Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

Today Bangla Breaking News Update, Bangla News update,

bangla news, Bangla tv News, Bangla News today

For more infomation >> মাত্র পাওয়াঃ যমুনা টিভি সংবাদ - Jamuna News Today 12 December 2017 | Bangla News Today - shadhin24 - Duration: 13:57.


how to make a Upload Youtube video|কি ভাবে ইউটিউবে ভিডিও আপলোড করবেন!! - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> how to make a Upload Youtube video|কি ভাবে ইউটিউবে ভিডিও আপলোড করবেন!! - Duration: 6:58.


The Christmas Song | We sing a holiday song about the Christmas Tree - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> The Christmas Song | We sing a holiday song about the Christmas Tree - Duration: 1:42.



For more infomation >> LIBERAMIENTO EMOCIONAL PARA CONECTAR CON NUESTRA ESENCIA - Sara Forrellad - Duration: 1:05:38.


FINAL Digimon Tri Movie FIRST Trailer!! Digimon Adventure Tri Our Future Trailer #1 Review - Duration: 5:32.

What's up guys Foxen here! Today digimon fans are getting a Christmas gift a

little bit early. The first trailer for the final Digimon tri movie just dropped

but is it really a gift? We'll see about that!

So shot by shot we start with Agumon eating food.

We got a lovely still shot of the digidestined that they love doing it. I

really do hope that animation gets better for this final movie. We get a

glimpse of the weird fusion thing that fusion from the previous movies called

Ordinemon and here it's just destroying the whole world. She seems to

be making the human world into this whole dark ocean type of place. We also

see Matt sporting a certain someone's goggles. I mean now that Tai's dead he

might as well put them in a good use Right. After all now matt has to play

leader. You also see the shot of Kari and Gatomon. It looks like Gatomon is

reaching out to Kari. Perhaps while being inside of that weird Digimon

fusion thing. It may even be a dream and at the very end you got two digivices.

This has got to be Matt and Tai 99% sure. Oh wait I forgot this is Digimon

Tri. Let me correct that that has to be Meiko and Matt but really you could

tell by the hand color. At least one of them is Tai. Honestly not much for this

super short trailer it's less than 30 seconds. Overall I just found it pretty

underwhelming but thankfully there's more the synopsis for this final

Digimon Tri movie our future is out. The collapse of the world has begun. The

rampaging Meicoomon absorbed the dark digivolve Gatomon and changed into the

form Ordinemon who has an almighty power. As planned by Yggdrasil the

Real World is about to be swallowed by the digital world. While despairing chaos

approaches the DigiDestined continue to move forward. Now that Tai disappeared

Matt has stepped up to take his place. "In order to save the world there's

something we must do." Gabumon encourages Matt while Agumon still

believes that Tai it will surely be back. In order to deal with Ordinemon who's

gotten of hand homeostasis moved to execute the final plan that involves the

real world. In order to somehow stop the destruction the DigiDestined and

their Digimon fight desperately. "All of the light is inside Meicoomon..."

Gatomon's voice reaches Kari who's totally depressed and so the

Digidestined will make the final decision.

Which future will the digidestined choose? Once again that adventure evolved. So

there's definitely a lot more here than in that teaser trailer. This seems to

confirm that Ophanimon and that Meicrackmon Fusion is really Yggdrasil's

plan which really is to really say goodbye to the real world. And really I'm

questioning this plan a lot. It seems pretty extreme if they only want to

destroy the human world. I mean just think about it there's countless Digimon

including the Royal Knights who could easily destroy the planet just nuke it

but I guess that's not good enough. And now that Tai's gone since oh my god he's

really dead, Matt is stepping up to take the lead.

This is something you saw in the trailer. He's even using the goggles!

Honestly it seems a little bit forced but we'll see. So other than Meiko getting

50% of screen time that other 50% should be between Kari and Matt. I just wonder

if these two will interact a lot here. I don't think we've seen them talking much

throughout the series. Anyway meanwhile homeostasis is back. So Yggdrasil

wants to destroy the human world while homeostasis wants balance. There's a

mention here about how homeostasis plan involves a real world. I'll take a stab at

it with my guess I bet it'll involve completely separating the two worlds, in

other words no more crossover between humans and Digimon. In a way it'll be

goodbye digidestined and partner digimon, again but for real this time.

It almost sounds like another reboot type of idea. Anyway that's just my

random guess here super early before work. If you have a guess definitely let

me know! And the last point sounds like this movie will be the one that's really

more focused on Kari and it's about damn time.

Number 5 was supposed to be her movie but of course we mostly got Meiko and her

crying overshadowing everything. The last thing here in the synopsis is has Gatomon

reaching out to Kari. It might have even been that shot from the trailer.

Although what is this thing about the light being inside the Meicoomon. I

really hope this isn't being literal. Gatomon should be the light representing

Digimon. I think this sounds more like she's trying to say that Meicoomon* is

actually a good Digimon deep down inside. Sure and I think Myotismon is too hmm

Anyway now let me hear from you! What did you think about this trailer? Did it make you

excited for the final movie? Are you burnt out by Digimon Tri at this

point? Personally for me I still got that bad taste in my mouth from the previous

movie and from hearing from you guys on my review on that it seems that most

people are too. I think like two be guys out there like the movie a lot. I really

really wish I did too. With this final Digimon Tri movie I'm pretty much

thinking the same thing I did just before Justice League came out. Please

don't be crap please don't be crap please don't be crap. And hey this movie

is even like Justice League in the way they're keeping Tai back even though

everyone knows he's coming back in the movie. And by the way still no mention

about the 02 cast. Call me crazy but I think there's

actually a good chance that they may not even show up in this movie, like at all.

Anyway let me know what you thought about this trailer! Did I get you excited

or do you just not care right now? If you enjoyed my breakdown definitely

give us a thumbs up! Be sure to check out some of my recent anime videos on KonoSuba

and My hero academia and I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> FINAL Digimon Tri Movie FIRST Trailer!! Digimon Adventure Tri Our Future Trailer #1 Review - Duration: 5:32.



<K.K is laughing at something in her computer>



The eggs and milk is finished. Go to the shop and buy it.

I'll go later. I want to see this show first.

Are you going to go to the shop now or not?

What are you going to do for side dish then? Lick something?

There is still 15 more minutes. I'll go later.

Now, my mother is going to emotionally blackmail me.

a few months ago, i did a similar video.


In that episode, i gave you the breakdown on HOW MY MOTHER SCOLDS ME.

Today, i'm going to give the breakdown of HOW MY MOTHER EMOTIONALLY BLACKMAILS ME.



There are alot of suitable BGM for this situation.

but the BGM we are going to use today is AMMA AMMA from VIP movie.

Great Performance for the great BGM. Let'se see.

Just like the priest from MAAN KARATE movie...

my mother will insinuate that she has the power to predict the future.

With that power, she will emotionally tell me that she has been waiting for this day since i was born.

Its okay. have been waiting for this day.

Don't worry. I know. I know this day will come.

i know my children will do this.


Taking her future predicting ability a step up, she will say she can predict my future too.

She will threaten me that her wrath will not leave me alone.

Don't worry. One day, you will also have children.

Then, you will understand this pain.

Strength and Weakness.

When we go for an interview, the interviewer will ask us what is our strength and weakness.

No interviewee has ever answered this question this well while creating sympathy.

I'll go and buy it myself.

I'll go myself.

On the way, if i fall down because of my leg pain, you don't have to come.

No one has to come. Don't worry.

You don't worry even a bit.

I can't trust anyone in my life. Till the end, i'll put everything upon me and do it myself.

I don't need anyones' help.

My mother has successfully emotionally blackmailed me.

Now let's see the whole scene together.

okay fine. i'll go now.

You are going?

Go before the shop closes.

On your way back, buy rice too. The rice is finishing at home.

Hurry Hurry go!

If you like this breakdown, then tell me what you want to see my breakdown on HOW? ep.3

Give me your suggestion in the comment section.

Till then...bye!


Next week, i will break down k.k's antics in another video.

Don't you have any other job?

did you buy that rice?

No one wants to help me in this house.

For more infomation >> MOM'S EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL! - Duration: 4:12.


[VOSTFR] 13 janvier 2013 RM Ses interrogations à propos de son rap - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] 13 janvier 2013 RM Ses interrogations à propos de son rap - Duration: 2:34.


【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】耳なし芳一/Houichi without ears【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 7:37.

Once upon a time,

there was a monk at Amida Temple named Houichi who played the Japanese lute very beautifully.

Houichi was blinded by an eye disease he got in his childhood.

Being trained to play the lute and tell a story under a lute master,

his skill to play improved dramatically.

The head monk favored such Houichi's skill and let him live in the temple.

Houichi's best performance was "A Tale of the Heike Clan."

The story was based on a historical event; a battle between the Genji and Heike clans.

When he started to play the lute and told the story, everyone shed tears.

One Summer night.

The head monk left the temple for a Buddhist memorial service.

Houichi was playing the lute alone.

Then somebody called his name.

"Houichi! Houichi!"

Blind Houichi asked, "who is calling me?"

"I am a servant of the highly ranked lord living near here."

"I came to bring you to our lord who is requesting your performance."

"I'll guide you to his house so come with me."

"Thank you. I'd be honered to."

Houichi followed him.

He heard the sound of rattling armor every time the servant stepped forward.

'He must be a samurai encased in fine armor,' Houichi imagined.

They arrived at the house after a while.

It seemed like a big house with a large garden.

Hearing the rustle of kimonos and clanking armor, there must have been a large audience.

"Houichi, please play the Tale of Heike," one servant asked him.

Houichi started to twang the lute and told the story.

He played from his heart.

The story came to its climax;

the last battle of Genji and Heike clan.

As Houichi told of the Heike clans tragic end, losing the battle and perishing from history forever,

the audience quietly started to sob.

After Houichi finished performing, a hushed silence reigned over the audience.

Then the servant said to Houichi.

"Well done. Your lute was absolutely stunning. Our lord was deeply pleased."

"I am very honored to hear that," replied Houichi

"So, our lord is asking if you would come every night to perform.

Houichi, please consider our lord's request.

I'll come to pick you up at the temple," the servant continued.

"Ask any reward you want. We'll prepare it.

But never tell anybody about us when you return to the temple. Do you understand?"

Night after night, Houichi went to the house with the servant to play his lute.

The head monk wondered and worried where Houichi went every night,

coming back at nearly dawn, so he asked.

Houichi kept his promise with the servant and didn't say a word to the head monk.

The head monk thought that Houichi

must have a reason why he would not tell even to the head monk.

Deciding to find out what was going on, he told a sexton to follow Houichi that night.

As the head monk expected,

Houichi left the temple on that night so the sexton followed him.

Despite Houichi's blindness,

he was walking fast and disappeared suddenly at the cemetery.

'Where did he go?'

The sexton looked around and saw such a frightening scene he almost screamed.

Houichi was sitting alone in the cemetery and playing the lute.

Many pale fireballs were flying around him.

'Houichi was possessed by ghosts,' the sexton shuddered.

'They are the ghosts of the Heike clan that perished in an ocean of agony!'

The sexton went back to the temple and told the head monk what he saw.

The head monk immediately called Houichi and said,

"Houichi, the ghosts were attracted to your artistic lute.

If you keep visiting them, they will eventually take your life."

"Now, I have to go out tonight

so I'll write a Buddhist sutra on your body so the ghosts can't possess you.

Never reply to their call.

If you say anything, the sutra will lose its power.

Meditate in stillness and never utter a word, understand?"

"Yes, master,"

Houichi declared that he understood the head monk's order.

Houichi was sitting alone with the sutra written on his body.

The servant came and called his name.

"Houichi! Hoichi!"

Hoichi was invisible to him because of the sutra on his body.

"Where are you?"

The servant looked for Houichi and found his ears.

The head monk forgot to write sutra on Houichi ears!

"You! Houichi, I'm taking your ears as evidence that I came here to get you."

Then he ripped Houichi ears off and left with them.

During this time, sitting there,

Hoichi swallowed his pain and fear and never said a word.

After a while, the head monk came home and hurried to Houichi.

"Houichi! Are you alright?"

Houichi just sat still.

His ears were gone and blood was running from his head.

"Oh Houichi! I am so sorry to forget about your ears."

The head monk immediately knew what had happened.

The ghosts never came back to Houichi.

After some time, his wounds recovered.

People talked about his story with the ghosts and his performance.

Houichi's lute was more beautiful than ever and he became a very famous musician.

For more infomation >> 【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】耳なし芳一/Houichi without ears【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 7:37.


adah sharma hot,Adah Sharma Dance Move,Adah Sharma Hot at Beach,HOT and SEXY Sharma,The Hunter King - Duration: 1:21.

Adah Shamra Hot photos and dance

For more infomation >> adah sharma hot,Adah Sharma Dance Move,Adah Sharma Hot at Beach,HOT and SEXY Sharma,The Hunter King - Duration: 1:21.


Leon Reloaded - Half a Shillin' - Duration: 1:37.

This is your last chance.

After this, there's no turning back. You take the blue pill. You wake up in your bed the next morning

And you believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill.

And you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how far the rabbit goes.

They sound like Downers.

However, if you had any blue ghost on you, Jeez I loved to get fucked up!

All I'm offering you is the truth.

What else have you got there? What's in that fucking backpack over there?

You can't smoke in here

Do you understand what I'm asking of you?

The faith of Zion.

You must choose!

Grand, grand, grand, grand. Gowan give us the pills.


Cheers for the pills lad! I'm going back to the-

You may have been looking for me for the last five minutes, but I've been looking for you the entire night.

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