Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 11 2017



Hello, everyone welcome back to my channel, my name is kayla rose and this is my channel obviously it's been

A minute since i've done a haul, video i think the last haul i've actually done is on my

Main channel Adventurose17 so this videos post notification shadow

Goes to edub9 thank you so much for watching

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Notifications turned on if you want a chance at a post a notification shout out all you have to do

is be subscribed down below, hit the bell button next to the subscribe button, and

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Without further, ado let's just get into the video so the first thing i'm actually going to show. You is something i'm wearing right now

Well actually everything i'm wearing right now it's this jacket

I think they classified it as metallic, don't quote me on that but it's cute i really, like, this it's super thin

Though, so if you're needing something to actually keep you warm and protect you from the wind

Hmm, i wouldn't recommend this it's more of just like a fashion piece and on the hood there's mesh and there's

Also drawstring so you can scrunch it up if you, want to

Also the jacket size is a medium and it kind of fits me like a small

But the second thing i got was a sports, bra and it just says

Keep going it's got this mesh detailing up here i'll show. You the back really quickly

Oh, crap and then i also got these leggings

So it has mesh material that goes from like here all the way around down to there they're super soft

also, ignore my shoes these are old and anyone who's ever known, me or has gotten to know, me knows i

Wear wear shoes white shoes?

Moving on to the next thing

Denim jacket.this is a size large because it was the only size

They, had but i'm so glad i got it in a large it fits nice for me because i really love oversized

Stuff this is this nice denim jacket, was braid out

Detailing it doesn't have a hood but instead it just has again the frayed

detailing at the top i hate

Real, buttons, so the class b ones i love is this dress you can, show

A lot it's made out of like this velvety material it's a body con, so it's pretty tight i don't like

Wearing tight dresses know, about the whole boobage situation, and like scandalously i don't know it's a

Bit much for me i don't usually dress to impress

Yeah, this is a large and then the dress was a small. And here's the back for anyone who's wondering it's just

Exactly how, you think you would like yeah

That's all i'm gonna show? You and that's how i'm gonna save

Oh, yeah when i said the jacket, was my favorite thing i'm pretty sure this is actually

My, favorite thing so it's just this shirt that has a stripe running down the side but i don't know if you can

Hear just like the material of it i don't even know, what kind of material this is the back

All the way, down the inside is very very soft i don't know

What material it is it's insanely soft and then this sports, bra underneath pattern i don't know

what this is this is like acid wash no probably, not has like that kind of bad

The shirts are small and the sports

Bra is probably small if i had to guess all right so the last thing i ended up getting at forever 21

Online i think they called it an


Cargo, jacket it's pretty

Long it's worth noting that it is not paper-thin but it is very thin so if you're looking for something to actually keep you warm

Again, this is probably the jacket, view it's more of a fashion statement of anything

Also it kind of looks like i'm balding but in reality, my, hair growth is just out of this world it's really long

lying in case if you're wanting to put the hood up because it does come with, one

You can, tell health than it is just by looking at the hood, and how it does that whole thing but

Another bad thing, about the material being so thin, is that do you see that it got stuck in the zipper

thank you edd

Holy, cow that was a struggle

Um wow i didn't even know it, did that i'm so dumb and weird something i do know

I did this so this, is what it looks, like, zipped up

Thinking, you'd be better if you, like, tying it off like that

And this is in a medium so if i were to get it in a small it'd probably be quite a bit shorter but

Again i really, like, oversized things that's everything i got at forever 21

They, were having a bogo sale i think last weekend so i ended up getting all this stuff on

some sort of sale if i can find all of the clothing that i've had in this video i will put them link down in

The description so you can find them if you enjoyed this video please

Be sure to give a big thumbs up and let me know

You, like, it that's pretty much it from me thank y'all so much for watching and i'll see my next video bye

date me

I'm just kidding

For more infomation >> Forever21 Clothing Try On Haul 2017! - Duration: 5:48.


Scrapbooking Haul - Black Friday 2017 - Duration: 3:58.

Hi! I'm Susana from Pink & Fun

and today I'll show you what I've bought in 2017 Black Friday

The purchases were made at three different stores

so I'll leave all the details in my blog

and the link to it will be in the video description box

One of the things I bought was this die from Lawn Fawn

to make interactive cards

but however since I realized that we can get the same effect

with a basic set of circular dies

anyway ...

I also bought this set of stamps from Mama Elephant

which is super, super cute

I love it!

From Paper Smooches I bought these two dies

one with "Happy Birthday"

and another with "Thanks so Much"

And from Lawn Fawn, 3 more stamps with dies

I needed a Tacky Glue, because mine is almost over

and this, despite the packaging is a little bit different,

is the same as I usually use: the original

As I'm looking for a white ink for stamping

I decided to try this one

I'll let you know if I like it :)

If you know one good, don't forget to tell me, please...

Another thing I've bought was the Fuse

I have this rhinestone applicator from LIDL

and I thought that using the Fuse tips (bought in a previous haul) I could do the same

they really fit,

But I do not know if mine is defective,

but it did not melt the plastic

so to me it did not work :( That's the reason I've bought now the Fuse

Another thing that I decided to buy

is the silicone mat

but now that I'm looking at it

I begin to think that I could live without it

because, although it has the lines

and this "thing" to put the fuse

is like a normal silicone cooking mat ...

I bought the Tim Holtz stamping platform

I have the Misti tool and I like it a lot,

but I needed a tool that would allow me stamping bigger papers

and I think this is perfect for this

As you can see, I'm opening it now, It's the first time I'm looking at it

but if you want to know more about it

or to see a comparison between this one and the Misti

just let me know

And to put and end to all this madness :D

I bought the Cinch from We R Memory Keepers

which is a binder tool

The one I've chose is the Heidi Swapp model

that makes square holes

and I intend to show it in another video

if you are interested, of course ...

And thats it

I hope you enjoyed,

thank you for watching

Kisses and see you next video!

For more infomation >> Scrapbooking Haul - Black Friday 2017 - Duration: 3:58.


Supreme Court Backs Trump in New Ruling, Delivers Blow to Obama - Duration: 3:33.

Supreme Court Backs Trump in New Ruling, Delivers Blow to Obama-Era Initiative

A Supreme Court ruling late Friday temporarily allows President Donald Trump to conceal records

related to the cancellation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

DACA is an immigration policy that extends temporary legal status to anyone who entered

the country legally as a minor.

The program currently protects over 800,000 undocumented immigrant children.

The court was divided 5-4 over the Obama-era amnesty initiative, The Daily Caller reported.

The Department of Justice is pleased with the Supreme Court�s decision today putting

on hold the district court�s overreach,� Department of Justice spokesman Devin O�Malley


�The Department of Homeland Security acted within its lawful authority in deciding to

wind down DACA in an orderly manner,� he added, �and the Justice Department believes

the courts will ultimately agree.�

Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan voted against

the decision.

This ruling reverses action by lower courts that required the administration to disclose

emails, letters and other DACA documents by Dec. 22, ABC News reported.

According to USA Today, this is the second time in four days the court sided with the

administration on immigration issues.

In September, a coalition of four states sued the Trump administration after its decision

to end the DACA.

According to The Daily Caller, the administration released nearly 250 documents related to the

termination of the program, but the plaintiffs suspected the government was hiding more records.

In the Supreme Court ruling, the court sided with the administration without an explanation.

Breyer argued in the dissent that the court needed to review all the relevant materials

to be able to evaluate the actions of federal agencies effectively.

�(J)udicial review cannot function if the agency is permitted to decide unilaterally

what documents it submits to the reviewing court as the administrative record,� Breyer


�Effective review depends upon the administrative record containing all relevant materials presented

to the agency, including not only materials supportive of the government�s decision

but also materials contrary to the government�s decision,� he added.

He also points out in the dissent that the Court usually refrains from interfering in

�discovery-related disputes.�

The justices who ruled in favor of the administration did not make an additional statement, but

called for further discussion of the case next week.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Supreme Court Backs Trump in New Ruling, Delivers Blow to Obama - Duration: 3:33.


Minha História - Saiba porque Comecei a Gravar Videos | Eleny Inoue - Nature Flores - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Minha História - Saiba porque Comecei a Gravar Videos | Eleny Inoue - Nature Flores - Duration: 4:26.


'SEGUNDITO' - Cortometraje - Duration: 1:55.




What time is it?

I make it ten o'clock. How about dinner?

Ok. Where is the boy?


Here he comes

Hm... Something's wrong with him

He's thinner every time I see him

Because he doesn't stop

You have to eat more!

He burns it off quickly

not like us

Look at him

He just has eyes

And a cap

Hm... Come on,

sit down at the table

Where are you going?

To wash my hands

What hands?


written and directed by Roberto Valle


Look at the time

Will he be ok?

Go to sleep honey, he will come

It's a matter of time

There he is

Please, go there

I'm going

Buy the clock at and you'll be helping many children! Discover it here!

For more infomation >> 'SEGUNDITO' - Cortometraje - Duration: 1:55.


Встреча с артистом балета / Meeting with a Russian ballet dancer [Part 4/8] Exlinguo - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Встреча с артистом балета / Meeting with a Russian ballet dancer [Part 4/8] Exlinguo - Duration: 3:41.


What's on That Bookshelf!? - Duration: 2:42.

Oh hi! My name is Kyle. When you're watching this I'll be in or near Seattle,

Washington. Which means that I don't have time to make a normal Monday video. And

so I thought I would take into account my viewers. And longtime viewer Long (see

what I did there) mentioned in one of my previous

videos how he wanted me to talk about some of these books that are on this

bookshelf. Full disclosure, this shelf was made by people around the office

bringing in stuff that they didn't want in their houses anymore, so that I could

fill out this set of mine to make videos in. So therefore I haven't really even

looked at what most of these books are. But let's take a moment, you and I, to

discover some of the stuff that's actually on here. We have the 4-Hour Work

Week, we have Freakonomics. But we have other ones and I don't really know what

they're about. For such examples as this: The Shaman's

Body. The body that is so, so very informative.

Maybe sexy. We have The Enduring Hemingway, which is also what I call my

goiter. You should never be too far away from the Charter of Rights and

Freedoms! True story, that book was on this bookshelf and I had no idea it was

here. I am pulling this bad boy out anytime I see my barista misspell my

name. I'm gonna open this up and tell you that in Section 25 of the charter

makes it clear that: "no other provision can be used in a way that will interfere

with any special right that the Native people have now or may acquire." It has

nothing to do with you misspelling my name, but I want you to know this. This is

important information! Oh look at this. I have ... oh, this is not ... this is not PG at

all. It is literally The Guide to Nude

Photography. Nude Glamour Photography. Just, um, that's very glamorous. Oh my. That's

not the only thing that just went from good to great! I'm definitely going to

peer to peer. It's the wrong type of peer, but it's a funny joke okay? And there's

no more funny book titles. But that is kind of an introduction to this

bookshelf behind me. Like I said I'm in Seattle so I better get on the road to

be able to arrive in Calgary on time. And I'm sure you're gonna be able to see a

bunch of PodCon footage this coming Thursday. And until then let me know what

is on your bookshelf. I'd love to hear about it. Hit that like button, I

suppose. I think I'm legally obligated to say that now in videos ...

So how does these videos work again?

For more infomation >> What's on That Bookshelf!? - Duration: 2:42.


After Megyn's 'Coup' Attempt Against Trump On Live TV, Her 'Sick Dirty Secret' Comes Out. - Duration: 7:21.

After Megyn's 'Coup' Attempt Against Trump On Live TV, Her 'Sick Dirty Secret'

Comes Out.

Desperate, Megyn Kelly decided to collude with "dangerous enemies of America" as

they attempt a new "coup" against President Donald Trump.

Kelly's role is to rehash old news today by interviewing three women who accused Trump

of sexual harassment during the 2016 presidential campaign, but the big story is Kelly's "sick

dirty secret" that just came out that will shock every American patriot.

Robert Mueller's bogus investigation to oust Trump is derailing quickly, but the Democrats

and their co-conspirators, the liberal media and the global elitists, have a backup plan

that they just launched in an attempt to impeach Trump.

Megyn Kelly's role in this coup attempt aired this morning, but we need to explain

a few thing first.

To understand the dynamics of this plan, you have to understand what happened to Senator

Al Franken and the rash of sexual allegations being made against prominent men.

Franken's case took 180-degree turn when 30 Democratic congresswomen decided to oust

Franken without any investigation.

They simply ganged up on him in a press conference on Capitol Hill last Wednesday and pressured

him to resign, which he did 24 hours later.


Did they suddenly come down with a case of moral outrage after they protected Bill Clinton

for over 30 years?

Of course not.

They couldn't care less about sexual harassment.

Franken was sacrificed for a political purpose, the goal of which is to oust Trump.

They all know there is zero evidence against Trump colluding with Russia, so they have

moved to phase two of their "coup," and this is where that phony-baloney Megyn Kelly

comes in.

Kelly blasted social media last night, letting everyone know that her NBC morning show would

be interviewing three women who accused President Trump of sexual harassment during the 2016

presidential campaign.

During the show, Megyn egged the de-bunked accusers on asking, "If there are other

women out there, what do you want them to know?"

This was a definite ploy, signaling the leftists that it's time to come after Trump again,

but this time, it's not about Russia.

Instead, the plan is to get Trump on fake sexual harassment claims.

Jessica Leeds claims Trump groped her on a flight 30 years ago, but it's a totally

fabricated tale.

Leeds' story has been proven false because the bucket seats in first-class planes in

the 1980s didn't have movable armrests, so after Leeds described in great detail Trump

"lifting up the armrest to grope her," the whole story fell apart.

Leeds, an apparent Hillary Clinton supporter, told Kelly on the show today, "The women

who voted for Trump just didn't want to vote for a woman."

Hey, you can't make this stuff up, this is the same horse crap Michelle Obama has

been peddling.

Leeds is parroting the same talking points as Michelle and Hillary Clinton.

Who can't see through this whole scheme?

But, there is so much more.

Watch the Video :

So, what about Megyn Kelly, who is really behind this "last minute" show of hers


Who is it that is funding not only Kelly's show but has also arranged a huge press conference

for these three useful idiots following Kelly's show to demand a congressional investigation

into President Trump?

We know the Hillary Clinton campaign "found" these women to benefit her campaign in 2016,

but who is paying them now?

Who is Megyn Kelly colluding with?

None other than George Soros.

Yep, ole George is the man behind Kelly's curtain.

The Daily Wire reports, "A far-left activist group funded by George Soros is readying the

women who accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct to demand a congressional


The women had made their accusations just before the November 2016 election."

The report adds, "The women will speak on Monday at 10:30 a.m. ET to call for 'accountability

and an investigation by Congress of sexual misconduct.'

They had accused Trump of 'groping, fondling, forcibly kissing, humiliating, and harassing


The group behind this obvious new attempt to force Trump out of the White House, Brave

New Films [Soros funded], is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that claims to be "non-partisan"

— a claim that becomes laughable upon a review of their donors and partners, which

include left-wing hit groups like Media Matters For America and Democracy For America.

So, Megyn Kelly's show was the launching pad paid for by George Soros in this latest

coup attempt.

Do you now see why the Democrats turned their backs on Senator Al Franken and Senator John

Conyers and why they ganged up on them to resign?

It was all part and parcel of this new plot funded by Soros to launch a new investigation

into Trump for sexual harassment since the Russia investigation is dead in the water.

We must pray this plot will eventually fall apart too, but at what cost?

While they start all these bogus and costly investigations into Trump, We the People suffer.

We want Trump free to make America great again, but he gets bogged down in these bogus investigations.

Bring Soros and his cronies up on charges, drain the swamp.

Where in the hell is AG Jeff Sessions?

Fire him immediately, and let's get a real bulldog in there who will sink his teeth into

these crap weasels' lies and tear them up limb from limb.

Keeping America free is not for sissies.

We are faced with our enemies inside our gates.

Let every American know we must defend ourselves, and now is the time.

Spread this story to all patriots because the truth must be known, and we must get ready

to defend President Trump's honor.

Don't be fooled, this is a most dangerous game and a most dangerous time, my friends.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> After Megyn's 'Coup' Attempt Against Trump On Live TV, Her 'Sick Dirty Secret' Comes Out. - Duration: 7:21.


"En los últimos diez años el cine colombiano ha crecido": Ivette Liang | El Espectador - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> "En los últimos diez años el cine colombiano ha crecido": Ivette Liang | El Espectador - Duration: 2:56.


Встреча с артистом балета / Meeting with a Russian ballet dancer [Part 1/8] Exlinguo - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Встреча с артистом балета / Meeting with a Russian ballet dancer [Part 1/8] Exlinguo - Duration: 3:23.


Встреча с артистом балета / Meeting with a Russian ballet dancer [Part 3/8] Exlinguo - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Встреча с артистом балета / Meeting with a Russian ballet dancer [Part 3/8] Exlinguo - Duration: 2:15.


LIMPEZA ENERGÉTICA DE AMBIENTES p/Arcanjo Gabriel - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> LIMPEZA ENERGÉTICA DE AMBIENTES p/Arcanjo Gabriel - Duration: 5:31.


模様編みA-29【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Pattern / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 15:11.

For more infomation >> 模様編みA-29【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Pattern / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 15:11.


Встреча с артистом балета / Meeting with a Russian ballet dancer [Part 2/8] Exlinguo - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Встреча с артистом балета / Meeting with a Russian ballet dancer [Part 2/8] Exlinguo - Duration: 2:48.


What Happened to the World's Greatest Ape? - Duration: 7:25.

If you were to go for a walk in the forests of Southeast Asia during the Ice Age, you'd

probably see a lot of awesome, and familiar, creatures – like rhinos, tapirs, and hyenas.

But an animal once wandered these woods that was unlike anything you've ever seen.

About 3 metres tall and weighing up to 500 kilograms, this beast was probably twice the

size of a modern gorilla.

Scientists call it Gigantopithecus, the greatest great-ape that ever was.

And for us fellow primates, there are some serious lessons to be learned in how it lived, and

why it disappeared.

So the story of Gigantopithecus begins with the some of the smallest of physical clues -- teeth.

And they weren't found in the field, but in a drug store.

In 1935, paleontologist Ralph von Koenigswald was rummaging through apothecary shops in

Hong Kong.

He was looking for so-called dragon teeth -- the name given to fossil teeth from all

sorts of animals that were used in traditional Chinese medicine.

And on one of these trips, von Koenigswald found a molar unlike any he'd seen before.

The tooth was like that of an ape, broad and flat, but it was a much bigger one from any

known species, living or extinct.

Von Koenigswald eventually determined that these teeth were of an enormous primate, and

he named this new creature Gigantopithecus, or "giant ape."

After this initial discovery, more teeth were found in other medicinal shops, and eventually

a few fossil jawbones were found in a Chinese cave.

But that was it.

Since then, we've found more jaws and thousands of teeth.

But no other parts of the giant ape's body have ever been discovered.

Even though we have so little of its anatomy to study, we've managed to figure out a

lot about Gigantopithecus just from those teeth and jaws.

For starters, it turns out there were three species of this giant ape, the earliest of

which dates back about 9 million years, to the Miocene epoch.

But the most recent, and by far the largest of them, was Gigantopithecus blacki

It lived from 2 million to 100 thousand years ago during the Pleistocene epoch, in what's

now south China and Vietnam.

Of course, the most obvious feature of Gigantopithecus blacki's teeth is their size.

At 2 and a half centimeters wide, the ape's molars were more than twice the width of a

human tooth.

But an even closer look at these teeth has revealed much more than just how big this

animal was.

For one thing, scientists have been able to use them to figure out who its closest living

relatives are.

In 2008, a team of anthropologists studied the thickness of the enamel on ten Gigantopithecus

teeth, as well as the shape of the hard tissue underneath it, called the dentin.

They found that the structure and the composition of the fossil teeth were most similar to those

of the only great apes left in Asia – the orangutans.

Which is … kind of strange.

Because orangutans are arboreal; they spend most of their time high in the trees.

But Gigantopithecus was way too big to do that.

So, scientists think it must've been a ground-dweller.

Which raises a new set of questions.

For one thing, what does a 500-kilogram primate eat?

Well, its teeth were flat and wide, but its jaws were deep and strong – and all of these

features are associated with feeding on tough, fibrous plants.

Microscopic plant fossils, called phytoliths, have also been recovered from some teeth,

showing that it fed on grasses -- including possibly bamboo -- as well as seeds and fruit.

But while these physical clues can tell us a lot about the diet of this extinct ape,

the chemical composition of its teeth can also reveal to us where it lived.

And possibly, why it disappeared.

The trail of clues here begins with isotopes of carbon.

Different kinds of plants produce different ratios of carbon isotopes during photosynthesis,

depending on what kinds of environments they live in.

For example, plants that live in cool, humid climates are typically what're known as

C3 plants, because their way of photosynthesizing results in a 3-carbon acid that has its own

unique combination of carbon isotopes.

But plants that grow in hotter, drier climates are usually C4, because they do photosynthesis

in a slightly different way, and produce their own byproducts with their own ratios of carbon.

And this is all extremely useful for scientists, because the chemical signatures in these plants

are absorbed by the animals that eat them.

So by studying the chemistry of Gigantopithecus teeth, researchers can tell not only what

kinds of food it ate, but also possibly what its Ice Age habitat was like.

And in 2011, paleontologsts from China studied the tooth enamel of Gigantopithecus and found

that it fed exclusively on C3 plants -- the ones that tend to grow in cool, humid forests

rather than warm, grassy plains.

At the same time, though, fossils of other mammals that lived alongside the ape have

been studied too -- I'm talking about those rhinos, tapirs, and hyenas I mentioned earlier.

And it turns out, they ate some C3 plants, but also C4 plants, which grow in drier, grassy


So this suggests that Gigantopithecus probably lived in a mosaic habitat, kind of like a

checkerboard of forests and grasslands.

But unlike its fellow herbivores, Gigantopithecus preferred to live only under the dense forest

canopy and didn't stray into the open -- much like modern orangutans and mountain gorillas,

who are also forest experts.

And this specialist lifestyle seemed to work very well, at least for a while.

The fossil record shows that Gigantopithecus blacki existed for nearly 2 million years

in the forests of southeast Asia.

But these primates lived during a time of great change.

The Pleistocene is sometimes called the Ice Age, when glaciers were constantly ebbing

and flowing across the land, holding moisture when they froze and releasing it again when

they thawed.

This constant fluctuation meant that Pleistocene habitats were in an ongoing state of flux.

Things could be warm and humid for 20,000 or 100,000 years or so, which would allow

forests to grow.

But then it would freeze again and draw all the moisture back up to higher latitudes,

and grasslands would spread.

Somehow, Gigantopithecus managed to survive the first few of these glacial periods, but

100 thousand years ago, in the Middle Pleistocene, something changed.

Another cold snap occurred that was simply too severe for the apes to survive.

As the ice expanded, so did the grasslands, shrinking the forests of Southeast Asia.

Without the habitat it needed to survive, populations of Gigantopithecus shrank dramatically.

And by 100,000 years ago, the last of Gigantopithecus had vanished.

So Gigantopithecus managed to thrive for as long as it did because it was a specialist

-- it found the right combination of food and habitat to suit its probably massive needs.

But in the end, its specialized habits left it vulnerable in an ever-changing world.

And in this way, its predicament is similar to that of many modern animals, including

its closest living relatives, the orangutans.

Orangs are forest specialists, too, only found in the dense jungles of Borneo and Sumatra.

But for decades their unique forest homes have been reduced by things like logging and


With much of their habitat gone, all three species of orangutan are now considered critically


Still, some researchers hold out hope that we can help these distant cousins of Gigantopithecus

-- and of us! -- by continuing to learn the story of the greatest ape that ever lived.

Now, what do you want to know about the story of life on Earth?

Let us know in the comments.

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

But don't stop here!

Do yourself a favor and check out some of our sister channels from PBS Digital Studios!

For more infomation >> What Happened to the World's Greatest Ape? - Duration: 7:25.


He UNLOCKED The NEW CARDS with THIS CHEST! | Clash Royale Update - Duration: 5:49.

He UNLOCKED The NEW CARDS with THIS CHEST! | Clash Royale Update

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