Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

We will prove that we do not forget the third person?

To be honest - I had long forgotten

Like a bad dream lol

Now the enemy will go, we have to leave now!

Yes, I think so, too, leave

We need to not let the enemy to the house


Keane sit in another car, or I peresyadu.



Enemy at 255 runs!

He 100m

from US!

I heard? Yes

He knocked me, has little health

low hp

You can raise? No, I'm still crawling

The enemy left!

Crawl to me! crawl

Just live!

I cut down

Ferris third party

Then increase once the second!


bad luck...

Tough we were greeted ...

Quickly the three of us cut down.

We had to immediately withdraw.

Because the three of us fell and they immediately understood it

bad luck

Well they have met.



Third party. It is necessary to recall skills.

Let alone me

Ops on the mountain!


I knocked one. For me, the mountain fire!

I was killed.


What a dishonest guy?

Here he quickly killed me.

I knocked one out there.

Dreynis Depart

The enemy with a small amount of health

I throw off

Again in his head hit.

Thank you

They started shooting from the other side

Yes, these people from the zone of fire.

knocked one

Over the stone has

Yes, for a stone

Another knocked

by stone

I lie and crawl

Knock him out? Hit him in the head!

Come to me

You need to break into the multi

Here you can pick it CPR

Do you hear? Go!

I have a good place!

To me!

I have a good pit

The yellow houses there.

There, the car is worth.

I see group 285!

We can kill!

killed all

The best!

With hangars out!

With hangars runs!

Motorcycle 330

Over the booth at the NW enemy

Where the right shot! I killed him, good. It was Lamych

I luchus

We are again in the area

They are unlikely to have to push

I cut down!

But I'm safe, I can raise

I say where the enemy is. I see where.

I shoot to SW. Thank you boss

I see the house one

Killed in the house!

He was the last

We still have the yellow enemies

To the right, two runs!

Behind a tree! I'll help

I knocked one! All right. One has to be right

He is behind the tree

He creeps creeping I see.

I throw grenade

finished off a

I see one of the slide


I knocked him? Yes, it's a yellow house people.

I look right

Right there is the enemy

campaign ...

It can be treated by zone

The right one is not present


I'm behind a tree!

He has little health!

I killed. good

One enemy. I am treated.

And round to SW

lol good. Best.

Onik you 15 people killed?

7, I 4 and I 4

The yellow houses there was a war and Onik

pulque for one shot and put all

Good position we zanili


It can be at least a normal plane, at least once in this life. Thank you so much

On scolded plane and he obeyed

Drunken planes just tired

We fly all at once on the square

If there is no enemy, scatter on wheelbarrows

Now there 50 jumps.

I do not think.

I think we're all respects

There is no one?

In hot fly.

There is no one here

Come to me, there's a good hole.

Me better!

Everything here will sit

We have this perfect pit

Yes, high-quality. juicy east

Well, let's see.

Comfort zone for us!


Buggy rides from the island center

Keep a closer look.

See see.

About traveling to us


He stopped

There's still the same bike rides.

Will they? Oh sure! Let's kill them!

The left one! I went to 75!

It lies somewhere!

I was shot

Gently, shot them with NE

at 15 or N

The machine gun is taken away

M24 with a silencer!

Not bad

I see movement on the 60!

Someone coming!

Us go

Podomnoy stopped three of the enemy!

I knocked one!

I walk around them to the left! The second more! And the car rides on

The car stopped, kill her first!

I see the car!

He sits behind the machine

One cut down.

Keane you're not in the zone! I know

The machine to kill!

He sits there half dead.

kill him

We're going to you. Here the road


Well, coming to you.

Here the road is very comfortable, stavte car like me.

You see enemies in the car?

They all have side homes

And on top we have only one remained.

The machine is about to explode.

Stand back, I'll blow it.

I translate the car. let's

With 15 runs across the enemy.

I run to you

Machines you do not burn?

With homes shoot

The enemy will not go home with us, they will remain there.

Let's blow this car


Here on the edge can be run on the booth.

Smoke need for anyone to use

Because the enemy knows about us.

Here they are oblique

I knocked one. good

The right one enemy

I fell on it.

being treated

Hell, here in the palm for 3 enemy

Three enemies at close range.

Yes, I did not kill him?

I for some reason the left is gone.

I told you that it was necessary to first remove the right.

Here it was tough

Hell, we could win

4 I did the murder. I 2, I 6 and I 6.

Funny game was


Wow we killings.


18 Kills!

Car place so that they would not have broken.

Here nobody shot

From neighboring homes group shot.

Motorcycle left.

I'll take this booth, it's very good.

Damn, I was cut down.


Damn, the area is not very

You need to drive up to these booths

31 dead, it's a lot. You have to wait again.

I cut down another well - it is run.


He will now raise all.

They have gone? Crawl to me! Heck

Damn it


Motorcycle you side

You go with me? I go.


You go to the center

You go on without me


Subject to the booth we did not work (which Kean and Mumino died)

Yes, it's my fault

I do not want to let the enemy in this booth.

Less Jean. I mean minus?

Again this bug, you're on the island.

You're not dreams, you're on the island.


So now you sniffer (spy)

How will pick up the first weapon, immediately leaving

occupy the spot

In the first helmet without armor lol

Containers nobody

Some flies in our homes.

It Jean (Mumino) probably flies

Yes, it flies Mumino lol

Drunkard flies in our homes, kill it once lol

I see a motorcycle

I'll take it.

Let us here, where we were last time.

It's a cool place, you can see everything

I agree.

What have you got there?

The enemy left to 105

Zone is not a good deal for us.


Where here to do the fence

We do not see the tag. Keen Look here.

Slightly to the left, well, we can say on the yellow.

You understand me?

Let me first go shorter.

Here at me a good pit. There's where I am.

To me

I knocked one.

In front of me is the enemy.

Damn, you got me on the map do not see ...

Tree enemies

Knocked second.

Keane Live!

I killed all!

Tired of these bugs in this game!


All you lost bro.


I killed all so beautiful ...


Here is a shame. I killed them all ...

Young. Kapets lucky you Jean, that I did not kill you.


Vidil joke? I love you all and I killed the game ended.

I have just now been killed.

The second place team avant

The very Mumin Dreynis

kee NNN


And you say that you have the easiest nickname that no one makes a mistake

Look, he was mistaken. kee NNN


kee NNN


Think yourself a new nickname Kee NNN

For more infomation >> 10 kills in PUBG. GoodGame tournament from Mumino. Second place on tournament - Duration: 16:54.


Tecnam P2002 Circuit & Landing @ LCA Intl | GoPro Cockpit View | ATC Comms - Duration: 8:23.

Crosswind leg.

Do I have control?

You hev control!

I have control!

It's been a while since I last did circuits.

I missed doing so, it's nice.

Sure it is, there's no traffic now.

Perhaps do a short approach...

so we can do one more circuit.

Shall we do this landing short?

What do you mean?

Short approach to a full stop landing.

Up to you.

Last time I remained in the circuit...

was when I was doing my solo flights!

(FREDA checks)

300ft - carb heat cold.

Plenty of speed there.

Let go of the brakes..

Let's vacate via D.

Was the landing any good?

Great, just hold back.

Considering the wind it was good.

We just landed with a bit of sideload.

Otherwise just fine.

Nice one, I'll request push and start next time!

Where shall we park?

There's people flying after us.


You might want to park here as the others want to fly.

I'll call ground.

Das ist gut!

(Analyse the logger = check our aero-rally track).

For more infomation >> Tecnam P2002 Circuit & Landing @ LCA Intl | GoPro Cockpit View | ATC Comms - Duration: 8:23.


DESTENEH 2 - THE BAD GUYS - Duration: 1:38.

So this is the farm let's see oh boy, what have we here?

Hey Rodrigo, did you realize that some time ago we used the body parts of the hive as armor?

The hive didn't used Guardians parts as armor.

Do you think? Well... eh..

Well... maybe...Are we the bad guys?

Don't overthink it, it's not like that.

Do you think so?

Of course

They are beings that attack because they are offended by our sexuality.

We're better so they can't control their primary instincts do you understand?

The hive are non-intelligent beings like the turtles and the British that's why the traveler took them away

I don't think you are British, Peter.

This is gonna be a long game, yo.

For more infomation >> DESTENEH 2 - THE BAD GUYS - Duration: 1:38.


Crawford trailer (from the creator of Trailer Park Boys) - Duration: 1:22.

Computer voice: Hello.

My name is Owen. I'm a retired police chief.

I lost the ability to speak when I was shot in the

head by some pricks.


Hey chill dude!

You're on our prop- You're on our property!

Maybe we should just like, do the open cheating thing

that you and Dad do.

Not the same thing. Okay?

Cheating is deception and your father and I don't

deceive each other.

There are so many raccoons in this house

you don't even understand.

There are more raccoons than seems plausible.

Well guess what, I've been choked out before Owen!

Are you saying I can't go in there and get the

stuff because I'm balding?

Oh shit I should not have done that Manny.

-But you did do it! -Manny I gotta go.

-And it was fantastic! -I gotta go, bye!

I don't think you sound insane at all because

I don't think you're insane.



Computer voice: Crawford.

For more infomation >> Crawford trailer (from the creator of Trailer Park Boys) - Duration: 1:22.



it's Christmas and last year I title with my Christmas videos Christmas 2016

so being the inventive person I am it's gonna be Kristi Christmas 2017 look at

this look at this high budget quality thing but I forgot a Santa hat but I got

the doubt or something I got doubt or a little something since I forgot

something for me I'll just wear what I got for her you know MA so if you're not

following the YouTube drama or Jack mate right stole this idea from a big Gucci

I'm not gonna name names have a calendar and apparently it's very low

quality for what you got so it's okay you can buy buy advent

calendar isn't this amazing beautiful you can buy this entire masterpiece but

only 99 USD a day it's trillion dollars what bargain so I

was just coming up with ideas for the calendar couldn't count the 25 come up

with 12 though such a 12-day calendar it's fine tell me half you know you know

tech let's get started what's behind door 1 oh well nothing absolutely

nothing what a metaphor for life when one door closes another one opens

there's nothing inside oh there's another door there's 12 of them remember

well let's see what's behind door number two oh wow my book everyone's doing it

books lately this is our my new book it's up oh well another youtuber book oh

wow isn't it beautiful yes

this is going great let's see what's behind door number three

did I make a door number three there is no door number three looks like you're

not getting anything that day we run a high budget production here door number

four Wow absolutely nothing oh wait I can taste a

bit of my air it's wonderful this is going great so far I'm having such a

great time let's do door number five Wow a half

drinking water bottle I'm getting lazy let's see what's in door number six

candle how beautiful let's see what it smells like it smells like Cooper but

also a waste of money door number seven oh look we're already

past halfway well toilet paper how convenient

I'll be back sorry a little intervention ah the kids next door are home they're

jumping on the trampoline and that disturbs Delta she doesn't like

children having fun do you let's see what's behind door number eight well

look an old use about to be broken hair tie

day number nine Christmas time could exploit your fans not mine oh wow my fan

art that I haven't stuck on the wall quite yet but it's going to go onto my

wall thank you you can feel as famous as me

seriously though I love your fan art I appreciate it it's going on the wall day

number 10 I hope we have this soon done friend hasta oh well some balloons from

a video that I did end up posting magical let's see what's behind day 11

I've ran out of things Danny number 11 use battery because

nothing's more use than this idea we're finally here guys we have a last day

this is the day before Christmas but not really so what's behind door number 12

behind door number 12 is your very own Koopa yeah guys thanks for watching

placing this video I don't hate me for coming off this idea I thought it's

hilarious I had a good time making it because I am funny

but that's all for this video guys that's bellerose out and don't please

stop licking me I might be posting random extra videos for Christmas

That's all for today guys that's Bellerose out bye guys

For more infomation >> YOUTUBER ADVENT CALENDAR - Duration: 4:34.


Estructuguada - Creer es dudar - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Estructuguada - Creer es dudar - Duration: 3:29.


„Reporter ohne Grenzen" zensiert Schweizer Presseclub| 06.12.2017 | - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> „Reporter ohne Grenzen" zensiert Schweizer Presseclub| 06.12.2017 | - Duration: 8:13.


DOES THIS THEORY MAKE SENSE?! • vlogmas day 5 - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> DOES THIS THEORY MAKE SENSE?! • vlogmas day 5 - Duration: 6:32.


Overwatch Snowball Effect Guide - Snowballing Explained | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 7:24.

Hey there!

Snowballing or the 'snowball effect' is when you gain a little advantage with your

team and use it to gain even more advantage and steamroll the enemy.

This video will teach you how to forge victories from slight advantages and how to prevent

the enemy team from doing so.

Hello guys and welcome to the dojo.

Overwatch is a team based game, but we tend to forget that in solo queue.

However, it is worth it to pay attention to what is happening around you, not just focusing

on what you want to do in the next few moments.

If a team gets slightly ahead with a few picks, they can easily claim objectives and secure

more kills if everyone is paying attention to these events and work together to achieve

greatness together.

Let's get to it right away!

Before talking any more about the theory, let's see a hands-on example.

You are on the attacker side on Hanamura, trying to break the choke that the defenders

vigorously hold.

As you approach the enemy, your Pharah is able to get two direct hits on the enemy Mercy,

quickly ending her life.

This is an advantage that fires up as an event on the top right corner of your screen and

shows you that the enemy just got weaker (if you don't have the kill feed enabled, go

and enable it right now!).

What does this kill mean to you?

The opposing team lost a single hero, yes, but that was their main healer.

This means that they will lack sustain and if you can get another pick or make them weaker

and weaker somehow, you can effectively push through them and claim victory.

Before getting to the explanation, a bit of self-advertisement: the Overwatchdojo Discord

community is waiting for you.

Come and join our weekly challenges for fun and monthlies for improvement.

Be the part of a great and friendly neighborhood who all thrive to improve together and help

each other!

All right, you got your example, now let's talk about the theory behind the snowball


This is so you are able to identify situations where you or the enemy team can use their

advantage to roll over the opponent.

Of course, you want to make sure that your allies recognize this fact and do everything

in your power to prevent the enemy from using their advantage, forcing mistakes from them

in order to make them give away.

Or if you are the winning team, use your tactical resources well.

Let's start from the beginning.

Snowballing will always start with an event that happens between the two teams.

We identify three types that you want to look out for, these are in the order of importance:

An enemy character dying An enemy ultimate coming to the game

An enemy ability being used Note that we are going to talk from your perspective

but if you detect any of these in your team, just make sure you are reacting quickly enough

to prevent a team kill and a quickly lost game.

If an enemy character is dead before any of your teammates go down, you will have the

numbers advantage.

If there are no bravours in the enemy team, you should be able to win the fight using

sheer force by overpowering the enemy.

Of course, this is usually not so straightforward, as a lot of variables can- and will come into


Positioning, covers, ultimates, abilities, etcetera, etcetera.

Even if you only think about the raw numbers, these should indicate if you have a chance

to start snowballing.

Start small and you will understand more and more as you experience the game in many different


For now, just pay attention to the numbers.

In case you have 2 or more advantage over the enemy, you can usually safely start pushing

them away from the objective and claiming it.

Things can go wrong with some enemy ultimates with high team wipe potential, more about

that in a sec.

So if you have two more than the enemy, go for the throat.

If you have 3 or even more advantage, you can usually start hunting the enemy down.

Even if you die in the process, your team controls the objective and by killing those

who lag behind, you are delaying the regrouping of the enemy team, winning really precious


So claim your advantage and start snowballing in these situations.

The next thing about snowballing, the second most important aspect is ultimate advantage.

If you have some ultimates available, treat them as resources.

You want to invest as little as possible and still win the fight.

Let us explain this briefly, it's really a topic of another video.

There are 3 types of ultimates: utility, sustain and damage ultimates.

Damage is Pharah's justice rain, sustain is Zenyatta's golden award, the utility

is Zarya's grav.

You can use them for different stuff.

When you want to handle your ultimate resources well, you need to think about the effect that

you want to achieve.

You usually don't want to burn two of the same type ultimates, eg: Zenyatta and Lucio,

because they have the same effect.

When talking about snowballing, it sometimes comes down to managing the ultimates just


Use the right types and the right amount to overpower the enemy, while thinking about

how to save the most resources for the next engages, winning the next fight as well, and

the one after that.

So basically the takeaway here is that if you see an enemy wasting their ultimates in

a single engage, you can overwhelm them with yours.

If they used both sustain ultimates, just go for them and kill them in the next team

fight, you will know they can not defend against your push if you execute it well.

But pay attention not to use too much, or you get into the same situation as your enemy

is in right now.

When your allies waste ultimates somehow, it's not the end of the world.

This is the situation when you want to force out mistakes from the enemy.

Dry pushing, or pushing the objective without ultimates will allow you to charge your ults

and to try to bait some enemy abilities.

Hope you get the idea.

If you feel that you are stuck in your current rank, and want to learn the game in-depth,

Overwatchdojo offers private coaching with more than a year of professional experience.

Click the card now for details, or see the Patreon link in the description!

Lastly, we are going to talk about how to snowball using ability advantage.

The idea is the same as with ultimate, however, you need to roll your snowball a lot faster

when we are talking about abilities due to the low cooldown.

An example: Mercy is using her resurrect, so you know that it will be on cooldown for

quite a while.

Instead of poking, it is a good time to do permanent damage and try to wipe the enemy.

These things can add up and work really well to win team fights, and then you can just

use the numbers advantage.

Another example is Tracer's recall ability, that you can abuse after she recalled.

Any damage that you do is permanent and she can not heal it back.

Kill the Tracer and continue with the others.

When you are the underdog, it's not a problem to start being passive until the ability becomes

available again.

Do you lack shield?

Wait for it to recharge before going in.

If you are dead, you can't help your team and you lose valuable ultimate charge time.

So make sure you are in the right condition to fight before you go in.

All in all, we want you to pay attention to your advantages and feel free to push the

enemy when you have the lead.

Snowballing can win maps in the blink of an eye if the whole team is working together

and more or less know about these concepts.

If they don't educate them.

We believe that players in comp want to win and would accept a tip or two from a teammate

if that is presented well.

See our communication guide if you want to more about the topics.

We are here for you.

We want to educate you so you can get better faster.

Master yourself, master the game, that is the motto of Overwatchdojo.

As always, if you like what we are doing, please like, subscribe and share this video

with others who might be interested, be the evangelist for good knowledge.

Join us on our Discord and give a quick look at the Patreon page.

See you guys in the next one!

For more infomation >> Overwatch Snowball Effect Guide - Snowballing Explained | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 7:24.


Beats Studio3 Wireless vs Sony WH-1000Xm2 - - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> Beats Studio3 Wireless vs Sony WH-1000Xm2 - - Duration: 11:36.


Ghost recon Wildlands - ТОП СТРИМЕР Digitalcat - Duration: 1:07:17.

For more infomation >> Ghost recon Wildlands - ТОП СТРИМЕР Digitalcat - Duration: 1:07:17.


The Fall of China's Internet King - Duration: 10:22.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

ever wonder how China's Internet became so censored?

You can thank this guy.

Welcome back, I'm Chris Chappell.

The Internet's got a new loser!

Just look at him!

No, not Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg.

I mean the happy guy in the chair.

That's Lu Wei,

China's Internet Czar.

Former Internet Czar.

That photo's from 2014.

He's not so happy anymore.

Because Lu Wei is the latest high-ranking official

Chinese leader Xi Jinping has taken down

in his ongoing purge of political opponents—

what he calls the "anti-corruption campaign."

According to this announcement,

Lu Wei has been accused of

"seriously violating Party discipline."

Which basically means,

he's as good as convicted,

expelled from the Communist Party,

and destined for prison.

Sorry Mark Zuckerberg!

If you were trying to get Facebook into China,

you chose the wrong guy to Zuck up to.

Once upon a time,

Lu Wei was basically the ruler of China's Internet—

the guy responsible for earning China

the coveted title of Freedom House's

"worst abuser of internet freedom,"

for three years in a row!

That's a way less controversial title, by the way,

than People's Sexiest Man Alive.

I'm with the Houston Chronicle on this one.

Kim Jong Un is still waiting for your call, People Magazine.

Anyway, yes,

China is officially the three-time consecutive champion

of worst internet freedom.

Take that, Syria!

Wait, Syria still has Internet?

Back to Lu Wei.

The Guardian describes him as the

"powerful and flamboyant former head

of China's Cyberspace Administration."

That was the administration

that oversaw Internet censorship.

Lu was certainly powerful.

But flamboyant?

I mean, he loved to get photo ops

with Western tech giants kissing up to him—

like Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg,

Apple's Tim Cook,

and Amazon's Jeff Bezos.

I think it's more like,

he's kind of crazy.

He said "Freedom and order are twin sisters."

Which would make sense

if he was trying to argue that free countries

are more stable—

which is usually true.

But I think he was using that to justify

China's heavy-handed Internet censorship.

But you know what?

That makes sense, because—

get this—

there's no censorship on the Chinese Internet!

Yes, China's top Internet censor says

there's no Internet censorship.

He claims the Internet is simply "managed."

Which is like selling cruelty-free beef,

and saying the cows weren't slaughtered.

They were just massaged.

To death.

So it should be no surprise

that Lu Wei is same guy once hired

a famous songwriter to write the song

"Cyberspace Spirit."

Powerful Internet country!

The Web is where glorious dreams are!

Powerful Internet country!

From the distant cosmos to the home we long for!

Powerful Internet country!

Tell the world that the China Dream

is lifting Greater China to prominence!

Wow, that's pretty catchy...

in a creepy Soviet way.

Hope I don't get that stuck in my head.

And if that song's not crazy enough,

Lu Wei also allegedly went to parties

serving human breast milk.

Lu Wei also did some practical things.

Like spearheading China's plan to eliminate VPNs,

the special software that allows Chinese netizens

to get through the Great Firewall of China

and access the real Internet.

And when Lu Wei was in charge of

the Cyberspace Administration of China,

he oversaw the early drafts

of the now infamous Cybersecurity Law

that requires foreign companies store

their user data inside China—

and give the Chinese Communist Party

full access to that Chinese user data.

Under Lu Wei,

the Chinese regime's grip on social media tightened.

Internet users had to register with their real names.

And that means no fake Twitter accounts.

We know who you are,

Anakin Skywalker.

Also, Lu Wei banned

all of Twitter.

Of course, if you're on the Chinese internet,

you won't hear much about the fall of Lu Wei

because the Chinese Internet is

of course, massively censored.

I mean massaged.

I mean, managed.

China Digital Times discovered this

Propaganda Department directive

that orders media to censor-slash-manage

all comments about Lu Wei.

It's almost poetic,

how his downfall is being censored

by the very apparatus that he built.

What's that, Shelley?

We have video of the propaganda directive?

Go ahead.

Ok, ok, you got me.

Man, that song is catchy.

Where was I?

Oh right, as I mentioned earlier,

the fall of Lu Wei is tied into Chinese leader

Xi Jinping's battle against his political opponents,

a loosely tied faction under former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.

Sorry, wrong toad.

The resemblance is really uncanny.

So Lu Wei was deeply enmeshed in the propaganda wing

of the Communist Party—

the guys responsible for making the Party look good.

In other words,

miracle workers.

Somewhat inept miracle workers.

For two decades Lu Wei

"served as party secretary

of the state-run Xinhua news agency,

and Beijing's propaganda chief,

eventually making it up to deputy head

of the CCP's central propaganda department."

That means he worked under

the head of Party propaganda,

Liu Yunshan.

Liu was one of the highest ranking members

of Jiang Zemin's faction,

and used his clout to undermine Xi.

If you want to learn more about Liu Yunshan,

watch my previous episode online,

"Who Controls China's Propaganda."

Xi Jinping has been trying to wrestle

control of the Party's propaganda

from the Jiang Zemin faction.

Especially when it comes to the Internet.

That's why Xi Jinping gave himself

so many fancy new titles,

like head of the Central Leading Group

for Internet Security and Information.

A year ago,

Lu Wei was mysteriously fired

from the Cyberspace Administration of China.

And Xi Jinping appointed his own guy to replace him.

Now, Lu Wei has been detained,

and "Several of Lu's associates and officials

in charge of regulating online services

have also been taken into custody."

What's that, Shelley?

We have video of Lu Wei's confession?!


Yes, I want to see it.


Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice,

shame, twice.

Back to Lu Wei.

State-run media isn't being kind to him.

The Global Times wrote,

"Lu was a typical 'two-faced person,'

as he severely deviated from Party principle

and ruined the image of the cyberspace administration team

and harmed the development of cyberspace."

Which really doesn't make much sense

if you think about it.

Lu Wei did exactly the Communist Party wanted

as far as censoring the Internet.

And even though he was fired a year ago,

there hasn't exactly been a big push

to undo all the controls he put in place.

The internet will continue to be "managed"

to benefit the Communist Party.

But undoing Lu Wei's work

is not what the investigation of him is about.

If previous purges of high ranking officials

are any indication,

I wouldn't be surprised if Xi Jinping

is ultimately making his way for Liu Yunshan.

Because even as Lu's former Xinhua News Agency

turns on him... thing is clear:

Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign

is not winding down.

And neither is Internet censorship,

just so we're clear on that.

And Lu Wei's downfall offers yet another example

of why doing business in China is risky business.

Remember that photo of Lu and Mark Zuckerberg?

All that hard work spent developing a relationship

with someone who ended up on the wrong side

of a political purge.

Now he'll have to start all over again

with the new Internet czar.

What a waste.

Kind of like when former Canadian Prime Minister

Stephen Harper met with disgraced Chinese official

and proud Jiang faction member Bo Xilai

right at the beginning of Bo's downfall

back in 2012.

Which was dumb.

But maybe things will work out better

for Mark Zuckerberg.

After all,

according to Chinese state-run media,

he did spend his time with Lu Wei

praising Xi Jinping's book

that was conveniently and prominently

placed on a desk.

He even told Lu that he bought the book

for his coworkers, too.

What a boss.

Yes, Shelley?

We have video of Lu talking to Zuckerberg.

Nice try.

I'm not falling for that again.


You promise that it's not that

Cyberspace Spirit song?

Ok, fine, roll it.

That is the first time I've been happy

about being Rickrolled.

Thanks, Shelley.

What do you think of the fall of Lu Wei?

And do you have Cyberspace Spirit?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

Aren't you happy you have access

to an uncensored Internet?

Well, depending on what happens

with Net Neutrality at least.

But why not celebrate your uncensored Internet

by visiting

There you can see full half hour episode

that you won't see on YouTube.

And definitely not in China.

Once again that's

For more infomation >> The Fall of China's Internet King - Duration: 10:22.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante da Clawdeen Wolf de Monster High em Português Brasil de Play Doh - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante da Clawdeen Wolf de Monster High em Português Brasil de Play Doh - Duration: 10:57.


Football, Texas, Episode 3: Anyone Up for Adoption? - Duration: 2:41.

(ANNOUNCER 1) Pigskins take on conference rival Armadillo High this Friday

In the first round of the playoffs

You know Coach Walker's got those boys

practicing hard to make sure they're ready for war

You think that'll get us on House of Highlights?

No. But this will



Yeah, man!

You're ready for-

What the hell y'all doing?!

This ain't no circus show.

This is football.

Two hands. Always use two hands!

Why are you here?

Practice ended an hour ago

And this is MY house!

Why is this town always watching us practice

It's 6 p.m. on a Tuesday!

Don't you have families?


Sixty-one hours until the big game against

The Armadillo High Armadillos!

It's like Chrismas Eve!

Except more religious

Hey, you guys stressed about that bio test tomorrow?

Yeah, I'm hitting up the library after practice

Who needs my help?!

Are you someone's mom or...?

Not yet, QB.

Not yet

Who needs to be adopted?!

None of us

I'm ready to open my home

And my heart

She's doing that thing from The Blind Side

Come with me!


You are a stranger

And adoption is a long legal process

With lots of paperwork

Well, it looks like you can teach me

just as much as I can teach you


Bring it in

I think I've seen this lady at the gas station

We may be from different worlds

But we're all still human

What is wrong with this town?


I...I can inspire you!

For more infomation >> Football, Texas, Episode 3: Anyone Up for Adoption? - Duration: 2:41.


Interstellar Cannibals Are Eating Their Way Through Our Universe - Duration: 1:55.

Out there in the cosmic abyss are objects like stars, galaxies and planets.

They can coexist peacefully … but sometimes, a star might look so tantalizing, its neighbor

will want to eat it.


White dwarfs are very dense stars, comparable in mass to our Sun.

These stars are at the end of their lives and can no longer produce any energy on their

own to survive.

So when gravity pushes a white dwarf next to an energy producing star, it makes its


Using its strong gravitational pull, the white dwarf will suck up the outer gas layers of

a star.

Those gases are essentially star food.

In one instance, a white dwarf devoured 90% of a star's mass, turning it into a brown


Brown dwarfs are considered failed stars because they can't shine as brightly.

Basically another star sucked the life out of it.

This isn't just something that happens with stars.

Our nearest neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, is also a space predator.

Stars and dwarf galaxies that get too close to Andromeda have reportedly been consumed!

And Andromeda is heading our way.

The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy are moving towards each other at about 75 miles per second.

It'll take billions of years, but Andromeda will eventually swallow us whole.

*gasp* Creating a super-giant galaxy.

Ultimately, the stars and galaxies can't help it, cosmic cannibalism comes down to


It's a star eat star world out there.


You can watch new episodes of Space Crafts right here every Wednesday!

And for more on star siblings, check out this video to learn about the family tree for the

stars in our Galaxy.

Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Interstellar Cannibals Are Eating Their Way Through Our Universe - Duration: 1:55.


Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de Héctor de Coco la Película en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 12:50.

For more infomation >> Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de Héctor de Coco la Película en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 12:50.


Queen Creek Criminal Defense Attorney | Tobin Law Office - Duration: 1:48.

Hi, I'm attorney Tim Tobin.

My law office is solely focused on providing our clients with quality, criminal defense


We're conveniently located right off the US 60 on Stapley drive, and we also have a satellite

office in Chandler, Arizona.

With these locations, we're very familiar with the agencies and courts that handle cases

out of Queen Creek and surrounding areas.

That includes the San Tan Justice Court in Chandler, the Apache Junction Justice Court,

the Gilbert Municipal Court, as well as the superior courts of Pinal and Maricopa.

Being solely focused on criminal defense services and being close to Queen Creek, we handle

cases out of there on a regular basis.

In addition, I'm a former prosecutor of Maricopa, and I was based in the East Valley.

In that position, I handled cases out of Queen Creek specifically.

You can be confident, that with our office, you're gonna get a quality criminal defense

service from a former prosecutor, and you'll get all of that at an affordable, flat price.

What that means, is that there's no hidden fees or costs.

You know the entire cost of representation up front.

We also have excellent communication policies.

So if you have a question about your case at any time, you gonna have my direct line,

and my email so that those questions get addressed promptly.

So please, give us a call.

Our consultations are always free, friendly, and confidential.

Our receptionist will put you in contact with me as soon as they can.

If you or a loved one are charged with a crime, I'd be glad to help.

For more infomation >> Queen Creek Criminal Defense Attorney | Tobin Law Office - Duration: 1:48.


How To Make Sampled Trap Beats In FL Studio 11 (Law And Order Theme Song!) Prod. By @101DaExclusive - Duration: 14:59.

How To Make Sampled Trap Beats In FL Studio 11 (Law And Order Theme Song!) Prod. By @101DaExclusive

For more infomation >> How To Make Sampled Trap Beats In FL Studio 11 (Law And Order Theme Song!) Prod. By @101DaExclusive - Duration: 14:59.


You Are Never More Justified Than the Moment You First Believed - Duration: 1:22.

I remember myself, as a very young Christian, being taught that every day I should have

my quiet time.

And if I didn't have my quiet time before I went out, I would I would feel guilty and

feel that God would not bless my day.

And Christians who often then come to think that by their obedience they can somehow or

another, add to their justification.

Isn't it true that it's actually quite difficult for many Christians to believe that they can

never add to their justification—that they will never be more justified than they are

the moment they come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Well, surely my sanctification will add to my justification?

Not if it's the justification of the gospel.

It might add to your justification if your justification was derived from yourself, but

it can't add to your justification if your justification is derived from Jesus Christ.

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