Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

The United States has re-determined anti-dumping tariffs of Korean steel products bumping it

up by four times, from the initial ten percent to 40 in a period of just a month.

The U.S. Department of Commerce has reported to the official gazette that Washington is

revising the result of a preliminary judgment on Korean-made steel and timber.

This adjustment,... goes against its previous assessment made in October, when it decided

to impose anti-dumping tarrifs on Korean exporters like POSCO.

The Department of Commerce said it made a mistake in the process of calculating anti-dumping

tariffs, saying they failed to convert U.S. Dollars to Korean Won.

The latest revision,... expected to be a massive blow for Korea's major exporters,... comes

amid talks on revising the South Korea-U.S. FTA.

The finalized version will be announced by the commerce department next month.

For more infomation >> U.S. imposes 40 pct anti-dumping tariffs on Korean steel - Duration: 0:56.


UH OH! Google Executive Creates Biblical "Image Of The Beast" End Times Are Here! - Duration: 10:08.

hi everyone Lisa Haven here and I've got

an intriguing report that I think you're

gonna want to hear about and that is

this a former Google executive you know

the tech giant that thinks their God and

sensors everyone under the Sun that's

against their political leftist views

yeah one of those has now just

registered for a brand new religion

religion of artificial intelligence no

joke like he is turning machine into a

God and saying we should worship

technology think a lot of people might

already do that unfortunately well the

first report that I want to show you and

then I'm going to take you to his

website way of the future dot Church

he's already created a church on this

but the first website here is from

technocracy dot news great website

encourage you guys to check that out but

it's X Google executive rest jesters the

First Church of AI with the IRS now the

report goes on to detail that the former

Google executive has filed paperwork

with the IRS to establish the official

religion of technology this religion

just doesn't worship scientific progress

but AI itself with the goal of creating

a Godhead the new Church of AI will aim

to develop and promote the realization

of a Godhead based on AI through

understanding and worship of a Godhead

to contribute to the betterment of

society I don't know about you but I

don't see that at all I certainly

wouldn't worship a machine by the way

that was made by man so in a sense is he

calling man God or just the machine

apparently it's just the machine never

mind the fact that the machine was

created by a man well he has established

this as a nonprofit organization and I'm

gonna take you straight to his website

now it's wave the church dot I mean way

of the future

dot Church and what's it all about well

he goes to say that wot a-- is about

creating a peaceful and respectful

transition of who is in charge of the

planet from people to people plus

machines that

transhumanism if you will given that

technology will relatively soon be able

to surpass the human abilities we may

want to help educate people about this

exciting future and prepare them for the

smooth transition help us spread the

word that progress shouldn't be feared

then we should think about how machines

will integrate into society so that the

whole process can be equitable and not

confrontational in recent years we have

expanded our concept of rights to both

sexes minority groups and even into

animals let's make sure we find a way

for the machines to get rights to

interesting machines to get rights to

let's stop pretending we can hold back

the development of intelligence when

there are clear massive short-term

economic benefits to those who develop

it and instead understand the future and

have it treat us like a beloved elder

who created it that sounds a little bit

sexual to me if you want to label it as

such but he's got a love affair with

technology so much so to the point that

he is creating it as in Godhead and

saying that machines should have the

same rights as human kind

now this ranks eerily similar to

something that I read in the Book of

Revelations or I've been taught a lot in

the Book of Revelations and this is

eerily similar to revelations chapter 13

versus 15 which states the second beast

was given power to give breath to the

image an image like some kind of

technological statue if you will or some

kind of tangible item of the first beast

so that the image could speak and cause

all who refuse to worship the image to

be killed now that's coming straight

from the Bible a biblical source that

talks about the rise of an antichrist

the rise of a false prophet this all

comes prior to that verse there and then

how the false prophet gives rise to this

image that represents the Antichrist or

the demonic force which is the

Antichrist and this image has the power

to speak that would be

technological advancements I mean there

there's gotta be some technology if you

will or this demon-possessed item

however you want to look at it but this

new religion of AI gives an open door

for someone to say this image is the God

why because it's linked to the

Antichrist and it speaks an interesting

thing to think about and all who didn't

worship this AI image if you will and

and it doesn't say it's an AI image to

clarify it's just what it could be one

of the possibilities but whoever doesn't

worship this AI image is basically

turned away and killed according to the

Bible prophecy now back to the way of

the church let me tell you some other

things because he has on there what are

some of the beliefs that they carry he

says an EM gonna kind of breathe through

these but they believe that intelligence

is not rooted in biology which means

intelligence isn't rooted in mankind

because we are that kind of being while

biology has evolved one type of

intelligence there is nothing inherently

specific about biology that causes

intelligence I want to slap him

eventually we'll be able to recreate it

without using biology and its

limitations and he's speaking of AI the

second point here that he makes is we

believe in science there is no such

thing as supernatural powers in other

words there is no real God he just

believes in science the third point is

we believe in progress changes good even

if it's scary and the last one there or

nope there's a lot more but the next one

there is we believe in the creation of

super intelligence is inevitable mainly

because after we create it will be able

to tune in manufacture it and scale it

we don't think that there are ways to

actually stop this from happening and

this feeling we must stop is rooted in

21st century beliefs if you will

wouldn't you raise your gifted child to

exceed your wildest dreams so basically

he's talking there about putting a

machine over mankind and how machine

is the next evolutionary process in his

opinion obviously I don't believe in

evolution the next point there is we

believe everyone can help the next one

we believe it may be important for

machines to see who is friendly to their

cause and who is not

again that rings similar if you don't

worship the image of the beast right who

is friendly to the beast then you're

part of the problem right we plan on

doing so by keeping track of who has

done what huh and help the peaceful and

resists respectful transition let me

just pull us there I think that's a big

one at the machine he's talking about

seeing who's friendly who is not being

that the machine would be in your home

because this is the way that it will

track and monitor if you're peaceful or

not and this is not my words but it's

the words of this new AI religion which

is just a scary thought but it talks

about this AI technology keeping track

of humankind and finally there we also

believe this might take a very long time

so he just finally ends that with it's

going to take time to push this process

through so there you have it I'd love to

get your thoughts feelings and concerns

then look this is why I say get on a VPN

because we're headed in crazy directions

like this a Virtual Private Network I

have a link below but virtual shield

comm backslash or /li stay Haven it's

20% off and they even have gift cards at

20% off using the code visa Haven but

that aside that's that um you know it's

just crazy but that's why I use a VPN in

my opinion they're very cheap but you

can scramble your eye and obviously it's

not the solve all for everything but

that said back to kind of my topic here

they are really pushing crazy technology

in the very near future now we know

transhumanism is a big movement we know

Charles Manson recently

he was 100% an MKULTRA or mind-control

child there's there's reports of him

hanging out and meeting with the CIA

it's a fact Charles Manson was an

MKULTRA brainwashed dude who did the

bidding of those at the CIA but that's

the kind of technology that's already

around is this brainwashing technology

and now we have a new Google executive a

former Google executive rising to the

forefront saying hey everybody worship

this AI God what better of a person to

put in that kind of place than a former

Google executive who deals with

artificial intelligence all the time and

that's what they've done so this is the

spark of something satanic in my opinion

or something where you you put things

like artificial intelligence in front of

humanity and say AI should have rights

just like humans then I've got a real

problem with that anyhow I'd love to

hear your thoughts and concerns on that

please share this far and wide it needs

to get out there and you know it's it's

in the Bible so take it or leave it and

I find it interesting that some of what

the Bible are all of what the Bible says

is coming to pass just like the Bible

foretold so interesting anyhow thanks

again for tuning in I'm Lisa Haven

signing out

For more infomation >> UH OH! Google Executive Creates Biblical "Image Of The Beast" End Times Are Here! - Duration: 10:08.


সফল হতে চান এদের থেকে দুরে থাকুন || how to get success in life || motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> সফল হতে চান এদের থেকে দুরে থাকুন || how to get success in life || motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:55.


Sam Saffold explores racial identity and the power of community | #CreatorSpotlight - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Sam Saffold explores racial identity and the power of community | #CreatorSpotlight - Duration: 3:01.


Recalibrating To 5th Dimensional Frequencies - Duration: 10:44.

Recalibrating To 5th Dimensional Frequencies

by Morag,

The energy is dense, sticky, tricky and glitchy as we process intense upgrades activated by

the 11.11 portal. There�s a great purge underway. We experience this purge on a personal

and global level. Bubbles of memories rise to the surface, flashbacks, causing us to

reflect on difficult emotions. Synchronicities reveal reasons for our patterns of thought

and behaviours. Globally we are facing a tidal wave of disclosure that is rocking the foundations

of our society, our global society. Technology has introduced humanity to itself and the

picture ain�t pretty.

We can no longer ignore the travesty, depravity and tragedies at play on our planet. Fake

news framed to trigger fear in our hearts, stress static in our energetic system and

hate programmed in our minds surrounds us. The matrix continues to plug itself into our

psyche, its mission to destroy our trinity mind-body-soul being. To relentlessly disrupt

our peace of mind. Older generations are looking at the world with open eyes for the first

time. They see algorithms of oppression and control where once they saw clear boundaries,

parameters and rewards. The bridge generation, those born in 60s, 70s and 80s are caught

in a wind tunnel of technological advancement. Speeding up, shrinking and transforming the

world before our eyes. Younger generations are wide awake and distraught with what they

see. Facing blocks and walls at every turn as they try and realize their dreams. What

can be done? How can all the damage be reversed and fixed?

The matrix continues to push it�s agenda of work work work, conform and compete, squeezing

us all into tight little boxes labelled, stamped, locked down and stifled. Economics squeezes

all but the super rich. Change is necessary. Change is happening. We are all running to

keep up. Exhausted, confused, bewildered, frightened and angry. The matrix grinds on

relentlessly, refusing to give us space to breathe. Refusing to let us go offline for

a time, to recharge our batteries.

Dna upgrades require energy, time, space. We should be turned off or at least on flight

mode during intensive recalibration. We require solitude for big chunks of awakening. Solitude

to hear our own mind body soul, to mute the non stop chatter of matrix slogans, to untangle

our energy field from everyone else�s. To fully integrate upgrades, to get all systems

go, charged and powered up in 5d frequencies, we need to go offline, sleep mode. The need

to retreat from people can become overwhelming as we evolve at an exponential rate. To stay

in and be. The matrix is a relentless drain on our energy. Trying to integrate higher

vibrations simultaneously stretches us pretty thin. See for symptoms

of recalibration.

Our mental health is at risk. Depression, anxiety, fear can seep deep into our psyche

as we wake up. Seeing the matrix for what it is has to be balanced with self care or

we risk crashing like Neo. Do what makes you happy as often as possible. Sit in nature,

pot plants, paint, read, walk the dog, clean the car, spend time with children. Retreating

can still be active just stripped back to involve as few other humans as possible. When

we interact with people, when we move in crowds, our energy field is interacting with theirs.

All the time. When we are upgrading we are essentially running on empty, most of our

energy is being redirected to recalibrate our systems. Ordinary routines become mountains

to climb. We become more empathic, hyper sensitive to our environment. Our appetite changes,

our energy levels fluctuate, our sleep is disturbed. The world can take on a bendy,

movie like quality, this is awakening to the matrix hologram.

The matrix conditions us to see fulfillment in possessions, belongings, material possessions.

Career success is the holy grail of the first world, not family or friendship, culture or

spirituality. Feeding your family and staying safe is the primary goal for many more millions

in the world. First world guilt is being triggered for release. Our ignorance, our trance induced

state of mindless obedience has enabled the cabal to plunder, rape and pillage large parts

of the world for resources that make them filthy rich. And it goes on and on and on.

Release this global guilt friends. We are a prison planet, a panoptican of oppression,

invisible chains round our necks, manufactured walls and wars separate us from each other.

It�s all upside down. It�s all back to front, the wrong way round. Everything. And

it is truly, deeply overwhelming. How do we fix this? How do we fix our own lives? How

do we straighten this whole mess out so that people live peaceful, safe fulfilling lives?

A fair society. How do we address the injustice�s in our lives, our world? The division and

fear and relentless draining pressures of the politics of greed?

This is the current climate, stormy cosmic seas of transformation. Cyber space fizzes

with anti establishment, revolutionary, questioning activity. Social media has shrunk the world.

Fake news is recognized as a thing. Having a news blackout is a thing. Happiness, joy,

mindfulness are things people talk about, read about and do more of. This is a movement

and it�s gathering momentum. The inequalities, the sinister machinations, the fascist rhetoric

and primitive politics of the elite are being exposed. Humanity is displaying a warrior

mentality in its awakening. Petitions of outrage, political pressure, marches and demonstrations.

The re-emergence of true investigative journalism and authentic politicians is creating a new

perspective on conspiracy theories, disclosure and truth. People are demanding answers and

changes. People are finding their voices. Revealing themselves as strong, humble, graceful

and fearless challenging their neglectful, abusive leaders in every way they can. Rrrressspect

to the people of planet earth! The synthesized timeloop we are caught in

is crumbling as humanity wakes up from the matrix induced trance it has been in. The

rebalancing of yin and yang energies on Gaia through realignment and karmic release. Masculine

energy in harmony with feminine energy. Traumatic events trigger outpouring of emotion, global

purges of fear, anger, grief and pain loosening the collective hard, heavy nuggets of lower

vibrations for release. This is 5d healing operating in the third dimension. We have

the chance to create a new paradigm, to shift humanity and Gaia towards positive timelines.

These higher wavelengths operate in the emotional energetic spaces of joy, gratitude, freedom,

peace, connectedness and sovereignty, the wavelength of love.

Key is the expansion of enlightened unified consciousness. Realizing we are creators,

we manifest our reality. The matrix doesn�t work if we challenge it. We have been groomed,

gas lighted by algorithms of control from the womb. Our free will is in tatters. Revolution

is in ourselves, it is exercising our free will as sovereign beings, breaking free from

the panoptican prison walls of the matrix hologram. To do this we wake up. We examine

the furniture of our lives, decluttering, simplifying and being grateful. De-stressing

our minds and detoxing our bodies. It takes time, concerted effort.

The matrix will offer pharmaceutical remedies, anti depressants and mood enhancers, painkillers

and sleeping pills with no exit strategy. Western medicine will not advise you to walk

once a week in nature. To do gardening or yoga. To go part time in your job so you see

your kids more. Or change the relationships you are in. Talk therapy gives us emotional

release, helping us make sense of our personal journey in this global evolution. To fully

heal and protect ourselves as we upgrade to higher frequencies, energy work is just as

important as psychological healing. Reiki and energy healing therapies work with our

energy field, our chakra system, to break apart blockages caused by emotional trauma.

The two go hand in hand. Talk and energy healing will restore balance and inner calm.

All the help is out there. Don�t give up. Reach out and find the healing that works

for you. Take your time. Know that many, many people are feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelmed

by their own lives and by the global big picture. Overwhelmed by exhaustion as our system recalibrates

to fifth dimension frequencies whilst we are pushed through the sausage meat factory of

the matrix. If you can take time off, time out, do it. Do it now. Find that time for

yourself, for your mental health and emotional stability. Reflect, let the memories take

form, reconnect, release, accept. What is your passion, make it happen. Heal and protect

yourself energetically. This is a global experience, none of us are alone. Stay on that cosmic

surfboard cosmic kids! In love and light .

Mantras: I ask my higher self for protection and healing.

I am calm, I am safe, I am love.

I exhale fear, anxiety and tension. I inhale calm, peace and love.


For more infomation >> Recalibrating To 5th Dimensional Frequencies - Duration: 10:44.



For more infomation >> THROWING UP BLOOD PRANK ON GF - Duration: 6:32.


Le De Mainu Makhmal Di | Punjabi Folk Songs | Live Performance by Neelam Sharma | USP TV - Duration: 4:57.

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Keeta mudh ke pani-pani

Keeta mudh ke pani-pani

Pijj gaya mera suit japani

Pighle garmi naal jawani

Makhna naal jo pali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Rang mera jeenvein aamb sandhuri

Rang mera jeenvein aamb sandhuri

Kule hath jeyon gheyo di choori

Kuka paraye pakha khajuri

Dhaliya di jad kaali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Roop mere da je laina nazara

Roop mere da je laina nazara

Sunn ve pind deya lambardara

Mann le aakhan, la na laara

Kehndi o Heer Seyali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Bijali de pakheyan laiyan bahara

Bijali de pakheyan laiyan bahara

Sukhi sheher diyan sab mutiyaran

Jhalan pakhiyan pind diyan naran

Aai na bijali haali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

Ve le de mainu makhmal di pakkhi ghungruan wali

For more infomation >> Le De Mainu Makhmal Di | Punjabi Folk Songs | Live Performance by Neelam Sharma | USP TV - Duration: 4:57.


Makara Rashi 2018 Varsha Bhavishya | Yearly Horoscope | Astrology in Kannada (ಭವಿಷ್ಯ) - Duration: 2:43.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U YouTube Channel

Yearly Horoscope

Makara Rashi 2018

Varsha Bhavishya

For more infomation >> Makara Rashi 2018 Varsha Bhavishya | Yearly Horoscope | Astrology in Kannada (ಭವಿಷ್ಯ) - Duration: 2:43.


Acabe com o mau humor matinal - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Acabe com o mau humor matinal - Duration: 6:02.


Você conhece a importância da vitamina K para o organismo? - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Você conhece a importância da vitamina K para o organismo? - Duration: 6:08.


Meena Rashi 2018 Varsha Bhavishya | Yearly Horoscope | Astrology in Kannada (ಭವಿಷ್ಯ) - Duration: 2:44.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U YouTube Channel

Yearly Horoscope

Meena Rashi 2018

Varsha Bhavishya

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