Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

Hello friends my name is Arith Härger and today I'm going to talk about the rune Gebo

this rune literally means "gift"

it's a rune connected to giving and taking

trade or exchange between two parties and as we see in ancient Scandinavian societies

there was the belief that a gift calls for a gift

if something is given to you to maintain the bonds of friendship

you must also give something in return

so this rune is also linked to sacrifice in ritualistic terms and in terms of worshipping the deities

if you take a close look at the symbol it looks like a stylized representation of someone

an anthropomorphic figure with two arms in a gesture of pledging

in archaeological terms we see these representations of humans with arms wide open towards the sky

since even before the Paleolithic

a gesture of worshipping and receiving the power of the deities through the palms of their hands

receiving the gift of the gods in their hands, absorbing the forces

a gesture that in many religions is still used when addressing a deity or deities

we see in Scandinavian societies that the exchange of power, the sacrifices, ceremonies, worshipping

was through gifting, this was the most common way to show faith

not through prayers but giving to the gods sacrificial animals, a burnt portion of the crops and valuable objects

so that the gods are obliged to give something in return

to maintain the spiritual connection with mortals and vice-versa

this rune represents the gifts the gods give to mortals to maintain the ecology of cosmic power

in terms of mythological accounts

we might understand the essence of this rune if we take a look at Óðinn as the archetypal King

you see, this rune reflects the important custom of giving gifts in Germanic and Norse cultures

gift-giving strengthen the bonds of friendship and community

and as such, generosity was one of the noblest of virtues

a ruler . . .

it doesn't matter if it's a chieftain or "chieftess", a king or a queen

someone who is the parent figure of the community

must be generous in order to maintain the tribe, the clan, the subjects

happy and under his or her control

a ruler gifted his followers in order to reward them for their loyalty

Óðinn, for instance, had a marvelous arm-ring called Draupnir which replicated itself into eight other identical rings

this was the great treasure of Óðinn

as long as he possessed this ring he would never lack of wealth

he would always have enough to sustain the gods

and to distribute such wealth as it pleased him in order to maintain his followers happy and loyal

but it's not just about pure generosity

giving gifts required a sacrifice from the person receiving the gift

gifts weren't given freely, especially by Óðinn

it demands a gift in return - a price must be paid

the god Thor, for instance, protects Midgard against Giants

and his job is to preserve order in the universe

the Vanir gods give mankind fertility and wealth in the form of fruits of both land and sea

Óðinn gifted mankind with breath, blood and senses - he gave life

so all these gifts to mankind incorporate the principle of giving and sacrifice

as an eternal cycle that binds all beings of the nine cosmic worlds


leaving mythology aside

historically speaking, in Germanic, Norse and anglo-saxon cultures

a chieftain, or any other person with a certain status, a certain rank

could demonstrate his power by giving gifts to the poor or vagrant

and to trustworthy and loyal followers

by giving gifts a person was not only demonstrating his wealth and power

but also generosity

a quality greatly appreciated among norse and germanic societies

this would bring good fame and more followers

more followers - more power and wealth

another aspect, just as a gift demands a gift an insult demanded recompense

there were many forms of insults, of course

and compensations for the loss, damage or injury done

the injured parties would receive appropriate benefits

to maintain order, to prevent blood feuds, to maintain the bonds of friendship

which is the true essence of this rune - Gebo

now, the meaning of this rune when it appears in a rune-reading

this is the first rune that doesn't have an inverted meaning

now, as I've been telling you throughout this video

the giving and receiving gifts has been important in every society, as a gesture of mutual respect

a custom meant to bind people together

so in your life all should be well as long as there are conditions between both parties

knowing and respecting the limitations of an agreement

even if nothing material is actually given

because there are gifts that are purely emotional, affectionate

simple gratitude may be the form of payment for the gift received

but there must always be a gift in order to show gratitude for another gift

or resentment and quarrels will be the disastrous results of not showing appreciation

but this also applies to the person who is giving the gift

a gift should be given with an open heart

otherwise it will feel worthless for both parties

in love affairs a true union is only achieved in separation

when people can maintain their individuality even when they are together

always be yourself and don't become something you are not just to please others

in love affairs your true gift to the other person is being true to yourself

be the person the other one fell in love with

when this rune appears in a rune-reading you will feel honor-bound to help someone out very soon

however, you must know how much help you can give or should give

after all, too much generosity may lead this person to become overly reliant upon you

and instead of helping the person you are making matters worse for both

everyone must be free and not completely rely on others

because if that gift is taken away

the gift of helping

the very foundations of that reliance are taken away

and people end up worse than they were when they asked for help

Gebo has no inverted position as I've said

therefore it means the gift of freedom is the most important gift of all

from which all other gifts flow

but never forget that there is always a price to pay even when you are free

every decision you make requires the acceptance of one thing and simultaneous sacrifice or release of another

alright friends thank you so much for watching

I hope you have enjoyed yet another video about the runes

and as you already know, all the links my social media are down below at the description

thank you so much for watching see you on the next video and of course...

tack för idag! (thank you for today!)

For more infomation >> The Runes: Gebo ᚷ - Duration: 7:39.


Как УСКОРИТЬ МЫШЛЕНИЕ в 2 раза и научиться ГЕНЕРИРОВАТЬ НОВЫЕ ИДЕИ? Ассоцативный СУПЕРКАР - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Как УСКОРИТЬ МЫШЛЕНИЕ в 2 раза и научиться ГЕНЕРИРОВАТЬ НОВЫЕ ИДЕИ? Ассоцативный СУПЕРКАР - Duration: 1:28.


Un Malware : c'est quoi ? - Duration: 2:11.

We have an evolution of about 9,000 malwares,

or 9,000 malicious applications per day.

or 9,000 malicious applications per day.

Malwares essentially come from

downloading applications,

either from stores or from websites

that offer applications to download and install.

Malware is a code extracted

from the malicious application.

The offender develops a piece of malicious code

The offender develops a piece of malicious code

and implements it in a valid application.

Then, he pushes it onto the store.

When the installer runs the application,

it will launch the malware at the same time.

This type of code is regarded as a Trojan,

like the Trojan horse.

The offender can act as if he were on your phone.

He searches your contacts, your messages, and credentials.

Credentials are passwords.

He can access photos, videos, and documents too.

He can also see your key logging,

which means that whatever you type

will be sent to the offender in real time.

He can turn on the microphone

and listen to all your conversations.

At Orange, we have a laboratory of Epidemiology

and "signal intelligence"

which studies the malicious code

submitted to us for testing.

We retrieve the malicious application from the phones.

We copy this malicious application

onto another phone

which is specific to this purpose.

We put this phone in a confined space

we call a Faraday cage,

which is heavily armored against all frequencies.

Nothing can get through.

This is how we can manipulate the malware

without compromising the security

of the people around us.

Everything we do in the epidemiologic

and signal Intelligence lab at Orange Cyber Defense

is to anticipate the threat

and protect our clients.

and protect our clients.

For more infomation >> Un Malware : c'est quoi ? - Duration: 2:11.


PASTA WITH TAHIN CREAM?!? I'll try that! (vegan & healthy) – Lecker Lecker #69 - Duration: 4:33.

Hello dear friends to a new video.

Today we make pasta with creamy tahini sauce.

I mean tahin sauce?

You know what I mean: sesame paste.

That is our task for today!

I love pasta, so I was happy to find a recipe in the eBook "A grain, A Green and A Bean 2" - that sounds almost like a rap song ...

Anyway, I was happy to find a recipe for pasta with creamy tahini sauce. I have to try it!

Let's start!

It's the first attempt today!

So welcome to the premiere. I hope it's yummy ... because it is possible that it isn't tasty.

First step to cook the pasta is cooking pasta.

We need to cook the whole wheat pasta in salted water.

Boil salted water and then you add 200-250 grams of pasta.

As with any recipe you first have to chop a few things.

In our case, an onion, a small fennel bulb - I hope this is meant by a small tuber - and a half of broccoli head.

Argh, I should learn to chop the onion at the end...

Now we need to cut the fennel bulb.

We should cut them into strips.

Like so?

Probably not?

I'm not really a fan of fennel.

I'm quite curious how that tastes with pasta.

Never eaten it that way.

Now I have almost no space.

Coarsely chop the broccoli florets.

If I'm honest, I'm also not a fan of broccoli.

From an eating standpoint I'm not the typical vegan.

But I noticed when the roses are cut very small, they taste okay - really!

Raw foodies would eat this plate right now!

So now we have to chop five dried tomatoes.

I have almost no room but let's do this!


Now let's cook!

First, fry the onions until translucent in canola oil.

If these are beautiful glassy we give the fennel dice to the broccoli florets and drained kidney beans.

I think you see it yourself, this pan is a bit too small.

So take a wok if you have one. I have not.

But you can start a for example an appeal.

"Spend a wok for Franz".

We let everything cook for five to ten minutes at medium temperature.

In the meantime we prepare our sauce.

We need a blender and a few ingredients.

I've printed out the recipe!

A tablespoon of agave syrup, two tablespoons of sesame paste.

I do love nut butters and I also love sesame muses.

I love the fat in this meal.

Two teaspoons of curry powder.

That seems a bit too much.

I do not add that much.

One. Two.

Half a teaspoon of turmeric.

Turmeric is very healthy, cancer-resistant and has a wonderful and beautiful color.

A small chilli that I do not add because perhaps our son eats with us.

Two tablespoons of soy sauce.

I love soy sauce.

And a little bit of water.

Blend on high for a few moments.


Now add dried tomatoes with the sauce to the vegetables, mix everything and when the pasta is ready ...

Which should already finished?!?

Then mix everything together and we're done.

Now arrange on plates and garnish with cilantro.

This looks pretty nice if you ask me, veryy yellow.


Yes delicious!

I would add a little bit of salt.

Except for the soy sauce there is no added salt inside, I would now add a little bit.

It does not taste bad!

It's important to add fresh coriander.

Its fits beautifully here.

Altogether It tastes very interesting.

You can taste curry and turmeric for sure.

I mean, I'm currently eating fennel, kidney beans, onions and broccoli and I like it.

The nutritional values ​are amazing!

Quite a few proteins inside, quite a lot of vegetables, pretty great.

As always you can find the recipe in the information box bellow and also the link to the eBook where I found it.

I'm normally not a fan of eBooks but this one is really great.

Because for each recipe there is a picture, that is really beautiful and there is a philosophy behind all recipes.

Very great! I hope to see you next time!

Until then I wish you all the best, stay well good bye!

For more infomation >> PASTA WITH TAHIN CREAM?!? I'll try that! (vegan & healthy) – Lecker Lecker #69 - Duration: 4:33.


Hồn Quê - Karaoke Online [Beat Gốc] - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Hồn Quê - Karaoke Online [Beat Gốc] - Duration: 4:39.


Sri Surya Suprabatham || Devotional || Mybhaktitv - Duration: 9:39.

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For more infomation >> Sri Surya Suprabatham || Devotional || Mybhaktitv - Duration: 9:39.


Russia Banned from Winter Olympics, Krampus Night - Monologue - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Russia Banned from Winter Olympics, Krampus Night - Monologue - Duration: 3:21.


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For more infomation >> Thailand Travel Guide 泰國旅遊攻略 - Uber一定好過的士?點唱錢最抵?酒店會偷野? - Duration: 9:17.


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For more infomation >> Amazing Hair Color Transformation - 15 Easy Beautiful Hairstyles Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:01.


【アサシンクリードブラザーフッド】しよけんプレイ#10-14 - Duration: 10:01.

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For more infomation >> 【アサシンクリードブラザーフッド】しよけんプレイ#10-14 - Duration: 10:01.


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Seoul expresses 'deep' regret over inclusion on EU tax haven blacklist - Duration: 2:32.

The continued revelations of tax evasion schemes this year, like the Paradise Papers... have

prompted the EU to crack down on tax havens worldwide.

It's compiled a list of countries to watch, and South Korea is on it, something that Seoul

objects very strongly to.

Our Lee Jeong-yeon has the details.

The European Union came up with a list of 17 countries that it classed as tax havens

on Wednesday.

South Korea and the United Arab Emirates were among those countries, which the EU named

(quote) "non-compliant jurisdictions."

The EU said South Korea has "harmful preferential tax regimes" and is not committed to amending

or abolishing them.

( Korean) "The EU took issue with tax benefits for foreign

companies operating in free economic zones and the transparency of the companies' activities."

The EU further claimed countries on its list have not committed to implementing the OECD's

new framework for tax evasion, or complied with international standards on automatic

exchange of information.

South Korea's finance ministry slammed the EU's decision in a press release, saying:

being listed as a tax haven is "not in accordance with internationally agreed standards" as

the EU had agreed to the international tax reform measures at the G20 summit back in

February, and that imposing EU criteria on non-EU countries also poses the risk of "violating

taxation sovereignty."

But what does being on the "blacklist" really mean for South Korea?

(English) "If the Korean government decides to change

tax regulation, transparency, then there's a potential that those already-existing foreign

companies in free economic zone might move abroad...

Second is the blacklist would have a significantly negative impact on the European investment

into Korea."

The expert adds that considering about one third of foreign investment into South Korea

comes from the EU, the blow to the Korean financial market would be (quote) "not trivial."

(Stand-up: ed devin) For now opinions differ on what should be

done with the listed countries...

Some say they should face some kind of sanction, while others say being listed is motivation

enough for them to reform.

But one thing experts agree on is that the Korean government needs to act fast to minimize

any negative impact on the local economy.

Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News

For more infomation >> Seoul expresses 'deep' regret over inclusion on EU tax haven blacklist - Duration: 2:32.


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For more infomation >> Steep Olympic Event Overview - Downhill - Duration: 0:38.


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