Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

Hi! Let's get back to this tank.

I have to make it matt again.

And the whole tank with matt varnish on.

First I'm going to use this product - AK Interactive Streaking Grime

I want to achieve this kind of effect.

It's enamel based, so I'll use white spirit for cleaning.

Now some light rust here and there.

Now I'm going to mix those paints fifty fifty.

This will imitate old rust.

This one to highlight deeper scratches.

This pigment is perfect for imitating shiny metal.

Now's the time for some mud. Those pigments will be of use.

I'll fix them with this product.

First the fixer, so the pigments could stick.

And fixer again.

I'll dust all the bottom of the tank without the fixer.

The fixer is enamel, so I'll clean tracks a little with a white spirit.

Some more dark steel effect on tracks.

And that's the result of this stage.

But this tank is not finished yet.

Subscribe to my channel, so you won't miss next episode.


For more infomation >> Model Chieftain Mk.5 - 1/35 Tamiya - Streaks and Pigments - Duration: 17:33.


Prison Bus Remodel #17 - Preparing to Plumb - Duration: 9:28.

Hail to the bus driver, bus driver, bus driver, Hail to the bus driver, bus driver man!

He drinks and he cusses, he wrecks all the buses ... Hail to the bus driver, bus driver


This week, I found myself finishing up a few jobs that I hadn't closed out on the prison


I've learned that the best way to move through a project is to sequence everything ... then

completely finish each step before moving on to the next one.

Well ... I haven't always done that ... so it's time to play catch up.

I'd wired the bus, as you might have seen in a previous video, but I still had a few

12 volt runs to install, and then an alternating current run for an air conditioning unit I

finally decided on ... and then grounding wires for both wiring systems.

After talking with some of my helpful internet buddies about different grounding options,

I opted to ground the systems to the internal frame of the bus instead of to the chassis

down below.

I did this to keep the ground connections clean and intact over time.

I know the other way makes sense, too, but since this is really a back-up and secondary

grounding set-up, I went

the way that

I did.

Another unfinished job you saw at the beginning of this video involved pulling down another

half of one of my old headbanger AC units.

Why pull things out from under the bus?

I've started to need to make more room for both a black tank (for the toilet) and a gray

tank (to drain the sinks and shower).

So I need under bus room.

Lots of it.

Another unfinished job: I previously pulled a dozen speakers out of the ceiling of the

bus because I didn't like how they looked and the ones that did work weren't very good


But this left a dozen holes in the ceiling which have been sitting there for ... several


It was time to cover these holes.

After cutting a dozen six-inch metal saucers, I sanded them smooth and screwed them in place.

I thought a bit about how out of place they looked ... but then convinced myself that

they'll look better when they're painted.

I also riveted up some holes in the ceiling.

My rivet gun worked for a while then kind of worked then got jammed ... so I switched

to a conventional hand riveter.

I have a lot more to say about rivets and their virtues and limitations in comparison

to screws, but I'll save that for a future video when I'm doing a lot more riveting.

With loose ends tied up, it was time for something new: PLUMBING!

I started by building a low cabinet to store my freshwater tank.

This was made more solid by the wheel well underneath it.

Then I got to work roughing in the area around the toilet and sink.

Note that the bathroom proper ... toilet and sink ... and then the shower ... exist across

two sides of my back hallway.

My plan at the moment is to fashion a door that swings out to close that area off, making

a nice big bathroom ... I'm about 90% sold on that plan.

In framing up the toilet area, I became reacquainted with the fact that you kind of have to throw

out much of what you know about building things to work on a prison bus.

By this I mean that traditional carpentry is all about making things level.

My bus itself isn't level and will likely never be fully level, so you can't really

build things to level inside the bus.

So I'm going with square.

Square to the floor, square to the walls, and generally lined up with things like windows.

And I screwed as much of this framing into the metal walls and ceiling as I could, which

is proving to make for pretty solid connections.

With the space of the toilet-side of the bathroom partially defined with some walls, I was free

to locate the toilet.

Lovers of the old stainless-steel prison bus toilet can shed a tear with me now when I

say that I decided NOT to refurbish the old prison bus toilet.

I know: it's sad.

The deal is that it turned out that while beautiful looking and solid and full of stories,

the old prison bus toilet is in fact AIR POWERED.

This means that to give it a flush ... water first moves your stuff down into an internal

chamber, then a powerful blast of air from the bus's air compressor sends the poo off

to the black tank.

The air comes through this hose that I previously cut, not knowing it was an air hose.

Elegant as this water and air powered system is, my bus's air compressor doesn't hold pressure

for more than a few days when the bus is parked and not running, and the thought of having

to fire up the bus to pressurize the compressor's tank to flush the toilet ... didn't, sound,


But think of this: the toilet will no longer be flushed by the press of a button up by

the driver's seat.

So that's progress.

I went with a low-boy plastic RV toilet from Amazon, which is almost like a toilet-squatty-potty


It cost me about a hundred bucks, which is much less than new parts for the old stainless-steel


So I'm good with the decision.

And then ... I had a problem: I had planned to sneak the black tank under the toilet and

actually inside the rear outside gear compartment on the bus, but I finally realized that securing

the weighty black tank while inside the storage compartment would be pretty darn near impossible.

So I decided to CUT OUT the rear outside gear compartments ...

and then my plan is to move them up on the bus beside the forward outside gear compartments.

With the storage boxes taken down, there was plenty of room for the black tank to reside

directly under the toilet.

And once you cut one hole in the bus, why not cut another?

So I cut a hole for my water inflow lines on the other side of the bus.

The bus will have two types of water intake lines ... pressurized and non-pressurized,

just like it's got two kinds of tanks (black and gray) AND two kinds of electric power

(alternating and direct current).

This bus is a landscape of duplicate and complimentary systems.

But it will just have a water-flushing toilet, not an air plus water flushing toilet.

So I guess you could say that I've simplified things.

In my next video: finishing up the plumbing system and moving toward tricking it out in


You'll see that next.

For more infomation >> Prison Bus Remodel #17 - Preparing to Plumb - Duration: 9:28.



For more infomation >> DONE !! THE LATEST THT PACKAGE OPENING THE FINA MOBILE MORE THT THERE !! - Duration: 10:19.


BEST CUBE #67 | CUBE лучшее - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> BEST CUBE #67 | CUBE лучшее - Duration: 10:29.


Sh!tlords Anonymous : Random Stream is Random 9/21/2017 - Duration: 3:00:00.

For more infomation >> Sh!tlords Anonymous : Random Stream is Random 9/21/2017 - Duration: 3:00:00.



For more infomation >> EN KRYSTALLKULE SOM VISER ALT! | SE Q&A MED ANNIJOR OG OLABMX | #AskCokeTV - Duration: 4:24.


Kim Jong-un makes unprecedented statement at Trump as N. Korea suggests future H-bomb ... - Duration: 2:43.

North Korea's leader isn't backing down in his war of words against the President of

the United States.

Kim Jong-un threatened to take the "highest level" of response to Trump's latest rhetoric.

According to our Kwon Jang-ho, there are hints... that one possible action by the regime could

be a hydrogen bomb test in the Pacific Ocean.

The stakes in the tit-for-tat rhetoric between the U.S. and North Korea has been raised once


North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un released a statement on Friday, condemning U.S. Prsident

Trump's speech at the UN General Assembly, where he threatened to "totally destroy" North

Korea if forced to defend itself or its allies.

Kim said instead of making any remarks that could have defused tensions, Trump spouted

"unprecedented rude nonsense" that caused "worldwide concern."

He called Trump "mentally deranged" and a "dotard", meaning a senile old person.

Kim said the U.S. President has insulted him and the regime and pledged to take the "highest

level of hard-line countermeasures."

The statement is an unprecedented escalation in rhetoric.

It's believed to be the first time Kim, or any of his predecessors for that matter, has

made such a statement in person on state media.

However, despite this new precedent, one expert says it didn't come as a total surprise.

(Korean - ) "Kim's grandfather and father, Kim Il-sung

and Kim Jong-il, were charismatic and had authority.

They wouldn't have dealt with this kind of situation themselves, they wouldn't have needed


But Kim Jong-un's grip on authority is much weaker, so he HAS to show a strong response

to Trump's comments.

It just shows his limits."

North Korea's top diplomat, Ri Yong-ho, who is in New York for the UN General Assembly,

was asked about Kim's statement.

(Korean - YTN) "In relation to Trump's thoughtless words,

he said he would take the highest level of countermeasures.

I believe that could be a test of our most powerful hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean."

Pyongyang already carried out a nuclear test earlier this month, which it claimed to be

an H-bomb.

But a detonation in the Pacific Ocean would be considered a massive step in provocations,

especially as it would be outside of North Korea's borders.

But for now, experts are skeptical such test will come any time soon..

(Korean - ) "I believe they are technically capable of

carrying it out.

But I think it should be seen as an introduction of a new threat card on the U.S.

They are first more likely to continue test firing Hwasong-14 ICBM missiles into the Pacific,

and then later use that to make further threats about testing an H-bomb there."

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-un makes unprecedented statement at Trump as N. Korea suggests future H-bomb ... - Duration: 2:43.


HiHo Kids Make-A-Wish | Behind the Scenes! - Duration: 7:55.

- Hi everyone, it's Marina from HiHo and Cut.

Back in July we got an email from the

Make-A-Wish Foundation letting us know

that there is an eight year old girl named Kira,

whose Make-A-Wish wish is to be on Kids Try.

We were so stoked.

We've got an awesome menu, are you hungry?

- Yeah.

- Are you ready?

- Yeah.

- Are you gonna try everything?


At this point you've probably seen

all of the Kids Try's that Kira's been in,

but she tried frozen desserts from around the world.

- This looks like a milkshake,

with yellow balls on top, what's on top?

I'm gonna eat the cereal but I'm not gonna eat

the marshmallows because I don't like them.

- She tried candy from around the world

and then she tried molecular gastronomy,

which was a fun thing that we've never done before.

- It tastes like a normal sandwich but,

it looks kind of weird.

- And she totally nailed it.

- This is so fancy.

(everyone laughs)

- But we didn't think that Kids Try was enough

so we had her come back the next day

where we had a special shoot and party lined up for her.

So you guys have all seen the Kids Meet series,

I'm assuming, if not go check them out.

It's a series where we have the HiHo kids

meet and interview someone that they've never met before.

So before we started the actual

Kids Meet interview, Ernie was around.

We reveal the human under the rock.

- No! Hey stop it!

- A lot of you guys have been asking,

"Where's Ernie, why isn't he in these videos?"

And the truth is, he's four,

and sometimes he can't sit still for very long.

So he wasn't able to sit still and interview Kira,

but while I was pre-interviewing Kira,

Ernie, Kira, and I were doing Snapchat filters

and Kira got to play with Ernie, so that was really special.

- Wah!

- (high pitched voice) Bunny!

- And after the shoot we had a huge pizza party,

and all the HiHo kids and their parents came out

and we celebrated the fact that Kira's two year

battle with leukemia was finally coming to an end,

and in a couple days she would be

having her very last treatment.

So thank you for coming Kira, you brought everyone together,

I don't think everyone's been here at one time.

- It's true.

- Yeah.

- It's crazy.

- Everyone had fun, Austin brought Kira flowers.

Ethan and Helena brought her a stuffed bear.

Crystal gave her a really sweet card.

- Thanks Crystal.

- You're welcome.

- Wait group hug.

- Wait I want to get in on this.


So you guys are probably wondering

when and where you could watch the Kids Meet Kira video.

This is where I have to deliver the very sad

and unfortunate news, that the audio from that shoot,

is unusable and we can't publish the video.

I tried multiple recovery methods,

and when those all failed, it really sunk in

that this video will never make it out

in the way that we intended.

I was really really down about it for a solid week,

but I realized that there's no use in being bummed out.

All I can do is make this video

and show you guys some of the clips from the interview,

with horrible horrible audio,

but at least this gives you guys some context

so you know why it's so bad, and hopefully

you could get a little taste of how great it was.

Okay, did you get your microphone on?

- Yeah.

- Okay, cool, let's have you guys sit down.

So the first interview she did was with Desmond.

Which Desmond, whenever he comes in the mornings,

he's a little tired, he's a little groggy.

- Huh?

Oh, hi.

- [Kira] Hi Desmond.

- Hi.

- [Marina] This was the first interview of the day for Kira

and I kept trying to help them find common ground,

but Desmond really only wanted to talk about Pokemon,

which is totally fair, he loves Pokemon.

- I have like a few, (mumbles), Blastoise,

Wartortle, Squirtle, Pikachu, Raichu, Charizard, Charmander,

wait, wait, wait, wait, Charmeleon.

And then typa-coco, and then Mr. Stanley.

- [Marina] I could tell that Kira was kind of

disconnected from Pokemon,

but they still had fun, they got to know each other.

And Kira watches Desmond in all the videos,

so it was a great chance for them to meet,

and then when Crystal came, Kira totally opened up.

They had so much in common.

- Do you know how to play any instruments?

- Me too!

Do you know how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?

- I watch Harry Potter.

- They're the same age, they both play piano,

they both love art, and you guys know how Crystal is.

She's so sweet and genuinely cares

about other peoples lives.

- The worst sickness I had is, a cold stomach flu.

It lasted for, like a week.

How long does cancer last?

- Wow.

- Hearing Kira explain her life story

and what she's gone through and seeing Crystal

ask questions, it was such a treat.

- You did it!

Up high!

To the side, to the other side, down low, way to go.


- And then the last interview was with Justin and Gigi.

And if you guys have seen Justin and Gigi,

you guys know that they bicker a lot.

They're kind of like an old married couple,

in that they're always bickering.

- And when ...

- Except once he went in the tree house.

- Wait he did?

- Yes. - Did you see him go in there?

- When did you see him to tell the truth?

- This morning.

- You're just saying that.

- No I didn't!

- There were several moments in the interview,

where Kira had to stick up her hands

and break up the arguments that were happening.

- What do you want to be when you grow up?

- Why?

- Hmm, what do I want to be.

- I'll go first while you were thinking about it.

- No, no you're taking up all the questions,

I want to be a pet rat.

- Thank you guys for watching.

You know I hope that this vlog

kinda gives you guys a taste of how it went,

and how sweet she was.

Oh also Kira has an Instagram for her art.

She's so talented, you guys go check out

her art Instagram, we'll put a link in the bio

of where you could check out all of her art.

Give her a follow, give her some love,

and tell her that HiHo kids sent you there.

Okay see you next time, bye.

(soft music)

For more infomation >> HiHo Kids Make-A-Wish | Behind the Scenes! - Duration: 7:55.


《華人恐怖電影世界》 第 51 回 — 鬼猜拳 - Duration: 5:55.

Good evening.

Welcome back to Chinese Horror Film World.

I'm Mr. Hu.

There is a saying:

"If you are unable to sleep, blame your crooked bed"

But if the problem wasn't your bed

What will happen?

Let's watch and see.

Sponsored by - Hai Ning Handmand, Sweetspot Sound Design, Eat Right Brunch

♪ Bow with me my good friend ♪

♪ Shake hands and let's begin ♪

♪ Rock, paper, scissors, let's see who wins ♪

♪ If you lose, you must come with me ♪

♪ Bow with me my good friend ♪

♪ Shake hands and let's begin ♪

♪ Rock, paper, scissors, let's see who wins ♪

♪ If you lose, you must come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Bow with me my good friend ♪

♪ Shake hands and let's begin ♪

♪ Rock, paper, scissors, let's see who wins ♪

♪ If you lose, you must come with me ♪

Research shows

When playing rock-paper-scissors

The chance of your opponent using rock could be as high as 35.4%

So, if you want to win

I would recommend that you

Don't lose

Chinese Horror Film World, I'll see you next time

🔍 Chill Film Party

For more infomation >> 《華人恐怖電影世界》 第 51 回 — 鬼猜拳 - Duration: 5:55.





INTERACTIVE GIVEAWAY and I SHOW MYSELF in this video SUB ENG |Babi Time - Duration: 7:39.

Hello everybody Timeless, I'm Babi and welcome in this new video!!

finally we are 2000 members!! Yeeeee

I can't belive it!!

I am very happy and I thank you all with my heart


Today I'll talk you about the Interactive Giveaway

for those who follow me on facebook already know what I'm talking about

But first I have some NEWS!

on my channel it will be a new project called "Youtube Doll"

I'll create a doll (disney animator) ispired by Youtuber (not only italian)

for all disney-dependent like me it will come a project called "BJDisney" the protagonists will be the bjd, in paricular my Chloe

Chloe will be a disney princess cosplayer

The cosplay is only makeup and wig oh and all wigs will be available on my Etsy Shop and Fb Page

it will be an experiment

sometimes I like to do a mesh up about

anime-disney disney-tv series.....

in my opinion the result it's too fun

for example

Disney Alice

ehm... Alice-Monster-Sailor

my last creation

if you have not seen the video go see it

the result is really cute because I carved the clothes

it was a project I wanted to do but I never did it because I had not the polymer clay

I wanted to create a doll ispired by crash but I have used the "Das"

I told a few people about it and they told me "You have used Das??? Really??"

and I "yes... I'm using Das -.-'' .... "

and i said "ok delete all and re-start again"

it's arrived the new polymer clay and now I use together this clay and fimo

Obviously the result is better

The customs.. not all.... will be available on my Etsy Shop and Fb Page

with his youtube video

and yes all my next customs will have a youtube video

With the doll I release a certified made by me with the doll's name write with a pen

it's better with a permanent marker

I'll write the name fo the doll for Example Megara or if it's an original doll I'll wirte a name that you want

The purchased doll will not be replicated except with a different faceup

for example

if I have created Megara (I say Megara because she is my last creation) with the look to the right

I don't remember now if she look to the left or righ but doesn't matter xD

so if she looke to the right, next will look to the left

she must be different

this is to give the uniqueness

and it's too important for me

and also for me.. if I create 10 dolls all the same I am bored and and I no longer put my passion like the first doll

so in this way you can buy a OOAK doll

(btw if I do the same doll for other 100 times the final result will be not the same because it's impossible...)

But it's must be imporant this thing, she must be OOAK

but now we talk about the Interactive Giveaway!!



I wrote here all the rules so I can't forget them because...

because I forgot it!

for the first this Giveaway it's special because you choose the theme and next the doll the you want to win

I have wrote some post on my social and you have wrote some themes for this video

the themes are:

Cartoon '90

I don't you if you can read...?!

so. cartoon'90


so beautiful this theme!!! I love it!


Cartoon Network

Cartoon '80

and Videogames

I immediately go to extract the theme

now I create the regular balls and mix

now the final result!

Yeeeeee I love it!!

the theme is.....

Cartoon '90!

I love it!!

I liked all the themes

do you already have some character in mind?

I have a lot of them


I am impartial

you have the choose

one character each

write me in the comment

to participate subscribe to my channel

and leave a tumb up under this video

a lot of tumb up!!


now I read to you all because I fogot yet all...

this sheet it's not professional so I take it off

I read it so after I look professional

within 10 days the Giveaway will closed!

the character the I'm going to create will be the most voted in the comments

in case of equality I will make a survey on my FB page

so do not miss the news on the page also for my wip

when I finish the doll I will show you the step-by-step video of the realization

as usual

there will be an extraction after the video where I will announce the winner

I can not wait to find who I'm going to create!

after this... I think thant I'll loking for a new color for my hairs

that here are green...

here are blonde

here are... I dont' know

I'm looking for a color


or Blue?

I think pink

I'll show you the color on my facebook page

dont' forget to see my page it's important for all wip ahah

so... it's all for today

we'll see in the next video

and dont forget that...

it's always Time to dream


For more infomation >> INTERACTIVE GIVEAWAY and I SHOW MYSELF in this video SUB ENG |Babi Time - Duration: 7:39.


Taro Pastry 。芋頭酥 - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Taro Pastry 。芋頭酥 - Duration: 8:25.





Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas September 2017 | Part 22 - Duration: 10:01.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas September 2017 | Part 22 - Duration: 10:01.


Можно ли стать миллионером с одним биткойном? | - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Можно ли стать миллионером с одним биткойном? | - Duration: 5:34.


The Stradivari of the Gondolas - Bella Italia #25: Venice - Duration: 6:53.

Moin Moin and welcome to a new episode of Bella Italia!

It has been a while since the last episode, but we did not really have exciting news, that is why we want to give you a little update in between.

In the past days, we have talked and planned a lot and checked whether everything is going the way we want it to.

And I watched how Felix worked on Venice's beautiful gondolas.

Felix called me to witness an important moment, because the first gondola is finished.

Does it look the way you want it too? It was a long way, wasn't it?

What you do not know: There were different examples, e.g. a longer, flatter one. Do you still have that one?

Yes, I have got different ones.

That is the one I was talking about. I would not have recognized that something was wrong, it looks like a gondola to me. What did you not like about it?

I do not like it. It is not asymmetric, but that is very important for the gondolas in Venice.

Is it made of the same material?

It is the same material, a hard foam that is easy to sand.

Then it was finished, you did not like it and needed to change something?

Michel also made one and I made one out of many different ones.

This one also looks good, doesn't it?

Here is another one.

This one is even longer.

Sönke also made one.

And then you decided who was allowed to build them? Or did they just help you finding the perfect way to do it?

In the end, I made something by mixing all of our tries.

It looks awesome! Do you want to see it?

How did you do the decorations?

Those are parts of fences and other things I sanded and tried to fit in.

It is great!

It would be wonderful to sit there!

If you would only be 2cm small, where would you sit? Have you ever thought about that?

I love nature, so I would sit down in the Red Woods in the USA.

Just to enjoy or also for hiking?

Camping, hiking... I would do something like that.

What is special about your work?

I can play, imagine decorations and things like that.

I can make my own decisions and create scenes that people will not see at first sight.

In my opinion this is a good example for own decisions. I would have already been satisfied and I am a real perfectionist as you know.

But this is the result and we will now show you how it was created.

Today we want to show you how we make the gondolas for Venice.

This is a prototype made of hard foam.

I made a silicone mould to copy it.

Now I am pouring some of this inside.

And add this layer to prevent bubbles.

The mould is full. I am now massaging it so there will not be any air inside.

Let's take a look at it.

Now you need to be careful to not destroy the filigrane parts.

That looks good.

Now we have our freshly made and cleaned blank and the tuning can start.

You can find a lot of gondolas with many decorations in Venice. I will try to do that as well.

The gondola is almost ready, I added the decorations and now we can paint them.

They are now painted in black. In the meantime, I also made some seats.

I am shaping them now.

Then we can paint them.

Now they are ready to be placed into the gondola.

The gondola is almost finished, but the forcola is still missing. It is a carved piece of wood where the gondolier can place his oar to easier manoevuvre the gondola.

The "ferro di prua" is also still missing, that is the metal comb at the gondola's front.

It has got six teeth showing to the front and one to the back.

They symbolize Venice's districts. The one to the back symbolizes an island that is located in front of Venice.

That one is still missing. It is used for evening out the gondolier's weight.

We will later produce those all at once.

That is why I do not have those pieces now.

While researching, I saw pictures of gondoliers standing on a carpet.

I think they do that to protect the gondola's paint.

I read that six layers of paint are used, so the gondolas are very shiney and well tended.

I will also make one of these carpets and then my work is almost done.

It is time for the gondolier to enter his boat.

Then we have- typical for Venice- a romantic couple having a drink.

It is crazy how much work was put into such a little gondola.

We do not know how many visitors will ever realize that.

But we just love to create things in such an extraordinary way.

And If a visitor discovers this masterpiece, it was worth it.

That's it for today, this episode of Bella Italia comes to an end.

But you will not have to wait too long, because we want to show you that we started building the beautiful Doge's palace.

That is worth a new episode. So see you then! Take care! Ciao!

For more infomation >> The Stradivari of the Gondolas - Bella Italia #25: Venice - Duration: 6:53.


XING: The Land Beyond PL #2 | Zegarmistrz Światła Żółtorańczowy - Duration: 40:38.

For more infomation >> XING: The Land Beyond PL #2 | Zegarmistrz Światła Żółtorańczowy - Duration: 40:38.


2011-2014 Mustang GT Roush R2300 675HP Supercharger - Phase 3 Kit Review & Dyno - Duration: 12:11.

The Roush R2300 Phase 3 kit will be for the S197 GT owners out there who are looking for

absolutely massive power gains over a stock or naturally aspirated setup and would like

to go with an all-inclusive turnkey kit from one of the leaders in aftermarket forward


Now. in fact, Roush is gonna advertise this kit at 675 horsepower and 585 pound-feet of

torque at the crank.

Prospective buyers will be able to take advantage of Roush's optional 3 year, 36,000-mile warranty

when using their included calibration, which is a nice little peace of mind for those who

value a warranty.

Now of course, adding this much power to your Mustang doesn't exactly come cheap, as a Roush

kit will run you upwards of 7,000 bucks, and the install will be a bit of a test for my

weekend wrenchers out there.

So expect a full three outta three wrenches on the difficulty meter, with a little bit

more detail later in the video.

Well what do you say we dive headfirst in the what kinda power you might be able to

expect when using the Roush TVS Phase 3 kit on your very own Coyote-powered Mustang?

Now for those who have seen my build, you probably are already familiar with the capabilities

of this particular kit, but if not, here is the deal.

I installed the Phase 3 kit on my 2014 GT, along with some other bolt-ons, including

long tube headers, and the guys from VMP sent me one of their custom tunes, and here are

those results.

Baseline numbers for th 6-speed 5.0 liter GTs averages around 385 horsepower and 377

pound-feet of torque to the rear wheels.

With the Roush TVS blower installed, the car is now making 643 horsepower and 564 pound-feet

of torque, again, to the rear wheels.

Now that's good for peak gains of 258 horsepower over those baseline numbers, and gains of

as much as 269 horsepower and 217 pound-feet of torque under the curve.

Now obviously, there are a ton of variables at play here, guys, including your tune, your

existing bolt-ons, dynos, and condition.

So ultimately your results might vary slightly compared to what I saw with my car.

However, this was just to give you a better idea of what you might be able to expect with

your own Mustang at home when using the Roush Phase 3 kit.

But what do you say we break down this kit a little bit further and, without a doubt,

the star of the Roush Phase 3 kit is gonna be the Eaton TVS 2300 rotor pack, which is

the next generation or step up, whatever you wanna call it, from the older style Eaton

M122 roots [SP] blower, and that thing was found on cars like the Terminators, and even

the pre-2013 Shelby GT500.

Now the TVS or Twin Vortices Series is an extremely popular design that is gonna utilize

a twin four rotor load pack, and those are twisted at 160 total degrees, which is just

gonna create more of an efficient flow over those older style blowers, and essentially

is just able to make more power at lower boost levels.

Now that rotor pack is then loaded into what is called the rotor housing here, which on

the surface might look familiar and for good reason, guys.

Now that's because Roush, Ford Performance, VMP they're all gonna utilize a very similar

housing here, but there is one big difference between the Roush and the VMP option.

The Roush is gonna utilize a separate elbow, which you're not seeing here on the table

with me, whereas the VMP will incorporate a one-piece design, including the elbow, all

into the actual housing, which those guys claim is gonna be a little bit better from

a flow perspective, and can be utilized with a bigger aftermarket throttle body, such as

those big monoblades for instance.

But at the end of the day, as you guys saw, the Roush had no problem making big power

on my GT.

So what are gonna be some of your benefits when going with a TVS per se over different


Well, in my opinion, guys, the biggest is going to be the instantaneous power delivery,

along with a massive [inaudible 00:04:10] torque curve.

Now the power delivery is very linear here and it is very predictable, making them a

great choice for any style of driving, road racing, drag racing, or whatever.

Now you have to compare that to a turbo for instance, or a centrifugal blower, which can

sometimes suffer from a little bit of lag.

Now another nice thing about going with a TVS style blower like this is the relatively

simple layout, making for a slightly easier install, at least in my opinion.

Now, with a turbo setup, guys, you have to alter the exhaust, you have to run oil lines,

intercooler piping, change the exhaust, and a host of other things.

Now that's not gonna be the case here with these TVS blowers.

This thing simply just gonna replace the intake manifold sitting on top of your engine, meaning

you won't have to change up the exhaust, run any crazy lines, or anything like that.

Now sure obvious statement here, there is some modification needed, and there are a

lotta steps to get this installed, but at the end of the day, it's far less than installing

or building a turbo kit.

But as I pointed out earlier, this is an all-inclusive or turnkey kit, for lack of a better word,

and while I don't have all of the parts with me here on the table, I can just kinda give

you a rundown of what you can expect when opening the box for the very first time.

Now, in addition to the TVS rotor pack and housing here, you are gonna be receiving the

lower unit which essentially is your air to water intercooler portion of the blower.

Now working to help keep that intercooler cool will be the included heat exchanger.

Just a heads up here, guys, this thing does not include any fans with the Roush Phase

3 kit, but that is something you can add if you're interested.

Roush also includes a twin 60-millimeter throttle body with their kit, which is fed by the rather

large 110-millimeter mass air flow tube, cold air intake, and corresponding air box.

Now I'll be completely honest with you, guys, the intake isn't going to be the biggest on

the market per se, but the design is completely on point, and leads to a nice smooth mass

air flow signal, which is something your tuner will definitely appreciate if you do decide

to go the custom tuning route as I did.

And speaking of tuning, this seems like a great time to mention your tuning options

with this kit because, again, you have some options here.

Now the kit does include the Roush calibration which is backed by that 3 year 36,000-mile

warranty we mentioned earlier on.

Now this calibration would need to be flashed by a Ford dealer using their specific tool,

along with the Roush RDT software.

Now, guys, I'll be completely honest with ya, the Roush calibration is going to be a

tad conservative, and some people might correctly argue that they do leave some power on the


However, some people might value a conservative tune and a corresponding warranty a little

bit more than an extra 50 to 75 horsepower.

Now on the other hand, you can certainly check out the custom tuning route as I did.

But keep in mind, guys, that's only gonna add to the final price, as you will have to

pay for the tune itself, along with the necessary device.

On top of that, you will not be able to retain that Roush warranty.

So some things to think about here, guys.

And if you didn't wanna go the custom tuning route, you're gonna find a ton of different

options out there.

For instance, I went with VMP, and I've been completely happy with their services so far

and have no complaints whatsoever.

But again, that's totally up to you at the end of the day.

But getting back to the kit, guys.

Now, we've talked about the blower, we've talked about the intercooler, we've talked

tunes, now let's talk about the fuel.

The Phase 3 kit does include 47-pound injectors in addition to a couple of unique high flow

fuel rails, and a plug and play fuel pump booster, better known to you, guys, as a Boost-A-Pump,

which according to Roush, is enough to feed the blown Coyote using their calibration.

However, some tuners might try to recommend to you a larger set of injectors depending

on your power goals if you do go the custom tuning route.

But again, just an added cost to factor in if that's something you are considering.

Finally, Roush does include does include their 80-millimeter pully with the Phase 3 kit,

which depending on your mods, will land you right around 10 pounds of boost or so with

your particular setup.

Now the nice thing about the TVS blower is that changing pulleys literally takes a few

minutes and it doesn't require the use of any crazy tools.

Rounding out the kit, you're gonna find a number of different hoses, all of your wiring,

new spark plugs, brackets, reservoirs, heat exchangers, the list goes on and on, guys.

And, again, this is just a 100% turnkey kit.

That's the best way to sum this thing up.

And if I can just chime in with my own two cents as a Roush Phase 3 owner, this kit is

just really well thought out, well engineered, and that was apparent when the installation

was going down, but even more so after this thing was installed, as it looked right at

home under the hood, and almost resembled a factory installed car.

But switching gears, let's talk installation.

And as I pointed out earlier, guys, this is going to be a full three outta three wrenches

on the difficulty meter, and anywhere from at least a day to a full weekend in the shop

or garage to get knocked out, depending on your expertise.

And speaking of expertise, this isn't necessarily a job I'd recommend for my first-time wrenchers

out there as there are a lot of steps, and it can be a little in depth and tricky if

you don't wrench a lot.

So you might wanna take this one to your local speed shop instead.

On the other hand, if you do plan on getting down and dirty with the Roush install, here's

a few things to expect.

Now first, you wanna make sure you have a solid set of tools on hand before getting

started, along with the installation instructions, either printed out or pulled up ready to go

on your laptop.

Now your first steps will be general disassembly.

The front bumper cover will need to come off.

The intake manifold will need to come off as well.

Now once you kinda get through the disassembly, you'll need to modify the front engine cover.

And this process can be a little different depending on your year, but basically the

idea here is, guys, you're gonna need to grind off some material using a grinder or a cutoff

wheel in order to make room for the blower itself, along with the belt and all of the


Once the cover has been modified, you can get to work installing the actual supercharger

and fuel rail setup.

With the blower installed, install the throttle body along with all of your vacuum lines,

and then move on to your electrical connections.

Now you'll need to move up to the front of the car in order to install the heat exchanger

and corresponding water lines.

Now the 11 to 12 bumpers require a little bit of trimming, while the 13 and 14 bumpers

need no modification whatsoever.

With the heat exchanger installed, and all of the lines plumbed, it's time to move on

to the belt assembly.

Now there are a few brackets and idler pulleys that will need to be installed first using

the included instructions, before the actual belt can go on.

Now Roush does include a routing diagram in the instructions to help you out with that


With the belt in place, it's time to finish up the rest of your electrical connections.

Gap the plugs, if needed, according to the instructions.

Fill up the cooling system along with the intercooler, being sure to prime the system

first before you actually start the car.

Reassemble the front end of the car, upload your tune, and fire everything up, checking

for any leaks.

Now granted, guys, this is a very basic and very general walkthrough of the job, but it's

just designed to give you a better idea of what you're gonna dealing with here.

Now if you want an even better idea about the installation, check out the instructions

on Roush's website before getting started to see if this install will be for you or


Wrapping this one up, guys, as a proud owner of a Roush TVS kit, I can tell you that the

Phase 3 kit is gonna be an awesome way to totally transform your Mustang.

You can grab one for your S197 right here at

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