Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

Hey there, and welcome to Speak English with Christina,

where you'll have fun becoming fluent in American English.

Today is a special episode.

This is a Tame the Hot Potato episode.

And it's been awhile since I've done one of these.

So if you don't know what Tame the Hot Potato is,

basically it's a spontaneous,

unscripted conversation between me and another person,

often British or American, but not always.

And in these conversations you hear

real natural conversations,

modern expressions,

and you learn the real English

the way that we speak it in the real world.

With these Tame the Hot Potato videos,

you also get a script,

and a comprehension worksheet

if you're subscribed to my email list,

because it's like an extra bonus to say thank you

for my special subscribers.

Now in today's Tame the Hot Potato episode,

you're gonna meet Craig.

And Craig is the creator and the owner

of an American diner in Paris called Breakfast in America.

And the first time I went to his diner, it was last year.

So this video was actually filmed in January of 2017.

But I wanted to go to his restaurant,

I'd read about it on the Internet and in magazines,

things like that.

Wanted to go and test it,

and we organized to meet, just to,

you know, to meet,

two Americans in Paris, what do they do?

They meet for breakfast.

And I went to his restaurant,

I found that it was absolutely fantastic.

It's the best American breakfast I've had in Europe

since I've been here.

And you know,

I thought that this would be a perfect video for you guys

to introduce you to American breakfast.

And we're talking about typical foods,

talking about why he created

an American breakfast diner in Paris,

which already has a lot of very good food.

How Parisians reacted to the food,

six different ways to order eggs in English,

so some very practical vocabulary.

And Craig's suggestion of the best thing to order

at his restaurant.

This is your chance to meet Craig,

to learn a little more about breakfast in America,

and to also work on understanding

conversations between two Americans,

speaking like they have a hot potato in their mouth.

Alright, let's get into that conversation.

Hi, this is Christina (Craig chuckles)

from Speak English with Christina.

And I'm really excited because we're here today in Paris

at the American diner, Breakfast in America,

which is located in the Latin Quarter of Paris.

And as you can see,

it's like a real, authentic American diner.

And we're here with Craig,

who is the owner and the creator of it.

Craig, can you just maybe introduce yourself?

Yes, hello, I'm Craig.

And like she said, I'm the owner of Breakfast in America.

We just celebrated our 14th anniversary yesterday,

so we've been here for a little while now.

Oh right, right. Yeah.

How did you get the idea of creating

an American breakfast diner in Paris,

'cause it's totally not what you would imagine

finding in Paris. Right.

Well first I have to go back to my first time in France,

I came over as a student. Right.

And I studied here for a year,

and I loved it so much, I never wanted to come back.

And I ended up coming over here for a job,

and I worked on it for a year.

And I just wanted to live here,

I didn't know what I wanted to do next.

(Christina laughs)

And then I went back to the states.

My friends took me to a breakfast joint

because I hadn't had an American breakfast

in a whole year. Yeah, right.

And the minute I saw my breakfast,

my pancakes, my eggs and ham steak, home fries,

I was like, oh my God, the one thing I missed

when I was in Paris. Yeah, right.

And then it just hit me, I was like oh my gosh,

the one thing I missed in Paris.

And that's when I had the idea.

It literally hit me like that,

like a lightning bolt.

It was like,

I have to do this. I have to do this.

Even though I never had a restaurant,

I've never had my own business,

nevermind do it in a foreign country

with a foreign language. You know, do it.

That's always fun. Yeah, why not?

Why make it easy when you can really

give yourself a big challenge? Exactly, yeah.

And so, what's the reception been like?

Have people liked it?

Have people complained,

oh that's American food,

what's it been like?

It's evolved over the years,

the reception's evolved over the years.

In the beginning,

it was mainly American ex-pats that were coming in,

and also tourists. Okay, yeah.

And then slowly we started becoming

discovered by the French,

or Americans would bring their French friends

to show them what breakfast is,

and other things.

And then slowly it started turning,

we started getting more and more French students,

because we're near the universities.

We're near Sorbonne and Jussieu.

And in the beginning I just served breakfast.

And it wasn't until the French customers kept saying,

when are you going to have a real hamburger?

A filet hamburger? Oh, yeah right,

that's it. 'Cause I knew that was

the stereotype of our food. Yeah,

yeah. And I didn't want

the stereotype. Yep.

And so you can thank the French for introducing

the hamburger (both laugh) to our diner.

Thank you, French. Yes.

So yeah, so now it's about 70 percent French,

30 percent American.

There really hasn't been, you know,

very little of anything like,

why have an American joint here?

I thought there would be more.

I really did. Yeah, good.

But I think it's because it's not a chain,

it's a real place,

a neighborhood place. Yeah, exactly.

It's a small business.

And I think people respect that.

Because you've created your thing and it's very good,

and they enjoy that.

So tell us a little bit about

the typical American breakfast,

like what would people eat for breakfast.

Well it depends,

if you like the salty or the savory, or the sweet.

I tend to like both,

but not at the same time. (Christine laughs)

We were discussing that earlier.

Sausage. I don't like my maple syrup

touching my sausage or eggs. Sausage and maple syrup.

(Christine laughs)

So technically,

usually, of course, eggs is almost always

part of the breakfast. Yeah, exactly.

And make them in the form of an omelet,

or scrambled, or sunny side.

That's been fun,

teaching the French the different

versions of it. The different ways

of doing eggs. Yes.

'Cause I'll ask them, how do you want your eggs?

And they'll just stare at me. (laughs)

Uh, omelet? (chuckles) Yeah,

I'll run through, give four or five choices.

Usually their friend will say, just get that. (laughs)

So you got, for eggs,

you got scrambled. Scrambled.

Over easy. Over easy.

Over medium. Yes.

Over hard. Yeah.

Sunny side up. Sunny side up, okay.

And we'd love to do poached,

but we don't have the facilities for that.

I don't know, Americans,

do they do the poached eggs?

Well, they're eggs Benedict

or something like this. Okay, yeah.

But no.

But I get occasionally,

I'd say once a week, someone asks me about the poached.

Okay, yeah.

And so if somebody comes into your restaurant,

one of your restaurants,

'cause you have three, right? Yeah.

What would you recommend that they get?

If you had to choose one dish,

what would it be?

I think it would probably be

the 2x2x2, the Deuces Wild,

because it has pancakes,

which is our trademark.

It's what we're known for here.

And then it has your eggs,

and it has sausage or bacon.

Because bacon was one of the hardest things

for me to find here, real bacon.

Which is really good. And so for Americans

who are homesick for that kind of thing, it's great.

And for French who don't know the American-style bacon,

it's great as well.

And then the sausage choice as well,

which is nice.

And then after that I would say,

probably my Big Mess,

which is the scrambled, has everything in it.

Yeah, so good. 'Cause you get

a little piece of everything inside.

The two things that he just mentioned,

the Deuces Wild and the Mess,

is what we had for breakfast this morning.

So I'll put a photo as well,

so that guys can actually see what it looks like,

because it's really good.

This is the best breakfast I've had in like,

13 years of living in France.

Sorry, I have to mention, too,

the maple syrup situation,

because in the beginning French people would be,

what, you want me to put this, this--

What do I do with this? Yeah.

(Christina laughs) You want me to put this,

this very sugary thing on top of my crepe?

(Craig laughs) Yeah, right.

And you're like, it's not a crepe,

it's a pancake. Exactly.

And so now it's been great to see French just like,

give it to me. Awesome, awesome.


So just two things is that Craig actually wrote a book

this year, called Pancakes in Paris.

Which I've read, I loved.

And it's a very good and a very easy read.

So a good way to practice your English.

And it's a fantastic story.

And there are three restaurants,

Breakfast in America, in Paris.

So I'll put the links in the notes below the video

so that you guys can check it out.

And definitely,

if you want to have a real American breakfast,

definitely come and check out Breakfast in America.

Alright. And you get to practice

your English here, too.

Yeah, exactly,

'cause everybody speaks English.

So you can practice your English,

which is brilliant.

Alright, thanks a lot, Craig.

It was a pleasure. Great, it was a pleasure.

Same for me. Yeah, alright.

So that's it.

I hope that you enjoyed our Hot Potato conversation.

And also, if you are a subscriber

on my Speak English with Christina e-mail list,

last week you saw that we're having a special breakfast,

in Paris,

and it's gonna be at this place,

at Breakfast in America.

So that also gives you a little introduction to Craig,

to the place where we're gonna have breakfast.

And I'm just looking forward to seeing you there

if you are planning on joining us.

And if not,

I hope that you enjoyed this Tame the Hot Potato episode,

learning all about breakfasts in America.

Alright, thanks a lot, guys,

and I'll see you next week with a special Christmas episode.

Alright, see you later, bye.

For more infomation >> Breakfast in America - Tame the Hot Potato and understand the American accent - Duration: 9:50.


Манипуляции. Разбор видео. Переговоры. - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Манипуляции. Разбор видео. Переговоры. - Duration: 3:18.


Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma's Wedding, Engagement And Mehendi Full Video Exclusive - Duration: 4:33.

Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma's Wedding, Engagement And Mehendi Full Video Exclusive

For more infomation >> Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma's Wedding, Engagement And Mehendi Full Video Exclusive - Duration: 4:33.


Одесский юмор! Смешные анекдоты про женщин! - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Одесский юмор! Смешные анекдоты про женщин! - Duration: 0:36.


[ENG] 170825 Gfriend Fansign, King Sowon and Yuju & Yerin Eunuch - Duration: 12:05.

Sowon: What this?! *Fan take out korean king costume*

Shocked/amused Sowon: Wait a minute~~ Hahahahaha

Sowon: What is this...

Sowon: How do I wear this?

Sowon: Wait a minute~~ Hahahahaha

Buddy: Sowon-ah try wearing that!

Umji, Eunha: Majesty!

Yerin: Suel-Majesty (Suel(쇠) = Sowon's nickname, So(소) + 1 (one))

Sowon: Do I suit this look? Buddy: Yes!

Buddy: Sojung-King, Sojung-King!

Sowon: wait, this crown is not fitting

Sowon: Everyone do I look fine? is this suitable? Buddy: Yes, Suitable!

Buddy: Sowon-ah you're handsome! You're cool!

Sowon: Am I suppose to wear this on my head like that? Buddy: Yeah

Buddy: Sowon-ah! Handsome! Pretty!! Pretty!!

*Trying to act like an arrogant king*

Sowon: My words shall become the laws

Buddy: Cutie!

*Trying to act like a firm king*

*Cute Omuji imitating Eunha's adlib in 'Falling Asleep Again' *

Umji: Today's fansign venue looks like a theatre. So I feeling like acting out a musical...

Yerin: Do it~

Buddy: Show us! Show us!

Umji: Ooo Juliet~

Umji: Why are you Juliet?

Yerin: Ooo Romeo~ Why are you Remeo then?

Yerin: I said I am O (blood) type (Hyeong)

Yerin: Then the buddy replied, "No, You are Doll (In-yeong)" xD

Sowon: Since I'm wearing this (king costume), all the fans became very formal, with their hands together, when they came to me (for fansign)

Umji singing Ave-Maria

Sowon: [Formal] Since I'm the King, I shall pick one~

Sowon: [Formal] Take the poisonous medicine~

Sowon: [Informal] Today's lucky number is~ This sound so weird

Umji: Unnie, You should speak formally

Yerin: Unnie you should say "My citizens~"

Sowon: [Formal] The citizen I have chosen is... 58

Suel-Majesty (Suel(쇠) = Sowon's nickname, So(소) + 1 (one))

Sowon: She's eunuch, my eunuch~

Sowon: [Formal] Escort me~

Yerin: [Formal] Majesty, Majesty I shall guide you~

Yuju: New concept eunuch

Yerin: [Formal] Am I suppose to support your arm like this?

Sowon: [Formal] I am a evil king! I won't walk with my 2 legs, seriously~

Yuju: Then, are you going to walk with 4 legs instead?

Sowon: Please be my legs~

Yerin: Else are you going to walk with your hands?

Yuju: Or you have hidden legs in this crown?

Sowon: [Formal] Please be my legs~

Yuju: I can be your stepping stone

Yerin: I am just your useless eunuch~

Yuju: I shall cling right next to you forever~

Sowon: [formal] why is this eunuch so clingy?

Sowon: [Formal] eunuch should keep your distance away from the king~

Yuju: [Formal] The more you call me not to do, the more I feel like doing~ [Clingy clingy]

Sowon: Omo! This eunuch is witty~

Sowon: This is not a proper eunuch~

Yuju *Clingy clingy*

*Tall line and cute eunha*

Umji: Who is Sowon-unnie eunuch currently? Yerin-unnie?

Umji: Then I shall be... "Oppa!!!"

Yerin: Ain't you shaman?! (King fell in love with the Shaman in famous 'Moon Embracing the Sun' drama)

*Cute clumsy eunha thought the cup was the mic*

*Sinb-oppa thinking Sowon is not your oppa! I am~*

Eunha: What number did yerin-unnie picked? 10, 10 *Clingy Yuju Eunuch*

*Hyperactive Suel-King dancing to Love Whisper*

Yuju: My Majesty, please watch you actions~

Umji: Today's fansign was fun *2Eunbi*

*Eunha and her short arms*

Buddy: Sowon-ah!!

Sowon: Yes? *Didn't catch what the buddy said*

*More 2Eunbi*

Buddy: If theres still king in Korea now, You will be the king

Sowon: [Formal] Take the poisonous medicine~

*Smol Eunha*

Buddy: Eunha-ya cute!

Yerin:Shall we each say our last greetings, suel-king? Sowon: [Formal] Sure~ *Yeju <3*

*2Eunbi* Yerin: Hello, I'm Ye-eunuch~

*Beagle Yerin, Sinb and Eunha dancing to One-half*

*Umji joining them*

*Cute Ddin~*

*Tall line's turn to dancing One-half*

Umji: Today's fansign was fun, today's reaction was good~ *Yeju sharing food*

*Dancing Yerin* Umji: What was I about to say...

Yerin: Just say "I love you~"

Umji: I love you~

Sinb: This is our first time wearing our own clothes to a fansign, do you like it?

Buddy: YES! Savage Sinboss: It will be the last~ *Dancing Smols*

Sinb: Today was fun, we are left with just one Inkigayo broadcast for this love whisper promotion. you will be coming right?!

Sinb: Then, until the end, fighting~ Go home safely~ Bye~

*Main Dancer Sinb and Suel-King turning back to Sowon*

*Yeju sharing food and cute Sinb*

Eunha: Remember to always think about Gfriend! Understand~

*More yeju* Sowon: Thank you~ *Dancing maknaes*

*Sinboss hit the projector screen*

Buddy: Sowon-ah you can't bring that (king costume) home~

Sowon: Rented? Rented? Buddy: Yeah~

Umji: Remember to eat chicken before you sleep!

Sinb: xxx Chicken! Because Hosigi (Gfriend chicken CF) is over~


*Subber: Thanks for watching, remember to like and comment below!!*

For more infomation >> [ENG] 170825 Gfriend Fansign, King Sowon and Yuju & Yerin Eunuch - Duration: 12:05.


Kman夾娃娃 夾個娃娃一陣歡呼聲是怎麼回事?【史迪奇】抱枕。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#195 - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 夾個娃娃一陣歡呼聲是怎麼回事?【史迪奇】抱枕。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#195 - Duration: 2:30.


Spice Up Your Interior With These Colorful LED Gadgets - Duration: 2:48.

Spice Up Your Interior With These Colorful LED Gadgets

LED Bluetooth Speaker If you're looking for a beautiful Bluetooth

speaker that, besides delivering great audio, has the ability to dazzle then you're in

the right place.

This stunning 10 Watt Bluetooth speaker has been equipped with 88 three-color LEDs.

These colorful lights can be set to move according to the rhythm of the music that you're playing

or to simply create a random relaxing ambiance.

In total, this Bluetooth speaker features 5 different stunning light effects that are

sure to impress all your visitors.

With its 360-degree sound, this 5 Watt speaker is sure to deliver an audiophile music experience.

It supports Bluetooth 4.0 thanks to which you can easily pair it up with your smartphone,

laptop, or tablet.

It features a 10-meter audio range for a stable connection throughout your entire room

RGB Ceiling Color Light Spice up your interior and bring millions

of colors into your home or office with this large RGB ceiling light.

With its RGB LEDs, this ceiling light can illume in any color imaginable by simply using

its remote control.

Whether you spend a romantic evening at home with your wife, or simply use it to light

up your office – this LED ceiling light is sure to meet your lighting demands.

This beautiful LED ceiling light produces up to 2400 lumens.

Thanks to this, it is capable of lighting up an area of up to 10 square meters.

This makes the light perfect for lighting up an average sized room.

Decorative LED Vase This stylish little gadget is so much more

than your ordinary decorative flower vase.

With its built-in LED lights, this LED vase is capable of lighting up in your favorite


It furthermore comes with motion detection, making it a great nightlight to light up your

hallway after dark.

The sensor features a 110-degree angle and 3-meter range.

Besides featuring a beautiful intergraded LED color light, this flower vase also comes

packed with a built-in Bluetooth speaker.

With its 10m Bluetooth range, this wireless speaker allows you to listen to your favorite

songs straight from your mobile music library.

It even comes with a built-in microphone that lets you engage in handsfree phone calls.

By procuring 70dB of sound, this wireless speaker packs enough power to fully let you

enjoy your favorite songs out loud.

More gadgets on!

For more infomation >> Spice Up Your Interior With These Colorful LED Gadgets - Duration: 2:48.



Hi this is vijaya & welcome to vijaya's recipes.

Today we'll make a very popular South Indian Dry Chutney Powder i.e "Nuvvula Podi"

Nuvvula is known as TiI (Sesame Seeds) in Telugu & Podi means Powder

We can use this Sesame Seeds Powder to make Sesame Rice

It taste really good with Curd Rice, Plain Rice, Idli & Dosa.

Its very easy to make, taste really good & get prepared very quickly

So let's make Nuvvula Podi or Sesame Seeds Powder

To make Nuvvula Podi /Til Chutney / Sesame Seeds Powder we've taken 2 Cups Sesame Seeds

Salt to taste

1/2 tsp Asafoetida, 10-12 Dry Whole Red Chillies

We can the simple Til Powder with only 4 ingredients

But today we'll use some other ingredients as well

2 tsp Split Bengal Gram

2 tsp Split Black Gram

1 tsp Cumin Seeds, 1 tsp Coriander Seeds & 8-10 Garlic Cloves

So let's make Nuvvula Podi or Sesame Seeds Powder

To make Nuvvula Podi or Sesame Seeds Powder, we'll just dry roast all the ingredients

Firstly we'll dry roast Split Bengal Gram

We've dry roast it for 2-3 mins, now we'll take this out in a bowl

In the same pan we'll put Split Bengal Gram & will dry roast it

We've dry roast it for 2-3 mins, now we'll take this out in a bowl

Now we'll dry roast Coriander Seeds

Adding Cumin Seeds

Adding Dry Whole Red Chillies

Adding Garlic Cloves

We've roasted the Dry Red Chillies & now we'll take them out in a bowl

Adding Til or Sesame Seeds in the pan

Adding Asafoetida & we'll dry roast them

We've fried the Sesame Seeds for 5 mins on the low flame

Turn off the flame & take them out in a separate bowl

Here we've dry roast all the ingredients, now we'll let them cool down and further will grind them

Adding Roasted Split Black Gram & Split Bengal Gram in the mixer jar

Now we'll do dry grinding

Here we've grind both the grams and now we'll take them out in a separate bowl

Adding roasted Red Chillies, Coriander Seeds, Cumin Seeds & Garlic Cloves in the mixer jar

Let's blend them

We've grind Red Chillies, taking them out in a bowl

Finally we'll grind roasted Sesame Seeds

Adding Salt

Let's blend them too

We'll just coarsely grind the Sesame Seeds for 2 mins only & then we'll mix it with the mixture

Mix all the ingredients well

Here we've our Nuvvula Podi/Til Powder/Sesame Powder is ready

By keeping it into an air tight container, we can use it for 1 month

If you like our today's recipe then do try this.

We have given all the detailed method of preparation & ingredients.

Do like, share our videos and subscribe to our channel.

And for more such recipes please visit our website

Thanks a lot for watching, see you in our next video.

For more infomation >> TIL CHUTNEY POWDER || NUVVULA PODI || SPICED SESAME SEEDS POWDER|| NUVVULA KAARAM || VijayasRecipes - Duration: 5:34.


НОВИНКИ СЕРИАЛОВ ЗИМЫ. Самые лучшие сериалы 2018 года. Топ Декабрь 2017, Январь, Февраль 2018 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> НОВИНКИ СЕРИАЛОВ ЗИМЫ. Самые лучшие сериалы 2018 года. Топ Декабрь 2017, Январь, Февраль 2018 - Duration: 2:38.


Andrea Salaino, Leonardo's non-existent pupil || Milan in 90 seconds (or nearly so) #28 - Duration: 2:09.

Milan in 90 seconds (or nearly so)

Are you really sure you know Milan?

Do you know that in town there is a statue dedicated to a painter that doesn't exist?

Andrea Salaino, Leonardo's non-existent pupil

The monument dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci located in Piazza della Scala

was realized in 1872 by the sculptor Pietro Magni.

Leonardo's figure dominates, on top, surrounded by his four most famous students.

The "Scapigliatura" writer Giuseppe Rovani defined this monument "On liter in quater", a liter for four,

because in his opinion Leonardo looked like a bottle of wine

and the four pupils around him looked like the glasses that four imaginary customers were ready to drink from.

The monument is so complicated that it took 13 years to finish it.

Despite the long construction times, it contains an incredible mistake.

Indeed, if we look at the statues surrounding Leonardo,

we find the names of his most important pupils:

Marco d'Oggiono, Cesare da Sesto and Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio.

The forth statue, on the other hand, is dedicated to someone called Andrea Salaino,

a painter that doesn't exist.

That statue was supposed to be dedicated to Leonardo's favorite student, Gian Giacomo Caprotti,

known under the name of "Salaì".

The confusion between the names dates back to the clamorous mistake

made by an art historian, Paolo Morigia, at the end of the VI century.

He confused Salaì with Andrea Salerno,

who was instead Cesare da Sesto's student,

and filled the books of art history with this non-existent name.

n Milan there is even a street dedicated to this invented painter: a side street by Via Solari.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Andrea Salaino, Leonardo's non-existent pupil || Milan in 90 seconds (or nearly so) #28 - Duration: 2:09.


Colors Pool | Learn Colours | Educational Videos For Toddlers | Nursery Rhymes Video by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:06:42.






For more infomation >> Colors Pool | Learn Colours | Educational Videos For Toddlers | Nursery Rhymes Video by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:06:42.


LetterSchool handwriting apk Lowercase a b c d e f g h D'Nealian letters Preschool Learning Alphabet - Duration: 14:11.

LetterSchool handwriting apk Lowercase a b c d e f g h D'Nealian letters Preschool Learning Alphabet

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting apk Lowercase a b c d e f g h D'Nealian letters Preschool Learning Alphabet - Duration: 14:11.


How well do we recycle plastic? - Duration: 4:41.

This is not waste. This is a commodity.

Plastic waste from all over Switzerland makes its way

to the InnoRecycling site in Eschlikon, Canton Thurgau.

Managing Director Markus Tonner is a plastic recycling pioneer.

He believes the business with plastic waste has plenty of potential.

We'd be happy if we had a larger quantity to work with.

At the moment we have to use plastic waste

from Austria, Germany or France.

In contrast to PET, collecting plastic is voluntary in Switzerland.

Markus Tonner has developed a system

involving a bag that can be purchased.

If people in Switzerland were to collect larger quantities,

like they do in other countries,

we can assume that the sorting and recycling

will become less expensive for consumers.

And at some point it won't cost anything at all.

All kinds of plastic can be put into the InnoRecycling bag:

bottles, packaging, cling film.

More municipalities are joining in.

Consumers save money because the plastic collection bag costs less

than the rubbish bags that people buy.

But the plastic collection bags are also meeting with resistance.

The Perlen waste incineration plant near Lucerne.

The most modern in Switzerland.

Here in central Switzerland

mixed collection bags for plastic waste are not allowed.

Lots of household plastic waste is incinerated.

Hans Ulrich Schwarzenbach explains that this makes sense for the environment.

At the incineration plant,

everything that can no longer be used is incinerated.

The steam is used to produce electricity.

We use the residual steam to dry paper

or to operate district heating grids.

The municipalities have the monopoly over residential waste.

They decide if plastic waste goes to be recycled

or straight to the incinerator.

Around half the collected material is used in the cement works

as fuel - just like here.

In order to sort it, though,

it has to be transported over 100 km..

That doesn't make sense.

Strong reproaches to plastic collectors.

Indeed: because the quantity is too small,

Swiss plastic waste often has to be taken abroad first.

This facility in Austria's Vorarlberg

sorts the material by type of plastic and quality.

In Switzerland, the material is then processed further in Eschlikon.

It's shredded, washed and melted down.

Part is suitable only as

fuel for the Swiss cement industry

and takes the place of coal.

However, the goal is to produce as much recycling granulate as possible.

As a rule, over half is sent for recycling.

The material that can't be recycled is environmentally interesting

because we then have to import less coal into Switzerland

and can substitute the plastic for coal.

The granulate from Thurgau then served as raw material

for the production of plastic bags, containers and pipes

throughout Europe.

These are the positions in the dispute over plastic waste:

On the one hand,

the plastic recycling sector and the cement industry.

On the other hand, incineration plants covet the plastic as fuel,

and many municipalities fear that without plastic waste

revenue from the charges for rubbish bags would decline.

Less controversial is the collection of the plastic bottles

that can also be returned to retailers.

Hans Ulrich Schwarzenbach says

that municipalities should allow only these collections.

If it's collected together, someone has to sort it out.

Here, consumers, who do, however,

have to be monitored, deliver the right sort of plastic.

The plastic that can be recycled is in here,

and the rest is sent straight to the incinerator.

Simon Zeller from the environmental foundation Pusch has a different opinion.

Studies showed that collecting and recycling plastic

is definitely better for the environment.

The different recycling systems should be encouraged and

not restricted.

The fact that it's all about money is often concealed

at the expense of the environment.

It's about the charges and who should receive which waste.

But the environment benefits from all these systems.

That's why people should go a step further

and introduce these systems.

Collect more plastic? The cabinet will issue an invitation

in mid-November to discuss the waste dispute.

For more infomation >> How well do we recycle plastic? - Duration: 4:41.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 83 - Duration: 2:15.


For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 83 - Duration: 2:15.


Adhoora Bandhan Episode 20 Teaser - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Adhoora Bandhan Episode 20 Teaser - Duration: 0:57.


004 Рисование скетча - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> 004 Рисование скетча - Duration: 11:35.


Agbani Darego & Ishaya Danjuma's First Appearance since Marriage|NVS News - Duration: 0:57.

Agbani Darego & Ishaya Danjuma's First Appearance since Marriage

Early this year, Agbani Darego married the love of her life Ishaya Danjuma in Marrakesh, Morocco.

The beauty queen has now shared the first photo of her and her husband together since they got married as they attended Ishaya's dad, General Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma's 80th birthday party.

For more infomation >> Agbani Darego & Ishaya Danjuma's First Appearance since Marriage|NVS News - Duration: 0:57.


🎄 Coffret Noël Fun'Ethic | Un projet éco-local 🎄 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 🎄 Coffret Noël Fun'Ethic | Un projet éco-local 🎄 - Duration: 2:52.


Otto Kern stirbt mit 67 Jahren | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Otto Kern stirbt mit 67 Jahren | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 1:55.


Behind the scenes with our online media team - Duration: 9:51.

That's online news and information from Switzerland.

Articles, podcasts and videos in 10 languages.

To produce in all of these languages, we work closely together.

Text and data journalists, a graphic designer and multimedia editors.

Here at the production desk,

our specialists work alongside each other on articles

in collaboration with all ten language departments.

The data journalist analyses data to be made into a story.

We generally look for a unique angle, based on figures.

There are interactive graphics with content

specifically optimised for the web.

We collaborate with the other units of the SBC on a daily basis.

Big analysis projects, like the national parliamentary elections,

we cover together with RTS and SRF.

We discuss ideas and projects we're working on.

And we adapt and translate graphics created by

the other units into our languages.

My job is to check whether

there are any appropriate news stories from the night before

which we could use in different languages.

For instance, I would use material from SRF.

They have three big news programmes every night

that we can take from.

RTS as well, has a journal at 19.30.

Both of these have subtitles

already in their own languages. So we can take these

and convert them into any languages we want, fairly quickly.

Our readers not only have a language in common,

they also have a shared interest in specific topics.

We have to ensure we have a clear editorial profile;

that involves focusing on key themes and making sure

we have departments and journalists with specialist areas of knowledge.

No other country has

such highly developed tools of direct democracy.

We want to show this.

We don't want to lecture and tell people

how they have to do it.

It's meant as an inspiration.

Today this is more important than ever.

We have a strong focus on local democracy.

Doing this work is a lot of fun.

In recent years, our online communities have become

an important part of our work.

Not just as readers and consumers.

Today, they give us important input for new stories

from around the world.

The challenge about swissinfo's community building is

that it concerns 10 languages and 10 different cultures.

Some use completely different social media platforms.

The community helps with coverage.

They can give input.

They can tell us what's on their minds

and we can react to this.

But they can also discuss our content with each other.

Isn't this actually the aim of journalism,

to spark a debate among people.

One of our communities is the Swiss abroad.

For the young Swiss abroad

we created a special Instagram account.

Here they show us how they live all over the world.

From these images we pick interesting people,

stories and photos and create short portraits.

We use Facebook across all our ten swissinfo languages.

Each language has a separate page

and there are people in each language department

managing their own page and interacting with their fans.

Our Arabic and English pages are the largest ones at the moment

with over a million fans overall.

We can also use it to figure out

how interested people are in certain topics.

Sometimes we ask some questions and they give us

lots of useful information, such as personal stories.

Or they put us in touch with people

we wouldn't find otherwise.

We've been trying out a new tool called Harken.

Our first attempt with this software was to ask people

what questions they had, in a general sense.

What did they want to know about something

they observed in Switzerland,

maybe they live here, maybe they've visited.

Or about this country's politics or its culture.

Cultures are omnipresent at

With 10 languages that's no surprise!

Our diversity is our strength,

and it enriches our work.

Small departments for big languages.

their knowledge is invaluable to

What do Russian readers think about neutrality or banking secrecy?

How do people in the Arab world

perceive the Swiss burka debate?

What reputation does direct democracy have among our readers in China?

These points of view are essential for our coverage.

India is the second largest population of English speakers in the world

and we're interested in increasing our Indian audience.

Part of my job is to find stories

that cover both India and Switzerland

and to write stories about them.

Issues can range from bilateral trade to the pharmaceutical industry,

as well as lighter issues, such as Bollywood and Indian weddings.

Our main challenge is to explain current developments

in Switzerland to a big Arabic audience,

that hardly knows anything about Swiss daily life.

Another challenge is to adapt stories

to make them work on social media.

This is the Russian language department of

Here we write and translate texts,

we work on videos and discuss editorial plans.

Or in other words, we do all it takes

to fulfil our mandate.

Which is to explain what happens in Switzerland,

to be a reliable source of information

and to show the uniqueness of Swiss politics

and direct democracy.

Whether at international organisations or the Swiss financial centre,

our correspondents in Zurich and Geneva

report from the heart of these hubs.

At the moment, there are 3 very dynamic engaged communities.

There's Fintech, the new digital revolution of the banking system.

Another is crypto currency, such as bit coin,

which is really making the news at the moment.

And a third is other block chain applications,

which can be used by all sorts of industries,

from logistics, to pharma and health.

Here inside the United Nations Office

we encounter international Geneva.

That's diplomats, government representatives,

international experts on all possible areas,

such as economic problems,

health, politics and development,

humanitarian aid and environment.

The online world is constantly changing.

And so are we.

That's why we tell our stories

in different and new formats.

I'm making a video for Nouvo,

which is a project in association with RTS, SRF

and also the Romansh service.

Our videos are quite short.

They're on Facebook, Instagram and other social media,

for a younger audience.

Dynamic and very short.

When Facebook first introduced their life video streaming,

we had a few journalists who tried it out spontaneously.

It's a very useful way for us to bring our audience closer to things

happening in Switzerland, that they otherwise wouldn't be able to see.

It's also been a useful tool for analysing situations.

For example, with the recent election of the federal cabinet.

We had rolling coverage across our Swiss languages,

with an in-house expert.

We could see what was happening in parliament

and give people in-depth analysis on the situation.

Online journalists from different cultures

with specialised knowledge,

developing ideas and stories together

for the only purely online platform of the Swiss Broadcasting Cooperation.

We use multimedia storytelling and digital formats

so that stories from Switzerland can keep reaching the world,

now and in the future.

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