Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

ਪਉੜੀ ॥ Pauree: ਜਿਸੁ ਜਨ ਤੇਰੀ ਭੁਖ ਹੈ ਤਿਸੁ ਦੁਖੁ ਨ ਵਿਆਪੈ ॥ No pain afflicts that humble being who hungers for You, Lord. ਜਿਨਿ ਜਨਿ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਬੁਝਿਆ ਸੁ ਚਹੁ ਕੁੰਡੀ ਜਾਪੈ ॥ That humble Gurmukh who understands, is celebrated in the four directions. ਜੋ ਨਰੁ ਉਸ ਕੀ ਸਰਣੀ ਪਰੈ ਤਿਸੁ ਕੰਬਹਿ ਪਾਪੈ ॥ Sins run away from that man, who seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord. ਜਨਮ ਜਨਮ ਕੀ ਮਲੁ ਉਤਰੈ ਗੁਰ ਧੂੜੀ ਨਾਪੈ ॥ The filth of countless incarnations is washed away, bathing in the dust of the Guru's feet. ਜਿਨਿ ਹਰਿ ਭਾਣਾ ਮੰਨਿਆ ਤਿਸੁ ਸੋਗੁ ਨ ਸੰਤਾਪੈ ॥ Whoever submits to the Lord's Will does not suffer in sorrow. ਹਰਿ ਜੀਉ ਤੂ ਸਭਨਾ ਕਾ ਮਿਤੁ ਹੈ ਸਭਿ ਜਾਣਹਿ ਆਪੈ ॥ O Dear Lord, You are the friend of all; all believe that You are theirs. ਐਸੀ ਸੋਭਾ ਜਨੈ ਕੀ ਜੇਵਡੁ ਹਰਿ ਪਰਤਾਪੈ ॥ The glory of the Lord's humble servant is as great as the Glorious Radiance of the Lord. ਸਭ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਜਨ ਵਰਤਾਇਆ ਹਰਿ ਜਨ ਤੇ ਜਾਪੈ ॥੮॥ Among all, His humble servant is pre-eminent; through His humble servant, the Lord is known. ||8||

For more infomation >> Soul Touching Kirtan - ਹਰਿ ਜੀਉ - Bhai Gurluvleen Singh - Duration: 22:39.


Conchita Wurst - Leporello (Ö1), 12.05.2017 (incl. subtitles) - Duration: 3:46.


Culture for the ears.

Art ist such a huge concept and it is so

complex, so of course there are genres

which by one or the other person are not

understood like others. And that's why

I think it's great that we at least

try to convey this at the Rathausplatz

because there will definitely be pieces of music

offered, which perhaps

haven't had such a big

stage before, and there will be

songs that you know well, but they

are dipped into a new perfume by us!

Conchita will open the Wiener Festwochen

tonight at the Rathausplatz, and

along the way she will make

appearances musically too.

The musical range of the opening ceremony

ranges from the Wiener Symphoniker

over Harri Stojka to MoZuluArt.

Because once again the Wiener

Festwochen want to be genre-

spanning and a festival for everyone.

And of course that is always

very subjective, because there are

people who get goosebumps when

Whitney Houston sings and could

cry right away, and others think:

‚Oh, these tear jerkers!' And that's why it's so

wonderful, that we have this opportunity

at the Festwochen, to present

such a broad range.

Conchita is a bit accustomed to the

arrangement with an orchestra in her back,

after her appearance at the

Sydney Opera last year, she

also recently arranged an

evening with the Bruckner Orchestra in Linz.

Orchestra is, of course, always like highest

accolade, I think, because there are just

between 40 and sometimes up to 80 musicians

opposite of you which you then in

one way or the other as a

single person - I don't want to say outshine -

but in some way to

dominate with a single voice,

is a great challenge with an orchestra

Conchita is well known far

beyond the national borders.

She carries her statements on diversity

and against discrimination out into the whole world.

Is art a means for her of

playing and of dreaming, to

ultimately change reality?

I think that art - at least what I do -

is always a result of reality,

always hard and honest.

It is dreaming, art is

definititely an alternative to

reality, but nevertheless I am

convinced: actually it is an

insanely honest reflection of

reality, even if it's perhaps a little

more colourful, a little more absurd

and exaggerated, but in truth it

is often only the exaggeration of

what actually happens.

Conchita travels a lot and could work everywhere

according to herself. Nevertheless she

always likes to come back to Vienna.

I love to be in Vienna. I grew up in

Styria, I came to Vienna

and I - as cheesy as it sounds -

simply fell in love, and I

do it again and again!

Especially when I'm on the road

through the city, be it privately or

professionally, and you drive homewards

through the night - perhaps even a

little drunk, then I'm always very

melancholic - and you drive past the opera,

then you think to yourself again and again:

Wow, what a beautiful piece of earth

I can live on! Vienna has so much to offer,

and you CAN visit a techno part

and you CAN also if you want it

dive into history for two weeks

and every day you will be

overwhelmed and surprised! And that

is the diversity, that we all speak of

which is truly the case.

I think Vienna is the perfect

mix of Berlin and Paris!

For more infomation >> Conchita Wurst - Leporello (Ö1), 12.05.2017 (incl. subtitles) - Duration: 3:46.


HOW TO NOT BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE (Eng subs) | Sasha Bradbury - Duration: 2:04.

Hey everyone! My name is Sasha

and today I am gonna give you fashion tips

so you look like everyone else

First thing is to buy a trendy coat

Light blue, pink, mint or black color

if you don't have any - go take your granddad's old greatcoat

get rid of moths and wear

Second is to buy high waisted jeans

if you can't find any

you take you ordinary jeans, nail them up to the fence

than you squeeze into them and stretch them right as u need

but you will definitely find them bc there is a mart practically everywhere

3 is to buy a fake thrasher t-shirt

if you don't have it, take your old Aliexpress t-shirt

turn it out and write "Thrasher"

snickers, vans, platform boots

will suit the best for your highwaisted jeans

2 years ago you didn't even know about platform boots

but Internet told you it is trendy

you need to buy round shaped glasses

which will scream about your individuality & how you love reading

but those should be fake glasses of course

bc you just want to look smart

Next trendy things is these tiny backpacks

no matter that you can't put anything into there

you need to be trendy

get this haircut

even if you grow your hair for the whole life

and your mom doesn't allow you to cut it

your mom just don't get it

next but not last thing - is eccentric face

your face must radiate hatred & show contempt for others

bc everyone owes you

Follow these fashion tips

and you will be trendy and just like everyone else

and remember - only you trendy, others just copy your style

Subscribe to my ig at the link in the description

Subscribe to my channel

and see u in the next video!

bye bye :)

For more infomation >> HOW TO NOT BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE (Eng subs) | Sasha Bradbury - Duration: 2:04.


New Music Mix 2017 | Best Popular Mix Chill Deep & Tropical House 2017 | By PHILANTROPIC - Duration: 1:00:09.

music mix 2017 popular songs, music mix summer 2017, music mix pop, music mix chill, music mix motivation

Deep house 2017 and deep house mix, deep house ibiza, deep house vocal 2017, deep house chill out mix, New music mix 2017, popular mix, house music and tropical house mix,

For more infomation >> New Music Mix 2017 | Best Popular Mix Chill Deep & Tropical House 2017 | By PHILANTROPIC - Duration: 1:00:09.


Dream BIG, Work HARD! - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:04.

through education you can also better yourselves in other ways you learn how

to learn how to think critically and find solutions to unexpected challenges

I remember we used to ask our teachers why am I going to need algebra well you

may not have to solve for X to get a good job or to be a good parent but you

will need to think through tough problems you'll need to think on your

feet you'll need to know how to gather facts and evaluate information so math

teachers you can tell your students that the president says they need algebra

education also teaches you the value of discipline that the greatest rewards

come not from instant gratification but from sustained effort and from hard work

there's a lesson that's especially true today in a culture that prizes flash

over substance that tells us that the goal in life is to be entertained that

says you can be famous just for being famous and you get on a

reality show don't know what you've done suddenly you're famous but that's not

gonna lead to lasting sustained achievement and finally with the right

education both at home and at school you can learn how to be a better human being

for when you read a great story

you learn about an important moment in history it helps you imagine what it

would be like to walk in somebody else's shoes to know their struggles the

success of our economy will depend on your skills but the success of our

community will depend on your ability to follow the Golden Rule treat others as

you would like to be treated good life everyone wants the good life

but some people it may be relaxing on a beach for some people it may be

traveling infinite freedom people spend thousands of pounds or dollars to go to

university to study to get a job so all of us so many of us on the planet we are

always striving for something we're striving for the better life what's

helped me on my journey is to see the secret many of us we're so caught up in

the outcome that we forget about the process to live better we have to tune

into the process which is a present moment

many of us we're working day in day out

but in the process we are killing ourselves and by the time we have what

we want it doesn't even matter anymore so on my

journey I say I am already there is fantastic I don't say I want happiness I

remove the "I" which is the ego the want which is the desire I say happiness you

know not just getting to my hip hop form but that's just what it is okay and I'm

just trying to set the bar that you can do what you want to do because the world is

yours disregard the loud

ladies walking past I'm just funnying ladies

you can do whatever you want the world is yours and I'm telling the young cats

our generation don't discriminate against anybody because we're all one

generation and that's some important yo know I mean who would have thought a

ghetto kid would go ... from the hood will be in Vogue

and GQ on the same month in the same month at the same time about the same

who would have ever thought Interview magazine would have did

spread who would've ever thought complex magazine a cover with a game designer

Jeremy Scott which was an idol of mine because I admired his fashion and I

admired his art since late teen who would've thought I would have did that

you know why because I didn't let the negativity hold me back and that's

what's holding y'all back negativity man straight up don't give a what nobody says dude

feels right to you you know who you are you know who you are be you and I'm me

I'm happy being me feel good to be me right now man straight up the universe of

passion is open to everybody but many people don't know they believe passion

should come down from the from the sky no you go to find your passion passion

will not come to you is like luck luck cannot come to you you can buy as many

lot of things you can make bets on Barcelona and Madrid luck will never

come to you but you go to luck that's much more secure you go and go to take

luck if you are a state in luck comes down to you forget you will die and no

luck will have ever come luck is a process where you move to luck and you

take luck and you say come on luck I keep you now and you take another one

tomorrow and so on the forth thing that I personally did to beat procrastination

and to achieve impossible things my most meaningful goals was to create

distraction free environments now I want to share two things with you I read that

recently Andre Agassi's fantastic book open and in open he talks about the fact

that when it comes to his tennis bag no one touches it and when he was asked why

can't anyone touch your tennis bag he said because when there's disorder in my

tennis bag there's distraction in my mind similarly

when there is disorder in your workplace when there's disorder in your home when

there's disorder in your physical environments when there's too much

distractions you will not be focused you will procrastinate and you will not

get big things done I guess what I'm suggestion to you is in your work

environments so whatever those work environments are if there are if there's

distraction if there's Facebook notifications on if there's mess all of

those things will allow you or encourage you to procrastinate you'll check your

Facebook feed you'll check Twitter if you if there's papers around what you'll

do is you'll start picking up the papers what you want to do as much as possible

what I personally did that was really another game changer was these

distraction free work environments even when you read the fantastic Walter

Isaacson books Steve Jobs in here he talks about Next that was the company he

went to after he was thrown out of Apple and one of the first things he did when

he went to next he painted everything white and they asked him like why is

everything white why is everything so perfect why are there no distractions

anywhere there's nothing on the walls even the manufacturing facilities all

white he said because I want to be able to think really clearly I don't want to

be distracted I want to get my most important mission done so the fourth

idea that worked for me I know it worked for you is distraction free environments

clean up the distractions work alone as much as possible get rid of the clutter

because mess creates stress it diminishes your focus and it allows you

or encourages you to procrastinate back in high school I was

diagnosed with ADHD so the classroom was a pretty painful place it was hard work

to spend more than half a minute's attention in any lecture regardless of

how much I enjoyed the subject matter and by the way you know I mentioned it's

not because I'm seeking sympathy but I want to emphasize that we all have

different handicaps and it's how we choose to handle them that's what's

important we can be paralyzed by self-pity we can lower our our

expectations we can give up entirely but those of us who choose to power through

and simply opt for redoubling our efforts improve our chances for success

dramatically but you cannot just get into analysis paralysis either and

that's why you also have to on a daily basis actualize your dreams what I mean

by that well I'm sure you I hope you've read some Abraham Maslow and his

concept of self-actualization becoming our best but you have to actually show

up every day and inch yourself forward toward these dreams and not only show

up every day and once in a while inch yourself I mean every day you have to

actually take an action that moves you forward not just research not just

thinking look the power of an intention is great but without any initiative it's

dead right a dream is great but without any movement it's dead you have to be

moving towards every day you can send an email every day you can make a call

every day you can write something every day you can create something every day

you can contribute something every day but it has to be daily otherwise it will

never become actualized and the highest performers in the world didn't get there

because they were lucky they worked at it longer than everyone else they had a

better work ethic and it's not that they necessarily always worked harder they

work smarter because they were doing the research they were taking the time to

visualize how they would be distinct different how they would survive the

tough times they really kept at it keep every single day momentum

going and if you don't do that there's no chance

For more infomation >> Dream BIG, Work HARD! - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:04.


L-FRESH The LION - RACI$T / OUR WORLD | YouTube Creators for Change - Duration: 5:04.










POWER I got the world inside my hands

a system, I'm the centre, created to over stand

MONEY global affairs, it's only fair

I'm the judge, jury and executioner of this land

WEALTH accumulate, accumulate, accumulate

hah, you better cough it up coz I move with super weight

GREED I gotta have it, I'm a take it, force of

habit, destroy nations across the atlas, cause displacement, wreaking havoc


I size em up, regions I divide em up make em need what I have got but kick them if they climbing up


this the tactic, find some people call em backwards

their whole culture is too savage, so I take control and manage

PLANT THE SEED make em do my bidding, some will think that

they are winning but they're written out of history books right

from the beginning I'M A RACIST

All praise the power, for the good, there's nothing greater

and if you don't assimilate then you must be a traitor


We are not alone in this world of ours, a suitable sight to

behold, I call it home where dreams are seeds planted, nourished

by love and understanding so a beautiful reality's grown

minds gets blown wide open when they travel the globe

here's hoping there's a round ticket for the average soul

to come to understand, the many ways of life for man

and that it's by pure luck we get to call a country our own

but some have their roots so uprooted they have to leave it

even if their hearts aren't in agreement but the goals to survive working overtime

during holiday seasons you see, my parents were too busy for grieving

if only you could see them...

what they give back to the land that feeds them

sown with their own hands: opportunities for their children to exercise their freedom

realise our potential and strive for great achievements

to be grateful, I don't need a reason born in South West Sydney, I'm thankful

to be breathing a son of two migrants who arrived as strange

visitors in a foreign land and became willing participants

their culture kept them strong while people dissed their differences

celebrating Vaisakhi while treating us to Christmases

now our smiles are on display as framed images hanging above the desk where I write this

as a lyricist This is our world...

It cannot be taken from me it cannot be taken from me

this is our world

it cannot be taken from me it cannot be taken from me

this is our world

it cannot be taken from me it cannot be taken from me

coz basically This is our world

this is our world

ignorance breeds fear so I've been told and fear makes your heart go cold

but there's countless stories that go untold which make me realise that there's so much

in this world I'll never know shit… in this world I'll never know

there's so much in this world I'll never know

so I take a look around, soak it in and double down

there's much complexity involved why do we dumb it down?

I get up early morning, yawning as I awake resisting divisions that make my mental break

fantasising bout a world where equality is realised

and there's equity for those who's motherlands are colonised

history repeats so LION don't you sleep your future's been predicted in a tirade

of tweets tryna succeed in a system not designed for

me the proof's in the every day if you decipher

what you see some lives are valued more and others are

valued less there's rich & white on one end, on the other's

Indigenous tell me that ain't some wickedness

nothing will change if we stay focused on our own lanes and self-interests

I don't do politics so I can't spin it less

living in a divided world tryna be division-less shouting at deaf ears in a nation of indifference

surrounded by man-made walls, we're all prisoners

trapped in a cycle of comments sections and statuses

void of any compassion, facts or analysis tryna gather up the energy to make it through

the savageness this a one way train, I smile and wave at

the passengers surely there's another way, another path

I was taught love always wins coz hate can never last

and a story can soften even the hardest of hearts

if that's the case, maybe victory's within our grasp

this is our world

It cannot be taken from me it cannot be taken from me

this is our world

it cannot be taken from me it cannot be taken from me

this is our world

it cannot be taken from me it cannot be taken from me

coz basically This is our world

this is our world

For more infomation >> L-FRESH The LION - RACI$T / OUR WORLD | YouTube Creators for Change - Duration: 5:04.


5 ГИГАНТОВ ИЗ РЕАЛЬНОЙ ЖИЗНИ №2 - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> 5 ГИГАНТОВ ИЗ РЕАЛЬНОЙ ЖИЗНИ №2 - Duration: 3:49.


✬PERNAS GROSSAS EM 21 DIAS II✬ 6 Exercícios Para Ter Pernas Grossas Em Casa Treino de Pernas e Coxas - Duration: 16:56.

For more infomation >> ✬PERNAS GROSSAS EM 21 DIAS II✬ 6 Exercícios Para Ter Pernas Grossas Em Casa Treino de Pernas e Coxas - Duration: 16:56.


Top 5 Fruits for Fat Loss in INDIA - Duration: 5:15.

Who doesn't like eating fruits?

Fruits are tasty.

They help us fulfil our sugary cravings and they are packed with essential vitamins and


But should you be eating fruits during your weight loss journey?

Well, surely you can eat any fruit during weight loss as long as you stay in calorie


However, there are some fruits which will actually help you reduce weight.

So, in this video I am going to share with you 5 fruits which will help you cut the fat

from your body and of course, they are available in Indian markets.

I have ranked these fruits considering various factors like glycemic load, the amount of

calories and fibre content.

So, without any further delay, let's get started.

Hello Friends!

Welcome to Fit Tuber.

Among the top 5 fruits for weight loss, ranked at #5 is pear.

Pear, which is known as Naashpati in Hindi is low in calories and is packed with nutrients.

It is rich in fibre called Pectin which is known to suppress hunger.

Pears also help stabilise the cholesterol levels in your body.

They have a low glycemic load.

This lower glycemic load results in the slower absorption of carbohydrates in the blood stream.

Hence, there won't be any rapid spike or fall in the blood sugar levels.

And if your blood sugar levels are in check, you will automatically crave for other foods.

Pears are also full of antioxidants which help release the toxins from the body, further

helping in weight loss.

100 grams of pear has only 57 calories.

Pears are available in this season.

So, if you are looking for fat loss, go and grab some.

Apple is available in India all around the year.

We all know the numerous health benefits of an apple.

And it finds a special mention when it comes to weight loss.

100 grams of apple has only 52 calories.

It is rich in dietary fibre which keeps up full for a longer period of time.

More importantly, apples are packed with polyphenols.

Polyphenols are known to boost your metabolism.

When it comes to cutting fat from your body, high metabolism is your #1 weapon.

The higher the metabolism you will have, the faster you will burn calories.

So, an apple a day, keeps the fat away.

Oranges are super rich in vitamin C which is very helpful for weight loss.

Orange becomes a great choice of fruit in a weight loss diet as it is low in calories,

low in glycemic load and high in fibre.

100 grams of orange has only 47 calories.

Orange is also known to keep your digestive strong.

This keeps your body free from toxins because of smooth bowel movements.

Oranges are also rich in antioxidants which keep your immune system strong.

Muskmelon, also known as Cantaloupe, is known as Kharbooja in Hindi.

Muskmelons are one of the best fruits when it comes to fat loss.

100 grams of muskmelon has only 34 calories.

Muskmelons are one of the best fruits that you can have for fat loss.

This is because they are rich in beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is a natural fat burner.

Muskmelons are also high in water content which gives your body a sense of fullness.

Now, before I reveal the top fruit for weight loss, here are a few honourable mentions.

The #1 fruit for weight loss which is available in Indian markets is Watermelon.

Watermelon, as the name suggest has 91% water and 6% sugar.

Consuming watermelon will ensure that your body is hydrated.

And when you have plenty of water in your system, it automatically flushes toxins out

of it.

Proper hydration also ensures that you do not go for binge eating.

Because watermelon is so rich in water, as compared to other fruits your body will feel

satiated for a long period of time.

Not only this, watermelon is also rich in beta-carotene, the natural fat burner.

So, if you want to lose weight, watermelon is your go to fruit.

So, these were some fruits that you should prefer when your goal is to lose weight.

You can have fruits at any time of the day.

The best time to have fruits is post workout as your body readily absorbs all the fruit


Just avoid having fruits at night.

More importantly, always prefer fruits which are in the season.

So friends!

I hope you found this video helpful.

Well, if you did, please do give it a THUMBS UP and also please do remember to SUBSCRIBE

to my channel.

My name is Vivek, I THANK YOU so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Fruits for Fat Loss in INDIA - Duration: 5:15.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Papai Smurf em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Papai Smurf em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:07.


Breaking News LIVE . Press Briefing with Ambassador Nikki Haley Today 9/22/17 - White House News - Duration: 20:52.

For more infomation >> Breaking News LIVE . Press Briefing with Ambassador Nikki Haley Today 9/22/17 - White House News - Duration: 20:52.


Ke Apon Ke Por Full Episode 22 Sep 2017 - Duration: 2:15.

Ke Apon Ke Por Full Episode 22 Sep 2017

Ke Apon Ke Por Full Episode 22 Sep 2017

Ke Apon Ke Por Full Episode 22 Sep 2017

For more infomation >> Ke Apon Ke Por Full Episode 22 Sep 2017 - Duration: 2:15.


Top 10 Bollywood Heroines Unseen Childhood/Teenage Pictures - Duration: 3:31.

Bollywood heroines Unseen Childhood Pictures

For more infomation >> Top 10 Bollywood Heroines Unseen Childhood/Teenage Pictures - Duration: 3:31.


undertale AUs comic Do You Mind!(vietsub bật CC) - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> undertale AUs comic Do You Mind!(vietsub bật CC) - Duration: 0:50.


Essence of Murli 23-09-2017 - Duration: 6:08.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 23rd September 2017

( On the 3rd day of Navratri festival lets hear Sweet Sweet Baapdada's Murli ..... )

Essence: Sweet children, your bodies are not guaranteed. Therefore, do today any auspicious task you want to perform. Don't leave it till tomorrow.

( Why delay when there is no guarantee I will live till then)

Question: What is the way to make everything of yours successful, that is, to become prosperous?

Answer: Make Shiv Baba your Heir (child) and He will make you prosperous for 21 births.

He is the only one who becomes everyone's Child and makes everything successful for everyone.

However, some are afraid; they think that they will perhaps have to give away everything they have.

Baba says: There is no question of being afraid. Continue to look after your children etc.

Sustain them, but remember this Child ( Supreme Father Supreme Soul ) and He will make you prosperous.

If you surrender yourself to this Child, He will serve you a great deal.

Essence for dharna: 1. Maya has woven a very big web. Therefore, remove yourself from that web by remembering the Father.

Engage yourself in carrying out an auspicious task.

Don't trap yourself in the web of any bodily being. Remove your attachment from everyone.

2. Give others the enlightenment of knowledge that you have received.

Renounce body consciousness and do service in many different ways. Become a stick for the blind.

Blessing: May you be souls who are embodiments of success, who receive good fruit from the seed of good thoughts.

Every thought for the self and for others will be successful for the souls who are embodiments of success.

They achieve success in their every action.

Whatever words they speak become practical and this is why they are said to be true versions.

Every thought, word and deed of souls who are embodiments of success are successful; they are not wasteful.

If the seed of thought is very good, but the fruit that emerges from it is not,

then the land of determination is not good or there is a lack of attention.

Slogan: To be free from any wave of sorrow means to perform every deed as a karma yogi.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 23-09-2017 - Duration: 6:08.


S. Korea, U.S. agree to expand rotational deployment of U.S. military assets around Korean peninsula - Duration: 2:43.

Let's begin in New York.

On the last day of the UN General Assembly, Presidents Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump agreed

to maintain an overwhelming deterrence against North Korea.

Then in another summit including their Japanese counterpart the trio made it clear the strongest

response measures are required to coax Pyongyang back to talks.

Connie Kim has our top story.

The second meeting between the leaders of South Korea and the United States in New York

focused on ways to pressure North Korea for its nuclear weapons program.

Such measures included expanding the rotational deployment of U.S. strategic assets around

the Korean peninsula and neighboring countries.

(Korean) "North Korea's provocation is extremely deplorable

and this has angered both me and my people.

The United States has responded firmly to the North's provocation and I am very satisfied

that there is very close cooperation between the South Korea and the United States."

(English) "Our real focus will be on the military and

our relationship with South Korea which is excellent, which is really excellent.

So, we're going to start that process right now."

Following the summit, the presidential office highlighted details of the closed-door talks

on maintaining overwhelming deterrence against North Korea.

(Korean) "The two leaders agreed to strengthen their

countries' joint defense capabilities through Seoul's acquisition and development of the

most advanced U.S. military assets.

They also agreed to expand the rotational deployment of U.S. military assets around

Korea and neighboring countries."

Exerting the strongest pressure and sanctions was the name of the game when Japanese Prime

Minister Shinzo Abe joined Presidents Moon and Trump for an hour-long meeting.

Noting that the recently adopted UN Security Council resolution was a strong move from

the international community,... Abe emphasized the need for even stronger measures, while

supporting Trump's executive order expanding U.S. sanctions on North Korea.

(Japanese/ AP) "We are going into a new stage of pressure,

exercising stronger pressures, new pressures, and I welcome the new sanctions measures by

the United States."

And to further corner the North,... the three leaders have also agreed to cooperate with

China and Russia,... the two key nations that are reluctant in choking North Korea's life


As North Korea hints that it has no intention of putting a stop to its nuclear ambition,...

Seoul, Washington and Tokyo are continuing to call for stronger pressure on the regime.

The key now is whether diplomacy will work, as concerns are mounting that time is running

out to reach a peaceful solution with the reclusive regime.

Connie Kim, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea, U.S. agree to expand rotational deployment of U.S. military assets around Korean peninsula - Duration: 2:43.


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