Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 11 2017

Signs of Experiencing Synchronicity And What Does It Mean

Or you were wanting to know something then you receive the information you need at the

same time.

Things happening at the same moment?

Well, what does it mean?

It�s not a coincidence that these things happen, they are actually messages from the

universe that help guide you, Carl Jung states how synchronicity says that there is always

a deeper meaning to it.

�Synchronicity is the Universe saying yes.� Even if we may not understand why, its comforting

to know that out of all the possibilities, you just happened to be in the right place

at the right time.

�When the student is ready, the master appears.�

Everything is connected and everything is energy.

So when you want something or feel a certain way and you are tuned into the exact frequency

of something else the universe does its best to connect and bring them together.

Like attracts like.

It�s actually mind-blowing and a wonderful thing to experience, it reminds us of the

bigger picture in life, that we all have an infinite power within us and that we are here

for a bigger purpose than we can imagine.

Everyone can tune into synchronicity

Everyone can experience them but sometimes some people are not being present to notice.

7 Common Signs of Synchronicity:


Get a call, random email or you see someone you haven�t heard of in years but was thinking

about and then they appear.


When you have a problem, then something randomly comes of the thing you need.


When you watch a film or tv series and feel like you are watching your own life


Strangers randomly talk to you about a problem that you have been dealing with


When the universe brings the right people at the same time, that bring you the expertise

you need.


Reassuring message out of the blue.


Repeating numbers like 111, 222, 333, 555, 888.

For more infomation >> Signs of Experiencing Synchronicity And What Does It Mean - Duration: 2:44.


The Smartest LEGO Twist of Early 2018! - Duration: 1:20.

Hello, just2good here,

and LEGO image servers have revealed the first seasonal set for 2018 -

it's a Valentine's Day bee.

The back of the box reveals the rest of these seasonal Brick Headz for 2018,

an Easter Bunny, a Halloween Witch,

and Thanksgiving Turkey,

and Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

Gosh, I have to say,

this is one of LEGO's smartest twists in a while.

Mashing brick headz up with the seasonal brick builds.

You see, every year LEGO rotates between minifigure seasonal sets

and brick built seasonal sets,

and I never get the brick built ones,

only the minifigures ones.

Like, let's look at the Thanksgiving Day stuff.

2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and now 2018.

But here's the thing.

I always would see,

and still see these seasonal brick built ones on sale.

You know how many leftover 2016 Vampire I see in Barnes and Nobles and Walmart?

It's a full year after and they can't get rid of the stock,

and they're always on sale.

But now, you'll get the LEGO collectors like me

who want to get all the Brick Headz to buy these seasonal builds,

which are usually undesirable and seen just as gifts to kids.

And, it's interesting that they have side builds,

something Brick Headz don't ever have.

It's a good way for me to get that new leaf piece.

Another interesting part is the printed 2 by 4 that now says seasonal.

One thing I wonder is that in two years from now,

will they do more Brick Headz,

or just go back to the odd looking brick built characters?

Anyways, what do you guys think?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

I'll see you guys later,

peace out, bye.

For more infomation >> The Smartest LEGO Twist of Early 2018! - Duration: 1:20.


So, Now What? - Duration: 21:47.

A week ago we were gathered and heard the good new about our Lord, Jesus of Nazareth.

First, Mary came back and told us all that Jesus wasn't where He was supposed to be,

that someone must have moved Jesus' body. Not believing her, Peter and one of the others

ran to the tomb and there they confirmed Mary story. There they "went into the tomb. He

(Peter) saw the linen cloths lying there,  and the face cloth, which had been on Jesus'[a]

head, not lying with the linen cloths but folded up in a place by itself. Then the other

disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed; for

as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that he must rise from the dead. Then the

disciples went back to their homes."

They did not yet understand.

Then Mary, who stood weeping outside of the tomb after the others had left, had the strangest

encounter. When she came back she told us a story that boggled the mind. She told us

about she was standing there, weeping. And then she saw several men. One asked her why

she was weeping, and she told him. But then another asked again, "Woman, why are you

weeping? Whom are you seeking?" Thinking that he might be the gardener, she asked him

if he had carried off Jesus' body. At that moment the man called her name "MARY!"

She suddenly realized, she told us later, at that moment that she was talking to Jesus.

After talking with Him a little longer, she came running back to us to tell us what it

was that she had seen, who it was she had seen, what and who it was that she experienced.

Let's be honest, we were all still a little skeptical. After all, who comes back from

the dead, well besides Lazerus I guess. But then, that night, as we were all gathered

and hiding behind locked doors, Jesus came to us. We got to see him. We got to touch

him. He talked to us, and we got the experience that he really had Risen, just as Mary had

told us that he had.

Well, all of us except Thomas. Poor Thomas wasn't in that room with us. We don't

really know where Thomas was, only he didn't get to experience Jesus that first Easter Sunday And when we told

him all about it, he just didn't believe it. He scoffed at us. Told us we were idiots.

I don't know if he thought that we were trying to pull one over on him or what, but

he just didn't understand what we did. He didn't get it.

You know, I think that history has been cruel to Thomas. It has given him the unfortunate

nickname "Doubting Thomas" when the text clearly tells us that his nickname was Thomas

the Twin. We have turned Thomas into a figure that we hold up as lacking, as wanting. We

tell this story about how Thomas was less than the others, as if the others hadn't

had the chance to see and interact with the risen Christ.

Remember what the text says about Peter and the others after they leaves the tomb: they

did not yet understand.

They didn't get it either. After all, they had seen the empty tomb but not yet the Risen

Christ. How were they to get it. Empty tombs are great, but we can only put it into context

when we meet the guy that was supposed to be in tomb and he is up and walking around!

The others got that. Thomas didn't. And then we have the audacity to speak ill of

Thomas. How many of us, if we are really honest, would believe it if someone came running into

this sanctuary right now talking about a person we know to be dead and buried was up and walking

around. I doubt many of us would take that person very seriously.

Now what would happen if that person, who we knew to be dead, came walking in themselves

and right up this aisle. We might react a little differently, no?

I don't blame Thomas. Thomas is just like all the others. And the ONE time he skips

Sunday night prayer meeting EVERYTHING changes!

Now, how many of us, particularly those of us that came to faith as adults, when we were

first told that Jesus had been raised from the dead, that Ressurection had happened,

believed it? Be honest! I know I didn't, and I doubt many of you did either. See, what

I needed to believe was an encounter. I needed to meet the risen Jesus.

I'm not the only one either. It's what Saul needed on that dusty road to Damascus.

John Newton, the man who penned "Amazing Grace," met Jesus for the first time on

a storm tossed off the coast off the coast of Ireland. This encounter began his conversion,

which he himself admitted took many years. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, met

Jesus in a Moravian prayer meeting at Aldersgate Street in London. He later referred to the

experience as having his heart "strangely warmed." For me, I met Jesus in a church

auditorium, in a group of people who accepted me totally and without pretense. And in that

same auditorium, it was Jesus who broke my heart wide open, exposing, to me, the sin

that lived there. I'll bet that most of you have a similar story of some kind.

Salvation is not about intellectual assent to a set of propositions. We, as Baptists,

have always known that. This is why we talk about a "personal relationship" with God,

through Jesus. We know that it is the encounter with the risen Christ that changes everything.

It changed everything for Thomas, getting to meet Jesus again, for the first time.

It changes us, too. What does this change look like? The Bible

is always talking about making things new, and we are not the exception to that. We must,

Jesus tells us in John chapter 3, be born again. And like Nicodemus we are left asking

"how, what does it look like?"

It looks like transformation. "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed

by the renewal of your mind." Transformed. Changed utterly. Something new. Born Again.

Last week, Joe spoke of Jefferson and his "Bible" where he literally cut and pasted

the aspects of the Gospels that he wanted to ascent to. Jefferson called this volume

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. In the Preface to a recent addition, Forrest

Church, son of Senator Frank Church, describes his father giving him a copy of the Jefferson

Bible when he was about 10 years old. His father gave him a Jefferson quote to go along

with the book, "It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read."

Jefferson is an enigmatic figure. One biography of him is even entitled The American Sphinx.

We all know the details, how Jefferson spoke out against slavery, even included condemnation

of the slave trade in the first draft of the Declaration In Note On the State of Virginia,

Jefferson expressed his belief that slavery was damaging to both enslaved persons and

slave owners. And yet when he died, he owned a large number of enslaved persons, 130 of

whom were actioned off to try and settle the estates grand debts.

I want to introduce you to another man of the founding generation, a man you may have

never heard of, Robert Carter III, or RC3 as I affectionately call him. Robert Carter

III was the grandson of Robert "King" Carter and probably the wealthiest man in

Virginia at the start of the Revolution. At a time when most men in Virginia were in debt,

one of the men they owed money too was Robert Carter. Even the royal governor owed Carter

money. Carter had been on the Governors council, but as many did, even though he supported

independence, we stepped away from politics as the war began.

It was during this time, and after a period of illness that almost cost him his life,

Robert Carter began a period of religious seeking. Eventually this seeking would lead

him down into the waters of Totuskey Creek on the Northern Neck to be baptized into Morattico

Baptist Church.

As Carter would later tell the story, on Sunday, sitting in service, he heard Christ ask him

how the men and women he worshiped with on a weekly basis could, inside the meeting house,

be his sisters and brothers in Christ, but outside of the meetinghouse he could own them.

Carter came to realize that he couldn't justify it, and began a process that would

result in the largest private manumission of enslaved persons prior to the Civil War.

What was the difference between these two men? How could two men, of the same generation

and social class, who both saw the evils inherent in slavery, have two very different reactions

to it?

"Now in the place where he was crucified, there was a garden; and in the garden a new

sepulcher, wherein was never man yet laid. There they laid Jesus. And rolled a great

stone to the door of the sepulcher, and departed." That's the end for Jefferson. If you remember

from last week, that's how Jefferson ends his testament. There is not empty tomb. There

is no encounter with the Risen Christ.

Robert Carter III had that. He met Jesus. He was transformed so utterly that he risked

everything, social standing, wealth, his family, his property, everything to follow Jesus.

When we meet the risen Christ, we too need to be transformed utterly. We need to leave

the ways of the world behind us. The world says win, and Jesus says die, as a living


Of course, it is not our works that grant us salvation. Of course not, only God's

grace can do that. But when we encounter that grace, when we see the Risen Christ and can

see the scars he bore for us, there is only one reasonable response: to allow everything

about ourselves be changed and shaped by him. " Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil;

hold fast to what is good.  Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another

in showing honor.  Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit,[g] serve the Lord.

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  Contribute to the

needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.  Bless those who persecute you; bless and

do not curse them.  Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.  Live

in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly.[h] Never be

wise in your own sight.  Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable

in the sight of all.  If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with

all.  Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it[i] to the wrath of God, for it is

written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."  To the contrary, "if

your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on

his head."  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

In a few minutes, we are going to come to the table. When I was a child a had a pastor

that would use the same words every time to invite God's people to the table:

"All of you that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, are in love and charity

with your neighbors, and intend" here he'd pause for a moment, "INTEND to live a new

life, following the commandments of and walking henceforth in his holy ways, draw near with

faith and take this table to your comfort."

What an amazing reminder.

For more infomation >> So, Now What? - Duration: 21:47.


How to Create A Website in 90 Minutes! A Step-by-Step Wordpress Tutorial - Duration: 1:09:29.

links are in the description box

links are the in the description box

For more infomation >> How to Create A Website in 90 Minutes! A Step-by-Step Wordpress Tutorial - Duration: 1:09:29.


Jury rules in favor of FAU over firing - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Jury rules in favor of FAU over firing - Duration: 0:32.



listen to that crunch!

hey guys what's up it's me Jen and welcome back to my

channel osharegirl. In today's video.. it's not gonna be a vlog video or

anything to do with fashion. It is going to be about one of my favorite things

Food eating everything like that.

I went to my local grocery store as well as a

local combini close to my house and picked up some of my favorite snacks

that I like to eat here in Japan. I don't eat these often but when I get the

chance to I am in heaven and today is that day not only am i eating one of

them I'm eating all of them I'm so excited like .. Anyway what are we waiting

for let's get on to the food!!!

so I have a ton of stuff here pause.. coffee

should we start sweet and then go salty? I think that's that what I'll do I'm

gonna show you guys my favorite like biscuit cookie in Japan they are bomb

and I love them so much they taste even better frozen! Voila, it's called

アルフォート.. arufoto. So good the amount of milk chocolate on top and

cooking on the bottom it's just absolutely perfect. One of these cookies

over 50 calories but it's just like oh it's so worth it. Let's open it up it's

just basically milk chocolate they come in a variety of different flavors you

can get white chocolate with dark cookie you can get like a pure milky milk

chocolate. Um, it might come in a dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is my favorite .

yeah so they come like this

individually wrapped. Let's open one up! Such a waste of plastic but,

thats Japan. Heaven in a cookie so good

definitely try these if you've never tried them or bring them home with you

you won't regret. Next I'm gonna show you guys my favorite bread. Now Japan does

bread like nobody else like.. UGH! Of all the countries I've been to Japan has the

best bakeries and bread and there's just like bakeries everywhere. Like in Canada

I never really went to the bakeries but in Japan is just so popular to see

bakeries everywhere so yeah I've become accustomed to go into the bakeries. Now

this is on discount from my grocery store.. a whole whopping five percent this is

my favorite bread right now I used to eat it a lot last year as well it's only

seasonal so it comes out in the fall winter and it's basically just cream

cheese cranberry. That's what's there.. cream cheese cranberry. And the bread is

so soft and delicious one of these breads are like 300 calories but.. look at

it and then we're gonna break it open here .. Heavenly !! There is cream cheese here and

cranberry on white bread. I'm a huge fan of cheese like you can win me over. This

bread is just the right amount of cheesy and fruity and sweet and it's just so

good. You know I never thought I liked cranberry when I was younger and I

probably wouldn't choose a cranberry pastry but this bread man is so good.

Ok, I know I'm sick and it's cold but I had to show you guys this ice cream. Now this

isn't exactly my favorite flavor the mochi ice cream that you can get here in

Japan that come with too little much ice-creams inside in here. Not only

do I love mochi ice cream I love mochi I love ice cream and

together it's awesome.. BUT they come out with limited time flavors usually they

change every month or month and a half and this one is new it's creamy mochi

shuu which is like a cream puffs kind of thing this into a mochi ice cream I

guess with those syrup inside. One of the best things about the mochi ice cream is

that it comes with a little fork for you here so you don't have to get your

fingers dirty picking it up you can just stab it pick it up and eat it.

Wow that's sweeter than normal see the cream in there on the inside now that

shuu cream is so sweet.. oh yeah, I don't know if I'd buy this flavor again but

the mochi's I love them they're so good convenient.

There's two more sweet

things here from there both chocolate. I have the Meiji dark black chocolate as

well as this one black thunder. Now I love love love these chocolates there

cheap.. there's cookies inside chocolate. These are also really good to bring home

if you need little individual things that are small like snacks to bring home

for people if you're traveling here. They say chocolate bar Japan so if you

want something that has Japan written on it as well as Japanese this is a good

choice. It's cheap, small, convenient. It kinda reminds me of rice krispies and

cookies smushed together and dipped in chocolate it's so good like as soon as I

open it I'm sick I can't really smell anything I

can smell this. Also I just I love dark chocolate like this is a really a

Japanese thing.. I mean dark chocolate is dark chocolate.

I just I love bitter dark chocolate so I put this in my freezer and when I'm

feeling like a little craving I'll go to my freezer and nick off a little piece

and eat it.

So I have four more things to show you guys they're all salty now so

I'm going to show you these unique tubular kind of things that you can get

in Japan. This is cheese taste and some corn taste. Now these are like kid snacks.

One of these is about ten yen. They're adorable easy to eat

a lot of kids like I said eat them. They kind of remind me of a big cheesy.

if you've ever eaten like soft cheesies.. like the texture of a cheesy is

exactly what it's like and it's like a tube it's hollow on the inside so you

can see through. These are just two of the flavors there is like... I don't know

over ten flavors that you can get or 15 something like that. And some of them are

a little weird like this like mentaiko flavor which is like a fish egg flavor..

I don't like that flavour but anyway..

just like cheesies I swear !

I'm going to show

you guys my favorite potato chips in Japan these ones now the flavor is

nothing special just salt flavour but, what I like about these ones is that

they are super hard and crunchy like they even are branded as hard potato chips.

It's just like, you know, regular potato chips.

Potato chips are potato chips but, I like really crunchy things so that's why

sometimes I like to eat carrots, and celery, and yes.. I've even eaten raw potato..

listen that crunch. Ahhh, so good! They're SO hard.

And the last thing I have

are these kind of cheese crackers. They come in multiple flavors. This one's Camberet.

I love these these are actually really popular with people who like to

drink beer because it's even advertised as drinking beer with them is kind of

like the way to eat them. I don't drink beer... I don't know if you guys have Swiss

cheese crackers in your country? But when I was in Canada it's like one of my

favorite kind of crackers to eat. I love Swiss cheese crackers because they're so

cheesy but these are even cheesier like even smelling the bags it's like reeks

of cheese.. they're super thin and delicious!

Best thing about these is that they are resealable so you can just close them

and save them for later and they won't go stale.

That is it for this video I had a fun time

eating everything. I don't know what how this video turned out.. hopefully you guys

liked it if you liked it give it a thumbs up down below you can always subscribe

to my channel if you want. Just click the button. The other day I seen natto

soda and I kind of want to get it......... what do you guys think?

as always thank you

so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video .. bye!!!

For more infomation >> MY FAVOURITE JAPANESE SNACKS ATM - Duration: 8:12.


KITKAT vs REAL FOOD Switch Up Challenge / JustJordan33 - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> KITKAT vs REAL FOOD Switch Up Challenge / JustJordan33 - Duration: 12:16.


8 of the Worst Stinging Insects - Duration: 12:35.


Now, I'm not a huge fan of pain, but it IS super important, biologically speaking.

It's how your body tells your brain something is wrong—that you've put your hand on

a hot stove or broken your leg.

It's such a strong signal that lots of animals have evolved to hijack it, and one group is

especially notorious for that: the insects in the order Hymenoptera: ants, bees and wasps.

Many of them are armed with venom that causes intense agony, and studying the compounds

in those venoms can teach us a lot about how pain works.

But to study their venom, you have to brave the bugs.

Which is where entomologists like Justin Schmidt come in.

Since 1984, he's catalogued the stings he's received — from over 80 different species

— on a pain scale he calls the Schmidt Pain Index.

It goes from 1 to 4, with 1 being mildly annoying and 4 being agonizing torture.

Of course, his ratings are just one person's experience.

But they line up with what we know from research into these insects' venoms, as well as what

other people say about their stings.

And they're probably as close as we're gonna get to a scientific comparison of the


So, here are some of the worst stingers Schmidt has encountered, and the biochemistry behind

why they're so awful.

Welcome to SciShow List Show: Agony Edition.

The term "fire ant" can refer to a few members of the genus Solenopsis.

But most of the time, people in the US are talking about the red imported fire ant—Solenopsis


Native to Central and South America, red imported fire ants have invaded around the world.

They're incredibly aggressive as a species, and have potent stings that help them win

battles with native ants.

They're also known to kill baby bunnies and hatchling sea turtles and other adorable

small animals.

In terms of pain, individual fire ant stings are pretty mild.

Schmidt only rates them a 1, and describes them as "Sharp, sudden, mildly alarming.

Like walking across a shag carpet and reaching for the light switch."

But you're rarely stung by a single fire ant.

Just ask anyone who's accidentally sat on one of their nest mounds, or made the mistake

of touching a floating raft.

That's right, I said raft!

These ants survive floods by linking their waxy bodies together around their queen.

The rafts can contain 100,000 living, squirming ants looking for the first solid thing they

can find.

If that solid thing is your leg — or your butt — you can be stung by hundreds of ants

in a matter of seconds.

More than 90% of their venom is made up of alkaloids, which are organic, or carbon-containing

compounds, that also have nitrogen in them.

The specific toxins in fire ant venom are chemically similar to piperidine, the compound

that makes pepper peppery.

And there's a good reason people don't generally inject essence of pepper into their

bodies: it triggers the release of immune signaling molecules, causing burning, itching

pain and a fluid-filled pustule.

And while each individual sting might be a "1," the combined pain of hundreds is

anything but "mildly alarming."

Then there's the beloved honey bee, Apis mellifera.

Everyone's favorite pollinator.

And probably the sting most people have felt for themselves, because they're found basically


While they don't have the most painful stings on the planet, they can be deadly.

In fact, in Europe, North America, and even Australia, bees are deadlier than just about

any other venomous animals.

That's because in those places, allergic reactions to bee stings claim far more lives

than snakes, scorpions, and spiders combined.

And the sting ruins the bee's day, too.

Their stingers are covered in small barbs, so when the bee tries to leave, the stinger

and attached venom gland tissue stay behind.

This kills the bee.

According to Schmidt, the pain from a bee sting is only a 2.

He says it's "Burning, corrosive, but you can handle it."

I guess, assuming you're not allergic to it.

The burning sensation comes from melittin, which is a peptide — basically a small protein—

that makes up 40-60% of the venom by weight.

Melittin turns on the same pain receptors as heat, so from the perspective of our neurons,

it literally burns.

In that way, it's similar to capsaicin, which gives hot peppers their heat.

Both will cause intense pain and inflammation when injected under the skin.

We know, because scientists have done this to people who for some reason volunteered

to be injected.

For science.

There are lots of different wasps people call "yellow jackets," usually in the genus

Vespula, and they're all social, predatory wasps.

Like bees, they're some of the most common insects people get stung by all over the world,

which is why they made this list.

Also like bees, yellow jackets also get a mere 2 from Schmidt.

He describes it as "Hot and smoky, almost irreverent."

Which, I don't know what yellow jackets he's been stung by, but maybe they should

get a room.

Unlike bees, though, yellow jacket stingers are smooth, which means they can sting over

and over and over again.

By weight, more than 90% of their venom is made up of amines, a type of organic compound

related to ammonia.

Specifically, it'll often contain histamine, the same stuff that's released when you

have an allergic reaction, and serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter involved in things

like regulating your mood.

Both compounds are used by your immune cells to trigger inflammation, and receptors for

them are important parts of your body's pain system.

So it makes sense that injecting them into your skin and muscles would hurt.

The amount of histamine or serotonin in the venom depends on the species.

Eastern yellow jacket venom is 99.4% histamine, while German yellowjacket venom is 98% serotonin.

Both hurt like the dickens, but are weaksauce compared to the rest of the stings on this


Harvester ants get their name from their habit of dragging seeds underground, which they

store in large caverns called granaries.

They're native to the southwestern US, and if you've never seen one that's probably

for the best: their stings earn a 3 from Schmidt.

He calls them "Bold and unrelenting," like "Somebody is using a power drill to

excavate your ingrown toenail."

We don't have a whole lot of information on how their venom works, but Schmidt thinks

the most likely pain-inducer is a small peptide in their venom called barbatolysin.

Barbatolysin acts a lot like melittin in the body, but it's much more effective at killing

cells, which might explain why stings from these ants hurt more than bee stings.

Harvester ant venoms are also surprisingly lethal — for the species with the most potent

venom, just 0.12 milligrams per kilogram of body weight is enough to kill 50% of the animals

injected with it.

Drop for drop, that's comparable to deadly snakes like cobras.

In theory, less than 10 milligrams of the stuff would probably kill the average person.

Luckily for us, these ants are pretty small, so they only inject tiny amounts of venom

at a time — at most about 25 micrograms, or thousandths of a milligram.

So it would take several hundred stings to even come close to a potentially-lethal dose.

The red-headed paper wasp is found in Central and South America.

As its name suggests, it's got a red head, and it's a paper wasp, meaning it makes

papery nests by mixing plant materials with saliva to create a sort of paper maché.

Schmidt gave its sting a 3, which he described as "Immediate, irrationally intense, and


There isn't enough research on this species to know exactly what its venom contains, but

all other members of its genus that have been studied are armed with pain-inducing molecules

called kinins.

So the red-headed paper wasp probably has them too.

Kinins are a type of peptide, and like a lot of the other compounds in the venoms on this

list, they're among the many molecules involved in inflammation.

They cause pain by turning on pain-sensing nerves, and because they act on neurons directly,

they're called neurotoxins.

In solitary wasps, kinins are used to paralyze prey.

But social wasps usually don't capture their meals with their stingers—they use their

powerful jaws instead.

They reserve stinging for defensive battles, especially against mammals like us.

Per drop, most of their venoms are pretty weak.

People only die when they're swarmed by dozens of them, or if they're allergic.

But these wasps don't need deadly venoms.

A jolt of pain is enough to get a predator to back off, which can actually be more effective

in some ways.

Death doesn't let you learn.

And what their venom lacks in brute lethality they make up for in pain production.

The more painful the venom, the more effective the lesson to the would-be attacker—stay

away, or you'll regret it.

It's a strategy perfected by the next insect on our list.

Warrior wasps, sometimes called drumming wasps, are also native to the Americas, and also

live in big colonies.

As their name implies, they have an aggressive reputation, and an especially eerie way of

warning you of what's to come if you get too close to their nest.

When warrior wasps feel threatened, hundreds of them will rhythmically scrape their nest

in unison, creating a loud, drumming sound.

At the same time, they'll flap their wings to the beat, adding a seriously creepy visual

display to the noise.

Part of the reason for this ostentatious warning is that, like honey bees, their stingers are

barbed—so they stand to lose a chunk of their abdomen if they sting.

So it's much better for them if you listen to the drumming and keep your distance.

And it's really not a concert you want to be at.

Warrior wasp stings are excruciating.

Schmidt gives them wasps his highest pain rating, a 4.

In his words, the stings are "Torture.

You are chained in the flow of an active volcano."

The pain he experienced was so awful that for the first time, he even questioned his

decision to start his list.

But what's even more striking than the level-4 agony is how long the pain lasts.

Warrior wasp stings burn for over two hours.

So whatever causes such unrelenting pain, it must be pretty stable and hard for our

bodies to break down.

Schmidt thinks it's probably a kinin, just like the slightly less painful paper wasps,

but we don't know much about exactly what's in it.

Apparently researchers aren't too enthusiastic about analyzing some of the most painful venom

in the world.

Can't imagine why.

When you hear "tarantula hawk," you might picture a giant spider.

Or maybe a bird that eats spiders.

But tarantula hawks are neither of those things.

They're wasps in the genus Pepsis, found in the Americas.

They get their name because they're gigantic — they can be 5 centimeters long, big enough

that they can seem more like a bird than an insect.

And they feed their babies tarantulas.

They have a whole bunch of adaptations that help them go after such dangerous meals.

Their legs are long and gangly, allowing them to grapple even large, wriggling tarantulas.

And, of course, they produce a lot of venom that they use to subdue their prey.

Their stings cause Schmidt level 4 agony.

"Blinding, fierce, shockingly electric.

A running hair drier has been dropped into your bubble bath."

That's mostly because of the unusually high amount of acetylcholine in their venom.

Acetylcholine is something you use a lot in your nervous system, mainly to send signals

between neurons and to other cells.

It's basically the go-to neurotransmitter, and it triggers both your motor and pain neurons.

So not only does the sting hurt: it also makes any muscles nearby clench hard, which is both

painful and paralyzing.

That's the point — tarantula hawks use their venom to paralyze their prey, because

tarantulas generally don't like being eaten and would otherwise fight back.

Thankfully, at least for us humans, the effects of these stings don't last long—mere minutes.

That's because your body is already well-equipped to clean up acetylcholine.

Whenever a neuron releases the stuff, you have to remove any excess floating around

after the signal is received as quickly as possible.

If you didn't, you'd just keep triggering neurons over and over again.

So you have the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which chops it up.

That means we can rid ourselves of tarantula hawk venom pretty quickly.

The spiders can too, eventually.

But by the time they regain control, they've already lost the battle, and become a meal

for the wasps' young.

Last and definitely not least, we have the bullet ant.

You might think the name for these Central and South American ants comes from the fact

that they're 2 or 3 centimeters long, so maybe about the size of a bullet.

You'd be wrong, though.

They're called bullet ants because being stung by one is supposedly just as painful

as being shot.

Obviously, Schmidt ranks them a 4—in some versions of his index, a 4+.

He describes their stings as "Pure, intense, brilliant pain.

Like fire-walking over flaming charcoal with a 3-inch rusty nail grinding into your heel."

Along with the pain, the stings often come with fever, sweating, trembling, and local


And that agony lasts forever.

Or at least it feels like forever.

Venezuelans call them hormiga veinticuatro, or "24 ant," in honor of the 24 hours

the pain sticks around for.

That's because the main pain-inducer in the venom, called poneratoxin, is an impressively

powerful neurotoxin.

Poneratoxin directly stimulates neurons by opening the sodium channels they use to send

electrical signals.

And it doesn't just do this once.

It does it over, and over, and over, and over, and over.

So there you have it: eight agonizing stingers, and what we've learned from the scientists

who willingly line up to study them.

There's still a lot we don't know about venom, but we can learn a lot about how our

bodies work at the molecular level by understanding how the compounds in them produce pain.

By studying them, researchers hope gain a better understanding of chronic pain, and

maybe even find new ways to treat it.

Thanks for watching this SciShow List Show, brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

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For more infomation >> 8 of the Worst Stinging Insects - Duration: 12:35.


Energy Update – The Great Fall Of Those Falling Away - Duration: 7:57.

Energy Update � The Great Fall Of Those Falling Away

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

Self survival to Self Empowerment of the Divine ~The Great Fall of those Falling away

Today we entered an energy of we are being very being �tested� � like a �final

testing� of where we have shifted to now, in a �going-over� of what we have now

actually shifted!

As a template for humanity this was felt as starting off slowly and then it sped up, the

re-run of what we have shifted�then it went quicker as the hours went past and then it

hit an EXTREME �peak� point�for it to release�in releasing any �withheld�

emotions of just how much we have actually gone through and shifted!

Old �burdens� of the past are releasing from our heart chakras�which can be felt

as deep rumblings of anger/rage releasing from ones lower heart to Higher Heart.

What a real very quick and �tight� gauntlet we have run through of Past, Present and Future

like �all-in-one� being felt at once�yet can also be felt as a slow release as well.

And the key is??

To keep our FAITH in TRUSTING the Divine and ourselves to step into SELF EMPOWERMENT.

To shift from self sacrifice to self to survival to Self Empowerment � BB post � 30th November


�As what each soul is going through is between them and the Divine, personally�this is

the �why� we are not able to �assist� others as we �used� to.

Yes, we can give love and support, yet differently as we are ALSO needing to be in our own Personal

Divine Spaces in going through what we each/all are�.

From heading off the �great fall� collectively re-occurring � BB post 1st December 2017:

�We are not able to �interfere� with the lessons for souls that are needing to

be learned by themselves and the Divine ONLY�.

Of �making it through� our own personal �great fall� from the past.

From self sacrifice to Self Survival comes SELF EMPOWERMENT of the Divine within�of

a Deeper Faith and Trust of letting go and I mean really really LETTING GO � BB post

1st December 2017:

�It is letting go of CONTROL like no other.

There is something each of us or more than one, that we have been �hanging onto�

that we are needing to LET GO of�.

Of A New Divine Higher Heart of the New Trinity Energy � BB post 28th November 2017:

�In this breaking down and through, facing our mirror of our own imperfections being

reflected back with no one in our energy spaces now�is all of the DIVINE for us to shift

into our and the planets new Divine Higher Heart energy�.

Where we will see and be part of, with spiritual families (and in humanity) � by birth or

not, �falling� themselves �by the wayside� in all they are experiencing.

This is/can be extremely challenging/tough being a part of, of seeing and feeling those

around us �falling away� energetically and then also falling away energetically from

with/our energy of the Divine as well.

The �great fall� is re-occurring�yet those who are feeling their emotions within

are now �making it through�.

Those who have not �woken up� are going through all they are, due to coming from their

heads and negative ego�s and not of unconditional love through their hearts � starting with


The �bottom-line� has come, we have reached it!

Yet this still needs to flow and filter out and through humanity collectively.

Yet we will be seeing it more and more as THIS IS REAL.

This is really now happening as many of you know and see and feel this all around you

with others.

From what you are personally having to endure to push through to SURVIVE what and all you

are right here and now.

As we are needing to now shift this to SELF-EMPOWERMENT.

As many of you are facing and dealing with major health �issues� as we are now collectively

or now have collectively reached a place/new space of �the last place we feel a shift

is on the physical�.

Previous BB post 6th December 2017 wrote of how we are NOW FEELING ALL LEVELS FROM SPIRIT,


The physical, where all dis-ease stems from or arises from � ultimately.


A new �recalibration� of our Solar Plexus and our hearts came through in the last 24hours

especially with this.

Back and forth, come and go up and down�lower heart-Higher Heart energetically balancing


And now, right now as I write and share this, is coming through another balancing of our

Lower Heart and Higher Heart energies.

Of one really �sticking to� their Divine Higher Heart of Faith and Trust in Letting

Go of ALL!


Doors of the old are now �closed� � we may �try� = failure with success � to

open or rattle those �old doors�, yet they will no longer �open�.

The Divine �took care of things� from how much we have collectively grown, and closed

those doors energetically so that we are unable to re-open these �old doors�.

That we are no longer able to go into others energy spaces and �help them out� as we

once did just so recently.

As we �found ourselves� in new spaces not long ago of facing our mirror of our �imperfections,

a finality of facing our true core selves, deep deep within.

We are still able to support others in where they are at, yet it is up to them, to all

of us, to then HELP OURSELVES.

If they are not �helping themselves� we are no longer energetically �able to�.

If one/others are not helping themselves, then what are we left with?

For us to now HELP shift from self survival to Self Empowerment of the Divine.

To now focus on YOU..and this is how you will or can assist/aid or help others energetically

By you coming home to your HUman Self�of unconditional love of yourself of

the Divine!

And not living in the Astrals only!

Not only receiving and functioning of the Divine in Spirit, yet to embody yourself,

to �COME BACK INTO� the human BE-ing.

No more floatiness or living in la-la that will not suffice any more.


As you who are still alive here and now reading this HAVE MADE IT!

You have made it through the past of the �Great Fall��and you are �still here�!

For whatever else you are needing to learn from to grow and ascend on your Souls Divine


So lets �rejoice� for those of us who have still made it through, all of what we

have and are!

And now it�s time to get Beyond very real and tend and take care of oneself, even more

so than one did before.


So much Divine Love and Blessings to ALL of what each soul is currently experiencing.

These �miraculous� times are REAL and HERE and NOW.


As always I am right here with you.

As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our

Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – The Great Fall Of Those Falling Away - Duration: 7:57.


Mitch McConnell Betrays President Trump And Gave Millions From Social Security To Illegal Aliens And - Duration: 4:09.

Mitch McConnell Betrays President Trump And Gave Millions From Social Security To Illegal

Aliens And Their Children, You'll Be Angry.

If one somehow managed to ask US residents who are citizens in the event that they would

increase their taxes keeping in mind the end goal to pay benefits to illegal aliens with

youngsters, the appropriate response would likely be no.

Americans are generous individuals, even toward those in different countries.

Notwithstanding, paying benefits to the individuals who break our laws to enter our nation isn't

something that bodes well.

Expression of such gets out.

And after that, we wind up with more endeavors at illegal immigration.

This very issue has developed as a state of conflict in the tax bill right now being negotiated

by the House and Senate.

The House form of the bill requires that parents must furnish their own, valid Social Security

Number to claim the youngster tax credit.

This would clearly keep illegals from asserting the credit.

At any rate not without carrying out a wrongdoing, for example, furnishing a fake SSN.

The Senate form by one means or another dropped that requirement.

Nobody has fessed up to rolling out the improvement, yet.

Nonetheless, the Senate has its offer of RINOs who are not with President Trump nor the individuals

who voted in favor of him.

They are significantly nearer to Mr. Obama's position on immigration issues.

Would one be able to of them be the offender?

Breitbart Reported:

"Evidence emerged Monday, as Republicans celebrated the Senate's passage of the Tax

Cuts and Jobs Act, that small changes were made in the Senate to the bill's language,

which would allow illegal aliens to continue to claim the child tax credit.






We see the issue, and Congressman Luke Messer gave the solution.

"Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN) made sure that a fix to this long-standing discrepancy was

included in the House version of the tax bill.

When the bill came out of chairman Kevin Brady's (R-TX) House Ways and Means Committee, it

included the language Messer originally inserted, demanding a credit claimant include 'the

taxpayer's Social Security number on the return of tax for such taxable year.'

This language would have blocked illegal aliens, who lack real SSNs, from claiming the lucrative


Yet, some way or another this provision does not show up in the Senate version.

"Yet when the Senate marked up the bill, the language was tweaked to allow some illegals

to continue to claim the benefit.

The text of the version the Senate eventually passed reads, 'No credit shall be allowed

under this section to a taxpayer with respect to any qualifying child unless the taxpayer

includes the name and Social Security number of such qualifying child on the return of

tax for the taxable year' (emphasis added).

"The difference is not mere semantics.

Many illegal aliens have children with SSNs.

This includes the U.S.-born children of illegals, commonly known as 'anchor babies,' alien

children who have U.S. permanent residency, and so-called 'Dreamers,' who, while themselves

illegal aliens, have SSNs due to former President Barack Obama's 'Deferred Action for Childhood

Arrivals' (DACA) executive amnesty scheme."

One may appropriately bring up that if the nation had been determined in anticipating

illicit migration and in extraditing illegals that this issue would not exist.

Lamentably, it does.

Somebody in the Senate isn't being forthcoming by any means.

It is intriguing to realize who is in charge of the adjustment in the wording in the Senate


More essential, in any case, is reestablishing the first wording that Mr. Messer embedded

into the House update.

The RINOs can hold up.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Mitch McConnell Betrays President Trump And Gave Millions From Social Security To Illegal Aliens And - Duration: 4:09.


Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma - Anushka Sharma Ties Knot With Virat Kohli | News & Details | - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma - Anushka Sharma Ties Knot With Virat Kohli | News & Details | - Duration: 4:11.


Building Wind | Meet Team Prana Vayu - Duration: 9:23.

I'm Dave Retzlaff. I fly slot three. The way I got my start in this world...

I did a tandem skydive in college years and years ago, and kind of it planted the

seed. I said you know I want to do that someday, but at the time I was playing

basketball, college basketball, and pursuing a career in higher up level

semi-pro. That was kind of where I was going with it.

I'm ended up breaking my back unfortunately doing that.

Scorpions, so it kind of basically compressed the spine pretty violently. I thought my life

was pretty much done with the athletic world at that point. Two months later,

after doing some pretty intensive rehab, I was healthy again. So I kind of came

back to the skydiving thing. It presented itself again in my mind and I decided to

go start skydiving and shortly thereafter got into the wind tunnel and

here we are. Three of my best buddies in the world doing some of the craziest

things I could never fathom doing.

My name is Timmy Hunkler. I fly a slot two for Team Prana Vayu dynamic

four-way team, and I've been flying for five years in wind tunnels and working

in them directly as well. What got me started in that was I started skydiving

about seven and a half years ago and then soon after that I quit my job being

a firefighter paramedic because I had an opportunity to go work for a wind tunnel

and progress my skills in flying and achieve my goals for wind tunnel

flying and for skydiving alike. Two weeks out from this competition I

started doing a lot more visualization. It might look like I'm just playing with my

fingers my eyes closed all weird, but I'm actually doing something in my head, and

it helps with the like the 3D brain or the 3D awareness that we need to figure

out what it is that we need to do in the tunnel when we're not in there.

The mental game is such a big thing too because if you start to let something in

you fall out. Just like yoga or meditation things like that, so even if

a random thought kind of trails in your brain. you kind of just have to let it go

and let it flow through your head so that way you can focus on doing what

you're doing and executing the things that you have to execute.

I'm Jeff Dimock, and I fly slot one for Team Prana Vayu.

I also serve as team captain.

I started jumping out of airplanes in 1999. Having started when I was 19,

it's kind of a big part of my life. It's almost half of my life that I've been

skydiving and started working in wind tunnels in 2010.

So that's a good chunk of time for that too.

We had a few things that we wanted to focus on.

The main things, of course, our speed and free routine.

There was a crux move. The most difficult

move that we were the most worried about. 'The Surf' where Timmy surfs on top of me

and Cole surfs on top of Dave, and then we carve around the tunnel like that.

It's really hard, and we weren't getting it every time. We spent some considerable

time on that and felt pretty confident going into it that as long as we eased

into it smoothly, then we could get in the competition.

First off, I wasn't sleeping.

I was visualizing.

3:00 in the morning. I have to...

I don't know, I'm not a very..

I'm not a morning person. So...

That was rough.

Hi, my name is Colt. I fly slot number 4 with Prana Vayu.

I've been flying for a little over six years. The way I got started: I was in

college at the time. I was studying air traffic control, general aviation type

stuff. I was looking for a job and one of my buddies had mentioned that there was

a indoor skydiving kiosk at the mall, which is where he worked, and I thought

that would be pretty cool to try out one of these days, and about a month later

decided to look it up and see if it was open.

They were still under construction,

but I did see an apply online button,

so I figured it wouldn't hurt to apply.

I didn't think I was going to get it, but about a month after that, I got

a call from Bill and Lisa Adams who were the franchise owners at the time, had

an interview, and they hired me on.

So, this was like the first big competition

I've been a part of. I did go to the USPA Nationals for VFS in 2012.

I was pretty nervous for that, but I think I was much more nervous

going into this. There was a lot on the line. All of us, all four

of us really wanted this title of being world champions.

After the speed check, I felt maybe a little bit sloppy. I think everybody had the

same thing. A little bit warm in there, but we're all flying in the same

conditions, so we can't do anything about it just move forward and still fly your

best and have fun. That's the main point. So now we know how it feels for tomorrow, it'll be good.

Good energy for everybody, too. I feel like everybody's high fiving each other and

smiling and it's as we're used to. Smiling and having fun, yeah exactly.

Just like all of the regional competitions,

nationals is a super fun. Everybody laughing, joking, smiling around.

High fives, good vibes. It's cool. Good to see.

We're stoked.

What's next?

Team photo!

Strike the pose!

For more infomation >> Building Wind | Meet Team Prana Vayu - Duration: 9:23.


CBC NL Here & Now for Monday December 11 2017 - Duration: 1:02:04.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now for Monday December 11 2017 - Duration: 1:02:04.


See how Denise can track time and accruals and email earnings statements in a fraction of time - Duration: 1:39.

What problem were you trying to fix in Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll?

Well, we were only tracking vacation time and sick time and I needed to track comp time,

wellness time, vacation time, sick time and all the accruals and everything, and I didn't

want to go back in there every year and try to add them up again.

How much time have Comprehensive Leave Manager and Employee E-mail Suite saved you in payroll?

It did, it took us a couple of days to do payroll and we needed it streamlined, it needed

to be more simplified and everything.

So, with the accruals, tracking of the time, and the earnings statements, everything gets


It's just a fraction of the time.

But, we used to have to fold all the earnings statements and then we passed them out, sometimes

we'd have to mail them.

And now, it goes a click of a button, it's like an email to everybody and it's like,


I don't have to think about it. So, yay!

What was it like working with the team at Integrity Data?

It was just so easy how they all set it up, they walked me through it.

I don't have to touch it anymore.

As soon as I made the decision to go with Integrity Data, the implementation process

was so smooth and the support was great.

You just pick up the phone and you get Mike on the phone and Mike's the one that's actually

going to walk you through the process.

I said, "You sure I don't need to talk to somebody else?"

He said, "No, no, no, I can handle this!"

If I have any questions, or anything, I can call you guys up and you can solve my problem.

For more infomation >> See how Denise can track time and accruals and email earnings statements in a fraction of time - Duration: 1:39.


Wesley Palmer, Sr. - A Spinal Trauma Patient Story - Duration: 7:15.


Well, it's an interesting story.

You have to go back 31 years ago.

I was in Olney, Illinois.

I was 19 years old, working on a water tower.

I fell 120 feet.

12 stories off of a water tank.

Landed feet first.

Left two six-inch imprints into the ground.

Destroyed everything from just below my knees down.

My ankles, feet, were broken pretty severely.

I had a compression fracture of L1 T12.

The compression fracture allowed me to be partially paralyzed from the waist down.

Not knowing if I would be able to receive movement and feeling in my lower extremities

for the rest of my life.


I spent the next month here going through three surgeries.

About three years after the accident, in 1986, I was finished with my surgeries.

Not anymore.

I was done.

So then you just live your life.

You work, raise your family, you do everything that normal people do.

And then you fast forward to the current day.

Everything in my back started falling apart.

All the golf.

All the extracurricular activities you're doing, etc.

There was a lot of other peripheral problems that were happening, waist down that was

causing me a lot of problems.

And then I was also humped over, I was bent over.

I wasn't standing up straight either.

Because I was getting to that point, if I did not, if this was not dealt with, that

I would probably find myself not walking too much further.

At that time I was here doing, on a vacation last year in St. Louis visiting my parents.

They live here locally in Missouri.

And it was that day that my legs went out.

And I could not feel my legs.

I couldn't feel my feet.

I had tremendous pain suffering, shooting all the way down in my legs

I had to have help to walk.

Things just weren't good.

And my mother said, this is not gonna happen.

This is not right.

We're getting you to the hospital.

So they took me to Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Washington University Orthopedics.

Also knowing that Barnes-Jewish is highly recommended and very high specialty with regards to this.

So I came, was admitted into the emergency room because of the problems that I was having.

I knew and overheard rumblings and rumors that Dr. Munish Gupta was located somewhere here

in Missouri, mid-Missouri in St. Louis.

So I asked them here at the hospital if Dr. Gupta was here and they said that he was and

I asked them if they would get him for me.

I trusted the work that he does, obviously.

And when I first came here 30 years ago, I had a phenomenal surgeon work on me in

St. Louis 30 years ago.

And it was just a blessing to be able to have another phenomenal great surgeon to be able

to work on me again to put me back.

Well, he looked at me and he said, yes, you have some problems.

We'll see what we, we will fix you.

So all of my whole lumbar vertebrae were worn out.

They couldn't take it any longer.

My spinal cord was just being pinched all the way down, hence, not being able

to feel my legs or my feet.

I could not travel back to Utah, because of what, I couldn't feel my legs.

And this needed to be decompressed immediately so this could be taken care of.

I had a 10-hour procedure done by Dr. Gupta and the staff here at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

And they reconstructed my spine.

So, Wesley is not new to spine.

So he knew what was going to be involved.

And I think in some ways he kind of waited and waited a little bit longer than some people may have

because he knows what's involved and he knows how big the surgery is.

But at this point, at this point in time when he was in such big trouble, he knew what was involved.

Over the last 30 years, he developed a lot of degeneration in the lower part of his lumbar spine.

And what happens is, all that degenerative parts of your spine encroach on the nerves.

And eventually create leg pain from compression of the nerves.

And whenever you have an old fusion, there's a lot of transitional degeneration.

And that's what happened to him over the last 30 years, just using your spine and living

degenerates those areas.

And we see that in patients with scoliosis that have Harrington rods long time ago

and come with stenosis and deformity below.

So he had that leaning posture.

He had that stenosis and he had lost his function now.

And it was time to take the pressure off the nerves.

And then also stabilize him and correct his posture.

So we did all that.

And when he came to Barnes-Jewish Hospital and me working at Washington University,

it's fortunate that we met and we have such a huge spine team here and it's one of the

top spine programs in the country.

And it's well-known around the world.

So we have a large team of spine surgeons.

And for every spine surgeon, there's a big staff supporting them, in terms of nurses

and medical assistants and research assistants, that it makes it possible to take care of

patients like him with large spine surgery that's needed to correct and, their condition.

Because surviving a 120-foot fall is not easy.

And he survived it and he's very brave.

And not only did he survive it, he thrived.

I have no leg problems.

I have no numbness in my legs, nor my feet.

I don't have any back fatigue any longer.

And I stand straight.

I walk straight.

And I just feel great.

I'm grateful for what Barnes-Jewish did for me here with regards to the staff,

the nursing staff from the operating room to the emergency room from the recovery.

I can't tell you any of a greater organization than this was for me.

They were professional, they were nice, they were kind, they were sympathetic,

they were just wonderful people.


For more infomation >> Wesley Palmer, Sr. - A Spinal Trauma Patient Story - Duration: 7:15.


Yo-Yo Tree Ornament | SewBrenna - Duration: 5:11.

[bells jingling]

Hi, hello there! Thanks for joining me again today. I'm gonna show you how to

make this really really cute little Christmas tree and it's made out of

yo-yos! Five yo-yos in three different sizes and it has a little spool on the

bottom. As far as supplies you'll be needing it's kind of a variety today. I

used Clover brand yo-yos in the size of large, small, and extra small.

There's no medium. I thought that was kind of odd. You'll need some sturdy

thread of some kind. This is hand sewing quilting thread. Since we're doing hand

sewing we'll need a hand sewing needle. Fabric scissors of course are must.

I used a variety of green fabric scraps. You'll need a hot glue gun I used the

temperature on high. I cut off a little strand of crochet thread, 11 inches, and

it was very helpful just to hang the little tree. If you want to you can also

use a little star bead like I'm using. You'll also need a larger needle to

string your crochet thread onto. I used a little tiny baby spool this was actually

my grandmother's. So I dug it out of her collection of things. You can also find

similarly sized ones at like a Hobby Lobby in the wood craft area. You can

make a little bit larger of a yo-yo if you don't close it all the way and I'll

show you how I do that. So these were both made from the same size but this

one is just slightly larger than the one on top of it. So you get your handy dandy

yo-yo maker and you make a yo-yo just like you normally would. Make sure that

the back is facing away from you. So now you'll pop this out once you overlap

over your first spot again. Remove that inner disc and then you're gonna pull

this just like you normally would but you just won't tighten it all the way

around. So you can go ahead and tighten it as much as you want to but then just

open it out a little bit and this won't show since we're gonna be stacking these.

So just get that equally distributed and then we'll tie it off. Now as you can see

I have one large that's loose and one large that's small. One small that's

loose and one small that's tight, and an extra small. Oddly enough there is not a

size medium. It goes extra small, small to large to extra large. I don't know that's

weird right? So now we're just going to stack

these and glue them together with our hot glue gun. Before we hot glue them all

together grab your little star bead and your smallest yoyo. Go down through the

center we're gonna attach our hang tag and star at the same time. So you'll come

through the center and then go right back up really close to it. Coming

through the center again and then we're gonna even out these edges. My string was

11 inches long and this is just crochet thread. Now we're going to loop our star

over both of these ends starting from the bottom to the top. So there's a hole

in between two and there's a hole in the middle of one.

So thread both of those through and then tie a knot at the top and this is how

we'll hang our little tree on our tree. So like I said I'm just going to glue

down my little star so it doesn't move around too terribly much. Just to keep it

a little bit more secure and now I'm actually going to work from the bottom

up grabbing my cute little empty spool. I'm just gonna put a thin layer of glue

and then taking my largest and centering it. Now the bottom of the trunk is

secured. So I'm going to add the next largest and there you have it.

Your tree is all finished unless you would like to add some beads. Colorful

beads would be really cute little miniature ornaments. Just little seed

bead size or maybe a little bit larger. How simple was that? That turned out

really cute. Let's hang this little tree up on our tree. Perfect! I'm so glad I got

to see you again today and I hope I get to see you again tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!


For more infomation >> Yo-Yo Tree Ornament | SewBrenna - Duration: 5:11.


What does ideal picture of you look like? Why is that important to you? - Mai Trainer 2016 - Duration: 1:06.

If you say that you want to have a six-pack or if you say that you want to lose ten

pounds, then you need to ask yourself why is that important to you. Why is it

important to you to lose ten pounds.. and then see what the answer to that is.

Then whatever the answer to that question is you, ask yourself why again.

So I want to invite you guys to think about what it is that you really want..

and if all you can come up with is a picture of somebody else.. I really want

you to think about what would it look like if that was a picture of you? So

instead of thinking about a picture of somebody else. What would it look like if

YOU are 10 pounds lighter. What would it look like if YOU were stronger. What

would it look like for YOU.. and why would that be important to you? I think

that might help you stick a little bit better. Do again my website is maitrainer .com

MAI and in the links below this video you're gonna have

the link to that book.. and then also to the website. So I invite you guys to go

take a look.. and just remember if you change your mind you can change yourself.

thank you

For more infomation >> What does ideal picture of you look like? Why is that important to you? - Mai Trainer 2016 - Duration: 1:06.


Hand Coloring Pages for Kids - Glitter Coloring Hand - How to Draw Hands for Children - Duration: 10:35.














Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Hand Coloring Pages for Kids - Glitter Coloring Hand - How to Draw Hands for Children - Duration: 10:35.


Create Content, Create Awareness - Duration: 0:56.

- I get a lot of questions now from people,

businesses, entrepreneurs, that ask if they

should be making content like this, daily content,

weekly shows, daily shows.

And here's my answer to that.

Yes and no.

You absolutely should be putting your stuff out there

if you want awareness.

If you don't have awareness, you make your life

much more difficult than it has to be.

The beauty is today with social, mobile, digital,

there's no reason not to.

I can reach millions of people without it

costing me anything more than time and the money

investment to do all the content that we're doing.

However, there's two distinctions.

This content, growing by all these social bytes,

they're not sales material.

I get my business in person.

The content on social is what creates my awareness

and the company's awareness that gets us

in the door and expedites our growth

and ability to get in and do deals.

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