Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 11 2017

The Law of One, Pineal Glands & Meditation Awakening Collective Consciousness

by Nicole Frolick,

If you truly want to see positive change in the world, then you�ll want to seriously

consider using meditation as one of your biggest avenues.

Meditation helps to shift your conscious awareness into the present Now.

It also assists your connection to your all-knowing higher self which holds all of the answers

to your questions while offering guidance to serve your highest good.

When we make this direct connection we begin to expand our perception of ourselves and

in turn, our world.

We see the direct connection between Self and all that is.

So if this is true, then any positive change we make within ourselves will positively influence

those and the world outside of us.

This is the Law of One that Unity Consciousness is based upon.

Awakening from the slumber of unconscious living is usually followed by some red pill


These moments are usually wake up calls to the compromise of our individual sovereignty.

When this happens we take measures to reclaim this sovereignty and in doing so want to scream

to the world to take theirs back as well.

Although this feels like the most intuitive method to wake others up, this is not the

most effective way of awakening our collective consciousness.

In fact, awakening only needs to happen within you.

This will kick off into motion the most effective domino chain.

In today�s video I�ll explain why this is and how we can use our pineal glands in

our meditation to awaken and unify the collective consciousness based on the Law of One.

Much love to you all,

For more infomation >> The Law of One, Pineal Glands & Meditation Awakening Collective - Duration: 2:17.


Shout Out Monday Evening - Featuring Education Some Treasures Inspiration Value Entertainment - Duration: 8:26.

here we go with another Shout Out Monday Evening and today's acronym is some

festive so let's go see what this is all about I'm Tom covet jack and this is

Tom's trains and things this channel was created to help other modelers who are

in need of guidance in pursuing their dream of building a model railroad and

the reason I'm doing this is because of Education and other things inspiration

value and entertainment now that is why I chose Festive for the acronym now some

festive Shout Out Monday Evening and I got a read this from the notes Featuring

Education Some Treasures Inspiration Value Entertainment that's what this

channel is all about I tried to provide at least one of two or three of them in

each one of my videos this past weekend on Saturday I went to a train show and a

club open house at Suncoast Model Railroad Club now it's not too often

that you run into another youtuber there and the both of us were so surprised we

said oh okay yeah Wow another youtuber how you doing oh wow we didn't do any

interviews with each other or anything else we just dropped the ball so anyway

I want to give a shout out to Zane from Zane's Trains N Things this is gonna

be a double shout out Monday evening cuz the first one's going to sane and I'll

put up his stuff right here all right here we go with Zane's trains N things

you could see his URL right here W W slash Zane's trains so take

a look at his channel he's got 202 subscribers and from the videos that

I've seen that he's done he does a good job so go check out his channel and

subscribe to him if you haven't done so already I see there's a lot of you and

already subscribed to him Sparky Vinnie Mark Containerman68 Roy go ahead and

hit that subscribe button then while you're at it ding that bell so whenever he

has another video coming out that you will be notified so go check him out

but the one that I wanted to really shout out today now I told you last week

that all this month I was going to do hobby shops and last month I did or last

week I did a hobby shop and then the same goes for today now although he does

not do model railroading he does do styrene and scenery and he's been doing

modelling for over 30 years it's Andy's Hobby Headquarters he's got a hobby

shop I think he's in Illinois where's he okay he's in Glendale he's in

Glendale Arizona my mistake okay not Illinois - I'm thinking about somebody

else that maybe be next week's shout-out but anyway Glendale Arizona he's been

like I said he's been doing it for over 30 years now there's nothing in there

about model railroading most of it is about military scenes but he has a lot

of good techniques he's very experienced at it he does a very good job of

explaining how to do model kits and also scenery and weathering weathering is one

of the big things on the military dioramas and the kits and he does a lot

of good stuff on there you could see he has one good one on here from five

months ago realistic scenery stream diorama you could learn a lot from

Andy's webpage even though there's nothing on there about model railroading

you could still learn a lot about modeling on

and I urge you to go ahead and hit that subscribe button you know I'll say see

right there that subscribe button right there and while you're at it ding that

Bell so you can be notified whenever he has another video coming out and his

videos are really good I urge you to go ahead and take a look at what he has to

offer they there are a lot of modelers out there that do other types of models

that are very good and you need to broaden your range of what you take a

look at so you could learn more about techniques of painting and weathering

and all that good stuff that you could also use in model railroading so go

ahead and check him out and while you're at it go ahead and hit that subscribe

button here Tom's trains and things and also ding

that bell I'll put that Bell over there so you could be notified whenever I have

a new video coming out and I would like to thank all of you that have

contributed by way of PayPal and patreon I really appreciate your support now

let's talk about this coming week on Wednesday we're going to have those flat

LEDs on the on the tape I'm gonna do that and Saturday although I'm going to

be at the Tampa Train Show I'm going to show you footage from this past Saturday

of Suncoast Model Railroad Club and their train show there in Largo Florida

ok so I'm going to show you some show you the footage on that on Saturday and

while we're at the train show at Tampa and then Tampa Strange show I'll do for

probably next Saturday because next Monday we're gonna be heading north into

the colder weather we got some cold weather here game went down to 42

degrees I had my long johns on not exactly my long jobs but my long

pants and sweatshirt winter has set in it's 49 degrees you see I got my hoodie

on oh man is it going to get colder than this in Maryland all right here is the

winner attire and see still got sandals on though and it that when it gets down

to 42 here that's cold for here I mean but luckily that's not gonna last very

long at least it's going back up into the 75 range in the afternoon so

everybody have a Merry Christmas I want to wish you a Merry Christmas again and

a Happy New Year and we'll see ya and Sadie's over there snoozing huh

she's on a futon right there out of camera she finally got up and got up on

my lap because she wants a treat huh is that what you want huh is that what you

want huh huh yeah yeah there you go all right what do you want huh you want

a treat hmm you want good ass mommy up for a treat

where's mommy yeah yeah it's gonna get a treat now okay she's not talking today

so oh well we'll see


For more infomation >> Shout Out Monday Evening - Featuring Education Some Treasures Inspiration Value Entertainment - Duration: 8:26.


Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory - Duration: 3:47.

Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory Over ISIS

For a major chunk of the past administration, Barack Obama struggled with trying to defeat

the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria.

In less than one year after Donald Trump has taken office, the nation of Iraq has declared

victory over the terrorist group.

According to The Washington Post, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced an end

to the war against the Islamic State group, which once controlled and terrorized two-thirds

of the country.

�This victory was achieved .? when Iraqis united to face a heinous enemy that didn�t

want us to see this day,� Abadi said at a press conference Saturday.

�They wanted to return us back to the Dark Ages.�

The final victory was achieved when, according to the Post, the �rugged, sparsely populated

desert region bordering Syria has been �cleansed� of Islamic State fighters and that the porous

border that had underpinned the self-declared caliphate that straddled both countries has

been fully secured.�

The turning point of the fight for control of Iraq was the nine-month battle for the

city of Mosul, which was won in July.

Mosul, an ancient city that was destroyed by both Islamic State rule and the nine-month

campaign to recapture it, was the last major stronghold of the terrorist group in the country.

However, pockets of resistance still remained throughout the country.

With Saturday�s announcement, it appeared those pockets had finally been eliminated.

The fight against the Islamic State group was declared over in Syria by Iran and Russia

last month, although there are continued pockets of fighting there.

In a tweet, the U.S.-led global coalition congratulated the Iraqis on their triumph,

using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.

�The Coalition congratulate the people of Iraq on their significant victory against

Daesh (the Islamic State group).

We stand by them as they set the conditions for a secure and prosperous #futureiraq,�

Less than one month ago, Defense Secretary James Mattis said that only 5 percent of the

terror group�s infrastructure remained.

�Our nations� dedication to defeating the terrorist enemy is evident in the progress

we have made since our last gathering here � 95 percent of the territory once held

by ISIS is now liberated, and our partners continue to secure more each day,� Mattis


��Mosul, Tal Afar and Hawijah have been liberated; efforts to liberate the final pockets

of ISIS-held territory in Anbar province are progressing rapidly.�

What a difference a year � and a political will to defeat the terrorist group � makes.

Sayonara, JV team!

Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter with your thoughts on this amazing news.

How do you think the Trump administration has handled the war on the Islamic State group?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory - Duration: 3:47.


Hitimpulse - Shoulder (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:16.

Hey :P

For more infomation >> Hitimpulse - Shoulder (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:16.


Trump Brings Down the House With Reagan Style Declaration About - Duration: 4:01.

Trump Brings Down the House With Reagan-Style Declaration About God

President Donald Trump has been compared to former President Ronald Reagan on several

key issues, but what Trump said on Friday night really had supporters fired up.

During a campaign-style rally in Pensacola, Florida, Trump brought down the house with

a Reagan-esque declaration about God and big government.

In his speech, Trump said �protecting religious liberty� has been a top priority for his

administration, adding that �getting rid of the Johnson amendment� will be another

big step forward.

As noted by The New York Times, the Johnson amendment is a decades-old provision in the

U.S. tax code prohibiting non-profit institutions including churches from making political statements

and endorsements.

The amendment is repealed in the current version of the GOP tax reform plan.

Trump then launched into a portion of his speech that attracted a huge applause and

reaction from the audience.

�We have stopped the government attacks on our Judeo-Christian values,� Trump said,

�because we know that families and churches, not government officials, know best how to

create a strong and loving community.�

He continued: �And above all else, we know this, America doesn�t worship government,

we worship God.�

Trump�s comments drew such a loud response from the crowd that he literally couldn�t

talk until the noise had subsided.

Check out a portion of his speech below.

The key line comes about the 55-second mark.

rump�s bold comments on God being greater than the liberal idea of worshipping the government

is eerily similar to statements made by Reagan decades ago.

On Jan. 20, 1981, Reagan�s first inaugural address took dead aim at eviscerating the

notion of big government

�In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is

the problem,� Reagan said, summing up in one sentence the conservative ideas that got

him elected.

During another speech, on Aug. 23, 1984, to the Dallas Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast, Reagan

spoke about the importance of the United States remaining committed to the word of God.

�Without God, there is no virtue, because there�s no prompting of the conscience � And

without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure.

If we ever forget that we�re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under,�

he said.

While former President Barack Obama thought it was important to talk about rising sea

levels and allowing men to use women�s restrooms, real leaders like Trump and Reagan have energized

the country by speaking about the importance of faith and families over government intrusion.

As Reagan did during his presidency, Trump has made it clear that he will promote faith,

reduce government, and fight for Christians in America.

Unlike Obama, Trump has made it clear that he will stand up for Christians and celebrate


H/T The Daily Caller

Please like and share this story if you agree with Trump that Americans should be worshipping

God and not government!

What do you think about the similarities between Trump and Reagan?

For more infomation >> Trump Brings Down the House With Reagan Style Declaration About - Duration: 4:01.


TV Shows That Will Blow You Away In 2018 - Duration: 10:19.

Peak TV is here to stay, with networks and streaming services already lining up exciting

new series for years to come.

Looking ahead to next year, we're already excited for a slew of shows with huge stars

on both sides of the camera—and intriguing and interesting premises ready to bring new

perspectives to the small screen.

Get ready to make plenty of room in your queue, because these are just some of the many TV

shows you can look forward to watching in 2018.

Black Lightning

The CW is taking on a more mature superhero with Black Lightning, a former masked vigilante

who spent years keeping the streets safe.

Starring Cress Williams as Jefferson Pierce, the show will follow his close calls fighting

local gang the One Hundred and how his wife convinced him to quit for the sake of his


After years of safely operating as a high school principal, though, Jefferson is eventually

called back into crime fighting as the One Hundred takes over the town again.

He'll eventually enlist the aid of his daughters Jennifer and Anissa, who'll take on the identities

Thunder and Lightning.

Black Lightning reportedly won't initially be set in the Arrow-verse with the rest of

the CW's superhero shows, which offers up a lot of creative freedom for the series to

establish its own tone and pace once this show lands on-screen January 16th.

The Alienist

TNT is going period for their next prestige drama, The Alienist.

This psychological thriller stars Daniel Bruhl as Dr. Laszlo Kreizler, an expert searching

for the person responsible for the demise of several boys in New York City.

The cast also includes Luke Evans as his partner, and Dakota Fanning as a woman with hidden

information related to their search.

Kreizler will stop at nothing.

"Even if it leads me to the darkest pit of hell."

Think of it as Mindhunter with a late 19th Century twist.

The Alienist lands on the small screen January 22nd.

A.P. Bio

Following his turn in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Glenn Howerton's newest series

puts him in the lead.

Titled A.P. Bio, the sitcom comes from Saturday Night Live alums Seth Meyers and Lorne Michaels.

Howerton will play a philosophy scholar who loses out on his dream job and goes to work

as a high school biology teacher.

Realizing he has a room full of honor roll students at his disposal, he decides to eschew

teaching biology and instead use the kids to his own benefit.

The show is set to debut midseason on NBC.

"It is a very f---ed up reflection of how things are."

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

The Coen brothers are scheduled to jump on the Netflix bandwagon in 2018 with The Ballad

of Buster Scruggs, which follows six stories about the American frontier, with each chapter

of the anthology focusing on a different plot.

Tim Blake Nelson will portray the titular singing cowboy in the first episode, with

other A-listers coming in to round out the rest of the season's stars, including Stephen

Root, Ralph Ineson, James Franco, and Zoe Kazan.

Westerns have a complicated history on the small screen, but if anyone can do it, it's

the guys who brought us True Grit and No Country for Old Men.

Castle Rock

Stephen King stories are always prime fodder for adaptations, and Hulu is looking to jump

back in the game with the 10-episode psychological thriller, Castle Rock.

The anthology show, which will follow different sets of characters from King's novels, will

revolve around the fictional Maine town featured in King-based movies like Stand By Me, Cujo,

and Needful Things.

Andre Holland is set to star as Henry, a death row attorney with a unique and complicated


And the cast is full of people who should be familiar to fans of adaptations of King's

work, including Carrie's Sissy Spacek and It's Bill Skarsgård.

The show is rounded out by an ensemble that includes Melanie Lynskey, Jane Levy, and Scott


With King's properties at peak popularity right now, this small screen homage to his

literary world is bound to be a hit.

Cloak and Dagger

Multiple Marvel series are set to hit your screens in 2018, but Freeform's Cloak and

Dagger looks like one of the most exciting.

The show stars Olivia Holt as Tandy Bowen, a.k.a. Dagger, a teen raised with the ability

to emit light daggers who is forced to adapt after a storm uproots her life.

Meanwhile, Aubrey Joseph appears as Tyrone Johnson, a.k.a. Cloak, a teen who can engulf

people in darkness.

The trailer teases the series' bigger connections to the MCU, ending with Tyrone standing on

top of the Roxxon Corporation building—an evil entity featured in other Marvel properties.

With potentially bigger implications along with their grounded story, we're excited to

see this superhero pair in action.

Cobra Kai

The Karate Kid has already gotten a big-screen modern remake, but Cobra Kai promises to be

something else entirely.

This new show, set to premiere on YouTube Red, will reunite original franchise stars

Ralph Macchio and William Zabka to show what happened to the pair after the events of the

initial 1980s trilogy.

Taking place more than 30 years after the fateful events of the 1984 All Valley Karate

Tournament, the new series will see Johnny looking for redemption by reopening the titular

dojo—and reigniting his rivalry with Daniel.

While Daniel is now successful in life, he's struggling to find balance without the help

of his mentor Mr. Miyagi, who was played in the original film by the late Pat Morita.

The pair will address their past and present frustrations through, of course, karate.

Get ready to pencil a YouTube Red subscription into your budget, because this is a series

you won't want to miss.

Untitled animated Deadpool series

The Merc with a Mouth is taking over the silver screen again when Deadpool 2 hits theaters

in 2018, but the character will also get some small screen action courtesy of an animated

FXX series from Donald Glover.

Glover, who made his MCU debut over the summer in Spider-Man: Homecoming, is set to write,

executive produce, and serve as co-showrunner on the series alongside his brother Stephen.

The adult-oriented action-comedy isn't expected to hew too closely to what we've already seen

in theaters, though.

FX head John Landgraf said the tone of the series will be "really different" from the

movies, and the goal is to make something distinct from Ryan Reynolds' take on the character.

"And remember: hugs not drugs."

Jack Ryan

Although the Jack Ryan movies have been hit or miss in theaters, this eight-episode Amazon

series might breathe new life into the Tom Clancy character.

The show will feature John Krasinski in the title role -- which was previously held in

the films by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, and Chris Pine.

And the show will follow the up-and-coming CIA analyst as he unravels a pattern of terrorist

communication that could threaten the whole world.

The rest of the cast includes Wendell Pierce as Jack's boss James Greer, Abbie Cornish

as Cathy Mueller, and others, so count on this to be an action-adventure for the ages.

"Holy s---."


There are already quite a few superhero shows on TV right now, but Syfy's Krypton looks

like a different take on the crowded genre.

Set on the titular planet 200 years before the birth of Superman, it shows how the House

of El was shamed and ostracized.

The series will follow Superman's grandfather Seyg-El on his quest to bring hope and equality

to Krypton, turning a planet in disarray into one worthy of giving birth to the greatest

superhero ever known.

Fans can expect to see a lot of familiar elements from the comics, including the villain Brainiac

and Seyg-El's unlikely human mentor Adam Strange.

Origin stories are always iffy, but with Superman's ancestors at the fore here, this should be

an otherworldly adventure worth watching.


HBO is going experimental for their upcoming Steven Soderbergh series Mosaic, which follows

the aftermath of a homicide.

Olivia Lake, a famed children's author, goes missing after romance blossoms with a mysterious


But this won't be your typical mystery series—through a mobile app, viewers will be able to create

their own adventure as they delve into the twisty plot.

Viewers will get to choose their point of view and which story to follow, with each

choice building on the others, enabling the tale to be told in a multitude of different

ways and ending in different conclusions.

The app will give viewers a few months to play with it before Soderbergh unveils his

official take on the story in a six-episode series in January of 2018.

If Soderbergh's name and HBO's innovative method of presenting the content aren't enough

to get you on board, it also has some big stars attached, including Sharon Stone, Garrett

Hedlund, Beau Bridges, and Paul Reubens.

Experiments are popular in the age of peak TV, and this seems like one that could succeed

in a big way.

New Warriors

The New Warriors may not currently have a TV home, but they're expected to hit the small

screen at some point in 2018.

Marvel's first comedy series was initially set to debut on Freeform, but it was eventually

pulled from the network, which wouldn't have been able to fit it on its schedule.

Although the fact that Freeform dropped the series is definitely worrisome, New Warriors

is still setting up to be a lot of fun.

The series is set to bring the very popular Squirrel Girl to live action, with Milana

Vayntrub taking on the role.

Other stars include Derek Theler as Mister Immortal, Jeremy Tardy as Night Thrasher,

Calum Worthy as Speedball, Matthew Moy as Microbe, and Kate Comer as Debrii.

The series follows the six aforementioned young people as they deal with their powers

while trying to make a difference in the world—even if the world isn't ready.

And since they live and work together, the series is sure to provide quite a lot of tension

and comedy.

Untitled Purge series

The Purge franchise has done very well on the big screen, and now it's coming to TV.

Blumhouse Television is set to bring a Purge "interwoven anthology" show to USA and Syfy

next year.

Franchise and show creator James DeMonaco has said that he wants the TV series to spend

more time delving further into the characters' motivations, emphasizing a side of the Purge

that the movies have not had a chance to explore.

DeMonaco believes this will make Purge Night seem even more intense, as people are more

familiar with the characters and understand their full arcs.

Although we don't know who'll star in the show yet, this seems like an interesting take

on a popular horror series.


Friday Night Lights meets Glee in 2018 courtesy of NBC's Rise.

Based on the 2013 book Drama High, Rise follows Josh Radnor as Lou, a high school English

teacher who works in the theater department in a Rust Belt town in Pennsylvania.

He decides to reinvigorate the school's drama students through their performance of the

hit musical Spring Awakening.

The cast also includes Auli'i Cravalho, who will play a student named Lilette, and Shannon

Purser, who has a recurring role as a student named Annabelle.

Rosie Perez plays the high-energy drama teacher Tracey, while Rarmian Newton will play a mysterious,

independent student who works as the school's lighting technician.

This Is Us may currently have the monopoly on NBC's tearjerker slot, but we're on board

with another good cry every week.

"Let's dream.


The Romanoffs

Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner is taking on Russian royalty with his Amazon anthology

series The Romanoffs, which follows people who believe they're descended from the famous

Romanov family.

The last imperial dynasty to rule Russia, the Romanovs were eliminated by revolutionaries,

but some speculate that one daughter, Anastasia, survived the attack.

As many as four of the episodes will be set in the United States, while four will be set

and filmed abroad.

The show has an all-star cast on board, including Diane Lane, Aaron Eckhart, Isabelle Huppert,

Christina Hendricks, John Slattery, Jack Huston, Amanda Peet, Corey Stoll, and Paul Reiser.

Given the impressive work Weiner delivered on Mad Men and the anthology approach he's

taking with this series, The Romanoffs sounds like an intriguing new take on an old mystery.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> TV Shows That Will Blow You Away In 2018 - Duration: 10:19.


BuzzFeed Thinks Makeup is RACIST! - Duration: 8:29.

Let's feed this back, so I wasn't even aware of this until I did the research for it but back in April BuzzFeed rebranded

Yeah, back then BuzzFeed organized their channels by color

You know BuzzFeed yellow busty blue BuzzFeed indigo on but today this video is all a cool trend names

you know ladylike old ly

Pasty all these buzzwords then you've got potato like buzz beautiful Latina

See there's my opportunity of throwing up BuzzFeed yellow BuzzFeed black Jeff not gonna. Do it guys alright

I'm not that kind of person leave the racism for BuzzFeed

The rebrand probably came as a result from all the backlash BuzzFeed have been getting for next employees and other content creators on the internet

Just do a new thing look. It's pretty easy to make fun of BuzzFeed camera

She's taking up an entire subway car just a protest mansplaining the very first day

Where a group of people came on they were going to a game?

And they were all desperate for a seat, and I was taking up three seats. That's not mad spreading that just

After they got all that backlash BuzzFeed actually did seem to take a step back from all that inflammatory

content focus more than training

You know the DIY slime challenges and all that it's a medium and YouTube training page all that family-friendly PG clean

You know Jake Paul him concept. No one loved in late 2017 though BuzzFeed is back there. Hot on the streets again

They're trending on the YouTube page every single day and even better all that content comes unattached from the BuzzFeed name

It carries so much stigma nowadays, but the more I see these BuzzFeed trending videos things

You didn't know about your vagina any types of periods you have you tell me we care about can period diversity now

It's being flood guys test maxi pads

Will you see this dude the more of these shitty BuzzFeed videos have been seen on the YouTube trending page the more I've been wanting

To make this video here, we are we all know BuzzFeed is a proud social justice warrior Network

It's basically this content created for that college freshmen took one

Sociology class and now can't go five minutes. Not mentioning the patriarchy don't get me wrong

I'm not one of those guys who gets super trig and is like those SJW lib tart cooks at BuzzFeed need to be

Executed hashtag live feed maca 420 hashtag the walls got 5 feet higher hashtag laughter

Oh, I'm just a dude who doesn't fit into BuzzFeed's target demographic

But with all that said I still think BuzzFeed panders way too hard in some areas especially

In race and sexuality this makeup video is a perfect example of that

Foundations can have all sorts of interesting

Names for their colors for seconds into this video and this chicks already mad this should be interesting BuzzFeed alright alright

Let's see let's hear the DL on this this foundation

What's what's going on here desert sand?

Mocha nude beige your foundation color name can tell you a lot about how the beauty industry feels about the shade of your skin

It's like people of BuzzFeed just wake up in the morning ask themselves what can I make races today like we've already covered the wage

Gap the American education system freeways blueberries how about today? We do makeup I've seen a lot of mocha

I see a lot of cinnamon a lot of nuts different types of nuts nutmeg

Almonds it's almost like they feel like it's a compliment. Maybe like

Yes, my mocha queen, but it also feels fetishizing in a way

I feel like that's just kind of the SJW mentality like let's just

Overanalyze things to the point where everything on earth can be perceived as a slight against us and our loved ones

There's nothing wrong with speaking up about things you're passionate about I find that admirable

But when you're at the point where you're calling makeup corporations racist for just naming their products

I think it's time to reconsider whether you're an activist or a conspiracy theorist let's hear this white chick has to say about

Racism with him to makeup ministry. I'm sure she'll just have some great great a

Quality insight it seems to me like it would feel

Condescending yeah, it's just like you can't think of eight nails. Which is why I love how fenty

She has named all her foundations numbers

Which is a great way to go about it because you're not attributing shade to different things in life. Yes really yes

Slay, Queen Soleil because she number her makeup products instead of naming them

I feel like the logic behind why this is insane is pretty self-explanatory

But I'm just gonna go ahead and explain

It just in case putting the word almond on the packaging of a makeup product is just marketing

Consumers are more likely to buy a product with a basic descriptor on it than a product. That's just number

That's marketing 101 picture is crazy on who wears 3 shades of foundation and that bright eyeshadow

We all know she shouldn't be wearing she's at the store

She sees two makeup products one of them is called radiance mystique, and the other one is called number 17

Which one of those two products II think she's gonna buy

Rihanna could do what she does because her makeups gonna sell out regardless of how she

markets it rihanna could sell a make-up called human and

BuzzFeed will make 30 videos about how to slay like a queen and you're brand new human makeup by Rihanna

But we all just nobody wants to have it both ways gotta make just as many videos talking about how?

Condescending it is the BuzzFeed uses the word on a dark makeup product. Are you guys saying black people are?

Dark mega product has the word on it

This is ridiculous

man and while we're talking about

let's get back to that gross topic that BuzzFeed has just milked to the absolute brink, which is of course the human period oh

This is the worms am I right ladies

So this video produced by the boldly channel under the BuzzFeed umbrella trended the other day it trended this

Trended somebody who just looked up on WebMD or Wikipedia this

This is the family-friendly

PG clean content YouTube loves and wants you the audience to see I surprise these people didn't make YouTube rewind I think it would've been

Fun to have a scene where the BuzzFeed staff is sliding around on the ground in some sort of red substance and the audience has

To guess whether it's paint slime or period blood all right, let's get in the video

These people man I already hate them these actual humans like what kind of aesthetic are they aiming for this shape trying to rock those

Candy out red sunglasses indoors, and you've got homegrown the right with green eyeshadow and lipstick green

What the hell man I?

Think I'm gonna do good because I got five sisters yo, hey guys

I know. I don't look black, but just so you know I'm contractually obligated to say I am black

I'm black guys in case you didn't know I'm black. I think I'm gonna do good because I got five sisters

Yo, this dude sounds like a 15 year old white kid from I watch my name is best black guy impression

I am very confident about periods because I've experienced it all my life. I'm actually a mess


Well too real am I right guys

it's so funny that you're on your period and there's no way am I just laughing at that because I'm it's

20-something knurled making period videos for BuzzFeed's audience of 12 and 13 neuro girls who don't know what a period is

When BuzzFeed's period videos are relatable laughs

And I'm making this rule right now you were no longer

Allowed to complain about people making fat jokes when you wrote a fat joke in your script and recorded multiple takes to make sure that

It fit in there

I get a BuzzFeed you guys just trying to be relatable so all I ask is that you just stop get ahead and pedestal when

People make fat jokes when you're doing it yourselves to our faults. It's possible that our periods are linked to the lunar cycle

I hope because that would be so cool

It's true

I'm right

Men know more about women's bodies of women dude

That's just a fact BuzzFeed said that not me BuzzFeed said that false five days and my right oh

This your nose man I

Knew it hold on the right this Dasher sunglasses and her friend's head so she can wear them later in the video

I'm a concise. There's the thin blood. There's like the really red blood. Do you have the dark blood?

There's just lots of blood. Holy SH. That's enough period talk for one sitting guys I get it blood comes out of your vagina weird

no stop menstrual flow contains tissue and mucus in addition to bless so during the menstrual phase the lining of the uterus and as the

Endometrium okay, I really don't want to hear about that endometrium so that's it BuzzFeed sucks guys

And I probably didn't blow your mind of that statement

But yeah a lot of relatable period talk and just a little bit of racism here than that wait

What's this if you were a white person who feels the need to comment on this foundation video?

We just did about how you aren't offended or bothered by foundation color names that impacts people of color

We don't need that opinion Thanks well

Notification shout-out this video goes to Lucas s aka little Pete pump on Instagram again guys

Do you want a shout out one of these videos all you got to do turn on your?

Notifications and send me a DM on another Instagram or Twitter as your boy Connor

How show me that in fact your notifications are turned on I'll give you a shout-out in an upcoming video

So make sure you guys do that if you enjoy the video as always leave a like we're trying to hit a million likes on

A video, and I'll wear a hat in the next video

So you guys I'm bout to look forward to but until next time guys

Spin you boy Connor how I love you all I hope you have a great day. Yes son. Please feel on the face like

Beats two liters

For more infomation >> BuzzFeed Thinks Makeup is RACIST! - Duration: 8:29.


Jessica Alba Lifestyle | Jessica Alba Show Her Body |Jessica Alba Scene| Jessica Alba vs Mia Khalifa - Duration: 3:17.

Jessica Alba Show Her Body |Jessica Alba Scene|

For more infomation >> Jessica Alba Lifestyle | Jessica Alba Show Her Body |Jessica Alba Scene| Jessica Alba vs Mia Khalifa - Duration: 3:17.


#Платья6 TM Sauliza Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> #Платья6 TM Sauliza Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 2:01.


"JUVENTUS vs F.C.BARCELONA "Dream League Soccer" " Go back in time."Mod Apk" - Duration: 9:39.

this is how the liner

Dean mid-face I stood up field now Costa

we shoot a bit too much to the opposition

wine well off-target

intersection the broader


ah well timed

strikers ball

this could be costly

I stood up field now Ronaldo the grain he soon as supply shop we knew it was

Helens 20 and that is a fantastic goal

and the deadbolts break-in how will the other team respond referee gets the

game's back underway what a well-timed tackle big Wayne Ronaldo

this is Bo's agate Sandro the team swap possession again Ronaldo he's shown a

bit too much to the opposition Ronaldo

it's cuz I need Oh big wine

and he ate six three four with another brilliant save and that one swung into

the box

is this the moment simply missing about their clean finish

there's a look of confidence about the team now as they constructed the plans

of pity celebrate

telling checkboxes buzz thankee thankee whistle it's half fire so level at

halftime and we're underway again who's going to take the initiative

lieutenant Challenger big wine it's level

a bit too much to the opposition there

for the throwing defenders back on the ball this is Bo's angular striker was

looking forward to that Khedira

we've seen a bit too much to the opposition I've got to admire still like


well time checkol


well cut out keep ye good interception I swear

sends it forward oh good catch for the keeper

although he steps up to steal the ball

determine challenger Madeira

well timed

oh he's on the soybeans no cards from the referee today and his

monster ball into the box

great challenge

thank you go either way with us chances to take the leap

it's a Samoa quality defending their handle well out

Rinaldo big wine

there was a foul but the referee is a knowing play to continue here at missing

way back when earlier fair and it's a penalty they just see that one again


what will he do here how our ol placement

let the bill be back with new jars he really is their penalty expert

so no big surprise he managed to score great penalty Chiellini with the 10 Lisa

Tina I'll determine challenge there Wayne

big names who fun with the same oh it's a penalty the reps set him off it's a

red card

what will he do here power or placement

we put away composure

For more infomation >> "JUVENTUS vs F.C.BARCELONA "Dream League Soccer" " Go back in time."Mod Apk" - Duration: 9:39.


Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Prologo y Comenzando el entrenamiento juego game play - Duration: 17:45.

For more infomation >> Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Prologo y Comenzando el entrenamiento juego game play - Duration: 17:45.


Drum Cover GORGOROTH - Profetens Apenbaring by Bobnar Simon - Duration: 4:39.

Gorgoroth - Profetens Apenbaring

For more infomation >> Drum Cover GORGOROTH - Profetens Apenbaring by Bobnar Simon - Duration: 4:39.


Ztracený PRACHY - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Ztracený PRACHY - Duration: 3:17.


BUSTED The EPA spent millions in taxpayer dollars to push climat - Duration: 4:39.

BUSTED The EPA spent millions in taxpayer dollars to push climate change propaganda

via social media

by: Jayson Veley

Under the Obama administration, the Environmental Protection Agency was one of the most tyrannical,

lawless institutions in the entire country, spitting out tens of thousands of unconstitutional

regulations each year and compelling businesses to abide by the left�s radical climate change


Mind you, these are regulations that the American people did not vote for, nor do they necessarily

support; rather, the EPA�s agenda under the Obama regime was wholly undemocratic and

against the principles that America was founded upon.

Recently, Judicial Watch was able to obtain 900 pages of documents from the Environmental

Protection Agency that revealed, among other things, lawless behavior from the Obama administration.

Specifically, the documents show that the EPA used a social media platform called Thunderclap,

which allowed the agency to mass-share information regarding its policies in violation of federal


As explained by Judicial Watch, �Federal law prohibits agencies from engaging in propaganda,

which is defined as covert activity intended to influence the American public.

Federal law also prohibits agencies from using federal resources to conduct grassroots lobbying

to prod the American public to call on Congress to act on pending legislation.�

Jessica Orquina, the EPA�s Director of Web Communications, wrote an email on September

10, 2014, to Karen Wirth, an EPA team leader in the Office of Ground Water and Drinking

Water, urging her to consider using Thunderclap covertly in order to promote the agency�s


�I don�t want it to look like EPA used our own social media accounts to reach our

support goal,� Orquina wrote in her email to Wirth.

(Related: An EPA whistleblower has been fired for telling the truth about geoengineering.)

Although it is now in the process of being repealed by the Trump administration, it is

worth noting that The Clean Water Rule gave numerous federal agents expanded authority

over ponds, streams, and other small bodies of water.

However, according to a December 2015 report by the Government Accountability Office, the

Environmental Protection Agency�s use of Thunderclap to promote the Clean Water Rule

to the American people �constitutes covert propaganda� and therefore is in violation

of federal law.

(Related: A top EPA official has recently resigned over the climate change hoax.)

But this is hardly the first time that the Environmental Protection Agency has been caught

red-handed doing something that it ought not to be doing.

Last year, The Daily Caller reported on new evidence that suggested that EPA officials

routinely use private email accounts to communicate with lobbyists.

Documents that were obtained by the Energy & Environment Legal Institute via the Freedom

of Information Act revealed that Michael Bradley, president and founder of an energy consulting

firm that represents numerous environmental groups across the country, had contacted the

EPA asking if it would be okay to use a private email account to communicate with EPA Administrator

Gina McCarthy.

Allegedly, Bradley wanted to get in touch with the EPA regarding an agency regulation.

�Joe, Would you please send this email to Gina for me?

I would have sent it to her directly with a cc to you but I don�t have a private email

address for her and would prefer to not use an office email address,� Bradley said in

an email to EPA Senior Counsel Joe Goffman.

Of course, the use of private email accounts for public business is in violation of existing

laws and regulations � for more information on that, just ask Hillary Clinton.

The Environmental Protection Agency under the Obama administration wasn�t just tyrannical

in nature; it was also highly corrupt and cared little about following the law.

And in any society, though perhaps more so in a Constitutional Republic, that is a very

bad combination.

For more infomation >> BUSTED The EPA spent millions in taxpayer dollars to push climat - Duration: 4:39.


Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Inside Pictures Full Video - HD - Duration: 4:10.

Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Inside Pictures Full Video HD

Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Wedding Inside Pictures Full Video HD

Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Wedding Inside Pictures Full Video HD

Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Wedding Inside Pictures Full Video HD

For more infomation >> Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Inside Pictures Full Video - HD - Duration: 4:10.


Heartbreaking Video Of Boy Being Bullied – Why Do They Have To Bully Me? - Duration: 9:49.

How's it going Youtube I am Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another video.

I have a ton of news stories for you guys as well as a huge update on something that

has been going on with me, it just seems like I can't catch a break.

My dad almost died last week and I've been at the hospital every day with him.

I've been vlogging a bit of what happened if you guys want to watch click right here.

And I will put my daily vlog link in the description below.

My dad got really drunk one night and he feel onto a hot radiator and burned himself badly

and he blacked out.

he was left on the floor badly burned all over his body for a few days until he was

found by his dog walker.

So now he is at the hospital recovering.

Doctors believes he had a stroke, he can't move the whole right side of his body its

been a really scary situation.

I didn't realize how important sodium levels are but his was dangerously low at 108.

The normal range is 135-145.

At 108, my dad might have had seizes while he was on the floor.

Doctors are trying to softly bring up his sodium level.

My dad has been very confused at the hospital not understanding what happened to him what

happened to him, he always gets scared thinking he is falling all the time.

He is dealing with a huge trama.

I have to go to the hospital multiple time a day just to feed him and spend time with

him till he gets better.

Its going to be a long journey.

I am still going to try and film videos for you guys.

But if any day I am missing I guess you know what's going on.

I guess this is the new me trying to be more open with you guys because I know all of you

guys have had my back for a very long time.

Ive been filming on this channel successfully for around 8 years.

Ok so enough of all that lets get into what you came for.

This right here is Keaton Jones from Knoxville Tennessee.

and he appeared in a viral video talking about being bullied.

His mom decided to turn on the camera and ask her son questions.

This is a very emotional heartwarming video I watched the whole thing and it brought tears

to my eyes.

This kid gets bullied and beat up every day and in the video he said why do they bully.

Whats the point of it.

Why do you find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to them.

This kid seems very intelligent and seems to be a really nice kid.

This has been a huge problem.

Around his age is usually the worst time with bullies.

I know ive had my fair share of being bullied I just don't understand it.

Well this kids video went super viral hitting over 16 million views on facebook at the time

of this recording.

Doctor Phil took notice of this video and he took it to twitter to say this.

Hey Keaton, bullies are the ones with the problems not you.

Many are bullied at home and pass it on.

Cowards always need an audience.

Be strong.

Ill come walk the hall and eat lunch with you anytime.


That has become a very popular hashtag on twitter.

Millie bobby brown who is the girl actress from stranger things she said.

Keaton is so accurate.

Why do people do this?

I think your soo cool Keaton.

I wanna be your friend.

But srsly ur freaking awesome.

A lot of celebrities have been sharing his video and has been messaging Keaton with kind

words, and to show their support for him.

This is a tough time and I just have to say keep your chin up buddy, you seem like a very

smart kid.

Just keep focus on school and learning.

Ignore the bullies they just want attention.

Later in life trust me they are the ones that are going to fail and you will be very successful.

And it seems like you have a ton of friends out their who love you and support you.

Don't listen to the haters, and I hope teachers and other people can get involved to suspend

or expel those kids for beating up this kid, for throwing milk on him.

He looks beaten up pretty badly maybe has the police involved because it seems very


Just hand in their buddy because there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and life

does get better, you have to believe that.

We have an update on the California Wild fires.

There are currently around 4,000 fire fighters trying to fight this massive fire that has

been spreading through southern California.

The fire has been spreading fast due to the high winds.

This has become California's biggest wildfire and now its on the way to Santa Barbara.

Thousands of people have been evacuating their homes.

About 200,000 people so far have been evacuated nearly 800 structures have been destroyed.

A 70 yr old woman died as she tried to flee the fire in her car.

She was in a really bad car accident and didn't make it.

Around 100,000 people are left without power.

This fire is still uncontrollable.

Also in the news, an ancient mummy surrounded by skulls has been discovered in the southern

city of Luxor which is in Egypt.

Experts believe this mummy is around 3,500 yrs old and the tomb was opened for the first

time since then.

Egypt is hoping that this will encourage tourism to the city because it's been on a decline

since 2011 because of the extremist attacks and political turmoil.

Conor MgGregor has just announced that he will be fighting again the guess the money

is just too good for him to retire.

He will be fighting in either the ring or octagon.

I am kinda hoping he begins his boxing career, I want to see if Conor mgGregor knock some

people out.

The world of Boxing and the UFC has really picked up and the prize money for winning

fights keep going up.

So I guess Conor has his eyes on the money.

Their was a huge update in the Brendan Dassey case.

Hes the guy from making a murderer which was the documentary on Netflix that really blew

up when it was released.

Brendan Dassey was accused of killing Teresa Halbach on Halloween in 2005.

There was evidence showing that police took advantage of Brendans learning disability

and manipulated him into saying he killed her.

He thoughts if he told the police what they wanted to hear he can just return back to

school he was only 16 yrs old at the time.

Well after making a murderer was released a lot of people took notice and wanted to

look into the case.

Just recently it was revealed that Brendan Dassey will be released from prison because

he had no involvement in this case.

Well now after a federal appeals court, the decision was that he now has to stay behind


He has already served 12 yrs.

We all know that his uncle Steven Avery was already convicted for 32 yrs for a sexual


He served 18 yrs after DNA testing proved his innocence.

Well he was caught up in this new case with Brendan Dassey and he could possibly be serving

time behind bars again for a series crime he didn't commit.

This whole thing is so messed up and season 2 of making a murderer should be coming out

very soon.

I honestly can't wait.

After a long time President Donald Trump's travel ban is nearing a final resolution.

President Donald Trump has create a travel ban that restricts entry to the United States

for citizens from eight Muslim majority countries.

This travel ban effects 150 million people.

Two federal appeals courts heard arguments on whether the latest version of the travel

ban should be allowed to go ahead.

So very soon we will be hearing about that decision.

Over at the box office Wonder came third bringing in 8.4 million dollars.

Justice Leaugue in its 4th week now brought in just over 9.5 million dollars.

And at the top spot was Coco.

It is still on top after 3 weeks.

The movie has hit some records.

The movie made 18.3 millon dollars over the weekend for a total of 389 million dollars


I am super excited for star wars the last Jedi.

That movie comes out this week.

Pre screening for the movie is on Thursday.

That movie is for sure going to crush the box office.

I am guessing the movie brings in over 250 million dollars in the opening weekend this

would be a box office record beating out star wars the force awakens.

And jurrasic world.

Well there you guys have it.

For more infomation >> Heartbreaking Video Of Boy Being Bullied – Why Do They Have To Bully Me? - Duration: 9:49.


How to start at Youtube? Beggining Of Youtube Jouney Episde #1 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> How to start at Youtube? Beggining Of Youtube Jouney Episde #1 - Duration: 2:37.


What If Frozen Was Real? - Duration: 4:02.

What If FROZEN Was Real?

Frozen is one of Disney's highest grossing animated movies of all time.

Kids and adults alike loved the tale of Anna, Elsa and her kingdom of ice.

But what if it wasn't just a tale?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and as it

is nearly Christmas, we thought we would indulge you all in a little magic and fantasy in a

little festive special episode today.

Join us as we ask What if Frozen was Real?

Before we launch into this video, I just want to ask those of you who are new here to subscribe.

For existing Questioners, make sure you're always hitting that thumbs up button and do

click on that big beautiful notification bell.

Frozen has its roots in Hans Christian Andersons, The Snow Queen, published in 1844.

What The Snow Queen and Frozen share is a predominant character who is able to use cyrokinetic

magic to generate ice, plunging her kingdom eternal winter.

So firstly, if Frozen was real, then it would suggest that magic was real too.

And…if magic was real…woah there.

To quote Chandler Bing….can open…worms everywhere.

If magic was real, then the world would be an entirely different, and arguably more awesome


Excuse me while I pack my bags and head off to Hogwarts ASAP.

What Hogwarts house do we think Elsa and Anna would be in?

I'm going with Ravenclaw and Gryffindor respectively.

In a world of magic, or course snowmen can come to life.

Imagine if we could all bewitch our snow piles to be our BFFS.


What would be more awesome, however, would be the ability to talk to animals.

In the world of Frozen, it seems that Sven and Kristoff can communicate pretty well.

Sure, we don't hear Sven talk but he can be understood by the friendly Ice Harvester.

I would LOVE to be able talk to communicate with anima;s, although I guess it could become

a little bit creepy.

We made a whole video about what life would be like if Animals could talk, which you should

definitely check out if you want to know more about how this would work.

Aside from all the fun magic, talking snowmen and perceptive animals, would a world where

Frozen is real be the kind of world you want to live in?

Maybe not.

Elsa freezes her kingdom solid.

If our weather states were at the mercy of one person, or even a handful of people, wouldn't

that kind of suck?

Could an Elsa like magical queen cause another ice age?

If so, the human population, and many species of animals could be at serious risk.

Let's not forget the last ice age killed off the mammoths and the majority of the dinosaurs.

But wait….

If an ice queen exists, then could there be a Sun Queen, or a Rain King, or a Slightly

Breezy Day Princess ? How would the rest of us mere mortals feel about these people?

Would we embrace them?

Or, would we try and take them down like some of the courtiers in the movie?

All jokes and fun musings aside, there is a real life disease that gives sufferers similar

symptoms to Elsa.

Raynaud's disease causes some areas of a persons body, especially their hands, to feel

very cold and numb.

One little girl named Gracie Hughes made international news in 2015 when her parents revealed her

hands turn blue and she needs to wear special gloves, like Elsa, to protect her from her


Of course, this isn't the same, she is not an Ice Queen with the ability to freeze people

where they stand…that kind of magic, it seems, is only for the worlds created by our

imagination, which of course are fun to dwell in for a while.

So, what do you think the world would be like if Frozen was real?

Would you bow down to the Snow Queen?

Would you ever take the weather report seriously – knowing there are people out there who

can manipulate climate?

Would you be angry about the cold, or would you simply let it go.

I think that is my cue to get outta here!

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Life's Biggest Questions – I am Rebecca Felgate.

If you liked this video, make sure you hit that thumbs up button and share this video

with a frozen loving friend.

I'll see you in the next video, but for now, stay curious, stay warm and never ever

stop questioning.

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