Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 30 2017

Not so crazy as you look.

I told you, I'm a man of my word.

Where is the Italian?

All tactical units will converge on the location in 20 minutes.

I want auxiliary units to cover all possible getaway routes.


Joker-man, what you do with all your money?

You see, I'm a guy of simple taste.

I enjoy...


...and gunpowder...

...and gasoline.

- What the...? - Ah, ah, ah.

And you know the thing that they have in common?

They're cheap.

How much are they paying you to say who Batman is?

This is our chance. I want Lau alive. The Joker, either way.

Hey, Jim. Get a load of this.

Let's take the next caller.

Harvey Dent didn't wanna give in to this maniac.

You think you know better?

I think that if we could talk to Dent today, he may feel differently.

And we wish him a speedy recovery. Because God knows, we need him now.

You said you were a man of your word.

Oh, I am.

I'm only burning my half.

All you care about is money.

This town deserves a better class of criminal...

...and I'm gonna give it to them.

Tell your men they work for me now.

This is my city.

They won't work for a freak.


Why don't we cut you up into little pieces...

...and feed you to your pooches? Hm?

And then we'll see how loyal a hungry dog really is.

It's not about money...'s about sending a message.

Everything burns.

- Who is this? - I had a vision...

...of a world without Batman.

The Mob ground out a little profit...

...and the police tried to shut them down one block at a time.

And it was so boring.

I've had a change of heart.

I don't want Mr. Reese spoiling everything...

...but why should I have all the fun? Let's give someone else a chance.

If Coleman Reese isn't dead in 60 minutes...

...then I blow up a hospital.

Call in every officer.

Tell them to head to their nearest hospital and start evac and search.

Call the transit authority, school board, prisons. Get every bus down to a hospital.

The priority is Gotham General. Wheel everybody out of that place right now.

You, you and you, you come with me.

- Where are we going, sir? - To get Reese.

For more infomation >> Joker Burns Money | The Dark Knight (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:58.


Животные для детей (2 часть) Развивающие мультики про киндер сюрпризы для самых маленьких от Телебом - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Животные для детей (2 часть) Развивающие мультики про киндер сюрпризы для самых маленьких от Телебом - Duration: 3:46.


Create the Life You Want Using These 5 Universal Laws - Duration: 6:18.

Create the Life You Want Using These 5 Universal Laws

Universal laws are guiding principles to help us flow with universal energy in a way that

brings harmony and balance to our lives.

These personal frequency laws allow us to hear the subtle voice of the divine and to

follow its guidance.

The Universe is a mystery.

As Deepak Chopra states, �the Universe is not made of stuff but of possibilities mysteriously

turning into the experience of stuff.�

We are not in the Universe, we are part of the Universe and together the vibration of

all of our beings creates the life we experience here on planet earth.

We are all co-creators in this Universe and we all have the power to create whatever life

we want, as long as it is aligned with the laws of the Universe.

Here are 5 of the most important Universal laws to understand if you wish to create a

blissful reality for yourself:


The Law of Potential

You are pure consciousness that has manifested into physical form.

This consciousness that you are holds infinite potential and is responsible for all creations.

The best way to understand this law is to feel it.

You have the power to feel the potential of your consciousness through meditation and

other spiritual practices.

In fact, the more you can tune into your consciousness or soul, the more you will be able to understand

your own potential.

How to Use it: Get to understand and feel the potential of your consciousness through

meditation and creative activities.


The Law of Frequency and Reflection

Everything in this Universe carries a frequency.

This frequency is emitted from your entire being including your thoughts, emotions and


This frequency then attracts experiences, people and circumstances back into your vibrational


This means that your thoughts, feelings and actions create a vibration that then reflects

back to you.

What you put out into the world through your vibration and through your energy comes back.

If every experience that comes your way is a reflection of your inner state, that means

that every experience is here to teach you a valuable lesson about who you truly are

and what you can overcome.

How to Use it: work on raising your frequency or vibration by thinking positively and focusing

on the many blessings in your life.


The Law of Attraction

This is probably the most well known law of the Universe and dictates that you have the

ability to attract things into your reality based on the energy that you are emitting.

The more you focus on something, the bigger it grows and the more you think about something,

the more likely you are to notice it.

Like attracts like, so the more you can align yourself with the vibration of what you want

to attract, the more likely it is to manifest in your life.

When you start aligning with your potential or pure consciousness, you automatically start

sending out a vibration that is aligned with your highest path.

This vibration then attracts the perfect opportunities and circumstances into your reality.

How to Use it: visualise what you want to create for your life and believe in your potential

to create it.


The Law of Karma

There are certain experiences that your soul has come here to learn.

These experiences are determined from past lives and before you came into your physical


These experiences are your karma or points of growth in this life that you are meant

to experience.

The law of karma ensures that you are always learning and growing from your past, and moving

forward to help expand the consciousness of this Universe.

Without the expansion of the Universe, the Universe ceases to exist.

How to Use it: trust in the flow of the Universe and remember that every experience is a blessing

and opportunity.


The Law of Oneness

We are all connected, which means that what we do to others we do to ourselves and vice


We are all one and we are all equal.

When we understand this, we also understand that there is no competition and that there

is no need to fear not having enough or not being enough.

We are all part of the grand web of life, and we all have an important role to play

in how reality manifests.

How to Use it: understand we are all equally important and we all have a purpose and gifts

to share in this life.

There are believed to be around 12 laws of the Universe, but these 5 stand out as being

the most important if you really want to create a blissful

and harmonious life.

For more infomation >> Create the Life You Want Using These 5 Universal Laws - Duration: 6:18.


The Non-Surgical Nose Job Procedure - Duration: 2:16.

Hopefully it's not too bad.

Nothing's worse than a bikini wax.

I've always considered going to get a nose job

because we are Middle Eastern and of course some

of the Middle Eastern noses are like long and slender.

It's just kind of scary that you have to go through surgery and recovery and downtime.

It's really expensive.

I also can't imagine going out in public with bandages on my face.

The non-surgical aspect of this is really appealing.

Just a quick few injections and then you're done.

I'm just a little nervous, but I'm excited.

Critical thing about this procedure,

it's gonna be still your nose, right?

So it's not gonna make your nose different.

Nobody is going to know that you've had anything done.

A little bit of numbing cream on.

The needle that we use, it's really tiny.

Good, because you know I'm a little scared. You know?

Voluma is a hyaluronic acid, it's in your body already.

So it's totally safe.

It's a reversible filler.

It's not like, oh well, you know, you're stuck with it.

Once you inject it, does it plump up right away?

Ya - you see it right away.

What are the risks?

It's really pretty minimal.

Maybe a little bruising.

Maybe a little bit redness on the tip.

Those big bruises and like the black eye kind of thing, that's not gonna happen.


A little stick here and you'll see that this is no big deal.

How's that?

Barely feel it.



Because I'm using such a tiny needle and such a tiny syringe, I can be super super precise.

Alright here. Take a look.

Are you sure you're ready?



Oh my gosh!

Now take a look at the profile.

Ya! Wow!

See what I mean?

Ya that looks awesome!

It looks so good!

It does.

It looks straight and natural and it's still you.

And it's got that nice bridge though too.


That's what you want.

Oh my goodness!


It's nice.

It's really subtle but it's nice!

It is!

That's awesome - I love it!

Who am I?

This is amazing!

I can't believe how drastic the results are after looking in the mirror.

I'm really excited.

I feel amazing.

The results are very subtle but I feel like a totally new person.

I still feel like myself.

I don't think anybody will really notice it.

I didn't think that, you know, it was gonna be a huge difference

but boy, I think this is just amazing.

I'll definitely miss this when it's gone

so I'm gonna have to go back and probably get it done again.

I'm excited to see if anyone even notices or just says I look better.

For more infomation >> The Non-Surgical Nose Job Procedure - Duration: 2:16.


185.1.- Khe Sanh´68 (Decision Games): Inside the bag [ULTRAHD 4K] - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> 185.1.- Khe Sanh´68 (Decision Games): Inside the bag [ULTRAHD 4K] - Duration: 9:28.


UNDERTALE EP 3 - Duration: 24:28.

For more infomation >> UNDERTALE EP 3 - Duration: 24:28.


Batman vs Joker (Final Fight) | The Dark Knight (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:56.

Ah, you made it. I'm so thrilled.

- Where's the detonator? - Go get him.

Put down your weapon! Don't move!

All the old familiar places.

Stand by.

Red team, floor secure. Hostages are safe.

We really should stop this fighting, otherwise we'll miss the fireworks.

There won't be any fireworks.

And here we go.

What were you trying to prove?

That deep down, everyone's as ugly as you?

You're alone.

Can't rely on anyone these days. You gotta do everything yourself. Don't we?

That's okay. I came prepared.

It's a funny world we live in. Speaking of which, you know how I got these scars?

No, but I know how you got these.

Oh, you.

You just couldn't let me go, could you?

This is what happens when an unstoppable force...

...meets an immovable object.

You truly are incorruptible, aren't you?

Huh? You won't kill me...

...out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness.

And I won't kill you...

...because you're just too much fun.

I think you and I are destined to do this forever.

You'll be in a padded cell forever.

Maybe we could share one.

You know, they'll be doubling up, the rate this city's inhabitants are losing their minds.

This city just showed you...

...that it's full of people ready to believe in good.

Until their spirit breaks completely.

Until they get a good look at the real Harvey Dent...

...and all the heroic things he's done.

You didn't think I'd risk losing the battle for Gotham's soul... a fistfight with you?


You need an ace in the hole.

Mine's Harvey.

What did you do?

I took Gotham's white knight...

...and I brought him down to our level.

It wasn't hard. See, madness, as you know... like gravity.

All it takes is a little push.

For more infomation >> Batman vs Joker (Final Fight) | The Dark Knight (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:56.


RET tram Halte Rotterdam Stadion naar Marconiplein Lijn 23 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> RET tram Halte Rotterdam Stadion naar Marconiplein Lijn 23 - Duration: 1:21.


Bismarcks Bündnissystem - Die Außenpolitik Bismarcks - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Bismarcks Bündnissystem - Die Außenpolitik Bismarcks - Duration: 4:37.


😱 😫 Aposentar agora ou esperar? Devo pedir aposentadoria antes da Reforma da Previdência? - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 😱 😫 Aposentar agora ou esperar? Devo pedir aposentadoria antes da Reforma da Previdência? - Duration: 5:19.


Dice Town Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 18:52.

For more infomation >> Dice Town Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 18:52.


Joker Clapping Scene | The Dark Knight (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:10.

Stand away! All of you!

I don't want anything for his Mob lawyer to use, you understand?

Back from the dead.

I, uh...

...couldn't risk my family's safety.

What do we got?

Nothing. No matches on prints, DNA, dental.

Clothing is custom, no labels.

Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint.

No name.

- No other alias. - Go home, Gordon.

The clown'll keep till morning. Go get some rest.

You're gonna need it.

Tomorrow you take the big job.

You don't have any say in the matter. Commissioner Gordon.

I'm sorry, I couldn't risk your safety.

Look at these ugly bastards.

- I don't feel good. - You're a cop killer.

You're lucky to be feeling anything below the neck.

- Please! - Step away from the bars!

My insides hurt.

Did Batman save you, Daddy?

Actually, this time...

...I saved him.

For more infomation >> Joker Clapping Scene | The Dark Knight (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:10.


How to Balance Indoor and Outdoor light: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 9:55.

Hi everybody welcome to another episode

of Exploring Photography

right here on AdoramaTV

brought to you by Adorama.

It's the camera store

that has everything

for photographers

like you and like me.

Well I'm joined here by Natasha,

and we are in an environment

that you probably

shoot in all the time.

We have a really bright outside, big windows

and a really dark inside.

What we want to do is,

I want to take a picture

of Natasha inside

and make sure I also capture

the light from the outside

and balance those two things.

Well how do we do that?

There are a bunch

of different ways to do it

but essentially what we want to do

is we want to use an external Flash

to add the appropriate

amount of light

to our scene,

while still capturing

the ambient light

to the best of our ability.

That's a lot of words,

but basically what it means is

I have to first figure out

how much light I need

to have coming from my Flash,

that's the appropriate amount of light.

I need to make it flattering,

In other words,

I need to use some kind

of light modifier

to make Natasha look great

and then I have to figure out how

to set my camera

so that I don't just

get something that looks nasty.

I need to have that ambient light

coming in and capturing as much as

I possibly can

so those two things blend together

so we're going to do that

in three different ways today.

Now the easiest way to do this

and if you're shooting

maybe summer family

photos or Christmas portraits

or something where you just need

to do something really quick

and easy and fast

is to use this.

This is your trusty old speed light

the nice thing about speed lights

is they have a feature built in

to do exactly what you're trying to do.

So to do this,

what we're going to have you do,

so Natasha is going to come over here

and we're going to have her maybe

looking at some flowers

and thinking awe it's spring.

So what we're going to do,

the first thing we need to do

is to make sure that

our flash is set to the

correct mode

and so you want to put this

on TTL mode

or E-TTL mode

if you have a Canon Flash.

That's the standard default mode

and then you have to turn on something

called high-speed sync.

Now I've already done that

for this Flash.

We've done a bunch of videos

on high-speed sync,

so make sure you check

those out to know exactly

how to do that

or check your user manual.

So the Flash

is an E-TTL mode

on high-speed sync

now your camera

what we want to do is to put this

on Aperture priority mode.

So AV on a Canon

A on most other cameras,

so that means we can set

our aperture.

The camera is going to figure

out the correct shutter speed.

On aperture priority mode

what the camera will do

is first expose

for the ambient light

and then adjust the flash automatically

so that those two things match.

It all just happens magically.

So once we've done that

let's see exactly

what we get.

So Natasha is going to be

looking at those flowers just like that,

beautiful, that looks pretty good.

We have one issue

and that is when I take a picture

the flash is bouncing off the window

and so I need to make sure I'm at

an angle and so that flash is bouncing

into my picture but it works pretty well.

I can also try to bounce up the ceiling

but the problem with that is,

you just need so much light

that well sometimes it

doesn't work out.

So this is great if you need something

that works really fast.

If you're shooting something

that's not really expansive,

maybe one person or two

and if you're working in that situation

where to have a really bright sunlight,

if you're doing those types of things

and we want a little bit more flattering light,

a little bit better control?

We need to go to the next step up

and that's an Off-Camera Flash system

that we can use maybe a Softbox

or an umbrella,

so let's do that next.

Well those are a good start on the issue

though with this speed light is, it's such

a small light source,

that it has lots

of specular highlights.

In other words if we look

really closely at the picture

that we shot of Natasha,

you can see,

that her cheek is all shining.

It looks like she's sweating

and it's not even hot in here

and so we want to make sure

that we're really complimentary

to our subjects

and so instead of using a really

small light source,

like the speed light,

we're going to go to the next step

and that is to use

a small off-camera flash Softbox.

So Natasha if you'll zip over there.

Let me show you how I've set this up.

So this is a two foot octave box

from Pro Photo

on an OCF,

Off-Camera Flash system.

Now the nice thing about

the Profoto OCF system

is it has high-speed sync,

so I'm doing

exactly the same thing

I did with my speed light

I'm using the TTL

through the lens metering

of my camera

and I have set my remote here

to make sure that I have it set to

high-speed sync

and TTL mode.

Now that we're just fully automatic.

Then I'm using

this nice soft box here

and that's going to soften the light

so that Natasha's face

isn't so shiny

I can position this

and start shooting.

Now one of the things that is great

about having an off-camera flash

is I can change

the direction of that light

and that helps me avoid reflections

in the glass.

It also helps me shape the light

in the way

that I want to do that

and so without further ado,

we're going to start shooting

and I'll show you my results.

Well there's a third scenario

that we haven't talked about

and that is using

a fully manual system,

so I have over here

I've got a Profoto Acute 2 pack.

Now why would I want to use something

that doesn't have TTL

when I'm doing something

that's difficult?

Well the reason is if you want

to do something a little bit more creative.

So for example we want a full-length shot

maybe we want a wide angle

of the interior of the room.

We need a lot more light

and to make that

light look pleasing

we need a much larger light modifier

and that means we

need more power

and more power comes

from those manual systems

they're 1200, 2400

4,800 watt seconds.

They're really, really punchy

and so we have to figure out

how to do this

it's not as complicated

as you might think.

So what we're going to

do is we're going to start with the

ambient light because we can't control it,

we have to react to it.

We can't turn the Sun up and down

and we can't shut things

on and off outside.

We have to take what we can get

so we have to start there

and then we'll make our

adjustments to our flash to match that.

So we're going to do a little trick here

because outside we have a really

contrasting bright light

and if I include

the trees and the sky.

Well I'm going to have all kinds of problems

but the trees are actually darker

than the sky

and so what I'm going to do is,

I'm going to meter

on the trees out there

using my camera's

built-in TTL metering.

It's really simple.

I'll put my camera

in manual mode.

I'm going to set my shutter speed

at my camera's sync speed,

so when we're using

an external manual flash,

we have a sync speed,

which is the fastest our shutter can go.

On this camera

I'm going to stick to

a 1/200 of a second.

You might have a camera

that does 250

maybe it's 160

but for today

we're going to stick with 200

just to make sure everything is fine.

Then I'm going

to adjust my aperture

until my meter shows me

a proper exposure

because we're dealing

with bright light.

I'm keeping my ISO really low

so I'm shooting

at ISO 100.

So ISO 100

shutter speed of 200.

I point at these trees out here.

I take a meter reading

and I get a value of f/4

which is great that means we still

get that shallow depth of field

that we want

now the next thing

is to meter our flash

so Natasha if you can go over here.

We've given her a nice grape juice drink

to emulate maybe

a nice cocktail party

or something

and then what I have to do

is I'm going to meter toward this light

and so I've got everything set up

with my PocketWizards.

I meter that.

It meters at 3 2

so I just need to make an


I'll do that,

take another meter reading.

Now we're at f/4

yeah so

ISO 100

shutter 200 f/4

so now my flash

and my ambient light agree

and I can start taking pictures

now one of the things

I want to do in this situation,

is to sort of eliminate a lot

of the clutter in the room

and so I'm going to use a long lens.

I'm going to walk way over here

and start taking pictures

so I'll do that and I'll show you

the before and after results.

There you have it.

Three ways to balance

your flash with the ambient light.

It's not so difficult.

Make sure you use

high-speed sync, if you can

and if you're using a manual flash,

start with the ambient light.

Tune everything in

and then just balance your flash to that

and you'll get some great results.

Thanks Natasha

for being a wonderful model today

I think we've got some really good pictures

and don't you forget

to subscribe to AdoramaTV,

it's absolutely free

just click the button

and subscribe today

also check out

the Adorama Learning Center

there are tons of articles

for doing Flash photography

and light modifiers

and rear curtain sync

and high-speed syncing,

all of those kinds of things.

Check it out again it's free,

so do that.

Thanks again for joining me

and I will see you again next time.

For more infomation >> How to Balance Indoor and Outdoor light: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 9:55.


Hatsune Miku - Kuroneko Alice to Gekkou Alice (黒猫アリスと月光アリス) - Rus sub - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Hatsune Miku - Kuroneko Alice to Gekkou Alice (黒猫アリスと月光アリス) - Rus sub - Duration: 4:27.


YO-KAI Watch FIDGET SPINNER DIY! ✳ TottyChoCho - Duration: 2:17.

I'm going to show you how to make a Yo-Kai Watch Fidget Spinner!


Hey dudes, this is Sammy and I'm going to teach you how to make your own


You're going to need 3 medals.

Let's open this up!

Then you need this type of paper called FOAM CORE.

It's two pieces of paper with some kind of Styrofoam in the middle.

You need a pencil.

You need a Lego Wheel and a plastic bar.

So first you put the wheel in the middle and then you put the 3 Yo-Kai Watch medals around it like a star

Try to have them equal and then trace it with the pencil.

Also trace the wheel.

Get a grown-up to cut it out with an X-Acto Knife.

This is what it will look like.

Now you carefully place everything into place.

Then you put the medals into the holes.

Then put the bar into the wheel.

It's a Yo-Kai Watch fidget spinner!

If you liked this video, don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!


For more infomation >> YO-KAI Watch FIDGET SPINNER DIY! ✳ TottyChoCho - Duration: 2:17.


YtMonster! Free Youtube Views! ( Free BOT ) Sposób na darmowe wyświetlenia - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> YtMonster! Free Youtube Views! ( Free BOT ) Sposób na darmowe wyświetlenia - Duration: 3:32.


DIVE ROLL | Tutorial How To JUMP #5 - Duration: 7:46.

Welcome to yet another episode of 'How To.'

Today we'll be talking about the dive roll step by step.

Let's get started.


Let's start with the standard position in which we should land on a trampoline.

This is the position in which we land on a trampoline.


I think that it's the same as for the back drop.

Legs straight, hands towards the ceiling.

Back on a trampoline.

After we land,

we get back on our feet.

Let's start from the beginning, that is the forward roll.

If you don't know how to do this,

don't do the dive roll, but go back to basics.

You'll need it.

Forward roll.

Hands straight on a trampoline.

Now I lift my bum up, hide my head

and roll, landing in the same position.


More dynamically

Straight arms, further, straight legs.

Easier to stand up.

Let's try the same version but without hands on the trampoline.

Hands front and prepared,

now I'll have to do more work with my legs,

as I'll not be pushing myself with my hands.

Hands front.

I land and stand up.

This was from squat, now let's do the half-squat.

Keep your hands low for now, don't start from here.

Safety first.

Hands front, and I hide my head.

As you can see, I can easily stand up and my legs are straight.

Straight legs and light rocking.

Hands front,

I look at the spot where I land.

This is already a kind of dive roll.

I can do this higher,

but I think that this is not the dive roll you're interested in.

The true dive roll takes a swing of legs.


This is when I land.

I think that this is the dive roll you want.

How to go from this simple dive roll to the genuine one, in a moment.

Now I'm going to show you some exercise

that will help you go from our little dive roll where we look downwards and slouch

to the big one where we use our legs.

Looks scary

but I think this might help.

We put our hands here or somewhere higher.

For the first type of dive roll

we'd be doing something like this

where hips start to turn.

Let's try and move our feet more.

Nothing hard really, but try it anyway.

This is bad, I look between my hands all the time.

This is better.


Give it a try a few times

Then start low,

use your legs and try to hide.

One more time.

Low, hands front.

Legs and hide.

Try the cube first and then the trampoline.

If you're not sure enough, go for the foam.



This is my favourite part. Mistakes.

And more mistakes. How to avoid them and how not to make them.

The first mistake is twisting during the dive roll,

which would be something like this.

If this happens,

don't try to do the dive roll higher and higher

hoping that somehow you'll manage to lower the right wing and land safely.

Go back to basics.

If my forward roll is correct and I can do this straight,

only then can I try a higher one.

If this is where the twisting starts,

something's wrong.

Either I'm scared or I need more time to feel my body in the air.

After all, we're up in the air for a moment and we need to feel this.

Avoid this mistake, go back to basics, don't push forward and try more difficult elements

if you're not doing this right.

Another thing is bad landing on your back.

As I've already shown you, you should land this way.

Hands and feet up.

If you lower your legs the moment you land,

instead of dropping on them,

you'll fall forwards or to another dive roll.

This will come in handy later.

If you're concentrated on the dive roll itself

don't do this.

Another thing is legs to close to yourself.

In this position the whole weight of the legs will drop on us

and it'll be hard to get back on our feet.

Let me show you two options.

First, legs too low.


And second, when my legs push me.

Not that fun either.

The last mistake.

This is the most frequent one.

When you start your rotation too early.

When I do the dive roll,

, I try to focus my eyes on the trampoline until the last moment

and I know that I'm going to drop on my back.

If you turn your head to early,

you won't know in which part of the dive roll you are.

This is why we look at the trampoline till the end and only then hide our head.

Don't make mistakes.

Let's roll.

Since we've done some combinations of drops already,

let me show you two new tricks to our progress.

Dive roll from our bum and dive roll from our back.

Let's start with the first one.

I do the simple jump to the sitting position,

I hide my head and do the dive roll.

I sit, hide my head and bend my legs

Simple and fun really.

And now for the back to dive roll combination

Similar, only with stronger legs.

I kick and hide my head.

One more time.

Back, kick and landing.

Try it.

This would be all for today.

I hope that the dive roll will be easy for you to do.

Thumbs up and subscriptions are welcome. :)

If you don't like something or would change something, make sure to post your comment.

Check the video below if you've still got problem with the basics.

Now a few more dive rolls and see you in the next episode!

For more infomation >> DIVE ROLL | Tutorial How To JUMP #5 - Duration: 7:46.


Dark Knight Ending Scene | The Dark Knight (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:13.

Dad? Daddy, is he okay?

- Thank you. - You don't have to thank me.

Yes, I do.

The Joker won.

Harvey's prosecution, everything he fought for...


Whatever chance you gave us at fixing our city dies with Harvey's reputation.

We bet it all on him.

The Joker took the best of us and tore him down.

People will lose hope.

They won't.

They must never know what he did.

Five dead.

- Two of them cops. You can't sweep that... - No.

But the Joker cannot win.

Gotham needs its true hero.

- No. - You either die a hero...

...or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

I can do those things...

...because I'm not a hero, not like Dent.

I killed those people. That's what I can be.

No, no, you can't. You're not.

I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be.

Call it in.

A hero.

Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed.

Nothing less than a knight...


They'll hunt you.

You'll hunt me.

You'll condemn me.

Set the dogs on me.

Because that's what needs to happen.

Because sometimes...

...the truth isn't good enough.

Sometimes people deserve more.

Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.



Why's he running, Dad?

Because we have to chase him.

Okay, we're going in! Go, go! Move!

He didn't do anything wrong.

Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

So we'll hunt him...

...because he can take it.

Because he's not a hero.

He's a silent guardian...

...a watchful protector.

A dark knight.

For more infomation >> Dark Knight Ending Scene | The Dark Knight (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:13.


COLABORATIVO MALABARES EXPERIMENTAL 10k! E novas camisetas laranjas do canal! #freestylevlogs - Duration: 2:49.

(Happy little song)

Now we have orange t-shirts in the channel store, as you can see

click on the card there on the screen and help the project buyng one

and also remember to follow Malabarize-se on facebook

and lucasgabd on twitter to follow the news there

leaving a thumbs up on the videos will not cost anything to you

and can greatly help the channel to keep going

help it quite a lot, people!

check this out

the community, the group, "malabares experimental" on facebook

now reached 10 thousand members

and we will make a collaborative video

putting all these people in a video

as was the collaboration of jugglers to the floor

you know? remember that?

it's there on the card if you also want to see

to participate is very simple,

you just join the group

there are details there, and here in the description also

and send a video of yours

juggling, any prop,

can be balls, claves, hoops, magic, acrobatics

jokes and amazing things, faces

send something nice, a cool video

to malabarizese at

with the subject "colaborativo malabares experimental"

10 000 members, POWs!


the video, it's best you record it in the best quality possible

nowadays it's not so difficult to get a camera that records in HD

It has much cellphones recording in HD

then if you can record high quality is better

and if you have to record with cell phone and is a really cool thing

send anyway, film something!

but when shooting with cell phone,

remember to do it lateral, not up

not like this

because it's much better to edit and compose, it's more interesting

maybe you've heard the plane passing here

then you have until June 25

there's almost a month to send this video

it'll be one of the first videos of the channel to come out in early July

so don't miss this opportunity

let's celebrate the ten thousand members of experimental juggling

that in a moment will be a hundred thousand

this idea was suggested by Marcelo Mamute

if you havn't seen the videos that we did watch the tutorial "Less is More"

on the screen

and a video art that we did together

take a look

and continue to follow around

if you want to support the channel you can buy one of the new orange shirts

or juggling balls or other things in the channel's store

and we'll keep talking,

good things coming up

tell me, if you could choose the next tutorial in the channel, what would you choose?

I'm Lucas Abduch

remember to sunbathe at least 15 minutes every day

and I'll see you in a bit!

For more infomation >> COLABORATIVO MALABARES EXPERIMENTAL 10k! E novas camisetas laranjas do canal! #freestylevlogs - Duration: 2:49.


Batman vs Maroni | The Dark Knight (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:32.

Can't we go someplace quieter? We can't hear each other talk.

What makes you think I wanna hear you talk?


- Yeah? - Second.


- Harvey, where are you? - Where are you?

I'm where you should be, at Major Crimes. I'm trying to deal with all of this mess.

- Can I get the fingerprint analysis? - Rachel, listen. You're not safe there.

- This is Gordon's unit. - Gordon's gone.

- He vouched for these men. - And he's gone.

The Joker's named you next.

God, is there someone, is there anyone in this town we can trust?


We can trust Bruce Wayne.

- No. Rachel, I know you're his friend, but... - Harvey, trust me.

Bruce's penthouse is now the safest place in the city.

Then you go straight there.

Don't tell anybody and I'll find you there.

I love you.

I want the Joker.

From one professional to another...'re trying to scare somebody, pick a better spot.

From this height, the fall wouldn't kill me.

- I'm counting on it. - Huh!

- Where is he? - I don't know where he is. He found us.

He must have friends.

Friends? Have you met this guy?

Someone knows where he is.

Nobody's gonna tell you nothing.

They're wise to your act.

You got rules. The Joker, he's got no rules.

Nobody's gonna cross him for you. If you want this guy, you got one way.

But you already know what that is.

Just take off that mask, let him come find you.

Or you can let a couple more people get killed while you make up your mind.

You wanna play games?

How's that feel?

- You wouldn't. - I wouldn't!

- You don't think I will? - Mm-mm.

- You don't think I will? - Mm-mm.

No. No, I wouldn't.

That's why I'm not gonna leave it up to me.

Heads, you get to keep your head.


...not so lucky.

So you wanna tell me about the Joker?

- Let's go again. - I don't know anything! God, don't!

You're not playing the odds, friend.

Let's do it again.

You'd leave a man's life to chance?

- Not exactly. - His name's Schiff, Thomas.

He's a paranoid schizophrenic, former patient at Arkham.

The kind of mind the Joker attracts. What do you expect to learn from him?

The Joker killed Gordon. He's gonna kill Rachel.

You're the symbol of hope I could never be.

Your stand against organized crime... the first legitimate ray of light in Gotham in decades.

If anyone saw this, everything would be undone.

The criminals you arrested would be released...

...and Jim Gordon will have died for nothing.

You're gonna hold a press conference tomorrow.

- Why? - No one else will die because of me.

Gotham's in your hands now.

You can't.

You can't give in.

You can't give in!

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