Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 1 2017

Furious Trump Just Got Massive Revenge On Illegal Killer Overnight After Nasty Judge

Sent Him Free.

On July 1, 2015, 32-year-old Kate Steinle died at a hospital two hours after being shot

in the back of the head by illegal immigrant Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, also known as

Garcia Zarate.

Kate's death could've been easily prevented, had it not been for the liberal sanctuary

city of San Francisco deciding to harbor the fifth-deported criminal, who was easily able

to gain reentry into our country due to Obama's weak and Steinle's death caused a national

debate on immigration policy, and for the past two years, we had hoped and waited for

justice to finally be served, only to realize we live a world where illegals can now shoot

Americans in broad daylight and get away with it.

The judge presiding over the case handed down the shocking verdict where he let Zarate walk

out of the courtroom a free man, proving once again that liberals in our country place more

value on the life of an illegal felon murderer over the life of American victims.

President Trump was furious over the verdict, and took to twitter to vent about the "travesty

of justice" an dhow we need to "build the wall."

But unfortunately for Zarate, getting sent back to Mexico by ICE agents could soon be

the least of his worries.

President Trump just stepped in following this travesty of justice, and has decided

to make the illegal immigrant pay for his crimes, as a retaliation for the non-guilty

verdict that was just handed down.

Now breaking reports confirm that Trump is making his move, deploying members of the

DOJ to bring federal charges against Garcia Zarate as a push-back to the non guilty verdict.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions did not specify exactly what charges Trump's DOJ will be

bringing against Zarate, but put sanctuary cities across America on notice, insinuating

that heads are about to roll for any other city that continues to harbor illegals and

defy federal law.

Sessions stated:

"When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning

them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the public's safety at risk.

San Francisco's decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking

death of Kate Steinle," he said.

"While the State of California sought a murder charge for the man who caused Ms. Steinle's

death—a man who would not have been on the streets of San Francisco if the city simply

honored an ICE detainer—the people ultimately convicted him of felon in possession of a


Sessions then said that Trump and the DOJ are not playing games at this point, and "will

continue to ensure that all jurisdictions place the safety and security of their communities

above the convenience of criminal aliens."

"The Department of Justice will continue to ensure that all jurisdictions place the

safety and security of their communities above the convenience of criminal aliens," Sessions


"I urge the leaders of the nation's communities to reflect on the outcome of this case and

consider carefully the harm they are doing to their citizens by refusing to cooperate

with federal law enforcement officers."

It's great that we finally have a President in office who places justice above everything

else, and despite the asinine verdict that this liberal judge handed down, is doing everything

in his power to ensure that justice prevails.

You can be sure that the news of Trump's DOJ pressing charges will infuriate liberals,

who continue to value the lives of illegal American-murdering criminals over the lives

of the senseless victims who continue to pay dearly for the insubordination of these sanctuary


what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Furious Trump Just Got Massive Revenge On Illegal Killer Overnight After Nasty Judge Sent Him Free. - Duration: 3:51.


Can You Name These Songs? - Duration: 7:46.

hey, welcome to 12tone! let's try an experiment.

I'll play you a song, and you try to figure out what it is.

ready? here we go.

(bang) did that seem too short?

ok, let's try another one.

(bang) got it? well, how about this? (bang) ok, let's do one more for fun.

(bang) in case you missed any, those were Hit Me Baby One More Time by Britney Spears,

Every Breath You Take by The Police, Michael Jackson's Thriller, and Nirvana's Smells Like

Teen Spirit.

so how'd you do?

statistically speaking, it's likely you got at least one, and you may have even got all


but each clip was less than half a second long: how were you able to put together so

much information in such a short time?

well, now we're getting into brain stuff and I'm just a music theorist, so I'm gonna have

to call for backup from my neuroscientist friend, Alie Astrocyte from Neurotransmissions!

Hey Cory!

Thanks for having me.

To be able to recognize short clips like these, we've got to pull from our long-term memory.

Scientists split long-term memories into a couple of different categories - declarative,

or explicit, and nondeclarative, or implicit.

Our memories of facts and events - and art and music - are declarative memories.

Certain brain regions are really important for letting you store lyrics like when you

memorized Hit Me Baby One More Time back in 1998 - and for remembering exactly what those

opening riffs sounded like when you heard them just now.

Scientists believe that our memories are processed through the hippocampus.

The hippocampus is a seahorse-shaped region located deep inside the brain.

The importance of this region in memory formation became clear after a man named Henry Molaison

had his hippocampus removed to cure his epilepsy.

After he woke up from the surgery, doctors discovered that he could no longer form new


The memories themselves are believed to be stored in the connections between neurons.

Even though we don't really grow many new neurons as we age, our brain cells are plastic

- that means they're adaptable and can change.

That's how our brains are able to connect different kinds of information together - by

wiring together different neurons and brain regions.

these specific results are from a 2010 paper written by music psychologist Carol Krumhansl.

the full paper is linked in the description, but the main point was to better understand

the relationship between memory and music.

that is, when we commit a song to memory, how is that information connected? in order

to explore that, Professor Krumhansl collected a list of 28 popular songs and took tiny slices

of them to play for her experimental subjects.

and I mean tiny: 400 milliseconds, to be exact.

when she tested the clips with the music identification software Shazam it was unable to even recognize

them, but her subjects were able to identify them about 25% of the time.

One interesting result was a strong correlation between confidence and accuracy: that is,

when a test subject knew the song, they also knew that they knew it.

After giving an answer for each song snippet, the subjects would give a confidence rating

from 1 to 6, with 1 being "no idea" and 6 being "I definitely know both the title and

the artist".

Despite having shades of grey on the scale (six, to be exact), there were clear clusters

at the extremes: roughly 70% of answers were marked with either a 1 or a 6.

And that confidence was justified: about 95% of 6s had the correct answer and 97% of correct

answers were marked with a 6.

she also asked them to identify a couple other properties of the song, including decade of

release, style, and emotional feel.

the last two are hard to measure objectively, so the results were compared to the subject's

own judgments when listening to longer clips from the same song afterwards.

but the most interesting one to me is the release date, because of a well-known phenomenon

known as the reminiscence bump.

The reminiscence bump is a phenomenon where we are more easily able to recall memories

from certain ages.

In this case, from about ten years old to about thirty.

The theory says that we remember things during this time because there's just a lot of

stuff going on.

Everything is new and interesting, we figure out who we are, and we go through a lot of

developmental, educational, and life milestones during this time.

Since things typically tend to stabilize after that, less bandwidth goes towards creating

new memories.

But what's interesting about the reminiscence bump is that ALL memories seem to be stronger

- even things that aren't so important.

because our memories of that period are so much stronger, it stands to reason that we

would be better at recognizing songs from that era, but that's not what Krumhansl's

results showed.

her subjects were college students born around 1990, and while the most recognized clip was

a Britney Spears song that came out in '98, second place went to Respect by Aretha Franklin,

from 1967 and, overall, there was no significant correlation between release date and recognition.

of course, it's not like children are never exposed to older music, but the point is we

don't seem to be better at recognizing songs from our own generation.

interestingly, though, even when participants failed to recognize the song, they were still

pretty good at guessing when it came out, which means that the differences in tone and

timbre between musical eras is very deeply ingrained in our minds.

but release date isn't the only thing that might've affected recognition.

for instance, the chorus is generally considered the most memorable part of the song: we often

call it the hook, and it's the part most likely to get stuck in your head.

but is it actually easier to recognize? to test this, Krumhansl included two clips from

each song: one from the chorus and one from somewhere else. and while chorus clips did

do slightly better on average, she concluded that the difference wasn't statistically significant.

but there was one factor that was incredibly significant.

any guesses? it's actually really simple: do you hear the name of the song?

clips that included either the full name or part of it were over twice as likely to be

recognized, which makes a lot of sense.

compare this (bang) to this.

(bang) it's a lot easier to place that second one, isn't it?

But science isn't science unless it's repeatable, so Krumhansl tried another variation on the


Before, she used 400 millisecond clips.

But in the second experiment, she used only 300 milliseconds, and the results are predictable:

people got a lot worse.

In fact, they only managed to identify the song 11% of the time.

That said, most of the other observed patterns held.

People mostly either confidently identified both song and artist or had no idea at all.

And that last part is important: it was very rare for participants in either study to identify

just one of those factors, implying that a song's name and its artist are very closely

linked in our brains and we have difficulty accessing one without finding the other as


These results make sense, given what we understand about how our brains link related information.

Even beyond this study, researching the effects of music on the brain is a whole subfield

of cognitive neuroscience.

As far as we can tell, music is a uniquely human development - so understanding how we

create and understand music might help us understand what makes our brains so special.

The brain regions dedicated to processing sound are larger in humans than in other species,

and we developed specialized brain regions to process language.

But music is a way of expressing ourselves that doesn't require words.

We know that music can have a physical effect on the brain - a small study in 2010 showed

that subjects who felt "chills" while listening to instrumental music showed an

increase in dopamine signaling in the striatum.

This means that listening to music isn't just psychologically pleasurable - it actually

increases the signaling of the brain's pleasure and reward centers.

There's even evidence that music therapy may be helpful for patients with mood disorders

like depression, and rhythmic movement therapy accompanied by music can help stroke and Parkinson's

patients recover function.

So there's a lot of good evidence that music is important to us, and /good/ for us - but

we've still got a long way to go before we understand where music came from, or why

it's so important.

so that's something you may not have known about your brain, but here's something you

may not have known about mine: I'm autistic.

I talked with Alie about what that means, as well as what scientists know about the

condition, over on her channel, Neurotransmissions.

I learned a lot, and I've put a link to that video in the description, which you should

really check out.

anyway, thanks for watching! if you want to help make these videos possible, please consider

supporting 12tone on Patreon or checking out our store.

you can also join our mailing list to find out about new episodes, like, share, comment,

subscribe, and keep on rockin'.

For more infomation >> Can You Name These Songs? - Duration: 7:46.


Fire shuts down Route 30 in Ligonier - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Fire shuts down Route 30 in Ligonier - Duration: 1:38.


Art Class Stories (feat. Laddi) - Duration: 4:30.

*alarm starts beeping*



Wow Enderkick! you're so cool, I bet you get good grades and so many friends

haha, so artist one school ism

Okay, so art class well. I bet you still had good grades and arts since your channel pretty much revolves around

Drawings and commentary. Well. No. I think my final grade was a deal

Just because I crammed all the projects I didn't finish or even do within just a few weeks

No, I had an A during the sixth grade. That's just because it was like sketching and painting this our class was more


We also studied art, and how to write about elements and principles

There's this one day where our art teacher had us jump into a dumpster

This wasn't a regular dumpster with garbage and junk this was a newspaper recycling dumpster

I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but this is how I remember

Hey, and ER kick what miss our teacher wants us to jump in a dumpster for black-and-white newspapers heck. Yeah wait, okay?

Wait why are we here so in our class?

Assignments were super hard there was this one assignment

Where we had to glue a bunch of squares we cut out and make a work of art out of it

I didn't Batman, but it was garbage one time. I literally painted my whole desk

It was just a bunch of colors that I accidentally splashed all over

My desk just mixed together this happened a lot more than you think the water faucet in the classroom was like super high pressure

So when I would go to wash my hands. I would turn on the faucet

I put my hands under the water and water just spraying everywhere. It was like a high frequent

Freak I'm just drenched with water and the counter is soaking would the people behind me didn't really appreciate it another story

It was November so we didn't sign it for Chris

Thanksgiving and the assignment was to make a clay turkey the instructions were simple and easy

But I ended up making this how does this even resemble a turkey?

I don't know

What was going through my head when I was making this?

You can kind of see what I was going for you know this bits the tail like the feathers the tail thing

funny story the stand I wasn't actually supposed to take that that's

A little thing they give you so your clay doesn't fall over and deform while it's in the furnace mine

Merged into the stand so miss our teacher was like yo, you can take this home if you want. I was like heck

Yeah, it was the last day of school, and I could not be happier

I was about to leave for the summer the amazing three-month long break. Whoa oh, man. It's summer

I could upload so many videos. This is great


Shoot schools next week the school hosted an open house

Which is like a thing where you can walk around talk with teachers before the school year actually starts

Since I can't drive my older brother took me and my twin sister down there. What are we doing here?

I have no clue. Where's your art room just down the hall Oh Frick art. I'm pretty sure miss art teacher hates me oh

Hey mrs.

Our teacher completely changed my art class it turns out that I had completely

Revolutionized the way, she taught I don't remember exactly what she said

But I'm pretty sure it was something along the lines of now my students can pretty much do whatever

But it has to be art related, and they have to show me one of my friends said to me

Hey man miss our teacher showed us one of your videos in class today wait what freak?

Oh, that's cool to be honest

I forgot that she hadn't shown my video to the class until she brought it up at an assembly hey

Yo cake I showed you a video in my class today, just so you know yeah, that's great. Thanks for checking with me first

Just kidding. I'm not mad. I still think it's amazing that this happened

I want to give a big shout-out to all you because there's been a lot of fan art recently and that's freaking amazing

I'm sorry that this video took two months to come out

I was working on Comic Con part two, but then I was like shoot

It's been a month so I started working on this video, and I got kind of way too into it

You know what this is gonna be like my uh my full-on video for a while

And then I'll try and upload Comic Con part 2 soon

Haha a lot of collabs recently. I'm not doing that for like popularity or exposure

I'm just doing it to make friends. Thanks laddie for voicing in the video

It's pretty great ladee has like the best voice. Oh my gosh. Anyways laddie. What did we learn?

No, stop it

Stops stop it

For more infomation >> Art Class Stories (feat. Laddi) - Duration: 4:30.


Woodturning Laminated Christmas Ornament - Duration: 8:09.

Hi, Alan Stratton from As Wood Turns. ( By the time you see this video, the submission

period for the Christmas Ornament Challenge will be over. Then it will be the hard work

of judging and notifying winners and. But it is all still fun in the end.

But I want to get a start on next year's Christmas ornaments even though it is still

this season and make this Christmas ornament. For this one, I thought about it and thought

I could use that piece of lamination left over from the rolling pins that I made some

time ago. Then I wondered, do I put the laminations in a vertical orientation. Or, do I make the

laminations horizontal in orientation. So I decided to compromise and put them in a

diagonal orientation. Then slice it in half so I can mix it up in between, and twist them

around into a different format. The other challenge with this ornament is

that I needed to put it on my pen mandrel but none of the bushings fit so I had to make

these HDPE plastic bushings. They will fit anything from 3/8" through ½". I'll

be able to use these bushings more in the future. So that was the other challenge with

this ornament. Then turn a finial out of a tropical pen blank and we're off and running,

getting ready for Christmas – this year or next year – does not really matter. This

ornament will last. Let's make it.

I cut off a length from my lamination stack then flattened two opposing corners. I thought

it would be easier to mount between centers than any other way I could think of. The flats

accommodate both centers. Then it doesn't take too long to get it rough round despite

coming loose once. Next I'll cut a tenon type mount on each

end. I'll need these later for a chuck mount. Now it's ready to part in half.

For this half, I'll hollow it, cut a small mortise, and drill through it for the finial

mount. Now I need a thin piece of walnut for the

middle. I've cut a square and mounting it to a wooden faceplate with double stick tape.

I'm rounding it off then cutting a tiny tenon to match the mortise in the first half.

Then glue the first half to this small tenon. Now, I'm mounting the other half to hollow,

cut a mortise and drill this half. However, I hollowed just a little bit too much. Not

much room for a mortise. I've mounted the first half back into the

chuck and I'm removing the center. This was a mistake because I cut too much out and

did not leave enough for a tenon. Then as I tried to cut the tenon, the wood was too

thin to serve. I had to just flatten it and glue it directly together. Without the alignment

from the tenon, the second half shifted just a little.

With the whole body now mounted to the chuck. I'm finish shaping one side. Top or bottom

does not matter right now. I'll sand this side now while it is easy.

To finish the opposite end, I want to use my pen mandrel. However, the bushings do not

fit my 3/8" finial holes. So, I've mounted a 1 by 1 x 3 inch piece of HDPE into my long

nose jaws. I'm rounding it enough to cut a short tenon. Then flip it around and cut

a similar tenon on the other end. I'll use the one now but use either again later to

tune up the bushing as needed. Finally, I'm tapering the center. I don't like turning

HDPE. The shavings tend to wrap around the work piece and are hard to remove. Then I

need to clean the shop separately since I don't want HDPE out in the garden.

Then mount the ornament body on the mandrel to finish up the shaping. The bushings worked

perfectly. Then sand and finish the body with brushing

lacquer. Finally, the finials. First the small top

finial. I'm cutting a 3/8" tenon with the tenon cutters. Then doing most of the

shaping while still attached to the rest of the pen blank. Then sand and finish before

parting off the finial. Then a quick reversal to drill and tune up the tip.

Now for the bottom finial. I have it mounted still to the long nose jaws. I'm cutting

the tenon the same way before shaping the top half of the finial. Then reversing the

finial onto that 3/8" tenon to finish shaping the remainder of the top finial. Finally,

I'm sanding and finishing the finial. Final assembly consists of buffing, making

a wire hanger, and gluing the finials to the body.

And, it's finished – in plenty of time to decorate the Christmas tree. It's not

terribly fancy but still I made it and I can be proud of it. Hopefully, my grandchildren

can enjoy it long after I'm gone. That's all for this Christmas ornament.

Please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe on my website and tell your friends. Please

wear your full face shield –goggles are not enough protection. I am Alan Stratton

from As Wood Turns dot com. Come back next week for a new woodturning video.

For more infomation >> Woodturning Laminated Christmas Ornament - Duration: 8:09.


F I T Z - Superior - Duration: 3:45.

♪ Can You Hold Me Tighter ♪

♪ I Am Frightened By Myself ♪

♪ I'm No Lonely Fighter ♪

♪ You Can Buy Me Off The Shelf ♪

♪ Mhm ♪

♪ But I Won't Lose My Soul ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm Not Fighting For The Things ♪

♪ I Don't Believe ♪

♪ Cause I'm A Man ♪

♪ A Man ♪



♪ Oh ♪

♪ I Won't Move, When You Hold Me Down ♪

♪ And I Won't Even Make A Sound ♪

♪ And I Will Not Be Disconcerted ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ But I Won't Bow To Your Broken Crown ♪

♪ And I Will Never Lose My Ground ♪

♪ Try To Break Me, Take Me Down ♪



♪ You Can ♪

♪ Say To Me, That I'm All Wrong ♪

♪ I'm Not Falling Apart ♪

♪ Falling Apart, No ♪

♪ Say To Me, That I'm Not Strong ♪

♪ I'm Not Falling Apart ♪

♪ Falling Apart ♪

♪ NO ♪

♪ I'm Not Falling Apart ♪

♪ Falling Apart ♪

♪ NO ♪

♪ I'm Not Falling Apart ♪




♪ I'm Not Falling Apart ♪


♪ I'm Not Falling Apart ♪

♪ Falling Apart ♪

♪ NO ♪

For more infomation >> F I T Z - Superior - Duration: 3:45.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017 with Matty Matheson (Full Episode) - Duration: 23:48.

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

-Your man got a car. -Nah, you wildin'.

Why we wasting money on a U-Haul?

-You're wildin'. -We got a pickup truck.

-Okay. -This is gonna end ba--

What kind of pickup truck is that?

It's called "cheaper than renting a U-Haul" pickup.

"All right. I got it. I got it."

-Oh! Ohh! Ohh! -Damn!

-"You good?!" -What made you think you could

catch a couch that somebody threw off a roof?

In theory -- Right there, they --

-Ohh! Ohh! -You know what it is?

The guy in the blue didn't do enough.

[ Laughs ]

So your man -- And the other guy got compressed like a spring

and shot out the back of the car.

-Watch. -...right down.

He didn't want to fly up, but his spine was like boing!

The guy up top is like, "So... "Shit, um..."

...we still good to go to the new place, right?"


Yo, after no white men got a Grammy nomination

for the Album of the Year for the first time since 1999,

Fox News' Laura Ingraham

decided she needed to open a dialogue with the people.

Why no white people? Why not?

White people didn't bring no bangers this year?

Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran

were snubbed with only four noms between them...

How's that a snub?

...while those nominated for Record of the Year

have created some of the most profane

and misogynistic music I've ever heard anywhere.

Ah-ah. Shit bangs, though.

Laura invited the editor-in-chief of Vibe, Datwon Thomas,

to talk about Jay Z and Kendrick Lamar.

This should be interesting.

All right, Datwon. I need to hear from you...

Why she say his name like that? You peep that?

She's like, "All right, Datwon. What kind of name is that?"

Whoa. What is that question right there they just asked?

Ingraham: 'Cause I'm a music fanatic.

Okay. Wow. Wow.

Datwon, did you not know graphic was going underneath you?


That is the most Fox News question ever.

-Come on. -Let's talk about it.

Obviously Jay Z is a well-known story.

When he was a kid, wasn't he a cocaine, crack dealer?

He stabbed his manager? -Mm-hmm.

Put some...respect on his name.

He lost 92 bricks and got them all back, Laura!

Come on.

But let's actually look at what some of these lyrics are.

"Light N-word." I can't say the word.

-I'm not saying the word. -Good for you, Laura.

"Dark N-word,

faux N-word, real N-word,

rich N-word, poor N-word,

house N-word, field N-word."

Still "N-word."

Look at Jay Z smiling.

He's like, "Ha. That's right. yeah."

"You reading my lyrics on Fox."

"F with me. I'm a field N-word with shined cutlery."

And real quick, Laura. Real quick.

Mero: He's like, "Yo, real quick. You stupid as..."

Then she wanted to break down some K-Dot lyrics.

Kendrick Lamar.

Here's a little somethin' from Kendrick Lamar...

"Here's a little s--" Yo. Chill. Come on, man.

That sounded like you about to do

the wild acoustic version that nobody wants to hear.

[ Groans ]

"Oh, yeah. That's K-Dot. I got, I got, I got."

"Yeah, I'm playing it on my ukulele."

...record, by the way. It's called "Humble."

"And diss-uh-say with my boo bae.

Tastes like Kool-Aid for the analysts."

Whoa, whoa, whoa. "Diss-uh-say"?

Tax did not go to jail for you to call that shit diss-uh-say.

He's like, "Be safe, though."

"And diss-uh-say with my boo..."


[ Laughing ]

Diss-uh-say. Okay.

"Diss-uh-say with my boo bae.

Tastes like Kool-Aid for the analysts.

Girl, I can buy yo' A-word with the world with my paystub.

Ooh, that P-word good.

Won't you taste -- sit on my taste bloods?"

Thomas: Yeah. That's all wrong.

Mero: Could be taste buds.

It's definitely taste buds. But that's cool.

"Taste bloods" actually sounds better.

Thomas: Yeah. That's all wrong.

He said, "That's all wrong." "That's all wrong."

Mero: He said, "That's all wrong"?

He's like, "Yo, did you get that from Siri?

That shit don't make no sense."

She just threw the shit in Google Translate. Yo.

Well, I actually do,

'cause I actually listened to this, both albums,

and I listened to them several times.

That's crazy, 'cause you called Kendrick's album "Humble,"

and the album's name is "Damn," but, you know...

Ohh! Rrla! Hold that!

-...outta here. -Damn, Laura!


Sit down and have a sip of du-soosy-ay!

-Be humble. -Relax.

Laura, go to one of the concerts with me.

Go to one of the concerts with me.

-Okay. -Okay. Let's do it.

I'll do that.

And then we can go down to Nashville

and we can also see some great...

-Don't go to Nashville! -Don't do that.

"We can go down to Nashville."

Don't go, Datwon. Don't do it.

They be like, "Day what?

What your name? Day-twon?

You play for Bama?"

I'm totally with that. We got a date.

And we'll write about it. We'll write about it together.

You're fun, Day-tahn. You're fun. I like it.

Mero: Day-tahn!

Wow! Wow.

This is how, like, a wild interracial p-no starts.

"You're fun, Day-tahn. So, how long you in town?

[ Laughs ] Day-tahn!

You're fun, Day-tahn. You're fun. I like it.

Ahh! "You're fun. I like you.

I don't usually like black guys, but I like you."

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

Yeah! Hip-hop star -- we use that term loosely --

Chanel West Coast -- What? Put some respect

on the GOAT of women rap for the West Coast.

Hip-hop star Chanel West Coast.

She rolled up with her crew

to eat at the hot new L.A. restaurant Poppy --

Not the bodega guy. The restaurant.

Last night. When she got curved.

She got curved.

You know, if Chanel West Coast can't get into Poppy, who can?

Now, if you don't know Chanel West Coast,

I'll have to ask what rock were you living under.

You may recognize her as the white lady on "Ridiculousness."

Yeah, she's the one-woman laugh track.

There's literally no other way to describe her.

She has a very distinct laugh.

Please turn your TV down

if you're around birds that like to mate,

because you're going to confuse them for, like, the next season.

[ Cackling ]

Oh, my God! That's terrifying.

[ Cackling ]

She's laughing like after the cops find the coke in your car

when you're just nervous.

Like, "[Cackling] W-Where? What? No.

It's not even my car. I was just driving it for a friend."

[ Cackling ]

Nothing on this show could possibly be this funny.

[ Laughs ] Yo!

-We've seen it. -Yo, come on.

How many times can you see a nigga fall down? Is it that funny still?

"Oh, the shovel hit him in his nuts!"

-"Oh! Oh, my God. Again." -All right.

So she laughed on everything on "Ridiculousness."

Here's The Messy Zone.

And she had a meltdown on TMZ, The Messy Zone,

where they just wait to catch clips like this.

And we report on them, so shout-out to them.

Yo, they walked --- Oh, they walked out with their ch--

-Yo, ma. -Yeah. You can't do that.

You're not -- No. You're not Nicki Minaj.

You're not walking up to shit like this.

You're supposed to just walk up with your phone and be like...

Like, gauge the situation.

Walk up by the front and see if people be like,

"Oh, yo, that's my girl Chanel."

If you don't get the whispers, what are you...

-Nah. -Also --

Shorty in the line was like, "Eww. That's West Coast Chanel.

Should we go here still?"

"Yo, that's that chick from 'Ridiculousness'!"

She's like [Cackles]

You don't know me? [Cackles]

And she came through with the big crew, too.

-O.D. -No. They're with us.

Then you go home and take --

-Wow! -Wow!

He was like, "Yo, this is not MTV2. Get outta here."

Weak-ass bitch! You a weak-ass bitch!

I waited here for seven hot girls for way too long!

Way too poppin' to...wait to get in Poppy!

It's more poppin' at my house, bitch!

-Wow! -I doubt that.

-Wow! Wow! -I doubt that.

I feel like if you bring three people in,

your roommate might say something.

[ Laughter ] Yo. Yo.

They got to play this video on "Ridiculousness"

and have the black people be like,

"Yo, look at this shit right here. Look.

Look at shorty here with the...funny face.

[ Laugh track ]

Yo, bring it back. Bring it back."

[ Laughter ]

That's why you're security!

You'll never be more than security!

Weak-ass bitch!

Security's actually a very good job. It pays the bills.

Also, shout-out to everyone on line

paying her no attention whatsoever.

No mind.

She is just some random white girl spazzing in L.A.

They're like, "Who is that? Why is she wildin' out?

Why's she with one of the Fraggles?"

Go let in some irrelevants, bitch!

Some irrelevant escort-type bitches that want to suck dick!

Go ahead, bitch!

I mean, what are you trying to do in the club?

I mean -- She said let in someone irrelevant.

If they were letting irrelevant people in...

You would've breezed right in, ma. Are you kidding me?

You would have had your own separate entrance.

Lil Pump is not black!

If one more motherfucker asks him if he Lil Pump,

y'all racist!

They thought that was Lil Pump?

-Wow! -Wow.

Lil Pump was in the club like, "Yo, flex like ooh.

Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang."

Lil Pump is not black! He's black!

So don't...ask him if he's Lil Pump!

Is she from Brooklyn? What's with the hands now?

Like, "Yo!"

"Yo, I'm from Silver Lake!"

So don't...ask him if he's Lil Pump.

Y'all racist and stupid! Fucking retards!

-Ohh! -Ohh!

Chanel has had it up to here. Whew.

She got to do the wild hot track now about injustice.

Fam, why is she caping for this human Muppet right here?

"You not gonna let Animal, the drummer from the Muppets, through?!"

"Come on, son! This nigga's mad-famous!"

He's a veteran...this. I'm calling Kermit."

[ Laughs ] Yo.

That does look like Animal the Muppet.

It do.


[ Laughter ]

Let me in club!

[ Laughter ]


[ Rhythmic clapping ]

[ Sighs ]

Yo, Giants legend Eli Manning --

You cannot spell "elite" without "Eli" --

got benched for Geno Smith,

which sounds like a delicious cheesesteak,

ending his consecutive-start streak at 210,

the second-longest for a quarterback in NFL history.

The disrespect. Wow. Why would you do that to him?

As Giants fans, we are singing the Big Blues

because Eli got benched for Geno Smith,

who I didn't even think was still in the league

after he got his jaw cracked

by some random... third-string linebacker.

To be fair, Geno Smith will be the first black quarterback

to start for the New York Giants in franchise history,

making New York late as shit,

the last team in the NFL to start a black quarterback.

-Damn. -Wow, New York.

Why couldn't y'all start Colin Kaepernick

or something, brah?

Why it gotta be this dude? Okay, he's black.

-But he's wack! He's wack. -He's black.

They're like, "What more do you want?

He's one of y'all, okay? He's a black guy."

God damn. Everybody's up in arms about this shit,

especially Eli.

Here's his reaction after he found out.

Look at that doughy face on the verge of tears.

This is very sad.

You could put...Sarah McLachlan music under this shit.

Fam, look at him.

First of all, right here he looks dub smacked.

That's like me at 12:00 a.m.

on...Instagram Live like, "Yo...

y'all wanna hear some reggaeton?"

Man: Eli, how hard is this hitting you emotionally?

It's hard. Mero: "It's hard."

Hard day to handle this,

but I'll hang in there and figure it out.

Man: Is this your hardest day as a Giant?

It's up there. Yep. Yep.

Desus: Can't disrespect Eli like this.

Mero: I mean, you lost a couple playoff games, my guy.

This is the worst thing that's ever happened to you as a Giant?

I mean, this is all he has going for him right now.

Let the man have his streak.

Anyway, former Giants players were not happy

with Coach Ben McAdoo's decision.

McAdoo-doo. Get him outta here.

That's right. Roast him.

You're trash. Look at you. Look at this guy.

What are you...T-500, you clown?

Everyone's weighing in on this.

Osi Umenyiora. Oh, shit. Notable Giant, a former Giant.

"How dare you!" He slammed his hand on the table.

He had mad other tweets, but they're very long.

Won't go into detail.

Damn. Plaxico Burress said, "Damn. Bench Eli?

Man showed up every week for 14 years."

"Damn. And I clapped myself."

[ Laughter ]

-Yo! I mean, he did. -He's gonna end up on this show.

You better have that same energy.

-I'm-a have it. -Better have that same energy.

You don't got the aim no more, so it is what it is.

-Ohh. -Oh, boy.

The pope himself, Mike Francesa,

the Diet Coke gawd --

he almost had a coronary implosion

when he heard about this shit. What are you guys doing?

We're only blessed to have a couple more days of him

blessing us on the airways,

and you almost killed the greatest human achievement?

-And you're trying to kill him? -The Sports Machine!

Come on.

"[Snorts] I can't believe this. This is garbage."

They should have had him play Pumbaa in the new "Lion King."

[Inhales nasally] He breathes like that.

Francesa: You can't run this clown out of town fast enough!

The worst thing that ever happened is Eli Manning

had to be associated with you as head coach!

You're gonna try and tell us that Geno Smith is the answer?!

[ Laughs ]

Is Mike Francesa basically the white Funkmaster Flex?

[ Laughter ]

I feel we should just drop a couple bombs on this shit.

I'm telling you, man.

You're gonna try and tell us that Geno Smith is the answer?!

[ Explosion ]


He can't play for this 2-9 bunch of bums

you put on the field every week!

[ Laughs ] Damn. Yikes.

He only led you to two Super Bowls

against the New England Patriots!

Mike's fed up.

"Oh, with my game plan,

Geno Smith gives us the best chance to win."

You said that with a straight face?!

[ Laughter ]

He had the...Diet Coke coming out his nose.

Aah! Out his ears, nigga. Aah. Mad Splenda.

Mike, he encapsulated the feeling of New York City

yesterday and the tri-state area. That's how we felt.

Damn. Damon Harrison had a response, though, for Francesa.

Shout-out to Snacks in the building.

"Please don't tell me what franchesa -- chicken franchezz --

or whatever his name is said.

The guy don't even have real teeth."

-Whoa, whoa, whoa. -[ Laughs ]

-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! -Ahh!

"When you gonna quit jiving

and tell everyone you got laid off?"

That's a Professor Klump quote.

-Wow. -[ Laughs ]

Listen. Those are "I made it" teeth.


"These are '20 years on the radio' teeth,

you piece of shit.

Show some respect for my porcelain veneers."

Damn. This nigga got the racist teeth on 20,000, bro.

♪ These is bloody teeth ♪


Yo, number-one show in late night.

Yeah, that's right, you cowards.

Tonight we have Matty Matheson, Viceland's own.

He's a chef and host of the new show "It's Suppertime!"

It's airing November 30th right here on Viceland, ballbags.

Give it up for our Viceland brother.

Matty, come to the stage! Whoo!


The food scene in Toronto is different than the rest of the world?

-Oh, it's so beautiful. -We just got back from there.

We love -- The food up there's poppin'.

-Yeah, no, it's good. -Shout-out to Tah-ronto.

Shout out -- Yeah. The -- Tah-ronto.

My buddy from The Maritimes, he's calling it The Ron.

'Cause "The Six" is kind of wack.

See? Okay. All right.

Now, I got -- I was called out on Twitter.

As soon as Drake was like, "We're calling it The Six now,"

I was like, "That's not how it works. You can't just rename it."

So The Six isn't poppin'.

The Ron? Is that what we're going with now?

The Ron! [ Shouting indistinctly ]

-"The Ron" is tight. -That's a good name.

No, but it's Toronto. I always say --

Because everyone from Toronto says Tah-ronta, right?

And then whenever I travel, I'm always like,

"I'm from Ta-ron-toe."

If I can name it, I want to say --

-I'm from...Toronto. -You're like, "From The Ron!"

The Ron, don! Enh!

So, it's -- [ Stammering ]

-The Six is... -You live right there.

-The best chef in The Ron. -The best chef in The Ron.

Yeah. Come at me, man. 3 mill. Let's go. Deep. Big.

It's like one borough here. It's like a Queens.

How many people in the Queens?

-"The Queens." -Everybody. We lost count.

The Bronx? The BX?

Ahh! East Tremont. Dewey Ave. [ Trills tongue ]

That's nice. Never been there.

-Yeah. Fat Joe's the mayor. -Fat Joe's the mayor.

-And what's that squad? -Terror Squad.

-Terror Squad. -"Lean Back."

-You know what I mean? -You got a squad up in Canada?

Ah, a little squad. We call them friend groups.

Friendly squads?

My buddy's in L.A.,

and they're part of friend groups out there.

And I was just talking about my friend group,

and my friend groups are really nice people.

I got a kid now,

so I hang out with other friend groups with kids.

-You got kids. -I have mad kids. Four kids.

-You got four kids? -They're beautiful and gorgeous.

-How many kids do you have? -I have one.

-We're trying on a second. -The sec--

This is the -- [ Laughs ]

Is that how y'all make kids in The Ron?

The Ron is this. No, I don't know.

The cum. The cum.

There's the cum, with the babies.

Oh, wow.

We got the easy part -- the cum.

-Yeah, that's the easy part. -And then the --

It's easy, and it's fun, too, when you're making a baby.

It sucks to pull out and be like, "Unh," for a minute.

You know what I mean?

And then be like pfft all on the comforter and shit.

You gotta wash the duvet. It's dry-clean only.

-The duvet. Dude. -Don't cum on your duvet.

Don't cum on the duvet. Your wife knows.

Yeah. She's mad.

Even if she -- Like -- [ Laughs ]

She called me out for cumming on the duvet recently.

Is that something you can't do?

She didn't like it. It wasn't a cool vibe.

She was, like, doing the bed or something,

and she was just like, "What that?!"

What about the bed skirt? Can you --

The bed skirt. Just the bed skirt.

It's just on the floor.

You got a weak drip if you're using the bed skirt.

Whatever. Just eat it.

Just to be safe. Just be safe and eat it.

Speaking of recipes in the new "Munchies" cookbook.

So, on my new show, we eat a lot of cum.

I teach people how to make cum.

So it's just a very, very different version

of "Bong Appétit"?

Yeah. Smoking weed and doing all that kind of stupid stuff.

It's very serious. There's a lot of cum play.

[ Laughter ]

You used to be the wild wild boy. Sober now.

-What made you sober up? -Losing everything?

[ Laughs ] That's a good reason.

No. I don't know.

I think -- Well, I had a heart attack at 29.

-Damn. -I'm 35 now.

And I've only been sober for like four years.

So it took me a while.

After I had my heart attack, I kind of got a Superman ego.

'Cause I was like, "I didn't die."

So then I went even crazier and wilder.

And then life just caught up. You know?

-Mm-hmm. -And shit got real.

And I was gonna lose ev-- I was gonna lose my job.

I was gonna lose my girl,

who I've been with since high school.

So it's like -- There's a lot of losing.


And, you know, I'm not a complete...moron.

So I was just like, "Am I gonna just turn into

some, like, crackhead...

or am I gonna, like, turn my shit around?"

So I just chose to turn my shit around.

-Hey. -You know what I'm sayin'?

Find God. Find God. Pray.

What should we look forward to

on your show, "It's Suppertime!"?

Oh, my God. It's -- Ahh. Learning how to...cook.

I think that this show gives you the...building blocks.

You want to learn how to make a curry,

you want to learn how to make a steak,

you want to learn how to make...fajitas,

you want to learn how to make --

Like, the fundamentals of cooking are very basic.

I'm not trying to show you how to make, like, a crazy...

Here's a waffle with a grilled cheese

and a...dick and a...tit... covered in...cheese sauce.

I'm not trying to show you that.

A dick and a tit?

A dick and a tit and waffle.

-Dick-tit waffle. -Dick-tit waffles.

There's a lot of shit going on in TV.

There's a dick-tit waffle down the street.

Dick-tit waffles.

I'm just trying to show people how to...

I'm trying to give them an opportunity to show them

how to just make the simple thing.

Like, if I want to show you how to make meatballs,

I'm gonna show you how to make these meatballs.

And from there, you can... with it however you want.

I'm gonna show you how to make, like, buttered chicken.

Buttered chicken.

And from there, I just showed you

how to kind of make a curry.

So if you wanted to...make a curry,

you could make a green curry or a yellow curry

or whatever the... you want to do.

But I just showed you how to make this.

So I'm just trying to really show people --

Like, I want people to cook. We need to -- People --

My two brothers. I love you guys.

They eat...cereal

because they don't know how to...cook.

And the way that the world's going...

out here need prepared to cook for themselves

and provide for their families.

And there's nothing... cooler actually

than cooking meals for your...loved ones.

So...out there think that they are like, "Uh, yeah..."

You know what's cooler than taking a chick to a fancy restaurant

and spending a lot of money and acting like you're a boss

and you order stupid wine and you look like a...loser?

Just make her something at home or make him something at home

or make whoever the...they are something at home.


[ Laughter ]

-Like actual... -Yeah, like...

-Yeah! -Like that.

The belly doesn't really do that anymore.

You know what I'm sayin'? They just push it aside now.

My wife was saying it's getting big. Hey.

'Cause the dick doesn't get bigger when the belly gets bigger.

Dick stays the same, belly gets bigger, problems.

My dick looks huge now. I lost like 40 pounds.

I'm like, "Damn. My dick looks huge!"

Oh, my God. I wish I lost 40 pounds.

My dick would still look small.


What would you like your rainbow to say?

-Rainbow? -Your rainbow.

"My dick is small."

-Yeah! -Hey!

Matty Matheson in the building.

"It's Suppertime!" airing November 30th.

You know what I'm sayin'? On Viceland, dick.


-Shout-outs. -Shout-outs! Yeah! Ha! Ckk!

Yo, shout-out to LeBron

getting ejected for the first time in his career.

Donald Trump got on Twitter, was like, "U bum."

To be fair, I don't know if this equated getting ejected.

Yeah, this was a weird ejection.

I know Skip Bayless was masturbating furiously to this.

Oh, he tweeted directly at this. But, I mean, watch this.

I feel like the ref got his little TSA bag

and was like, "Nah, I'm-a overreach right now."

"I'm the boss on the court."

Announcer: Here comes LeBron changing gears, bumping...

He's like, "That was a...foul, nigga!"

-He's like, "Word? -He's like, "Word?

-Get out of here." -Get out of here.

...outta here. Yeah."

LeBron James has just been ejected!

This is the new soft NBA.

Back in the '90s, you could punch a ref, get in their face,

and they wouldn't even stop the game.

-That's it. -Be like, "You bitch nigga!"

Spit out a tooth, keep it going. Everyone's like, "What?"

Everyone's like, "I think that's against the NBA rules.

You can't eject LeBron."

No. It's in the handbook.

I'm pretty sure that was in

the collective bargaining agreement we went through.

Kevin Love's like, "Do they think he's Draymond Green? What's going on?"

Everyone's looking like, "Nah. They got to reverse that."

"No. That's not Matt Barnes, dude. That's LeBron."

Now here's the ref's explanation.

This sounds like every police shooting ever.

-Wow. -Yo.

Referee Kane Fitzgerald on ejecting LeBron James.

I mean, doesn't every NBA player use vulgarity

when they don't get a call?

I mean, look at Kane. Kane's shook right there.

Yeah, he's nervous. Yeah. Yeah.

He's like, "Aw, man. A couple drops of pee came out."


Yo, shout-out to your mom

discovering your browser history, you sick...

You know what? No matter what age you are,

you never want your mother going through your browser.

Never. Never, brah.

[ Woman laughing ]

I'm not!

I wasn't on it!

I promise! I wasn't on it!

He's probably Googling "butts" and "titty."

Look at his face. He's like, "Ahh!"

"I don't even like titties!"

That's me when people go through my browser history

and they see me on Russia Today.

I'm like, "No, no. I was just -- I was --

I just wanted to see what they were putting on."

I really promise! I wasn't on it!

Yeah...outta here.

You wasn't thinking that when you was -- Yeah.

Own up to it. Own up to it.

-You got a Brazzers account. -That's, bro.

You know what I'm sayin'?

Yeah, they roasted him on Thanksgiving, too.

So sad. Keep stroking it, boy. You'll be all right, though.

Yeah, do your thing,

'Cause most people are like, "Yo, this is traumatic.

This is gonna make him never --" No, he was right back at it.

As soon as they stopped making this video, he was back in the bathroom.

He's like, "Yo, I ate some stuffing.

I'm ready to make some beef strokin-off, kid. Ha-ha!"


For more infomation >> Wednesday, November 29, 2017 with Matty Matheson (Full Episode) - Duration: 23:48.


Comment Squeezie influence le jeu vidéo - Duration: 15:46.

For more infomation >> Comment Squeezie influence le jeu vidéo - Duration: 15:46.


Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 5 "Wild Ride" Promo (HD) Premieres Tonight - Duration: 0:31.

Tonight, the Agents of SHIELD are back for one pretty awesome new season.

We're in space.

Full of crazy twists and turns...

Welcome to the end of the world.

... that will blow your mind.

Strap in for a wild ride.

Hang on.

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD the two-hour season premiere

tonight at a special time 8/7c on ABC.

For more infomation >> Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 5 "Wild Ride" Promo (HD) Premieres Tonight - Duration: 0:31.


Seth's Favorite Jokes of the Week: Kid Named Olivia Garton, This Year's Least Popular Gift - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Seth's Favorite Jokes of the Week: Kid Named Olivia Garton, This Year's Least Popular Gift - Duration: 1:23.


Break Up | Girls Living On The Streets Of Brighton - Duration: 18:44.

For more infomation >> Break Up | Girls Living On The Streets Of Brighton - Duration: 18:44.


BatBat - Duration: 1:02.

Sigh, alright sir, let me get this straight.

So you're going by the name, Batman?


And you live in this cave?


And fight crime?


I mean, what is this computer?


But we're in the middle of a cave! How is it powered?


That doesn't make sense.




You're just adding the word "Bat" before everything now!

No I'm not.

Then what's this?


And this?


And this?


It's a what?


You ARE adding the word "Bat" before everything!


Then what's this?


And this?


And again?


This is stupid.

I go fight crime now.

Please, no, don't go fight crime.

I go now bye.



Bruce, don't go fight crime.


Please don't go fight crime.


Fine, if this is what you want to do, I can't stop you, but...

Please do me one favour.


What's this?


For more infomation >> BatBat - Duration: 1:02.


The Jubilee Youth Choir - Shout The Praise - Duration: 3:20.

♪ Shout the praise ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah ♪

♪ Christ the savior is born (He is Born) ♪

♪ Oh magnify his name forever ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah again ♪

♪ Born this night in Bethlehem ♪

♪ Born to a virgin girl ♪

♪ Born to save us from our sin ♪

♪ Born to save the world ♪

♪ Shout the praise ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah ♪

♪ Christ the savior is born (He is Born)♪

♪ Oh magnify his name forever ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah again ♪

♪ Ooooooooo ♪

♪ Come and see the gift of God ♪

♪ Come and see the one ♪


♪ Come and see the spotless lamb ♪

♪ Come and see God's Son ♪

♪ Shout the praise ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah ♪

♪ Christ the savior is born (He is Born) ♪

♪ Oh magnify his name forever ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah again ♪

♪ Let the earth sing of his glory ♪

♪ Let all the earth give him praise ♪

♪ Worship him in sweet adoration ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah again ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah again ♪

♪ (Sing Hallelu) ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah again ♪

♪ (Sing Hallelu) ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah again ♪

♪ (Sing Hallelujah) ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah again ♪

♪ Shout the praise ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah ♪

♪ Christ the savior is born ♪

♪ (Sing Hallelujah Again) ♪

♪ Oh magnify his name forever ♪

♪ (Sing Hallelujah) ♪

♪ Sing hallelujah again ♪

♪ Jesus has come the promised Messiah ♪

♪ Jesus has come now to reign ♪

♪ (Jesus has come, Oh He reigns) ♪

♪ King of kings and lord for ever ♪

♪ (Forever praise his name!) ♪

♪ Praise his holy name ♪


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