Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

(Wednesday, August 30th, 2017 (Enlistment D-5))

Hi, how are you? This is TAECYEON from 2PM.

I got encouragements, love, good vibes and so much more from you guys at 'OKCAT Event' last Christmas.

Today is the day I go bury the time capsule with all the goodies!

Today is the day I go bury the time capsule with all the goodies! (Today is the day we bury the precious love we got on the day in a time capsule~~)

I'm going to put everything I had with you guys in the capsule and take it out again when I get back from the serving.

I'm going to put everything I had with you guys in the capsule and take it out again when I get back from the serving. (It's going to be opened after 2 years!)

Well now,

(smooth progress) when the car passes~

I'm going to go. Let's go!

Let's bury the capsule!

(Off to bury the time capsule with TAECYEON!)

Hey everyone!

I'm going Jeongseon to bury the time capsule.

Come with me!


(Turn Up with OKCAT highway medley!)

Mo ol la ah~


hm oh

hm oh ah

hm oh ah yeah

(Relentless party monster HuengTAECYEON.)

(Being turnt too much can kill…)

(The car runs and runs..)

(Finally arrived at the destination!)

We are here now after 3 hours of driving.

(Well done our TAECYEON~)

We've arrived at the Time capsule park at Jeongseon.

(Too bad…) It might have been better if the weather was nice.

(Infinite positivity!) Let's be grateful that it's not hot today.

(Spots the guestbook written by people who'd buried their memories here)

(Wow~) It's more than I expected.

I'm going to sign here~

(TAECYEON and Hottest were here~)


Tears are flowing ㅜ.ㅜ

(Wrapping up with OKCAT!)

(I'll keep it safe meow~)

The tree is the tree from the movie 'My Sassy Girl'.



(Now, after filling up the form for using time capsule,)

(TAECYEON has bought 5 time capsules)

(Ta-da!) Hey guys, now I have arrived and got the time capsules.

They look kinda like dinosaur eggs or ostrich eggs. And when you open one~


(There's a kimchi container in an ostrich egg?) There's a kimchi container. The jar for kimchi.

Well~ now we open it~

Now we open it, and we put our memories from December 23th,

the moments we shared at the first OKCAT event.. (The memories of the fans who came to the first OKCAT event…)

(carefully put in the time capsule~)


Time capsule burial park manager : You don't just put it in there,

Time capsule burial park manager : you have to vacuum-pack it to prevent it from going bad.

(To prevent (possible)spoilage)

(Acting normal) Okay, seems like we have to vacuum-pack it to keep it from being spoiled.

I'll put the first one in here~

(It goes in the vacuum package..)

(The first pocket~!) The first pocket..

Let's vacuum the first pocket~

Thank you.

Bye bye~

(Putting the precious memories with care…)

Now we're going to vacuum the last pocket.

The time capsules are now vacuumed. (With the vacuumed time capsules)

(This is where we're going to bury the capsules)

(Dancing with joy) I'm here to snipe your heart!

(Coming down here made him be deep in thoughts..)

First, the 23th~

(putting in order~)

(Now the capsule will be sealed when we put the lid on!)

Ah, this is heavier than I expected.

One two one two!

Pondering precious memories with the Hottest,

sealing one by one with care..

Asasa~ It's done!

(Bitter sweet..) It's all buried everyone.

Please remember the moments you had with me until I come back here 2 years later

Please remember the moments you had with me until I come back here 2 years later (Please keep the many memories with TAECYEON warm for a long time)

Now I'll be back. Goodbye everyone~

I hope the waiting would be meaningful to us.

I hope the waiting would be meaningful to us. The day when the hot summer begins on 2019, we'll see again. I'll be back healthy.

Loyalty! I love you

Loyalty! I love you MY HOTTEST

For more infomation >> OKCAT(옥캣) - 팬들과의 추억을 타임캡슐에 묻고 온 택연! - Duration: 5:25.


KANALTRAILER - Oxid gaming 2017 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> KANALTRAILER - Oxid gaming 2017 - Duration: 1:00.


A Slingshot from Earth to Asteroid Bennu - Duration: 1:36.

OSIRIS-REx is NASA's mission to explore asteroid Bennu.

Its goal is to collect a sample of Bennu and return it to Earth.

[ music ]

To get to Bennu, OSIRIS-REx must first match the asteroid's

orbital tilt.

In September 2017, it will approach Earth

for a gravity assist,

bringing the spacecraft within 11,000 miles of home.

[ music ]

Following the flyby, OSIRIS-REx will look back at Earth.

[ music ]

It will take images and spectra of our world,

calibrating its instruments so that they are ready

to study Bennu.

[ music ]

The gravity assist will change OSIRIS-REx's orbital tilt

by six degrees,

sending it on a path to catch asteroid Bennu in 2018.

[ music ]

[ satellite beeping ]

[ music ]

For more infomation >> A Slingshot from Earth to Asteroid Bennu - Duration: 1:36.


Making Of Legends Never Die | Worlds 2017 - League of Legends - Duration: 2:31.

For the 2017 Worlds this year we created a song

that has the elements that we've had in the past,

but tried to refine them into a more kinda personal sound

to really capture the struggle that champions have to go through

to become legends.

I created a couple different demos, instrumental demos, of what the sound of the song could be.

He sent me a chord progression, just a little bit of piano, and we were kinda surprised

how quickly it came together.

I wrote him a verse, a few hours later sent it to him at night, he wrote me back he said,

"Keep going."

When we heard Chrissy's voice, we knew it was something very special, right away.

Legends never die.

They become a part of you

Against the Current, the sound they had, it really embodied the message of it.

It has that vulnerability in the beginning and then the power at the end.

The first time we met with them, right away there was a really easy connection between

all of us.

They're gamers. She plays League and streams.

Something that's beyond just, "Yeah, we need a song, can you sing it?"

My main champion is Annie. She was the first champion I truly learned.

I think she's feisty, I think she's very complicated, you know it's not just

this little girl. She's also got this fire spirit, so I kinda identify with her too.

When recording the song, I was trying to think of an actual, physical battle.

What does mental, emotional and physical desperation combined all look like, and what does it feel

like to come out of that?

The message we were trying to get across from this was what it would be like to be center

stage at Worlds with, you know, 50,000 people around you, however many millions watching online.

What does that feel like, that moment where the world is watching you, what're you gonna do?

The song really speaks to the struggle that the teams have to go through, each player

has to go through a lot of work to become champions.

It really just talks about pushing through those things

to come out on top.

Their failures are OK and instead of being steps back

they're actually steps forward towards solutions and victories.

Pick yourself up once more, pick yourself up cause

Legends never die.

They become a part of you.

For more infomation >> Making Of Legends Never Die | Worlds 2017 - League of Legends - Duration: 2:31.


Soul Touching Kirtan - ਹਰਿ ਜੀਉ - Bhai Gurluvleen Singh - Duration: 22:39.

ਪਉੜੀ ॥ Pauree: ਜਿਸੁ ਜਨ ਤੇਰੀ ਭੁਖ ਹੈ ਤਿਸੁ ਦੁਖੁ ਨ ਵਿਆਪੈ ॥ No pain afflicts that humble being who hungers for You, Lord. ਜਿਨਿ ਜਨਿ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਬੁਝਿਆ ਸੁ ਚਹੁ ਕੁੰਡੀ ਜਾਪੈ ॥ That humble Gurmukh who understands, is celebrated in the four directions. ਜੋ ਨਰੁ ਉਸ ਕੀ ਸਰਣੀ ਪਰੈ ਤਿਸੁ ਕੰਬਹਿ ਪਾਪੈ ॥ Sins run away from that man, who seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord. ਜਨਮ ਜਨਮ ਕੀ ਮਲੁ ਉਤਰੈ ਗੁਰ ਧੂੜੀ ਨਾਪੈ ॥ The filth of countless incarnations is washed away, bathing in the dust of the Guru's feet. ਜਿਨਿ ਹਰਿ ਭਾਣਾ ਮੰਨਿਆ ਤਿਸੁ ਸੋਗੁ ਨ ਸੰਤਾਪੈ ॥ Whoever submits to the Lord's Will does not suffer in sorrow. ਹਰਿ ਜੀਉ ਤੂ ਸਭਨਾ ਕਾ ਮਿਤੁ ਹੈ ਸਭਿ ਜਾਣਹਿ ਆਪੈ ॥ O Dear Lord, You are the friend of all; all believe that You are theirs. ਐਸੀ ਸੋਭਾ ਜਨੈ ਕੀ ਜੇਵਡੁ ਹਰਿ ਪਰਤਾਪੈ ॥ The glory of the Lord's humble servant is as great as the Glorious Radiance of the Lord. ਸਭ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਜਨ ਵਰਤਾਇਆ ਹਰਿ ਜਨ ਤੇ ਜਾਪੈ ॥੮॥ Among all, His humble servant is pre-eminent; through His humble servant, the Lord is known. ||8||

For more infomation >> Soul Touching Kirtan - ਹਰਿ ਜੀਉ - Bhai Gurluvleen Singh - Duration: 22:39.


UCLA - Story of L'APOLOGIE // MATMATAH (feat. Matmatah) - Duration: 2:52.

Shush !

You are silent !

I set the scene.


Back in 98 And it's on the album "La Ouache"

A record produced by Framboisier, the guy from the "Musclés" band in Club Dorothée

The TV show on TF1 between 87 and 97

The album was recorded in a studio mythical south of England.

It permit, moreover, to use one of the old reverbs create by John Lennon

Framboisier ... John Lennon

[* puzzled *]

Before being four Brestois, which repopularize a Celtic wave in France,

Matmatah, it's above the name of a village

troglodytic of Tunisia.

In particular, the place of residence of

Luke Skywalker in Star Wars movie.

But without the H at the end.

"L'Apologie", it was written by the guitarist of the band


The title is quite explicit, anyway, on its content.

It does not stop it from being played in the majority of weddings!

Basically, it says, according to them,

the hypocrisy around cannabis and its prohibition

while alcohol is free sale.

For those who do not know,

in 98, France won the football world cup

[ * Unworthy*] We won ?!

The euphoria thus refers to most festives titles.

Except that in June 2000, the band compared to the court

about provocation to use narcotic.

The trial follows a concert in Nantes

where a policeman from narcotic agencie discovers the lyrics meaning.

and notes that some members of the public smoke shit (cannabis resin)

I was there !

15,000 francs fine (about 2,300 euros) for all musicians.

The cop ? It's hot boiling! 4 years before, he made the same report

about "Mangez-moi" de Billy Ze Kick et les Gamins en folie.

Because the song is promoting hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Eh the funniest part

This is because the band receives his convocation for the court,

the SAME day when Jacques Chirac, - President -

invites them to a seminar about culture.

And then, what nobody knows,

Nobody knows ...

We must be what ...

4-5 ...

maybe 10 ...

[* Jingle *]

After their testimony,,

the group shared a joint (cigarette with cannabis) with some cops.

After all this mess,

the guitarist, he no longer wants to play the song at all.

So now it's Stan to assume on stage,

the flute and the song at the same time.

And the sequence of the 2 parts is so fast

that the first note need to be played by keyboard

[* Strikes in his hands * ]

Démonstration !

So ...

[* solo of flute *]

[* solo of flute *]

It's really painful for ear in deed

You want me to play "Lambé" (an Dro), that's it ?

It's a bit more expensive, there!

Oh hop hop hop... Hey !

Share with us, huh!

For more infomation >> UCLA - Story of L'APOLOGIE // MATMATAH (feat. Matmatah) - Duration: 2:52.


I challenge you: Die Comedy-Challenge (mit RebellComedy und Tan Caglar) - Duration: 9:14.

For more infomation >> I challenge you: Die Comedy-Challenge (mit RebellComedy und Tan Caglar) - Duration: 9:14.


Conchita Wurst - Leporello (Ö1), 12.05.2017 (incl. subtitles) - Duration: 3:46.


Culture for the ears.

Art ist such a huge concept and it is so

complex, so of course there are genres

which by one or the other person are not

understood like others. And that's why

I think it's great that we at least

try to convey this at the Rathausplatz

because there will definitely be pieces of music

offered, which perhaps

haven't had such a big

stage before, and there will be

songs that you know well, but they

are dipped into a new perfume by us!

Conchita will open the Wiener Festwochen

tonight at the Rathausplatz, and

along the way she will make

appearances musically too.

The musical range of the opening ceremony

ranges from the Wiener Symphoniker

over Harri Stojka to MoZuluArt.

Because once again the Wiener

Festwochen want to be genre-

spanning and a festival for everyone.

And of course that is always

very subjective, because there are

people who get goosebumps when

Whitney Houston sings and could

cry right away, and others think:

‚Oh, these tear jerkers!' And that's why it's so

wonderful, that we have this opportunity

at the Festwochen, to present

such a broad range.

Conchita is a bit accustomed to the

arrangement with an orchestra in her back,

after her appearance at the

Sydney Opera last year, she

also recently arranged an

evening with the Bruckner Orchestra in Linz.

Orchestra is, of course, always like highest

accolade, I think, because there are just

between 40 and sometimes up to 80 musicians

opposite of you which you then in

one way or the other as a

single person - I don't want to say outshine -

but in some way to

dominate with a single voice,

is a great challenge with an orchestra

Conchita is well known far

beyond the national borders.

She carries her statements on diversity

and against discrimination out into the whole world.

Is art a means for her of

playing and of dreaming, to

ultimately change reality?

I think that art - at least what I do -

is always a result of reality,

always hard and honest.

It is dreaming, art is

definititely an alternative to

reality, but nevertheless I am

convinced: actually it is an

insanely honest reflection of

reality, even if it's perhaps a little

more colourful, a little more absurd

and exaggerated, but in truth it

is often only the exaggeration of

what actually happens.

Conchita travels a lot and could work everywhere

according to herself. Nevertheless she

always likes to come back to Vienna.

I love to be in Vienna. I grew up in

Styria, I came to Vienna

and I - as cheesy as it sounds -

simply fell in love, and I

do it again and again!

Especially when I'm on the road

through the city, be it privately or

professionally, and you drive homewards

through the night - perhaps even a

little drunk, then I'm always very

melancholic - and you drive past the opera,

then you think to yourself again and again:

Wow, what a beautiful piece of earth

I can live on! Vienna has so much to offer,

and you CAN visit a techno part

and you CAN also if you want it

dive into history for two weeks

and every day you will be

overwhelmed and surprised! And that

is the diversity, that we all speak of

which is truly the case.

I think Vienna is the perfect

mix of Berlin and Paris!

For more infomation >> Conchita Wurst - Leporello (Ö1), 12.05.2017 (incl. subtitles) - Duration: 3:46.


Put Yourself First! Financial Friday - Duration: 4:51.

Hey guys, drew Canole!

I am here with my good friend Neale Godfrey, author of Money Doesn't Grow on Trees.

It's been great having you in this video series.

Thank you for coming out today.

Thank you.


Today we are talking about something that has been a part of my life and it's this

conversation that we have in our own mind around scarcity.

We're going to show you some tips, tools and tactics to break free from that.

If your finances are not in order, your emotional level is not where you want it to be, your

health is not where you want it to be.

Mindset scarcity, when does it show up?

And what can we do about it?

It's a fear and it really comes from when we were little girls.

The good girl syndrome.

For girls, if you got good grades and you did the right thing and you were quiet and

you were passive and you didn't set the cat on fire, you were loved and revered.

It worked, it absolutely worked.

We take into adulthood thought that we're always trying to please everybody else.


The abundance and the security comes from your own self-worth.

You are your vision.


And your audience can do it.

But you got to let it go.

You got to give up what you've always done in the comfort zone and get into the growth


Yeah that is number one.

Number two, you actually need to put yourself first and not feel guilty about that.

Just like when you wake up in the morning and go I'm going to eat right, I'm going

to exercise, I'm going to do what's right for me.

You need to have the same mindset with money, I am going to be able to provide.

I am not asking anyone to sacrifice but I count to just like you empower people to make

those choices with their health.

I want people to make their choices with their money.

So if you're the type of a person that saves a lot what are the pros and cons for that?

Okay you know what happens and you know the extreme saver personality.

That is a fear, it's a phobia and actually it's harder to get the saver to spend that

it gets the spender to save which is amazing because the spender figures it out right away.


You mean if I save I get bigger stuff.

Obviously you don't want either extreme, what you want is a financial personality right

in the middle.

You kind of know who you are.

Are you a saver, spender?

I'm a spender.

When we are in a relationship, for some reason we always pick up somebody who's the opposite

so you know what?

The strife begins and then we get so wed to our own financial personality we think we're

right and therefore they're wrong and the friction starts so you know what?

Talk about with your partner what your financial personality is?

It's not going to be about the money, it's about the idea of how you're sharing it,

how you are?

Are you coming authentically to the world and you can change that financial personality

so that you are balanced right in the middle.

A joyful saver, just spend on the things that you want the way you want.

I have affirmations that I say about money and they work like literally I say in the

shower, money comes in easily and frequently, it's like a tidal wave and I see it in my

mind, I feel it in my body I get goosebumps thinking about it and sure enough there it

is and absolutely and I do too.

We all need that because if you don't have that intention you know what?

You become a victim to it.


And then the next day happens and then it's this and it's too late.

And I think that's important because when your vision is strong enough, scarcity can't


So if you're anchored and rooted in your vision like you are with your life and what

you're creating in the world with the books that you've written, there's no time for


There's no room, there's no room in my life to feel that way, there's no room in

your life.

You just have to start changing that mindset bad then you go do it, intention, plan and

action you can do it.

You got it.

Thank you so much for coming on Neale.

This has been absolutely incredible let us know, big thumbs up, leave a comment below

if you want to see Neale back on FitLife TV.

This is absolutely incredible and make sure you get her book Money Doesn't Grow on Trees.

It' s absolutely incredible and I love how simple it is and it's really time to look

in the mirror and take a good look at what you're doing and why it's showing up over

and over and over in your life and make a change.

I'm Drew Canole, I'm Neale Godfrey as always remember we're in this together.


For more infomation >> Put Yourself First! Financial Friday - Duration: 4:51.


WRC 7 - Developer Diary - The Physics of WRC - Duration: 3:56.

I'm a dynamics engineer working with the WRC race cars.

I've been working with the WRC since 2011

but of course I'm also a WRC player.

That special combination is why you called me!

When I'm not working on a WRC rally, I play at home every night.

You're helping us today because you've already played WRC, right?

Yes, more WRC 6 than 5, but yes, I've already played.

So you could see the difference?

Yes, there was definitely a huge improvement!

All the sensations you have on the road, that's much more realistic than before,

and that's the biggest difference.

With the new WRC cars, which are faster and higher performance,

it adds a new challenge to the game because the aggressive engines really let you feel the speed.

As we saw today in the gravel stages, it's really remarkable.

I think the effect of speed is the hardest thing to achieve,

because between the 2016 and 2017 cars, the speed remains the same

but the tension is much clearer,

and that's what impressed me when we played: the engine speed...

...responds immediately.

And the first time I accelerated I felt that the back took off right away.

I wasn't expecting such power.

It's not reality,

but you're getting close to what we see in WRC's onboard cameras.

In the Polish stages, I could really appreciate the jumps in the turns,

because that's what actually happens in the real world. I was surprised.

So, we've tuned the car together. Can you tell me what you think were the parameters that most affected the car?

The suspension made a big difference.

The transmission surprised me because you can play with the front and rear differential

and balance them; it's really cool because it's very realistic.

And what you can do with the tires is good

because you saw how the car changes when you play with the level of grip.

It's cool because each time we change something

even for little things

we see how the car behaves completely differently,

and so the game's engine dynamics are much more reactive

and it allows us to adjust them very precisely.

Everything I've seen today will let the player play for a really long time,

with all the parameters that you can change,

the Epic Stages

— just improving your time in the stages will let you play for months and months.

Nobody wants a game where you only play for two months. This is completely the opposite.

The Epic Stages and the pacenotes

will be a big challenge for players who want to beat the fastest times, and it will take them a while.

For more infomation >> WRC 7 - Developer Diary - The Physics of WRC - Duration: 3:56.


Bí Ẩn Về Con Tàu Ma Chết Chóc Trong Lịch Sử: Tàu Ourang Medan | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 6:59.

In June 1947, the Dutch freighter S.S. Ourang Medan was traveling along the straits of Malacca,

when the ship suddenly sent out a chilling distress signal.

This first message was followed by a series of indecipherable Morse code sequences, until

finally, a last ominous transmission:

Ourang Medan's grim SOS was picked up by British and Dutch listening posts around Sumatra and

Malaysia, who worked together to determined where the signal was coming from and alerted

nearby ships.

American merchant ship Silver Star was first to reach Ourang Medan.

They waived and shouted at the vessel to check for signs of life above deck.

But there was no answer.

Only eerie silence.

The US ship decided to send out a rescue team to board the ship to look for survivors.

But what they found was a blood-curdling nightmare.

The entire Dutch crew was a ghastly pile of corpses – eyes wide open in horror, mouths

frozen in an eternal scream, arms stretched out as if saying stop, as if saying no more.

Inside, they found the captain with the same twisted expression on his face as that of

his men, dead on the bridge of the ship.

Now nothing more than a dead captain, leading a dead ship.

His once strapping officers are now cold corpses straggled on the wheelhouse and chartroom floor.

Even the ship's dog wasn't spared a horrific death.

But the most harrowing is finding the radio operator, fingertips still on the telegraph

where he sent his dying message.

After seeing the chilling devastation on board, the Silver Star made the decision to tow the

Ourang Medan to port.

But it wouldn't make it to shore, as thick clouds of smoke started rising from the lower

decks and interrupted the rescue.

The crew barely had time to sever the line and move to safety, before the Ourang Medan


The blast was apparently so big that the ship "lifted herself from the water and swiftly

sank," taking with it all the answers to its mysterious end to the bottom of the sea.

Or so the story of the Ourang Medan goes.

Some details may differ slightly in each version of the story.

Like it happened in February 1948 instead of June 1947.

Or that the waters that day were choppy instead of calm.

And that the crew weren't just dead, but they were decomposing at a faster rate.

While in some versions, the details are, well, too detailed.

Like one of the two American ships that heard the distress signal was named The City of Baltimore.

That the smoke from the lower deck before the explosion came exactly from the Number 4 hold.

Or that the poor canine aboard was actually a small terrier.

But whichever version of the story you've heard (or told), the basic plot points remain

the same - Ourang Medan's entire crew met a gruesome and inexplicable death, and then

very conveniently blew up and sank to the bottom of the ocean, leaving us all with an

unsolved nautical mystery.

So what really happened to the Ourang Medan?

Theory #1: It was a cover up.

The most commonly pointed out loophole in the tale of the Ourang Medan is the vessel's

lack of paper trail.

The Lloyd's Shipping registers doesn't have any mention of the ship.

It's not in the The Dictionary of Disasters at Sea that covers the years 1824-1962.

There's no trace of it in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.

Nothing in the Dutch Shipping records in Amsterdam.

The Maritime Authority in Singapore also don't have the ill-fated ship in any of their records.

In other words, the Ourang Medan was a ghost ship, even before it gained notoriety as one.

Because there's no tangible proof that it even existed.

But as espousers of this legend would explain, it's because the Ourang Medan is part of a

transnational government cover-up involving the Netherlands, Japan, Germany, China, the

United States, and possibly many others.

They believe that the ship was deliberately expunged from all maritime records because

it was being used to smuggle a secret cargo of lethal nerve gas to Japan.

Saying the Ourang Medan's voyage is linked to Army Unit 731 founded by Japanese bacteriologist

Shirō Ishii, whose main objective was to bring back a weapon of the chemical, gas,

or biological variety, that could win the war in their favour.

But as the Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibited the use of all chemical and biological weapons

in war, the only way a large shipment of poisonous gas could make it across the other side of

the world without raising any suspicion from authorities is by loading it as inconspicuous

cargo, in an old, beat up Dutch freighter.

This theory also provides a convenient and somewhat plausible explanation for the grisly

death of the Ourang Medan's crew.

With that much hazardous chemicals on board, a gas leak would've certainly led to the immediate

death of everyone in the ship.

However, it wouldn't explain why the rescue crew from Silver Star wasn't affected by the

poisonous gas when they boarded the ship.

Or why, like the Ourang Medan, there's no mention of the Silver Star in the Lloyd's register.

Theory #2: It was carbon monoxide poisoning.

American author and inventor of the term Bermuda Triangle, Vincent Gaddis, speculates that

it was carbon monoxide poisoning that led to the mysterious deaths of the Ourang Medan crew.

According to his theory, burning fuel from a malfunctioning boiler system produced carbon

monoxide fumes that poisoned the crew.

When breathed in carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream and prevents red blood cells from

carrying oxygen around the body.

At high levels, carbon monoxide can cause dizziness, vomiting, seizures, lost of consciousness,

and even death.

The trouble with this theory is that Ourang Medan is not an enclosed space.

Fumes could've simply escaped into the atmosphere, and lives of the crew working the upper decks

of the ship would've been spared.

Theory #3: It was pirates.

What's a story about a ghost ship without pirates, right?

There are theories claiming that pirates invaded the Ourang Medan and killed everyone on board,

which although doesn't explain some accounts saying that there were no visible wounds in

the victims' bodies, it does fit with the Strait of Malacca's long history with piracy

as far back as the 14th century.

Because of its geography - narrow and dotted with many islets - it makes it ideal for a

surprise attack towards ships using it as trade route to China and Europe.

Theory #4: Ghosts

One of the most repeated, but arguably, also the most inconsequential detail in the story

of the Ourang Medan is the extreme chill the rescue team felt as soon as they entered the

hull of the ship, despite it being 110°F outside.

Inexplicable drop in temperature plus the frightened expressions on the crew's faces

set in a vast unforgiving sea, equals ghosts did it.

There aren't many supporters of this theory, but what's a ghost ship story without a ghosts-did-it theory?

Theory #5: Aliens

You might think that the alien theory is the most far-fetched, the most uncreative, the

most cop out theory explaining the phenomena of the Ourang Medan, but it's actually a very

popular theory, with entire books dedicated to it.

The story of the Ourang Medan has all the elements of a good mystery - inexplicable

deaths, unknown assailants, world powers, war, pirates, ghosts, and multiple highly-plausible

conspiracy theories.

Which is probably why it still fascinates us until this day,

Even the CIA released a document in 1959 saying, that the Ourang

Medan holds the key to many of the sea's unsolved mysteries, including that of sightings of

huge fiery spheres that come from the sky and descend into the sea.

For more infomation >> Bí Ẩn Về Con Tàu Ma Chết Chóc Trong Lịch Sử: Tàu Ourang Medan | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 6:59.


The Advantage Of Integrity - Duration: 28:31.

TERRI: Hey, I want to talk to you today about something that

can accelerate your life or absolutely destroy

your life. It is the turning point, the deal-breaker,

the game-changer to experiencing your greatest

breakthroughs. Let's talk about the advantage today.


TERRI: Hi, I'm Terri Savelle Foy. Thank you so

much for watching. You're watching Live Your Dreams.

I pray that as you invest in yourself today, you're

captivated and you're catapulted to live your dreams. In fact, I

want to talk to you today about something that I learned from my

dad, Jerry Savelle, who learned from Kenneth Copeland, who

learned from Oral Roberts, and I guess he learned from God

himself, I really don't know. But this is something that can

save you years of struggling to get ahead. It can save tons of

money that could be wasted. It can save relationships from

being ruined, and even reputations from being

absolutely destroyed. This gives you what I call the advantage.

You know when others are frustrated, they're struggling,

confused, discouraged, compromising their standards?

You, on the other hand, can be chosen, set apart, favored, and

given preferential treatment. What is it? Well, if you want to

guarantee success, of course, attitude is important, vision,

goals, motivation, persistence, all of that is so important. But

this single attribute has the ability to accelerate or

absolutely destroy your life. And you're probably like, okay,

Terri, I get it. What is it? Well, it's integrity. And of

course, this is not a word that we hear a lot of. Integrity

actually means that what we say and what we do, they match. In

other words, we're the same in front of people as we are when

nobody's looking. Or you could say it's where we follow through

with what we say. We keep our commitments to others, to God,

and even to ourselves. Some people have even defined

integrity as trust. Well, the thing is, we trust people who

demonstrate integrity. It's the trusted leader that people want

to follow, it's a trusted brand that people actually pay more

money for. Integrity is not something, of course, that just

happens overnight. It's acquired through years and years and

years of keeping our word. I love what I heard Steven Furtick

say. He said that what's next is always connected to what's now.

In other words, what you're doing right now and how you're

doing it is the most important thing about what God will give

you next. What I mean by that is when you honor God by living a

life of integrity, you will be prepared for the next level that

God has for you. It'll bring the increase you desire, the

promotion you're believing for, and the breakthrough that you

desperately need. In fact, I love this story I've heard my

dad share, and it was about how years ago he was at this

ministry conference, and he said he just felt strongly in his

heart about making a financial pledge. As he's sitting there

listening to the vision of this other ministry, he said he just

wrote out on his paper that he was gonna pledge $12,000 that

night. He said, "I had the money in a tithe account and I

thought, as soon as I got home, I fully intended to fill out the

check and fulfill my pledge." After he got home, he found out

that that $12,000 that he was counting on, it had been used on

something else while he was out of town. He no longer had the

money, but he still made the pledge, so Dad said he decided

whenever more money comes in, then I'll send the pledge

immediately. He said it seemed like every time he would receive

a little extra money to send, something else would happen and

it would just consume all of his money. This went on and on and

on until finally he said he just decided to give up on it. He

said he even rationalized. "You know what? That minister really

doesn't need my pledge anyway. Besides, I don't have it to give

anymore." Well, you know the Bible says we reap what we sow.

Well, later Dad said that there came a great need in his

ministry, and so he shared his vision with his partners and

they began to pledge towards this project. But, he said, a

very small percentage of the pledges actually came in. I

think it's so funny how Dad says this. He said, "I went to the

Lord in prayer and I just said, 'God, these people pledged. They

said they would send the money in, and they haven't.'" He said,

"This is pitiful." He said God said, "What are you fussing

about?" And dad said, "Those people pledged to do something

in a certain time frame, and they haven't sent anything.

Lord, I can't do what you want me to do without them doing what

they said they would do." Then he said he got really spiritual,

you know, and he just asked the Lord. He said, "Lord, why don't

your people obey you?" I love that. Well, the Lord said, "I'm

wondering the same thing about you." He said, "I remember a

young man who made a pledge of $12,000 at a ministry conference

and never fulfilled his pledge." Dad said, "That's all I needed

to hear." He said he started getting aggressive with his

faith. He started believing God for that $12,000 to come in. He

said as soon as that money came in, he sent it out immediately

before anything else could consume it. I love what Dad

says. He said it was absolutely amazing how fast the money came

for his project when he determined to keep his word. He

said there was a breakthrough in my finances and the favor of God

came. Just from that story, you can see that integrity opens the

door for God's favor and God's blessings on your life like

nothing else. I call it giving you the advantage. So I believe

your level of integrity has a bigger impact on your life than

anything else. Now, the opposite is true. A lack of integrity is

your biggest expense. If you don't believe it, look at

someone like Tiger Woods. I don't even like bringing up the

negative in people, but you know, it's not hidden. Everyone

knows that Tiger Woods, he lost millions of dollars in weeks and

projected to have lost hundreds of millions by now. Or you

remember a few years ago with Penn State. Penn State was

projected to have lost a billion dollars because of a lack of

integrity. I don't know about you, but if you grew up in the

90's and you remember some of the artists that were around,

this is Milli Vanilli. If you've never heard of them, when I was

in college, they were the hottest thing. They're beautiful

guys, and they had the best songs out there. Not only did

they have the best songs; they also won a Grammy for Best New

Artist. Think about it. If you're a singer, that's the

epitome of success, is to win a Grammy. These guys won the

Grammy in 1990 for the Best New Artist. All of a sudden, out of

nowhere, the cover was blown. The lead vocals were not even

them. It was all fake. The whole thing was a fake. It

wasn't even them singing. The Grammy was taken from them. They

were humiliated publicly, everybody was making fun of them

on talk shows, the radio, everyone was making fun of them.

The sad thing is one of the guys actually overdosed on alcohol

and pills. It was a horrible, horrible story. But it was just

the fact that a lack of integrity, it can destroy your

life. Or having integrity can accelerate your

life. How do you practice integrity? There are

three ways that we practice integrity that

leads to our breakthrough. Number one is practice integrity

with God. Practice integrity with God. And that just means

you love what God loves and you hate what God hates. In other

words, we just do our best to be above reproach like the Bible

says, and it doesn't mean that you're perfect, because none of

us are, but we're just doing our best on purpose. As my dad

always says, to shun the appearance of evil. In other

words, my dad used to always say, if it looks wrong, if it

appears wrong, if it feels wrong, he would say, if it's

questionable, just don't do it. And the thing is, you never know

who's watching you, right? And like I said before, it doesn't

mean that you are perfect; it just means that you're mindful

that if this decision doesn't please God, I'm just not gonna

do it. And that's where you just say, "Lord, help me do the right

thing, because I can't do it on my own." So we practice

integrity with God. The second way is practice integrity with

yourself. Did you know that the average person who makes New

Year's goals, New Year's resolutions, doesn't last three

weeks? So within three weeks we've already given up on this

goal we've set for ourselves, and when we do that, we trust

ourselves less because we don't keep our own commitments. In

fact, the statistics say that 93% of New Year's goals are

broken. 30% are broken the first week. Think about that. 80% of

those who join a gym drop out within eight weeks. The reason

I'm even telling you these kind of statistics and numbers is

because when we don't have integrity with ourselves, we

don't keep our word with ourselves, it diminishes our own

confidence. When you don't trust yourself, it lowers your

self-esteem. I love what Kenneth Copeland taught my dad in the

early years when he was learning the Word. He told him, he said,

"Jerry, if you don't keep your word, even in the small things

like showing up on time, you're gonna tend to think that's the

way God operates." He said, "If you don't develop your own

integrity, then you can never develop a trust in God's

integrity." He began to teach him things, like he said,

"People tend to think that God is like them. They don't keep

their word, so they think God doesn't keep his. So the first

lesson in learning how to trust God's integrity is to develop

your own." And then he told him this. He said, "It's a must if

you're gonna enjoy a successful life." Well, I was reading this

story about a guy named David Horsager. He said 18

years ago his mentor began to teach him success, and he said,

"I want you to make a 90-day commitment, a 90-day commitment

to something." He said, "90 days changes things." In his case, he

said, "For 90 days, I want you to go without complaining." He

said, "Don't complain about the weather, the food, how you

slept, not one word of complaint out of your mouth." He said, "It

absolutely changed my life." So I want you to think about. What

could you do, just one thing, consistently, over the next 90

days, that could change your life? It could be showing up on

time everywhere you go for 90 days, or it could be drive a

clean car for 90 days, or pray over your goals for 90 days,

speak positive declarations for 90 days. Do something, choose

something, that you can just say, you know what? I'm gonna

make this commitment and I'm gonna practice integrity with

myself. And then the third is practice integrity before

others. The thing is, you never know who's watching you and

modeling you. In fact, I heard this story about this father who

took his two little boys to go play miniature golf. When he got

there, he asked the guy at the counter, "How much is it for the

three of us?" The guy said, "How old is everybody?" And he said,

"I'm in my 30s, but my oldest is seven years old, the youngest is

three years old." The guy said, "Okay, it's $3 per person, but

if you're under six years old, you get in free." So he said,

"Okay, well, the one little boy is seven, and for me, I guess I

owe you $6." The guy at the counter said, "Mister, did you

just win the lottery or something?" He said, "You could

have saved yourself $3 if you told me the older one was six

years old." He said, "I would have never known the

difference." The dad said, "That may be true, but the kids would

have known the difference." In other words, that father was

modeling integrity before his children, which can affect

their lives forever. So it's practicing integrity in those

little areas of our life, and let me just say this real quick.

Before I actually came up here to tape this broadcast today, I

was praying about it this morning, and I just wanted to

say this real quick because you can hear a message like this and

think, "I want that. I want the advantage. But I've made so many

mistakes, there's no way I can say I've got a life of

integrity. Look at my past." But you know, you look at David in

the Bible. David committed adultery. He committed murder.

In fact, he said he was so miserable inside, finally he

came before the Lord. He repented, he asked the Lord to

forgive him, and do you know later in life the Bible actually

says that God described David as a man after my own heart? That

was after the adultery and the murder. In other words, God can

restore your reputation. He can restore your peace in your mind.

He can restore years that have been stolen from you,

relationships that have been devastated. God is in the

restoration business, so when you cry out, you

get that restoration, you're gonna get the

advantage. Watch this and I'll be right back.

ANNOUNCER: You can prosper and succeed when others

struggle and worry, because you have an advantage.

You can enjoy new opportunities and favor when others are stuck

in a rut because you have an advantage. As a thank you for

your ministry gift of any amount, Terri would like to send

you her vital teaching, the Advantage. You'll discover the

benefits and blessings that come from a life of integrity,

practical ways to develop this advantage in your life, how

success and breakthroughs can be hindered or accelerated, and

much more. Don't go another day limited or confused when God has

so much more for you. Get the Advantage today by calling

toll-free 800-795-5597, or visit us at, and with your

ministry donation of any amount, we'll send you this valuable

resource as our thank you for your generous support.

Call or go online today to get the advantage

that brings promotion, rewards, and success.

TERRI: Hey, so we're talking about the advantage, the

single attribute that I believe can bring

promotion, reward, and success. I heard someone say that if you

have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have

integrity, nothing else matters. Well, I believe integrity is

what gives us the advantage, and if we ignore some of these

practical steps to gain that integrity, we could be missing

out on the biggest breakthroughs of our lives. I like to teach

from a very practical point of view, and I want to share with

you three practical steps that you can apply today to gain the

advantage. What is integrity again? It's doing the right

thing when nobody's looking. It's honoring your word. It's

being trustworthy. In other words, what you say and what you

do, they match. You know, every next level that God has for us,

it demands that we come up higher. So don't feel bad about

yourself. Don't feel bad about, well, I haven't lived a lot of

integrity in the past. Trust me, there's a lot of things in my

life I wish so bad I could just push delete on, I could erase

it, I could pretend it didn't happen. But you know what? I

love what John Maxwell says. He says, "It's not where you start,

but whether you start." We can start today to apply these

practical steps so that we can develop that integrity and gain

the advantage. You ready for the first one? The first practical

step to gain the advantage is, number one, keep your

commitment. Keep your commitments. What I mean by that

is whether it's going to the gym every morning, whatever it is,

practice keeping your commitments with yourself. It

could be reading a daily devotional, and you said, I'm

gonna do this every single morning before I head out the

door. Then keep your commitment. It could be journaling your time

with the Lord. Maybe you've started to understand the

importance of practicing hearing God's voice and you think, you

know what? I want to hear God's voice more, so I'm gonna

practice every morning just journaling my time with the

Lord. If you said you're gonna do it, keep your commitment. It

might even be supporting a ministry. You know a lot of

times we sign up to be partners with a ministry, and then we

forget. I've heard statistics where the average partner who

thinks they give every month actually gives nine times out of

the year, but we think we're giving 12. Isn't that crazy?

Even in my life, in order to start practicing integrity with

my partnerships with ministries, I had to sign up for the auto

deduct so that way it goes out every month. It could be taking

your grandma to dinner every Thursday. Whatever it is, if you

said you're gonna do it, keep your commitments. Or going to a

Bible study or maybe a friend, you promised them you'd go to a

conference with them. Like the Icing Conference that's coming

up, and you told someone, "I'm gonna go with you." If you said

it, practice keeping your commitments. The reason why is

because it builds your reputation. It's like Ralph

Waldo Emerson said. He said, "Who you are speaks so loudly, I

can't hear what you're saying." People trust in those who stick

with something. Being a person of integrity, it's not a

two-week experiment. It just becomes a lifestyle. I'm sure

you know people who, every time they say something, you know

they're not reliable, they're not gonna back up what they

said. You can't count on them. When people get into that rut,

that behavior pattern of don't trust what they say, they said

they're gonna be there, I doubt it, that builds a reputation and

it just proves a lack of integrity. We have to just start

practicing integrity by keeping our commitments, so if you say

you're gonna do something, just back it up with action. Number

two is be consistent. You need consistency to have integrity. I

was listening to this guy, he was talking about integrity and

how it means trust. He said, "You know, like McDonald's. This

is why we trust McDonald's. We might not even like McDonald's.

We might not even crave their smashed-up flat hamburgers. The

pickle is the same everywhere you go. It's off-center, it's

flat, it doesn't look that great, but here's the thing.

It's consistent. No matter where you go. In fact, I've had

McDonald's in Jerusalem. I've had McDonald's in Paris. I've

had McDonald's in Crowley, Texas. And you know what? It's

consistent. It tastes the same no matter where you go." It's

the same with being a person of integrity. They say if you want

to be taken seriously, be consistent. Consistent action

brings consistent results, and see, consistency is far greater

than rare moments of greatness. Practicing integrity or keeping

your word, being the same person in front of people as you are

when nobody's looking, the rewards are it brings increase,

favor, blessings, promotion. People get promoted in a company

when they're consistent. It brings open doors in your life

like never before. In fact, I remember one time my dad said

the Lord told him, he said, "Your integrity will speak

louder than your message." Well, when you're consistent, like I

said, people trust you. In fact, I wanted to share this story

with you that I thought was so interesting. This was about a

guy named Ron Chapman, and if you're from the Dallas, Fort

Worth area and you grew up in the same area I did, you would

remember the name Ron Chapman. He was the most prominent DJ on

the radio back in the 80's and, I guess, 70's, 80's, maybe the

early 90's, I don't remember. But it was pretty interesting

how something happened one morning. This was March 31,

1988. Ron Chapman went on the air at six in the morning like

usual. Like I said, the most prominent DJ in Dallas. Well, he

would spend four hours every morning, he'd give cheer and

encouragement to the loyal listeners as they faced another

day. For 20 years they depended on him, they trusted him, he

cheered them up when they were stuck in traffic. He dared them

to dream when they're stalled in rush hour. In return, his loyal

listeners were faithful to him. His fans didn't dare miss a

morning of KVIL, and Ron Chapman had this thing called a chance

of a lifetime. You never knew what he was gonna come up with

it. One year it was a new car a year for life that he gave away,

or a weekend trip to London, a camel race in Egypt, he was

always giving away these amazing chances of a lifetime. On March

31, he did something different. He said, "Send me $20. That's

all I want. No promise, no explanations, nothing in

return." He knew some of them would do it, but he was shocked

when the next morning, 4,000 checks arrived in the mail and

another 5,000 checks on Monday. He went on the air Monday

afternoon to say, "Don't send any more. That's enough." In

spite of his announcement, people kept sending money under

the door, they're begging the janitor to take it. He said it

was like a stampede to give away $20 for no reason at all. Here's

the thing: there was no worthy cause, no feeding orphans, no

relief for victims, but in their hearts, the donors knew if Ron

Chapman asked for the money, I want to be a part of it. In

fact, I read where he received 12,156 checks in the mail,

equaling a quarter of a million. Well, $240,000, almost a quarter

of a million dollars came in in three days. I mean, newspapers

from all over the world, radio came in, People magazine did a

story on him. People were asking him, "Where did you get this

idea and how dare you ask and why did people respond?" Well,

the bottom line is he had demonstrated integrity for 20

years. They could count on him. They trusted him. People support

a person who demonstrates integrity. Well, I want you to

know, you're being watched. But the good news is, your father,

in fact, Matthew 6:4 says this. "Your Father who sees what is

done in secret will reward you in public." God honors a person

of integrity. My third point, and I don't have a lot of time,

but it's just to set some higher standards. Here's the thing:

you're not like everybody else. God's preparing you for

greatness. And one of the ways you can set some higher

standards is by who you surround yourself with. That is vitally

important to going to the next level. In fact, I've heard

people say your success can be determined in part by who you

surround yourself with, but it can also be determined by who

you do not surround yourself with. So one of the things you

can even ask yourself is who are you spending the most time with?

Do their standards challenge you to come up higher, or do they

cause you to compromise your own standards and beliefs? The Bible

says we walk with wise men, we'll be wise. I want you to

enjoy this so much. In fact, for your donation of any amount, I

want to give you the advantage, because I want you to enjoy the

life that God has for you, and you can do that when you

practice a lifestyle of integrity. When you place value

on your commitments, God places value on you, so I really want

you to get this teaching on the advantage. That's why we're

giving it away for a donation of any amount. Here's the thing,

like I said. God is always watching, and he's eagerly

waiting to promote a person of integrity. Just imagine.

Everything you set your hands to prospers and succeeds, why?

Because you have integrity. Or just imagine doors of favor

opening up for you, why? Because people trust you in your word.

They know they can count on you. Or imagine going to sleep with a

clear conscience because you're the same in front of people as

you are when nobody's looking. Or this. Imagine confidence on

the outside because you have integrity on the inside. God's

gonna give you even opportunities that you don't

even feel qualified for, but because he's been watching you

behind the scenes, preparing you for greatness, you're gonna have

the advantage over the average person. I read where that word

"integrity" actually comes from the word "integer." You may

remember that word in math class. That means "whole." So it

means a person of integrity is whole. Their lives are put

together. So when you discover the advantage, when you discover

the power of integrity, when others are frustrated, they're

struggling, they're confused, they're not getting the

promotion, you are gonna be chosen, set apart, favored, and

given preferential treatment. I want you to get this because I

believe you're gonna save years of struggling to get ahead.

You're gonna save money that could be wasted on poor

decisions. You're gonna save relationships from being

destroyed. And like I said before, God can restore

everything that's been stolen from you. When you start

practicing a lifestyle of integrity, God will restore the

years that were stolen. The benefits are huge. In fact,

Psalm 41:12 says this: "As for me, you will uphold me in my

integrity, and you set me in your presence forever." That

means because of integrity, you have permanent access to the

presence of God. In other words, you're gonna hear his voice,

you're gonna have direction for your life. Can you imagine

knowing which job to take, where to live, who to marry, which

investment to make? That's what happens when we practice a

lifestyle of integrity. So it's easy to go online, or you can

call the number that's on the screen, and we will send this

directly to your house as soon as possible. So take advantage

of this, and like I said, if you want result in your life, it's

time to gain the advantage now. And I'd love to close out by

saying, don't look at all the years you've lost. Let's look at

the years you've got left and start practicing a

life of integrity. Why? So you can live your

dreams. Thank you so much for watching.

ANNOUNCER: You can prosper and succeed when others

struggle and worry, because you have an advantage. You can enjoy

new opportunities and favor when others are stuck in a rut

because you have an advantage. As a thank you for your ministry

gift of any amount, Terri would like to send you her vital

teaching, the Advantage. You'll discover the benefits and

blessings that come from a life of integrity, practical ways to

develop this advantage in your life, how success and

breakthroughs can be hindered or accelerated, and much more.

Don't go another day limited or confused when God has so much

more for you. Get the Advantage today by calling toll-free

800-795-5597, or visit us at, and with your

ministry donation of any amount, we'll send you this valuable

resource as our thank you for your generous support.

Call or go online today to get the advantage

that brings promotion, rewards, and success.

TERRI: I think it's one thing to have a plan, to

have a dream for your life, but when you discover

God's plan, that's the icing on the cake. ANNOUNCER: This is

more than a women's conference, it is a two-day event that can

propel you into your destiny. Start planning now to join Terri

Savelle Foy and thousands of inspiring women from around the

world at Icing 2017. Don't miss out on this life-changing

weekend filled with empowering purpose-driven worship,

teaching, and fellowship. Besides, who doesn't love free

cupcakes. We'll see you at Icing 2017, October 13th

and 14th at the Will Rogers Colosseum in Fort

Worth, Texas. For more information, and to register,

visit us at Don't hesitate, register today.


For more infomation >> The Advantage Of Integrity - Duration: 28:31.


Trying Norwegian Snacks PART 2 - Duration: 14:49.

For more infomation >> Trying Norwegian Snacks PART 2 - Duration: 14:49.


HOW TO NOT BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE (Eng subs) | Sasha Bradbury - Duration: 2:04.

Hey everyone! My name is Sasha

and today I am gonna give you fashion tips

so you look like everyone else

First thing is to buy a trendy coat

Light blue, pink, mint or black color

if you don't have any - go take your granddad's old greatcoat

get rid of moths and wear

Second is to buy high waisted jeans

if you can't find any

you take you ordinary jeans, nail them up to the fence

than you squeeze into them and stretch them right as u need

but you will definitely find them bc there is a mart practically everywhere

3 is to buy a fake thrasher t-shirt

if you don't have it, take your old Aliexpress t-shirt

turn it out and write "Thrasher"

snickers, vans, platform boots

will suit the best for your highwaisted jeans

2 years ago you didn't even know about platform boots

but Internet told you it is trendy

you need to buy round shaped glasses

which will scream about your individuality & how you love reading

but those should be fake glasses of course

bc you just want to look smart

Next trendy things is these tiny backpacks

no matter that you can't put anything into there

you need to be trendy

get this haircut

even if you grow your hair for the whole life

and your mom doesn't allow you to cut it

your mom just don't get it

next but not last thing - is eccentric face

your face must radiate hatred & show contempt for others

bc everyone owes you

Follow these fashion tips

and you will be trendy and just like everyone else

and remember - only you trendy, others just copy your style

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and see u in the next video!

bye bye :)

For more infomation >> HOW TO NOT BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE (Eng subs) | Sasha Bradbury - Duration: 2:04.


New Music Mix 2017 | Best Popular Mix Chill Deep & Tropical House 2017 | By PHILANTROPIC - Duration: 1:00:09.

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