Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 29 2017

- North Korea best not make any more threats

to the United States.

They will be met with fire and fury

the likes of which this world has never seen before.

- [Woman] Are we supposed to think that Dennis Rodman

now is our ambassador to finding a solution in North Korea?

- I don't play with the bad boys anymore.

Only good guys, baby.

What's the plan?

- You will fly from New York to Beijing.

You will transfer to a commercial airline

that takes you directly to Pyongyang.

- [Man] Maybe Dennis is a lot better than what we have.

You know Dennis is not a stupid guy.


- That's a fucking tiger.

- Oh shi-

You crazy man.

(unintelligible muttering)

For more infomation >> Fire & Fury: A Dennis Rodman Story - Duration: 1:31.


sans fait pas sa - Duration: 32:55.

For more infomation >> sans fait pas sa - Duration: 32:55.


World of Tanks - A Escotilha do Chieftain: FCM 36 - Duration: 15:54.

O FCM 36, ou o trator RN3, como o chamou o FCM, era um isolado

na corrida para substituir praticamente toda a frota de tanques franceses

que foi iniciada pela Hotchkiss em 1933.

Mais de uma dúzia de empresas apresentaram propostas para construir os tanques de substituição

e apenas quatro chegaram a construir um piloto.

As encomendas da Renault e da Hotchkiss logo começaram a entrar

e a apresentação da batchat nunca foi feita na fase piloto.

O FCM, no entanto, realmente foi construído,

embora por motivos peculiares não em grande número.

Estamos em Saumur para verificar a deles.

Ao olhar para o veículo, a coisa óbvia que sobressai

é a natureza soldada em ângulo

comparada aos outros tanques que foram inseridos no concurso.

Dois deles eram redondos e fundidos

e o terceiro do BatChat era pelo menos angulado, mas fundido e rebitado.

A razão por trás da estrutura soldada é o passado da FCM:

eles fizeram principalmente navios, embora tenham alcançado

alguma notoriedade ou fama, dependendo do seu ponto de vista,

para a construção de tanques maciços 2C antes.

A soldagem forneceu uma série de vantagens,

mas houve um problema significativo na perspectiva

do governo francês comprando essas coisas:

a soldagem era uma prática que apenas os trabalhadores qualificados podiam fazer

e receberam mais.

Além da FCM também ter que desviar seus trabalhadores e recursos

para construir navios e construir tanques.

Como resultado, embora as FCMs tenham sido construídas muito rapidamente

devido às vantagens de produção, de soldagem

não chegaram muitos pedidos no começo.

Dentro da Escotilha do Capitão

Como você pode ver, a inclinação é em todas as laterais

e isso me irrita um pouco quando as pessoas olham para o T-34 e dizem

"ei, ele desenvolveu blindagem inclinada",

e, bem, o FCM 36 não gostaria de uma palavra.

Na verdade, outros tanques anteriores gostariam disso, mas isso não é nada demais.

Agora, uma das limitações com inclinação para dentro

é que você tem um anel de torre menor, o que significa que você tem uma torre menor.

No entanto, no caso dos tanques franceses que realmente não eram um grande problema,

porque eles especificamente queriam torres de um homem por várias razões

que realmente faziam, na época, um pouco de sentido.

Uma vantagem muito fácil foi que, se você tivesse uma torre suficientemente leve

com o mesmo anel de torre, você simplesmente colocou uma FT e isso foi muito mais barato.

Um problema maior era a mão-de-obra.

Lembre-se de que a França ainda estava se recuperando da enorme escassez de mão-de-obra

sofrida após o fim da primeira guerra mundial,

então eles realmente não tinham muitos homens para colocar em muitos tanques,

então você poderia ter alguns tanques de três homens ou muitos tanques de dois homens.

Foi decidido que ter mais tanques de dois homens era melhor.

A outra vantagem era que um tanque menor de dois homens usa menos metal,

é mais rápido para produzir, é mais barato produzir.

Todas essas coisas eram muito importantes para o governo francês na época.

Então, seria uma torre de um homem.

Com o benefício da retrospectiva, isso pode ser dito

como sendo avareza, porém com sensatez,

mas na época havia uma certa lógica por trás de suas ações.

O casco dianteiro de quatro centímetros de espessura

é dominado pela grande escotilha do condutor de três peças.

Ele abre em uma certa sequência, primeiro a viseira superior,

a porta direita e depois a porta da mão esquerda.

Agora, para entrar e fechá-lo,

o negócio é que os sistemas hidráulicos estão por fora,

então, como você está prestes a subir, você pressiona o lançamento

e depois passa pela porta blindada muito pesada,

sem apoio e então você fecha tudo ao seu redor. Não é o ideal.

Outros componentes na frente do veículo,

você tem o típico farol envolto francês do tempo

que o chifre está no lado oposto,

e você também pode ver uma das fendas de visão facilmente.

A vantagem da superestrutura angulada no FCM

em comparação com os cascos de elenco dos outros

é que as fendas de visão oferecem um campo de visão mais amplo do que eles deram a você.

Voltando da polia, você passa pelo sistema de tensão da esteira,

é uma porca grande e simples em um parafuso nada incomum lá,

você vai para o primeiro rolo que está perto como eu posso dizer é apenas preencher o espaço

entre a polia e a primeira roda.

As rodas existem em quatro vagões, cada vagão tem um par de rodas.

Se você olha para elas, elas parecem quase

duas rodas diferentes emparelhadas,

mas parece que é apenas uma roda com um sulco cortado entre as duas.

Para lubrificá-los, você tem essas pequenas portas de acesso aqui atrás das asas,

apenas abra a asa, retire o painel

e você pode acessar os pontos de graxa, e os tubos irão

para onde estiver no sistema que a graxa precisa chegar.

No topo, você pode ver as grandes calhas de lama.

O entupimento de lama era um problema perpétuo com este tanque

e nunca foi resolvido por completo e não tenho certeza absoluta do motivo,

porque, olhando para baixo, não há nada além de trilha.

Havia várias propostas feitas,

como "remover os rolos e substituí-los por calços"

que dariam mais espaço para que a lama caísse,

ou "simplesmente remova o rodapé lateral inteira e faça a parede interna mais grossa".

Obviamente, isso não aconteceu.

A última coisa que eu mencionei é apenas no casco superior,

há espaço suficiente para os kits pioneiros

e há um marcador bem no topo.

Em comum com o FT que começou tudo,

todo o trem de força para este tanque está na parte traseira.

As grandes rodas dentadas, no entanto, têm apenas um conjunto de dentes,

ao contrário do par mais típico.

Estes engrenam com os links de trilha de passo curto de um único pino.

Os únicos parafusos do tanque inteiro são aqueles

que são necessários para entrar no compartimento do motor,

e você pode ver que o compartimento em si tem uma longa cauda inclinada

com os gases de escape que se desviam para a frente.

Debaixo destas escotilhas de volta aqui, você vai ver o sistema de direção,

um componente grande em cada lado do diferencial.

E aqui está um que preparei mais cedo.

O motor está passando por um pouco de restauração no momento,

a metade superior está faltando, mas você pode ver que é

um motor Berliet Ricardo de 4 cilindros a diesel refrigerado a água.

Coloca cerca de 91 a 105 cavalos de potência, dependendo da fonte que você deseja usar.

A escolha de um diesel foi um pouco incomum para a época.

No entanto, tinha algumas vantagens, uma das quais

poderia ser cerca de 200 quilômetros em apenas 217 litros de combustível.

Outra vantagem era que era menos provável que pegasse fogo,

pelo menos essa era a percepção.

No entanto, era um extintor de fogo Tecalemit instalado no sistema.

Por outro lado, a desvantagem era que você tinha

que ter um treinamento de logística de combustível separado apenas para este tipo de tanque,

porque praticamente tudo o que os franceses estavam usando era gasolina.

Isso levou a alguns problemas mais tarde.

O acesso à torre para o comandante

é por meio da grande porta de escotilha na traseira da torre,

bastante comum à maioria dos tanques franceses da época.

Curiosamente, a torre reúne o suficiente para

que este seja o primeiro tanque a ter um sistema de sobrepressão da NBC,

e vale lembrar que o uso de gasolina foi bastante frequente

duas décadas antes.

A torre da FCM é considerada mais espaçosa do que a APX,

como foi encontrada no Renault e Hotchkiss,

e embora seja uma afirmação relativa, posso facilmente ver o porquê.

Isso é significativamente melhor, e ainda é ruim.

A visão é proporcionada por essas pequenas vagas,

elas são baixas, se eu estiver levantando o canhão principal

ou mais altas, se eu estiver de pé, e é absolutamente atroz.

Eu quase não consigo imaginar até encontrar meus amigos,

depois de ficar sozinho para encontrar inimigos para atirar em quem estaria tentando me matar.

Estou de joelhos na base do chão, havia um assento dobrável,

um assento real que estava preso à proteção.

Tristemente distanciado de um tanque particular

e isso certamente supera a pequena coisa

que seria no Renault e Hotchkiss e,

francamente, nem tenho certeza de como eu usaria isso

porque o interior é absolutamente horrível.

O SA-18 é o mesmo canhão padrão em praticamente todo o resto.

É o World War I 37,

um canhão muito curto, com cerca de dois cm de penetração de blindagem com um cartucho PP

e era simplesmente uma questão de economia

já havia muitas munições nas lojas,

havia os canhões que você poderia simplesmente tirar do FT

e não queria colocar novas torres sobre eles ou o que você tem.

Curiosamente, embora esse canhão compartilhe a ombreira

e o sistema de elevação de mão como você imagina com a visão aqui,

ele também tem um nível de rotação independente da torre.

Isso é bastante único e muito útil quando se trata de mirar.

Há, é claro, uma roda de mão transversal,

embora não vá no sentido inverso. Você esperaria que,

se você manivela no sentido horário, a torre gira no sentido horário,

não vai para trás.

Você manivela no sentido horário, a torre gira à esquerda como você pode ver.

Houve uma tentativa de montar um canhão maior com 37 milímetros de SA 38,

como pode ser encontrado no Hotchkiss da Renault também.

No entanto, as soldas nesta torre não conseguiram assumir

a incrível força desse canhão devastador.

Então, a solução foi realmente ter que fazer uma torre inteiramente nova.

O problema era que, embora um fosse feito,

ele tinha um manelete interno e funcionava,

eles o construíram logo antes que a França se rendesse e, bem,

esse foi o fim dessa história.

Não há muito mais a dizer aqui, no lado direito

seria a metralhadora de sete milímetros com os paióis de bateria.

Observo que, nesta torre, encontraram espaço para um conjunto pronto

de três munições no lado direito.

A cúpula é efetivamente uma extensão das laterais da torre,

isso provavelmente fez a fabricação muito simples.

Não é pior do que as outras opções

com uma pequena redoma de cúpula nos outros tanques,

mas isso é basicamente o cego que guia outro cego. É horrível.

Eu posso entender por que as pessoas abriram a escotilha traseira e apenas

colocaram a cabeça dessa maneira até que as pessoas realmente comecem a atirar nelas,

é a única maneira que você poderá ver qualquer coisa.

Então vamos para a posição do comandante. Devo seguir em frente.

E isso também estava indo tão bem.

Então uma das grandes vantagens de ter o motor e a transmissão

na parte de trás do tanque é que, ao contrário, digamos, o Renault,

você não precisa deixar o powertrain do lado direito.

Não está ocupando espaço dentro do casco.

Isso é ótimo, você tem mais espaço para o piloto,

você tem mais espaço para a munição,

você tem mais espaço para o rádio,

você pode realmente colocar um ER54 nisso se você tivesse um.

Infelizmente, a posição dos pilotos deixa tudo cair.

Não tenho certeza sobre por onde começar.

Estou em uma almofada no chão do casco.

Ele tem um encosto, o encosto está absolutamente assassinando minhas costas

porque a única maneira que eu posso caber agora é inclinar-se,

você sabe, em uma posição um pouco flexível.

Agora, minha primeira pergunta é sobre como os pés das pessoas ficavam na época,

porque você pode ver o dedo no freio

bloqueado pela alavanca da escotilha,

o que eu questionaria um pouco.

A embreagem eu posso operar no lado esquerdo, não é muito difícil.

As duas alavancas para a direção, bem, tudo bem,

e eu posso chegar ao acelerador com bastante facilidade.

Transmissão manual de cinco velocidades à direita,

é bastante convencional, de modo que o inverso é para a frente, depois um, dois, três

está claramente marcado,

e o guia dos pilotos também está no lado direito do casco.

Meu primeiro pensamento, na verdade, para todos esses tanques de dois homens

em que estive nos últimos dias,

é que esses caras tinham mais coragem do que eu.

Agora, concedeu provavelmente uma batida no canhão da máquina,

mas eu... as palavras me falham.

Esta é uma maneira surpreendente de entrar em batalha e, infelizmente,

embora esse possa ser o melhor dos tanques de infantaria que os franceses tiveram,

não acho que isso seja suficiente.

De qualquer forma, eu vou sair daqui antes que minhas costas decidam

que eu preciso ir ver um quiroprático e não tenho certeza de como.

Umm. Oh meu Deus, o tanque está em chamas?

Que diabos?

Eu tenho mais nove.

Pegue o microfone comigo...

Ah, Jesus.

Em geral, 400 tanques foram encomendados,

embora apenas 100 foram encomendados com antecedência para serem realmente construídos.

Eles se absolveram razoavelmente bem,

como talvez o melhor dos tanques de dois homens,

no entanto, eles tiveram o infortúnio de estar na Sedan,

o que não foi bom para os franceses,

independentemente do tipo de tanques que eles tiveram em ambos os casos.

Pode ou não dizer algo para o FCM,

mas a grande maioria não foi perdida devido a defeito mecânico,

mas foi perdida em problemas de combate ou fornecimento.

Aqueles, que foram capturados pelos alemães,

acabaram sendo convertidos em peças de artilharia, direta ou anti-tanque.

Então é isso, este é um pequeno vídeo,

porque é um tanque de dois homens muito simples, que não tem muito a dizer sobre isso.

Vejo você no próximo.

E para o Bataglion Chantille...

bat.. batang…


batginolle chatillons.

Tudo bem, vou chamar BatChat.

Eu achei que vocês gostariam de ter uma visão melhor da frente

apenas no caso de a visão da parte traseira

não lhe dar a experiência exata do quão sobrecarregado eu estou.

Quer dizer, eu sinto como se estivesse em um ovo,

tudo enrolado pronto para chocar e ser lançado no mundo.

É... Não.

Além disso, é muito poético para mim.

Apenas deixe-me sair daqui. Por favor?


For more infomation >> World of Tanks - A Escotilha do Chieftain: FCM 36 - Duration: 15:54.


Becker Brian - Olvídalo Ft Génesis Figueroa [Audio Official] - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Becker Brian - Olvídalo Ft Génesis Figueroa [Audio Official] - Duration: 3:21.


A$AP Ferg & Ski Mask The Slump God "ILoveYourAunt" - Duration: 2:24.

A$AP Ferg x Ski Mask The Slump God - ILoveYourAunt

For more infomation >> A$AP Ferg & Ski Mask The Slump God "ILoveYourAunt" - Duration: 2:24.


The Best Red Wines For Beginners (Series): #1 Pinot Noir - Duration: 3:37.

Hey everybody, how you doing? if you want to learn more about some of the best red

wines out there you may want to stay tuned, because in the coming weeks I'm

gonna roll out a series of videos, each one of them is going to talk about an

individual red wine that you might like to try. For each of these famous red

wines that we're gonna cover, I'll give you some background & history, not too

much because I don't want to bore you; I'll give you the tasting notes so you

know what it tastes like, whether you want to buy it or not, and then I'll give

you some food pairing tips too, so you know what to do with it, after you have

the wine. So if that sounds good to you let's get started!

This is Pinot Noir. Pinot Noir is a great red wine for beginners to start with

because it's lighter, which makes it easier to approach. Pinot noir is a truly

ancient grape, that's been around for a really long time - it originates in the

region of Burgundy France, and they've been using it to make wine there for

about 2,000 years!

By the way all red Burgundy is made from Pinot Noir, so next time you go to the

store, you can actually pick up a bottle of Burgundy and you're buying French Pinot Noir.

Pinot Noir is also used in French Champagne. if you want to know why

Pinot Noir is red, but champagne comes out white, I'll put a link up to my video

here that explains how red wine gets its color. Nowadays, Pinot Noir is grown and

made all over the world but the best examples come from areas with cooler

climates: countries like Germany, Italy and New Zealand are all making great

Pinot Noir. In the United States, look for California's Central Coast and the Russian

River Valley; but also Oregon and Washington are making some fantastic

examples of Pinot. Pinot Noir is almost always dry, but not too dry, because there

aren't a lot of tannins in it and it's pretty light and elegant, which makes it

easy for beginners to appreciate. It's famous for having these beautiful

flavors of fresh raspberries and crushed strawberries and those fresh berry flavors

are perfect with roasted poultry: chicken, turkey and duck, which by the way, makes

it great for the holiday table. And when Pinot noir gets older, it starts to

take on these funky aromas and flavors things like mushrooms, earth, wet leaves

an even barnyard!! When you get an earthy pinot noir like this, it's perfect with

really stinky cheeses, and truffle and mushroom dishes. So, what are you going to

spend on a good bottle of Pinot? well if you shop in Burgundy,

and you buy from some of the most celebrated and famous vineyards there,

you're gonna wind up paying upwards of $3,000 for one bottle!!! Yeah $3,000 for

one bottle - but don't freak out - because most Pinot Noir that's out there in the

world, is not that expensive. On average you can expect to spend anywhere from

ten to thirty dollars for a decent bottle of Pinot Noir...

OK, That's the first in our series of best red wines, but stick around, because in

the coming weeks there are going to be more videos, each one of them talking about a

great red wine for you to try! If you haven't already, you might want to

subscribe to my channel by clicking on the button in the lower right hand

corner, that way you'll know when the new videos come out. And if you like what I'm

doing here and you feel like you're learning something, please give me a

thumbs up, send me a little love, share with your friends, or leave me

some comments below about what you think of this video; maybe some more topics

you'd like to see covered. I'm gonna put a link up right about here, and this is a

bonus recipe for you. This pairs perfectly with Pinot Noir, so if you're

feeling thirsty and hungry, pour yourself some Pinot, make the recipe and let

me know how it went for you. okay? Until next week, cheers guys!

For more infomation >> The Best Red Wines For Beginners (Series): #1 Pinot Noir - Duration: 3:37.


『P X X Y N A』 Gravações Aleatórias #01 『FANDUB PT-BR』 - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> 『P X X Y N A』 Gravações Aleatórias #01 『FANDUB PT-BR』 - Duration: 6:25.


TRANSFER RAPORU - Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe, Beşiktaş, Trabzonspor ve Milli Takım Gündemi Youtube - Duration: 40:47.

For more infomation >> TRANSFER RAPORU - Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe, Beşiktaş, Trabzonspor ve Milli Takım Gündemi Youtube - Duration: 40:47.


Voici mon Canada: La Nature Belle - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> Voici mon Canada: La Nature Belle - Duration: 0:19.


Dike Around Lake Okeechobee Still Undergoing Restoration - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Dike Around Lake Okeechobee Still Undergoing Restoration - Duration: 1:41.


Over 50 and Childless: Coping with Not Being Able to Have Children - Duration: 11:05.

And you know the older that you get you and I talk about this you know I really

miss the thought of having a family like that's still know that's still in me

that's still you know that's still in me ... I'm sorry ...

thanks so much for tuning into our 2nd act with Paige and Silke for your

second act of life ... Hi Paige - how are you I'm so glad you're back today because we

are continuing a conversation that's you know very very near and dear to our

hearts and that is the fact that neither one of us had children both for very

different reasons I chose not to have children I made a conscious decision and

you know I'm very good with that and that was covered in in in previous shows

also with one of my very best friends look forward to you seeing that but what

also struck me then Paige is that you know we're good with it Susan and I are

good with that decision but when you can't have children and you want

children that's a whole whole other thing and that's what we really want to

hone in on today so what I'd like to ask is that you share your story because I'm

sure you know a lot of women will identify with it well Silke I think this

is a good opportunity for me to share because yes when you can't have children

or the adoption didn't go through for many of us it is devastating and it kind

of holds on to you like when you have gum on the bottom of your shoe you can

get a lot of the wat out but you still have little pieces that are stuck in

there and that's kind of how it feels well the obvious question Paige why

could you not have children and and I actually don't know that we you and I

have not never talked about that reason well it leads to a little bit of a story

not too terribly long but you know you get all the tests run as far as how are

your eggs how are this and I didn't look to start having kids until my late 30s

or early 40s so what happened was I think a lot of our viewers know that my

husband was very sick from four you know many years and I haven't shared this

with you Silke so right in the middle of his illness I'd gone to see a new

gynecologist that my good friend who's a doctor referred me to and halfway

through she said Paige did you do you have children and I said no I don't and

and she said well do you know why you don't have children

and I said no so she explained this situation why I didn't have children and

in that moment she said to me if someone had caught this five years prior or six

years prior you could have children so I just remember that night laying in bed

and just crying quietly so you know from that point on we started to do the

adoption process and another thing that a lot of women go through with adoption

especially the older that you get is if you look at different countries they

don't look at the man for the adoption if you are a heterosexual couple they

still look at the woman as being the primary caregiver and if you are at a

certain age that the country says no you're too old they don't accept you

when through that even Catholic Charities here in the States

had one point said you know the social worker had said to me Paige I'm so sorry

but but they're gonna look at your age and they're gonna say you're too old

even though she didn't agree with it and I said let me get this straight so a

woman gets older she has really good health takes care of herself

is more patient has more wisdom has more to give but no that won't work so that

was very difficult and then when I was in Rwanda helping out with After Effects

and things from the genocide I remember going to an orphanage and my mind was I

was not there to look for children my mind was there to help people with PTSD

and I remember being in this orphanage and I walked in and straight back there

was this little boy and he was about six months old they found him on the side of

the road and he had a distended belly and he had stuff coming out of his nose

and I just looked at him and I went oh my God that is my son so I went right

back over picked him up how them and we started the process which you know I was

so excited about but you know like two years after that the country had said

you know what we're not gonna have you adopt him right now even though all the

indications were yes you can adopt him you know when right now he's eight years

old and my heart is still there in Rwanda with that son and then we've gone

through other times in the Congo we had gone through times here in the States we

were actually shown picture of children saying okay who do you

connect with and we you know really feel it and resonate with it go oh yes that

one that one and then the the organization's will come back and go oh

sorry we've already slotted them for these

parents so it was this emotional up-and-down roller coaster of okay we're

gonna adopt or we're not gonna adopt okay they said yes okay now they said no

and you know the older that you get you and I talked about this you know I

really miss the thought of having a family like that's still well that's

still in me that's still you know that still of me hey because silca like you

know me from a bigger perspective I don't know if that was my journey here

because not having kids enables me to reach out and help so many people

globally and you know all the different things that I'm into and my hands are

into different projects to help you know different people in the world and that's

how I kind of look at it but there's a lot of women are you know men out there

who they've gone through the same thing and there is still a void and as you get

older and like you and I talked about this before how many times people ask

you do you have kids or do you have grandkids and you just think wow is the

career the only thing to focus on here yeah how do you fill that void how do

you get over it do you get over it I've seen different

things with my clients some of them get over it to a degree but you always have

like this little piece of that tug that void of you know motherhood wanting to

mother and it's harder when you have friends who have kids or their kids get

older and they graduate and now they're doing things in the world and then you

see your friends who are our age and older now having relationships going

places with their adult kids so you sit there and you always imagine well wow

what could that look like but as you know you and I said before just because

you have kids doesn't mean you'll be close to them either so every woman the

man channels it in a different way you can

volunteer you can work with children you know children type of organizations you

can create a business and birth that business and birth helping others and

for me I've always birthed helping others that's been my passion and that's

been my purpose here in this world what's the biggest piece of advice you

can give somebody listening you know that is our age now and and was unable

to have children longed for it that's still having trouble coping with it you

know I think the big thing is and and you know this about me soca that this is

just one lifetime that we lives and we're in this human body human form but

we're all souls so it doesn't mean you won't have an opportunity in another

lifetime or wherever you go after you transition from this lifetime so look at

it from a bigger sense because if you hold on to anger if you hold on to

resentment if you hold on to the deep sadness and you keep identifying with

being childless that will kind of run your life it's okay if you still have

like I just got choked up cause it's still in me it's still in us when we

can't have you know children or the adoption didn't go well but the big

thing is find something that you can birth find something that you can mother

and know that your role in this lifetime has different purposes and it doesn't

mean it's a bad thing but it means it has a different purpose and another

thing is to you know kids show up in very different ways whether your friend

has a child that maybe doesn't connect with your friend but they really tend to

talk to you or maybe there's an a maybe there's an adult in their 20s 30s their

parents have transitioned and maybe they're looking for a mentor and you can

connect so there's so many different ways of what does mothering look like

what does fathering look like so be open like I always say be open to the

messages be open to the different paths and be open to feeling what you're

feeling but you don't have to hold on to it and say I'm childless because there's

different ways to mother in the world and you're not defined women are not and

should not that word should be defined by not

having given birth as you said that that's birthing if there are so many

different things you can birth you absolutely right I love the way you set

that page thank you so much and thank you for sharing that I know that we're

gonna be when I cry and tear up I know you love that no I don't mean you you

you feel deeply about that and that's why I wanted to make sure we talked

about this because there are so many women out out there like that and we

will be continuing this conversation you know you're going to take that in studio

and we do want and everybody's input if you if you would like to have input on

that show if you'd like to call in if you have a story you want to share do

leave us a comment below or contact us privately via email info at second-act

TV we'll have that in the video description and page and I look forward

to hearing from you anything else you want to say note just remember and and

you already said it there's many different ways to mother and to parent

and this is not the only lifetime that you're going to live. Thanks Paige

we'll see you next time on Our 2nd Act with Paige and Silke ..for your second

act of life. Bye Paige ...

Thanks so much for watching we really appreciate it. If you haven't already

done so please take one second and subscribe to our Channel buttons right

here and if you have story to share on today's topic please leave your comments

below or contact us via the website 2ndact.TV Hope to see you again soon!

For more infomation >> Over 50 and Childless: Coping with Not Being Able to Have Children - Duration: 11:05.


Voici mon Canada: Le Meilleur Place du Monde - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> Voici mon Canada: Le Meilleur Place du Monde - Duration: 0:15.


Medical marijuana zoning bill - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Medical marijuana zoning bill - Duration: 1:06.


Breast Lift-Why My Scars Are So Big After A Breast Lift?Dr.Cortes - Duration: 5:52.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Wonder Breasts.

Today we are going to discuss: Why my scars are so big after breast lift.

In this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery.

Welcome back!

The purpose of the breast lift is to raise sagging breasts.

The more severe the sagginess, the larger the number of surgical incisions will be

and the more visible the scars.

During the breast lift, the surgeon reconstructs and raises the subcutaneous mammary tissues

and the excess skin is removed.

Frequently the areola is reduced, and it is reassembled with the nipple,

which gives a pretty curved shape to the breasts.

A scar is always performed around the areola.

When talking about breast lift procedure, the nipple always needs to be repositioned.

In some cases of small and slightly falling breasts,

it will be sufficient to have just the incision around the areola.

But if the breast lift is moderate to severe, the surgeon might need to perform

an additional incision vertically and horizontally.

Even if the breast lift is performed as a stand-alone intervention, in a vast majority of cases,

two incisions will be needed: the one around the areola and another one going vertically

from the areola edge to the inframammary fold.

These incisions allow the surgeon to give the breasts a nice curved shape.

In the case of a more severe breast ptosis, it will be necessary to remove a larger amount

of skin during the breast lift.

It will therefore take more scars to succeed in creating a beautiful shape of the breast.

The third incision is usually performed in this case, and it is positioned under the breasts

in the inframammary fold.

If you are left with big scars after the breast lift surgery, it usually means you had severe sagginess

that could not have been corrected with just a periareolar scar.

Even if the scars caused during the breast lift are larger than for a simple breast augmentation,

the patient satisfaction rate remains exceptionally high.

In this video, we discussed: Why my scars are so big after breast lift.

Next week we will discuss: Revision surgery after breast lift.

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Wonder Breasts channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> Breast Lift-Why My Scars Are So Big After A Breast Lift?Dr.Cortes - Duration: 5:52.


Austria-Hungry 2 kronen banknote - Duration: 4:16.

so hang on people today's beautiful day show is beautiful Batman and this is

actually one of the in these thing that's actually ever gone and if you

don't know what it is it's actually bent neck from austria-hungary so on this

side you have German slide Cornyn and on the reverse side you have Hungarian get

caught on okay and with austria-hungary banknotes that pretty much the same as

this all the time one with one side Hungarian one side we've had German and

you also had the different languages as well so this is really so one will be in

Serbian another one probably method not mesud onion whatever probably like a

Ukrainian yeah and then you probably have creation and probably a Czech or

Slovak you know I'm not too sure what languages there if you read any of these

languages please let me know so disappointment was issued in in Vienna

curse March 1917 and this issue but it ought to reach the Austrian engage or

Hungarian bank and that bank went defunct in about 1920 after the first

world war because austria-hungary no longer existed and it says deutsche

withstood ice so it's issued his candor stamp for Austria only so already over

territory is like Yugoslavia Hungary Romania these are no longer legal tender

at this time this bank may all have been after this

world war poor in 1919 1920 and I don't you have the Austrian coat of arms okay

signatures of the various officials at the bank and you have like flowers and

fruit and here looks like bells or something here could be just flowers

yeah allegorical figures a neighbor's probably represent Austria they say and

it has no watermark as you can see no watermark so I'm not hunger in so you

have the Hungarian coat of arms and you have any initial here which is just the

this rack major bang we just just means austrian-hungarian Bank pretty much all

this is the same what it says on the Austrian side and you have the infobar

figures and it just in Reverse on yep on the other side so you look up the image

of the woman could you must assign me so you don't get any overlap in their

facial features when you look at that like this so that's it to cloning from

austria-hungary I like to collect these type of banknotes austria-hungary just

fascinates me as well as the polish-lithuanian Commonwealth anyway

thank you very much for watching my video give you the thumbs up and if

you're displaying like they're not that expensive

I'll be back thank you very much and have a nice day

For more infomation >> Austria-Hungry 2 kronen banknote - Duration: 4:16.


Texas Governor Abbott Just Pissed Off Obama With Incredible Gift He Gave President Trump - Duration: 7:29.

The mainstream media has been ready to condemn President Trump for his response to Hurricane


Even before the storm hit the state of Texas liberal talking heads were already saying

he would be a failure.

They have attempted to spin Trump's reaction to the devastating storm as inadequate and


However, not everyone feels that way about the president's response including Governor

Greg Abbott, and what he had to say most certainly will anger Barack Obama and his loyal followers.

The left is always in attack mode ready to pounce on President Trump and his supporters.

That is evident in the recent catastrophe of Hurricane Harvey that has left many people

dead and thousands homeless.

As people around the country and in the great state Texas are banding together to help those

in need the left is only looking to criticize.

These hateful leftists have tried to paint President Trump a weak, uncaring, and slow

to help the thousands of Americans suffering.

To prove their misguided point, they began to share a photo of Barack Obama helping so-called

victims of Hurricane Harvey.

However, their powers of observation were just as strong as their intellect and that

isn't saying much.

It doesn't take a genius to notice that this photo was not taken in late August after

a hurricane in Texas.

Amanda Shea of Freedom Daily reported on this liberal lie yesterday in this compelling report.

It looked great and felt even better to liberals desperate for something to shove in the faces

of every Trump supporter for why Obama is better than he is.

The caption even proved that point with the original poster saying, "something you'll

never see trump do: Obama is in Texas serving meals!"

What's funny, or perhaps sad, if we're talking about how incredibly gullible/desperate

liberals are, is that by blasting this picture they proved the opposite point they thought

they were making.

"The internet never fails to politicize natural disasters and troll President Trump,"

the Daily Caller pointed out in explaining that the viral picture of Obama allegedly

helping Hurricane Harvey victims wasn't taken in Texas and wasn't even taken this


"This photo of Obama was actually from 2015 when he was serving Thanksgiving dinner at

a homeless shelter," the news site pointed out.

"The tweet had enough time to go viral, however, receiving close to 15,000 likes and

almost 8,000 retweets today."

And, that is not all of it either folks.

The left would love to tout that Barack Obama was a man of action during natural disasters

when he was president, but let's take a walk down memory lane shall we?

During the catastrophic flooding that occurred last August in Louisianna, Obama was nowhere

to be seen.

In fact, the then commander and chief was busy hitting golf balls at a posh resort instead

of attending to his citizen's needs.

Prissy Holly from Freedom Daily wrote:

To adequately paint the picture of Obama's disgusting antics, let's take a quick rewind

back in history.

In August of last year, while Obama was in office, prolonged rainfall resulted in catastrophic

flooding across the state of Louisiana that submerged thousands of houses and business,

leaving 40,000 Louisiana residents completely homeless.

Louisiana's governor John Bel Edwards called the disaster a "historic, unprecedented

flooding event," declaring a state of emergency for the floods that tragically took the lives

of 13 people.

The good, hard-working people of Louisiana waited and waited to hear their president

extend his condolences and pay their suffering community a visit.

But Obama was nowhere to be found.

The plight of suffering Louisianans was the last thing on Obama's list of priorities,

as he continued to whack golf balls and vacation at his exclusive posh resort.

Of course, the left would love to soon forget those truths and you can bet your sweet bippy

they also aren't going to like what Governor Abbott had to say about President Trump.

Here is more from Free Beacon:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R.) gave President Donald Trump's administration an A+ on its

response to Hurricane Harvey during a press briefing Monday.

At the briefing, a reporter asked Abbott how he would grade the federal government's

response to the hurricane so far.

"The state of Texas has been dealing with the federal government for about seven to

10 days, at least, before the hurricane hit," Abbott said.

"I've spoken with the president on multiple occasions, with his Cabinet members … and

I would have to grade the federal government's response as an A+."

Abbott said that in addition to the president, he has spoken with multiple Cabinet members

including Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price, acting Secretary of Homeland Security

Elaine Duke, and FEMA administrator Brock Long.

"This is, if not the largest, it has to be categorized as one of the largest disasters

America has ever faced," Abbott said.

"And to see the swift response from the federal government is pretty much unparalleled."

Although Abbott is grateful for the response by the federal government so far, he acknowledged

they are still early in the process, and said the current level of support, assistance,

and response must be maintained.

The president will travel to Texas on Tuesday to assess the aftermath of the storm, and

to discuss logistics with state and local officials.

For more infomation >> Texas Governor Abbott Just Pissed Off Obama With Incredible Gift He Gave President Trump - Duration: 7:29.


Scott County honored for efforts to mitigate HIV epidemic - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Scott County honored for efforts to mitigate HIV epidemic - Duration: 1:51.


Impermeabilização de lajes - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Impermeabilização de lajes - Duration: 2:52.


Who was Julius Caesar... Really? | Cool History - Duration: 7:48.

Now before we start, let's get something straight.

Julius Caesar lead a rich life but he did not make the Caesar Salad, that's named

after Caesar Cardini, an italian chef and not a Roman dictator.

Also he's not why it's called a Caesarean Section - it's just that Caesar comes from

the Latin caedo meaning to cut.

Now with that out of the way, we can talk about stuff Caesar actually did!

So, hello, welcome to nerdyandquirky!

Here's some Cool History!

Julius Caesar was born into an aristocratic Roman family on the 12th or 13th of July 100


When he rolled up onto the scene, Greco-Roman society was fading and on the verge of revolution,

and Caesar himself was ready to play a part.

In 84 BCE, he married Cornelia, the daughter of Lucius Cornelius Cinna, meaning he sided

with Gaius Marius who was beefing with Lucius Cornelius Sulla.

And yes, we have two dudes named Lucius Cornelius.

Anyway, evidently, Caesar picked the wrong side as Sulla marched on Rome a year later

and became dictator.

Sulla was immediately like, "Hey Caesar, divorce Cornelia."

And Caesar was like, "No."

And Sulla was like, "Okay but I'm gonna have to kill you then."

And Caesar was like, "GOTTA BLAST!" and joined the military service to avoid Sulla

until Sulla died in 78 BCE.

After that, Caesar got back into the political game, travelling to Rhodes to learn public

speaking, but around that time… he got kidnapped by Sicilian pirates, and we all know to never

go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

Give this video a big ol' thumbs up if you caught that reference.

If you haven't, do yourself a favour and go watch The Princess Bride.

Anyway, the pirates demanded 20 talents of silver, which is worth about 200 to 400 thousand

dollars nowadays, and Caesar did what all hostages do…

He told them to charge for more.

50 talents.

Or easily over half a million dollars.

Then, Caesar sent some of the men accompanying him to gather the ransom.

And, if you didn't already guess, Caesar didn't act like much of a hostage.

He chatted with the pirates, joined in on their games… told them to be quiet while

he slept.

All in all Caesar treated the pirates more like friends than… kidnappers.

But when Caesar's friends came back 38 days later with the silver, Caesar was like, "It's

been great but I am gonna have to hunt y'all down and kill ya later"

And he made good on that promise.

Upon returning home, he gathered a navy, hunted the men down, and had them crucified.

Basically, don't mess with Caesar.

He spent the next 30ish years climbing the political ranks and achieving military victories

using superior tactics.

But I feel the need to tell you that Caesar was not a great dude.

Sure, when it came to defeating other Greeks and Romans, he was a graceful and considerate


But when it came down to fighting "barbarians" like the Gauls… he cut them off from their

water supply until a bunch died of dehydration… and then all the survivors got their hands

cut off.

I know all's fair in love and war, BUT SERIOUSLY?

Anyway, Caesar eventually became a Consul of the Roman Republic which was one of the

highest seats of power.

There were always 2 roman consuls at any given point, both had civil and military command

but always retained the right to veto the other.

Now Caesar built his rep by associating with Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, or Pompey, a military

leader, and Marcus Licinius Crassus, the richest Roman in history.

The thing is, they both hated each other.

But Caesar managed to convince them to work together to support…


Together they formed the First Triumvirate.

But tensions grew alongside Caesar's success.

Pompey was becoming increasingly jealous, and the Roman nobles were uncomfortable with

Caesar's increasing influence.

Then, Crassus died and Caesar's first term as consul was coming to a close.

And Caesar was nervous, he knew that with Crassus' death, the delicate balance of

the Triumvirate was gone.

And in between his first and second term as consul, he wouldn't have guards and could

easily be assassinated as a civilian.

Then, when the Roman Senate were like, "Hey!

Caesar, disband your army and come on back to Rome until your second term starts!"

Caesar was like, "Uhh…

That sounds like a bad idea.

Not gonna do that."

So he brought his army across the River Rubicon which was the exact thing the Roman Senate

told him not to do.

It was considered an act of treason and basically triggered a civil war.

It's also why crossing the Rubicon has come to mean passing the point of no return.

But Caesar won the exchange.

He chased his opponents out of Rome, killing Pompey in Egypt, and also while he was there,

he sprung up a little affair with Cleopatra.


The Cleopatra.

After that, he heads on back to Rome and since he totally wiped out his competition, he named

himself dictator for life.

He focused a lot on ordering Greco-Roman culture, reforming the calendar which is did a video

about, opening up immigration, and forming a more representative senate.

To do that last thing, he even welcomed some defeated enemies into government which, if

you know how this story ends… mistake.

We'll get there, but first, it's sponsor time!

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Back to the video!

So, the lower and middle classes were pretty big fans of Caesar, but the upper class and

nobility weren't having it.

They saw Caesar's actions as the acts of a wannabe king, and the Romans did not want

a monarch.

So, 60ish senators decide to assassinate him.

And they chose to do it in the one place where Caesar's guards weren't allowed to follow,

the senate, because only Senators were allowed in.

Now Caesar wasn't a fool, he was hesitant about the gathering.

Even more so because, the story goes, a seer told Caesar that he was going to die by the

time of this upcoming Roman holiday called the ides of march which occured on March 15th.

But Brutus, a previous ally of Pompey's who had been invited into Caesar's government,

and was now his pal, was like, "Hey!

You should totally come to the Senate!

Not suspicious at all!

No knives!

I promise!"

Anyway, maybe it was Brutus' suggestion of maybe it was because it was March 15th

and he was still alive, but Caesar was pretty confident.

He was like, "Ayy we good!

The Ides of March have come!"

But the seer was like, "Aye.

But not gone… just sayin."

And so Caesar rolls up into the senate and… got stabbed 23 times.

Among the murderers, in fact one of the leaders of the plot, was Brutus.

And then, Caesar uttered those iconic words… es-tu, Brutes?

But not really.

No one knows what his last words were, but I like to imagine it was, "23 TIMES?!




And then death.

Either way, Julius Caesar died at 55.

But the funny thing is, as funny as this could be, the Senate's big plan to end Caesar's

growing legacy backfired as they ended up making him a martyr that was eventually deified

by the Roman Republic.

So… to stop Caesar from being a king, they made him a god.

So, that was just some Cool History on the life and times of Julius Caesar!

Now, what about you guys?

Who do you want to learn more about next?

A pirate or a painter?

Let me know down below!

If you enjoyed this video, make sure to hit like, share, and subscribe.

And check out my other videos over there.

You can keep watching Cool History.

There's a little playlist for ya.

But either way, have a lovely day!

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