Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 1 2017

This is not funny anymore

We are extremely unlucky about the chests when Krazi is here

Can I slide here?


- Here - Yeah

Follow me, I'll show you how to slide


Follow me, I'll show you

No, I'll show you how to slide

I know how to slide

Turn around to face the wall

Yeah, don't worry

This wall on this tower

Don't kill me!

Don't kill him


Do we need it?


You're a jerk, dude :D


No way

F*ck, can someone help me?

I have to slide it down

It's okay, I can do it

Is this the right direction?


They're here!

They built a wall, one has 3 hits

I got 2 headshots

I'm dead

Double headshot, one is dead, one left

I'm completely dead

This will make me go crazy

Quiet, quiet

I'm trying

He's still there, I could flank him

Are you coming back?

Yeah, naked

I'm here


Sh*t, I just got a lag

I'm so unlucky

Are you dead?

No, no, no

But he should be dead

He has 20 HPs or something

I need you to take your stuff

Already done


Come on

He's dead, even though I f*cked up a bit

He's dead, that's the important thing

I can see him

How did I miss him? Wtf?

He's hit, headshot

Weren't there two of them


There are two

He's hit

Another hit

Double headshot, he's dead


...and you have to turn it off... admin...

I have no ammo

install it... restart it... it should work

Go away, I'll kill them


I'm deep, I have everything!


All the sleeping bags

There is a chest full of stone

2000 sulphur.. 1000 .. I mean 'a lot'

I'll destroy the bags

Behind the furnace

All dead


One C4, we gonna need one C4

No, we can dig, Black is there

I'm looting this guy

I'm there

There is so much..

Here's a thing

They have cupboard..

There's so much

This base is active

That's why we need to be fast

Come on

I'll boost you

Ok, cool

Oh, okay. Can you destroy this one?

With a bow

- Which one? In the middle? - No, this one


(greeting fans on stream)

Sh*t, look

Let's go down


We can bring ladders

Do they have loot?

Three big chests

Are they full?

Yeah, satchel charges, 500 iron

Really good, 400 cloths

Good that Bioxik found it

Bioxik saved the day

We're lucky to have him. Now we have to take all of it

I didn't expect this. Should I craft a ladder?

Yeah, certainly

Guys, if we stay silent, he will open it for us


He's running inside

Get here with the shotgun

He's hit once

He has less HPs

Don't shoot again


You shold be above me with that pistol

He's dead

Loot him, quickly

Someone's coming inside

He's dead. Can you help me here?


Good job.. we need to destroy the..

Can you help me destroy the chest?

That's quite a good gear

Boost me up

Out of my way, shoo

Okay, nice, cool

When did he open this?

They have cupboard here


Loot the chests quickly

DO you have a hammer?

Yeah, I do

I'm crafting code lock

Put it in this chest over here

Headshot, but I don't know if he's dead

Thanks for the torch

He's dead

Hey, who's going..?

I'm wearing yellow

Jump check!

Another one


It froze.. no, wait


Don't fight

We'll kill them

He's pushing



Let's loot them, do you have the guns?

We have to go

Here are some syringes

I have tons of those

Naked guy on the right

Take some syringes

I'm full

Guys, we have to go now

I'll check the bodies for the last time

Another guy here

Go for it

Are you coming here?

15 seconds

Another one dead

There's too much

Another one dead

We need to take the guns. Another guy here


Another guy here

Come up here

He's under you, right here

Yeah, we're f*cked

There're too many

Pull back

I have terrible lags

I'm coming there

I'll flank from the right

Cover his body, don't let them loot it

Both dead

For more infomation >> ALL THEIR LOOT FOR NO EXPLOSIVES | Random clips | English subtitles | CZ - Duration: 10:10.


Coming Out - How My Family Reacted [CC] || Jeff Miller - Duration: 12:42.

( laughter ) >> MOM: We will get through this. Be brave.

>> JEN: (laughs) What does brave have to do with it?


Pull yourself together!

>> JEFF: Okay, everyone ready? >> JEN: No. (laughs)

>> MOM: Take 406. (laughter)

>> JEFF: I can't do it. I can't do it. (laughs) >> MOM: Uh, huh.

>> MOM: Hi, everyone. Jeff here. (laughter)

[ INTRO MUSIC: Tops by Lincoln Jesser ]

>> JEFF: Hey, everyone. It's Jeff. I hope you're doing well.

Today I'm joined by my sister.

>> JEN: Hi, I'm Jennie.

>> JEFF: And my mom. >> MOM: Hi, I'm Adrianne.

>> JEFF: And we're gonna talk a little bit about how my transition affected them

and I've got your questions here, so here we go!

You ready?

>> JEN: Okay.

>> MOM: You bet.

>> JEFF: Okay. Don't, why are you cheating? Don't look at them!

>> MOM: I wasn't reading over your shoulder.

>> JEFF: What was your initial reaction to me coming out?

Well mom, I told you and dad before I told you.

>> JEN: Yeah. >> MOM: Right.

>> JEFF: You were the first person of the family that I told.

>> MOM: Correct, and do you want the story of how you did this?

>> JEFF: You can go for it, sure.

>> MOM: It's never probably easy for anybody to come out with something so monumental in your life

and this munchkin caught me in the car in the middle of a car wash.

So there was no escape, even if I had been inclined to do so.

>> JEFF: I planned it that way. >> MOM: Yes.

>> JEFF: I, I planned, I was, I drove her to a car wash and told her in a car wash.

>> MOM: Right. >> JEFF: (laughs)

>> MOM: And I think probably most parents have a feeling when there's

something going on in their child's life.

My first thought when he said, "Mom I have something to tell you"

was that he was going to tell me he was lesbian.

And then he said he was transgender and my first question, first thing out of my mouth was "What's that?"

>> JEFF: Because this was back in about 2012.

So there wasn't, uh, anything really prominent in the media at that time.

It still wasn't something that a lot of people knew, so I had to explain what that was.

>> MOM: And then it seemed like every place I looked there was something

in the media or on television, in the newspapers

and ever since it's been a topic that people can talk about, which is good.

>> JEFF: So Jennie, how was it for you then?

>> JEN: I mean it was unexpected to a certain extent.

I guess, you'd just posted a picture where you'd gotten your hair cut

and donated all, you know, to Locks of Love or whatever.

And, at that time, my initial reaction had been

Oh my gosh. You know you've cut all this hair off, you're gonna be perceived as a boy.

And then you told me, partly because mom told you it was time to tell me.

Like, "Oh you should tell Jennie about this thing, this really important thing."

>> JEFF: Yeah. >> JEN: Because we were on a family vacation at the time.

>> JEN: And so you, you came out with it

and I guess I, I mean, I knew what it was but I didn't know what it was

because I wasn't sure what that really meant for you.

Because I don't think you actually told me what you, how you felt. >>JEFF: Yeah.

>> JEN: Other than that you identified this way. >> JEFF: Mm-hmm.

>> JEN: So then I was thinking well, you know, is that just how you dress?

>> JEFF & JEN: Or what does that actually mean?

>> JEN: But other than that, you know, it's your life. (laughs)

>> JEFF: (a la Bon Jovi) It's now or never.

Would you change anything about how I came out to you?

Is there a better way that you could have thought that it would have went?

>> MOM: No, I don't. Like I said I don't know that there is a good way to come out with something that, you know,

>> MOM, JEFF, & JEN: Personal.

>> MOM: You know, I'm glad that it was not in a public place.

>> JEFF: (laughs) Yeah, no. I wouldn't have done that.

What about you? Would you have preferred me to have called you?

Would you have preferred me to send you a letter?

>> JEN: Oh, well that'd be weird, I guess, 'cause then there's no back and forth.

As far as I remember, I didn't respond in any negative way.

I mean, it's a big change. >> JEFF: Yeah.

>> JEN: It's good that there's some kind of interaction.

>> JEFF: That's why I personally liked coming out to people in person

just because there was the ability to answer questions that they may have had

if they had them at that initial point.

>> JEN: I mean even if someone didn't, it's not like you can't come back to the discussion later.

Someone's kind of taken it in.

>> MOM: People will always have questions after the fact,

after they've had a chance to think about what has been talked about.

>> JEFF: Would you say there were any hints that you can think of when I was growing up?

>> JEN: I mean, I guess, I would say you were more tomboyish than anything else as a child.

Wearing the backwards hat. MOM & JEFF: (laughs) Yeah.

>> JEN: But that I guess to me, that's still just being a kid.

>> JEFF: That's just expression.

What about you, mom?

>> MOM: One Christmas we went shopping for the proverbial Christmas outfit

and there was no way we were going into the girls department.

We were dragged to the boys department

and a navy blazer and tan pants were your Christmas outfit that year.

>> JEFF: Do you remember how old I was at that point?

>> MOM: Six or seven?

>> JEFF: Way to go little me. (laughs)

What has been the easiest part about me transitioning?

I mean, I guess I think that it's all been easy on my end. (laughs)

Other than...

I don't mean it like that. That's not what I meant.

I don't see there as like a defining "Oh this is a weight off my shoulders" or anything.

I don't know if there's any one thing that's easy from my perspective.

It's been pretty smooth sailing for us anyway.

>> JEFF: Mom, what about you?

>> MOM: It's hard to say.

Not necessarily the easiest, but the most, what I don't have/didn't have to worry about

was how the rest of the world seemed to perceive you.

I mean my, if you remember the thing that I was most concerned about when we went

to talk to your psychologist was fear for your safety.

And nothing has ever happened that I've seen.

Our community of friends have been very understanding and welcoming.

I mean, it's just been no big thing.

>> JEFF: What would you say is the hardest part?

>> JEN: Well, I guess I'd put that on the, the hardest section being that

there are so many people who judge purely on how you title yourself

and because it's the other or different, it's not necessarily going to be something they

appreciate or agree with and will respond in kind.

>> JEFF: Has anyone has anyone found out about me and said stuff to you?

>> JEN: Not, no I mean...

So I've had, I have had friends where after the fact, you know,

"Oh how is your family doing? What are you, what did you guys do?"

and, you know, I'll say "Oh, I was with my parents and my brother and we did all this stuff."

and they'll be like, "So I don't know how to broach this subject but did you have a sister did she die?"

You know, like, years before you I know who your family is. Like they never met you or anything.

>> JEFF: Yeah. >> JEN: But just, it didn't bother me that you

went from one to the other and so I never, like, went out and told anyone

especially if they're not within my super close circle.

Like we just happen to communicate with each other. (laughs)

>> JEFF: And mom, you've had people come up to you and ask about the two daughters

and how have you gone through that?

>> MOM: Yeah, a lot of it depends on how close they are to me if

you know, some people that aren't part of our really close friend group.

I'll just, "You know. They're fine, you know, my son's in the cities and my daughter's in Michigan."

And if they catch the son and daughter,

that there are two different genders, that's fine.

Um, but we have had cases where we sent out our first Christmas card

with the whole family and it was obvious that I have a son and a daughter on this card.

One person came up and was praising us for having the

the courage to make such a statement and I'm going

"What? No, we were just sending out Christmas greetings. What are you saying?" (laughter)

>> JEFF: Yeah, 'cause some people see trans people as just making a political statement in whatever case.

>> MOM: Well I don't think that's what they meant either, but just that

it was no big deal really the way we have looked at this.

It's just that's, you were you before. You are you after.

You just have a different gender identity, you know.

But you're still the same child we've loved forever so no big thing.

And then there was another situation where

>> JEFF: How many situations, Mom? (laughs)

>> MOM: Just two! >> JEFF: Okay. (laughs)

>> JEN: I can have a situation, too. >> MOM: Yeah, oh good.

>> JEFF: Oh mom, you don't. We'll, we'll give Jennie an example.

>> MOM: Okay, you go Jen.

>> JEN: I mean there, there are still pictures of the "before" you in the house

and someone had been over for Hospice

and happened to see a picture of Jeff playing the guitar from senior photos.

And then, you know, asked me "Oh, do you play, do you play guitar?"

I said "No, that's my brother." But not realizing.

Or like, "No, my brother plays." Not realizing that she'd been looking at this picture.

And she didn't say anything. (laughs) But I didn't, I didn't catch it at all.

Like, oh. That's not, that's not me.

>> JEFF: Just, no. Yeah, I don't.

>> JEN: I didn't know there was a picture involved.

>> JEFF & MOM: Yeah.

>> MOM: And the other thing I was going to bring up was,

um, some friends that had worked with my husband,

we had sent the card to and they hadn't seen us in quite a few years.

And hey, they called and said, "A lovely picture! Where's [CENSORED]?"

Not realizing that [CENSORED] is now Jeff.

>> JEFF: The people want to know about our extended family and how our extended family

reacted to things and how we came out.

I wasn't there when the rest of our extended family found out.

That would be, uh, you. You would know. (laughs)

>> JEN: Yeah. (laughs)

>> MOM: I think your dad did a lot of the phone calls.

Been a few changes in the family would be his beginning spiel

and everybody was surprised probably, but not

shocked, terrified, or negative in any way.

>> JEFF: And they did this without me knowing.

They just went and did it. (laughs)

Stop. Laughing. (laughs)

>> MOM: I knew this was going to happen. Here we go.

>> JEFF: (sighs) You good? >> JEN: Mm-hmm.

(laughs) >> MOM: She's lying.

[ CLOSING AMBIENT MUSIC ] "Smile Quiet Looking Up" by Puddle of Infinity

For more infomation >> Coming Out - How My Family Reacted [CC] || Jeff Miller - Duration: 12:42.


How To Make Colored Pasta Dough | Vegan Pasta Dough | Eggless - Duration: 9:06.

Parsley pasta dough : handful of fresh parsley leaves, 5 tablespoons water, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 125g (1 cup) flour, a pinch of salt.

Blend parsley, water and oil until smooth

Strain the parsley juice

If you want to use all the juice without straining, add more flour to adjust the dough

Pour parsley juice into the flour+salt

Stir until combined

Knead until smooth. Add water if too dry, add flour if too moist. The dough should be stiff.

Form a ball and rest for 30 minutes in plastic wrap

Turmeric dough : 1 tablespoon turmeric powder, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 5 tablespoons water, 125g (1 cup) flour, a pinch of salt.

Turmeric powder, oil and water in a bowl, mix well.

Pour turmeric mixture into flour+salt, stir.

Knead until smooth. Add flour if too moist, add water if too dry. The dough should be stiff.

Form a ball, rest for 30 minutes in plastic wrap

Red beet dough : 1 small or 1/2 large fresh red beet, cubes. 2 tablespoons oil, 5 tablespoons water, 125 grams (1 cup) flour, a pinch of salt.

Blend red beet, water and oil until smooth

Strain red beet juice, use the juice only.

If you want to use all the juice without straining, add more flour to adjust the dough

Pour red beet juice into flour


Add flour if too moist, add water if too dry. The dough should be stiff.

Knead until smooth

Form a ball and rest for 30 minutes in plastic wrap

Tomato paste dough : 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons tomato paste, 4 tablespoons water, a pinch of salt, 125 grams (1cup) flour.

Mix oil, tomato paste, water and salt in a bowl.


Pour tomato mixture into flour. Stir

Add flour if too moist, add water if too dry. the dough should be stiff.

Knead until smooth

Form a ball and rest for 30 minutes in plastic wrap

Vegan colored pasta dough (without egg) can be store in refrigerator for 1 - 2 days

For more infomation >> How To Make Colored Pasta Dough | Vegan Pasta Dough | Eggless - Duration: 9:06.


20/20 ABC Donald Trump The Making of a President December 2nd 2017 Must Watch!! - Duration: 40:20.

For more infomation >> 20/20 ABC Donald Trump The Making of a President December 2nd 2017 Must Watch!! - Duration: 40:20.


How to Animate in Adobe Animate (Flash): Complete Course - Duration: 3:49.

Welcome to the complete Adobe Animate (aka Flash) animation course.

This is a series of 30 videos that will teach you everything there is to know about animating

in Animate, from the basics of drawing to frame by frame and puppet animation to special

tricks I've learned over the past 10 years of animating with Adobe software.

This course even includes tutorials on working together with Animate and Illustrator and

Animate and After Effects.

It is the ultimate complete course.

I've created this to be equal to or better than a college course in using this program,

and it's all professionally edited into a little over 2 hours of instruction.

It comes with the videos, a digital book of everything said in the videos, two animation

puppets, and access to a forum where you can ask questions.

Now, you should know that the one thing I did not cover in the course is the programming

language ActionScript.

This is what people use to make Flash games.

I'm focused on animation, so there aren't any lessons on game-making.

The other thing I don't talk about is animation principles.

This class isn't for you if you expect to learn these are the drawings that make up

a person walking, this is what squash and stretch is, here's what you need to draw

to make a good looking mouth.

But I do show you how to do lip sync and eye blinks on puppets in a fast, efficient way.

So this class is for you if you want to make animations in Adobe Animate.

The course is made for Animate CC 2017 and 2018.

Earlier versions, especially anything 2014 or earlier, still work in the same way but

are missing a lot of the tools in this class, like custom pen strokes, pen width profiles,

frame picker, stage camera, stage rotation, clip content outside stage, splitting audio,

and importing mp4 video.

You can get the entire class for $49.99 (SALE PRICE $29.99) on my website,

That's it!

I'm going to use the rest of this intro to show you how to get Adobe Animate.

You can start out with a free trial, which I linked below (

You'll need to sign up for an Adobe account, or sign in with one of the other options.

If you're ready for a paid subscription, click the same link below and click Buy Now.

If you are a student or teacher, click here for a discount on the entire Adobe suite.

There is no student discount for Animate only.

For everybody else, pick between the full Adobe suite or if you only want the one thing,

Adobe Animate, go with the Single Plan.

Pay attention to whether you are buying a year-long plan, or if you are buying monthly.

( If you buy an annual contract paid monthly,

you have to pay for 12 months with no refund for months you don't use.

I just want you to be aware of that because every so often somebody chooses a year with

monthly payments and then gets mad because they can't quit in the middle of it.

Go with monthly if you think you might quit.

The email you pick will be what you sign in with to get updates for Adobe Animate.

Do that, pay, and set a password.

You'll get an email from Adobe that shows what to do next, which is download Creative


I linked the download for it below.


Creative Cloud is where you can manage all of your Adobe programs.

This is what mine looks like.

I have the full Adobe suite.

To install Adobe Animate for the first time, scroll down and click Install next to the


If you want to install an older version, click the dropdown arrow and then Other Versions.

Choose the version you want.

Use the three dot button in the upper corner to check for updates.

There are regular updates, and then there are brand new year versions of the program.

Usually when a brand new year version of Animate comes out there is a bug or two.

If you wait a few weeks to upgrade, you may avoid bugs.

Once you get Animate installed, start your journey through this complete course with

the setup video, or jump right in to animating with the quick start tutorial!

For more infomation >> How to Animate in Adobe Animate (Flash): Complete Course - Duration: 3:49.


UNLIMITED BLOG POST IDEAS FOR BEGINNERS - 8 untapped sources - Duration: 15:44.

yo what up it's your boy Jouvan Johnson from where I

aim to inspire and give you the proven strategies to live a life of fun and

freedom via the Internet on today's episode we're going to look

at blog post idea generation we all know content is king and in this fast-moving

world of internet marketing we need to put out as much high quality content as

we possibly can now coming up with the ideas can be challenging but in today's

video I've got 8 tools and 8 strategies that you can use to come up with an

unlimited supply of content for your internet marketing and blogging needs

make sure you stay to the very end of the video because if you've ever thought

about starting your own internet business I've got a secret tool that

could help you get started this afternoon with zero investment so stay

till the end to see that roll intro

tool number one is our good friends at Google and they come in two parts so let's

put our keyword in let's say is affiliate marketing

one of the first things that I would look at is this section here people also

ask Google is the biggest search engine so if they're telling us what people are

actually asking on a daily basis that's some great great idea generators there

within itself these are actual questions people are asking so what is affiliate

sales what is an affiliate website how does an affiliate how does an affiliate

marketing work what is an affiliate code these are all things you can create

content around that Google are telling us exactly what questions people are

asking so people want to know this stuff so if you can create content around it

people are going to people already interested in it's proven Google's

telling us that and you can click on the little arrows here to open up a bit

more information and as you see other things pop up and other questions let's

look what is an affiliate marketer opening it up boom and they give us two

more extra things related to that what questions people are asking so it could

help for longtail keywords and that sort of thing

what is an affiliate partner how does the mark how does the marketing works

not great English but anyway let's see as I open up more you start getting more

questions and you can generate I don't know how how much how far this goes if I

keep generating questions and it just keeps going keeps going

so yeah this is tool number one that I do highly recommend it's people also ask

some an amazing tool and it has given you lots of questions that people are going

into google and type in him how do you become an affiliate with Amazon create a

short video around that or a blog post and questions like that how do I find

the link to my Amazon wishlist what is an affiliate program so yeah use that

tool check it out it's a great it's a great little resource and tool number

two is actually the Google search Google search I didn't see these are coming up

in the top searches but I'm top results I should say so it and yeah I'll check

out the content if they're up here Google like some people are getting

value from them so i'd go in check out the content see what people are writing

and could I have my own spin on it go create content go more in depth with

that piece of content and have my own angle on it and yes you could just

generate Google alone you could have endless an endless endless supply of

ideas just from Google alone using this tool people also ask and actual search

results itself you can go through see what's coming up in the top results for

Google and just get lots of different ideas so onto tool number two from I understand it's like an

aggregation tool so it brings in lots of different websites and different posts

on those websites so up here I'll type in

my keyword

give me some choices here affiliate marketing

and from this one as you can see it's pulled in lots of different websites

with some of their most popular Posts so for each website they give one two three

four five results so just from typing in affiliate marketing I've got lots of

different websites and I could hover over or

click on it and open up that website and check out the content and come up with

my as again own version different angle see what what's doing well for

other people and just look how many ideas from that one keyword affiliate

marketing I've been given so many different websites and different posts

from each to see how you can you can just generate idea after idea and have

loads of content ready to delve in Go deeper, create your spin on and put out put

out content you could put our blog post every day twice a day just

from using these two tools alone and Google but third tool Buzzsumo

I love this one this is one of my faves there is a pay the component of buzzsumo

but I've just used the free one affiliate marketing they give you a

thing like 10 results free so I put my keyword here and it gives me

ten top results and it shows me what is affiliate marketing the ultimate newbie

guide but the great thing about this tool is it shows me that engagement

people have on social media what gets shared how much it gets shared so this

one's had 23,000 Facebook engagements I'm guessing that counts as

shares on Facebook this has had 175 Twitter shares the ultimate 10 tips for

any affiliate marketer the website SEO war and this one has 14,000 shares if

you can see if we let's me oh no that's a paid component

but yeah this this is just giving you giving you ideas to try different

keywords in there depending on your market and what you'll do in it doesn't

always bring up the best results because I'm let's let's take a look at this and

see if it's even relevant to affiliate marketing

Zimbabwe tech entrepreneur behind Africa's hottest mobile airtime

it doesn't really look like it's much about affiliate marketing

but yeah just just type in your keyword in here like you've done in the other

sites and it tells you what gets shared what people are liking and you can

create your content and you've already knowing that people were sharing newbie

guides so you can put in your keyword and I could do my own version of a

newbie guide on affiliate marketing and people obviously like that because it

had so much engagement on Facebook alone okay that was tool four

okay now HubSpot this is its topic generator you can go in here and put in

your keyword for free

give me blog topic ideas so each time you do that we'll give you

five ideas of this is more titles to think what what titles you could use for

your content think you're cut out for doing affiliate marketing take this quiz

ten things your competitors can teach you about affiliate marketing ten

signs you should invest in affiliate marketing why we love affiliate

marketing and you should too the worst advice we've ever heard about affiliate

marketing so those are pretty pretty cool so you could create blog post with

these titles I think this is pretty proven HubSpot is a great marketing

company so this tools bringing up some great ideas for you to create content

around so let's see if we do it again if it gives different ones yeah so you can put

the same keyword in again and get another five different titles depending

on your industry the ultimate cheat sheet on affiliate marketing and the

newbie guide cheat sheet that does well that could be a good a good bit of

content to create think you're cut out for doing affiliate marketing okay it's

already showed us that one, 14 common misconceptions about affiliate marketing

five tools everyone in the affiliate marketing industry should be using

so these are proven titles that should do well if you get a traffic for your

content Google Trends six

Affiliate Marketing

okay first thing that I like to look at I was just counting first thing I like to

look at after I put my keyword into affiliate marketing is to see the

interest over time to see if the industry is on a bit of a rise or if my

keyword not many people are interested in more it's in a decline so I want to

be creating content around things that are gaining interest or have had a

steady interest for a long period of time or extended period of time

like affiliate marketing seems to be having a extended interest I'm kind of

curious to why it drops off here

December I'm guessing around Christmas time this was time New Year people don't

really care about affiliate marketing that's interesting but anyway yeah first I

checked their trends over time to see looks like gaining more momentum I think

it will probably continue upward spiral and then where I like to check is this

section here related topics these are some topics that are on the rise they

can potentially create some content around from your keyword or check

top related topics mmm affiliate marketing as a topic yeah

that's our keyword marketing website so on and related queries so user searching

for your term also search for these queries you can sort by the following

matrix blah dee blah so affiliate mark(eting) these ones on on the

rise affiliate marketing 2015 how's that on the rise 2015 we're in 2017 right now

anyway let's look at the top ones so affiliate affiliate online marketing

affiliate marketing programs affiliate how to affiliate marketing yeah so yeah

these are good these are just great great little tools that you can use the

next tool is the content row link bait title generator now really I really like

this tool it gives you some really fun titles for your content

but before I do it just bere in mind if you do use this tool make sure the content that

you create from some of the titles that you're gonna see here the content

relates to it let's click click bait and link bait has some bad connotations

because people do crazy titles like what you're about to see now and the content

that people clicked to go to is not relevant at all and

these are bad taste in the viewers mouth so whatever if you use any of these

titles make sure your content is great and relevant to the title so let's type


Affiliate Marketing okay let's see some of these 101 unusual uses of affiliate marketing that's

a bit blasé 11 ways investing in affiliate marketing can make you a millionaire

okay why you should forget forget everything

you learn about affiliate marketing twelve reasons affiliate marketing is

slash are the end of the world as we know it 8 unbelievable things you never knew

about affiliate marketing the rise of affiliate marketing how to make it stop

the connection between affiliate marketing and sex I like that one I feel

to create a bit of content around that seems like it would be a fun bit of

fun bit of reading or a good video to do guns don't kill people

affiliate marketing kills people but as you can see it's a it's a fun tool that

comes up with some really creative creative titles there that would compel

me to click if I'm in this industry like I'm into affiliate marketing so what I

would want to read seven things Lady Gaga has in common with affiliate

marketing because I'd be like whoa what do you mean so I think this tool is

great especially for email subject lines that that'll be cool but make sure as I

said your content is relevant to the title maybe tweak it and don't leave a

bad taste in people's mouth and the last tool to come up with great content is the

portent content idea generator so put in our affiliate marketing keyword again

and it just comes up with um one title similar to the link bait title but it

just gives you one why affiliate marketing will change your life and then

you could refresh it to get different ones

when affiliate marketing sends you running for cover how affiliate

marketing can make you sick so if you're ever struggling for a title for

Content put in a keyword in Portent's content idea generator and it can

just spew out lots of different title ideas to help you proven to potentially

get lots more clicks so we've just got over eight tools that you can use to

come up with an unlimited supply of blog post ideas

now like I said at the start of the video if you stayed up to the very end

you're one of the lucky ones I've put together a five-step process

that anyone can use to get started today with their very own internet business

with zero investment and you can find that in the description below so go

check that out now if it's your first time here make

sure you like comment and subscribe and I'll see you in the next video

so that's Jouvan Johnson from signing out

peace and love

For more infomation >> UNLIMITED BLOG POST IDEAS FOR BEGINNERS - 8 untapped sources - Duration: 15:44.


TỔNG HỢP KC THÁNG 12 - TÔI LẠI PR CHO GÀ RỒI - Duration: 12:35.

For more infomation >> TỔNG HỢP KC THÁNG 12 - TÔI LẠI PR CHO GÀ RỒI - Duration: 12:35.


One Shot Gunshot Charlie | PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds | The Family Bovine - Duration: 9:16.

but you know a feeling good boys and girls I'm not feeling good, because my flats f**king. Swamp Ass!

Oh Lucy yeah distinctive it gets out miss Wong just driven bad your ass huh

oh bloody L kill herself

that's what happens when Lucy tries to go in swamp ass gets out this one don't

mean go in yeah what the fuck we're going Georgia

pole we're good against 1 P 1 Grady waiting where they wait already

I can't jump I can't jump get off me Alex I'm London right there like right

on it get out of my fucking property remove yourself from my property

whatever my property investor Chris that's my house I left my house fine

well be of clean their piss mother no it's Julia you've pissed on the house

yeah Chris put him under citizen's arrest this is this is my swamp oh

there's another guy here Chris it's not you Oh mister kill him Kristen sucking

me off it's a bit of a man help me Cruz yeah that's Lucy he's punching me boys

oh I'm not me I'm you just Robin I've taken two four times to get the photo

you know what matters wait which phone from my ELF as well okay you did dad

actually I can't I'm dead oh shit I'm coming back he's

gonna kill you oh he fucking you please it's just how

do you speak in his fucking game I'm running every sponsor this way it

was punching me to death oh oh

plunge him to death like he did to me people like getting punched to death mmm

you like that don't ya mmm Charlie did you did you suck me because

I've got our two times as well

man this can be be okay girls I got I got knocked oh Jesus Christ

when that hits the white line we're dead sweet oh shit

I'm dead oh no Mitka oh it was a medkit to first

days Chris yes would you rather be a girl for a day or have 3,000 pound cash

big al for the day just so humph up all day yeah that's what I would never leave

my roof please see what would you have a would you rather be a boy for the day or

3000 pounding cash 3000 planning cash ready you don't want to choke get a

little ding dong hey I love being a girl just for the day just experience how it

feels like jackpot let's meet ground imagine all the makeup I could buy

anything you don't want you don't want to like shut your little ding dong and

just like finish up and 30 seconds doesn't that sound like paradise to you

few seconds of / - yeah I mean like if I was a woman I wouldn't be able to have

stealth mics at work you don't little ding dong at work no okay we'll just cut

out there The Ellen DeGeneres and whether you Ellen regenerates I think

you're equally as retarded is there

oh there's a guy that ran into my fucking dad him is it gay in your house

in this fucking wagon in a house one of craves oh my god he picked up a gun he

picked off a garden he picked up a gun your dad thought to become somebody's

chasing me nobody's chasing me he does have a gun the guy chasing you

they do they do they do I've got a crossbow now it's my time to


thank you so much

because they get the crossbow you gunned them down look at him right in the heart

holmen's were the hardest please have real fucking me I coulda went with the

crossbow when we were playing with Katie Katie full friends Katie anyone could I

am eating cotton candy help me up can't fucking oh my god don't if you shoot me

I one-shot you want it it's pushing Lucy over a line stop stop please right can

we stop you distracted me not actually want to do Oh

I managed to snatch the first-aid kit from when I took that man's life of a

shot to the heart of the prosper shut up

oh you just can't oh my god I gotta eat

this Rafa say dafuq how come I'm not going no one behind this no we were from

The Wizard Torre and the people as choice been gone a long time for that

piss yeah

For more infomation >> One Shot Gunshot Charlie | PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds | The Family Bovine - Duration: 9:16.


RUSSIANS REACT TO MEXICAN RAP | Remik Gonzalez Ft. Santa Fe Klan - Se les cae el cantón | REACTION - Duration: 6:09.

This is Remik!

Ok, this is Santa Fe Klan

And there's Remik behind them, I remember he had that eye tattoo

They're walking with some girls

I think it's not Mexico

Well, the flag was Mexican

That sea is so beautiful... or is it ocean?

I like it. Remik here sounds different

He has a kiss tattoo on his head

They all have that tattoo

I like this video very much

The distance between the sand and water is huge

It's the perfect place to live for you, cuz you don't like snow

I hate snow

Amazing, this song is 20/10! Super cool!

They drink cocktails in some square glasses

Guys are chilling

Even his t-shirt says "Rap trap"

So Santa Fe Klan is two dudes? -Yes

He has marijuana on his tshirt

His tshirt is really huge

Yeah, oldschool style

The beach looks amazing

But nobody's swimming

This is the chorus

This is Remik

Remik should try to make reggaeton, I would listen to it

He has a cool voice

This is so cool

The video is so positive

Oh, he's rapping again

What does "Se les cae el canton" mean?

A little of workout

The whole beach

That blonde girl is nice

Yeah, she's cool

They probably filmed it with a drone

I can jump like that too but in the snow

These tattoos make him look scary

But when he smiles, he looks sweet

This is probably an ocean. Maybe it's Cancun

It's Mexico. But at first I thought it was Miami

This is probably Cancun

But that town looks small and doesn't look like the USA

It's so beautiful out there

I give this song 20/10

The atmosphere was amazing

Remik doesn't look scary here unlike his other videos

You could almost hear the sounds of the ocean in this song

Yeah, especially when you have snow outside of your window

Beautiful, beautiful

Yeah, awesome song

Those dudes are cool too. But I liked Remik here more

That blonde girl was good too

Great song. Like this video, subsribe to our channel

And follow us on Instagram

We have these awesome tshirts "Mexico+Russia=Vatos Locos"

Go to and get you one

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO MEXICAN RAP | Remik Gonzalez Ft. Santa Fe Klan - Se les cae el cantón | REACTION - Duration: 6:09.


Gwiezdne Wojny Ostatni Jedi - co wiemy przed seansem - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Gwiezdne Wojny Ostatni Jedi - co wiemy przed seansem - Duration: 7:01.


The Addams Family - Christmas Special (Teaser Trailer) | 3D Animation (LBP3) - Duration: 0:36.


Great news!

I've found you both the perfect gift!

Is it dead?


For more infomation >> The Addams Family - Christmas Special (Teaser Trailer) | 3D Animation (LBP3) - Duration: 0:36.


Rick e Rangel, as apostas de Gusttavo Lima | #SRTNJ - Brahma Sertanejo - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Rick e Rangel, as apostas de Gusttavo Lima | #SRTNJ - Brahma Sertanejo - Duration: 2:24.


Hozan ZANA & Hozan Sevda & Şerzan Azad Süper Halay 2018 HD - Duration: 12:37.

For more infomation >> Hozan ZANA & Hozan Sevda & Şerzan Azad Süper Halay 2018 HD - Duration: 12:37.


German Stories Read Slowly | Max und Moritz: Der dritte Streich - Wilhelm Busch | Get Germanized |#6 - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> German Stories Read Slowly | Max und Moritz: Der dritte Streich - Wilhelm Busch | Get Germanized |#6 - Duration: 4:28.


Reacting to the trailer of SOTUS S (2nd season) / Yumiko and Ao-chan - Duration: 6:13.

Hello !

Hello ! Ermitaños y Ermitañas!

Welcome again to this channel

This is Ao-chan!

We are here again with...


One year ago...


he is flipping out he is flipping out HE IS FLIPPING OUT!!


We made a reaction to SOTUS


The first season

Today it's a special day because soon the second season is going to release

We are not sure if when we post the video the season is already on air

We are going to react again because it has been a while since we don't do it

We will react to the trailer


Let's keep calm!


kiss kiss!

So cute!!

I love this realtionship between them

A serious Kongpob

I don't imagine him

A rebel!

The story is the same again

Is it a new couple?

*Wishpering* YESSS

a new couple for sure

And this ones.. as well?

I think there are going to be plenty of couples

These are new characters?

Yes there are, they don't appear on the first season

They are going to give us a lot of YAOI!


please don't..



Why do the have to give us drama?


We are going to cry...

so cute

There's going to be plenty of drama


There should be drama..

I don't want it..

Neither do I !

There are romantic parts!

Look this is EM!!!

Is not her!

Yes yes yes!

Look! this is the character...

I know him


One thing! They have just made us a really big SPOILER!

They have describe us what is going to happen

Coming soon...

When? The 9th of December?

I don't understand THAI ahahhaha

There was a ...


Seriously... Drama... a lot of drama...

But plenty of love there is LOVE!!

For those who like this series... mmm... we are going to suffer

There are people who don't know anything about this series, is a thai one yaoi

About real people and is the one that brought us to the real world of thai YAOI!

So we are going to cry

Well but it has to have a happy ending

This has been a reaction video so it has been a bewildering thing HAHAHAHA



For more infomation >> Reacting to the trailer of SOTUS S (2nd season) / Yumiko and Ao-chan - Duration: 6:13.


Los cuernos del profesor | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:17.

For more infomation >> Los cuernos del profesor | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:17.


Rassismus-Gesetz wird missbraucht | 01.12.2017 | - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Rassismus-Gesetz wird missbraucht | 01.12.2017 | - Duration: 1:35.


The Philosophy of Antifa | Philosophy Tube - Duration: 1:07:06.

For more infomation >> The Philosophy of Antifa | Philosophy Tube - Duration: 1:07:06.


my first makeup tutorial - Duration: 3:49.

hi...everyone this is #Annie

and this is my first makeup tutorial

For more infomation >> my first makeup tutorial - Duration: 3:49.


Movie Theater Snacks with Michael Ian Black || SnackTalk - Duration: 20:22.

- Fake banana.

- It's really not good!

That's really not good!

- I'm really sorry.

- And then it lingers. - Yeah.

- (bleep) you.

- Yeah, that's been the general reaction around here.

(rock music)

Welcome to "Snack Talk," the show that answers every

snack-related question you could possibly imagine.

You know, the movie theater Experience has really changed

in recent years.

It used to be that you had a stiff chair, and you could

barely get Twizzlers, but now you've got giant,

relaxing chairs, and you can practically get

an entire meal right there in your seat.

But one thing has not changed.

You guessed it, popcorn.

But have you ever stopped to wonder why exactly is

buttered Styrofoam the No. 1 cinematic sidekick?

It's been a mystery until now.

Our guest today is gonna help us get to the bottom of this.

You may know him from movies like "Wet Hot American Summer"

or legendary comedy groups "The State" and Stella.

He's also got his own podcast about snacks,

"Mike and Tom Eat Snacks." Please welcome

Michael Ian Black.


Don't worry about it, just--

(indistinct chattering)

No, no, no.

You can't break popcorn.

Please welcome, here.

- I have to welcome myself?

- Please welcome.

All right, so Michael, you are here to help us

get to the bottom of movie theater snacks.

So this episode is all about movies and of course

therefore popcorn, because it's the No. 1

movie theater snack.

What is your relationship with popcorn like?

- When eating popcorn at a movie,

I feel like the instinct, my instinct is to make it as

buttery as possible.

But now I know that doing that is essentially

painting my arteries with plaque, and so I'm reluctant

to add additional butter or butter substitute

to the popcorn.

My hope is always that it just kinda comes like that,

that they've already pre-buttered the popcorn

so that I can absolve myself of responsibility

and I can say to myself, "Well, I didn't know.

And I've already paid $45 for this tub of popcorn,

what am I to do?"

I almost never, if I'm by myself at the movies,

I never buy popcorn.

If I'm with my stupid children at the movies,

they always want popcorn and so, we generally share

a medium-sized popcorn.

- Huh, so we're here to get to the bottom of all things

movie theater snack related, and to help us with this,

I've come up with a little segment that I like to call

the Snackademy Awards.

- Are you looking for a reaction from me?

Like, oh that's (bleep) great.

(tape rewinding)

- The Snackademy Awards.

- Oh that's (bleep) great.

- Fantastic.

So we know that popcorn and maybe nachos or even hot dogs,

they kinda have that top- shelf billing, you know,

in movie theaters.

And so I feel like every great snack needs

a supporting snack.

So the nominees for Best Supporting Snack are...

Reese's Pieces,

Sno-Caps, Milk Duds, Raisinettes, and Sour Patch.

And these are in support of what, 'cause to me,

I would get an either- or; I wouldn't get nachos

and these, I don't think.

- Well I think that a lot of people like to combine these

with popcorn. - Oh with popcorn.

- Yes and of one of these very specifically I think is best

paired with popcorn.

And unlike the actual Oscars,

we have actual people of color.

Look: that guy's green, that guy's blue.


- Well, all right, so if you were just talking about pairing

with popcorn, you're never gonna pair Sour Patch Kids

with popcorn.

- That was my choice. - No you don't do that.

It's a chocolate--

It's a chocolate-based combination.

- Yeah but let me defend the Sour Patch Kids.

This is the only time in the movie theater

where you will encounter acidity.

- What you need is sweet with salty.

- Mm, I see.

- My palate when I'm at the movie theater isn't going,

"How acidic can I make this experience?"

That's never a thought that's going through my mind.

- Fair. - Sweet and salty, absolutely.

- OK. - Milk Duds do not work.

- OK, why so?

- Because the popcorn kernel is easily chewable.

The Milk Dud is an arduous trek that you really have to

undergo with full concentration.

You can't just casually eat a Milk Dud.

So you can't combine it with the popcorn because by the time

the Milk Dud is gone, the popcorn will have been

gone for days.

Also, you can't eat a box of these.

- Chocolate, caramel all in one.

You eat them in the movie theater, and you eat the whole box

even though you said you're only gonna eat one or two

or three and that you're gonna share: you're not,

you're gonna eat the whole thing.


- So what you're left with, with popcorn are Raisinettes,

Sno-Caps, and Reese's Pieces.

I would suggest any three of these could work.

It really then becomes a question of palate.

- Sno-Caps, really?

- It's the simplest of the combinations.

I agree with you -- it's probably the worst of the three.

So let's eliminate that. - Great.

- Now, you've got a problem.

You've got Raisinettes and Reese's Pieces.

- Thank you for pronouncing it the right way.

- As opposed to what?

- An 8-year-old who says Reese's Pee-sees.

- I'm gonna give the edge here to Reese's Pee-sees,

because, the melt factor.

And when you're combining hot with meltable,

I guess I want to take advantage of the meltability

of the Reese's Pieces, and also, I don't wanna have

even a hint of health with the Raisinettes.

- Fair.

- So I think Reese's Pieces is the winner

of this particular category.

- Fantastic, well there you have it, the winner for

Best Supporting Snack is Reese's Pieces.

The nominees for Best Foreign Snack.

So here we have (chuckles).

Bananko. - Yeah, Bananko.

- Which I believe is a Croatian snack.

Here we have the Swedish Fish, which were invented in Sweden

and then copied here in America.

Then we have sunflower seeds, which I believe are very

popular in Spain -- I don't know what the spit situation

is like there.

Maybe they just consume them all.

Then gummy bears, the original, these are actually called

Gold Bears made by Haribo Company of Germany.

I'll be honest, I'm very biased there,

truly one of my favorite gummy snack.

- You're biased towards.

- Yes, yes, yes.

They just make the best gummies, I love them.

Even though this is Japanese packaging, dried squid

is a very popular movie snack in South Korea.

- Well this is gonna be a difficult category for me,

as somebody who is not an international moviegoer.

- I see.

- And I think a lot of it is gonna depend on context.

So my instinct is to go all the way.

My instinct is to be like, well, if the category is foreign,

then I wanna get the most exotic consumable

to enhance my foreign moviegoing experience.

So my instinct is to go with the squid.

- Have you ever had it?

- No. - It's truly delicious.

- It's sitting right there.

- Would you like to try it?

- Not really, but I will.

- All right, let's fire it up.

I don't even know that I can open it.

It's really quite good.

I eat this very frequently.

- How does it pair with Reese's Pee-sees?

- Well this has a desiccant, which you should not eat.

- But yeah just try it with--

- How will I know what the desiccant is versus

the part that I'm supposed to eat.

- This one, I don't know, it actually doesn't say.

But I would take just a thread, it's kind of like

string cheese but meat of the sea.

- Oh I see.

- It's fun.

You can manipulate it.

And it has a little bit of a fishy funk to it,

but you can see how this would pair really well

with like beer.

I think of this as a fantastic beer snack.

- Yeah, this is quite good, it's, yeah, it's like a jerky.

It's like a squid jerky.

- Yes, exactly.

Well I'm inclined to agree with you.

I eat this all the time, my wife and I, we really dig

this kind of palate of stuff, and we eat this

all the time while watching movies.

- Great, I think that's a great choice, now,

just to sort of play this out a little bit.


Swedish Fish and gummy bears, both delicious.

But both so closely associated to America to me

at this point that I don't see how they can be contenders.

And then, Bananko, have you tried this?

- I have.

It's not my jam.

- It's chocolate and banana?

- Allegedly.

- I mean you can tell by looking at it--

- That came from Croatia.

- That's not gonna be a delicious experience.

It's got kind of a marshmallowy taffy texture to it

and I suspect it has a kind of chemical-y.

- There's a weird crunch to it as well, yeah.

Anywhere, anywhere.

Spit it wherever you like.

It perfumes your mouth immediately with that vile,

fake banana.

- It's really not good!

That's really not good.

- I'm really sorry.

- And then it lingers. - Yeah.

- (bleep) you!

- Yeah, that's been the general reaction around here.

All right so that's out of the question.

- And as far as sunflower seeds go,

this feels like a very viable snack to me.

At a movie theater.

If you're not gonna have popcorn, it's got,

essentially it's the same thing, it's just a salty,

crunchy little kernely thing that you can

mindlessly munch on.

- So who's the winner?

- You know I started out instinctively going with the

dried squid, and I think I'm ending with the dried squid.

- Fantastic, I'm right there with you.

I'm gonna have some just to celebrate.

I wasn't sure if anyone would go for this,

but I'm glad you did because I think it's a pro choice.

Mm, delicious.

So this leads us to our next category, which I kind of

enjoy as a movie, and I also think it makes for

a great snack and that is for a Best Short.

We're talking miniatures, small things,

some even frozen.

It's like mini versions of a real candy.

- Oh I see.

- Like this is a miniature cookie.

This is a tiny portable Butterfinger.

A Combo I believe is taking the place of

a pretzel with cheese.

That's a claim.

Dibs, these are like frozen Crunch.

- There's your frozen needs.

- Yes, they're cousins.

- OK, these are terrible.

I know that because I've tasted these professionally

in my other work as a snackologist,

I have eaten these critically,

and they were very disappointing.

As a kid who enjoyed them and then approaching them

as an adult...


- Not even the textural juxtaposition?

- I am if the flavors were good.

- I see.

You have a pizza one?

- Oh come on.

I'm literally about to walk off.

- I'm so sorry.

- Cookie Dough Bites.

It says try 'em frozen and that seems like how you

kinda wanna eat them.

- I would think so.

- So just, that's an easy way to eliminate these.

- Mm, mm.

- No.

- But easy to share.

- These do say that they're easy to share.

I would hypothesize that all of these are easy to share.

So I don't know that Butterfingers get extra points

for being easy to share.

- They at least advertise it.

- They're trying to bring us together.

- OK so here's where I think we're at.

We've got two Crunch products and a Butterfinger.

- Indeed.

- If I'm gonna have a Crunch product, and I have the option

of it being frozen into ice cream,

I'm gonna take that option.

- There you have it, Dibs.

- So then I'm left with Butterfingers or Dibs.

Now, there's a real problem with Butterfingers --

to me.

Which is that once you reach a certain age,

let's say it's my age...

There's a fear with Butterfingers that you may lose a tooth.

- Really?

Because they're sticky? - They're so sticky,

that I always feel like I have some dental danger

of eating them, and so there's really only one way

to eat a Butterfinger, in my experience now,

which is staccato, short, staccato bites

that don't commit the Butterfinger center to--

- Back teeth. - The back teeth,

so you have to--

- Gotta do the incisor, gotta get, nibble it.

I understand.

- And it's like a squirrel. - Right.

- And, surprisingly not delicious.

- Hmm.

- When was the last time you had a Butterfinger?

- Uh, I wanna say I had one last week or so.

But you know what I like, and maybe I'm just like

trying to be an old man, I like Zagnuts.

- Oh.

That feels very hipstery to me.

Do you put on your zoot suit when you eat your Zagnut?

Go swing dancing?

- How are those?

I wanna try one of these.

- Huh.

Almost flavorless.

Almost flavorless.

I've eliminated everyone now, so now I have to go back

to the ones that I eliminated because I don't like

either of those.

- Best Short.

Who knew this would be so traumatic?

Let's find out.

- What the sh*t, they're really small.

- Really, really tiny.

- These are pebble-sized. - Yeah.

And also not very good.

I feel bad hating stuff.

That sucks.

- I'm going to lunch after this, and I'm sorry.

Now I have to try -- some Japanese place.

- Dope.

- Yeah it's dope.

- Now I have to try the cookie dough just to make sure

that that is also not a contender.

Oh I hate the mealiness of the sugar in it.

The sugar is undissolved.

You know what?

Combos looking pretty good all of a sudden, huh?

I get it, I like your rationale.

- If you wanna give it to Combos by default,

you're welcome to.

- And finally, the nominees for Best Snacktor and Snacktress.




Chicken tenders.


- Popcorn's allowed?

- Yeah, popcorn's allowed.

I mean you might have an argument for chicken fingers.

I might have an argument for nachos.

- You don't -- popcorn.


- All right.

- I mean if you eliminate popcorn, then we've got a contest.

But popcorn is gonna win this every year.

- Why?

- Because it's (bleep) popcorn at the movies,

and the two are inseparable.

Chicken fingers and movies, those are separable.

- Fair.

- (bleep) room temperature fries and movies, separable.

- Got it.

- This is an institution.

This is the entire game right here.

You can't even allow this into the competition.

- OK then let's not.


For the sake of having a show.

- This is like the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award.

It should be called the Popcorn Award given to

another food product that rises to the level of popcorn,

which none do.

- Got it, fair.

- Of these?


Now, none of these work for best anything.

- OK.

But this, absolutely, put it back in.

Then you've got your year after year after year winner.

- Right.

- It's the Meryl Streep of this category.

- It really is.

Well thank you very much for helping us get to the bottom

of all of these movie theater snacks or alleged

movie theater snacks, and I'm glad that you can confirm

popcorn as-- - Of course.

- The best and No. 1 movie theater snack.

Listen, I gotta give the people what they want,

and what they want is to know why.

They wanna know, "Why is popcorn the No. 1

movie theater snack?"

Do you know why?

- I don't.

- Well, I'll tell you.

The answer is at the bottom of this tub of popcorn.

- Well how, I know, I'm not gonna plunge my arm in

and root around in there like a pig looking for truffles,

so, and I'm not going to eat this tub of popcorn,

because as I said, I have lunch after this.

So I guess it will have to remain a mystery.

- So now what are we gonna do?

- I guess we'll never know, so, well, goodbye.

Oh wait.

- Are you guys open?

Crazy Legs?

- Crazy Legs?

Professional competitive eater Crazy Legs?

Crazy Legs, are you gonna help us get to the bottom of this?

- I am hungry and focused, I'd love to have a little

movie popcorn.

- This entire thing is probably considered a snack to you.

- Oh that would be a large tub for everyone else,

but for competitive eaters, we actually call that a small.

- Wow.

- A kid's small.


- Well at the bottom of this is the reason why we eat

popcorn at movie theaters, and we need to know that.

- Well let's find out.

Mike, if you don't mind moving it towards me.

You can leave it if you want.

- I did some research.

- OK. - Yeah.

I read people like water.

- I guess I'll move this over here just in case.

I'll put it down here.

- Oh boy.

You're gonna do squats, too?

- Are my fingers in any danger?

- No I think I'll recognize those 'cause they're not

buttered yet.

- OK.

- I like the way you switched your hat.


You can see there's some of the, and we're not judging,

but some of the popcorn tragically falls to the ground, so.

- I guess I thought there would be more to it,

but it's really, literally just eating popcorn,

I mean what else could you do?

You have to eat it.

- Yeah, yeah (chuckles).

We don't have to, one does not have to.

- But if you're gonna eat it competitively,

I mean the whole point is-- - Jesus Christ,

you're eating popcorn.

- Yeah.

- And I can tell you by feel, he's nearly done

with this tub of popcorn.

- You're never bitching about a medium.

It's way too much.

- Is this at all uncomfortable for you at this point?

- No, you're fine.

I see it.

- Oh there it is.

There's the card.

And that will tell us.

Wow, thank you, gentlemen.

- Thanks, Crazy Legs.

What does it say?

- Well it says, "Though originally wanting nothing to do

with popcorn, movie theaters began selling it during

the Great Depression because it was cheap to make

and affordable for moviegoers, which kept movie theaters

in business."

- Well there you go.

Very interesting.

- It is interesting.

- Michael, thanks so much for being here.

Crazy Legs, thank you for joining us.

How are you feeling?

- Oh I feel 100%, I mean, Michael Ian Black's also

my etiquette coach, so I would be sure to

shut the door behind me, and he taught me how

to eat the popcorn correctly.

- I am very impressed by all this as I'm sure you--

- You did great, by the way.

(indistinct crosstalk)

I have notes, but otherwise, you did well.

- If you all have notes, comments or burning

snack-related questions, please leave them in

the comments below.

That's all for "Snack Talk."

See you next time.

(rock music)

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And if you'd like to win this beautiful tub of cheese balls,

all you have to do is guess the correct amount

and leave your guess in the comments below.

If you win, I'll mail the tub to you personally.

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