Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 1 2017

Who is this

the full running around after I found the truck you wanted

Oh God good huh no hurry

I need it in Vespucci in the next couple of hours and watch yourself. I hear the cops was snooping around over there

Shit motherfuckers had eyes on the place

Damn I gotta get the fuck on

Is that my pizza hey enough who is me, I'm here, oh well done hey true crusader for civil liberties

Where you follow follow? That's an understatement, but look don't trip out we good now look man

Won't you come down and check this? I got shit to do, man. Yeah? Well. I'll send someone when I know it's clear

Okay, can't be too careful, and I'm dealing with some composting issues. This is a bad burrito

She whatever man, but that's more information than I need

Yo, what's up? I should just got cheap, too?

For more infomation >> GTA 5 - Strangers and Freaks - FRANKLIN [Grass Roots - The Pickup ] - Duration: 6:15.


The Awakening - Duration: 20:03.

The Awakening

by Ainsley Threadgold

�There is a time for everything and everything in its time.� Whether this is on the grand

scale of our soul�s eternal journey or the unique and beautiful journeys we take within

our human lives, we have created and co-created awakening moments with mathematical precision.

This article is about how I have navigated my own awakening, in the hope that it helps

others to do the same. My journey thus far has guided me to understand that love, most

importantly self-love, is the key to unlocking our true potentials.

Along the path of discovering my own potential, there are three steps that I use to come to

a place of greater self-love. They are: First, to accept myself where I am in that moment.

Second, to like myself in that moment. Third, to love who I am in that moment. In order

to do that, I had to understand and reconcile my often painful experiences. In the main

body of the article I have included 4 subheadings, these I have used to mark different stages

of my healing journey. I have interwoven the accept, like and love concepts throughout

these subheadings.

I am my own labor of love, as we all are, in different forms for different reasons.

Our ultimate aim here is to live the life we have chosen to live. Some lives may feel

infinitesimally small and easy to exist in. Others may feel monumentally greater in their

challenges, while others fill the gap between and each and every one divinely unique and


My own life has been one of a plethora of mistakes and bad choices, yet every step has

been exact and purposeful. It�s shown me there is a bigger picture than my own tiny

details. I�ve learned that my actions have not only played notes on my instrument, they

have also informed the notes others play too.

We are all part of the orchestra; we all have our own instruments with our own sheet music.

Whether we play active roles or passive roles, awakened or asleep, we are all playing our

parts perfectly. So, what�s my part here, what is my instrument? How do I play so I

get the best out of myself while also helping to bring out the best in other people? The

key, as always, is through love. To get the best sounds and the most beautifully rich

vibrations, each instrument needs to be loved, looked after and maintained. In the past my

instrument was neglected because I felt it was less than perfect. I tried to ignore it

by living in my head, hoping I could somehow wake up with a different, better one, then

my life could really take off. I wouldn�t have to make the �mistakes� I�d made

and I wouldn�t have to hurt the people around me. I would have designed a life that effectively

wouldn�t adversely affect anyone. It would have all the appearances� of being a charmed

life, with none of the draw backs that were, I felt, all I had to offer up to that point.

While that design may have been a better one, It would also have none of the flavor and

be devoid of the love that I am now feeling, both for myself and ultimately the others

I am divinely blessed with.

What I once felt about my life had everything to do with a fear of living it and nothing

to do with the power of my presence in it. I once wanted nothing to do with the direction

of or the responsibility for steering my life. I just wanted to be left alone in my cave,

wanting for nothing more than to be in my head space, living in the world of my imagination.

The only problem was the longer I tried to ignore my life, the more chaotic it seemed

to become. I was also missing the journey, the real one. You see, the chaotic stuff was

happening, and was never pleasant, but it took me somewhere. It gave me the gifts of

experience so that I could grow within myself and also have the ability to share that growth

with others. I had divined my life�s circumstances perfectly, so perfectly in fact that it still

surprises me, still calls me to grow, still gives me a full spectrum of experiences which

I know (now) I will be able to share. I am starting to live a life of service by living

a life that gives me experiences from which I can understand others and also be understood.

I realize now that living the life I chose was the charmed life, rather than the one

that I desperately hoped would one day appear.

I started writing this a few weeks ago, intuitively knowing that I had something to say without

the conscious knowledge of exactly what would flow through me and onto the page or knowing

where my spirit would journey to write it. Between the day I started and right now, I

have been changing and rearranging myself. I realized that to continue walking the path,

I would have to continue to look at and love myself. That would mean knowing when to rest

and rejuvenate and also when to plough on. It also meant facing those parts of me that

I still haven�t reached out to and loved, those parts that I still struggle to reconcile,

still struggle to love, those divine parts of my journey that reflected my deepest fears

back to me, not just from this life but from others I have lived.

I want now to share what I have learnt from this process in the hope that it resonates

with others.

1. Understanding people who are destructive in our lives.

The people who seem to cause the most destruction in our lives are the most divine souls for

helping to highlight in us what it is that needs healing. Everyone we experience in our

lives are reflections of different parts of who we are, the person we have created. Destructive

people reflect perfectly the fears we hold and the protective ego we have built around

the fear. They shine a light into our dark places and expose what is there. The longer

we try to run and hide from what we see, the more that person plays their role. Only when

we surrender our ego, acknowledge the necessary changes and then make them, will the destructive

person loose their influence over us. A very beautiful aspect of this process is, that

person, that soul, represents a love so deep that they agreed to be the �bad� guy to

help us to awaken. That deep love is who we really are and from personal experience, it

is one of the hardest things to admit when you don�t like who you see in the mirror.

In our true state we are pure at the core, not one sentient being on this planet is any

different. We have all agreed to play our roles, even when those roles have been horrendous,

it is all part of the divine tapestry and all the notes played in the orchestra are

played to harmonize perfectly. So be grateful to anyone in your life who has played that

destructive role, be grateful and know they are reflecting you, showing you what you have

been unwilling to see for yourself. Now its time to take that reflection and love what

you see.

2. Loving ourselves takes practice.

Up until a couple of years ago I couldn�t look at myself in the mirror, I couldn�t

be naked, and I couldn�t love who I was. This was even after having recovered memories

from my NDE (Near Death Experience). Whilst over on �the other side�, I was that divine

unconditional love, it was easy to love who I had been because I couldn�t not be the

love I was born from. Being here, you would think that after I awoke I�d suddenly feel

and be that same level of love. After all, for those of you who are aware of NDE�s,

aren�t we supposed to come back changed, aren�t our vibrations supposed to be higher?

They are, but there�s a point to living here the way we do, we�ve chosen to experience

a corporeal existence from a dualistic stand point, where contrast is required for full

understanding of everything.

To understand love we must understand fear, to understand abundance we must understand

lack, etc. So how has that influenced my ability to love myself? Well, I knew only too well

the opposite of self-love, which was self-loathing. My path through it was to take one step at

a time and when an unloved, unliked aspect of me was ready to emerge, I�d start by

accepting who I�d been when that aspect was created. I�d practice gratitude for

everything about who I was at that time, knowing aspect of me was from my past, knowing that

he was part of who I have become. Disliking and rejecting that version of me no longer

made sense. To disregard any moment in my past, any version of me, was also invalidating

my present moment. I was in effect saying not only was that part of my past wrong, but

every step since then was wrong, which would make every step after that wrong too. Every

brush stroke is as needed as every other brush stroke to make a work of art. I simply cannot

be who I am now without all the other divine parts of me. I am a perfectly imperfect work

in progress.

I realized that the path started with accepting who I had been and who that made me in this

moment. From there I began to like everything about who I had been, including all choices

I�d made, especially ones that I know directly affected others. I realized that my choices

were connected and interconnected with the choices of those affected. Within any chosen

�past� experience I made choices to do or say things, anyone else involved also made

their own choice to experience that moment for themselves. As much as I, on a higher

level, knew that the choice for me was perfect for where it took me, I was also able to see

how the other person(s) choice to be there took them. Just as my choice to act was perfect,

their choice to be there was too, so ultimately however much we may wish to change something

in the �past�, doing so would alter the experiences that followed for everyone involved

from that point forward.

We can look at it from another stand point, which would be that our choices can have �negative�

impacts on the world around us. From our 3d perspective, that is true. Human tragedy is

an example of this. There are many examples of people making a choice resulting in the

death of someone else being the result, which has dramatic affects on the loved ones of

everyone involved. What is often seen is, as a direct result of such choices, �good�

also comes from it. Family members set up charities to raise money to both honor their

loved one and to do something positive with their grief. Laws are changed or put into

place to protect others from the same tragedy.

Another example are natural disasters. When one happens, it challenges us on many levels,

but it also touches deeply the divinity inside all of us. It�s a call to action of sorts

which drives us to show our loving humanity, it evokes compassion and brings us together,

all differences suddenly forgotten because there is something bigger, more important

to focus on. It is also perfect for the soul�s choice within that moment, that life and that

part of the cycle wishing to be expressed. There are predestined choices we make before

coming here, certain experiences we require which are absolutely necessary for the growth

of each soul, both within its human existence and within its soulful travels, it�s the

bigger picture of the bigger picture.

3. Understanding our experiences are cyclical.

If there is a particular �negative� trait or set of traits that we have, (for me I will

use the example of a particularly profound past life healing, later I will also discuss

money and my relationship with it) they will continue to appear in our lives until we learn

the lessons we are meant to around it. The more significant or strong the trait, the

more discord it creates in our lives, the faster and more often the cycles come around

where we are challenged with changing/healing that aspect of ourselves. If we keep running

into the same issues that are a sign there is more learning and healing to do around

it. If we make fear-based decisions or choices around those events, the bigger or stronger

the negative experience becomes or the more often we have to experience it before it no

longer shows up in our life.

The best example of this I can give is with the past life healing I have done. All moments

exist now, regardless of whether we perceive them as �past� memories or �past�

lives, the incident and the subsequent healing are happening simultaneously. I had a severe

needle phobia for many years; my body would shut down if I was ever in a situation where

I would have to give blood. I went for hypnotherapy to see where this had started, assuming that

it was an event that had occurred at some point in my childhood. What I discovered is

that the root cause of the problem was from a moment in a life that I had already lived.

I was a 17 year old boy serving in World War 1. To cut a long story short I was killed

after being shot, as I lay there my intestines and stomach were forced out and I couldn�t

put them back in. The reconciliation came through my knowing but also my present self

being present in that moment with my former self. I was my former self at the moment of

being shot and I was also my present self for the healing. There was no gap or distance

of time; I existed in both moments simultaneously. I had the experience of being shot and killed

and the experience of healing from it all at once. It was my soul�s choice to experience

all that and it divined the perfect way to do that through two life times. The cyclical

aspect of this came time after time during this life, every time it came to my having

to give blood or having to have an injection, my fear surrounding it grew. The fear became

so strong that my body would shut down and I would start to panic, I would even start

to become aggressive. Discovering the source of my fear allowed me to accept it which allowed

me to accept myself, I was also able to naturally move to liking myself within each aspect of

my life (lives) that had been affected by my past life death.

This then naturally moves from liking to loving myself, not just within this vessel but that

part of me that is in everyone and everything else. To fully love myself it is my divine

purpose to also see me in everyone else too, to see my reflection and our connection. Like

the old saying �love thine enemy as thy self�. I cannot truly love myself without

being able to love everyone else, this is because love is internal expressed to the


4. Love is as constant as the journey.

The path to healing is infinite, infinite in its span and infinite within its possibilities

to heal. We find our way along it by making choices. Those choices can be made based in

one of two things, fear or love, each one perfect in that moment. Life finds you exactly

where you are and you/we are always provided with exactly what we need in any given moment

to make any given choice. When we make our decisions or choices from the perspective

of love, ego cannot play a significant role. With the diminishment of ego rises more love.

That love is within and around every one of us and on some level, is always recognized.

That love is translated, is communicated and influences the next moment and the next, ad

infinitum. We have the ability to perpetuate this within every moment of every day, thus

growing the love in the world.

As I said in the last paragraph, I want to use my relationship with money. Ever since

I have earned money, I have felt I didn�t deserve it, the stronger the feeling of undeserving

the bigger the debt I created. I always wanted money but I didn�t accept like or love myself

nearly enough to deserve it. So began the cycles of debt and chances to release, causing

more debt because of my relationship with myself, causing more chances to release. There

is an infinite etc etc here because the universe knew and knows that money is a really good

indicator as to where I am in relation to me relating to myself. At my �worst� moments

I have been at the limits of where I could be before something (financially) burst.

This always followed with how I felt about myself, where I was financially breaking I

was also spiritually and physically breaking. So how was I able to move through this? How

was I able to improve my financial situation? The key was realizing that my relationship

with money was a reflection of my relationship with me. So to �heal� my finances I had

to learn how to heal the aspects of me internally of which money reflectively represented externally.

I am learning to accept that my �mistakes� with money were choices I made from my fearful

egotistic side, the side which guided me to believe that this time it would work out,

that borrowing more money would help me consolidate everything that I already owed and would leave

me better off because this time I was going to get it right! The majority of the time,

if I had stuck to my original intentions (when borrowing), I would have improved my situation.

The problem came afterwards, when I had all that extra money sitting there. I�d make

other plans for it, not pay debts off and find myself back in the same cycle again.

Change came when I recognized what I was doing. I recognized that I used money to hide from

an internal truth, that truth was that I didn�t accept myself like myself or love myself nearly

enough to deserve the money that I created. It not only affected how I used money but

how I manifested it.

Believe it or not, applying for lines of credit through loans or credit cards, is still creating

money but it is the negative fear based creating that we do when we believe ( on whatever level)

that we aren�t deserving enough to create that money in any other way. In that respect

I have been a great debt creator and at the same time have always created enough to enable

me to pay it off. In effect I am more powerful than I have ever wanted to see, so imagine

what can be created now that I have started to accept like and love myself.

�Love is as constant and the journey�. Wherever I have fallen foul of my choices,

wherever I have feared and wherever I have ignored who I am, Love has always been there.

It has always been my companion. Throughout this particular aspect of my travels, love

has cycled with me because it knew that I would eventually start to love with it. My

choices now are always checked against how I feel. I am not all the way there, I still

have weak moments, then I look within to see that I am perfect as I am. I accept my previous

choices, I like the fact that those choices took me on a journey and I love the fact that

the journey lead me to this point.

So I ask you, what is it that you recognize in yourself which needs love? What cycles

of behavior, which people, what circumstances or addictions do you have that are perhaps

external reflections of your internal troubles? What will accepting liking and loving yourself

do to change them? What can you and the universe inside of you create/co-create through love?

These are questions I asked and still ask of myself, questions of which I still find

extraordinary answers. I am worth love, I am worth loving, I am deserving of the process

of accepting then liking then loving who I am in any situation. Any that I have been

in, any that I am in now and any that I will be in. I am love and I am worth loving.

For more infomation >> The Awakening - Duration: 20:03.


The Untold Truth Of Savannah Guthrie - Duration: 5:18.

Savannah Guthrie became co-anchor of NBC's Today show in July 2012, and has helped keep

the morning show at the top of the ratings ever since.

While Guthrie sometimes reveals tidbits about herself on the show, she generally keeps it

professional, preferring to probe her interview subject's personal lives rather than revealing

her own.

So let's turn the tables on her and dive into the untold truth of this popular member of

the press.

Aussie born

Though she grew up in Arizona, Guthrie was born in Melbourne, Australia.

Her family moved down under when her dad was transferred there for his job, but they were

back Stateside by the time Guthrie was 2 years old.

Guthrie told People:

"I have no memory of it because I was too young, but growing up and knowing that I was

born in Australia was always this interesting exotic part of my history that I love."

In May 2015, she returned to her birthplace for the first time as part of Today's Mother's

Day programming.

Alongside her mom, Nancy Guthrie, Savannah took in the sights of the country, but also

went on an emotional trip down memory lane, visiting her childhood home as well as the

hospital where she was born.

Savannah said:

"I think seeing the very place you were born is not something most people get to do or


To get to go back with my mom, it's just really special."

Four-year marriage

As of this video, Guthrie is married to consultant and PR guru Michael Feldman.

They wed in March 2014, and have two children together.

But what her audience might not know is that Guthrie was previously married to BBC News

producer Mark Orchard.

A National Enquirer story alleged that Guthrie came between Orchard and his first wife, reporter

Anne Kornblut of The New York Times.

Radar reported that Guthrie and Orchard's 2005 marriage began to unravel relatively

quickly, citing divorce documents that stated they were "living apart" in Washington DC

by August 2008.

The Hollywood Reporter said the split took place when Guthrie was working long, stressful

hours as a White House correspondent for NBC News.

Perhaps the drama surrounding her first marriage was the reason Guthrie and Feldman decided

to keep their wedding a secret until after they walked down the aisle.

Close to home

On Nov. 29, 2017, Guthrie had to announce colleague Matt Lauer's termination from Today.

"Dear colleagues, on Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about

inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer..."

Having only learned about his firing just hours before, Guthrie was clearly distraught

about the situation.

"I am heartbroken for Matt, he is my dear dear friend, my partner and he has been loved

by many many people here."

That's not the first time Guthrie has been candid about her affection for Lauer.

She surprised him on his 20th anniversary with Today by popping into the show even though

she was on maternity leave at the time.

Guthrie also tweeted about Lauer that day, calling him "a class act, great friend, and

once in a generation talent."

Those feelings are mutual.

In a 2014 interview with Variety, Lauer said Guthrie directly contributed to him re-signing

his Today contract, saying: "I love working with her.

I am having a good time.

I love the direction the show is taking."

Maternity leave

Though it was announced that she would return from her 2017 maternity leave on March 3,

Guthrie was back on the Today couch four days early, according to Page Six.

The site also claimed that Today producers begged Guthrie to return because her absence

was causing a ratings slide, citing a source who said:

"They needed Savannah to bail them out, so they rushed her from maternity leave.

NBC claimed it was because of the influx of news, but the reality is that the show was

down double-digits and they needed her."

It was a surprising move for Guthrie, considering her feelings toward her first maternity leave,

about which she said: "It's amazing and kind of transforming to give your mind and your

heart and your soul a break from the crazy, busy world and just be focused on something

that's so simple and true and from the heart.

It's just been magical."

Eagles fan

Though she was raised in Arizona, Guthrie and her entire family unabashedly root for

The Philadelphia Eagles every Sunday during the NFL season.

They even wear custom jerseys when cheering on The Birds, like any respectable member

of Eagle Nation would.

The source of the rabid fandom seems to stem from Guthrie's husband.

She once blogged, "Mike insists that [his daughter Vale] wear her Eagles jersey for

every Eagles football game.

One time I didn't put it on.

The Eagles lost.

Mike said, 'She will wear that Eagles jersey from here on out.'

So I don't mess with it."

She lost her father

During a 2016 Hollywood Reporter interview, Guthrie revealed that her father passed away

from a heart attack while in Mexico as part of his job as a mining engineer.

She was a teenager at the time.

She said of the tragedy: "When you're 16, you think you're so grown up.

[...] But the first thing I thought was, 'We still need him.'"

In her blog for Guideposts, she wrote, "To me, at 16, it felt like a betrayal of everything

I'd believed in.

How could God let this happen to my dad—a good man who was only in his forties?

How could he do this to our family?"

She's terrified of frogs

In a 2011 Today show segment featuring a "country fair," Guthrie revealed an unusual phobia:

she's terrified of frogs.

"I didn't think it would be that big."

According to HuffPost, she later bravely participated in a "game of frog-jumping," although she

still refused to touch any of the frogs.

A few years later, Ellen DeGeneres took full advantage of Guthrie's frog fright by tossing

a fake frog into her lap and then chasing her around the stage with it.

"It's not real, so this is a way to get over it."

"Well that worked, obviously."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Savannah Guthrie - Duration: 5:18.


How to Draw Rainbow Spoon - Coloring Pages for Kids - Painting and Drawing Spoon Coloring Books - Duration: 10:43.













Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> How to Draw Rainbow Spoon - Coloring Pages for Kids - Painting and Drawing Spoon Coloring Books - Duration: 10:43.


Dhanu Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, December 4 to December 10, in Kannada - Duration: 1:08.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Vara Bhavishya

Dhanu Rashi

For more infomation >> Dhanu Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, December 4 to December 10, in Kannada - Duration: 1:08.


MeMo - G - Нито пък съм от днес 2017 (Official Audio) - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> MeMo - G - Нито пък съм от днес 2017 (Official Audio) - Duration: 2:05.


Bitcoin on track to consume the ENTIRE global electricity supply - Duration: 4:56.

Bitcoin on track to consume the ENTIRE global electricity supply by the year 2020

by: Ethan Huff

As the online cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin reaches record price highs, many people are

now asking themselves: Is Bitcoin really where the financial sector is headed?

Not if you care about the environment, suggests shocking new data compiled as part of Digiconomist�s

�Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index� (BECI).

This eye-opening measure of how much energy it takes to �mine� Bitcoin suggests that,

especially from a global perspective, energy consumption requirements to keep the cryptocurrency

going are completely off the charts.

As of November 20, 2017, the estimated amount of energy needed annually to mine Bitcoin

currently stands at 29.05 terawatt hours (TWh), or the equivalent of about 0.13 percent of

total global electricity consumption.

This might sound like a relatively small amount at first glance.

But if you calculate it out, as the BECI has already done, this massive amount of energy

comes into focus.

In essence, the amount of energy necessary to mine Bitcoin for a year is now higher than

the total electricity use of 159 individual countries, including Ireland and Nigeria.

If Bitcoin was its own country, in other words, it would rank 61st in terms of its electricity


And the energy needs of the whole operation are only expected to increase until every

last one of the 21 million total Bitcoin �coins� have been �unearthed� from their digital

treasure chests.

�The machines performing the �work� are consuming huge amounts of energy while

doing so,� explains Digiconomist about how the proof-of-work algorithm for Bitcoin mining


�The Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index was created to provide insight into this amount,

and raise awareness on the unsustainability of the proof-of-work algorithm.�

Based on current trends, Bitcoin mining will consume ALL of the world�s electricity by


As Natural News has previously reported, the so-called �work� that Bitcoin mining machines

perform isn�t actually real work.

It�s essentially just a jumble of random equations that keep the system functional,

but that accomplish precisely nothing.

It would be one thing if Bitcoin mining equations were being used for something useful like

making the blockchain technology upon which the Bitcoin system runs more efficient, for


But in truth, these equations amount to little more than wheel-spinning simply for the sake

of �doing something� � a fruitless barrier of entry, of sorts, that contributes to Bitcoin�s

artificial �value.�

What�s even more unsettling about the Bitcoin mining system is the fact that energy consumption

levels continue to soar right alongside the cryptocurrency�s meteoric price increases.

Just in the past month, the BECI reveals, energy consumption levels have increased by

nearly 30 percent.

Based on these current trends, Bitcoin mining will consume every last spark of electricity

on the planet by the year 2020 � just three years from now.

The amount of energy being used right now to power Bitcoin mining is enough to power

the homes and lives of 2.4 million Americans, which is higher than the entire population

of Houston, Texas.

Put differently, this is more than the amount of energy consumed by the following 12 states:

Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode

Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.

In dollar terms, the total globe cost of mining Bitcoin is estimated to be around $1.5 billion.

However, many experts believe this figure to be too low because it assumed that the

bulk of Bitcoin mining is taking place in areas of the world with inexpensive electricity

costs, which is unlikely to be the case.

�Mining power is high and getting higher, thanks to a computational arms race,� says

the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

�Recall that the required number of zeros at the beginning of a hash is tweaked biweekly

to adjust the difficulty of creating a block�and more zeros means more difficulty.�

For more infomation >> Bitcoin on track to consume the ENTIRE global electricity supply - Duration: 4:56.


Home OFFICIAL Short Film 2017 - Duration: 12:40.

Brother: I know that things have been really hard, Em.

But it's been a year now.

What's wrong?

What is this?



Three weeks later......

Two months later.....



For more infomation >> Home OFFICIAL Short Film 2017 - Duration: 12:40.


Top 10 Flash Mob Rag Day of Jagannath University | According to Youtube Views | Part 1 - Duration: 11:33.


For more infomation >> Top 10 Flash Mob Rag Day of Jagannath University | According to Youtube Views | Part 1 - Duration: 11:33.


Christmas Cookie Collab - Duration: 2:57.

Babe I gotta do a Christmas call a cookie collab

one of the things where you've watched a

Video and a playlist of other people asked me to watch

Yep, and this one's being put on by Li card, so let's get the camera


Let's do it yeah

Well hang out again trainer karey today, I am the glorious jerk mom

Christmas cookies as part of a collaboration with my friendly card and other moms and I'd

Really love for you guys to go check out the other moms on playlist that would be swell errific, but until then

Let's make some cookies

Alright to crack in there think that I was in the chiropractor anyway

Thing as easy

And yeah, what do I need butter awesome butter egg?

Where we got any eggs I need eggs I need eggs any day

Where do beginnings we need to get eggs discriminately X PIPA doesn't have any tremors? Don't even know oh my god

Do we have chickens? Why don't we have chickens? We need to have chickens. I told you we should I have chickens

Merry Christmas

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