Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

Assalamualaikum Everyone






For more infomation >> Easy Everyday Hijab Tutorial With Niqab/ Without Niqab || SABRINA - Duration: 3:51.


Qué son los Lead Magnet para captar NUEVOS CLIENTES - Duration: 10:48.

You have clearly a lead magnet and

how it can help you get new

Customers can define it as a

resource to give a user

in exchange you leave your data is

say a LIP in today's video I want

talk to you about how you can use

Magness books like strategy

marketing to attract new customers

Hello my name is juan merodio and

Welcome to the new video

If this is your first time if you want to learn

all the tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

Started by subscribing to my

canal los desmanes como hemos dicho es

dar un contenido de valor de manera

gratuita a los usuarios como podría ser

un curso on line o un ebook por lo tanto

es una estrategia enmarcada dentro del

marketing de contenidos

los objetivos pueden ser múltiples de

generar una base de usuarios de

potenciales clientes de un nuevo

producto que va a avanzar o para generar

ventas de un producto y ha lanzado para

conocer mejor los gustos e intereses de

tus clientes y para todo ello necesitas

crear una pieza de contenido que

realmente el usuario sienta que le

aporta valor de tal manera que para

conseguirla decida dejarte su

información tiene que ser un win win

todos ganamos son muchos los ejemplos y

elementos que puedes utilizar como olid

magnets un ebook un bus online un

estudio de mercado una plantilla a una

lista de recursos un webinar un

minicurso una auditoría casos de éxito

es decir debemos basarlo en el sistema

de gratificación instantánea para que

el usuario pueda conseguirlo

en ese mismo momento con tan sólo

dejarte sus datos y donde posterior y

tú debes establecer una estrategia

comercial del ipp natalín o lo que es

lo mismo de gestión y optimización de

los datos de estos posibles clientes que

dependiendo del tipo de bits y los

objetivos de la campaña y de tu negocio

deja de mostrarte un ejemplo real que

realicé hace unos meses con mi libro 10

business factors donde utilice como lead

magnet el mismo libro no pero en una

versión reducida donde los usuarios

podían leerse las 50 primeras páginas

del libro totalmente gratis

estévez magnet aparecía cuando un

usuario decidía salir de mi blog

juan merodio puntocom y automáticamente

le invitaba a poder descargar en ese

mismo momento parte de mi nuevo libro

con tan sólo dejar sume una vez el

usuario había solicitado sus con su

copia del libro en un margen inferior a

tres horas una persona de mi

departamento de atención al cliente le

contactaba para confirmar que había

podido descargar correctamente el liv

aproximadamente 15 días después mi

departamento de atención al cliente se

volvía a poner en contacto con esta

persona para conocer si había leído ya

el libro y de ser así cuál era su

opinión y si le había gustado hasta

donde había leído y si quería saber

más relación oferta especial para

tener el libro entero tanto en formato

ebook como el kindle

el resultado de la campaña podemos

considerarlo como un satisfactorio no ya

que no sólo ayudó a captar nuevos

suscriptores que aunque algunos de ellos

no convirtieron en ese momento a la

compra del libro pero sí convirtieron

en otros servicios más adelante y

además ayudó a generar suscriptores

recurrentes a mis contenidos

contribuyendo a la creación y

potenciación de la marca

resumiendo esto es sólo un ejemplo de

las muchas acciones que puedes hacer

para generar un lied magnet dividiendo

tu estrategia de marketing de contenidos

en un 95 por ciento de contenidos 100%

gratuitos y abiertos para el usuario y

un 5 por ciento de contenidos gratuitos

pero sólo disponible para usuarios que

lo soliciten

y todo con una posterior estrategia de

cómo vas a gestionar los knicks

captados y básicamente por decir un

poco la esencia del del método es poner

el foco en una cosa de cada factor es

decir como bien sabes en digital hay

mucho que hacer y al final cuando en una

empresa evento lo que tienen que hacer

no hacen nada porque no saben ni por

dónde empezar y se produce esa

parálisis no es lo que busco es vamos a

hacer una cosa a la que ahora mismo

aporte más valor al negocio cuando

esté hecha pasamos a la siguiente todo

es paso a paso

al final lo que haces es avanzar más

rápido porque es que un emprendedor que

no tenga esa sensación sinceramente

creo que que al final está en una zona

que no debe estar no pero en la montaña


al final es como todo yo creo que te

acostumbras a ella y cuando te

acostumbras algo lo hace es parte de ti

y no es tan incómodo

entonces creo que lo importante es que

esta montaña rusa no tenga picos es

decir distancias de arriba abajo

demasiado elevadas no porque muchas

veces y es cierto que muchos

emprendedores pasan de la noche al día

y eso tampoco es bueno porque te puede

generar problemas creo que la montaña

rusa tiene que existir pero tienes que

mantenerla dentro de unos parámetros

que te permitan que que las cosas vayan

bien no porque si no muchos altibajos

también te puede causar problemas

es algo que tiene que estar en el día a

día de cualquier emprendedor el email

marketing sigue siendo la estrategia que

mejor ratio de conversión tiene

justamente ayer estaba escribiendo un

nuevo post sobre ello y donde muestra un

artículo un estudio realizado ahora en

este año 2017 que sigue demostrando que

el email marketing es la que mejor

conversiones da cuando son nada buenas

conversiones alguien dice el email

marketing está muerto es porque

probablemente no está usando bien no el

problema es lo que decías el spam es

decir las empresas se dedican a a crear

bases de datos grandes sacando la

información de dónde sea es decir por

linkedin temió por linkedin te cogen

mil da lo mismo un día te meas mandó

un email porque nos habla y te meto en

base a datos de newsletter

eso no es si realmente al final lo que

tienes que tener son bases de datos de

calidad y eso se construye con él con

el tiempo no y cuando eso lo tienes

hecho el email marketing funciona muy

bien y donde cada vez se ha avanzado

más con estrategias de automatización

de marketing que permite pues se mejorar

y fomentar la productividad de los

procesos no hay ninguna duda ello puedo

demostrar y demostrar muchos de mis

clientes datos reales de las

conversiones del imim marketing cuando

lo haces bien es parte del error yo creo

que hay que enfocarse en gustar al

usuario es decir por qué google

hoy te dice que funciona así y mañana

te cambia y qué haces con todo eso pero

no sólo google sino cualquier

herramienta de terceros llámese redes

sociales es uno de los grandes errores

que han cometido las empresas siguen

cometiendo muchas empresas

el centrar parte de su negocio en

terceros como pueden ser facebook no


las redes sociales han engañado a todo

el mundo de personas y sólo empresas no

las empresas se han estado los últimos

años creando comunidades en sus

páginas de fans para que para que ahora

facebook te diga que eso no te vale para

nada y que si quiere llegar a esa

comunidad que tú has creado les tienes

que pagar en publicidad para llegar a


esto es una realidad o mucho de youtube

es no que centraban su publicidad en

youtube y que pasa ahora que youtube

decide cambiar y donde antes pagaba 100

ahora paga 1 y ha crecido gracias a un

mensaje comunidad de personas que ha

hecho crecer youtube que han generado

contenidos ya youtube les da la espalda

y esto es lo que haces muchos están


pero al final creo que en esto tenemos

que ser inteligentes y al final tienes

que tener tu negocio en algo que tú


0-3 para apoyarte en ello para tener

alcance pero no para generar negocio

directo agravios pero luego siempre les

digo vale tú estás esto gratis pero

tú trabajar gratis

tú te levantas iba saturó a que no es

porque te crees que alguien va a

trabajar gratis para tí

si tú tienes la percepción de que es

gratis créeme que no hay nada gratis

detrás que lo estás pagando por algún

otro lado ahí entramos al morir de

éxito no empresa y creo que que la

empresa tiene que tener una plena una

planificación es decir por poner un


creo que también hay una alineación

entre un gran gran influencia ser por el

coste que tiene versos una pyme que

probablemente no lo pueda pagar no

imagina de se viera gallo que es el

lugar más grande que es el rubio yus

una pequeña empresa contrata rus views

y no tendría sentido porque

probablemente le puede llegar a

desbordar y se vuelven algo

contraproducente no creo que hay que

buscarlos influences alineados a tus


y a los recursos a los cuales dispone es

decir si tú no puedes entender 10.000

pedidos al día no tiene sentido hacer

algo que te pueda generar eso empieza de

pequeñito bt controlando que

descaradamente pero crece entonces creo

que la micro influencia es algo muy muy

potente y es donde realmente está el

valor no

y luego hablan de esta parte también de

influencia al final e

muchas veces las empresas siguen

viéndolo como un canal de publicidad y

ese es el mayor error que cometen al

final el marketing influencia no es

publicidad debe ser contenido nativo y

debe ser contenido basado en algo que

aporte valor al usuario y en el medio

largo plazo no y aquí todavía si veo

la mayor parte de empresas que siguen

mirando esas campañas de como si fuese

otra campaña de publicidad y ahí es

donde realmente está el error sería

bien si cojo ejemplos esto es algo que

hago habitualmente porque creo que

aporta mucho valor escoger ejemplos de

otros sectores empresas y ver cómo se

puede aplicar es decir no se os parece

bien aunque no sea tema público pero yo

siempre digo a él coge algo que está

haciendo a los inventó en en el sector

farma juego y por qué no aplicar esto

al sector público vale queréis que

toca también temas porque me comentáis

el tema transformación digital desde el

punto de vista de la necesidad personal

y profesional de reinvención

es decir de cómo se están como se

está rompiendo en general el mundo y lo

que hace diez años funcionaba y no

funciona y que tenemos que ir pensando

los próximos 5 y 10 años es decir a

todos los niveles

la irrupción que está pasando en todos

los mundos hacer ver también porque

como decía el objetivo es hacer a la

gente pensar o como yo les digo

pincharles el culo para que muchas veces

se muevan o de qué cosas como por

ejemplo el tema del bid coín hace cinco

años parece una locura donde todos y de

repente en cinco años está cambiando y

estamentos públicos bancos están

diciendo oye que es que esto puede

funcionar es que esto tiene sentido

decir eso de las exportaciones para mí

es un cambio de mentalidad y es un poco

lo que me gustaría transmitir a los

entiendo que no será ningún problema

pero yo iré como parte de mi equipo

porque iré con una persona es un

cámara que llevó siempre a todos mis

eventos que va conmigo grabando

absolutamente todo y grabando la

conferencia e iré con otra persona de

contenidos que lo que hace es generar

contenidos a tiempo real para mi marca

te ha gustado el video si es así dale

me gusta y quiero hacerte partícipe de

él por lo que dejan los comentarios con

el hashtag en lid magnet si los has

usado alguna vez y qué resultados se

han dado entre todos los comentarios de

los videos del mes sortear en mi curso

on line de estrategia de marketing

digital valorado en 995 euros por lo que

cuanto más comentes en mis videos

diarios más oportunidades tendrás de

ganarlo así que deja ahora mismo

tu comentario

si llueve tatami


For more infomation >> Qué son los Lead Magnet para captar NUEVOS CLIENTES - Duration: 10:48.


Moms Gone Strong - Glute Bridge - Duration: 1:12.

Now Amanda's going to demonstrate a glute bridge. It's perfectly safe to

lie on your back at this stage of pregnancy as long as you pay attention

to how you're feeling. If you find yourself feeling dizzy or lightheaded

then this might not be a great position for you.

But for short intervals for most women it's totally fine, but make sure that

you've watched our video about how to get from the standing position to the

lying position when you're this far along because there are some special

tips on how to put less pressure on your core when you're doing that. So she's

going to start out lying on her back, she's going to bend her knees,

bring her heels towards her glutes and then she's going to take a big deep

breath in, and then she's going to exhale on the way up as she drives her heels

into the floor and squeezes her bum at the top. She's going to hold it at the

top for a second and then she's going to inhale on the way back down and you can

just give us a couple reps. So you don't need to think about anything special

going on with the pelvic floor. The gentle exhale on the way up is going to

take care of that contraction for you and then as you inhale on the way down

it's going to release. So exhale on the way up, squeeze the bum and then she's

going to inhale on the way down.

For more infomation >> Moms Gone Strong - Glute Bridge - Duration: 1:12.


Dealing with Grief - Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Duration: 8:44.

There are many games out there that deal with Grief as a theme.

But it's often portrayed as an obstacle to overcome, something to get over.

The main character goes through an arc and comes out the other side with a sense of accomplishment,

catharsis, closure.

And while I don't want to call games out for being too unrealistic, this has simply not

been my experience with grief.

Which is why Life is Strange: Before the Storm is such a special to me, as it's approach

to grief is far more.... familiar.

I too lost parents at a young age, both of them, so I feel a special kinship with Chloe,

not just because of some of the factual similarities we share but because of the way grief has

affected our lives.

It's only after experiencing a tragedy that you realise certain things about life.

For one, grief isn't a phase.

You never get over it and return to normal.

It stays with you for your entire life.

All that happens is that you learn to accept the change that you've experienced though

this in turn changes you, as a person, for better or worse.

I can understand and even appreciate wanting to combat grief in a direct and clichéd manner,

but this game isn't so simple.

Chloe isn't out to uncover a hidden truth about her Father's death or embark on a journey

that will bring her closer to him.

All she has to do is just carry on living her life.

He is dead, and he's never coming back.

Chloe is all alone.

Not so much in a physical sense but emotionally.

During my Mum's funeral, there was a serman that was read out that has really stuck with


Thoughts on Grief by Cardinal Hume.

During an awful time in my life it was comforting to have these words said out loud, to have

some language put to the pain I was feeling but something that really stood out to me

was the emphasis on loneliness.

Grief, is one of the loneliest things that a person can endure.

You can be surrounded by friends and family who offer all the warmest and kindest of words,

yet you can still feel adrift on an island, all alone.

Another's words do not help.

A reasoned argument explains little for having tried too much.

Silence is the best response to another's grief.

Not the silence that is a pause in speech, awkward and unwanted, but one that unites

heart to heart.

And what better place to find such a thing, to find such an understanding silence than in someone who understands you the most,

like say a best friend.

But what if, when you needed your best friend the most, they left you.

What if during the loneliest time of your life, you were left to feel even more alone?

What if after repeated attempts to get back in touch with your friend, they were quiet

and unresponsive?

What impact do you think that would have on a young Chloe?

Reading through her diary and messages hit quite close to home for me because I also

felt a similar sense of abandonment at my lowest point.

I don't really want to get into the nitty gritty details here, but the point is that,

during an awful time, I didn't feel as if my friends really, cared, to be frank, that

they didn't want my grief to be their problem.

Which made me feel really, dejected, deathly alone.

As a result I started to become reclusive, withdrawn, and to be honest I'm still like

that to this day.

I've developed major trust issues with people in general, which is why I can recognise a

similar mistrust of people in Chloe.

She is now so used to feeling alone that she has no real choice but to embrace it.

It's not that Chloe is unfriendly, infact she seems well liked at her school and even

has some good times with her classmates, but none of them are close friends, she keeps

them at arms length.

At times it feels as if she revels in her loner status, but even Chloe knows that, on

some level, she would like nothing more than to have a deep meaningful bond again.

A true heart to heart connection.

But letting somebody in after convincing yourself that you're better off alone is a scary and

vulnerable thing to do.

Which is where Rachel comes in.

A charismatic, insightful, beautiful young woman who sweeps Chloe off her feet.

Such an experience can be both exhilarating and nervewracking.

There is a moment I like in the drama club scene, where Rachel asks for her belt and

you have to decide how to give it to her.

Throwing the belt might hurt her on the head or something but it would be too rude to simply

walk in on her when she's changing, right?

But if you do decide to walk around, there is yet another choice, let her know you're

there or say nothing.

I'm sure many have derived decisions like these as yet more meaningless choices that

don't affect the story but I think that would be an unfair assessment.

Moments like this help put you into Chloe's mindset and make you consider the possibility

for social awkwardness.

I'm sure we can all relate to that.

We want to make a good impression on someone, either a potential friend or otherwise.

But you don't want to come off too eager or say the wrong thing so you question every

decision you make.

This moment in particular stands out to me, I spend most of my time around people worrying

that I'm being too clingy or not giving enough space or something like that.

But with Chloe it's not just about trying to impress the popular kid in school.

She feels a connection with Rachel, a connection she hasn't felt since her Dad died and her

best friend left.

Whether she knows it or not, she sees this as her chance to refill that void.

That's a lot of pressure to put on a relationship that has barely even begun.

Consider what happens when Rachel becomes withdrawn in the junkyard, Chloe assumes it's

her fault, like she failed in some way and she is desperate to fix

the situation.

Then when Rachel leaves and Chloe finds her Dad's old car, it acts as a sort of sick reminder,

she's all alone, again.

Well, not really, as they soon make up, but even still, Chloe is always going to have

this pain inside her.

However it's also clear that she's starting to find some peace, thanks to Rachel.

I'm sure there is still a lot of drama for these crazy teens to get mixed up in, but

if Deck 9 or Dontnod simply wanted to do a 10 episode series of these characters just

hanging out, getting into trouble, then I would totally love that.

One of the things that I respect the most about this game, is that it doesn't really

have a plot.

The blossoming friendship aside, the game is mostly just about Chloe, living from day

to day and giving how involving the series still is, I think that's a testament to how

well drawn out she is.

I don't think I've ever related to a character as much as I have with Chloe Price.

Though I must admit I did feel a touch of awkwardness when, after playing a game about

young girls, the credits rolled and, ok, guy, guy, guy, another guy, oh gosh.

I mean yeah OK, there is a woman on the writing staff, two in fact and it's not impossible

for a man to write a females perspective, but still my point is that, while I love this

game and I know a lot of other women do as well, if someone came up to me and argued

that it isn't an accurate portrayal of being a young woman, then I would have to defer

to their judgement on that matter as I have no experience there.

But when it comes to the portrayal of a young person stricken with grief, anger, confusion,

loneliness, then I CAN speak to that, and this game gets it pretty fucking perfect.

For more infomation >> Dealing with Grief - Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Duration: 8:44.


LetterSchool handwriting version 3X Speed Red Uppercase D'Nealian Normal ABCDEFGHI letters Best app - Duration: 7:46.

LetterSchool handwriting version 3X Speed Red Uppercase D'Nealian Normal ABCDEFGHI letters Best app

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting version 3X Speed Red Uppercase D'Nealian Normal ABCDEFGHI letters Best app - Duration: 7:46.


オバケメイクして知らない人を驚かしてみた!Stranger Goes On Omegle! - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> オバケメイクして知らない人を驚かしてみた!Stranger Goes On Omegle! - Duration: 5:40.





Bachata 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Shakira, Prince Royce, Romeo Santos - Bachata Mix 2017 - Duration: 1:15:35.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Bachata 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Shakira, Prince Royce, Romeo Santos - Bachata Mix 2017 - Duration: 1:15:35.


TubeBuddy Tag Explorer: How to Select Video Keywords - Duration: 6:25.

Do you have a hard time coming up with keywords

for your videos on YouTube?

Stay tuned because in this video,

I'm going to talk to you about TubeBuddy,

how to use its tag explorer

to come up with your keywords for your videos.

Hi, I'm Tricia Clements,

Chief Fur Wrangler with

I want to talk to you today

about TubeBuddy and using it for keywords.

Google's Keyword Planner is often used

to come up with keywords

or as YouTube likes to have them, tags.

Google's Keyword Planner tool is something that's used a lot

to come up with keywords

whether you're doing your website

or you're doing a video.

However, it's no longer free to use,

so a lot of people have been looking for other options.

I really like TubeBuddy's Tag Explorer.

It's really great and they have a free version

that you can get the Chrome extension,

use for your YouTube channel.

You do need to make sure that you're tagging your videos

because it does help YouTube know more about

what your video is about.

For SEO purposes, Search Engine Optimization,

you want to get your video found,

so make sure that you are tagging it.

You also want to tag it because YouTube,

once it knows what your video is about,

it can maybe have it as a recommended video

if someone's watching a video with that same topic.

Make sure you tag your video.

When you're starting out trying to pick out keywords to use,

one of the best strategies to have

is to select the low-hanging fruit.

What I mean by that is if you're just starting out

on your YouTube Channel,

you are not going to rank for a really popular,

highly-searched, and very competitive keyword.

What you want to do is go for maybe the low-hanging fruit,

those keywords that have people searching for

but don't have as many videos about that.

I do have a bonus tip for you

when you're tagging your videos,

make sure you use your Channel name as a tag.

I like to use that in all of my tags,

you'll see MuttButs.

What that does if people are searching for your channel,

they will be able to find it easier

if all of your videos have that tag on it.

One of the main things that you want to make sure

when you are putting tags in

is not to use clickbait.

Don't use a tag that has nothing to do with your video

because you think people will be interested in it.

YouTube will catch on pretty quickly.

You really don't want to have YouTube

see that you're trying to do clickbait

because they want the results

for the searches that people are doing

to actually come up with relative content.

If you've got your video tagged with something

completely unrelated and YouTube sees that,

they want to then ignore that and not use that.

Make sure you don't use a spamming method like clickbait.

I love using TubeBuddy's

Tag Explorer for several reasons.

First, if once you've tagged your videos,

you can go in and look and see

which tags for a video

that you actually ranked for and the number on that.

You can click on where it says

to see your rankings and the green number on the tag.

That is where your video is ranking.

You'll notice that if you've got a keyword that seems to be a ranking well,

you may want to do another video about that,

use that keyword again.

Another thing that I love TubeBuddy for

is for some competitor research.

You can look at some competitors out there,

see their keywords they're using,

also see if any of those keywords are ranking.

If so, you might want to take a look at that,

decide if that's a keyword

you want to use for future video.

TubeBuddy is also really good to look at,

determine if a keyword is something that you want to base your video around.

For instance, when you put a keyword in,

it will show you the search volume,

also the competition.

It will tell you if that keyword is a really good keyword for you to use

or if maybe it's a really bad one because

maybe it search for a lot,

but maybe there's so much competition for that keyword

that your video will get lost in the search.

If you're searching for a keyword in TubeBuddy,

one of the things you might want to do

is change the word up a little bit.

Use some different terminology

that people might search for it,

TubeBuddy will tell you which one of those keywords

is better for you to use.

TubeBuddy even has a great feature

where you can copy the keyword onto your clipboard.

If you're looking at someone else's tags in YouTube,

you can then go in.

If you see that they have some really good tags in there,

you can copy those to a clipboard, paste them over

into a document to use,

search each individual one,

see what you think about using that specific keyword.

I have a free video cheat sheet,

it is in the description below.

You can click on it now, grab that free video cheat sheet.

I'm Tricia Clements,

Chief Fur Wrangler with

I hope you enjoy this video.

Please click the like button,

share it with your friends, and subscribe.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> TubeBuddy Tag Explorer: How to Select Video Keywords - Duration: 6:25.


Juuou Mujin no Fafnir Tập 7 - "Lần đầu" của anh là với em mà !!! - Duration: 24:21.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Juuou Mujin no Fafnir Tập 7 - "Lần đầu" của anh là với em mà !!! - Duration: 24:21.


3 Cute Egg Lifehacks - Plus 3 Simple Egg Tricks - Duration: 11:56.

How to Make Egg Mouse - 3 Simple & Cute Kitchen Life hacks

If you are looking for lifehacks/videos like "how to make egg mouse/rat", then you are landing on the right place.

This first video consists of 3 cute life-hacks of making egg mice/rats which is very cool to go through.

3 Simple Tricks Egg Life hacks

This second clip, I am showing you an egg tricks of "how to make egg heart" which is a really funny lifehack video.

This third one contains the trick of 4 ways of how to separate egg white and yolk egg.

And the last video clip is about making Zig Zag Egg which is really funny to play with.

All these videos are focussing on kitchen life hacks, life hacks for kids, cooking life hacks as well as funny life hacks.

Subscribe to @FruityFreshyJuicy more great video updates!

For more infomation >> 3 Cute Egg Lifehacks - Plus 3 Simple Egg Tricks - Duration: 11:56.


Die Horrorsäge der Ehrlich Brothers | Verstehen Sie Spaß? - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Die Horrorsäge der Ehrlich Brothers | Verstehen Sie Spaß? - Duration: 10:17.


Senator Bernie Sanders Reacts to Paul Manafort's Indictment - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Senator Bernie Sanders Reacts to Paul Manafort's Indictment - Duration: 5:21.


SpaceX successfully launches Korean communications satellite - Duration: 0:35.

A rocket carrying a Korean communications satellite was successfully launched on Monday

from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

According to satellite service provider KT Sat, Koreasat-5A, …also known as Mugungwha

5A, will replace a faulty satellite and expand coverage across Asia and the Middle East …starting

next year.

Launched by US-based SpaceX, the satellite is expected to operate for at least 15 years.

It's the second one sent up this year by KT Sat, …following the successful deployment

of Koreasat-7 in May.

For more infomation >> SpaceX successfully launches Korean communications satellite - Duration: 0:35.


Stage & Screen Favourites 2017 - Duration: 11:05.

Hello again! Let's talk about some good movies.

Toddy: "I think you'd make a damned attractive man."

Victoria: "Oh, you think so? How do I look? Hihi"

Victoria: "I... OH!"

Richard: "Well well. I can see it didn't take you very long."

Victoria: "Oh boy..." Toddy: "Richard?!"

Victoria: "Oh he really thought I was a man!" Toddy: "Yes, he really did."

Victoria: " He's lucky I'm not."

Toddy: "My God!" Victoria: "What is it?"

Toddy: "Victoria, I've just had the most incredible idea!" Victoria: "Oh?"

Toddy: "You said you wanted to be a man." Victoria: "No I said there are time when I felt like..."

Toddy: "Well here's your chance! What an inspiration! Europe's greatest female impersonator!"

Victoria: "Who?" Toddy: "You!" Victoria: "Me?!"

🎵jazzy musical track🎵

Victor/Victoria is a musical comedy. I watched the 1995 recording of the Broadway show

but the 1982 movie was made by the same people I think, so that should hopefully also be good.

It's set in the 1930ies and it's about a woman pretending to be a man who does drag.

Which... reading that description combined with "comedy" made me think it's probably gonna be

super cringe, and... not good

But it really is!

It talks about gender identity and especially what it means to be a man in a really good way.

It's entertaining and funny without making fun about drag or gays.

Which even these days is quite rare to see.

I mean it's still far from being an SJW favourite, but it is a good and lighthearted musical

and sometimes that's all you want really.

🎵 " me the Jazz Hot, baby" 🎵

🎵 "cause I love my Jazz"🎵

🎵 "hot" 🎵

*buzz* "Oh, my other phone, I'll call you back."

"Thank you for waiting. Is this the society for the preservation of Eskimo culture?"

"This is Miss Castello, the Federal Broadcasting Company."

Mr Sumner: "Now gentlemen, the purpose of this machine of course is to free the worker..."

Miss Watson: "You can say that again."

Mr Sumner: "uhh, to free the worker from the routine and repetitive tasks"

Mr Sumner: " and liberate his time for more important work."

*ring* "Reference, Miss Saylor."

"Oh yes, I called earlier about that little black velvet straplet you had in the window."

Mr Sumner: "Now, before asking you the next question, I must advise you it contains a trick."

Miss Watson: "Oh."

Mr Sumner: "In order to see into the trick I give you two words of advice: Never assume."

Miss Watson: "Don't worry, I won't."

*ring* "Reference department, Miss Blair."

"Oh yes, we've looked that up for you."

Miss Watson: "How did your machine do on this test?"

🎵light jazzy piano music🎵

"Desk Set" or also known as "His Other Woman" is a 1957 romantic comedy.

It takes place in the reference library of a broadcasting company where a computer is to be installed

to... well, help with the work of the people working there.

The film depicts how the prospect of computer there affects the work atmosphere

and it's also about the relationship of Bonny Watson who runs the department.

It's lighthearted entertainment, a bit old fashioned given the time, but I like that.

Mark: "Who hates the miners? Thatcher! Who else? The police, the public and the tabloid press."

Mark: "That sound familiar?" Mike: "Surely Mark..."

Mark: "The only problem we've got and they haven't is Mary Whitehouse and that can only be a matter of time"

Mike: "Maaark..."

Gwen: "Dai, your gays have arrived!"

Hefina: "Get out there and find a gay or a lesbian right now."

Carl: "I don't want to give them the wrong impression!"

Hefina: "All right. Because you're so bloody irresistible." *laughter*

Dai: "When you're in a battle against an enemy so much bigger, so much stronger than you"

Dai: "to find out you had a friend you never knew existed, well that's the best feeling in the world."

*honk honk*

🎵electric guitar and vocals union song🎵

"Pride" is a 2014 film about a London gay and lesbian group supporting a Welsh mining village

during the miners' strikes of 1984. It's based on a true story.

I'm not sure if all of the characters are also based on real humans but the film does a really good job of

portraying many of them with lots of different sub-stories, to give room for background

or individual character developement.

And I think that's a lot of the beauty of the film.

It also does a really good job of capturing the time. Well, I assume, I wasn't there.

Both in the LGBTQ+community, as well as the miners.

🎵"Five six seven eight"🎵 🎵fast paced jazzy music🎵

*crying* *bang bang*

Reporter: "Here they come! This way honey! Oh come one, it's a shame to hide such a beautiful face!"

Matron: "Welcome Ladies. If there's something that upsets you or makes you unhappy in any way"

Matron: "Shut your fat ass mout off to me cause I don't give a shit, now move it out!"

Matron: "What you need is Billy Flynn."

Murderer: "Who?"

Matron: "Billy Flynn. It's only the best criminal lawyer in all over Illinois."

Lawyer: "You have sinned and you're sorry!"

Murderer: "God that's beautiful!"

Murderer: "I bet you wanna know why I shot the bastard."

Murderer: "Mr Flynn!" *sigh*

Murderer: "Oh, I only hope the fall didn't hurt the baby."

"Chicago" the 2002 film based on the Broadway musical.

It's about women who are slash wanna be in showbiz who murdered their lovers.

And according to Wikipedia it's 'a satire on the corruption in the administration of criminal justice'.

It's got good music, good dancing, it's a fun film, the story's not bad.

And that's all I have to say on this. It's fun.

🎵dramatic orchestral music🎵 Sin-Dee: "Merry Christmas, Bitch! Whooo! *laugh*"

Sin-Dee: "I got something new to tell you, about me and Chester."

Alexandra: "I know what it is! You're breaking up with him. Thank god!"

Alexandra: "He been cheating on you like that!" Sin-Dee: "Wait wait wait, what?"

Alexandra: "You, you didn't know?"

🎵dramatic beat music🎵

Sin-Dee: "White [???] - Who is she?"

"Her name starts with a D." "Danny" "Desiré" "Destiny?"

"You're making me lose my game!"

Alexandra: "She's some white fish" Sin-Dee: "You mean she's a real fish?!"

Alexandra: "Yeah Bitch, like a real fish, Girl, like vagina and everything."

Alexandra: "Girl, calm the fuck down, it's not that serious!"

Alexandra: "I will go with you under one condition: You must promise you that there's not gonna be any drama."

Sin-Dee: "I promise, I promise."

Alexandra: "Look at me in my eyes and promise!"

Sin-Dee: "I promise no drama, Alexandra!"

"Tangerine" is a 2015 comedy drama shot entirely on smartphones.

So if you ever think that you need fancy equipment to make YouTube videos, you don't.

The film follows two sex workers and a taxi driver in LA

and the main story is about one of the sex workers finding out that her boyfriend cheated on her.

It's a story about friendship, which I think is the strongest part of the story,

and betrayal, and the dream of going to LA and making it big in showbiz, or otherwise having a good life.

It's really well made and it also doesn't happen very often that you see much black trans sex worker representation

So that's cool too.

Donald: "Are you calling me a screaming queen or a tired fairy?"

Michael: "I beg your pardon. There'll be six tired screaming fairy queens, and one anxious queer."

Michael: "Well I still wasn't out. I was still in the 'Christ,-was-I-drunk-last-night' syndrome."

Larry: "Man, was I drunk last night! - Christ, I don't remember a thing!"

Alan: "Well, I... I couldn't care less about what people do,"

Alan: "as... as long as they don't do it in public or try to force their ways on the whole damned world."

Harold: "What I am, Michael, is a 32 year old, ugly, pock marked Jew fairy"

Harold: "And if it takes me a while to pull myself together and if I smoke a little grass"

Harold: "before I get up the nerve to show my face tot he world, it's nobody's god damn business but my own."

Michael: "You've missed the cake. And you've missed the opening of the gifts."

Michael: "But you're still in luck. You're just in time for a little party game."

🎵happy recording of 'Anything goes'🎵 "The Boys in the Band", a 1970ies drama.

It's about a group of gay men in 1960ies New York having a birthday party

when unexpectedly a straight friend of one of them visits.

It talks about what it means to be gay in a society that really doesn't accept gays,

and also what it means to be gay in the gay society.

It's also, again, based on a stage play, and the whole cast was in that play.

Also the setting is entirely just one apartment that you could easily put on a stage

and... it shows that it's a play. But I don't think that's a bad thing.

Also, if you want a more thorough review of the last two movies, I'll link to a video by Jazza.

🎵instrumental grandiose music🎵

Last but not least: CATS

I grew up listening to the soundtrack a lot.

And while I don't really have a bucket list, if I had one, seeing the original CATS live

would definitely have been on there.

And now I finally got to see it. And it was great.

It has great music, I might be slightly biased here, it has great choreography, it has great stage design, lighting...

The whole thing was just great.

If you get the chance to see it live, I would definitely recommend it, even though it's kinda expensive,

but if you just get to see it on film then I'm sure that's also going to be amazing.

Because, it's CATS. And I love CATS.

Alright, that's all for now. I'll see you when I see you.

Donald: "I can understand people having an affinity for the stage,

but movies are such garbage, who can take them seriously?"

For more infomation >> Stage & Screen Favourites 2017 - Duration: 11:05.


Donald Trump Funny | Spent Millions of Dollars to Hide These Unseen Images of Donald Trump - Duration: 1:42.

Donald Trump as Terminator

Donald Trump with his daughter Ivanka. An unusual pose!

with 'Hooters'!

Trump with models!

Trump posed for 'Playboy' magazine in 1990

among some beauties!

He love doing this!

Oops! moment. well done photographer.

and here comes the dance... don't laugh alone..

like and forward this video to your friends..

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Funny | Spent Millions of Dollars to Hide These Unseen Images of Donald Trump - Duration: 1:42.


One get-together with friends, one LED lamp, three light settings - Duration: 0:16.

SceneSwitch just screws in like a normal light bulb

You can get 3 light settings

All at the flick of your switch

Innovation and you


For more infomation >> One get-together with friends, one LED lamp, three light settings - Duration: 0:16.


CO2 at highest level in 800-thousand years: WMO - Duration: 0:39.

The amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere last year was at its highest level

in almost a million years, according to the World Meteorological Organization.

The agency said, with CO₂at 403 parts per million, it was the highest it's been in 800-thousand

years. It also rose at a record rate last year,...

50-percent faster than the average over the past decade.

And according to the Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, concentrations of CO₂are now 145-percent

of pre-industrial levels. The report said this rapid increase in greenhouse

gases could lead to "severe ecological and economic disruptions."

For more infomation >> CO2 at highest level in 800-thousand years: WMO - Duration: 0:39.


Cold weather relieves, cloudier condtion tomorrow _ 103117 - Duration: 1:46.

Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the weather update.

We started off cold but the temperature recovered back up to a high above the seasonal average


And tomorrow,... we are expecting double-digit temperatures again, both in the morning and

later on in the day.

We are under the influence of a high pressure front today, with clear skies.

Into the evening though, it will gradually get cloudier, especially in the central part

of the peninsula.

Tomorrow, Seoul will wake up to 11 degrees Celsius, while Daegu and Busan begin the morning

at 7 and 12 degrees.

We'll get a few more clouds in the afternoon tomorrow with Seoul topping out at 19 degrees,...

while Gwangju and Busan hit 18 and 20 degrees.

The double-digit temperatures will continue until Thursday, but with overnight rain.

Starting Friday, that cold air front will enter the weather system,... and by the time

we enter the weekend, it will pull the mercury down again and bring back the cold frosty


I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

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