Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

alright we're back with another vlog

have been in LA for a week now

we finally got our asses up to go shopping in hollywood

we gonna check out the street with the stars on it

go shopping

gonna see the sign etc...

it's really nice here

we have been to the beach and to the pier already

aloha gringos

we are on our way

to six flags, that's an amusement park

we gonna be there in about 10 minutes

it's reaaally early in the morning

we got up really early so that we can enjoy the park the whole day

and uhm yeah we'll see us there

alriiiight we arrived at





we got busses right here, for the lazy americans

you only have to walk like 5 mins to get to the entrance

but you'll find busses for everything here in 'murica

and yeaah, that's how it looks from the outside

and we'll see us in there

alright the national anthem wait...

but you have to take off your hats for that

wow robin


so nice

she can't even

...with that background music lol



cha cha cha






sorry haha

For more infomation >> A Day In The Life Of Robin | Buttershore In LA #1 | CC - Duration: 5:46.


Vlogmas #5 - Art advent calendar ft. Animal Crossing 🎄 - Duration: 2:41.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel. In today's video I will be drawing

day 5 of my Animal Crossing advent calendar. Let's take a look at what's in

box number 5. So the first ttheme is 'sprinkles' and the second one is 'reindeer'.

And the characters are Rex and Hopkins. I took a bit longer than usual to find an

idea for this drawing but I ended up with Hopkins and Rex cooking a little

reindeer cake with sprinkles on it. So I'm going to ink it and color it.

Drawing is finished! We've got Hopkins, Rex, the reindeer and the sprinkles. I think it turned

out pretty cute! I'm quite happy!

That's it for today, thank you so much for watching! I hope you enjoyed and I

will see you tomorrow, for another vlogmas video, bye!

For more infomation >> Vlogmas #5 - Art advent calendar ft. Animal Crossing 🎄 - Duration: 2:41.


Patinando y cayendo sobre hielo | Cork on ice - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Patinando y cayendo sobre hielo | Cork on ice - Duration: 6:40.


Why Don't Fire Hydrants Freeze and Explode? - Duration: 3:52.


If you live somewhere that gets below freezing in the winter,

you've probably heard stories of water pipes bursting during cold weather.

It happened to my house one time.

But you almost never hear about the same thing happening to fire hydrants.

Well that is because we use different types of hydrants in different places,

depending on how cold it gets.

And the ones in cold places don't have any water in them to freeze.

Places with mild climates, like the southern US,

tend to use what are called wet barrel fire hydrants.

Water from underground pipes flows all the way up into the tall,

above-ground section of the hydrant, called the barrel,

even when the hydrant's not in use.

When firefighters need water, they just turn a valve near the top,

and it comes rushing out.

But wet barrel fire hydrants would be terrible in places with colder winters,

because freezing temperatures outside the barrel would freeze the water inside, too.

Water gets bigger when it freezes, so expanding ice inside a hydrant would push against the

inside walls and squeeze any liquid water left in the hydrant,

eventually making the hydrant crack or explode.

This is why pipes burst in the winter: They're not strong enough to withstand the

pressure exerted by expanding ice.

And it's why wet barrel hydrants would explode in the winter, too, if we used them everywhere.

So to avoid that mess, dry barrel hydrants are used.

As you might guess from the name, dry barrel hydrants are normally dry,

meaning they don't have any water in the barrel when they're not in use.

Instead, the water stays underground in water mains, which are buried below the frost line,

the depth where temperatures don't drop below freezing, even in the dead of winter.

In most places, that's just a couple meters below your feet.

In the U.K. and a few other countries, they take this to the next level,

and they don't have any part of the hydrant above-ground at all.

All you see is a colorful marker or metal plate.

When firefighters need water from a dry barrel hydrant,

they turn a valve that lets water up into the barrel and out of the hydrant,

just like with wet barrel hydrants.

But then any water in the hydrant after use is drained, so there is no freezing water,

and therefore no rupture.

It might seem like dry barrel hydrants would be useful everywhere,

but they have a couple of downsides.

Since part of the valve is so far underground,

they can be harder to repair than wet barrel hydrants.

And the fact that they're basically empty when not in use can also be a problem,

because things can be shoved inside them.

In cities, hydrants sometimes get clogged by people using them as makeshift trash cans.

Which is why they're not used everywhere.

But in colder places like here in Montana, that's a small price to pay

for hydrants that don't catastrophically explode every winter.


Here's the situation.

The SciShow team and I were talking about a problem that we often have.

People will ask us what we want for Christmas, and we don't know what to say because, what

is stuff for anyway?

It's so twentieth century.

But then I was thinking, y'know, there are a few things that I would like to get,

or that I have bought for myself, or that people have given me that I have loved because...

I love the world, and the universe, and the existence of life...that kind of thing.

So we put together a collection of artifacts of this universe.

We got a limited number of each of those things,

and we have put them in a store called SciShow Finds.

These SciShow Finds are curated by me,

things that I know that I would love to get in my stocking.

It's a very small list, just a few things with varying price points.

We're probably going to add new we find them...throughout the year,

and those new ones will replace these old ones,

so all of these products are only around for a limited time.

You're bound to have friends or family who would love Mars Socks,

or trilobite fossils, or this Space Shuttle lapel pin.

And, if not, you might want to get them for yourself or just slide a link into your Mom's

DMs so she can get you some socks that you'll

actually appreciate this time.

And know that when you buy from, you are also supporting SciShow,

which you are doing right now just by watching.

So, thanks.


For more infomation >> Why Don't Fire Hydrants Freeze and Explode? - Duration: 3:52.



For more infomation >> VANITY VERCETTI - NO ONE (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - Duration: 2:49.


BREAKING: Trump Just Made BIG Announcement To Americans 20 Days Before Christmas – Riots About To Er - Duration: 4:47.

BREAKING: Trump Just Made BIG Announcement To Americans 20 Days Before Christmas – Riots

About To Erupt!

An apologetic presidency catering to everything anti-American ended with Barack Obama.

President Donald Trump is in charge now and is doing everything it takes to make America

great again, no matter who offends.

With all the distraction on the petulant players in the NFL throwing National Anthem temper

tantrums, people have missed what else has been brewing which we're about to face right

now, just 20 days before Christmas.

Knowing what's coming, Trump has just issued a massive announcement to all Americans that

is likely to cause outrage among some that could lead to riots.

When you're the leader of the greatest nation in the world, you can do what you want, which

we saw from Barack Obama who used that privilege for wrongdoing and the demise of our nation.

Trump is turning that train around by using his power for good in long-overdue ways, which

he promised to do when Americans voted him into office.

After already warning everyone about what's coming, he just doubled down on that declaration

with what he just openly reminded everyone to do right now.

It's clear that he's not backing down and that we have the right man in the White


The liberal war of words is alive and well in our country.

The left wants to ban sentiments that trigger them and the right is pointing out the obvious

that regardless of political standing, we all as Americans share the same right to the

First Amendment.

Now, Trump has just settled the most controversial argument in our country once and for all by

making a new rule that's infuriating liberals.

Conservative Tribune reports:

President Donald Trump reminded everyone in the nation during the White House tree lighting

that Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season.

As recorded on The White House website, the lighting ceremony took place on Nov. 30.

President Trump carried on White House tradition and spoke at the ceremony.

Without hesitation or embarrassment, he took the stage and immediately began to recall

the Christmas story.

"The Christmas Story begins 2,000 years ago with a mother, a father, their baby son,

and the most extraordinary gift of all—the gift of God's love for all of humanity,"

he began.

"Whatever our beliefs, we know that the birth of Jesus Christ and the story of his

life forever changed the course of human history," he continued.

The president wasn't afraid to keep mentioning the name of Jesus or tell America the truth

about the Christmas season: it's all about the birth of Jesus Christ.

"Each and every year at Christmas time we recognize that the real spirit of Christmas

is not what we have, it's about who we are – each one of us is a child of God," Trump

continued, according to LifeSite News.

"That is the true source of joy this time of the year.

That is what makes every Christmas 'merry,'" he stated.

It's refreshing to have a leader of the nation who also represents the groundwork

that our country was built on, which was Christianity.

This is a stark difference from his Muslim predecessor who only pretended to be a faithful

Christian at his inauguration, but spent two presidential terms proving otherwise.

Trump doesn't hide his faith, in fact, he's proud of it as we saw during his campaign

when he declared that if he becomes president he'll bring "Merry Christmas" back instead

of insisting on everyone saying the non-offending phrase, "Happy Holidays."

At a time when any mention of God has been removed from schools and the calls for it

to be erased from the Pledge of Allegiance, our new president is reaffirming the Christian

values that make up our nation.

Trump wants Christmas back in the agenda.

I'm guessing he's tired of everyone complaining about it.

I am too.

It wasn't ever a problem years ago and it's not a problem now.

Christmas is one of the biggest holidays in America and we're sticking to it.

We're not getting rid of Christmas.

We're not calling it winter holiday.

We're not letting these politically correct crybabies bully everyone into feeling bad

about loving Christmas.

It's our holiday and we'll enjoy it and give attention to what the real reason for

the season is.

Anyone who finds it offensive can celebrate their own holiday, but don't cry about ours.

You don't see conservatives whining about other people's holidays.

Go celebrate!

Enjoy your day and we'll enjoy ours and we can all celebrate New Year's Eve together.

Unless that, of course, is offensive too.

Is the calendar offensive to snowflakes as well?

Are we starting a #NotMyNewYear hashtag trend?

I think not.

Christmas is right around the corner, just 20 days from now, but here's an early MERRY

CHRISTMAS to all of you and yours in hopes that it triggers some snowflakes and anti-Christmas


What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump Just Made BIG Announcement To Americans 20 Days Before Christmas – Riots About To Er - Duration: 4:47.


[FREE] Epic Choir Hip Hop Beat Rap Instrumental 2017 #153 | Free Beats By MR. HODEN ► - Duration: 3:31.


For more infomation >> [FREE] Epic Choir Hip Hop Beat Rap Instrumental 2017 #153 | Free Beats By MR. HODEN ► - Duration: 3:31.


Get Down to Business | How to Learn English Idioms Online - Duration: 0:40.

To get down to business, also, time to get down to business.

To get down to business means to get started, to focus, to concentrate!

To start working on what you should be working on.

It can also mean "stop fooling around" and "stop wasting time" Stop chatting!

It's time to get down to business and finish!

Alright, alright.

Time to start.

Get down to business and finish your work!

Are you ready to get down to business with your English?

Then write some examples down there, in the comments, to make sure that you understand

this idiom 100%!

For more infomation >> Get Down to Business | How to Learn English Idioms Online - Duration: 0:40.


Create a Multi-Layered Buffet for Entertaining - HGTV - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Create a Multi-Layered Buffet for Entertaining - HGTV - Duration: 1:20.


LiAngelo Ball Speaks Out About China Shoplifting Incident - Duration: 2:32.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

//// LaVar Ball wasted no time after news broke that he was pulling his son LiAngelo

out of UCLA on Monday afternoon.

The two made an appearance on the Today show to explain the decision further, and during

the interview LiAngelo opened up for the first time about his take on the shoplifting incident.

Gelo and two other freshman from UCLA were booked for shoplifting last month in China.

They spent about a night and a half in jail overseas until the charges were dropped.

LiAngelo's arrest created a domino effect, which ultimately led to his father's decision

to remove him from the university.

Remembering what happened in China, LiAngelo shared what led them to their decision

to shoplift.

LiAngelo also spoke on the conditions of the Chinese jail where he and he teammates were

held before they were released.

He said that they had their clothes and shoelaces confiscated and that they were unable to communicate

with any of the guards.

One thing to note during the interview was LaVar's ability to sit quiet for most of it,

allowing his son to get his side of the story out.

But you better believe that LaVar interjected when it came to UCLA's reaction to the arrest,

as well as his beef with president Donald Trump.

LaVar expressed that he didn't think it was fair for his son to receive more punishment

in the U.S. when China already dropped the charges.

UCLA suspended the players for 2 to 3 months, and that was too much time off in his opinion.

He already fessed up for what he did.

He apologized.

What is the long process for?

We only went to UCLA—one and done—to play basketball.

As the interview went on, LaVar used the airtime to promote and reveal LiAngelo's own signature

Big Baller Brand shoe, since his son is no longer bound by NCAA rules.

He also shared that he gifted Trump a few pairs of sneakers even though the president

called him am ungrateful fool after he didn't thank him for helping his son get out of jail


LaVar told Today that he plans on training LiAngelo for the NBA draft next June, and

claims all three of his sons will be playing for the Lakers some day.///// That's your

news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe to Complex on


For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> LiAngelo Ball Speaks Out About China Shoplifting Incident - Duration: 2:32.


International Spotlight: Michael Braisted with Hope House International (Dominican Republic) - Duration: 3:24.

Hi, my name is Michael Braisted, and I am serving here in the Dominican Republic with

Hope House International, which is a children's home, and I would like to talk

to you today about the EP Purification system. Here in the Dominican Republic we

use these five gallon jugs of water that we typically buy from the corner store,

and all the water that we consume has to be used in these five gallon jugs

because the water from the tap is not safe to drink, and so a few months ago we

were given this EP Purification system

which we have now been able to use for the past several months to purify our

water for our kids here at Hope House, and so I want to show you a little bit

about how we use it. We're able to just fill the water, these jugs up with the water

from the tap, and I let this fill up here, and here in just a minute once it's full

I will put my hose for them from the system down in there and then I actually

created a bottle cap onto the hose so that I can seal it off as it's being

purified. I will turn the system on and let it run, and once it's run, then I

put a fresh cap on it, and we'll take that over to our girls' home.

It is now full, and so we will put the hose in here; put our bottle cap on; turn

on our system and let the bubble start flowing; set the timer, and then this

bottle will be ready to go

and we will pop this cap

carefully take out the hose

then we have our own to put back on it to keep it sealed up

and we got ready to go

For more infomation >> International Spotlight: Michael Braisted with Hope House International (Dominican Republic) - Duration: 3:24.


Why TIAA is a great place to work - Duration: 1:09.

I like to share a few reasons why TIAA

is such a wonderful place to work.

Founded a hundred years ago, we have maintained

our unique mission to serve those who serve others.

At TIAA, our six values define who we are

and what we stand for, deliver excellence,

take personal accountability, operate as one team,

value our people, act with integrity,

and put the customer first.

In addition to our strong focus on values,

we are building a culture of inclusion.

Everyone is empowered to share ideas and provide their best

for our customers and to reach their full potential.

Our employees truly are our greatest asset

and the heart of our business.

In fact, we've officially been recognized

as a great place to work,

a designation I'm especially proud of.

I hope you'll agree it's an exciting time

to be a part of TIAA.

Come join a company where you can be a difference maker.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Why TIAA is a great place to work - Duration: 1:09.


Le offerte natalizie di IronAddicted - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Le offerte natalizie di IronAddicted - Duration: 0:29.


Texans vs 49ers Predictions (Week 14, 2017), Who Wins? - Duration: 6:22.


It's Bryan here.

Today, going to be talking about the San Francisco 49ers and their matchup against the Houston

Texans this Sunday at Houston.

So, let's just dive into it.

Now, mm.

I want to talk about the game against the Bears, 49ers.

Yes, Jimmy G, freaking amazing.

Did a really good job.

Well, he didn't do the best, best job.

You know, it wasn't like, Oh My Gosh!

It's like the number one performance in the NFL that week.

But at the same time, it was a really, really good performance under his leadership, under

his stowage I guess you can say.

And I was just a big fan of it.

I think everyone in San Francisco was very happy that Jimmy G had a pretty good game


He completed like what, 70% of his passes?

He also passed for like almost 300 yards or more?

I forgot exactly.

He didn't throw a touchdown.

That's the bummer part, but at the same time, just really good performace.

Really poised in the pocket.

Made some really tight catches and I got to give credit to the receivers as well.

I think that's what the Jimmy G effect so far is.

He's making these players a lot better than they can be.

Louis Murphy, I'm seeing him doing a lot of work.

I think in the 3rd quarter, he had a really nice triple coverage catch or something like

that in the middle.

I wish I can show it right now, but I don't want to get any copyright issues from the


So, I will not be able to show that right now.

But, I think you guys know what I'm talking about if you watched the game.

It was just a fun game to watch I guess you can say and Robbie Gould, MVP of the 49ers

for this game.

5 field goals, 15 points, 15-14 against the Bears.

What else can you say?

So, really, really, good performance on Jimmy G and Robbie Gould's part.

And the defense did a really good job containing Jordan Howard.

Just a lot of positives to take from the game against the Bears.

A lot of people would say, "Ew, it's just the Bears.

They're not really good."

But still, really good performace and hopefully, they can keep it up against the Texans this

week, so…

That's it about the 49ers.

What else about the Texans?

Hm, Texans, Texans, Texans.

Well, they lost to the Tennessee Titans I think 24-13.

Don't quote me on that, but they lost kind of badly.

And I don't know exactly what happened.

I didn't really watch the game.

I didn't really follow the game, but I heard that Tom Savage had a really good game.

And, they just couldn't win the game and they're pretty much done with the playoffs


I mean, they're currently what, 4-8 right now?

And they're only like a couple of games behind from the wild card spot, the 6th seed,

but I think it's over for them.

I think they're done and it's really unfortunate Deshawn Watson was out for the season.

I think, a couple of weeks ago, I wish he have a full recovery and I'm still the biggest

fan of Deshawn Watson.

I said in the draft before that I would love for the 49ers to take Deshawn Watson.

I wouldn't be opposed to taking him at all, but eh, what can you do right?

But, he is a really, really good QB and I think he's going to be really good for the

next couple of years.

Just got to heal up from the ACL injury and BOOM!

He'll be good I think.

Not too worried about Deshawn Watson's future and also, JJ Watt has been out for the whole


I just feel bad for him man.

He's been out for a couple of games, couple of seasons I guess you can say for the past

couple of years now.

I wish he can have a fast recovery.

I wish he can stay healthy, but I don't know.

Maybe, the JJ Watt that we know might be over unfortunately, but I don't want to say that

right now.

I love him, but hopefully, he can make a fast recovery and stay healthy for the rest of

his career.

Anyways, going to be going to the game.

So, predictions, predictions, predictions.

Who am I going to go with?

Hm… uh…

Really tough case for the 49ers I guess you can say and they Texans as well.

But, if I had to go with for a team, I'd probably go with the 49ers to win their second


I think Jimmy G looks really good.

I think he's going to be really hot coming into this game.

I know it's at Houston and the Texans are currently a what, a 3 point favorite as of

this video.

So, Jimmy G is looking really, really good.

I'm just…

I don't know.

I was going to go crazy.

I was going to make a reaction video to this game, but I didn't really have time.

I had other obligations to handle.

So, I wasn't going to be able to make a video for it, but I'll probably make another


Maybe tomorrow or the following day?

Talking about Jimmy G's performance against the Bears in depth.

I just wanted to make a prediction for this game.

I'm just a fan and I know it's against the Bears as always, but I think it's really

good first impression.

I think the 49ers might have found their franchise QB.

We still need to see some games.

Don't get me wrong, but I think with the 49ers have found, I think Kyle Shanahan is

really, really happy with Jimmy G's performance.

And hopefully, he can score his 1st touchdown in a full game against any team.

I know he scored a touchdown against the Seahawks, but that was pretty much garbage time and

Seattle pretty much was dead.

They didn't want to play any more and I don't blame them.

But, I think he can score his first touchdown in a full game against the Houston Texans

because the Texans, I don't know.

They look like they got their hearts broken against the Tennessee Titans and I don't

think they can recover from that.

They're pretty much not going to make the playoffs anymore unfortunately.


I really think this is a really good opportunity for the 49ers to get another win and people

are probably going to be like, "Oh, Why do they keep winning?

Stop winning."

But, I just want to win because winning feels good and at the same time, you need to know

where the team is at as a whole group.

You don't want to just tank and then not find out what your team is.

Are they actually good?

Are they actually bad?

You can do that maybe in basketball.

Yes, you can probably!

In football, it's kind of hard to tank.

I don't think it's a really good idea to do that and that's my stance on tanking.

I'm just never a fan of tanking and hopefully, the 49ers do not think about tanking.

I don't think they are.

Jimmy G is going to be keep playing and uh, that's going to be a big risk.

I wasn't a fan of starting Jimmy G in the first place, but I think they might be proving

me wrong hopefully.

And I'm just ready to see some more Jimmy G. I'm ready to see him be poised in the


Just make some tight catches or from the receivers.

Make some tight passes, man.

Just fantastic and I think he's going to lead the team to the win!

I think defensively, they're really good.

I mean, they were able to pretty much contain the Bears offense.

I mean, it's not really an offense to be honest with you.

Mitch Trubisky and Jordan Howard, ew!

They didn't really have the best performances, but they need some more targets on the outside

I guess you can say.

They don't really have anybody on the wide out spot for the Bears and I don't know.

But, the Texans, Tom Savage had a pretty good game actually against the Titans.

But, they just couldn't win the game and that sucks for them, so...

If I had to go with a final score prediction, hm…

Who am I going to go with?

49ers, uh…

I'll probably go maybe 21, Texans 14.

I think they win by a touchdown.

I really think so.

I don't the Texans are really that good to be honest with you, but I don't know.

Maybe they'll prove me wrong.

Maybe they'll lose this game, but I think they can win this game.

This is a really, really winnable game.

It's not like we're facing against the Philadelphia Eagles again and the Minnesota


Oh my gosh!

If we played the Vikings, we would be screwed like a donkey I guess you can say.

But, I think this game against the Texans, I think they can win this game on the road

again and come out with 3 wins.

Which is pretty, pretty impressive considering the fact that they were pretty bad weeks ago,

but think Jimmy G has changed life for the 49ers so far.

And hopefully, he keeps that up for this year and rest of the years to come.

We'll see what happens and also, he might be getting contract extension by now I'm

pretty sure.

They're talking about it.

I know it's after 1 game, but I feel like that they need to do one if they want to do


So, they don't franchise tag him and then get Kirk Cousinsed pretty much.

So, I think it's a good idea to do a contract extension now, but we'll see what happens.

So yeah, that's pretty much going to be it you guys.

I think I picked the 49ers to win 21-14.

I think it's going to be a good win and I'm going to be so happy if they win another

game, so…

Please "Like," SUBSCRIBE, do whatever you want with this.

Also, comment below on what you think.

Who's going to win this game? 49ers or Texans, anything about the 49ers, anything about Jimmy


Please put it down in the comments below and I'll catch you guys up tomorrow.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

Maybe an in depth video or talk more about Jimmy G?

You guys will figure it out tomorrow, so…

I'll see ya'll then.

Bye guys, love ya'll!!!

For more infomation >> Texans vs 49ers Predictions (Week 14, 2017), Who Wins? - Duration: 6:22.


Testimonio nutricionista - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Testimonio nutricionista - Duration: 5:24.


Network Lessons vs INE vs CBT Nuggets: Cisco Training Review - Duration: 16:01.

For more infomation >> Network Lessons vs INE vs CBT Nuggets: Cisco Training Review - Duration: 16:01.


I'm a Wrapper! | SewBrenna - Duration: 3:30.

[Bells jingling]

Merry Christmas I'm so glad you joined me again today it's good to see you I'm

wrapping gifts today. Do you guys love all your shopping done yet? Luckily I

think I'm finished oh that's always kind of a mess but it's so fun picking out

gifts for everybody. So oddly enough I really enjoy wrapping gifts I'm not sure

why that is but that's a fact. Fun fact for you, woohoo!

And my mom doesn't enjoy wrapping gifts so when I lived with my parents she would

just make sure that the boxes were covered in some way I'm not a peeker I

don't like to spoil things. So she would often have me wrap my own gifts I think

that's hilarious I enjoyed it it was fun

[Carol of the Bells]

So I'm pretty sure this is my last gift that I need to wrap. Maybe there's a

couple more that'll come in later but this is probably my favorite one to wrap.

It's for my dad and it's a yearly tradition that we just use all of the

extra scraps to wrap up his gift as if it's some kind of Frankenstein's monster

gift. It always makes him laugh and he would always try and sneak in a couple

pieces on our gifts and it would always drive my mom nuts.

It's just kind of this running joke with my dad that we like to use up all of our

scraps. But! Stay tuned for tomorrow's video where I show you what else you can

do with your scraps. So here we have scraps and I'm just going to throw them

onto this box

[Carol of the Bells]

Bonus points if it's ripped or crumpled!

[Carol of the Bells]

All right! And this is what every Christmas present would look like if my

dad taught me how to wrap presents. I love you Dad! Okay so here we have all

the presents Yippee! See you guys tomorrow!

[Carol of the bells]

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