Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 11 2017

Signs of Experiencing Synchronicity And What Does It Mean

Or you were wanting to know something then you receive the information you need at the

same time.

Things happening at the same moment?

Well, what does it mean?

It�s not a coincidence that these things happen, they are actually messages from the

universe that help guide you, Carl Jung states how synchronicity says that there is always

a deeper meaning to it.

�Synchronicity is the Universe saying yes.� Even if we may not understand why, its comforting

to know that out of all the possibilities, you just happened to be in the right place

at the right time.

�When the student is ready, the master appears.�

Everything is connected and everything is energy.

So when you want something or feel a certain way and you are tuned into the exact frequency

of something else the universe does its best to connect and bring them together.

Like attracts like.

It�s actually mind-blowing and a wonderful thing to experience, it reminds us of the

bigger picture in life, that we all have an infinite power within us and that we are here

for a bigger purpose than we can imagine.

Everyone can tune into synchronicity

Everyone can experience them but sometimes some people are not being present to notice.

7 Common Signs of Synchronicity:


Get a call, random email or you see someone you haven�t heard of in years but was thinking

about and then they appear.


When you have a problem, then something randomly comes of the thing you need.


When you watch a film or tv series and feel like you are watching your own life


Strangers randomly talk to you about a problem that you have been dealing with


When the universe brings the right people at the same time, that bring you the expertise

you need.


Reassuring message out of the blue.


Repeating numbers like 111, 222, 333, 555, 888.

For more infomation >> Signs of Experiencing Synchronicity And What Does It Mean - Duration: 2:44.



listen to that crunch!

hey guys what's up it's me Jen and welcome back to my

channel osharegirl. In today's video.. it's not gonna be a vlog video or

anything to do with fashion. It is going to be about one of my favorite things

Food eating everything like that.

I went to my local grocery store as well as a

local combini close to my house and picked up some of my favorite snacks

that I like to eat here in Japan. I don't eat these often but when I get the

chance to I am in heaven and today is that day not only am i eating one of

them I'm eating all of them I'm so excited like .. Anyway what are we waiting

for let's get on to the food!!!

so I have a ton of stuff here pause.. coffee

should we start sweet and then go salty? I think that's that what I'll do I'm

gonna show you guys my favorite like biscuit cookie in Japan they are bomb

and I love them so much they taste even better frozen! Voila, it's called

アルフォート.. arufoto. So good the amount of milk chocolate on top and

cooking on the bottom it's just absolutely perfect. One of these cookies

over 50 calories but it's just like oh it's so worth it. Let's open it up it's

just basically milk chocolate they come in a variety of different flavors you

can get white chocolate with dark cookie you can get like a pure milky milk

chocolate. Um, it might come in a dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is my favorite .

yeah so they come like this

individually wrapped. Let's open one up! Such a waste of plastic but,

thats Japan. Heaven in a cookie so good

definitely try these if you've never tried them or bring them home with you

you won't regret. Next I'm gonna show you guys my favorite bread. Now Japan does

bread like nobody else like.. UGH! Of all the countries I've been to Japan has the

best bakeries and bread and there's just like bakeries everywhere. Like in Canada

I never really went to the bakeries but in Japan is just so popular to see

bakeries everywhere so yeah I've become accustomed to go into the bakeries. Now

this is on discount from my grocery store.. a whole whopping five percent this is

my favorite bread right now I used to eat it a lot last year as well it's only

seasonal so it comes out in the fall winter and it's basically just cream

cheese cranberry. That's what's there.. cream cheese cranberry. And the bread is

so soft and delicious one of these breads are like 300 calories but.. look at

it and then we're gonna break it open here .. Heavenly !! There is cream cheese here and

cranberry on white bread. I'm a huge fan of cheese like you can win me over. This

bread is just the right amount of cheesy and fruity and sweet and it's just so

good. You know I never thought I liked cranberry when I was younger and I

probably wouldn't choose a cranberry pastry but this bread man is so good.

Ok, I know I'm sick and it's cold but I had to show you guys this ice cream. Now this

isn't exactly my favorite flavor the mochi ice cream that you can get here in

Japan that come with too little much ice-creams inside in here. Not only

do I love mochi ice cream I love mochi I love ice cream and

together it's awesome.. BUT they come out with limited time flavors usually they

change every month or month and a half and this one is new it's creamy mochi

shuu which is like a cream puffs kind of thing this into a mochi ice cream I

guess with those syrup inside. One of the best things about the mochi ice cream is

that it comes with a little fork for you here so you don't have to get your

fingers dirty picking it up you can just stab it pick it up and eat it.

Wow that's sweeter than normal see the cream in there on the inside now that

shuu cream is so sweet.. oh yeah, I don't know if I'd buy this flavor again but

the mochi's I love them they're so good convenient.

There's two more sweet

things here from there both chocolate. I have the Meiji dark black chocolate as

well as this one black thunder. Now I love love love these chocolates there

cheap.. there's cookies inside chocolate. These are also really good to bring home

if you need little individual things that are small like snacks to bring home

for people if you're traveling here. They say chocolate bar Japan so if you

want something that has Japan written on it as well as Japanese this is a good

choice. It's cheap, small, convenient. It kinda reminds me of rice krispies and

cookies smushed together and dipped in chocolate it's so good like as soon as I

open it I'm sick I can't really smell anything I

can smell this. Also I just I love dark chocolate like this is a really a

Japanese thing.. I mean dark chocolate is dark chocolate.

I just I love bitter dark chocolate so I put this in my freezer and when I'm

feeling like a little craving I'll go to my freezer and nick off a little piece

and eat it.

So I have four more things to show you guys they're all salty now so

I'm going to show you these unique tubular kind of things that you can get

in Japan. This is cheese taste and some corn taste. Now these are like kid snacks.

One of these is about ten yen. They're adorable easy to eat

a lot of kids like I said eat them. They kind of remind me of a big cheesy.

if you've ever eaten like soft cheesies.. like the texture of a cheesy is

exactly what it's like and it's like a tube it's hollow on the inside so you

can see through. These are just two of the flavors there is like... I don't know

over ten flavors that you can get or 15 something like that. And some of them are

a little weird like this like mentaiko flavor which is like a fish egg flavor..

I don't like that flavour but anyway..

just like cheesies I swear !

I'm going to show

you guys my favorite potato chips in Japan these ones now the flavor is

nothing special just salt flavour but, what I like about these ones is that

they are super hard and crunchy like they even are branded as hard potato chips.

It's just like, you know, regular potato chips.

Potato chips are potato chips but, I like really crunchy things so that's why

sometimes I like to eat carrots, and celery, and yes.. I've even eaten raw potato..

listen that crunch. Ahhh, so good! They're SO hard.

And the last thing I have

are these kind of cheese crackers. They come in multiple flavors. This one's Camberet.

I love these these are actually really popular with people who like to

drink beer because it's even advertised as drinking beer with them is kind of

like the way to eat them. I don't drink beer... I don't know if you guys have Swiss

cheese crackers in your country? But when I was in Canada it's like one of my

favorite kind of crackers to eat. I love Swiss cheese crackers because they're so

cheesy but these are even cheesier like even smelling the bags it's like reeks

of cheese.. they're super thin and delicious!

Best thing about these is that they are resealable so you can just close them

and save them for later and they won't go stale.

That is it for this video I had a fun time

eating everything. I don't know what how this video turned out.. hopefully you guys

liked it if you liked it give it a thumbs up down below you can always subscribe

to my channel if you want. Just click the button. The other day I seen natto

soda and I kind of want to get it......... what do you guys think?

as always thank you

so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video .. bye!!!

For more infomation >> MY FAVOURITE JAPANESE SNACKS ATM - Duration: 8:12.


The Castle of Milan - Duration: 28:49.

For more infomation >> The Castle of Milan - Duration: 28:49.


KITKAT vs REAL FOOD Switch Up Challenge / JustJordan33 - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> KITKAT vs REAL FOOD Switch Up Challenge / JustJordan33 - Duration: 12:16.


Energy Update – The Great Fall Of Those Falling Away - Duration: 7:57.

Energy Update � The Great Fall Of Those Falling Away

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

Self survival to Self Empowerment of the Divine ~The Great Fall of those Falling away

Today we entered an energy of we are being very being �tested� � like a �final

testing� of where we have shifted to now, in a �going-over� of what we have now

actually shifted!

As a template for humanity this was felt as starting off slowly and then it sped up, the

re-run of what we have shifted�then it went quicker as the hours went past and then it

hit an EXTREME �peak� point�for it to release�in releasing any �withheld�

emotions of just how much we have actually gone through and shifted!

Old �burdens� of the past are releasing from our heart chakras�which can be felt

as deep rumblings of anger/rage releasing from ones lower heart to Higher Heart.

What a real very quick and �tight� gauntlet we have run through of Past, Present and Future

like �all-in-one� being felt at once�yet can also be felt as a slow release as well.

And the key is??

To keep our FAITH in TRUSTING the Divine and ourselves to step into SELF EMPOWERMENT.

To shift from self sacrifice to self to survival to Self Empowerment � BB post � 30th November


�As what each soul is going through is between them and the Divine, personally�this is

the �why� we are not able to �assist� others as we �used� to.

Yes, we can give love and support, yet differently as we are ALSO needing to be in our own Personal

Divine Spaces in going through what we each/all are�.

From heading off the �great fall� collectively re-occurring � BB post 1st December 2017:

�We are not able to �interfere� with the lessons for souls that are needing to

be learned by themselves and the Divine ONLY�.

Of �making it through� our own personal �great fall� from the past.

From self sacrifice to Self Survival comes SELF EMPOWERMENT of the Divine within�of

a Deeper Faith and Trust of letting go and I mean really really LETTING GO � BB post

1st December 2017:

�It is letting go of CONTROL like no other.

There is something each of us or more than one, that we have been �hanging onto�

that we are needing to LET GO of�.

Of A New Divine Higher Heart of the New Trinity Energy � BB post 28th November 2017:

�In this breaking down and through, facing our mirror of our own imperfections being

reflected back with no one in our energy spaces now�is all of the DIVINE for us to shift

into our and the planets new Divine Higher Heart energy�.

Where we will see and be part of, with spiritual families (and in humanity) � by birth or

not, �falling� themselves �by the wayside� in all they are experiencing.

This is/can be extremely challenging/tough being a part of, of seeing and feeling those

around us �falling away� energetically and then also falling away energetically from

with/our energy of the Divine as well.

The �great fall� is re-occurring�yet those who are feeling their emotions within

are now �making it through�.

Those who have not �woken up� are going through all they are, due to coming from their

heads and negative ego�s and not of unconditional love through their hearts � starting with


The �bottom-line� has come, we have reached it!

Yet this still needs to flow and filter out and through humanity collectively.

Yet we will be seeing it more and more as THIS IS REAL.

This is really now happening as many of you know and see and feel this all around you

with others.

From what you are personally having to endure to push through to SURVIVE what and all you

are right here and now.

As we are needing to now shift this to SELF-EMPOWERMENT.

As many of you are facing and dealing with major health �issues� as we are now collectively

or now have collectively reached a place/new space of �the last place we feel a shift

is on the physical�.

Previous BB post 6th December 2017 wrote of how we are NOW FEELING ALL LEVELS FROM SPIRIT,


The physical, where all dis-ease stems from or arises from � ultimately.


A new �recalibration� of our Solar Plexus and our hearts came through in the last 24hours

especially with this.

Back and forth, come and go up and down�lower heart-Higher Heart energetically balancing


And now, right now as I write and share this, is coming through another balancing of our

Lower Heart and Higher Heart energies.

Of one really �sticking to� their Divine Higher Heart of Faith and Trust in Letting

Go of ALL!


Doors of the old are now �closed� � we may �try� = failure with success � to

open or rattle those �old doors�, yet they will no longer �open�.

The Divine �took care of things� from how much we have collectively grown, and closed

those doors energetically so that we are unable to re-open these �old doors�.

That we are no longer able to go into others energy spaces and �help them out� as we

once did just so recently.

As we �found ourselves� in new spaces not long ago of facing our mirror of our �imperfections,

a finality of facing our true core selves, deep deep within.

We are still able to support others in where they are at, yet it is up to them, to all

of us, to then HELP OURSELVES.

If they are not �helping themselves� we are no longer energetically �able to�.

If one/others are not helping themselves, then what are we left with?

For us to now HELP shift from self survival to Self Empowerment of the Divine.

To now focus on YOU..and this is how you will or can assist/aid or help others energetically

By you coming home to your HUman Self�of unconditional love of yourself of

the Divine!

And not living in the Astrals only!

Not only receiving and functioning of the Divine in Spirit, yet to embody yourself,

to �COME BACK INTO� the human BE-ing.

No more floatiness or living in la-la that will not suffice any more.


As you who are still alive here and now reading this HAVE MADE IT!

You have made it through the past of the �Great Fall��and you are �still here�!

For whatever else you are needing to learn from to grow and ascend on your Souls Divine


So lets �rejoice� for those of us who have still made it through, all of what we

have and are!

And now it�s time to get Beyond very real and tend and take care of oneself, even more

so than one did before.


So much Divine Love and Blessings to ALL of what each soul is currently experiencing.

These �miraculous� times are REAL and HERE and NOW.


As always I am right here with you.

As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our

Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – The Great Fall Of Those Falling Away - Duration: 7:57.


GAIP Youtube Trailer Ad - Duration: 0:31.

When you stay ready you ain't gotta get ready, Parks

Understand that

Microphone check, it's something new y'all rage

These views only prelude from the dude on stage

I'm old school, so my mind is in a New York state

Still feel like I'm the best rapper in the New York State

Though I'm a Jersey City product, we like two doors away

Maybe I'm just the best rapper whipping New York plates

For more infomation >> GAIP Youtube Trailer Ad - Duration: 0:31.


Hand Coloring Pages for Kids - Glitter Coloring Hand - How to Draw Hands for Children - Duration: 10:35.














Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Hand Coloring Pages for Kids - Glitter Coloring Hand - How to Draw Hands for Children - Duration: 10:35.


Create Content, Create Awareness - Duration: 0:56.

- I get a lot of questions now from people,

businesses, entrepreneurs, that ask if they

should be making content like this, daily content,

weekly shows, daily shows.

And here's my answer to that.

Yes and no.

You absolutely should be putting your stuff out there

if you want awareness.

If you don't have awareness, you make your life

much more difficult than it has to be.

The beauty is today with social, mobile, digital,

there's no reason not to.

I can reach millions of people without it

costing me anything more than time and the money

investment to do all the content that we're doing.

However, there's two distinctions.

This content, growing by all these social bytes,

they're not sales material.

I get my business in person.

The content on social is what creates my awareness

and the company's awareness that gets us

in the door and expedites our growth

and ability to get in and do deals.

For more infomation >> Create Content, Create Awareness - Duration: 0:56.


Puoi sentir la papera | Filastrocche In Italiano Per Bambini | Canzoni In Età Prescolare - Duration: 1:19:23.

For more infomation >> Puoi sentir la papera | Filastrocche In Italiano Per Bambini | Canzoni In Età Prescolare - Duration: 1:19:23.


Guess The Weird Flavored EGGNOG CHALLENGE / AllAroundAudrey - Duration: 13:59.

For more infomation >> Guess The Weird Flavored EGGNOG CHALLENGE / AllAroundAudrey - Duration: 13:59.


BOIN Cut Free Official MV | 3D Bass Boosted Audio - Duration: 3:27.


Cut Free

For more infomation >> BOIN Cut Free Official MV | 3D Bass Boosted Audio - Duration: 3:27.


EXPOSING HUGE YOUTUBERS (i'VE MET SOME) | TheCarineRose - Duration: 9:41.

hello everyone welcome back to my channel this is Carine Rose and today

I'm going to expose huge youtubers I'm going to expose the people have been

watching for a couple of years now I feel like there are certain things we

need to do about them and you're certain things we need to see about them

first of all i don''t a bit you will notice here i watch a lot of vloggers

because i'd like to see the day-to-day lives and the accomplishment in your

life and Adana and david are one of my favorite couples here on youtube i

started watching the videos since the day and the time they started just

dancing on camera i know you are coming here over here for the drama and the tea

this is not the channel for it in this video i'm going to talk about the

youtubers i love the youtubers that inspire me like identity they are so

cute together so well together ian is a Touhou oh my god

I feel like I know them especially because I have a special connection to

the Nigerians I don't know why if you watch a couple of my videos here you

will see I have a videos about what I love about Nigeria and it's just amazing

to see how David he embraces a donnas culture and Adana she doesn't protect

where she comes from that's what I love about her is she's

intelligence March is a doctor she's a doctor and she still practices even

though she's very successful they are very successful on YouTube they still

work a couple of months ago Javid he made a video about some guy or someone

on instagram bashing him saying that he was a stay-at-home dad we didn't

understand why successful black women they just get into relationships with

white men do anything and I felt really offended

because I got told you I feel like they are part of my family and he made a

video about it people who have been watching them for a couple of years now

know that you wait what's your issue you don't even watch their videos how come

you're able to just pass judgment on them based on one random video use you

stumble upon some people on the internet just need to chill and I feel like

there's so much negativity on the internet I need to bring some positivity

into now I'm going to get to my second favorite couple they are not I'm not

ranking them or anything it's just I have to start somewhere

Cheney and Nicki they are the sweetest most genuine people I think because

these people are not even know I remember I started watching them since

the time they were planning their wedding

Nicki was looking for dresses and as usual

Jamie following her everywhere she goes they are so cute and Ava oh my god this

year two babies I'm in love with them I

fill the simplicity of India in the day-to-day vlogging styles

even though Jane is very very talented and creative when it when it comes to

blogs and we're really appreciative

Nikki she's beautiful she used to be a model she used to be a mother she's

beautiful like the shape then we her face is structured perfect

and love how to assist in they are the post regularly on a really tight

schedule so it's very very nice the other people I actually met them and

actually met them today with Trey oh my god I met them I took a bus from

Montreal to Toronto five hours to meet them I have a blog about it if you want

to go check it out I'll put it somewhere on right here they had anything great in

Toronto and I said I have to be there I have to be there

thankfully I have an amazing mom she was able to keep my son and baby seed and I

was able to go their whole weekend actually it was during the week

something like that and I met them and they are even in my blog is so sweet so

so humble like the way they were very humbled that I need the trip for them

see if they don't understand how much people maybe the lifetime on laughter

Camaro hand caddy i watch it that I watch that channel

like a kid I feel like these people I don't even want to say if you don't know

them I'm sure you know that right now they are adorable

I watch all the wedding footage because they got married a couple of weeks ago I

was talking them on Instagram trying to find a post video follow whatever so in

this video we exposing real youtubers CC Amy

she is a food and lifestyle blogger living in Nigeria like I said

Nigeria's so she shows everything she goes to the market everything she shows

it she has this amazing event and last weekend she loved life she was in South

Africa maybe she's already back up or Banky W Y thingy she loved everything we

need to get her 200,000 subscribers like right now like soon

very silly I'm super father is an energy I watch her video like I'm trying to get

my makeup at a point and I watch her tutorials and everything and recently

she's been declared or a mouse or I don't know chosen she's been chosen to

be the face of boohoo the face of booboo she just bought a house like all these

youtubers are buying houses

Patricia bright she's the queen of reviews like she has inspired me to make

videos about wishing buy things on their triad so I'm happy for that Patricia I

remember last year around this time she was close to a million subscribers and

she was doing giveaways and when I I remember that and now she's just at

almost 2 million subscribers in a year those reviews keep them coming because

we love them another youtuber I love Jill our Korean she's young she's

beautiful she's intelligent she has businesses she has jobs so she

goes to school she just graduated she most when she moved to New York she's

selling her books she's selling hair she doesn't care about the drama

people are trying to create around her she has amazing deals I'll even get why

people get mad when youtubers have sponsorship like

that's how they printed bills and I don't mean I wish it was one I love them

either way sometimes I used to have ad knock on my computer I remove that

because I want them to make money Jackie I know I love how real she is she

tells it the way it is she's not afraid of whatever people may

see or think about her she will have she was just talking about anything and she

has a vlogging channel with her fiance Dennis I love the realness in your bugs

and if he's noticed right now and love looks I'm all about seeing your day to

day life and getting inspired I don't know I like

to see blogs and she started her blogging channel she goes to amazing

events she's always cute she looks tone she's

beautiful she's black these are the youtubers I have exposed in this video

so if you enjoyed it I don't know what your the way you should be subscribe by

now so hit the subscribe button right now and the bell to get the notification

whenever I post a new video so see you next time

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