Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

Listening on iheartradio, hey Jordan you're on the air with Congressman Pocan.

Hey Thom and Congressman Pocan thanks for taking my call

Congressman I think you were a little disingenuous with the last caller

about the opposing going away of the small business tax deduction that's not

a part of the bill and I don't I mean for you not to call her out and let her

know that that's not an issue is disingenuous. Yeah Jordan so I think what

I said and I'm sorry if I wasn't clear is there is not a bill right now there

are two separate bills so there has to be a conference committees what they

voted on this week so we don't know what the final bill will be what there is in

the Senate bill and there's been a few articles about loopholes about around

the carried I'm sorry not the carried interest but the provisions that

people like Ron Johnson from Wisconsin the pass through income provisions that

are gonna probably encourage people to reorganize to do that because there are

loopholes so I didn't address it because there's not a final bill yet

Jordan I think it's disingenuous is to say this is in the House bill or this is

in the Senate bill because we don't know what's in the final bill yet now one

could I was also yeah, I'm sorry go ahead. We've also had a bunch of truckers

call into the show over the last week apparently this has just got the

trucking channel on Sirius XM you know on fire that there are provisions that

change the way that if you are not incorporated but you are functionally a

contractor which is the case for many over the whole over the long haul you

know over the road truckers the trucking companies don't actually call them

employees they 1099 them and so those people take tax deductions for all their

expenses when they're on the road their fuel taxes their meals lodging and

things like that and apparently this bill is written so badly or maybe it was

intentional that it's gonna screw those truckers and of course it's not just

truckers but they're they're the ones who are seeing it first you know I

think about that yeah I don't know specifically in that provision but I

know there are a number of things that they did write sloppily because they did

this in such haste that they're gonna for sure have to

address so one other thing I was going to mention though to Jordan's question

is the one scenario that you could see happen although I think the

likelihood is like at five or ten percent chance is that if the House just

really wants to get this done and Paul Ryan really does want to get

this done if they just voted for the Senate version instead of you know doing

a full conference because there are going to be a lot of difficult things to

work out that could be a scenario that we have discussed but I don't find it

very likely the problem is right now because there are two different versions

unless there's something that's in common in both and even then it could

still change through a conference committee I don't know if I can say

exactly what you know is going to be in the final bill and what we're looking

for so we have to kind of take everything into consideration as we make

the calls on this right. Russell in Here

Hills Illinois you're on the air with

Congressman Pocan. Nice to talk to you

how's this playing in your whole state I mean like your governor is up for

re-election you know Paul Ryan Tammy Baldwin the net

cuz I tell you how are they feeling about this yeah they've ready to turn

over a new House and Senate because you come down Oi this guy who wrote the

Builder Goldstein rusting he's got ten people already lined up to run against

them and our governor's just getting slammed on this because he's a

Republican they figure doesn't lose three seats in the house here and there

how's it playing in your state. Russell you know I think in Wisconsin

one you know this is just bad for their brand at the end of the day if they do a

tax cut bill that you know really only cuts taxes for the wealthiest and the

middle class wind up you know in some cases paying more and in some cases down

the road going to be paying for what they've added to the deficit I think

it's going to hurt the overall brand specifically though Paul Ryan is the

author of the House version of the bill and he has Randy Bryce and Kathy Meyers

in a primary right now running against him Randy has

you know I think got the momentum at this point and most likely to be the

nominee and running a very good strong race so you know we have seen across the

country in many places Paul Ryan's numbers are lower than Donald Trump's

numbers people get this he's slightly higher in Wisconsin but that is a

reality so I think what we're gonna find is you know people will pay a price

especially in Paul Ryan's district you know my hometown is in there Kenosha

14,000 people used to make cars no one does today

Janesville his hometown 10,000 people until just not that many years ago made

cars no one does today they already aren't happy with the

economy and how it's treating them and this tax bill certainly does them no

favors and I think you're gonna see some real ramifications and that's what we're

seeing in the generic ballot on House races across the country Dave and

Armstrong Creek Wisconsin you're on the air the congressman Pocan

all right Tom hi commerce congressman Pocan I'm glad to hear you're feeling

better thank you Dave yeah my question is when you guys put together a budget

proposal do you free plan funding for disaster relief like you know the

inevitably if we're gonna have more hurricanes and wildfires and stuff like

that and who knows we're due for an earthquake I mean do you guys have the

money set aside for that or how does that work

there's always a small amount or a small but on amount that's put out there but

then obviously when something happens that's when we come back and then we put

in additional funds and sometimes the question is where does that money come

from and that becomes part of the fight but you know obviously we can't predict

for example this year the Hurricanes went way beyond any funds that were

previously available therefore we had to supplement with some serious money and

quite honestly we probably have to do more yet to make sure that we're helping

people who are in need across the country so yes there's some accounting

for dollars for emergencies but certainly not enough to cover what

happened this year Jeff in Fort Dodge Iowa you're on the air with congressman

Pocan thank you happy holidays

I'm concerned that every time we do is tax bills or anything it always hurts

our seniors and our elderly so badly and the mainstream media will not talk about

this at all how do we get the word out to our

seniors and our elderly about what this is going to do to them

and I think it's the strongest voting bloc that we have is our seniors and our

elderly and they just don't know about what's to happen to them if you guys

could explain that for those for these seniors and how do we get that word out

yeah and if I could add a question to that congressman sure if if I Benny when

the reason I were going through the airport security the you know to fly out

here the guy was checking the expiration date on everybody's driver's license and

once again I was thinking okay you can't fly if your driver's license is expired

and you can't vote if your driver's license is expired how did you lose

citizenship just because your driver's license expired this this it seems like

we need a piece of legislation that doesn't automatically disenfranchise

elderly people and it seems like this is part of the Republicans grand strategy

to get all those older people in Florida who always reliably vote Democratic to

no longer be able to vote not just for all over the country yeah and I think

you know and what you're seeing is a bit of a newer development right on some of

the ID stuff and how it's happened I mean III think just the point I would

really stress because a lot you know to get lost in the weeds of some of the

provisions because there are many different parts of the provisions and

because we don't have a single bill yet because there's provisions in the house

and there's provisions in the Senate that in many cases are different the one

thing that we can point to is the very spoken comments of people like Lindsey

Graham and Marco Rubio and others who've said things like we're gonna have to

next go after Social Security and Medicare I mean it's very obvious if

they balloon the deficit by either a trillion or a trillion and a half like

we're seeing with these bills they're gonna have to come up with it somewhere

and if the comments of the people who are promoting

this legislation is that's where they're going we have to make sure people

understand that because the the vast majority of the public does not support

cuts to Medicare or Social Security it's it's what we've paid into our entire

lives and that's the benefit you get when you are retired or you need it in

the case of Medicare and Social Security we need to make sure people understand

that's the same comments of the people passing this bill

it's just part two there's a part one and a part two to this overall plan and

I think we have to really stress those very comments of the policymakers

promoting the legislation do we have we were about a minute out from the break

here do we have any sense of exactly how they're gonna do I you know it's like

with with Bill Clinton quote ending welfare as we know it they sort of

backed him into a corner you know with the hole on the one hand you know we've

got to clean this up we got you know their welfare queens schtick and on the

other hand you know gee bill you got to pass a balanced budget it was you know

stage two of the two Stanek laws theory and he went along with it

and I don't mean this as a hit on Bill Clinton at all I mean this is just how

well the Republicans do this kind of stuff and even set Democrats up to to

shoot Santa Claus or shoot themselves in the foot do we have any sense of you

know when and how this sales pitch is coming you know they haven't shown that

much of a card yet because right now they're just desperately trying to get

this done passed the must pass CR even if it is for two weeks and then for a

few more weeks at a time because you know they're just really having a a

difficult divide and there their own caucus between the defense Hawks and the

tea party and in in funding but I think because we've seen the comments that

this is where they're going and we know the history of every budget that Paul

Ryan introduced in the house you know it's pretty obvious and I think the

biggest change I've seen is that they are far more brazen they don't try to

sugarcoat things anymore they think they can just get these things done and then

you know Donald Trump will talk about fake news and then you can't believe

what actually happened you can't believe the facts so I worry that you know they

are so brazen and so desperate to get all this done while they're still in

charge you know you may see a sped-up in

different process than you would normally see done in politics

For more infomation >> How Republicans Could Still Pass Their Tax Scam (w/Guest Congressman Mark Pocan) - Duration: 11:26.


6 Things to Remember When Everything Feels Like It's Going Wrong - Duration: 5:35.

6 Things to Remember When Everything Feels Like It�s Going Wrong

�And do not worry that your life is turning upside down.

How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?�- Rumi

Do you ever just have one of those bad days that never seems to end?

Does it ever feel like you can�t do anything right and every move you make seems to land

you in trouble?

If you are having a bad day, or maybe even a bad month here is what you can do to find



Know that This Too ShaThingsll Pass

Even though it may seem that the Universe is presenting you with one issue after another,

know that whatever is happening will eventually pass.

Sometimes life brings things in waves and you have to keep treading water in order to

stay afloat.

This feeling won�t last forever, so know and trust that all you need to do is find

your strength in each given moment.

When things feel all over the place it can be easy to stress or worry about the future,

but staying present and trusting that it will all eventually pass will help you to feel

at ease.

Just take one day at a time.


Focus on Gratitude

When things are going haywire, stop, take a deep breath and focus on what you feel grateful


Try to focus on what is working in your life rather than getting caught up in what is not


It can be really easy to focus all of your attention onto the trouble spots in your life,

but by stepping back and bringing awareness to all that you feel grateful for it can help

to shift your perspective.


Spend Some Time With Yourself

When things feel like they are going all wrong, often it is a sign that change needs to happen.

Sometimes the Universe challenges us to really look at our lives and to address things that

need to go.

If lots of things seem to be happening all at once, it is likely that you are at a critical

turning point in your life.

Don�t stress too much about what this turning point may be, just take the time to connect

within and work out what your truth is.

Work out what the best thing you can do for yourself moving forward is and then take one

step at a time.


Learn to Say No

One of the fastest ways to lose control over your life is to start saying yes to things

that you don�t really want to do.

Many of us are afraid to say no as we want to please others and we don�t want to disappoint

others, but learning how to say no can be extremely freeing.

When you have a lot going on, or when life is dishing you up one problem after another,

it is also usually a sign that you have put far too much on your plate.

Learning to say no to others will help you to release this feeling and will allow you

more time to organize yourself and get things together.


Know What is Worth Your Time

Sometimes we spend so long stressing and obsessing over every little detail in our lives that

it can be exhausting!

If you find yourself constantly worrying about something or constantly stressing about the

issues in your life, you may need to do some inventory.

Place your hand on your heart and ask yourself- Is this really worth my time?

When we care about someone or something, we may feel justified to stress and worry until

a resolution has been found, but solutions rarely come from this mindset.

If you really want to find a solution and make a difference, use your time wisely.

This means that you need to shift your mindset to focusing on productive solutions rather

than getting caught up in the drama.

It is also important to remember to also be patient and to give things time.

Sometimes time has a way of allowing things to resolve on their own without our constant



Give Yourself Permission to Feel

If you have gotten to a point in life where you feel like everything is falling apart,

it is important to acknowledge this and give yourself time to grieve and feel whatever

emotions are stirring.

The more you resist the emotions, the more they will persist, so don�t feel guilty

for taking a moment to feel anger, sadness or whatever else is arising for you.

Once you have given yourself permission to do this, often things start shifting for the


As part of this process, it is also important to make an effort to fill your life with things

that bring you joy and things that make you feel at ease.

Keep it simple such as watching your favourite movie, relaxing in a hot bath and so on.

The important thing is that you need to take action in order to shift your mindset, as

it is only through action that positive energy can begin to enter your life.

These 6 tips will hopefully help you to shift out of your funk and into a more positive

mindset, no matter what life is throwing your way.

When things go wrong or when everything seems to be happening at once, it is important to

remember that you are not alone and the Universe is by your side.

Remember, this too shall pass.

For more infomation >> 6 Things to Remember When Everything Feels Like It's Going Wrong - Duration: 5:35.


Let´s Play Star Citizen 3.0 PTU / ultra wide/ #005 - Duration: 2:07:39.

For more infomation >> Let´s Play Star Citizen 3.0 PTU / ultra wide/ #005 - Duration: 2:07:39.


Psychology of Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #38 - Duration: 12:39.

Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!

So, over the course of this series, we've focused almost exclusively on computers – the

circuits and algorithms that make them tick.

Because...this is Crash Course Computer Science.

But ultimately, computers are tools employed by people.

And humans are… well… messy.

We haven't been designed by human engineers from the ground up with known performance


We can be logical one moment and irrational the next.

Have you ever gotten angry at your navigation system? Surfed wikipedia aimlessly?

Begged your internet browser to load faster?

Nicknamed your roomba?

These behaviors are quintessentially human!

To build computer systems that are useful, usable and enjoyable, we need to understand

the strengths and weaknesses of both computers and humans.

And for this reason, when good system designers are creating software, they employ social,

cognitive, behavioral, and perceptual psychology principles.


No doubt you've encountered a physical or computer interface that was frustrating to

use, impeding your progress.

Maybe it was so badly designed that you couldn't figure it out and just gave up.

That interface had poor usability.

Usability is the degree to which a human-made artifact – like software – can be used

to achieve an objective effectively and efficiently.

To facilitate human work, we need to understand humans - from how they see and think, to how

they react and interact.

For instance, the human visual system has been well studied by Psychologists.

Like, we know that people are good at ordering intensities of colors.

Here are three.

Can you arrange these from lightest to darkest?

You probably don't have to think too much about it.

Because of this innate ability, color intensity is a great choice for displaying data with

continuous values.

On the other hand, humans are terrible at ordering colors.

Here's another example for you to put in order… is orange before blue, or after blue?

Where does green go?

You might be thinking we could order this by wavelength of light, like a rainbow, but

that's a lot more to think about.

Most people are going to be much slower and error-prone at ordering.

Because of this innate ineptitude of your visual system, displaying continuous data

using colors can be a disastrous design choice.

You'll find yourself constantly referring back to a color legend to compare items.

However, colors are perfect for when the data is discrete with no ordering, like categorical


This might seem obvious, but you'd be amazed at how many interfaces get basic things like

this wrong.

Beyond visual perception, understanding human cognition helps us design interfaces that

align with how the mind works.

Like, humans can read, remember and process information more effectively when it's chunked

– that is, when items are put together into small, meaningful groups.

Humans can generally juggle seven items, plus-or-minus two, in short-term memory.

To be conservative, we typically see groupings of five or less.

That's why telephone numbers are broken into chunks, like 317, 555, 3897.

Instead of being ten individual digits that we'd likely forget, it's three chunks,

which we can handle better.

From a computer's standpoint, this needlessly takes more time and space, so it's less


But, it's way more efficient for us humans – a tradeoff we almost always make in our

favor, since we're the ones running the show...for now.

Chunking has been applied to computer interfaces for things like drop-down menu items and menu

bars with buttons.

It'd be more efficient for computers to just pack all those together, edge to edge

– it's wasted memory and screen real estate.

But designing interfaces in this way makes them much easier to visually scan, remember

and access.

Another central concept used in interface design is affordances.

According to Don Norman, who popularized the term in computing, "affordances provide

strong clues to the operations of things.

Plates are for pushing.

Knobs are for turning.

Slots are for inserting things into.

[...] When affordances are taken advantage of, the user knows what to do just by looking:

no picture, label, or instruction needed."

If you've ever tried to pull a door handle, only to realize that you have to push it open,

you've discovered a broken affordance.

On the other hand, a door plate is a better design because it only gives you the option

to push.

Doors are pretty straightforward – if you need to put written instructions on them,

you should probably go back to the drawing board.

Affordances are used extensively in graphical user interfaces, which we discussed in episode


It's one of the reasons why computers became so much easier to use than with command lines.

You don't have to guess what things on-screen are clickable, because they look like buttons.

They pop out, just waiting for you to press them!

One of my favorite affordances, which suggests to users that an on-screen element is draggable,

is knurling – that texture added to objects to improve grip and show you where to best

grab them.

This idea and pattern was borrowed from real world physical tools.

Related to the concept of affordances is the psychology of recognition vs recall.

You know this effect well from tests – it's why multiple choice questions are easier than

fill-in-the-blank ones.

In general, human memory is much better when it's triggered by a sensory cue, like a

word, picture or sound.

That's why interfaces use icons – pictorial representations of functions – like a trash

can for where files go to be deleted.

We don't have to recall what that icon does, we just have to recognise the icon.

This was also a huge improvement over command line interfaces, where you had to rely on

your memory for what commands to use.

Do I have to type "delete", or "remove", or... "trash", or… shoot, it could be anything!

It's actually "rm" in linux, but anyway, making everything easy to discover and learn

sometimes means slow to access, which conflicts with another psychology concept: expertise.

As you gain experience with interfaces, you get faster, building mental models of how

to do things efficiently.

So, good interfaces should offer multiple paths to accomplish goals.

A great example of this is copy and paste, which can be found in the edit dropdown menu

of word processors, and is also triggered with keyboard shortcuts.

One approach caters to novices, while the other caters to experts, slowing down neither.

So, you can have your cake and eat it too!

In addition to making humans more efficient, we'd also like computers to be emotionally

intelligent – adapting their behavior to respond appropriately to their users' emotional

state – also called affect.

That could make experiences more empathetic, enjoyable, or even delightful.

This vision was articulated by Rosalind Picard in her 1995 paper on Affective Computing,

which kickstarted an interdisciplinary field combining aspects of psychology, social and

computer sciences.

It spurred work on computing systems that could recognize, interpret, simulate and alter

human affect.

This was a huge deal, because we know emotion influences cognition and perception in everyday

tasks like learning, communication, and decision making.

Affect-aware systems use sensors, sometimes worn, that capture things like speech and

video of the face, as well as biometrics, like sweatiness and heart rate.

This multimodal sensor data is used in conjunction with computational models that represent how

people develop and express affective states, like happiness and frustration, and social

states, like friendship and trust.

These models estimate the likelihood of a user being in a particular state, and figure

out how to best respond to that state, in order to achieve the goals of the system.

This might be to calm the user down, build trust, or help them get their homework done.

A study, looking at user affect, was conducted by Facebook in 2012.

For one week, data scientists altered the content on hundreds of thousands of users'


Some people were shown more items with positive content, while others were presented with

more negative content.

The researchers analyzed people's posts during that week, and found that users who were shown

more positive content, tended to also post more positive content.

On the other hand, users who saw more negative content, tended to have more negative posts.

Clearly, what Facebook and other services show you can absolutely have an affect on


As gatekeepers of content, that's a huge opportunity and responsibility.

Which is why this study ended up being pretty controversial.

Also, it raises some interesting questions about how computer programs should respond

to human communication.

If the user is being negative, maybe the computer shouldn't be annoying by responding in a

cheery, upbeat manner.

Or, maybe the computer should attempt to evoke a positive response, even if it's a bit


The "correct" behavior is very much an open research question.

Speaking of Facebook, it's a great example of computer-mediated communication, or CMC,

another large field of research.

This includes synchronous communication – like video calls, where all participants are online

simultaneously – as well as asynchronous communication – like tweets, emails, and

text messages, where people respond whenever they can or want.

Researchers study things like the use of emoticons, rules such as turn-taking, and language used

in different communication channels.

One interesting finding is that people exhibit higher levels of self-disclosure – that

is, reveal personal information – in computer-mediated conversations, as opposed to face-to-face


So if you want to build a system that knows how many hours a user truly spent watching

The Great British Bakeoff, it might be better to build a chatbot than a virtual agent with

a face.

Psychology research has also demonstrated that eye gaze is extremely important in persuading,

teaching and getting people's attention.

Looking at others while talking is called mutual gaze.

This has been shown to boost engagement and help achieve the goals of a conversation,

whether that's learning, making a friend, or closing a business deal.

In settings like a videotaped lecture, the instructor rarely, if ever, looks into the

camera, and instead generally looks at the students who are physically present.

That's ok for them, but it means people who watch the lectures online have reduced


In response, researchers have developed computer vision and graphics software that can warp

the head and eyes, making it appear as though the instructor is looking into the camera

– right at the remote viewer.

This technique is called augmented gaze.

Similar techniques have also been applied to video conference calls, to correct for

the placement of webcams, which are almost always located above screens.

Since you're typically looking at the video of your conversation partner, rather than

directly into the webcam, you'll always appear to them as though you're looking

downwards – breaking mutual gaze – which can create all kinds of unfortunate social

side effects, like a power imbalance.

Fortunately, this can be corrected digitally, and appear to participants as though you're

lovingly gazing into their eyes.

Humans also love anthropomorphizing objects, and computers are no exception, especially

if they move, like our Robots from last episode.

Beyond industrial uses that prevailed over the last century, robots are used increasingly

in medical, education, and entertainment settings, where they frequently interact with humans.

Human-Robot Interaction – or HRI – is a field dedicated to studying these interactions,

like how people perceive different robots behaviors and forms, or how robots can interpret

human social cues to blend in and not be super awkward.

As we discussed last episode, there's an ongoing quest to make robots as human-like

in their appearance and interactions as possible.

When engineers first made robots in the 1940s and 50s, they didn't look very human at all.

They were almost exclusively industrial machines with no human-likeness.

Over time, engineers got better and better at making human-like robots – they gained

heads and walked around on two legs, but… they couldn't exactly go to restaurants

and masquerade as humans.

As people pushed closer and closer to human likeness, replacing cameras with artificial

eyeballs, and covering metal chassis with synthetic flesh, things started to get a bit...

uncanny... eliciting an eerie and unsettling feeling.

This dip in realism between almost-human and actually-human became known as the uncanny valley.

There's debate over whether robots should act like humans too.

Lots of evidence already suggests that even if robots don't act like us, people will

treat them as though they know our social conventions.

And when they violate these rules – such as not apologizing if they cut in front of

you or roll over your foot – people get really mad!

Without a doubt, psychology and computer science are a potent combination, and have tremendous

potential to affect our everyday lives.

Which leaves us with a lot of question like you might lie to your laptop, but should your

laptop lie to you?

What if it makes you more efficient or happy?

Or should social media companies curate the content they show you to make you stay on

their site longer to make you buy more products?

They do by the way.

These types of ethical considerations aren't easy to answer, but psychology can at least

help us understand the effects and implications of design choices in our computing systems.

But, on the positive side, understanding the psychology behind design might lead to increased


A greater number of people can understand and use computers now that they're more intuitive

than ever.

Conference calls and virtual classrooms are becoming more agreeable experiences.

As robot technology continues to improve, the population will grow more comfortable

in those interactions.

Plus, thanks to psychology, we can all bond over our love of knurling.

I'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Psychology of Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #38 - Duration: 12:39.


Onnittelukortti 100-vuotiaalle Suomelle | Nordea Pankki - Duration: 1:39.

In 100 years, our very own Finland

has become a modern, prosperous and happy European country.

A country that we can all be proud of.

But where does the future prosperity and success of Finland derive from?

It is created here,


and here.

In classes, where future generations grow up with the help of the world's best teachers.

In honour of Finland's centenary celebrations we at Nordea decided to take part

in supporting the future of Finnish children and youth.

Together with our partners

we have during the year created over

one million hours of financial skills education.

We want to give a strong starting point for our children's and youth's financial skills

and inspire them to become entrepreneurs.

This is the foundation that gives rise to Finnish success stories.

Stories about creating breakthroughs,

following your passions,

realising dreams,

finding new solutions,

creating things together,

making Finland known to the world.

Our work with children and young people will continue - because we at Nordea

want to take part in creating Finnish success stories

also during the next 100 years.

Congratulations to our entrepreneurial Finland!

For more infomation >> Onnittelukortti 100-vuotiaalle Suomelle | Nordea Pankki - Duration: 1:39.


How Long Can We Survive? | Call Of Duty WW2 Lan Party [Ep 1] - Duration: 18:30.

what is up guys and welcome to G G today we were playing call duty World War 2

zombies we're trying to survive as long as we possibly can and work together as

a team in order to do so I am Connor from Team as gaming this is Matthias

Matthias awesome Gigi and Tanner from rack it's

good ready let's jump into a game so that make first round is melee zombies

get that money's apparently my slot my mailing doesn't work because everybody's

all this guys has taken a nap come here mr. moneybags hey there mr. moneybags

oh is it another mr. Montesano I'm coming through here Oh single kill Paul

you shut your mouth all open the furrow a who has almost $1200 not me

yes it is you I could see your money from here so yeah there's these about

you guys trying to generate yeah there's these vowels that pump blood base plate

general I know we just use the generate thousands where's this all mouth I need

a song back maybe she goes by your armor yeah I should have bought an armored but

I messed up I bought the wrong things I would have loved to but I've actually

been so busy buying the gate entry yeah now you're mine yeah you have more than

those are the most money out of all of us besides not impossible yeah it's your

now now I'm broke Jan I wish I was this good with a shovel in real life to be a

serious that boy can shovel nothing all right oh yeah i remember i got armor and

a gun alright I met my name was shot your head off Connery

oh yeah but it looks like the cord goes through a gate that's over here ok so we

need that money open it up where are you guys I can't

find you where are you for some reason I don't know where you I don't know

your ad mat if you want to survive need to work together with the mat neck oh

where are you over here over here I'm Matt I'm killing zambese dude the

zambese did he open it doesn't opened it I'm gonna open it oh my gosh where are

we I need to actually get the other things first bra dude

your fault wait did you already open it yeah we excited turning the valve the

valve is modern yeah 16 we can use this like bomb thing that like blows up the I

don't know whatever they're also making clear the sewers the pipes Oh how's it

wait for cleared but they're still dude running around man

we need a truant power I'm gonna get me one of these Typhon it's turn ons if

we're having done that I increase sprint and stamina how I turned power or should

I say blonde oh man I drop down a little down and I got a song full meter it's a

scary place I don't even know what that means but think it just means your

superpower Oh bro why are you I have no ammo left how's that even put all crap I

got a thing by the wall oh where you guys go upstairs you're going the wrong

way I don't know where it's - what's this

I'm with you Matt increased stamina inside I'm gonna have enough money

Oh what's free fire up here up here free fire is like your special thing you can

just like having sweet so I could just do that where's the mystery oh oh do it

do it for the team monkeys on Oh the bunkers up and dice all PL people Opie I

wanna get the mystery bottom down on me Oh No

dang it I'm next in line no I gotta live I don't even have near enough money your

clothes give me something I can crank open that actually gir but there's one

right here on the wall I got a guarantee to get a certain gun

all right I got an mg 15 tell me what that me don't know what it does that's a

good IV oh why use a guarantee I got a wall gun I get the rocket

launcher are you serious dude sigh the LMG and a rocket launcher bro where's

the packet button oh my gosh this thing should slow how you're beat oh yeah we

got the fast guys rolling in yeah yeah hey hi

cover me I'm cranking I don't know what this does I'm cranking oh why did

someone just take my gun oh you might have to get up in time oh my gosh all

right I just cranked bro all right guys the Bren does a lot of damage a little

bit but it along with the real look I made me waste a thousand high Ambrose oh

I got a little I got monkeys or a jack-in-the-box here the control room

all right you guys want to go outside and do a circle I would like to gather

my oh I got an mg 15 - come on wait so you have an mg 15 Anna Bryn yeah dude

Wow get out now - kill ya I use melee I think the mystery box is dead no all

right I'm open up this door over here hold it down to the zombie I opened up

this door for no reason for no raisins I loved read these to burn up already

and you are a couple that's 4 grand oh that's Connor Connor has $4,000 yes

I'm the Sigma no mystery box what I get are you serious - why is this gonna

happen to me I got there i insta courier can we get max animal there's anybody no

I didn't see it until I came through the bog all right guys wait first new frames

started up a new around alright so hit it right before yeah Okabe long time oh

yeah use it usually is it nice what are you doing Paul II just Megan yeah I'm

just laying down from this gate more free roam rooming and stuff what

there's something for increased weapon damage right here I'm gonna spend money

on that feel like a good investment is it perma yeah really it's a perk whoa

what I need a max ammo oh yeah the thing that increases old there's a new color

here oh my gosh this is inside yeah you do so much damage up to you by then what

are we gonna do oh my god I'm about to Congress is rocket I thought I got land

boys nuke look that feels good right now okay let's run this way oh here we go do

I got into LMG or an AR yeah now use definitely buy the weapon damaging hey

gran Oh what does Brendan where is it over here in this room

we're poles aren't Yeah right Oh zombie oh it's for each weapon though so it's

whatever weapon yo okay I'm gonna pull this one light yes really

yeah how do you know it should be perk in the bottom left corner because I say

that you could buy it yeah oh oh it doesn't need butane errs he's a

Discoverer I discovered things who's the brunette Taylor Taylor open this door

Harry where you didn't tell me what was that that's my team you guys this way

team I can open all these doors we go this way those kids go let's go let's go

see let's go where'd you go Jame Gumb here he went down to the

whatever the stayed aloft yeah that's real good Kurt that where are you I'm

coming left left that I'm opening it are you I opened it I don't know what's down

here oh you guys this 16 is I go down there I'm gonna check this way back come

this way turn around turret all the songs trying

you know these lures okay I hope jump out the window my idea all right we got

the full circle guess insta-kill I got insta cone okay that's okay cool

no no all right so what I can sewers okay drop down drop down drop down yeah

that's her good up the staircase there you go there you go who is that here

this is a Riverside we're waiting for you I had to do some killing dude Oh

does on that room don't go there okay I'm going I'm doing some kill farming I

like to get all of them my health my not health my money back I opened up a door

I'm coming up to us oh now we could go back up to the top from you hey oh dude

wait I'm good all right let's go right now I'm on

turnout sorry dude I gotta get outta here come on let's go to the mystery box

quick okay how are you at where you at but it's on the bridge it has eleven

thousand dollars my gosh you need to start open it so guys you

know these just are oh but it's some doors anytime you see the door you open

it mady's know I have monkeys so if they start like piling all this bad get if we

get a real gun from that mystery box okay how many need to use the mystery

box yeah back me up you got your dog oh nevermind yeah this

it is for both guns you're at okay really work what you get don't grab it

I'm not gonna shock I'm stuck just dock I literally got cornered okay you got it

I got it I got it I got him now carefully guys that's it did you get it

thank ya alright let's go let's go we gotta move remember when you get down

you lose all your perks where you know I have my perch so lets us ten is dying

again ah I can't actually say no I'm cornered again oh my god I'll get into

that corner I'm trying I can't see I jumped out the window

yes so tonight dude actually I can that careful is get charged

oh I'm just leaving this place is another monkey I have no ammo

alright there's no ammo on anything you need is

the mystery box again where is it it's still in the bridge oh here's a we're

gonna back up where no no no hello what yeah it didn't work it didn't work

what Oh big guy I mean I got max ammo I didn't furred oh there we go it just

came up that took forever oh yeah I did what's that's weird

we're hit this trust a part of the game Dave do the two miss are getting worse

though that's God I can't open yeah it's got to be down towards the bunker yeah

it's in the bunker for sure cuz we got to start rerouting power oh yeah there

is there is there's a thing for the bunker another door

alright increase melee no thanks move out for access shoot behind you

guys oh you guys we're starting is we're gonna split up to team that's kind of a

big guy on me no thank you Doug our four we completed the way we

don't our for it you guys know I think we have to reroute power there's

something that lets you reroute power we can do it to the command center or a

command room what about over here what is this way how'd you guys get faster

reload money Paul you're running Orica so we just got a reroute power I don't

know I don't remember where it's at the wave 13 I've never seen it but who I am

apart from you guys okay there should be one down there I've got a really not

over here I got one oh there's a guy behind he goes all

right rerouted your rear out of power yeah Oh big guy okay well keep it oh my

god open the store down LM zzzz OMG insufficient power Oh who's them

I'm done I'm third one key no I have camouflage don't I got it I already used

it we have to press both of those power supply all the same time again with that

button is oh why is them resetting oh yes you're right so what's over there

guys no ammo let's go this isn't looking good

we have to reroute where is this Brando whoa

felonies are sins all right three what buttons are we pressing I'm stuck on

this guy man damn you so quick now oh no oh I found one

oh no hit it hit it hit it okay I'm dead literally on me though what I use the

monkey all right that's fine I can get up tanner

okay you go all right this is one of them right now to get in that way is

this where you put the head we're in this thing where oh it probably

is shoo we gotta get the head we're gonna play it it's a toy train I just

never offered it oh and I died oh that's officially I gotta go I gotta

go to the lab I dropped it in the lab somewhere all right a lot oh I'm getting

swarmed oh gosh it is I got it okay I got the head okay I'm coming no no don't

go back they're chasing us we gotta get all game forward I'm setting the traps

they reset they've reset oh I wouldn't make employes your left Connor oh yeah

open the salt mine door open this alligned or we can open it where is that

it's the door in Maine Maine command center I found the new mystery box don't

mind if I do but where's it up all my doors the main

command it's in the main command center our money to run out okay I've got a

boss over here by me I got a rock hello I'm sure nice Chinese

lock my door is open fräulein doors behind you yeah I've got big guys

chasing oh I just got hit by something heavy Oh am I really out of hand up not

like this oh my god - my machine guns I can't reload them so long I don't know

if the brighter know where the burner is what am I gonna bid it's gotta go to the

bottom or something am I going the oh yeah I found it go to go all the way to

the bottom what is this hold F to activate I activated something on our

charge and I have to charge it charge it yeah it says chatter coming yeah Brad

transfer device charge it what am i charging my phone plugging the lightning

cord Paul oh no oh no dad this is about to get bad

we're gonna do we're gonna we're good we're good we're gonna try this again we

gotta go already oh come on babe come on I can't I'm

trying it's fast I have a light machine gun I can't run quick Paul you went down

yeah all the way to the very bottom how did you figure it out I there's

nothing here for it there's nothing here Haller doesn't look good I'm officially

running for my life for the rest I know there's too many I'd like to get back on

what does hat what is that thing that we chart we turn it on but now we need to

charge it somehow maybe that's upstairs Oh boss two bosses

Wow two bosses three Boston alive even are you guys we're getting I'm gonna die

down by all the bosses I'm up to check the button upstairs now that we turn

that on yeah nope button didn't do anything

oh my gosh guys I'm toast oh oh he charged me

oh I have minutes to go I hate it when I'm done insta-kill yeah and you maybe

it's the the lever on the bridge the other side of the bridge maybe yeah yeah

yeah cuz that's a lever for power yeah oh my god a power do cause 21,000 jolts

Hoggett nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope my god you have to deal bodies

in the circle you have to kill zombies in the circle oh I gives them power

yeah boys I made it there I'll be the third somehow oh yeah the fact that I'm

alive had the assembly process in the control room

hi so you have to start assembling a weapon oh hey where's the control room

yeah I thought it was over for me to hold the assembly process from the

control room maybe the lab lane I'm grabbing Brenner's head yeah take him

with you he's your best friend oh wait all the whites upstairs around

oh no behind you Gary I doubled upstairs I pressed it escort the transfer device

come on really I need to find some armor the armor no

no I got I found the trip we're too far I can't see anything it's so dark there

we go that's more light all right all right balls okay we have to do research

because I don't care who this off-camera but I don't want to beat this like I'm

so invested in at least some comes down below if you assume yes see that video

right there that is fortnight check it out it's a little like pub G I think

you'll like it a lot also if you're new here consider subscribing and clicking

that Bell icon so you can get notified of when we upload because you're not

gonna want to miss it GG

For more infomation >> How Long Can We Survive? | Call Of Duty WW2 Lan Party [Ep 1] - Duration: 18:30.


Do I Need a Pre Nup? (Marriage Contract) Elm Law - Whitby ON - Duration: 1:10.

When a couple is planning their marriage, they understandably don't want to spend a lot of time thinking about any potential divorce.

But the question can arise, and it's often an awkward one. Do I need a prenup?

Should I ask my future spouse for a prenup? And what exactly is a prenup?

A prenup or a marriage contract is a document that specifies

What would happen in the event of a breakdown of your relationship. Basically,

it's supposed to make your divorce easier. Now every situation is different.

It's kind of like life insurance. Not everyone needs a three million dollar policy.

But there are a lot of details in the law that can leave people unprepared.

Did you know that if your spouse has children from a previous marriage,

you could potentially be on the hook for child support for those children in the event of a separation?

It's important to sit down with a lawyer and really think about all the potential

consequences before you move ahead with that next step. We think of marriage where people are fully informed tends to be a happier marriage.

For more infomation >> Do I Need a Pre Nup? (Marriage Contract) Elm Law - Whitby ON - Duration: 1:10.


DIY Mini Face Planters - HGTV - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> DIY Mini Face Planters - HGTV - Duration: 0:37.


Do women have to pay spousal support? Elm Law - Whitby ON - Duration: 0:52.

So there's a huge misconception that women don't have to pay spousal support.

Well ladies... welcome to the modern world! If you supported your spouse, you're liable to pay them,

Even if they've cheated on you.

And even if they've never had a job. In fact more so

if they've never had a job. This can be a real shock for people. An example of this is supporting them through continuing education.

At the end of it if they don't end up getting a job you're still on the hook financially.

If you feel like you're in this position, before saying anything to your spouse, talk to a divorce lawyer.

We can help you think very strategically

about how to limit that claim.

For more infomation >> Do women have to pay spousal support? Elm Law - Whitby ON - Duration: 0:52.


Coloring Pages Glitter Stars - How to Draw Glitter Star for Kids - Glitter Coloring Books - Duration: 10:03.












Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Coloring Pages Glitter Stars - How to Draw Glitter Star for Kids - Glitter Coloring Books - Duration: 10:03.


Elm Law - How can I find out how much money my spouse has? - Duration: 1:13.

If you don't know how much money your spouse has,

then we can help you find out.

It's important to know exactly what your spouse's assets are,

because you need to know what their net worth is, for the calculation of equalization payments. What

equalization means is that you get a one-time payment from the spouse with a higher net worth to the spouse with the lower net worth.

Thus equalizing out your net family property.

Family law has disclosure requirements. That means every party has to show what their financial worth is.

Not everyone puts their cards on the table. Especially those people who are self-employed. So we are here to help

you know where to look. If you're still in the home,

you're in a much better position to protect yourself. If you have absolutely no idea

of the other person's finances, you want to put a plan in place to get the information that you need.

For more infomation >> Elm Law - How can I find out how much money my spouse has? - Duration: 1:13.


How long can I expect to pay or receive spousal support ? Elm Law - Duration: 1:05.

Well that's a million-dollar question isn't it? Spousal support is determined by the length of the relationship

and the types of roles that the parties played within the relationship.

The courts also going to look at factors such as the age of the parties and any disparity between their incomes.

There's actually specialized software that will calculate it for you, and that's what we use at our office.

It's the same software that the courts use.

However a lot of people like to look it up online and it's important to note that any online

calculators are going to be based in America. Our laws aren't the same and so they're not necessarily going to apply.

It's important to remember though that the software only gives you a baseline.

Every separating couple will probably have a different outcome when it comes to spousal support.

There's so many different situations and so many unique scenarios that it's crucial to have a professional assisting you.


For more infomation >> How long can I expect to pay or receive spousal support ? Elm Law - Duration: 1:05.


Bo Bunny Winter Wishes Mini Album - Duration: 6:39.

Shabby Chic Mini Album made using the Bo Bunny Winter Wishes Christmas Collection.

Bobunny winter wishes paper bag mini album. a set of Christmas cards in a box and some

Gabel treat boxes that I've created for a swap I'm holding a private swap with

my friend Sandra Bo's she used to have a youtube channel her channel was Sandra

love to craft and hers was one of the channels that was taken down by YouTube

I know that she has a brand-spanking-new channel now and I will link you to her

channel in the description area below

Sandra and I agreed on a Christmas theme swap and she asked me to do shabby chic

for her and as you very well know when I do shabby chic my interpretation is to

glam it up but I think I did do a fairly decent job on shabby in the mini album

right here I'm showing you the cards and I do believe that you have seen these in

a on another video as a matter of fact I do have a quick tutorial on these

snowflake cards that you see right there

and here are some gable Christmas treat boxes that I made for our swap and I

have used several different papers by bo bunny by prima and this larger Gable box

is actually and purchased from Hobby Lobby and I just used my Bo bunny papers

to cover it up so for my shabby chic Christmas mini album I used the

Christmas papers from Bo bunny I believe they are called winter wishes and I will

leave you a link to the twelve by twelve with Bo bunny winter wishes paper pad in

the description area below and I will also leave you with links in my blog for

this bo bunny winter wishes mini album I have used the paper sacks because as you

know I love making paper bag mini albums and this mini album is quite chunky and

yeah let's take a look inside and see if you like what I've done with this


so what do you think of my Bo bunny Christmas mini album it's a chunky

monkey I love it I love it I love chunky mini albums I hope that Sandra likes it

and I hope that it becomes a family keepsake for her I know that she has

small children and maybe she can use this as a December day leave that would

be grand if you could do that Sandra so anyways I think you all so very much for

taking the time out to watch my channel and if you are not a subscriber as of

yet go ahead and click on that subscribe button and don't forget to click on that

Bell icon that way YouTube will notify you every time I upload a new video and

yeah please thumbs up and share my videos and leave me a nice comment I

thank you all so very much for being there for me bye now

For more infomation >> Bo Bunny Winter Wishes Mini Album - Duration: 6:39.


[#05] Grand Conte de Noël - Un Chapeau dans ma Besace - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> [#05] Grand Conte de Noël - Un Chapeau dans ma Besace - Duration: 3:04.


How Starbucks Started - Duration: 2:00.

The origins of Starbucks, can be traced back to two teachers, and one student, at

the University of San Francisco. Jerry Baldwin,

Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker. The three saw Alfred Peet, who is the founder of a

famous place called "Pete's Coffee", and how he roasted his coffee bean. After that,

they quickly became inspired to sell their own roasted coffee. They were

originally gonna call "Cargo House" or "Pequod". But then, one of their

advertising friends, said that words that start with "st", are typically pretty

powerful. So, the three founders finally landed on Starbucks, which was named

after a character in Moby Dick. Originally, they only sold whole roasted

coffee beans and never actually brewed to sell. And their original logo was

actually brown and a picture of a naked mermaid. And, in their first year, they

were actually buying their beans from Peet's

Coffee, which is pretty ironic considering that Starbucks bought out

Peet's Coffee, just a few years later. In 1986, they began selling espresso, and

that's when their director of marketing and retail, Marc Schultz, took a trip to

Milan, Italy, that would change his life. There, he saw that coffee shops were

more of a fun hangout, rather than a place just to buy coffee beans and

espresso. Schultz came back so inspired that, he actually pitched the idea for a

more inviting and comforting coffee house, but the owners shot down the idea,

saying it was too close to his sit-down restaurant. But Schultz was convinced that

his vision would be successful, so he left Starbucks and started his own

coffee company. And after sometime, in 1987, Schultz actually came back and

bought out Starbucks, and the original owners, for $3.8 million. He kept

the Starbucks name and brand, and began expanding like crazy all over America.

Then, they began buying coffee companies around the world, and rebranding them to

Starbucks. And the rest is history. Today, Starbucks is worth about

$85 billion dollars, with over 27,000 locations worldwide.

And that's how Starbucks started. Thank you for watching my video, if you enjoyed

it, please subscribe to me on YouTube and follow me on Instagram @austindanielpatry

For more infomation >> How Starbucks Started - Duration: 2:00.


Teacher Toolkit: Cell Phone Parking Lot (High School) - Duration: 1:18.


A lot of teachers have a problem in this day and age

with their kids being on cell phones in class

and not paying attention to the lesson.

So what I do is I just created the cell phone parking lot.

And I am a fan of puns, so the cell phone parking lot

is a place for them to park their phone when they're

distracted by it during class.

So they can choose, if they want to charge it,

to put it into the pocket the beginning of class,

or if I see it during class, I'll just remind them,

hey, go and park that phone.

And then they can pick it up at the end of the day.

Circle key words.

Underline claims.

Nathaniel, I can see you're distracted with that.

Why don't you go and just park that in the parking lot.

If it's a repeat offense, then they

know that it will escalate to their phone being towed, which

they don't want because then we get other people involved,

and mom gets called, dad gets called.

And that's not really what they want to do.

I haven't had a lot of problems since I started the cell phone

parking lot because they know it's going to be there

at the end of class.

They know that they're going to get it back.


For more infomation >> Teacher Toolkit: Cell Phone Parking Lot (High School) - Duration: 1:18.


Teacher Toolkit: Buddy Journal (High School) - Duration: 1:33.


It's really nice for students to use buddy journal,

because they can see how another person views the subject


And then they can kind of add their two cents in.

It really brings in an opportunity for conversation

about the content.

When I am setting up a buddy journal,

the first thing I need to do is figure out the questions

that I want to ask the kids.

I don't ask very many, max of three.

I have them partner up.

Then they need to, in their journal,

take two minutes to answer the question that I pose.

So I can have different people answering different questions,

like an A partner and a B partner.

After the two minutes are up, the partners switch journals,

and then they need to read and critique

what the other person wrote.

That can be saying, yeah, it's correct,

and here's some extra information about it.

Or, it can say, this is incorrect,

and let me help you get to that correct answer.

We take two minutes there.

Again, this is a no talking, it's only writing.

Then they take their journals back

at the end of the two minutes.

And that's when they discuss.

They talk to each other about what their answers was.

They can defend it if they think the other person was critiquing


And then that also really opens it up to a class

discussion, if we wanted.

If somebody can't decide, then I can have everybody

in the class bring it up.

So it's a great review tool.


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