Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 11 2017

E: I didn't even notice that.

E: I didn't know they had teeth

Tammy: That's teeth?

Randle: I don't know if it's teeth

E: what is that?

Randle: I think it's just a special fish

E: haha

Tammy: haha he keeps looking at us

E: yeah

Hi everybody!

I know this is random, but we are in Las Vegas

at the Caesar's Forum Shops

shopping center

We're in Las Vegas because my cousin from Japan came to visit

She's studying English here in California

and she wanted to go check out Las Vegas so we took her

So we took her there. This is Marie

this is Marie


She's from Japan

And you guys know Tammy and Randle. My brother is right there

So we're just walking around here

breakfast morning

So we're just looking around and Marie is looking at all the shops, but Ryan has disappeared

Oh wait! There he is

E: Why do you just leave? Why do you just leave like that, babe?

Marie, Randle, and Tammy are in the Souven...ah


Babe, how do you spell souvenir?

And Ryan and I are waiting for this show to start

It's called the Atlantis show at the Caesar's Palace

This morning we woke up. Got

breakfast together but their coffee this morning was really watered down

Ryan doesn't feel like that great


You have such an addiction

my baby is addicted to caffeine

You're addicted to shopping!

I'm not shopping!

We're here for Marie

You're addicted to shopping

I'm not shopping though. I'm not going to buy one thing here

I'm not going to buy one thing here. I promise


Hurry up


E: fishies

Sting Ray up there

It's really cold I have short hair

No sleeves, no jacket, shorts

It's cold! I thought it would be hot

but it's freezing

I'm warm


You're smart

Where are we?

At the buffet at Caesar's palace

What's the name?


It's suppose to be really good

yeah, really good. All you can eat

The New York Times newspaper said this is the best one in all of USA


That's what it says

oh, wow. How do you know all these facts?

I saw it over there

ohh! That's why

oh okay. You're very observant

Ready to eat?

I don't know if I can eat a lot though

You probably will later

Maybe I'll just much on things

E: What'd you get?

prime rib



then. I'm trying a new thing

bone marrow

It's a little over cooked

but the guy gave me the end

I'll go back and ask for a middle piece

medium rare

I like medium rare

then lamb

The T-bone in lamb

E: Wow all of the meats

We're back at the hotel now and we were both so full that buffet

was pretty awesome. They had so much seafood and I do eat seafood I just

don't really eat pork, chicken, or beef. So they had oysters, crab. The crab was

really good. Ryan had a lot of prime rib

yep. I'm full

Did you over to eat?

no. I'm good

Yeah, I feel good too because I have like salad but you didn't really eat a lot of

salad huh?


or nothing

And Ryan has a homework homework

due tomorrow night and the Wi-Fi here isn't working so we're trying to figure

it out right now. It's not working.

but tonight we're going to see Mystere at

Treasure Island. It's a circus circus sole show

um um

This isn't gonna be our first time watching the circus sole show. Two years ago I think Ryan

and I came here to Las Vegas and we watched Ka when it came out and I

really enjoyed it but Ryan said it was kind of boring just

because it was mostly a lot of the narrative of the story was through voicing

and singing and so it wasn't that interesting for Ryan as it was for me so

that just kind of happens when you have a hearing. You're in a hearing and

Deaf relationship. Some things are really interesting to one person and not really

interesting to the other person based on if it's enjoyable because you have to be

listening to music or listen the story.

You didn't really like Ka?

No I didn't like it

There you have it he really didn't like Ka. We're gonna chill here for a while. Try to get

the Wi-Fi to work and then head over to Treasure Island and watch the show so

that's our plan and tomorrow we're gonna go back home. We're here only just for a

day. We wanted to show my cousin from Japan a good time in Las Vegas because

Las Vegas is iconic. Iconic of America in other countries like Japan

E: So we're just gonna chill out

Sorry we didn't update you last night

We were busy doing a lot


Last update was when?

the buffet. Oh

The buffet was good

so good. It was called Bachanal right?

It was good. Well worth it

It was worth it

any ways we went back to the hotel

We watched a show called Mystiq... no, Mystere

it was way better than Ka

Remember Ka was horrible

It was nothing special

but this one was good

They had two guys. It was really cool

They used their body weight to balance. It was weird

so cool

If you're in Las Vegas. You all should go watch the show

So after that we went to go eat... Again.

At the cafe here

It had pretty good food


We gambled

A tiny bit. We played penny slots

Me. I'm not a big gambler

My max is like 5 dollars and then I'm done

so guess what? It's the morning!

I got my coffee

I actually made a mistake. I got coffee over there

Did you see the bear?

and I thought the coffee here wasn't good

but then I remembered this is Starbucks

now I have this. I want that

Oh well

We were planning to leave, but we forgot gas

we made it back home. Yay

Ryan is getting dropped off right now

thanks for driving the last half

Can I go home. I'm tired. I want to go to sleep

thank you for driving the last half



watching as always and see you guys later

Love you! Bye!

Sign Duo


I hope you enjoyed the trip to Las Vegas with us

we just wanted to give a shout out to one of our subscribers we met on the way

to Las Vegas. Kaitlyn. She was our server at this ramen

restaurant that we stopped on right before we went to the hotel

really cool

Hi everyone! We met Kaitlyn

at this ramen place on the way to Las Vegas

and she knows ASL

She's our server

And she's in ASL 3. What school do you go to?

I go to a college called Nevada State

so Nevada State College

and you're in Deaf Studies, right?

Yes, Deaf studies. I am studying to become an interpreter

Thanks for telling us how you watch our videos and everything

Really appreciate that

It was nice to meet. It was nice to meet you and if any of you guys ever see us

please say hi like we really. I was so happy. I think I was smiling so much

Anyways we have big news!

If you haven't checked out our instagram

If you haven't followed our instagram we have something to tell you

oh yeah so we are bringing Sign Duo merch


Well we're gonna be selling a Sign Duo T-shirt this Friday

Understand it's only one shirt

One type

yeah but right now we have four designs


and we can't really make our minds up

so we posted it on Instagram asking you guys what design you would

like so go ahead over there and comment which one is your favorite and whichever

one gets the most we will do that one

I will post 1 through 4 options

You can comment underneith the post which one you want

and we'll figure out the numbers and everything

and also on SnapChat. You can contact me.

Pick 1 through 4. I will see SnapChat too

Yeah I have a feeling I know which one probably will be the most popular

Really. Personally I like the 'I love you'

with Sign Duo...

Don't tell them! Don't tell them. They have to go see it

I want them to be curious. You know

My favorite is the 'I love you' with Sign Duo lettering

You have to go see the picture. Go check it out!

Yeah, that's the one I thought so too

okay! Anyways go check it out

pick your favorite and this Friday we're gonna be starting taking pre-orders so

go ahead over there

Also, we're going to launch the website this Friday, right?


So the website will be live this Friday

go ahead. Go check it out. I'll leave the link to our Instagram

post down below so I'll be easy to get to

We'll leave our SnapChat name down there too, right?

mhmm. Yeah, as always it's just Sign Duo

and we'll see you guys later bye! Love you!

Sign Duo


In college I didn't know what I wanted to be

I took my first ASL class and I loved it

I want that. I want to help others and

I'm slowly learning

Good job!



Good okay

yeah that went well

I'm so excited!

For more infomation >> THIS FISH NEEDS BRACES - Duration: 15:08.


Working with Observables | Learning UniRx (2) - Duration: 5:45.

In part 1 of Learning UniRx we learned that reactive programming is

programming with data streams. In UniRx data streams are known as Observables.

In this video we'll be taking a closer look at what Observables are, how they're

implemented, and some of the Unity specific Observables that are provided

by UniRx. An Observable represents a sequence of events. Each event results in

the Observable emitting a value. Observers subscribe to Observables, and

react to the values that they emit. Every flavor of Reactive Extensions must

follow a contract that defines how Observables should be implemented. The

contract is as follows. An Observable should communicate with its observers

via the following notifications. OnNext tells the observer that an item has been

emitted. OnCompleted tells the observer that the Observable has completed

successfully, and will no longer be emitting values. And OnError tells the

observer that the Observable has been terminated do to a specified error, and

will no longer be emitting values. Furthermore, the contract states that an

observer will communicate with an Observable via the following

notifications. Subscribe tells the Observable that the

observer is ready to receive notifications. And Unsubscribe tells

the Observable that the observer no longer wants to receive notifications. This

custom Observable, created using the static Create method, gives us a better

idea of how these notifications are called under the hood. Create takes a

delegate method that provides access to the observer. This is where you can call

OnNext, OnCompleted, and OnError. In the case of our example, the delegate loops

through an array of numbers, emitting each value and then waiting for one

second. Then it calls OnCompleted to let the observer know that the Observable has

completed successfully, and will no longer be emitting values. The observer

that's subscribed to this custom Observable simply writes the emitted

values to the console. As you learn more about Observables and their operators,

you'll want to become more familiar with marble diagrams. Marble diagrams help you

isualize what Observables are actually emitting. This is a marble diagram of the

custom Observable from the previous example. The circles, or marbles, represent

the values that his Observable emits. The line that they sit on represents the

flow of time. Remember, these values are emitted one second apart from each other.

The line at the end of the marble diagram represents the completion of the

Observable. Now, the example didn't include an error, but if it did,

it would be represented by an X, like so. Soon I'll cover operators, and how they filter,

transform, and combine Observables. These can all be visualized by marble diagrams,

as well. Take the Select operator The emitted values flow into this box, that

represents the transformation. Then they flow down into a new Observable that

is visualized by it's own marble diagram. Marble diagrams are powerful tools that

can help you to fully grasp and understand how the more complicated operators are

affecting your Observables. So far we've talked about what Observables are and

how we can create our own. But for the most part, you'll generally want to rely

on the Observables that are provided by UniRx. These built in Observables, which

are known as Triggers, are specific to Unity, turning MonoBehaviour events

such as Update and OnCollisionEnter into streams ff data that you can

subscribe to. This simple example shows a MonoBehaviour that logs the name of

each gameObject that it collides with. First, it needs to import UniRx.Triggers

Then it subscribes to OnCollisionEnterAsObservable in it's Start method,

where it calls Debug.Log, passing in the name of the collision's gameObject.

This is the naming convention that is used for all MonoBehaviour events, with

the name of the event followed by "AsObservable". From Updates to Collisions to

Mouse events, UniRx comes packaged with support for all of the most commonly

used MonoBehaviour events. There are also a couple of other Unity specific gems, such as

Reactive Properties, that I'll cover in another video. In the next video, we'll be

talking about the different types of operators that are available in UniRx.

Operators allow you to filter, transform, and combine your Observables, giving you

more fine-grained control over how you compose your asynchronous code. If you

enjoyed this video, please leave a like and a comment letting me know what you thought.

And for more Unity tutorials just like this one please subscribe

with notifications on. And if you'd like to support the creation of content like

this please consider becoming a patron on the Infallible Code Patreon page.

For more infomation >> Working with Observables | Learning UniRx (2) - Duration: 5:45.


The Law of One, Pineal Glands & Meditation Awakening Collective - Duration: 2:17.

The Law of One, Pineal Glands & Meditation Awakening Collective Consciousness

by Nicole Frolick,

If you truly want to see positive change in the world, then you�ll want to seriously

consider using meditation as one of your biggest avenues.

Meditation helps to shift your conscious awareness into the present Now.

It also assists your connection to your all-knowing higher self which holds all of the answers

to your questions while offering guidance to serve your highest good.

When we make this direct connection we begin to expand our perception of ourselves and

in turn, our world.

We see the direct connection between Self and all that is.

So if this is true, then any positive change we make within ourselves will positively influence

those and the world outside of us.

This is the Law of One that Unity Consciousness is based upon.

Awakening from the slumber of unconscious living is usually followed by some red pill


These moments are usually wake up calls to the compromise of our individual sovereignty.

When this happens we take measures to reclaim this sovereignty and in doing so want to scream

to the world to take theirs back as well.

Although this feels like the most intuitive method to wake others up, this is not the

most effective way of awakening our collective consciousness.

In fact, awakening only needs to happen within you.

This will kick off into motion the most effective domino chain.

In today�s video I�ll explain why this is and how we can use our pineal glands in

our meditation to awaken and unify the collective consciousness based on the Law of One.

Much love to you all,

For more infomation >> The Law of One, Pineal Glands & Meditation Awakening Collective - Duration: 2:17.


Shout Out Monday Evening - Featuring Education Some Treasures Inspiration Value Entertainment - Duration: 8:26.

here we go with another Shout Out Monday Evening and today's acronym is some

festive so let's go see what this is all about I'm Tom covet jack and this is

Tom's trains and things this channel was created to help other modelers who are

in need of guidance in pursuing their dream of building a model railroad and

the reason I'm doing this is because of Education and other things inspiration

value and entertainment now that is why I chose Festive for the acronym now some

festive Shout Out Monday Evening and I got a read this from the notes Featuring

Education Some Treasures Inspiration Value Entertainment that's what this

channel is all about I tried to provide at least one of two or three of them in

each one of my videos this past weekend on Saturday I went to a train show and a

club open house at Suncoast Model Railroad Club now it's not too often

that you run into another youtuber there and the both of us were so surprised we

said oh okay yeah Wow another youtuber how you doing oh wow we didn't do any

interviews with each other or anything else we just dropped the ball so anyway

I want to give a shout out to Zane from Zane's Trains N Things this is gonna

be a double shout out Monday evening cuz the first one's going to sane and I'll

put up his stuff right here all right here we go with Zane's trains N things

you could see his URL right here W W slash Zane's trains so take

a look at his channel he's got 202 subscribers and from the videos that

I've seen that he's done he does a good job so go check out his channel and

subscribe to him if you haven't done so already I see there's a lot of you and

already subscribed to him Sparky Vinnie Mark Containerman68 Roy go ahead and

hit that subscribe button then while you're at it ding that bell so whenever he

has another video coming out that you will be notified so go check him out

but the one that I wanted to really shout out today now I told you last week

that all this month I was going to do hobby shops and last month I did or last

week I did a hobby shop and then the same goes for today now although he does

not do model railroading he does do styrene and scenery and he's been doing

modelling for over 30 years it's Andy's Hobby Headquarters he's got a hobby

shop I think he's in Illinois where's he okay he's in Glendale he's in

Glendale Arizona my mistake okay not Illinois - I'm thinking about somebody

else that maybe be next week's shout-out but anyway Glendale Arizona he's been

like I said he's been doing it for over 30 years now there's nothing in there

about model railroading most of it is about military scenes but he has a lot

of good techniques he's very experienced at it he does a very good job of

explaining how to do model kits and also scenery and weathering weathering is one

of the big things on the military dioramas and the kits and he does a lot

of good stuff on there you could see he has one good one on here from five

months ago realistic scenery stream diorama you could learn a lot from

Andy's webpage even though there's nothing on there about model railroading

you could still learn a lot about modeling on

and I urge you to go ahead and hit that subscribe button you know I'll say see

right there that subscribe button right there and while you're at it ding that

Bell so you can be notified whenever he has another video coming out and his

videos are really good I urge you to go ahead and take a look at what he has to

offer they there are a lot of modelers out there that do other types of models

that are very good and you need to broaden your range of what you take a

look at so you could learn more about techniques of painting and weathering

and all that good stuff that you could also use in model railroading so go

ahead and check him out and while you're at it go ahead and hit that subscribe

button here Tom's trains and things and also ding

that bell I'll put that Bell over there so you could be notified whenever I have

a new video coming out and I would like to thank all of you that have

contributed by way of PayPal and patreon I really appreciate your support now

let's talk about this coming week on Wednesday we're going to have those flat

LEDs on the on the tape I'm gonna do that and Saturday although I'm going to

be at the Tampa Train Show I'm going to show you footage from this past Saturday

of Suncoast Model Railroad Club and their train show there in Largo Florida

ok so I'm going to show you some show you the footage on that on Saturday and

while we're at the train show at Tampa and then Tampa Strange show I'll do for

probably next Saturday because next Monday we're gonna be heading north into

the colder weather we got some cold weather here game went down to 42

degrees I had my long johns on not exactly my long jobs but my long

pants and sweatshirt winter has set in it's 49 degrees you see I got my hoodie

on oh man is it going to get colder than this in Maryland all right here is the

winner attire and see still got sandals on though and it that when it gets down

to 42 here that's cold for here I mean but luckily that's not gonna last very

long at least it's going back up into the 75 range in the afternoon so

everybody have a Merry Christmas I want to wish you a Merry Christmas again and

a Happy New Year and we'll see ya and Sadie's over there snoozing huh

she's on a futon right there out of camera she finally got up and got up on

my lap because she wants a treat huh is that what you want huh is that what you

want huh huh yeah yeah there you go all right what do you want huh you want

a treat hmm you want good ass mommy up for a treat

where's mommy yeah yeah it's gonna get a treat now okay she's not talking today

so oh well we'll see


For more infomation >> Shout Out Monday Evening - Featuring Education Some Treasures Inspiration Value Entertainment - Duration: 8:26.


MAIS MUDANÇAS ESTÃO POR VIR Mensagem do Meu Eu Superior - Duration: 9:59.

For more infomation >> MAIS MUDANÇAS ESTÃO POR VIR Mensagem do Meu Eu Superior - Duration: 9:59.


RPG MAKER MV: Game Competition 2017 (Sparckman Challenge 7) - Duration: 2:05.












































For more infomation >> RPG MAKER MV: Game Competition 2017 (Sparckman Challenge 7) - Duration: 2:05.


GUESS WHO BACK..... THE GARCIA FAM 😀 - Duration: 8:58.

what's up Garcia fam we're back

I don't know for how long but today I was like hey I feel like

vlogging today is the holidays I was watching some of our old vlogs and it makes me so

sad that we've been too busy there's been so much going on in the past five

months our life has completely changed I'll need to sit down and so yep but

it's the holidays and watching our own vlogs like the whole reason I wanted to

vlog is to cherish the memories and so much has gone on that we've been missing

so now that it's the holidays I definitely want to have all these

memories so we'll be filming as much as we can throughout the holidays and now

we're getting ready to head out everybody say hi where where's my one of

my children clothes not here as you guys know she splits her time between here

and her mom's house so she'll be back Monday it is Saturday we got a mess

because we got a Christmas stuff up i mcai did this I bought all new

decorations because we're switching decorations this year I'll put a card up

there so you can watch our old holiday vlogs and see what we used to have Gaby

back we're getting ready to head out she's grabbing some stuff look at Santa

chilling on the couch you don't know where to put him um fell at home why do

that yeah she still has all her Halloween candy oh she likes it's coming

coming so that's right they're here to pick up but we're gonna get our day

started let's do it we're at Michael's on a hook for Christmas stuff and so is

everybody else in our

because it's like the one I got the pills I got and you can also sell up

stuff even beyond what do you do nothing for not a me oh yeah it's a bit of fun

Christmas present I got glitter all over my face from looking at ornaments in

what we found I don't know if I want to get it or get it I told you guys that

get it or not to get hit because no you just grabbing stuff to grab since you

have to replace all of our ornament and until Gaby um look out for things we can

get people for those are cute but I feel like they're so basic you can make a

crystal jewelry this place is crazy I really really really am looking for

things so we can decorate a notice called like our wreaths and what I wrap

around the stairs your little cord bracelet see shall make one and we'll

never see it again but Gabby was on a hunt for squishy found I'm not change

her mind now she's on a hunt for a pop sake

debating on everything you get once again when I think it some I still have

to go to Walmart and Hobby Lobby and see what I find to there but I really need

to get some Christmas shopping done hey guys so but now I'm Michaels anymore and

it's now the next day and it's like what time is it 7 o'clock seven thirty seven

thirty six and we're starting up bug now I've been like moving things around and

taking things out so when we get our tree we can put it up and get some

Christmas decorations up and stuff some we did that we put up lights outside and

we went to grab with us because Sunday and that's what we do on Sundays

sometimes because daddy didn't work yeah daddy's been working on Sunday that

schedule has cute stuff but I think I showed you guys this stuff yesterday and

Mike I did that he took down our wall decorations and put those up because I

had bought those new he's like can i decorate so it was like of course you

can't but I kind of like what you did there so I might just rearrange it and

somebody's calling me who is it oh my timer oops

no one's calling it was a reminder but yeah so he did that I kind of like what

he did there and then he put some of this stuff up here and asked me to say

chili instead of the reindeer parking it was a candy cane but he put the reindeer

parking there but they're really like look good dancer so then we put this

stuff here I think I'm going to leave all this the way that it is and then

take back all the decorations all the wall stuff he took down all the

decorations we need to put up there see Annie don't mind uh messy bookshelf so I

gotta go to that bookshelf and have no desire to do it but this is Santa and

the reindeer and I want to decorate our stairs so I gotta work on that

Gabi has some unsafe okay so listen big stuff like the reindeer this handle

class that's Gardens yeah okay so the battery died and we're back in Gabby one

okay so we had to jerk you guys can't see us look because of Hurricane Emma

that board is stuck up there wait half of my brushes aren't alternating so the

key thing okay now you can see it's better the lighting over there was look

everyone okay it was too dark you can see us a little better so when you look

at this don't mind part where bushes are lit up well we're not done yet we're not

done cuz we need more lights cuz half of them did it work but this is what we

have so far most of it

so that's our grand decoration oh it we set a booby trap yeah when we get the

other side of the why yes these things that thing right there

tricked me but when we get the other lights for the other side of the bush

over here then we will connect those all together but right now we can't and Gabi

really want them lit up so we have that so hopefully no the neighbors come by

dad's this a question because uh they might get a trip like I did hopefully oh

sorry neighbors have you come yes it wasn't done purposely guys I wasn't done

purposely but that is it for our little decoration very hardened what these

candy canes up yeah wasn't it dirty those are new for us this year so it

wasn't as easy but that it's it we're happy to be back we're happy to have the

law of these last two days sorry we didn't vlog that much but we are getting

used to it so don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up comment and

subscribe is your new high catch you guys next time

For more infomation >> GUESS WHO BACK..... THE GARCIA FAM 😀 - Duration: 8:58.


Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory - Duration: 3:47.

Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory Over ISIS

For a major chunk of the past administration, Barack Obama struggled with trying to defeat

the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria.

In less than one year after Donald Trump has taken office, the nation of Iraq has declared

victory over the terrorist group.

According to The Washington Post, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced an end

to the war against the Islamic State group, which once controlled and terrorized two-thirds

of the country.

�This victory was achieved .? when Iraqis united to face a heinous enemy that didn�t

want us to see this day,� Abadi said at a press conference Saturday.

�They wanted to return us back to the Dark Ages.�

The final victory was achieved when, according to the Post, the �rugged, sparsely populated

desert region bordering Syria has been �cleansed� of Islamic State fighters and that the porous

border that had underpinned the self-declared caliphate that straddled both countries has

been fully secured.�

The turning point of the fight for control of Iraq was the nine-month battle for the

city of Mosul, which was won in July.

Mosul, an ancient city that was destroyed by both Islamic State rule and the nine-month

campaign to recapture it, was the last major stronghold of the terrorist group in the country.

However, pockets of resistance still remained throughout the country.

With Saturday�s announcement, it appeared those pockets had finally been eliminated.

The fight against the Islamic State group was declared over in Syria by Iran and Russia

last month, although there are continued pockets of fighting there.

In a tweet, the U.S.-led global coalition congratulated the Iraqis on their triumph,

using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.

�The Coalition congratulate the people of Iraq on their significant victory against

Daesh (the Islamic State group).

We stand by them as they set the conditions for a secure and prosperous #futureiraq,�

Less than one month ago, Defense Secretary James Mattis said that only 5 percent of the

terror group�s infrastructure remained.

�Our nations� dedication to defeating the terrorist enemy is evident in the progress

we have made since our last gathering here � 95 percent of the territory once held

by ISIS is now liberated, and our partners continue to secure more each day,� Mattis


��Mosul, Tal Afar and Hawijah have been liberated; efforts to liberate the final pockets

of ISIS-held territory in Anbar province are progressing rapidly.�

What a difference a year � and a political will to defeat the terrorist group � makes.

Sayonara, JV team!

Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter with your thoughts on this amazing news.

How do you think the Trump administration has handled the war on the Islamic State group?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory - Duration: 3:47.


Top 10 Sonic Moments - Duration: 5:43.

TOP 10 Sonic moments Being one of the top selling franchises in

video game history isn't an easy feat.

So it should be no surprise that since Sonic's debut in 1991, there's been plenty of memorable

moments that fans and casual players alike have enjoyed.

So today we'll be taking a look at some of those moments, not only from the narratives

in the Sonic games, but also important events in the franchise's history.

So with that in mind, let's jump into our list of the top 10 Sonic Moments.

10 Mario & Sonic's Budding Friendship There has always been an avid rivalry between

Sega's Sonic franchise and Nintendo's Mario franchise since Sonic's creation in


Sonic was created in direction response to Mario, in an attempt to give Sega an iconic

character to compete sales wise.

And the two have competed ever since, with fans of both series constantly noting how

both tend to copy one another.

But, the two buried the hatchet in 2007 when Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was released,

and was quite successful, leading to multiple sequels for later summer and winter games.

9 Mephiles murders Sonic While some fans find this moment as shocking,

others find it comical.

Mephiles is the only villain, let alone character, known to have killed Sonic the hedgehog.

While Sonic's death was reversed in the game (along with it's entire plot, wiping

all events that occurred in it from the timeline), fans remember this moment in Sonic 06 as pushing

the boundaries narratively in the series.

Or, if you're of the opposite opinion, as going too far and being completely ridiculous.

Ah, mixed feelings.

8 No Copyright Law In 2010's Sonic Colours, there's a line

Sonic utters in which he says "Eggman, I am going to save this planet, I am going to

free these aliens.

No copyright law in the universe is going to stop me!"

This has gone down as one of the Sonic fandom's favourite cheeky quotes.

7 Sonic X-treme While it's common knowledge that the first

Sonic 3D game was Sonic 3D Blast – followed up by the more memorable Sonic Adventure in

1998-1999, Sega's first attempt at brining a 3D Sonic to life was Sonic X-treme; a game

that began development in 1994 after the success of Sonic and Knuckles, and featured circular

three dimensional worlds.

It was eventually cancelled in 1997, after a series of rejections and outside factors

hindered the production.

6 Making out with humans Moving on to a more embarrassing moment in

Sonic's history, let's take a look at one of the plot points in the not-so-great

Sonic 06 game.

While many felt the game was sloppy, from mechanics to narrative, and ripped off other

franchises in ways that weren't overly subtle – yep, Dragon Ball Z – there's one moment

in the game that has gone down in history as painfully awkward.

And that's the strange kiss between Sonic and Princess Elise.

Who kisses him to bring him back from the dead, leaving some to call it dabbling in



5 Sonic Mania The most recent Sonic event on our list, Sonic

Mania's release had many fans real damn excited.

And fair enough – Sonic Mania is the first return to the retro originals of the franchise

in years, and is a game that received rave reviews.

The classic 2D gameplay combined with many throwbacks and easter eggs referencing the

origins of the franchise, appeasing to both old and new players with stunning retro style

graphics and the familiar gameplay we all grew up loving.

4 Shadow the Hedgehog The introduction of Shadow the Hedgehog was

a pretty big deal at the time of his arrival in 2001 in Sonic Adventure 2.

The initial concept for the character was in support of exploring one of the major themes

for Sonic Adventure's sequel – the dichotomy between good and evil.

Leading up to the games' release, Sega was incredibly hush hush about Shadow's reveal.

His popularity sky rocketed, with many fans disappointed that he died in the game, leading

to Sega bringing Shadow back in Sonic Heroes as a playable character, and eventually giving

him a spinoff title of his own.

On the other hand, there's a lot of sonic fans out there who detest Shadow, feeling

as if he's a cheap carbon copy of the blue blur.

Despite this, Shadow has received a decent amount of character development over the years,

and remains one of the popular icons of the series.

3 Sonic & Knuckles In a revolutionary move, the addition of Knuckles

via the add on cartridge gave fans of the series a whole new experience playing as Knuckles

the echidna.

This allowed you to play as Knuckles in Sonic 2 as well.

This officially made Knuckles a staple in the Sonic franchise, even though he had already

drawn in a lot of popularity with his debut in Sonic the Hedgehog 3.

Plus, it also spawned a hilarious meme.

2 Debug Mode Getting a little nostalgic here with this

number, Debug mode, also known as Debug Menu, is traditionally a program used by developers

to test out and debug a game.

But in the early Sonic the Hedgehog games for the Genesis, players can use a cheat code

to activate it.

Players went wild with all of the possibilities that this unlocked, embellishing and customizing

their adventures with Sonic into unique experiences.

This ability to unlock the mode carried over into several Sonic games onwards.

What's especially cool is that Sonic Mania, debug mode was included in the game as a feature

from a No Save game as a shout out to the series' roots, much like the majority of

the game itself.

They even titled it Sonic – You Can Do Anything, which is a shout out to Sonic CD.

1 Sonic Generations In 2011, Sonic decided to get back to it's

roots, but with a twist, by combining it's 2D side scrolling format with 3D.

Hence the conception of Sonic Generations, one of the best Sonic 3D games to date, giving

players the ability to switch between 2D and 3D game play during various stages, some of

which made mind blowing come backs, like the iconic Green Hill Zone and the Chemical Plant


While the 3D sonic games have been hit or miss over the years, the successful ones are

greatly adored by Sonic fans and outside players alike, exploring new ways we can enjoy our

favourite speedster and the environments he and other beloved characters race through.

And Sonic Generations managed to combine so much of what we love about Sonic games and

wrap it into one awesome gameplay experience.

There we have it friends!

What's your favourite Sonic moment?

Let us know in those comments below.

And as always, if you dug this video, please show us some love and hit those like and subscribe


If you're feeling more sonic, feel free to check out our top 10 sonic playlist on

our channel, or our top 10 recent uploads if you want more gaming lists.

In the meantime, thanks for watching!

I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10 gaming.

I'll catch you all in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Sonic Moments - Duration: 5:43.


Force1 UDI U818A Camera Drone for Kids - Duration: 2:39.

Want This Drone Link Available in Video Description:

For more infomation >> Force1 UDI U818A Camera Drone for Kids - Duration: 2:39.


Hitimpulse - Shoulder (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:16.

Hey :P

For more infomation >> Hitimpulse - Shoulder (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:16.


Young Leon - Keep Flexing (Audio) - Duration: 2:32.






























































For more infomation >> Young Leon - Keep Flexing (Audio) - Duration: 2:32.


Top 10 Evil Alternate Versions of Batman - Part 2 - Duration: 6:14.

Top 10 Evil Versions of Batman Part 2 Hey everyone!

Welcome back to top 10 nerd.

I'm your host Kelly Paoli, and today we're revisiting a recent list that you all dug

– the top 10 evil versions of Batman.

This list is our part two, and we'll be exploring some more of the evil versions of

Bats that are popping out of the Dark Multiverse, along with some other sinister classics that

you may be familiar with.

So without further hesitation, let's jump in!

10 Bizarro-Batman From Worlds Finest #156 in 1966, Bizarro-Batman

is not an inherently evil creature.

Rather, his bizarro state is the reason behind why his actions appear to be sinister; everything

is reversed in his world, so he genuinely believes what he's doing is right.

Created by Bizarro No 1 in order to copy the Superman-Batman team up we see in Worlds Finest,

Bizarro Bats and Bizarro attempted to transform our earth into a Bizarro World, but failed.

He sees the regular Batman as a vandal.

Note that tis Bizzarro version of Bats was removed from existence after Crisis on Infinite

Earths, and different less antagonist versions of Bizarro Bats have popped up since.

9 New 52 Earth 50 On Earth 50, Lex Luthor was president, and

had murdered the Flash.

The rest of the superheroes didn't take this lightly.

Superman punished Luthor by death, and enforced a global police state that was to be maintained

by other super powered individuals, including Batman.

Known as the Justice Lords, this Batman was part of a tyrannical regime, but it's all

a rouse.

Batman is secretly working to overthrow Superman and restore freedom to the planet.

So, all in all, not technically evil, but did some pretty evil things in order to maintain

his cover.

8 Earth 1191 The Vampire Batman alternate has popped up

multiple times throughout the years, the first instance he appears in in Batman & Dracula:

Red Rain.

And he's another Batman who isn't inherently evil; after fighting Dracula and getting bitten,

he turns into a vampire and fights off his bloodlust, eventually killing himself instead

of succumbing to it.

But goes a little insane while killing off his enemies.

A Batman that kills?

Still technically evil, right?

7 Batman Earth 43 Continuing with our look at the Vampire Batman,

the character reappeared again after the creation of the new multiverse, on Earth 43, and continued

to reside on Earth 43 after the new 52 continuity started up.

The difference?

Well, the initial Earth 43 Batman is significantly worse than the Earth 1191 version.

This Batman gives into his bloodlust, and not only kills criminals, but innocent people


The New 52 Earth 43 Batman takes it a step further by infecting the rest of the justice

league, turning them into vamps, and recalling their group the Blood League.

6 Earth 8 Bat-Solider Moving into the morally ambiguous here, Bat-Solider

is a part of Monarch's army when he invades Earth 51 and murders all of it's retired


It's likely that when Monarch's containment suit was ripped open and the universe was

destroyed that Bat-Solider died, along with many others.

5 Earth 51 Batman Speaking of Eartth 51, let's look at the

flip side of that battle.

The Batman of Earth 51 was severely affected by Jason Todd's death.

So much so that he killed the Joker, and then proceeded to go around murdering all of the

other DC villains, which inevitably ushered in a new age of peace,

despite breaking his code.

He eventually was killed by Ultraman.

4 The Murder Machine The first Dark Multiverse Batman on this list,

the Murder Machine is an amalgamation of Batman and Cyborg.

Originating from Earth-44, this Batman lost Alfred after Bane led several of the members

from his Rogue's gallery into the Batcave.

Alfred was ambushed and murdered, and his death triggered Bruce to ask Cyborg for help;

Bruce revealed he had copied Alfred's mind into a program, but needed assistance to create

an AI.

But this didn't go over too well as it mutated into a virus, killed all of Batman's enemies,

then fused with Bruce.

Bruce lost all of his humanity, his ability to suffer and experience fear, and loaded

him up with cybernetic enhancements.

3 Jason Todd's Batman Jason Todd was initially introduced into the

world of Batman as his second ward, the second child superhero to become Robin, and the only

Robin to ever bite the dust.

He was brutally murdered by the Joker, after DC ran a ludicrous poll in which fans voted

for the character to be killed or be saved.

So, clearly, you can guess how well that went.

Anyway, after hes brought back to life, he becomes the Red Hood, but shortly after Batman

disappears, is assumed to be dead, and he, along with other Robins, embark in a conflict

during the Battle for the Cowl story arc in 2009, in which Jason takes up the mantle briefly,

fights Nightwing and shoots Damian Wayne, who is luckily saved by Alfred.

2 The Dawnbreaker On Earth -32, Bruce's origins play out a

little differently.

After his parents are killed, he is chosen by a green ring to join the Green Lantern


So, filled with rage, he uses it to kill their murderer, Joe Chill, overriding the ring with

his will power.

At first he hunted criminals using brutal tactics, like lifting them up into outer space,

and this caused the GCPD to begin to question his methods.

So he killed James Gordon.

The Green Lantern corps then came to Earth to investigate but fell victim to the darkness

within his ring.

So Bruce abandoned his identity as both Bruce Wayne and a green lantern and adopted the

alias of Dawnbreaker.

1 The Drowned The Batman from Earth -11 is known as Bryce

Wayne, a woman who, out of revenge for the murder of her lover Slyverster Kyle, goes

on a crusade to kill every metahuman to avenge him.

After she successfully does this, Aquawoman returns from a self imposed exile.

Bryce doesn't trust Aquawoman and her claims that her and Atlantis come in peace, which

results in Bryce invading Atlantis, killing Aquawoman, and Gotham City ultimately being

drowned in retaliation.

Bryce then performed surgical genetic procedures on herself in order to live under water, took

Aquawoman's trident, and drowns the rest of the world.

Yep, pretty dark.


There we have it friends.

Which of these evil alternates is your favourite?

Let us know in those comments below.

And, hey, if you dug this video, why not show us some love by hitting those like and subscribe

buttons, and hope on our to our channel top 10 nerd to check out our playlists, like our

top 10 alternate versions playlist.

In the meantime, thanks for watching!

I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10 nerd.

Catch you all in the next one!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Evil Alternate Versions of Batman - Part 2 - Duration: 6:14.


Trump Brings Down the House With Reagan Style Declaration About - Duration: 4:01.

Trump Brings Down the House With Reagan-Style Declaration About God

President Donald Trump has been compared to former President Ronald Reagan on several

key issues, but what Trump said on Friday night really had supporters fired up.

During a campaign-style rally in Pensacola, Florida, Trump brought down the house with

a Reagan-esque declaration about God and big government.

In his speech, Trump said �protecting religious liberty� has been a top priority for his

administration, adding that �getting rid of the Johnson amendment� will be another

big step forward.

As noted by The New York Times, the Johnson amendment is a decades-old provision in the

U.S. tax code prohibiting non-profit institutions including churches from making political statements

and endorsements.

The amendment is repealed in the current version of the GOP tax reform plan.

Trump then launched into a portion of his speech that attracted a huge applause and

reaction from the audience.

�We have stopped the government attacks on our Judeo-Christian values,� Trump said,

�because we know that families and churches, not government officials, know best how to

create a strong and loving community.�

He continued: �And above all else, we know this, America doesn�t worship government,

we worship God.�

Trump�s comments drew such a loud response from the crowd that he literally couldn�t

talk until the noise had subsided.

Check out a portion of his speech below.

The key line comes about the 55-second mark.

rump�s bold comments on God being greater than the liberal idea of worshipping the government

is eerily similar to statements made by Reagan decades ago.

On Jan. 20, 1981, Reagan�s first inaugural address took dead aim at eviscerating the

notion of big government

�In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is

the problem,� Reagan said, summing up in one sentence the conservative ideas that got

him elected.

During another speech, on Aug. 23, 1984, to the Dallas Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast, Reagan

spoke about the importance of the United States remaining committed to the word of God.

�Without God, there is no virtue, because there�s no prompting of the conscience � And

without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure.

If we ever forget that we�re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under,�

he said.

While former President Barack Obama thought it was important to talk about rising sea

levels and allowing men to use women�s restrooms, real leaders like Trump and Reagan have energized

the country by speaking about the importance of faith and families over government intrusion.

As Reagan did during his presidency, Trump has made it clear that he will promote faith,

reduce government, and fight for Christians in America.

Unlike Obama, Trump has made it clear that he will stand up for Christians and celebrate


H/T The Daily Caller

Please like and share this story if you agree with Trump that Americans should be worshipping

God and not government!

What do you think about the similarities between Trump and Reagan?

For more infomation >> Trump Brings Down the House With Reagan Style Declaration About - Duration: 4:01.


Versys X 300 - Ep. 131 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Versys X 300 - Ep. 131 - Duration: 4:50.


MAI VÀNG GHÉP 4,5 MÙA - HOÀNH 26CM - CAO 1,5M - SỐ 52 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> MAI VÀNG GHÉP 4,5 MÙA - HOÀNH 26CM - CAO 1,5M - SỐ 52 - Duration: 0:31.



barack obama... nancy pelosi... ted cruz is the zodiac killer that'll work

thousand times more energy okay hey what's up you guys today we're watching

something that I was honestly very surprised to hear was gonna happen

someone drew me Jack I want you to draw me like one of your french girls

I mean the

video he made is really good to go with it so I'm gonna actually do a

reaction video what Gabe is doing a different type of content yes I am going

to react to this kid I will link his channel I won't just keep calling him

this kid in the video I'm gonna react and I'm gonna just like his channel out

the whole time because I love the drawing yeah I hope you enjoy it we're

gonna head over to my computer I'm gonna be on a different microphone so I'll

sound all Zen and like high quality and stuff and yeah let's just fancy

transition over there you can call me James Cameron thank you it's my screen

recording I can't honestly don't is it is my audio sound sensual I'm very

confused oh it is recording and AH why is it preparing a preview I didn't I

didn't it's even worse reacting to it yes

because I have absolutely no other video ideas I don't even know why I'm talking

to this microphone it's not recording anything here we go we're gonna react I

just clicked the end of the video funnnn we're gonna react to cookie smarts

drawing of me and his video made about me because I have a huge ego here we go

so before I start speed art I just like to say hi to everyone who is

watching because I just hit 400 subscribers heck yeah and I was going to

a video about that I'm gonna skip through sort of the intro get to the

drawing part but basically what he's saying is like he just reached 500

subscribers and he's doing this big project and you should check him out and

helping me to 600 so that you can see it sooner also he's telling you who just

got a birb her name is Lucy she's great there we go okay so Gabe Varns

is a pet

youtuber that I found on YouTube which I already said and I really like his

content so I decided to do a speed-art of him because why not

anyway I'm not gonna actually talk about the piece because it will always be the

same whenever I do a speed-art its gonna be ah I didn't like this bit Oh

but I'm gonna do my gabe because I find him hilarious even if you're not into

pet care videos he doesn't just do pet care it he talks about a lot of stuff

and I feel like he has really good points he's also really funny

um you wonder why I don't really do reaction videos it's because all my

responses would literally be just like that's cringy or or

one of the reasons I like his content the most it's even when it's pet care

video it has a bit of comedy it's why am i watching this again oh yeah self-image

he has really good taste in music and things so whenever he mentions something

I love this okay he even puts me in the freaking sweatshirt he puts me in my own

merch that is Talent with the person and their merch look at sky he puts sky on

he put sky on my shoulder speaking of sky she might be a little bit spooked

cuz of

these super big lights but there we go now I even look like the drawing but

really I feel like he's just quite a genuine guy and I find all his videos

very funny that's one place where you're wrong this

is a complete facade in real life I am a I believe the word you're looking for is

idiot well I'm more of an idiot than I am on camera that's exactly what I just

said but when I'm on camera I'm like energetic talking and in real life I'm

just like I can't even explain the difference between being on camera and

not being on camera when I'm on camera I talk fast

I like interact with my birds differently than when I'm not on camera

and it's kind of weird it's like this little facade that I don't even know I'm

putting on kind of the same but I'm also not the same it's hard to explain anyway

continue flattering me as I said I was on my desk for like three seconds and

she pooped even if you dont

watch pet videos oh did you see that is this in shot she just

flew she just flipped so hard oh my gosh guy you're being so cute please don't

scratch my phone that thing is expensive hello I have my shoulder birb back

just hilarious and me saying hilarious for the third time's my cue to leave because

I didn't script this and yeah I'm not gonna be able to think of anything else

to say so thanks for watching enjoy the rest of the video and sorry that I

butchered you face Gabe in cartoon form first of all you didn't butcher my face secondly

this video even though I'm not talking very much the whole purpose is just to

give Mitchell drops he does awesome art he does awesome things on his channel

and I wanted to give him props because he deserves it

and also I hope we'll probably collab someday I would love to collab with him

and also I had no video ideas so I thought I thank you

anyway I'm definitely let's finish watching him like I think he colors my

picture afterwards and then I'm going to link you to all of his social medias and

to mine because I changed the profile pictures to this because it's awesome

she's doing such a loud ok there we go stay sit sit she pooped in the exact

same spot

so you will notice this is the final product I'm wearing exactly what he put

me in the bird will not stay on my shoulders shy but you get the point go

subscribe to him follow him on social media he does awesome things follow me

on social media I hope you enjoyed this little placeholder video and I will see

you in the next one which will be pretty entertaining next week bye bye

For more infomation >> REACTING TO MY FIRST FANART - Duration: 7:15.



Hey guys, it's Annika. Welcome to my channika.

So today, I'm here with my BAE.


MC. Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.

McChicken Sandwich. McChicken Sandwich.

Yeah. That's my name.

Today, we're gonna be doing a really fun, really casual,

really exciting video.

We're gonna be calling snack companies.

And we got some protein powder, too,

so we can get swoll.



We got some Shake 'n Pour Bisquick.

Yeah, b--.

Also, I was really confused

because it was halfway filled

and I felt like I was cheated.

And then I explained that you pour water in it.

This is f-ing genius!

I know. That's what I'm saying.

We're gonna call the little numbers on them.

On the back.

Cap'n Crunch.

Dude, have you ever had it with berries?

No, I haven't had that.

And then we also have Raisin Bran.

Which is trash.

I actually like Raisin Bran.

Like, unpopular opinion.

I don't like raisins nor bran.

I don't like raisins plain, but I like it with bran.

Raisins are disgusting. They taste like old people.

Okay. And then . . .

Nilla Wafers.



My nose is too big for this.

Oww. Frick.

I haven't had Nilla Wafers since I was like five.

Are they stale, or are they just hard?

I think they're just hard.

Nilla Wafers are so good.

Also, what does "Nilla" mean?

It stands for "vanilla."

I know. I always thought they were "Vanilla Wafers."

That wasn't even funny.

I always suck on them.

What do we ask them when we call them?

Can we ask them what "Nilla" means?


[funky tone plays loudly]

Your call cannot be completed at this time.

Please try again later.

[repeats in Spanish]

1-800 . . .

Oh, you think your phone is better than mine?

726 . . .

We get it. You have an iPhone 8,

and I have a 7.

Okay, iPhone 8 . . . I just wanna recommend . . .

It's trash. Don't get it. Um . . .

Thank you for calling Mondelēz International.

Mine worked.

Oh, you're gonna do it in Spanish, too.

I was just calling about your Nilla Wafers.

The reduced fat ones, of course.

I was just wondering, what does "Nilla" mean?


So this . . . so they're vanilla flavored?

Yes, they are.

That is wild!

Okay. Thank you so much.

Have an amazing day. Love you. Bye.

Yeah. There were a lot of vanilla wafers on the market.

I wanted to say,

"Then why is vanilla extract

the second-to-last f-ing ingredient?"

But I didn't want to be rude.

Oh, it's the third to last. My bad.

Can we just wait a second? The very first ingredient

is unbleached enriched flour.

What flour is bleached?

But like, are we eating bleach when we eat regular flour?

I hope so.

Get out!

Do Cap'n Crunch.

Cap'n Crunch?

I f-ing love Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries.



I know! They're so much better with berries.

They're really good.

"They're really good."

I like 'em.

What are we saying?

Oh yeah, I forgot.



Isn't this . . . doesn't this mean "soldier" or something?

Can we ask about that?

Three stripes doesn't mean captain.

I've seen, like, conspiracy the . . .

Conspiracy theories.

Ha! "The cartoon cereal spokesman

has been defending himself

ever since a discerning cereal lover

claimed that he is not a captain at all,

but a commander.

Navy captains wear four stripes on their uniform,

not the three that Cap'n Crunch sports,

which is equivalent to the rank of a commander."

As you can see, he has . . . [laughing]

As you can see, it has three stripes,

not four!

I'm gonna call them about that.

Thank you for calling Quaker Oats.

For information about the "Best Before" date

on your package . . .

[hold music plays]

Good morning, this is Pam. How may I help you?

Um, hi! So I was inquiring about

your Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries.

Um, so you know the little . . . like, the captain?

He only has three stripes on his sleeve,

and that means that he's a commander, not a captain.

So I was just wondering, like, why . . .

Oh, sure. I would be happy to help you with that.

What I can tell you . . . Um, I'm sorry.

Just give me a second.

Thank you for your patience.

I just wanted to get you some information on that.

So basically, what I can tell you is that

whoever is in charge of a ship

assumes the role of captain.

That's why he's still called the captain.


Okay. Thank you so much.

We were really wondering about that.

I appreciate it. I hope you have a nice day.

Love you! Goodbye!

Uh . . .

You cut her off.

You're like, "Okay. Love you. Bye."

She's like, "Okay . . . ."

But she hung up.

You can do the next one.

I keep talking. I feel bad.

Wanna do Shake and Pour,

because this is where your heart belongs?


We're not eating it, though.

Yeah, I'm about to pour some mix in my . . .

These are really good.

I know!!!!

Corn flour, sugar, oat flour, brown sugar,

Are you allergic to all of these?


MC is allergic to literally everything,

but she eats it anyway.

Now we're going to be doing

the Bisquick Shake and Pour,

which is actually f-ing revolutionary.


It's in the shape of a f-ing B!

I think it's just so you can hold it.

F-- you! It's in the shape of a B.

MC: It's just a handle.

No! It's B for Bisquick, b--.

What the h-- should we ask?

[gasp] This has bleached flour!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

This . . . which one didn't have . . .

Which one had unbleached flour?

It was the Nilla Wafers.

This has unbleached enriched flour,

and this one has enriched flour, bleached.

Ask about bleach, and say, like,

"Am I eating bleach?"

Good thing these are all toll free.

The fact that you would have to pay!

We're doing them a favor.

. . . from the home page, click on "Brands,"

and then select the . . .

. . . for information about . . .

. . . information about . . .

. . . press or say . . .

For Gold Medal flour, say "three."

Please wait while we connect you.

Hi. I'm here, I'm just looking at

your Shake n Pour Buttermilk Pancake Mix.

And I was looking at the ingredients list,

and the first ingredient is "enriched flour, bleached."

So I'm just wondering, does that mean,

like, the flour is bleached?

Yes. It's right here.

Um . . .

Um, it's where the store stamp is.

It should be on the back.

Oh, okay. Yes. Here it is.



Bless you!

It is April 26, 2018.

Yeah. I think it says OF1637.

Like, are we eating bleach?

No, no. That's not what it is.

One second. Let me pull it up.

So basically, what bleached flour is . . .

. . . is, um . . .

. . . um . . .

You know what?

We'll just call Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Thank you. Love you. Bye.

I feel so bad.

She was looking it all up and everything.

That was weird, though. Because she was like,

"Add the number here,

and this date" . . .



How's it hanging?

The fact that she didn't even know

what the f-- bleached flour was,

and she works . . .

Also, I don't mean to be judge-y here,

but like, who is like,

"I want to work at a Bisquick hotline."

I mean I'm sure she didn't

think about that when she was a kid

but like, I feel like I would rather be a bus driver

than be workin' a Bisquick hotline.

I mean, I don't know if I'd rather be a bus driver . . .

I'd rather work at McDonald's.

Like, what does she get, free Bisquick?

No. Because if she's just

sitting at a desk, answering calls,

I feel like that could actually be a chill job.

What if she was high?

What if she just shows up to work high

and answers all the phone calls high?

That would be pretty funny.

I went to Cafe Nero the other day,

and the person who took my order

was stoned out of her f-ing mind.

She tried to put whipped cream

on my f-ing hot chocolate,

and she sprays it all over the f-ing store.

It gets on me, it gets on my brother,

it gets on her.

Yeah. I don't really know why she needed

the bar code, the expiration date,

the numbers after the expiration date,

just to tell us what bleached flour was.

I want more crunch berries.

Okay. Raisin Bran. I refuse to eat it.

You can eat it.

I feel like I have a small nose,

and it's still hard for me to do that.

I have a giant-ass nose. I hate it.


Oww. Take it off!

Aww. Got some bran.

It smells like butthole.

Is it stale?


Are raisins fruit?

I know they're dried-up grapes,

but I wouldn't qualify them as a fruit.

So, yes.

I would call them like a dried snack.

I'm a dried snack, honestly.

Oh my god.

"Oh my god."

That sun is really creepy.

I know.

His name is Sunny.

Wow. What a f-ing clever name.

How did you find that out?

I'm just assuming that's like . . .

because they trademarked it.

Also, how can you trademark the word "sunny"?

Okay, wait. Also, it says


Oh my god, I'm dying, and I don't know why.

Do you want me to get you a drink?

It's says two scoops of raisin bran,

but does Sunny actually pour it in?

Like, does Sonny actually pour it in?

The two scoops of raisins?


Should we ask that?

Yeah. Say like, "And if he doesn't,

I want one where he does."

What if she's like, "Who's Sunny?"

Thank you for calling Kellogg Consumer Affairs.

You're welcome, b--.

Kelloggs, Keebler, Pringles,

and Morningstar Farms Products.


I love Morningstar.

I like Pringles.

To continue in English, press . . .

. . . frequently asked questions . . .

I don't think ours is frequently asked.

To report a quality issue with one of our products,

press 2.

. . . by products . . .


We value your time, and appreciate . . .

Do you? Because this is taking forever.

[Annika burps]

[Mellow hold music plays]

Thank you for holding.

All of our specialists are still assisting other callers.

Who the f-- is calling the Kellogg's hotline?


Who is calling the Kellogg's factory

at 11:25 on a Monday morning?

I'm just wondering.

Like, how many specialists do they have?

Because all of them are busy at the moment.

Probably like two.

No, don't hang up. Don't hang up.

We've been on hold for a while.

We've gone all this way.

[hold music continues to play]

MC, hang the f-- up.


This is gonna take all the f-ing memory on my f-ing card.

This is my phone, first of all.

Second of all, can we just call back

and see if it goes faster that time?

Thank you for calling Kellogg Consumer . . .

. . . press one . . .

. . . and quality purposes . . .

. . . by providing us your email address,

you consent to Kellogg sending you updates

on new products . . .

That's f-ing sexy.


. . . next available specialist. We value your time . . .

Oooh. Damn!

How much do you want to bet

that they don't have any f-ing specialists?

Yeah, so we're just gonna give up on that one,

because . . .

Let's go on to protein powder.

Literally, we were on the phone for like 10 minutes

waiting for a frigging Kellogg's specialist.

ANNIKA: Actually? I'm over it.

Also, how long do these calls last that they need to . . .

Yeah. What the f--?

Okay, wait. I'm gonna call this one,

and I'm gonna be like,

"Yo. I'm not swoll yet."

Organic protein powder.

It's the peanut butter flavor.

I'll try it.


I'll smell it.

Oh, wait. It's gonna smell so bad.



At first I was like, "Oh.

It just smells like peanut butter." But then it starts . . .

Oooh, it smells like clay.


Never mind. I'm not trying it.

Why does it smell like absolute f-ing p--?

Wait, is that a toll-free number?

I hope so.

Is 888 toll-free?

Wait, what was I gonna ask?


Oh yeah.

I'm not swoll yet.

How long does it take to get f-ing swoll?

Thank you for calling Orgain,

the world's leader in organic nutrition.

Our office hours are Monday - Friday . . .

We pressed one for customer service.

Please hold while I transfer your call.

The card was full, so . . .

You have reached our general voice mailbox.

Please include your name, number,

Oh, it's a f-ing voicemail box?

I'm not trash!

Yeah, you are.

Yeah. I want to speak to a real human.

I'm actually salty.

We have Triscuits, but honestly,

they're not Rosemary and Olive Oil,

so they're kind of trash.

Okay, Rosemary and Olive Oil are




I love this.

Please keep applying it. Just, like . . .

It's gonna get glossier as you keep applying it.

Okay. So that was our sh-- video.

Hopefully, next time I film a video with MC,

it's not . . . it's gonna be better.

But I feel like it's gonna be good once I edit it.

Honestly, all videos seem like trash until you edit them.

So I have faith.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Please comment, rate, subscribe, and

keep on



For more infomation >> PRANK CALLING SNACK FOOD COMPANIES - Duration: 12:51.


BEST UNITS PER HOUR FARM IN NO MAN'S SKY Living Glass - Duration: 7:39.

Hello and Welcome everyone to another farm build, this time covering Living Glass and

the highest possible units per hour farm without requiring other materials.

This farm runs on a 30 minute cycle but requires being harvested every 15 minutes for a super

haul output.

One of the harvests is just a few frostwort whereas the other harvest is everything, so

you have about 15-20 minutes spare over the cycle period to explore nearby or hunt for

other planet bound resources you may need in the interim.

As with the Circuit Board farm from the last video, the one we'll be building today is

fully operational and can be visited and harvested by anyone playing on PC in Normal mode and

within the Euclid Galaxy.

It has also been filed in to the Farmers Market Farm Database and is a fair bit closer to

the portal than the Circuit Board farm.

This fairly full-on living glass farm is perfect for those who want to maximise their profit

potential while not having to go out of their base to gather specific less consistent resources.

So let's take a closer look at it;

This farm creates 25 Living Glass every 30 minutes, so 50 an hour leading to a per hour

value output of 38,280,000 units

It must be built on a radio-active planet in order to make use of the surface planting

of Gamma Weed and features a Galactic Trade Terminal.

Other than the Galactic Trade Terminal everything is dedicated purely to the farm.

The full list of buildable items for this farm is;

1x Galactic Trade Terminal 9x Bio-Domes

1x Ladder 8x Doors (These can be Normal or Holodoors)

63x Frostwort 50x Coprite Flower

& 200x Gamma Weed

This configuration is exactly 2000 complexity so leave no room for any additional items.

It also has 7 empty plots within on of the Bio-Domes which is annoying for us kinda-OCD

types but is still the most efficient use of Complexity Points.

The required resources to build this behemoth of crystal are;

500x Emeril 5x Circuit Boards

6x Voltaic Cells 18x Living Glass

45x Glass 720x Titanium

210x Iron 10890x Carbon

12520x Thamium 6300x Frost Crystal

3000x Coprite 20000x Gamma Root

If you want Holodoors instead, you will need a further 400 Carbon, 2000 Radon & 2000 Sulphurine

or 8 Organic Catalyst if you already have them crafted.

If this is your first farm, then you may not already have some of the items listed, like

Living Glass, Glass, Voltaic Cells and Circuit Boards, so here are the base resources required

to craft them;

For 5 Circuit Boards you'll need 500 Frost Crystal, 1000 Solanium, 500 Cactus Flesh and

1000 Star Bulb, make all that into 5 Heat Capacitors and 5 Poly Fibre and make those

into the 5 Boards

For the 6 Voltaic Cells you will need 300 Marrow Bulb which can be gathered in caves

from glowing Marrow Bulb plants.

The 18 Living Glass will require 7200 Gamma Root, 4500 Frost Crystal and 900 Coprite,

make these materials into 18 Lubricant and 18 Glass, combine those to make your 18 Living


and finally for the 45 Glass you will simply need 11250 Frost Crystal which you can craft

into 45 Glass.

We'll start by putting in the Galactic Trade Terminal, it's components take up a large

number of slots, so doing this first will certainly help you in slot management.

Then place the Bio-Domes, the first must be placed on top of the default circular room

with the other 8 freestanding anywhere within the buildable areas circular restriction.

A good tip here is to use cheap iron corridors to space your Bio-Domes neatly then delete

the corridors.

Once your Bio-Domes are built start adding the access, put a ladder in the default circular

room to gain access to the dome on top, then add a normal or holodoor to each freestanding


Then just start filling the Domes with 63 Frostwort plants and 50 Coprite, I would advise

having all of you frostwort as easily accesible as possible, you will be harvesting this twice

as often as any other crop as it only takes 15 minutes to mature while everything else

takes 30, so put these in domes closest to the default room as together as possible.

Once you have filled the dome crops, you should have 7 empty plots, if you wish to put 7 of

the Gamma Weed here so you don't have empty plots that is fine, it won't make any difference

to the complexity levels, otherwise, put all Gamma Weed on the planet surface anywhere

with the buildable areas circular restriction.

It's good to use the Gamma Weed as make-shift walls and such to guide you through you route

or make cool patterns, but keep in mind it is a little easier to harvest a line of crops

that are concave as apposed to convex allowing you to simply stand still and turn the camera

while holding down the harvest button.

Or do what ive done here and make a straight double think line that can be walked over

to harvest with ease.

The carbon can be bought over time from your galactic trade terminal or Harvested on mass

from trees.

The Thamium is best procured at Trading Platforms in Opulent and Affluent systems or by obliterating

huge amounts of Asteroids if you'd rather not spend the units buying it.

This farm will create 25 Living Glass per Harvest or 50 Per Hour, each Living Glass

is worth 765,600 Units based on the Galactic Average, meaning that the total worth of the

farm per hour is 38,280,000.

This is the highest output configuration without moving up to level 3-5 craftable items which

will gain you more units but require you to gather other resources that cannot be farmed.

Before anyone says it, yes you could get rid of the Galactic Trade Terminal and put 2 NipNip

in or something, but that would add a near immeasurable amount extra and I think the

Trade Terminal is far more valuable as it only costs as much complexity as 2 crops.

When selling you can achieve a sale of 215 at once making great use of a rare deal at

a space station by utilizing all 43 slots in a 48 slot hauler, I say all 43 as 5 of

those slots cannot be reclaimed for storage purposes due to the technology permanently

in place.

I recently sold a full 215 Living Glass in a single sale and got a decent price, it was

around 160 million or so for the single sale.

So go and build your epic Living Glass farm and let me know how you get on, then add it

to the Farmers Market database.

The Farmers Market is a great place to find the addresses and details of fellow traveler

farms over all Platforms, Galaxies and Difficulties, then visit and harvest to your hearts content,

they are amazing for helping you get your own farm off the ground to as they are a substantial

investment that requires a lot of time to gather the resources for, but with base sharing

it is a whole lot easier.

This farm we have created today can be visited by anyone on PC, playing Normal Difficulty

in the Euclid Galaxy via the portal address or Galactic Coordinates on Screen now, it

is pretty much within the hub in an Opulent system, the planet it is on is just about

the most beautiful Radio-Active planet I have found as of yet and that's partly why I chose

it, I spent many hours looking for a Radio-Active planet with a habitable base super close to

the portal, I found ones closer than this, but after making the 7 minute trip by Nomad

myself, the countless lakes and hills along the way swayed me to build it here, I hope

you'll all enjoy the scenery on your way to gaining some Living Glass.

The next one I'll be doing this wednesday is super crazy close to the gate, I actually

found the planet I'm going to use while looking for this one, so it will be super convenient.

Thank you for watching folks I hope this video helped you in some way and if it did, please

be sure to hit that like button, subscribe if you haven't already and maybe think about

checking out my Patreon, a dollar a month is a great way to support the channel and

my work while also giving you early access to the videos.

but above all, have an awesome day folks!

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