Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 2 2017

please excuse my fringe. I just got it I don't understand it yet it just kind of

sits there okay okay so I haven't read that much recently

I'll be honest I didn't do the booktubeathon this year because even

though it's literally the one year where I have actually been free enough to do it

didn't do it it's one of the things where they're like you need to read seven books in seven days

and then your brain does the reverse thing, you will do none of these

things for the days that they're telling me to do the things so I didn't read that

much and I've been read some books recently so that's why I write on how

really talked about yet is when dimple met Rishi's by Sandyha Menon

mixed feelings about this when diplomat Rishi is kind of a cute contemporary

story about two Indian Americans one of whom dimple doesn't really want to be in

an arranged marriage after all she wants to go on she lets go to this camp to

learn about computer coding whereas Rishi is much more interested in the idea

of an arranged marriage but their parents try to set up them up anyway

yeah it's a really is cute story and the thing is I think without the cultural

aspects I would have been less interested I feel like other than that

which I do think is a really important aspect and it would be a good

reason to read it I didn't really see anything special about it was the kind

of standards cute contemporary it just didn't do very much for me I

wanted them to be much more about the camp side of things because that was a really important

parts for Dimple but we didn't really see that very often the focus really was the

relationship I liked it I thought I was fine I wish there'd been more to the

characters because I always like they want more to the classes but we didn't

see it we didn't engages it that much that they other than the relationships

have been stronger I think I gave that three and a half stars

I think on Goodreads or just three stars on Goodreads because I thought it was fine

but it didn't really do that much for me next I read A Court of Wings and Ruin

by Sarah J Maas I had interesting feelings on this, I did a whole discussion on it

an actual whole discussion. Wild! so are okay it's not as good as ACOMAF the ending was probably my favourite bit

the middle was boring and didn't actually mean

anything like this could have been chopped up work so it has been so

much smaller than it is because the middle bit was just irrelevant basically and there

were lots of things about the writing like the craft of it which wasn't very

good at all there were certain things that were treated as this massive

obstacle in the beginning and then they just do it like it's not a problem like

it's really like a one-point Feyr has to go and find this magical mirror

that turns people mad and you know she doesn't and then like they literally

don't even go there because it's like oh it's so dangerous and then literally by

the end she's gone and done it in one chapter we didn't even see it

Sarah J Maas does that annoying thing that she does in Throne of Glass as well where she just

take stuff away and or like she does stuff outsider of the perspective even though

we follow basically one character the whole way through

I just find it weird when you're doing a first-person narrative and it's not even an unreliable narrator

or anything that have or it's not retrospective you don't just

get to take a bit doubt you don't want write like but then reference. It just doesn't make sense.

I had a lot of writing problems with this like the

structure there's lots of loose ends because she's doing another series but

that's not how that works you shouldn't just cut off the end of the book and be

like don't worry guys three more books you'll find out more 'cause it's annoying

and rude this is just such a letdown after ACOMAF was so good

and I'm just annoyed now because this is just not as good as it could have been and

it's another thing with finalés that don't take it there they don't they don't take

it there if one of those disappointing finalés where they don't take it there you

feel like there's no threat there's no loss there's no you know there's not no it doesn't

break you which is annoying because you kind of don't want to be broken by

books but also you do want to be broken by books it's quite difficult yeah I read it

I think I gave it three stars because it's not all that it's not all that

you know oh is that all all... Ah one more! so i read some poetry i read Sappho's poetry

it's Stung With Love: Poems and Fragments and I was just thinking I really wanted

to expand my reading horizons because then hopefully if I'm doing a degree

in October then I'll have to read a lot of poetry and I'd like to be ready I don't

want to have hated poetry and then have to do most of it but yeah I really like

Sappho's poetry is quite beautiful it's very like sensual and I don't know

how to describe it I would say feel like Keats' poetry you'll like Sappho's poetry it's

really difficult to describe if you haven't read either but Keats is very nature

based... he's very... there's also like supernatural and like vivid and luscious

and oh it's so good it's so good but yeah Sappho's I would recommend if you

like you just as a little check-in about what I'm reading right now I started

reading the name of the wind by Patrick Rothfuss because I basically binge watched

loads of interviews of Patrick Rothfuss and I realised that he's a genius

he spent 14 years writing this story like all the three books and then

revising the first one for seven years and you could tell and I'm so

ready because ah I can feel as it's going really good I'm excited

I'm only like 68 pages or something through 62 pages but I'm excited alright

I think I think that's everything I've been reading recently. Hopefully, I'll read

more in August and in the future because not really feeling this not reading

but anyways thanks for watching I hope you have a nice day and I shall

see later

Goodbye <3

For more infomation >> post exams wrap up! - Duration: 5:54.


SHINEE 100M VIEWS PROJECT - Let's give them a present? (legendado/ENG subs) - Duration: 3:38.

These were the ingredients chosen to create an amazing group.

But accidentelly another ingredient was added to the concoction.

The "ODD" element.

But luckly, everything resulted in something good.

The five shining boys of SHINee.

Using their amazing artistic abilities, they've been defeating boredom in our lives since 2008.

For more infomation >> SHINEE 100M VIEWS PROJECT - Let's give them a present? (legendado/ENG subs) - Duration: 3:38.


T. Styles Presents: Bmore Chicks - E7 (New Black Web Series) - Duration: 9:31.

[Voice Over] It's just Baltimore baby!


Damn Tricey! You slept in this nasty ass place? Ethan locked me out the house. I

don't have nowhere to go. Damn Ethan, you gonna way too far.

What am I going to do? I've never felt anyone but him.

I've never been with no one but him. I can't...I can't be without him.

We're gonna figure something out. We always do.

[Alfie] 'Xcuse me.

[Asia] What's going on?

What was that about? I made a mistake Asia. I tossed out some of his drugs and now

he's blackmailing me. What...when you do that? Earlier this week. But why? I ain't know

it was there. I looked in there and I didn't see anything.

Next thing I know this nigga talking 'bout I owe him. And for real I think that nigga

lying. Knew I ain't trust his ass. How much money we talking? Ten grand.

Fuck!! Tricey. That dude is crazy!

Look, you can have my cut of whatever money I get from

this party. [Asia] And don't worry we'll come up with the rest later...together.

[Precious] I'm sorry 'bout what happened to Charlie's house and for your marriage. My son

was so upset the other day when Ethan visited. He hates seeing his father so upset. But we

cheered him up though.

Can I talk to you in private? [Precious] Sure.

[Precious] Can I help you you? You called Ethan that day didn't you?

And told him what room I was in with Alfie! Of course I did. I told you time and

time again to keep them niggas out your room but you don't listen. You ruined my

fucking marriage bitch and for what? Just because your relationship was over

way before I came into the picture? Why would you do this to another woman?

I would never do this to you. Because I loved him and I still love him now. That's

not my fault, Precious! I didn't know 'bout you when I met him.

But when you found out you didn't cut him off either. It was too late

I was in love by then. All I have to say is this...I told you I was going to get my

revenge. For that stunt that you and Charlie pulled in the meeting. And I ain't finished. So get ready.

[Precious] Thank you. Cuz you ain't gonna be able to get around this. Charlie ain't here to save you now.

So enjoy your weekend, because come Monday your ass is fired!


[Asia] Yo...Good thing you brought all that liquor. They drank up everything...and at $2

a cup...We racked up! [Mia] We should've charged more. At least

things are winding down now. I'm ready to go home.

[Mia] You ever think about leaving Baltimore? And go where? Anywhere...

I'm tired of living like this. Being forced to do a little bird shit for some change. We moving like

dumb chicks and I'm trynna be more. [Asia] B...More...Chicks...I like that! [Mia] I'm serious! I'm legit thinking about leaving


[Mia] I be back.

[Asia] Everything cool? [Mia] Yeah.

[Tricey] I love you both...So much. [Asia] You okay? [Asia] Ugghhh... [Mia] Fuck! What happened? Put this bag in my car

right now! [Asia] What is it? [Mia] Look, don't worry about it! I gotta

take care of Tricey!

[Voice Over's] Oh my God! It's the good part. Girl! I cannot believe that shit! Don't go in

that house! Run! Why would that bitch do that shit? Bitch, shut up! How many niggas is it? One or two? It don't matter. Oh

my God! Yes it do fucking matter. I knew he was the one that killed that bitch! Oh my God...Why? Ughhh

[Voice Over's] No!!!!! Bitch you making a mess! Shut up bitch!


For more infomation >> T. Styles Presents: Bmore Chicks - E7 (New Black Web Series) - Duration: 9:31.


Tutorial Trade "non tradeable" Item Seal Blade of Destiny 2017 - Duration: 1:57.

Hello Everyone :D i want to share tut using GWE

How To Trade "non tradeable" Item like Alca Acc

first, please make sure you have "Premium Kios"

SKIP, okay we called Client 1 (Left) as "Buyer" and 2 as "Seller"

"Seller" : Sell IM, And Make SURE non tradeable ITEM Position Same Like IM Position then Start Sale

"Buyer" : open GWE then click RECORD and tick Decrypt

pull 1st item to cash invent and we got Record Address

click stop RECORD and double click that address

this is "value target invent position buyer" start from most top left 0D to 35 (HEX)

this is "value target vending item seller" start from 00 to 0F (hex)

this is "value item ammount"

this is "value item ID, 00 is Normal Item, 01 Item Mall"

here is the "BUG" change this value to 00

change value item invent to empty slot so we change to 0D

then click REPLY

and VOILA :D not IM taken, but Normal Item :D

so this is Tradeable right ? hahaha

okay test another, change value target vending to 01 which mean match to Powerup-Potion

ah forget to change item invent to empty slot so we change to 0E :D then click Reply again

and this is it :D enjoy this BUG :)

see you :)

For more infomation >> Tutorial Trade "non tradeable" Item Seal Blade of Destiny 2017 - Duration: 1:57.


7 Ways to Help You Master Critical Thinking - Duration: 5:14.

7 Ways to Help You Master Critical Thinking

What Exactly Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking covers a wide variety of thought processes.

People who use critical thinking are often Analyzing, Evaluating, Interpreting, Problem

solving, and Questioning.

In this video, I'm going to show you 7 ways to help you master critical thinking.

But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't

miss any interesting updates in the future guys!

Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might

be useful for you.

So, here are 7 ways you can try to master critical thinking process:


Learn how to question things.

To become adept at critical thinking, you must learn to question things.

This includes questioning statements from authority figures, general assumptions, and

even your own beliefs.


Think for yourself.

Stop accepting everything you are told, and begin thinking for yourself.

For example, a guitar teacher may have taught you how to play guitar in a certain way, but

can you now improve on that way?

By thinking for yourself, you'll unleash your creativity and boost your self-confidence.


Evaluate evidence.

Evidence can be a great way to find answers to issues you may be experiencing.

However, don't just take evidence at face value, dig more.

These probing questions will enable you to quickly identify evidence that is sound – and

evidence that you should steer clear of.


Become aware of your personal biases.

If you're honest with yourself, most times you probably think you're right.

While this may be the case, when making decisions, you must put aside any personal biases or


Critical thinking needs to look at different perspectives and points of view before reaching

a conclusion.

I know it's hard to think outside of your personal biases, but for the sake of your

success in life – you must try to do so.


Consider motive.

Like a great detective, you must become skilled at uncovering motive.

For example, think of a time that a company offered you a free product to try.

All you needed to do was give some basic personal details to them, but turn out they just wanted

to capture and sell on your personal information.


Break big issues into small pieces.

Big picture thinking is all the rage nowadays, but it's not always the best way to reach


If you need to deal with a major problem such as losing your job, then you can become quickly

overwhelmed by events.

This stress and anxiety could lead to inaction on your part.

Try breaking down the issue into smaller components.

For instance, ensuring all your bills are covered, then seek new work opportunities.

Big problems seem much less scary when you break them down into small pieces.


Keep it simple.

Actually, the simplest answer is most often correct.

Frequently, we look for complex answers when the truth may be staring us right in the face.

For example, a loud bang is heard inside an office that is close to a busy highway.

Some staff think it may be a bomb, others suggest that it's just a truck backfiring.

I'll let you decide which one of these is the most likely cause of the noise.

Use critical thinking every time that you need to make an important decision.

People will notice the difference in your actions.

And before long, you'll be achieving more success than you ever thought was possible.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 7 Ways to Help You Master Critical Thinking - Duration: 5:14.


ၵူဝ်ပဵၼ်ပၢၼ်ၸွၼ် ၸၢႆးၵွၼ်လၢဝ် กลัวเป็นหบานจ่อน เพลงไตยเพราะๆ HD 2017 (Mokhamhom) - Duration: 4:38.

ၵူဝ်ပဵၼ်ပၢၼ်ၸွၼ် - မူဝ်ၶမ်းႁွမ်

For more infomation >> ၵူဝ်ပဵၼ်ပၢၼ်ၸွၼ် ၸၢႆးၵွၼ်လၢဝ် กลัวเป็นหบานจ่อน เพลงไตยเพราะๆ HD 2017 (Mokhamhom) - Duration: 4:38.


Wiadomość od twórców | Letnie igrzyska powracają - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Wiadomość od twórców | Letnie igrzyska powracają - Duration: 6:54.




When talking about mind control it is a topic that has many different layers.

When thinking about it, it can overwhelm the senses and many people have the desire to

just want to forget about it and ignore it.

However, this is one of the worst things anyone can do as avoiding the subject and not being

totally aware of it can lead to being unable to survive what is hideous enslavement and

it is something that in today�s world threatens all of the humanity.

Being aware of mind control and understanding it could lead to steps being taken to reduce

vulnerability and becoming a victim.


plans for a society of workers who are mind controlled and these have been in place for

a long time.

The technology of current came out of the experiments that occurred before World War

II by the Nazis and then went on to intensify in the concentration camps when there was

a supply of adults and children that were unlimited.

These poor souls were available for experimentation in mind control.

The concentration camps are the place where some of the most inhumane medical experiments

took place.

However, the media usually forget about the mind control experiments that took place during

those times and the public in the US was not made aware of what really took place.


of the Monarch Project, which caused a great deal of trauma, was Dr Joseph Mengele.

Mengele, along with around 5,000 more people had been moved in secret to the US and South

America following World War II as part of an operation by the name of Paperclip.


to continue working in developing mind control technology in secret when they were relocated

in secret military bases underground.

The only information provided about it was the rocketry work that was being done by Nazi

celebrities such as Warner Von Braun.

Kept out of sight and out of mind were the torturers, killers and the mutilators of human

beings who were innocent.

The underground military facilities became home to many thousands of US children who

were kidnapped from the streets, estimated to be around one million each year.

They were taken underground and put into cages with iron bars that had been stacked from

the floor of the bunkers to the ceiling.

The children who were kidnapped were used by the Nazis to perfect along with further

refine the mind control technology that had been developed by Mengele.

Some children were chosen, the ones that managed to survive the initial training then went

on to become slaves who were mind controlled.

They were put to use in many different ways, including being made to perform assassinations

and going into sexual slavery.

EXPENDABLE CHILDREN WERE KILLED OR MADE TO KILL Some of the children, those who were

thought to be expendable, were brutally killed while others were made to watch in horror.

Some children were made to do the killing of others, which helped to traumatize the

child into submission and compliance that was total.

It was said that the lone gunmen that are often talked about associated with assassinations,

school shootings, and others, are done by people who have been controlled and told to

carry out the missions.

It was suggested that David Berkowitz, otherwise known as the Son of Sam, Ted Bundy and many

others had all been mind controlled and then programmed to go out and do the killings.

The Montauk Project began in 1976 and during this time many thousands of teenage boys were

kidnapped from the streets and forced into the project.

Al Bielek was said to have been controlled and he was in a lot of the areas of the Montauk


He began to recover memories during the late 1980s, and he then came to realize that around

250,000 boys had been mind controlled, given the name of Montauk Boys.

This was done at 25 different facilities that were all very much like the underground base

at Montauk in Long Island.

Most of the boys became what was known as sleepers; they were programmed to do an action

at a later time, when a trigger was made, to ensure they engaged in conduct that was

disruptive or destructive.

It has been said that many of the Montauk Boys were then sent out into mainstream life

in the US and became journalists, business men, lawyers and even judges.



Developer Update | The Games are Back (EN subtitles) - Duration: 6:54.

Good evening everybody, welcome back to another Developer Update.

Last year for the first time, our first event ever, we ran the Summer Games.

And we learned so much from running that event.

You guys gave us tons of feedback.

As you saw throughout the year we iterated and changed our future events

based on that initial run with Summer Games.

Now I've been paying attention to a lot of social media and

I've been hearing the buzz everybody asking about:

When is Summer Games coming back?

Well, now is the time Summer Games is coming back very soon

and we wanted to set you up with some pertinent information so you knew

what was going to be the same and what was going to be different about Summer Games this year.

So, first of all a question on a lot of people's minds is:

Are the skins that were available in Summer Games 2016 going to be available again this year?

And the answer is absolutely, yes,

we know you want a chance to get that American McCree skin

or the Nihon Genji.

You will absolutely be able to get those skins again.

Now the other thing, if you remember, not all of you

were around back for Summer Games 2016, but back then those skins were not

available for unlock via the credit system and that was something that we changed

based on your feedback.

Well, this is going to be the first year that Summer Games is

going to run where you'll be able to unlock the old skins for credits

as well as the new skins that are coming too.

So, that is also awesome.

Now as I mentioned there's new skins and new content coming as well

and I don't want to spoil it all, but I'll give some hints.

Roadhog, I'm sorry, Roadhog is not getting anything.

So, that was just me being silly.

Junkrat is going to get an awesome Legendary skin and I think you guys are

going to love it; it's very sports themed and our favorite Australian

is going to get a great skin.

Mercy, and that's why I'm wearing this shirt today,

Mercy is getting one of my favorite skins of all time and I'm so excited

for you guys to check it out.

And we have some other cool things happening as well.

I think Widowmaker and the McCree fans are going to be really

blown away with what we're going to deliver and there's some silly

stuff too and I'll just I'll just leave that for you guys and you'll know what

I'm talking about in a little bit.

But, the new skins will be available for credit unlocks just like every event

and as I mentioned those old skins are available too,

but we're going to do something different for the old skins.

We're going to discount the prices to normal loot box prices for the credit

cost of those skins.

So, for example if you want Tracer in her runner skin that

she had in Summer Games 2016, which was a Legendary, it will

only cost you 1000 credits versus the 3,000 credits that an event

Legendary normally costs.

We think that bringing the old items back is absolutely key for our players

who weren't able to get them the first time around and we also want to discount them

somewhat, so more of you can get more of those items you want and love while

still reserving some specialness for the brand new stuff.

So, not everybody's running around in all the coolest most brand-new stuff.

We also want to remind you that we've made significant loot box

changes which you guys have already seen a little bit of in our

normal loot box in regards to duplicates.

So, we drastically reduced the rate at which you're going to get

duplicates and we've never before felt this in one of our

event loot boxes before.

So, Summer Games will be the first time that you're experiencing the

much reduced duplicate rate in the loot boxes.

So, we think that'll be awesome.

Now a lot of you are thinking enough with the rambling about

skins and loot boxes all we really care about when it comes to Summer Games

is Lucioball. Is it coming back?

And the answer is YES, Lucioball of course is coming back not only that

but we have our beautiful Rio Stadium that we built for 2016 and we're

proud to introduce Sydney, Australia as a new stadium for Lucioball

to take place in.

Now we've also made some tweaks to Lucioball based on feedback from

the first time around.

There's a couple things that have changed.

1) You can no longer stand in the enemy goal and BOOP the enemy

goalie out of the way.

We've removed the ability to BOOP your enemies because a lot of people

were finding that frustrating.

We also changed Lucio's ultimate in Lucioball.

It used to pull the ball towards you very dramatically and there

was sort of some cheesy strategies about BOOPING the goalie stand and the

goal pull the ball in, etc. We made that go away.

So, now when you use Lucio's ultimate you move much faster, you can use

his alternate ability to BOOP the ball much more quickly and he

jumps a lot higher.

So, it's sort of like super Lucio when he uses that ultimate.

We think you guys will really enjoy it.

We think the change is really healthy to Lucioball and that will be great.

Now the thing that is probably most exciting about Lucioball coming back

is we've really upped the stakes this time.

Not only can you just play Lucioball like you enjoyed it last year in

Summer Games but we've also added a new card to the Arcade

that's called COPA Lucioball.

and what this means is competitive Lucioball.

That's right, for three weeks during the Summer Games

we're going to be running a competitive Lucioball system.

Not only that if you place if you play your ten games competitively

in Lucioball you will get a special spray.

If you make it into the Top 500 of Lucioball players in

your region you will get an additional special spray.

So, we can't wait to see how you guys do to see what your skill

ratings are, to see you know how great of a Lucioball player

are you versus a normal Overwatch player.

We think this three-week season concept could be a lot of fun outside

of Lucioball even.

So, we want to see how you guys respond to it.

We want to see how you guys play with it and what you think

about that.

So, that's an overview of Summer Games.

We're going to be releasing even more information leading up to the event.

We think you guys will have a ton of fun.

As always, we're listening to you for feedback and if we need to make

changes, we will.

We hope you guys enjoy Lucioball, Summer Games, and

all the new loot box content and have a blast playing.


For more infomation >> Developer Update | The Games are Back (EN subtitles) - Duration: 6:54.


En Desarrollo | Regresan los juegos (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> En Desarrollo | Regresan los juegos (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 6:54.


Developer Update | The Games Are Back! | Overwatch - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Developer Update | The Games Are Back! | Overwatch - Duration: 6:54.


Entwicklerupdate | Sommerspiele 2017 (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Entwicklerupdate | Sommerspiele 2017 (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 6:54.


Howling wolf on the Moonligh SPRAY PAINT ART by Skech - Duration: 11:03.

Welcome to Skech's SPRAY PAINTING ,crafting and DIY Art.

Wassap my Awesome YouTubers in today's video I'm gonna make one picture with Howling wolf on the Moon

I hope u will like it , I hope u will enjoy it.

For all of u who are first time here on this channel and not subscribed yet,

SMASH that SUBSCRIBE button for more future videos like this.

Stay AWESOME and lets go to make some art.

Lets roll guys!

Hey guys thanks for watching this video!

I hope u liked it , I hope u enjoyed it.

If u are first time here SMASH that SUBSCRIBE button

for more future videos like this.

Stay AWESOME and I love u all :)

For more infomation >> Howling wolf on the Moonligh SPRAY PAINT ART by Skech - Duration: 11:03.


Dagli sviluppatori | Ricominciano i Giochi (IT) - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Dagli sviluppatori | Ricominciano i Giochi (IT) - Duration: 6:54.



For more infomation >> "WE ATE THE CHICKEN!!!" - SAVING KFC ZOMBIES - BLACK OPS 3 "CUSTOM ZOMBIES" MAP! (BO3 Mod Tools) - Duration: 48:49.


Новости от разработчиков | Летние игры возвращаются! (субтитры) - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Новости от разработчиков | Летние игры возвращаются! (субтитры) - Duration: 6:54.



So a pretty cool subscriber of mine wanted me to complete his total victory free dlc weapon contract! He is 1 win off!

I've always wanted to hit a tomahawk across the map in Black Ops 3... I don't think I've ever done it, I don't use tomahawks.



Testing out Portable Toilet and Finishing up the Sink - Tubi Campervan Build - Duration: 16:33.

Can you guess where I'm sitting?

Right here!

It's the toilet.

Right next to the sink

We're placing the cassette toilet.

So we already put together the frame

but will I be able to sit comfortably?

Will it be even usable?

I was really curious to find out.

I was worried the most about this part.

I was concerned that my legs wouldn't fit.

Maybe I wouldn't be able do my business :)

Even though we shortened the frame length

It fits me just perfectly.

Just now

I just cut some plywood.

Let me show you where this goes.

I'll show you why I cut this piece.

I need to put the camera down.

Maybe I you can see from here.

This is the sink counter area.

It's just the frame now.

The problem is

The frame isn't that sturdy.

This will secure the frame.

We want to make it safe.

So I just cut this piece.

Will it fit?

Oh, perfect.

While we were building, we met another subscriber.

And we got anther gift.

Actually, this subscriber is building his own camper.

Let me show you a quick peak at what he's working on.

Over there.

Can you see it?

The yellow one.

He's converting that bus for his family.

So I'm a bit curious.

He hasn't started the build yet

but I still want to take a look.

Marks already looking around inside.

I going inside to.

I brought my camera!

This is going to make a for a great camper.

I just adjusted the setting for the Kreg jig.

The reason is

We were using 25mm boards.

But now we need holes for 15mm boards.

So we need to adjust the setting for the pocket holes.

Inside the Kreg jig manual, there are the settings.

You have material thickness, 13mm, 16mm, 19mm, 22mm, 25mm...

We were using the 1 inch setting for 25mm boards.

You would use 1/2 inch for 13 millimeters.

And we are going to use the setting for 5/8 inch for 16 millimeter boards.

You cans see the marks on the Kreg jig.

We changed it to the 5/8th setting.

This is the drill bit.

It comes as a set.

You can see the marks here.

We've also changed the setting on the drill bit.

You just adjust the stop collar.

It comes with a hex key to make the adjustments.

For now

it's set up

and we can drill.

The board we drilled the pocket holes on

for the sink

has been installed.

Let me explain

why we have gaps at the top and bottom.

The sink bowl goes in here.

Once it's placed you can see the bowl here.

If the board goes all the way up

It will interfere with the bowl.

We wanted maximum leg room

so the board is placed as far back as possible.

So the sink bowl is exposed.

Let me move the Kreg screw boxes.

So this space

That's my foot :)

My feet can slip under when sitting.

To make it easier to use.

So on top and below...

it's open.

Dang... we have another problem to fix.

I'll show you what the problem is.

Put back the sink bowl.

Can you see the edge sticking out?

The bowl is just slightly touching the board.

So the bowl doesn't go completely in.

So our solution is

to cut this area with the jig saw

to shape it and refine it with sand paper.

Now the sink bowl fits!

See the jig saw.

We shaped this part with the jig saw.

Can you see how we rounded it?

After rounding it we sanded it down.

Some people asked what sand paper we are using.

It's 120 grit sand paper.

So we refined it with the sand paper.

Now the sink bowl...

put it back into place...

and it fits perfectly!

You can see from the side how it fits snuggly.

It can be fun to fix things.

At first we thought to just lower the board.

But we like the look of this method better.

Of course, that's just my opinion :)

We originally had a hole cut for our water pump.

We had the metal fabricators do it for us.

But we didn't have the pump at the time

so we didn't have the exact measurements.

So the tap didn't pour into the sink.

So we had to cut another hole.

We used the jig saw to do it.

You can see the new hole covered in masking tape.

If you use the jig saw on top of the metal

you end up with scratches.

We didn't want to mark up out top any more

So we protected it with masking tape.

You can see the black circle.

That's the mark the jig saw made as we were cutting.

Let's place the water pump.

It goes in from the inside out.

Fit's perfectly!

It fits and the water goes in the bowl!

Like this.

We made the cut with the jig saw.

We started with this metal cutting blade.

But because it's so wide, when cutting the hole

it was difficult to make a curve.

So we changed to another blade.

Because it's thinner, it turned much easier.

But it has a very fine cutting edge

compared to this one.

So it had no problem cutting the metal

But it had to cut through wood too.

It cut really slow

and started burning the wood.

So we stopped using it.

So the final blade we used

is think enough.

and the blade is less fine than the previous one.

And finished the job properly.

We screwed down the frame for the sink counter.

Take a look.

We secured it down with these long screws.

Using this 90 degree ruler

we checked to make sure it was square.

We checked as we secured it.

it's all squared up.

That back area is also square as well.

It's not 100% perfect.

But for our skill level it's pretty good.

So maybe 97.. 98 percent perfect :)

There is still a little work to be done for the sink counter.

But we put in a water tank and cassette toilet

So let me show you how that looks.

You can see the water tank there.

This is the water pump we will install later.

This is the original hole we miscalculated.

We'll put some hand soap or something here.

So you won't really see it later.

And the cassette toilet is right here.

And I can sit down without hitting my knees.

And you can still see the pallet wood.

What do you think so far?

Does it look okay?

Now we will move on to other projects.

We will move onto the bed/lounge area.

It will convert from a lounge to a bed.

So we need to plan that part.

And figure out a good way.

Anyway, today's job is done!

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