Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

We all need water to survive, but sometimes, you're better off getting as far away as possible

from that tricky H2O.

Venture near any of these bodies of water, and you might pay for it with your life.

Or at the very least, you'll get a nasty rash for awhile.


Is it itchy in here or is it just me?"

Don't jump in, because these are the most dangerous bodies of water in the world.

Rio Tinto

Located in Andalusia, Spain, Rio Tinto is less of a river and more a toxic cocktail

of heavy metal mining byproducts and acid drain-off.

The end result is these technicolor waters that run 62 miles to the Gulf of Cadiz.

But even though the waters are too dangerous for humans, they aren't devoid of life.

Extremophile bacteria, which are bacteria that are capable of living in extreme conditions,

live in Rio Tinto, feeding off the sulfide and iron in the riverbed's rocks.

The presence of these microbes has attracted the attention of scientists, who believe the

river's out-of-this-world conditions are similar to other worlds, like Mars, and Jupiter's

moon, Europa.

Citarum River

Despite being the water supply for about 28 million people, the Citarum River in West

Java, Indonesia is one of the world's most polluted rivers, if not the most polluted.

The river is so screwed up because hundreds of different industries have made a habit

of contaminating this water, dumping in waste from textile manufacturing, garbage, and humans.

"Are you sure this water is sanitary?

It looks questionable to me."

The river feeds into rice paddies, and the water gets collected and boiled for cooking

and drinking.

But the river's outlook isn't completely grim.

In 2011, a 15-year, $4 billion dollar rehabilitation project began to save the river and the people

who depend on it.

Here's to hoping that'll be money well spent.

Boiling Lake

Dominica's Boiling Lake is the hottest hot spring in the world.

Located in a pleasant-sounding area known as the Valley of Desolation, Boiling Lake

reaches temperatures ranging from 180 to 197 degrees Fahrenheit.

And that's just around the edges.

No one has ever gotten close enough to measure the temperatures at the center of the lake.

Getting there makes for a beautiful hike, but you definitely don't want to go swimming.

"Sometimes couples sneak up here for a hot dip."

And some hot nookie?"

Blue Lagoon

The bright blue water in Britain's Blue Lagoon may look inviting, but it actually comes from

the toxic chemicals found in the rocks, which raises the pH of the water to a caustic 11.3.

In other words, taking a dip here is like swimming in bleach.

The water has been dyed black a few times to get people to stay away, but like a scheming

alien fluid, the water always returns to blue, beckoning swimmers into its embrace.

Horseshoe Lake

California is the home of sun, surf, and movie stars… and at least a few poisonous lakes,

like Horseshoe Lake, located in the Mammoth Lakes area of Mono County.

The area around the lake teems with highly concentrated carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide

from local volcanoes, a toxic mix that's wiped out 170 acres of trees—and a few people.

Mono Lake

Also located in California, Mono Lake is one the the US's oldest lakes, and one of its


With no outlet, large amounts of salts have been deposited in the lake, making it almost

three times as salty as the ocean.

While all this salt has resulted in some amazing tufa columns, it has also made the lake super

dangerous for swimmers.

Brine shrimp, flies, and a certain type of algae are the only things that live there.

Of course, the lake isn't always toxic—the toxicity varies depending on the water's depth.

Still, is that a chance you really want to take?

Lake Kivu

This lake in Rwanda isn't dangerous just because of its location—it's deadly because of the

huge methane gas and carbon dioxide deposits trapped beneath the lake.

All it would take is some agitation from something like a volcanic eruption to set off those


Since there are plenty volcanoes in the area, Kivu is basically a big watery time bomb.

And this isn't purely hypothetical—similar incidents have occurred in the past.

At Lake Nyos, carbon dioxide released from the lake took out an entire village overnight

in 1986.

"A deadly natural gas has left at least 1,200 people dead."

And methane can explode, even when it's coming out of a lake.

Luckily, plans to extract those gasses are currently underway, and the methane will be

used to generate electricity for Rwanda.

It's a win for everybody.

Lake Karachay

Russia is known for great authors, cold winters, Tetris, and, unfortunately, nuclear disasters.

Now, it's on track to becoming known for radioactive water, thanks in part to Lake Karachay.

Located in the Ural Mountains, the lake was a radioactive dumping ground for years, a

radioactive mix made worse by the Kyshtym containment disaster in 1957.

Simply standing by the lake for about an hour exposes anyone to a lethal dose of radiation,

making this probably the deadliest place on the planet.

It's definitely not the best vacation spot, unless you want that vacation to be your last.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Most Dangerous Bodies Of Water In The World - Duration: 4:44.


Function Block Update (What's New with Motionworks IEC 3) - Duration: 7:04.

You're watching the "What's new with MotionWorks IEC 3" video series.

In this video I'll demonstrate and explain some improved functionality

that exists as a result of function block updates.

Hi, I'm Matt Pelletier

Here's a quick preview.

In MotionWorks IEC version 3, we have improved a number of function blocks

and added new ones.

You can send text to the WebUI

Release servomotor holding brakes without the servo on

Y_DirectControl now supports torque feed forward.

Electronic cam can be engaged at an absolute master position.

We also introduce a set of function blocks to support PLCopen part 4

for coordinated motion of multi-axis mechanisms.

Now let's look at each of these in more detail.

The programmer can send any text string to the controller's Web UI Debugging Output

using Y_DebugPrint.

In the web UI under status you have the debugging output.

Now I'll execute Y_Debug Print .. and refresh.

The message was sent to this debugging output.

You can save the file if you like.

The idea is that important conditions can be detected in the code to execute the block.

For example, E-stop pressed, low material, or you enter an error state,

a customized message can be sent to the debugging output..

These messages can make it easy to troubleshoot using only a web browser.

Y_DebugPrint is found in the YDeviceComm Firmware Library and requires firmware 3.2 and higher.

I am using version 3.3.

The programmer can set conditions to release the built-in holding brake of a servomotor

using Y_BrakeRelease.

This way the axis can be moved externally with the servo off,

for example during mechanical setup, calibration, and troubleshooting.

The servomotor brake is usually controlled by a relay

that's driven by the servopack brake output.

Here I have an example demonstration of this.

Right now the brake is engaged, so the brake output is TRUE.

Under normal operation, the brake output turns on and off as the servo turns on and off

Servo ON and the brake is OFF, or released.

Servo OFF and the brake is engaged.

Y_BrakeRelease also turns the brake output on and off

Each time it executes, that toggles the brake state.

The brake is released and the servo is off.

So right now it is possible to move the shaft of the servomotor by hand.

Execute the block again to return the brake output to the engaged state.

And resume control with servo on.

Y_BrakeRelease is part of the Y_Motion firmware library.

And it requires firmware version 3.3 or higher.

Application performance can be improved for winding applications by using Y_DirectControl

with Torque Feed Forward control mode.

In this application, servos drive the wind and unwind rolls.

The inertia and torque requirements of the motor change significantly

when the rolls go from full to empty.

Torque feed forward amount can be calculated and gradually changed

to predict the torque requirements as the roll diameter changes.

This allows the speed loop to operate more effectively, minimizes the variation in tension,

resulting in a high quality product.

Torque feedforward with direct position control is helpful in positioning custom kinematic mechanisms.

This allows the controller to command an estimated torque required for smooth motion of the mechanism.

The position and speed loops can react to any remaining error more efficiently.

This is especially helpful in these nonlinear mechanisms.

Engaging an electronic cam is simplified using the engage method called "AtAbsolutePosition".

With this method, a future absolute position of the master is specified as the engage position,

instead of the master position within a cam cycle.

For example, in a rotary knife application, the knife axis starts disengaged from the master

You write code to capture the master position of the first product, add an offset,

and execute the Y_CamIn block.

The cam automatically engages at the specified absolute position of the master.

It is not necessary to write additional code to wait for a number of master cam cycles,

and to calculate an initial shift.

Multi-axis coordinated motion is programmed using the PLCopen part 4 standard.

Basic support is provided in version 3.0 for linear, circular, and direct moves, along

with basic group operations like enable, disable, stop, and reset,.

I'm using version 3.3

Beyond the standard blocks, we offer a set

of Yaskawa-specific functionality such as Y_GroupDirect Control for custom mechanisms

and Y_GroupPower to turn on the servos for the group.

We continue to develop this platform for multi-axis coordinated motion

with blocks such as MC_GroupRead Status,

and the Group Toolbox library with higher level function blocks .

Thanks for watching this Video.

Go to to download the latest version of MotionWorks IEC 3.

For more infomation >> Function Block Update (What's New with Motionworks IEC 3) - Duration: 7:04.


Shadow of the Colossus - Opening Cinematic | Entwickler-Kommentar [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Shadow of the Colossus - Opening Cinematic | Entwickler-Kommentar [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 4:08.


Biker Smash Mirror | Extremely Close Calls, Road Rage, Crashes & Scary Motorcycle Accidents [EP #62] - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> Biker Smash Mirror | Extremely Close Calls, Road Rage, Crashes & Scary Motorcycle Accidents [EP #62] - Duration: 12:06.


Rhino Ninja Watches Space Satellite TV feat. DERebecca. OmniOmegaVoice - Duration: 7:46.

Oh hey wassup, this Rhino Ninja.

And today? We just gonna have a good time. Mmhmm.


What the heck did you do to this thing?


So you Rhino stomped near it.

Maybe. You don't know my life.

You know, you're a couple sandwiches short of a picnic.

Man, I don't even know what that means.

I'll bet.

What's happenin' duders?

Getting my TV service fixed.

Tech: Done.

Aw snap, you got that new wall TV didn't you?

Shyeeah, ninja!

Hey I'll race you onetwothreeGO!

Oh that is NOT fair!

[sighs heavily]

You're welcome...

Let's do this.

Good evening. I'm Corpus Crewman and this is Corpus News Nightly.

The news tonight: A local Cetus Tenno has speared a massive Goopolla fish.

The gargantuan catch weighed in at just over 37 kilos.

When reached for comment, DE Steve had this to day:


This is certainly a FISHY turn of events!

Man, now what am I looking at here?

It's pretty catchy.

Yeeuh, ninja.

Did you know that 3 of every 4 Tenno have no idea what color blocking is?

They've never even seen a syandana.

For just 10 platinum a month, you too can sponsor one our fashion deficient Tenno.

After TFFI, I now have this awesome scarf!

I look cool now!


Call today, and sponsor a fashion-deficient Tenno now, with Tenno Fashion Frame International.

Is that...

Mr. Producer Man?


Both: Naaaaah...

When we needed a home for pops, we didn't know what to do.

It's tough to find a home for family, so here, we are a family.

Here at the Cetus Tenno retirement home, our trained professionals are working hard to ensure your loved ones get the care they need.

They've been able to provide things for pops we never could back at the dojo.

Pops loves our bird hunting program.

Our residents also enjoy: Spear fishing, Mining of Minerals,

and even a prototype flight program.

I'm just happy that my dad's found a good home.

Cetus: A Tenno Retirement Community

For more infomation >> Rhino Ninja Watches Space Satellite TV feat. DERebecca. OmniOmegaVoice - Duration: 7:46.


Essence of Murli 05-12-2017 - Duration: 6:37.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 5th December 2017

Essence: Sweet children, you have to fulfil your responsibilities to your worldly and your spiritual families,

but you mustn't have attachment to anyone.

Become conquerors of attachment. ( fullfill all responsibilites by being loving, yet detached )

Question: This is the time of settlement. Therefore, what elevated directions should you continue to tell everyone about?

Answer: The Father's elevated directions that you have to tell everyone are:

Settle the karmic accounts of your sins before the time of settlement

In order to make your future elevated, surrender yourself completely to the Father.

Claim your inheritance of liberation and liberation-in-life before the time of settlement with knowledge and yoga

Only at this time do you have to make all this effort.

If you surrender everything to the Father, everything you receive in return will be for 21 births.

For as long as you belong to the Father, continue to take directions at every step.

Essence for dharna: 1. Remain firmly on the rails of the drama.

Don't become upset about anything. Stay constantly happy.

2. Caution one another and continue to make progress.

While doing your business, make effort to stay in remembrance of the Father.

Blessing: May you be a world server and finish your karmic bondages with the bond of service.

While living at home with your family, never think that it is a karmic account or a karmic bondage, for that too is service.

( If you think living at home is a bondage, you wont feel happy. Rather think i have to do service and give message of arrival of Baba to all )

When you are tied in the bond of service, your karmic bondages finish.

Until and unless there is the motive to serve, karmic bondages will pull you. ( Pl. note & check for self, above point )

( Do check for self, is anyone or anything pulling my mind towards it ? Am i able to stay in Baba's rememberance ? )

When there are karmic bondages, there will be waves of sorrow

whereas when there is the bond of service, there will be happiness.

Therefore, finish your karmic bondages with the bond of service.

Wherever in the world a world server is, it is for world service.

( in other words, the world is for service )

Slogan: Maintain the awareness of your deity form and no one's wasteful vision will fall on you.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 05-12-2017 - Duration: 6:37.


The Hillbillies of Grand Theft Auto Online - Noclip - Duration: 37:33.

(downbeat music)

- It's been over four years since the original launch

of Grand Theft Auto V but that hasn't stopped the game

from appearing in top 10 sales charts pretty consistently

for the past 50 months.

- [Female] With Grand Theft Auto Online

Rockstar Games is looking to bring the heart

of the Grand Theft Auto experience

to a living online world with multiple players.

Just what you choose to do in that world is up to you.

- So what is it about this game

that keeps people coming back to Los Santos

each and every month?

To find out we went to talk to one

of the game's most infamous crews.

A bunch of folks who've been playing the game since day one.

A bunch of folks down south who like

to call themselves Hillbilly Agenda.

Hello folks and welcome to Knoxville, Tennessee.

What are we doing in Knoxville, Tennessee

outside this beautiful house with all

of these gorgeous looking cars?

We're here to talk to some people

about Grand Theft Auto Online.

Not just anyone, either, not the developers

like we usually do, not the marketing people.

No, we're here to talk to a bunch of players.

In fact perhaps the most hardcore players

of Grand Theft Auto Online you've ever heard of.

Hillbilly Agenda, known as HBAG

on Rockstar Social Club, are a group

of diehard GTA Online players

who take their crew affiliation to a whole new level.

Sure they play the game together a few times a week

but the connections they've made online

have transcended the game.

They're friends, a family of online misfits

who travel thousands of miles each and every year

to get together for a huge crew party

and that's why we're here.

And it's not just like a couple of people

who turn up here either.

It's like 40 people.

In fact we've tried to do this intro like five times

but cars keep pulling in.

What's the purpose of this trip?

To learn what it is about GTA Online

that keeps this crew together and to shine a light

on how online gaming communities

can be a source of connectivity

and not just a source of, well, you know, racist teenagers.

We're also gonna eat a lot of meat.

- Barbecue ribs.

- And drink some beer.

And apparently we're also going on some boats tomorrow.

So you may not ever see this footage

but we probably had a good time.

(upbeat music)

- [Male] You're going straight to the back.

- [Male Two] Yes I am.

- [Male] Good job.

(guns firing)



- [Male] And they like rush and there's like four

of them coming around.

Yeah, I turned right into them.

Sons of bitches.

- [Host] For the purpose of our little name bars

at the bottom what is your name

and what are we talking about here?

- Now are we going with my real name or my street name?

- [Host] That's up to you, what's your street name?

- I'm KnoxNerd.

- [Host] KnoxNerd, that's 'cause of where we are, right?

- Right, in Knoxville and I'm an IT consultant

in real life so I'm a nerd.

You can't just pick anybody off the street

and call 'em a nerd, they have to earn it.

It's a hard title to earn.

But in real life my name's Warren Scott.

- [Host] You're ex-navy as well, right?

- [Scott] Right, uh-huh, I did 10 years in the navy.

- [Host] Where were you stationed?

- [Scott] I was stationed in Connecticut

and that's where my son was born

and then I went down to Key West for three years.

Pretty rough shore duty down there

and then I went up to Hampton, Virginia

and Norfolk, Virginia and I did three carriers.

I did Eisenhower and John C. Stennis

was a new commission and the Enterprise

so I did three carriers.


It was great.

- [Host] Over to the Mediterranean

every six months or whatever?

- Yeah, you'd go for six, come back for a year

so I can go back out.

It was a blast.

- [Host] Warren is a person who likes meeting new people.

He hasn't a bashful bone in his body

so when he returned to civilian life

he decided to combine his love of computers

and entertaining people.

- I partner with this guy and we put together

this 3000 square foot place called Cyber Sports

and this was like right when dial up was still,

64k was good so we put in like 32 computers,

we put like eight machines networked together,

the frag arena, and we had Quake, Doom,

Unreal Tournament, those games,

and we had eight machines all networked together

for black lights and fog machines

and we just made it where it's cyber sports.

You just come in and do that so we did that for a while

but then right around six months in

then high speed comes out then we're kind of

like the ma and pop video store.

Now everybody's getting DVD's.

- [Host] Warren liked to play video games mostly on his PC.

That was until his brother in Miami

told him about Red Dead Redemption online.

Warren bought an Xbox 360 and the two boys

used the game as a way of keeping in touch.

Soon enough there third brother entered the fold.

So when a few years passed and Grand Theft Auto V came out

they were ready to make the transition.

- My brother in Miami, he said hey,

you need to go to Social Club, set up an account,

and then we need to make a crew

and I'm like what's a crew?

So I start going on Social Club and looking at it

and seeing what it is so I know

I've got a two week time period before it launches

because I wanna be live on day one.

September 30th I landed on Hillbilly Agenda

and October 1st, we've been rolling ever since.

Turned in to where it's a social platform

for me to play a game and hang out

with my brother that I never get to see

so we had a bunch of guys from England

and we had a guy in Norway and I think

we probably had 20 something but then the next gen came out

and they ended up staying with Xbox

and we went to PS4 so I think we had seven of us stay

and we all actually went and bought PS4's

just to play GTA.

Our motto is quality first not quantity.

We don't care how well you can manipulate the controller

of a game.

We want a good person.

If I don't wanna meet you in real life

you're not part of our crew

because we're not just about a game.


- I got the whole crew with me today.

- [Female] You got the whole crew.

- You gotta check, check the cake, check the cake.

- [Male] How are you?

- What's up Biggie?

- What's up brother?


- [Male] You see all that pork?

Look, this is off of that pork shoulder

from that hog he killed.

- [Male Two] Tell the hog story.

- Alright, so it was knock 'em dead.

He's the undercover narcotics officer

and he's got a buddy of his that has a big farm

and I guess he had a domestic hog

that got loose and so after it's been loose

for like a while but I guess they call it,

what's it called, feral, it goes feral?

They went feral so it kind of gets wild again

so the guy, he calls up Brad and says hey,

this thing's just chasing me around on my tractor

and all that.

He said if you can come up and kill it you can just have it.

He's like oh yeah, sure.

He goes how big is it?

He said it's about 200 pounds.

So he goes well heck, I've got my pistol with me.

I'll shoot it with my pistol.

So he goes out there and he says

this thing came running at him, he's like holy shit.

He gets his pistol and right when he runs by

he shoots him right between the eyes

and he goes, and the hog was like oh, it's on.

He said it was so pissed.

He had to shoot him seven times in the head

to take him down and where's that picture at?

We had a picture.

So sore, he's our smoker chef and so he,

Brad gave him the shoulder which was a 30 pound shoulder

he smoked and then he also smoked for us,

we went and got some ribs, smoked ribs,

and he smoked a whole bunch of sausages.

- [Host] As people file into the party,

I asked them about how they got involved in HBAG

and what surprised me is just how varied their stories were.

Some of them just came across Warren

and his brother online.

Others came across Warren in real life

or at his IT store where he fixes computers.

- The first time I met Ice he comes into my shop

and he sees my, I've got Grand Theft Auto stickers

everywhere and Rockstar emblems

and he's like you play Grand Theft Auto?

I'm like oh yeah, little bit.

So we start talking, he goes well I just got it.

I said we gotta play.

I kind of talked about the crew

and he's like I can tell we're gonna be really good friends

for a long time and once he comes on

and he works, he's a special investigations unit

and they basically hunt down the criminals.

If you have warrants on you and you're on their black list

they will find you.

So they hunt these guys down and he's got his guys.

He starts bringing his guys in

and they're all buying Playstation and Grand Theft Auto

and I think now we're probably up to about eight cops.

If you're speeding through Knoxville just let me know.

Don't worry about it.

We'll get it taken care of.

Yeah, they're all plain clothes, unmarked cars

but they go through a lot of cars

'cause they're the ones that like if you're running

from them they will ram you off the road.

They're gonna stop you.

- That's basically my (mumbling).

But everything of course that we go through.

There's nothing but (mumbling) time for me.

- For sure which is saying something

because it's not exactly the most relaxing game

in the world, right?

- Right.


- You could play Madden or like--

- No, no Madden.

- Oh wait, this is funny, this is funny.

So we get online one night and Ice

is like hey what are we gonna do?

I said hey look, let's go over to Sandy Shores,

let's bust up some meth heads and take their bikes

'cause we were wanting to all get bikes

so we could all have the same bike.

He goes hey, we did that today.


- [Host] You've got like drug busting cops

in your crew but you've also got guys

with 420 in their name.

- Well yeah, they're the little feast,

they're not looking for the little feast.

Yeah, I mean I think in our whole crew

that I'm aware of, I think we've got

probably three weed smokers and all

because 420 in your name's a dead giveaway

and if you try to put I like weed

and put weed in between every other letter

in all caps and it's funny

'cause he'll be on with Crawfish.

He'll be like hey Craw, where you get your weed from?


We don't want you, we just want him.

Nah, he's a little guy.

You don't need to worry about him.

But we want the guy he knows.

- [Host] While Ice and his colleagues

may be the biggest subset in the crew,

most of the rest of Hillbilly Agenda

are folks who have been rounded up individually.

In fact for anyone who's joined the crew

in the past 12 months, this is the first time

they've met the people they've talked to

day in day out for months.

In fact, for one member of the crew

this entire trip was unthinkable

until a month ago because she only joined the crew

in the past few weeks.

- My name is Rachel Cline.

My gamertag is Roachy1216.

- [Host] How'd you get Roachy1216?

- Roach has been a nickname since high school

and it just kind of stuck with me.

My friends all call me Roach.

The whole Rachel Roach thing, it just kind of,

if you're drunk and stutter Rachel

it comes out Roach anyways so it works.

- [Host] Rachel is from a tiny town

called Champion in rural Pennsylvania.

The type of place where everyone knows your business.

Like many young people who grow up

in cloistered communities, from a young age

she fell in love with video games

and a vast variety of worlds they allowed her to explore.

- Atari, I mean that was, picked up a controller.

That was all she wrote.

I've been playing everything ever since.

I had my own Sega in my bedroom

when I was a little kid.

That was just the greatest thing.

Nintendo 64, I was all about it.

Mario, that's my stuff.

I actually still have my original NES

somewhere tucked away in the closet.

I need to bust that out one of these days

but yeah, I've always played games.

Absolute favorite hands down is Red Dead Redemption.

I played that, fell in love with it.

I have countless hours on that game.

I loved it, that was my absolute favorite game

and then GTA.

Back in the day on PS2, playing with my dad,

we would play GTA III.

We didn't have a memory card or anything

so we would just have like 18 hours

of playing this game straight just to unlock the whole map,

to kind of go around and explore and stuff

so I mean that's just, it's normal for me.

The long haul, I'm good at that.

- [Host] Like Warren, she too fell

for the gorgeous open world of Red Dead Redemption

and once she completed the campaign

spent countless hours in the virtual playground

that was its online mode.

So when GTA V came around it was an easy transition.

Roachy played pretty frequently

with an online friend in California.

That was until one night when her friend wasn't online

and she bumped into a couple of Knox's.

- A couple weeks ago, weeks ago,

I had my warehouse cargo built up.

Two million dollars worth of product ready to sell.

- [Host] A lot of product.

- But sometimes they give you three trucks

so you need more than one person

to make all the deliveries to get all your money

and so I went into this lobby and there

was only a few people in there

and there was two guys that just happened

to be Jester and Knox and I sent them a text

on the game and I'm like hey,

do you wanna help me sell this product?

Do you need money?

- Me and Jester are in a lobby

and we keep getting some annoying person

saying help me sell my stuff

and we're finally like okay, fine,

we'll help this person.

So we get into, we join their organization.

I think she was on a bike organization to sell

and I said hey Jester, let's go ahead

and bring her into our party so we can talk.

Or not her, we didn't know who it was at the time

so I said maybe it'll be a cool person.

Who knows, maybe it'll be a 12 year old.

You don't know.

So hope it's not a squeaker.

Hey guys.

- [Host] Is that what you call 12 year olds?

- Yeah, if you're a squeaker you're like hi guys.

Hey listen, we just wanna say hi really quick.

We're really busy right now

but we'll get right back with you.



- It took a minute, I didn't hear a response

but I guess I found out later that was them

kind of debating is this gonna be a 12 year old,

is this gonna be a weird person?

Do we really wanna get involved with this person?

- So she's like hi, I've spent days

all by myself gathering these crates

so I can sell 'em.

So we go to her warehouse and it's two million dollars.

You're gonna sell 'em all at once?

She goes yeah, just us and one other person in lobby

and me and Jes are like we got this,

don't worry about it.

So we go do the mission.

She happens to get the tugboat mission.

- It was a tugboat which I can do that on my own

and me and Knox are on the boat and Jester's up

in his chopper just doing the badass blowing up shit.

- Jester's in his buzzard.

Oh man, I love the buzzard, it's great.

Blowing up the jet skis.

Next thing we know Jester destroyed the product

and she's like what?

- Something happened to where one

of the baddies on a sea shark came too close

to my tugboat and Jester blew it up.

Two million dollars worth of product destroyed.

- She's like oh my God, are you serious?

And the tugboat's going underwater and I'm swimming out

and she's like I think I'm gonna cry.

I'm like Jester.

He's like oh my God, I'm so sorry.

That's two million dollars.

- Two million dollars wiped out, completely gone, yeah.

And I was hurting for money at the time

so I was like devastated.

And then Knox is like oh man, I'm so sorry.

Like we're not noobs, this never happens.

We're a really legit crew

and then he started telling me

about like what they do and stuff

and I'm like mm-hmm.

Stick with us, we'll make up for it.

We do our crew sells all the time.

We all get together.

We'll make up the two million.

I'm like okay, we'll see what happens.

- He goes well I guess I know what I'm gonna be doing

for the next few days.

Helping you get crates and so I'm like welcome

to Hillbilly Agenda.

- I have like four million in the bank now

so they've more than made up for it so we're good.

- We meet Roachy and then we're all gearing up

for this crew weekend party that we're having.

- With it already being the beginning of July,

it was at the end of July

so there's heavy, heavy talk about this crew party

and I really didn't pay attention to it

'cause I'm like all the way in Pennsylvania

like off on my own by myself.

Didn't really think too much of it

and then Knox started throwing around the idea

of hey Roachy, why don't you drive down

and come to the crew party?

I'm like I am such an anxious nervous driver as it is.

I hate to even drive in Pittsburgh.

I could not imagine me making that journey

the whole way down here.

I'm like that's completely out of the question, no way.

- On our group meet app for the thing

she had put at the end of it,

she said she's not gonna be attending the party

'cause all the time we're all talking

about the party, who's gonna bring this

and when are you coming in

and we're all excited about it.

- [Host] And she's known you for like two weeks?

- No, at that point she's only known us

for nine days, nine days.

I talked to Wizard who is up in Connecticut

and this is his third trip down.

We tried to work out logistically

to get her, he could pick her up

on the way down 81 or I called her up

and said hey, can I buy you a bus ticket?

She said oh, that would be great

but I couldn't find anyway to make it work

without being like a--

- [Host] A bus to meet him on the way in.

- Right, because we were gonna have him meet

and pick her up but it'd be like a 13 hour bus ride

with like four connections.

- So I'm thinking this is all pretty new.

Do I really wanna be like nine hours

in the car with someone I've never met?

Like that was kind of sketchy

but I was actually thinking once I saw

the whole Hillbilly Agenda website

and like all the pictures from last year and stuff

I'm like this is amazing.

I would love to be a part of that.

- I call her back up and I say hey, listen,

I can't make the bus thing work.

Just not possible and she goes okay, I understand.

I go aren't you close to Pittsburgh

and she's like yeah, about 45 minutes.

I said okay, I'm flying you in.

She's like what?

I'm like are you okay with that?

And she's like I've never flown before in my life.

She goes nobody in my family's ever flown before.

- What?

I'm like I've never been on a plane in my life.

There's no way.

He's like well your ticket's already paid for.

Thanks Knox.

- [Host] And she explained to her family

that she's getting on a plane

to meet some internet GTA players.

- Right, right, so she goes, I said are you excited

about your trip?

She goes yeah but the hardest part

is convincing my family that I'm not joining a cult

or I'm gonna end up in a bathtub full of ice

with all my organs missing.

So you know I told her, said look

just take them to our website.

They can look and see that we're like normal people.

- [Host] Why go that extra mile?

That's an incredibly generous thing to do for somebody.

- Well because I don't know, to me

it's almost like I enjoy making people happy.

It makes me happy.

So in a way I'm kind of selfish

'cause I'm doing it for me to make me happy

and the end result other people benefit from it.

- [Host] Is that why this party happens every year?

- Yeah, well I don't know, to me

it's something that I can do that people really appreciate

and they just have so much fun.

I mean you guys can tell.

It's just incredible atmosphere and camaraderie

and just such a positive vibe that it just,

I can't explain it, I love it.

This has been made with love and passion by Ms. Ice.

Where is she?

- [Male] She's hiding.

- [Male Two] Dude, wow, that's impressive.

- That is impressive.

- [Warren] There we go, slide the box out.


- It's got the crew emblem on it and everything.

- [Male] I can't wait to eat it.

- [Male Two] Good job, Amy.


- [Host] The crew party has been running for years.

It started out in far more humble surroundings

but for the past two years they've had access

to this beautiful home, the residence

of one of Warren's friends and customers Mark Lemoncelli.

Him and his father Jim are honorary members of the crew

and happy to let Warren use the house

affectionately known by the crew as Lemon Land

but most weeks the crew members are back

in their home states working jobs, raising families,

and finding time to play the game.

It's been four years since the launch

of GTA Online and Rockstar have been pretty consistent

about adding content to the game on a monthly basis.

There's a lot to do.

Players are able to just roam the world in free mode

and take in all the activities that that provides.

There's a co-op story mission mode

that uses characters from the game.

Then there are jobs, instanced multiplayer events

you can join including death matches,

races, horde modes, and sport activities.

The game also now has a content creator

that lets you create your own versions of these.

In fact the crew even has a team death match variant

made to mimic the crew party.

Rockstar have added free DLC packs to the world

including Smuggler's Run, Cunning Stunts,

and the incredibly popular Heist.

It's for this reason that there's always somebody

from the crew online at any time.

They run designated crew nights

to get people together and daily crew mornings

for the diehard a.m. players.

To help organize activities, the crew has ranks,

commissioners that solve disputes,

get groups together, and generally keep the peace

so it's no wonder that so many of these folks

not only fly and drive thousands of miles

to attend the party but bring their partners

and kids along for the ride too.

You're working at, you're a chef right?

- Yeah.

I work on the yacht.

- [Host] You work on the yacht, oh wow.

So are you like, you don't play on the yacht.

- No.

I just cook all the food.

- [Host] Yeah, do you work like funny hours?

- Oh yeah, all the day.

Pretty much, seven days a week.

- [Host] So when do you play with the guys?

- As soon as I get off, from eight til 12,

then go back to work.

That's our crew time because Tennessee

and Kentucky times are really close.

So the reason I got to play a bit.

I started on Playstation 3 and then

all the friends disappeared, I just ran into Knox

and Jester and they just, they were (mumbling)

been playing, you know?

Who'd thought it would have went this far.

You don't think a game would bring you friends

but it really did.

It's a cool story.

- [Host] What is about GTA Online

that like years later you can still enjoy it?

- They just keep updating it.

There's so many different things

that they do, like the gunrunning.

I haven't even started it.

I've been away from it a little while

but like the (mumbling) and the biker gang

and then they just keep updating it.

It's like buying a new game all the time.

- It's weird that like I feel like I was growing up

when my parents were telling me

don't meet people on the internet.

These folks are like, their parents all met on the internet.

- Exactly.

Like we were talking briefly last night about stuff.

It's kind of one of those scary instances

where you really don't know what's gonna happen.

I guess it's like dating on the internet

but you don't know what's gonna happen.

Then when you finally meet these people

they're good people.

- Come and get it.

There's plenty more.

- [Host] So what is it about Grand Theft Auto Online,

do you think, that your crew enjoys

because we've heard that some of the crew

had played other games like Ghost Recon Wildlands

or Rainbow Six Siege, what is it about Los Santos?

- I think Rockstar has just really have set

this standard where nobody has this open sandbox

where you can just go in and do whatever you want.

You can just buy clothes and drive cars

and just talk to people and do things together

and where other games, they just focus

on one thing, you can go on Grand Theft Auto

and play just a round of golf or you know,

hey, let's go check out my new car.

I gotta take it for some laps on the Los Santos Speedway

and you get to just experience stuff

that you don't get to with any other game

and we'll have people like oh, I can't wait

for this new Star Wars game to come out

and we're like okay, we'll see you in about a week.

And the other thing too is

if you were playing Grand Theft Auto

and you weren't in a crew then the game,

you would play the single player and you'd complete it

in a few weeks or whatever and then you go online

and you're just gonna get repeatedly killed

over and over again and it wouldn't be any enjoyment

but when you actually go on to do stuff

with your crew, we have it where if somebody

hits rank 100, alright, we're gonna take a limo ride

down to the Vanilla Unicorn and do shots

so we're all celebrate, we go down

and have fun together and it's very difficult

to get all the way down there without getting the cops

on you but we really try to maintain our discipline.

- [Host] Knox is a fan of adventures

in the game and in reality.

In fact the crew has provided him with a new mission

to visit as many of the crew members

in their hometowns as possible and it all started

with his vanity plate.

- I had an idea one time.

You make your custom plate.

I was like I wanna make one for my car.

I go and make one for my car then I go in the game

and I find a car that's similar to mine

and I put it on there and I get like a side by side.

In real life and then the game one

and I sent it to Rockstar and they had the little article

on it and I was like I just need

to do that for all my crew members.

That way it's like once you've been in long enough

Knox is gonna pay you a visit

and I don't care where you live.

I'm gonna come to you.

I don't have to get hotel, I don't have

to get a rental car, I don't know their financial situation

so I'm assuming I'm gonna buy the food,

I'm gonna pay for the gas, I'm gonna cook

for them in their house.

- [Host] While on these trips, Knox

attempts to do the plate ceremony

in an iconic place.

In fact, at the party one such ceremony

went ahead with Mr. And Ms. Clips getting their plates

while jumping into the pool.

He's been upping the ante of the plate ceremonies

for the past couple of years

and they're getting increasingly ridiculous.

On a recent trip to Canada, Knox gave DJ his plate

on top of a glacier but as Knox learned

that's a difficult thing to explain

to an immigration officer.

- I get to the airport and I'm getting to customs, right?

So first you go through immigration.

So I get to immigration, business or pleasure?

I'm here for pleasure.

Okay, who are you here to see?

I go DJ.

They're like DJ?

I'm like oh, hold on.

Okay, hold on, alright, Darryl Orlando.

They go how long have you know him.

I said about a year.

They go where'd you meet him?

I go online.

Grilling me, okay, what are you here for,

who do you see, what do you do?

He's like okay, do you have anything

that you're bringing?

I'm like yeah, let's see.

I've got a license plate, some pens and pads,

oh yeah, some moonshine, some shot glasses.

He goes through and okay, come over here.

- [Host] Wait, are you telling me

you were flying internationally with moonshine?


- Yeah, you know, I'm from Tennessee, come on.

It's not natural everywhere.

DJ wanted some and my crew made.

I gotta bring 'em the moonshine.

I'm here to visit my good friend Daryl Orlando.

'Cause they even said where does Daryl Orlando live?

I'm like Canada.

They're like what part?

I'm like well I guess Calgary.

They're like do you have his address?

I'm like no.

He's picking me up.

I don't know, I said I guess I could have found him.

Maybe I could look in an email.

- [Host] It's a good thing it's like

they didn't ask what did you do last time

you hung out with Daryl and you were like oh,

we shot some--

- Oh yeah, we ran some drugs.

We did some gunrunning, it was great.

What I'll do, I'll make them their plate

and I'll bring it to them.

- [Host] You fly as well, right?

- Right, I'm flying.

Flying, if I'm gonna fly to a crewmate,

it really has to be the right conditions

with the weather.

But now I did deliver one to Jester.

He's in North Carolina and me and my son,

I rented a plane and he co-piloted.

That's really great bonding, father and son

in a plane by yourself having your son,

teaching him how to co-pilot.

We flew and met Jester and his family.

We've been like really close ever since.

- [Host] He's come down with the whole family.

- He's been down plenty of times

and I go up there and one time he called me,

oh no, we were online, he kept getting disconnected,

kept getting disconnected and he goes

'cause he's probably about five hour drive

from Knoxville and he kept getting disconnected

and I said are you on wi-fi?

He goes yeah, I go you need to run a wire.

He goes I don't think there's any way to run a wire.

I said I'll be there tomorrow.

So I just drove up there and ran a wire

and spent the night and came back.

And then he hasn't had a problem since.

- To show our appreciation for being the best crew member,

you always, you're so, so, so kind

and everybody in here, I've talked

to every single person.

They can't believe your loving spirit,

how you love to give, and what you give

to each one of us and we really appreciate you

and we put something together and Jester

with his master carpenter skills

has got something for you.

- Oh my God.

- A little HBAG.

- That is awesome, holy cow.



When did y'all sign it?


- And there's you a little something from all of us

and we appreciate everything you do.

- Thank you so much guys.



Thanks so much guys, I really appreciate it.

I think everybody just coming out

and especially the people traveling from all over,

that's a long drive just to come to a party

and this is Wizard's third trip.

By the time he gets home it's like 6,000 miles

for a crew trip.

You guys are honestly like family, you really are.

- I feel the same way man, I feel the same way.

- Awesome, thanks guys.


- [Host] As the evening settled in,

some stragglers stuck around to get a few games in

but most folks went home for an early night

to prepare for the next day's activities.

A boat trip atop of Tennessee's beautiful Norris Lake.

Knox has a small boat on the lake

but he refuses to call it his own.

It's the crew boat ordained with Hillbilly Agenda logos.

He allows any crew member to take it out for free

whenever they want.

The only condition is you fill it up with gas

when you're done and take a photograph

of you and your family having fun.

After a full day on the lake with the crew

we went back to his place for a rest.

It was Sunday night, the night

where he updates the crew's stat sheets.

Ever since they started, he's logged

ever crew member's stats from distance traveled

to how likely they are to evade police.

He actually created a formula which pulls data

from Rockstar Social Club and produces even more results

than they do.

More than just entertainment, Grand Theft Auto Online

has provided Knox and his crewmates

with genuine human interaction,

friends for life, family, and shared experiences

that they and their children will remember forever

but that's all co-op gaming is at the end

of the day really isn't it?

Shared experiences, spending time

with the people you love, going on adventures,

having stories to tell and while other games

can certainly scratch that itch,

the open sandbox nature of GTA Online

and the near constant updates

make it unparalleled in the eyes of Hillbilly Agenda.

In fact, when it comes to other video games,

there's only one game the crew wants to talk about.

- I get my Game Informer magazine

and like I'm always looking through every page

like I want some Red Dead info.

There's nothing ever in there so I just whatever,

just wait for it I guess but very,

very impatiently waiting for Red Dead two.

Yeah, I'm so excited, I will be there first day.

- The thing about it is is it's still a Rockstar product,

it's still a Social Club product

and when we play that game,

we're still Hillbilly Agenda.

We'll still have the Hillbilly Agenda tag.

We'll still have our stats

and we'll just be HBAG in the wild west.

That's pretty badass.

I don't know if we're gonna have

like neon lights on the horses

or how you're gonna be able to soup your horse up

or maybe a HBAG belt buckle or something

and we'll have to dedicate it,

certain nights we'll do Grand Theft Auto,

certain nights we'll do this

but we're still Hillbilly Agenda

and we'll have a modern version

and a western version so it'll be great.

It'll be really good.

I keep joking with people going I read

on the internet there's other games for PS4

besides Grand Theft Auto.

Is it true or is that like a rumor?

'Cause that's the only game I play.

- [Host] No Destiny for you?

- No, we've lost a couple players to Destiny

so that's kind of a sore spot.


(muffled microphone chatter)

- [Male] Yeah, they're just gonna wait on us.

(muffled microphone chatter)

You're in the construction site.

(muffled microphone chatter)

For more infomation >> The Hillbillies of Grand Theft Auto Online - Noclip - Duration: 37:33.


New Haircut and Color Transformation - Amazing Hairstyles Compilation 2017-2018 - Duration: 11:22.

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For more infomation >> New Haircut and Color Transformation - Amazing Hairstyles Compilation 2017-2018 - Duration: 11:22.


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For more infomation >> Once Upon a Time 7x09 Promo 2 "One Little Tear" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:16.


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olá Youtube, My name is Ricardo Lino and I´m a wheel addict

I´m in a skatepark called Centro dos esportes Radicais

and I am with

jesus loves you skaters and skateboarders

skaters, this is Sassi

whats us sassi

merry x-mas everyone

merry x-mas and a happy new year

thanks Sassi, go for it Sassi


don't hate me because rollerblading is easy!

sh*t will happen!

can i ?

i did it wrong

im now going to be a TV camera Man


TV channels, invite me to work for you because i have all the skills

just look at this!

really good!

that was SICK! really good!

I´m leaving and get into the park

and that´s it!

this was another day in São Paulo Brazil

today with two brazilian skate legends

with Pia and Kalléo Hipolito

we also had Lucas and jimmy

excelent!!i hope you enjoyed this one

if you enjoyed it dont forget to give me

thumbs up!! if you didnt like it

thumbs down but tell me why!!

and if your not subscribing the channel, now might be a good time to do it

WOW, was that a bomb? ill see what that was

have a good one and don´t forget why we started skating




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Girl DJ Mirjami @ Space Club Czchów - Duration: 3:14.

tonight we're Playing in SPACE CLUB

ICECREAM & other sweets

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See if you can find some ways to multiply your value to the marketplace

and he said your income will immediately start to change up until then I was

hoping that the economy would change I was hoping that my company would change

I was hoping that my paycheck would change I was hoping that circumstances

outside would change and then here's what I found out it isn't going to

change so then my question was if it isn't going to change how will my life

ever change and here's what my teacher taught me when you change when you

change everything will change for you when you get better everything will get

better for you and that's where I picked up that phrase for things to change

you've got to change you don't have to change the marketplace you don't have to

change the marketing plan you don't have to change the economy you don't have to

change countries you don't have to change circumstances out there all

you've got to do is look within and see if you can change yourself for the

better and as you change things will start to change for you as you know my

story I met someone was I was 25 years old his name was a real show he dropped

into my life at an extraordinary time

so keyphrase timing has a lot to do with it and who knows part of the mystery of

time the timing part of the timing one I was I just had that experience that I've

shared in other seminars when the Girl Scout knocked on my door and I walked to

the door and she given me the big pitch on the Girl Scout cookies best

organization in the world four girls got several flavors time to buy the cookies

only two dollars and with a big smile she very politely asked me to buy no

problem I wanted to buy big problem I didn't have two dollars in my pocket and

I didn't want to tell her that so I did what I thought was the next best I lied

to her and I said hey look I've already bought plenty of Girl Scout cookies no

still got plenty in the house we haven't eaten yet

she said oh that's wonderful thank you very much and she leaves when she leaves

I say to myself I don't want to live like this

I mean how low can you get lying to a Girl Scout that's low down

I told myself that day this will never happen to me one of those experiences

it's it's called like life-changing I said I'm gonna search till I find better

opportunities so my pocket won't be empty in the bank account will be empty

and I won't be so far behind on my promises to my family and it was shortly

after that I meet Earl show who taught me how to be wealthy

he taught me how to change my life so who knows what the connection is someone

says when the student is ready the teacher will appear you know I don't

know all the mystery of that but anyway it seems like some of those things

uniquely happen but it was mr. show former a five year period before he died

at age 49 who taught me some extraordinarily simple things he only

went to the ninth grade in school never finished high school never went to

college never went to university so he put his ideas and his experiences in

very simple language which I think for me you know kid from the farms of Idaho

that simplicity was so important because if it would have been technic a lot of

missed it if it would have been mystic I you know I would have you know backed

away but it was just basic blunt ABC familiar stuff that I hadn't thought of

before and he did start to remind me and those ideas changed my life mr. Joffe

was the one when I said you know this is all they pay he said you've been working

six years mr. Owen how come you're not doing better and I said this is all the

company pays he says well that's not true I said no this is my paycheck this

is all the company pays he said no this is all the company paid you I thought

that's a new way to look at it right he says doesn't the company paid two three

four or five times this amount to other people I said well yes he said well then

this is not all the company pays it's all they pay you and if you qualified

wouldn't your income grow two three four or five times it's it I suppose so he

said we don't have to work on the company we have to work on you see that

was the beginning of what he called the phrase personal develop

I told him things cost too much he said no you can't afford him I thought well

that's a new concept I hadn't thought about that

you know we put some of the valuable things on the high shelf so you can't

get to until you qualified if you want the things on the higher shelf you got

to stand on the book you read every book you read you get to stand a little

higher so you can get the things on a higher shelf see I learned those

concepts it was so incredible and here was the most important one success is

something you attract by the person you become see that phrase changed my life

success is something you attract by the person you become success is not

something you pursue it's like chasing a butterfly you can't quite catch it

success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person see those

were new concepts to me I'm just working hard trying to make a

living here's what he said to me this changed my life I got a chance to teach

this in Moscow and across Russia three visits now the fourth here's what chef

taught me profits are better than wages nobody taught me that in high school

nobody taught me that I went to one year of college nobody taught me profits are

better than wages the way just make you a living profits make you a fortune and

how could you work on both a living and a fortune

he said well you could start part-time working on your fortune while you're

working full-time on your living I thought oh now he said it's fun to get

up in the morning not just getting up go to work to pay the rent but to get up to

go to work to make a fortune first to make a living for my family second to

make a fortune and he taught me how to make both a living and a fortune guess

what I did I learned how to make both a living and a fortune and I found out

anybody could do it once they get the information and at age 25 I started

receiving this extraordinary information

here's what he said your income is directly related to your philosophy not

to the economy I thought no one ever told me there I kept hoping the economy

would change he said no your philosophy has to change I assured him that I had

my fingers crossed he said that won't help

then what could I do to change my income and multiply it by two but three by five

by ten and then multiplied by ten again what could I do and he started giving me

the disciplines in the process of learning the skills to change my life

this was an extraordinary man those were extraordinary times for me life changing

in every manner that you can imagine but very simple ABC concepts here's what I

learned not to search for the exotic until you discovered the basic and those

basic philosophies that he shared with me during that time were life-changing

and he called it personal development

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