Okay let's talk about the top -- top five time management secrets of millionaires
and they're probably a dozen tactics within there if you pay attention.
I want you kind of just talk about the five big secrets and again you won't
find them in any books. This just what I've come up over the years and my
goal for you is to interpret the theory for this. Pick and choose what works for
you. You don't have to follow -- this is what Dan did - this is what I do. How I
structure my life but taking -- you know what technique one or two doesn't work
for me but love technique number three I could do that. So don't feel like you
have to do them all. Yes you can pick and choose -- pick and choose. The king of high
ticket sales. World's highest-paid consultant. Media celebrity. Multi-millionaire
entrepreneur. Acclaimed TEDx speaker. International best-selling author. Dan Lok.
So millionaire time management secret number one and that is put a stop
to interruptions. Put a stop to interruptions. Now research shows the
average business owner is interrupted once every eight minutes. Every eight
minutes and the more employees or associates that you've got ,the more
successful you become, the more you can interrupted. How many of you can relate
to that? The more successful we become the more people want your time and more
you get interrupted. And here's the challenge that nowadays with technology
everybody think that in their business they have to be instantly -- what's the
word? Accessible. Which is not true. Which is not true. Just imagine what would
happen to your productivity -- think about it. If you can work with no interruptions.
Work with no distractions. Just think about it. How many of you in your work
day may share with me that you get interrupted quite often. What's that like?
Share your experience with me please please.
Does that mic work? Okay maybe go -- can I have two people go to
the mic. Please. Hello yes don't be afraid you know this is very interactive. Sure
just don't sing -- don't sing please. Kevin ah yeah.
is it on? is it turn on? This is the turn thing turned on? Hello.
Nice okay. So when you go to mic introduce yourself hi my name is Kevin.
Hi my name is Kelvin. Stop. Hi Kelvin. Okay so I am a social media director I
work pretty closely with Matt Estefan and I work on social media using Facebook so
Facebook is actually my work slash my interruption. The newsfeed like uni lad
and it's videos are just nuts. So that's an example of my interruption. Okay good
good good round of applause. Hello everyone I'm Hassan. I guess my big
interruption I have is from my family because it's everybody's always
coming in to my room and always like Oh help me out with this, take this out, or
like I have my brother dropped me off here so I did the perfect thing
yesterday because I'm getting too many distractions recently. I posted it to the
group actually so I just decided you know what let me just pack up all my
stuff. Just go to a fancy hotel and just the day were -- then spend the
day working from there and actually surprisingly actually got more stuff
done when I was there. Because I had like less distractions I didn't have access
to my phone. I got more work done from there then I didn't have any family
members coming and just annoying the hell out of me. Very nice.
Round of applause.
Hi everyone my name is Adnan. I run a financial planning practice for
about eleven years now. My interruption is following my baby two year old baby.
I love spending time with her but I realized that I have to turn my
interruption into my inspiration. That's -- that's what I realized in
this meeting. Thank You. A round of applause. So how do you put a stop to interruptions. How
do you do that? Well there's number of things that I do personally. Likes some of the habits I
have. Let me give an example. There's recently I had a entrepreneur who came
to my home for a day of consulting. He paid me 10k US for it and when he came to
my office and we spend a day just strategizing and mapping out what his
working on. And he was in my home the whole day and at the end of the -- at the
end of that day he asked me "Dan your phone doesn't ring". Your phone doesn't
ring. How do you do that? I say cause I unplugged it. One of the habits I have is I
do not take unscheduled incoming calls. Call my office right now. Nobody picks up.
I'm there I'm not picking up. When I'm working I unplug the phone. My phone is
probably 90% of the time unplugged. Unless I know I have an appointment. That's less
interruptions. There's an example right. I say just be inaccessible. They can't find
you they can't bug you. What Hassan did. You don't like environment? Change the
fucking environment. If you need to go to a co-working space. You need to go to
somewhere to work. I'm the most productive at my home but some people if
they are staying home too many distractions, to may temptations or maybe
I should watch the House of Cards or Game of Thrones and then you get distracted.
Whatever it is that you know what doesn't work for you go the place that
works for you. Just not there they can't find they cannot
interrupt you. So as a business owner knowing that the more people that can
interrupt you the less productive you are. So just don't let them get in
touch with you. Now I know you have some questions oh but Dan I'm doing my
business I needed whatever -- there's a lead whether it's a customer I'm gonna answer
all of that. But for now just knowing I'm just talking about productivity. I'm not
talking about marketing. Productivity wise for maximum
productivity you have to stop working in a distracted environment. You just can't.
Can you imagine a professional champion athlete training for whatever sport
they're going to compete in. They're doing let's say swimming and the phone is
ringing hey "what's up man? Awesome let me Facebook this" right. Or somebody
hey stop stop don't swim you know I want to talk to you. No athletes trained
that way and business is a one tough sport to compete in. How do you think
you're going to win if you get interrupted all the time. When you're
practicing when you're growing your company. Does that make sense? Yes? Okay.
Also open door open door policies don't. Don't buy into the bullshit when you
have an open door but open door policy it invites what? Interruptions. Come into my
office anytime. I'm always want to listen. I'm not saying don't listen I'm saying
don't invite interruptions. Don't do that. Like in my home with family members
Jenny knows. If I close my door, don't fucking come in. If you can knock on the
door the house better be on fire. Otherwise do not bother me. If I open the
door come in. I close the door I don't care what it is. That's how I do it. So
no open door policy. Closed door policy and number three just don't answer the
phone. Just don't answer the phone.
It's very very simple. No interruptions, no distractions. When
you're focused think if you can focus on what you do -- what kind of task that you
need to work on. How much more productive you would be? How many you have sometimes
challenges staying focus? And on following through? Try that on.
Just try that unplug the phone and say I'm going to work and from this time to
this time I'm gonna work on my most important task afterwards it's fine.
Plug in the phone take the call maybe it's a business call -- that's okay
a block at a time. Hi this is Dan Lok. Welcome to Dan Lok TV. I want you to
subscribe to my Youtube channel. Now you might ask why should I? Every week I'll post
two new videos all focusing on helping you becoming a better entrepreneur. You will
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