hardrock FC on Reol - Asymmetry Asphewin's


The map has no other Hardrock FC's and WubWoofWolf's impressive 99.66% acc got him 523pp

Finally we have osu player84 returning from his little break by sniping Cookiezi's #1

on Unreal Color.

His 98.71% acc got him 591pp.

And now for everyone's favourite section.

The memes.

Be sure to stick around after the memes for the giveaway

You know what time of the week it is.

2 winners, 4 months of supporter.

Link in the description, get up on it, and be sure to check out all of our other shizzle

my nizzle like livestream highlights and the OWC recap videos :cowboi:

For more infomation >> osu! Alert | Cookiezi's 2 Year of Reign! Touchscreen Nerf Incoming, Filsdelama 700pp + osu! Giveaway - Duration: 16:16.


OMG! by Effektiv #36 – YouTube Stories, John Müller twittert, Facebook Messenger Broadcast, Semrush - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> OMG! by Effektiv #36 – YouTube Stories, John Müller twittert, Facebook Messenger Broadcast, Semrush - Duration: 6:25.


Learn Colors With Christmas Snowman Funny Baby Finger Family Nursery Rhyme Songs - Duration: 4:35.

Suti Channel

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