Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

2 table spoon of yogurt

1 onion

1 glove of garlic

Rend it with rondo

500 ground meat


Cumin-chili pepper-blackpepper


Wrap it at cling wrap. And wait for 1 night at deepfreeze

When you are going to cook wait at room temperatur for 10-15 minutes than chop it

Fry with little oil


For more infomation >> Home made Turkish Doner Kabeb Recipe - Duration: 2:26.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর একাত্তর টিভি সংবাদ ১২ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ Ekattor Tv News Today - Duration: 11:20.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর একাত্তর টিভি সংবাদ ১২ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ Ekattor Tv News Today - Duration: 11:20.


Former Clinton Adviser Sides with Trump, Exposes the Truth Behin - Duration: 3:57.

Former Clinton Adviser Sides with Trump, Exposes the Truth Behind Democrat Resistance to Tax


Political commentator Dick Morris shared his thoughts Friday on the Democrat Party�s

response to the GOP tax reform bill.

In his latest �Lunch Alert� video, titled �Democrats Deficit Hypocrisy,� the one-time

adviser to former President Bill Clinton said he finds it �so interesting to watch the

shenanigans the Democrats are going through as they assess the Trump tax cut proposals.�

Morris accused the Democrat Party of hypocrisy, saying, �They are so bent out of shape that

they�re going to raise the deficit, that they�re going to expand the deficit, using

the money for tax cuts.�

�Now it was perfectly fine with them in the opening month of the Obama administration,

when Obama just gave them a blank check to spend money on stimulus.�

�And there were articles at the time that deficits just don�t matter, and that they�re

just going to go crazy trying to avert unemployment,� he continued.

Morris claimed that the Democrat Party lacks restraint when given the opportunity spend

tax dollars, but when faced with cutting taxes, worries about the effect on the deficit.

�When the Democrats are given the option of spending money, they go completely crazy

and they don�t worry about the deficit, but when given the option of cutting taxes

they become punctilious and don�t want to cut the taxes, don�t want to spend too much

on cutting the taxes.

They�re very worried about the impact on the deficit,� he explained.

Morris then claimed that Democrats just want higher taxes and don�t care about the deficit.

�Have you gotten the point that the Democrats want higher taxes?

And want more government spending, and could care less about the impact on the deficit?�

he asked.

�And that the one thing they�re apposed to is cutting taxes, because it decreases

the power of the federal government and their power as well.�

Morris concluded that �nothing could be more evident than looking at this insane double

standard going on now in Washington.�

On Saturday, Senate Republicans finally pushed their tax bill through the upper chamber.

The bill, which received no Democrat support, must now go through the reconciliation process

with the House tax plan

During a news conference on Monday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi reiterated her

disapproval of the GOP-sponsored plan.

�Isn�t really what�s going on is that many people are getting a very modest tax

cut, and some people are getting a tax increase, while a lot of this is also going to business,

but it�s not the end of the world?� a reporter asked.

�No it is the end of the world,� Pelosi responded.

�The debate on health care is life/death.

This is Armageddon.�

�This is a very big deal.

Because you know why?

There�s really a very hard way to come back from this.

They take us further, more deeply into debt.

What can you do but raise taxes?�

Caterine DeCicco is The Western Journal�s Washington, D.C. video producer.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Former Clinton Adviser Sides with Trump, Exposes the Truth Behin - Duration: 3:57.


Trains @ Bedford, MML + MVL | Saturday 25th November 2017 - Duration: 21:19.

For more infomation >> Trains @ Bedford, MML + MVL | Saturday 25th November 2017 - Duration: 21:19.


Выбери Глаз и Узнай свою Настоящую Сущность - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Выбери Глаз и Узнай свою Настоящую Сущность - Duration: 6:18.


Borderlands 2 Zero Live #17 - Duration: 40:07.

For more infomation >> Borderlands 2 Zero Live #17 - Duration: 40:07.


DIY Baby Doli and Learn Color By Play Doh How to Make Noel Decoration Santa Clus Mery Christmas 2017 - Duration: 9:11.

DIY Baby Doli and Learn Color By Play Doh How to Make Noel Decoration Santa Clus Mery Christmas 2017

For more infomation >> DIY Baby Doli and Learn Color By Play Doh How to Make Noel Decoration Santa Clus Mery Christmas 2017 - Duration: 9:11.


Глубина | #DoWhatYouCant | Samsung YouTube TV | (12+) - Duration: 9:59.

I don't think of the sea as an animate object.

For me it's just an environment. In everyday life we got used to walking and breathing.

But I got used to staying in the water.

I'm going to set my new personal record

and dive to 130 meters on just one breath.

When I started, I dived in the Black Sea. I was five.

We dived for mussels and rapans.

You have to hold your breath, so it's kind of freediving. We dived to 10-15 meters.

At some point I had to make a choice.

Continue studying music and attend conservatory.

Or doing sport and swimming.

I chose swimming.

When I was 17 I took part in competitions.

I liked how you interact with water environment in freediving.

Mom was master of sports in swimming and speed swimming with monofin.

But I performed more often than my Mom, because I had more trainings.

Sometimes I went to the competitions by myself.

I always wanted to do something on my own.

Mom always loved me very much, she let me do what I wanted and gave me advices.

We had very good mutual understanding.

Newscaster: The underwater part of the search

of the legendary world champion freediver Natalia Molchanova is now over.

On August 2 she went missing during training dip, when she probably get caught in the undertow.

The surface part of the operation continues, but the chances of success are too small.

I wasn't there. If I was there, it wouldn't have happened.

I have a feeling that she looks after me and protects me.

I did not have any negative attitude to the water after that accident.

It's just another environment. It's a life. That's it.

One day I was already on the rope,

and at the moment when I had to dive,

an undertow came and the rope from the vertical position

inclined at an angle of 30 degrees. It should be no undertows at all.

The first 25 metres I have to use monofin, but then it's a free fall.

Alexey Molchanov set a new personal record — 130 metres

Nobody in the world has ever dived to such a depth with monofin without oxygen and special equipment.

For more infomation >> Глубина | #DoWhatYouCant | Samsung YouTube TV | (12+) - Duration: 9:59.


Marie Forleo & Glennon Doyle: An Invitation To Do Some Good - Duration: 13:01.


Hi everyone.

It's Marie Forleo and my beautiful sister Glennon Doyle.

We are here today because we want to talk about this beautiful love flash mob that we're

doing that is launching today.

So we're gonna start off with telling you about the focus of this particular love flash

mob, and it is the opioid crisis.

Now, Glennon, when you – ya'll emailed me and shared that this was gonna be our focus.

I have to tell you, it was an instant yes for me.

This is a topic that's been in the news for years now, and obviously we've heard

more about it this year than any other year because it's reaching such a level.

It's a crisis.

Tell me why you wanted to focus here right now.

It is the – it's the next right thing for caring people of conscience in this country.

I mean, the statistics about what's happening in the – in America with opioids and kids

is staggering when you get into it.

I mean, the opioid overdose at this point kills more Americans under the age of 50 than

gun violence, than car accidents even.

I mean our inner city – our cities, our rural cities and inner cities, are just ravaged

right now and people are losing their children and their sisters and their brothers.

And people aren't talking about it, because there's so much stigma still attached to



And that's the other reason why this is an important story to tell right now, because

these babies are victims of disease.

I myself am a recovering addict, and I know how hard it is to get help.

For a while, I mean, we've been researching this for months and months and months.

We knew this was the next right thing for this country.

If you are an American paying attention to the news and you care about children and you

care about hurting people, this is the place to focus right now.

And the other thing, Marie, is right now things are so hard and so divisive and everybody

is yelling at each other.

Right now I think the next right thing is for all of us to just to get involved in a

project that has to do with service and love and taking care of each other and, you know,

loving people before we decide whether they're worth it.




Grace and love doesn't, you know, make a checklist before we decide who's worthy of our support

and love.

It's just their existence as our human family.



When I was doing research on this myself I came across some statistics that just floored


You know, it says in 2016 more than 64,000 people died of drug overdoses in America,

and synthetic opioids were topping the other causes, topping everything.

And that's a higher death toll than guns, car crashes, HIV/AIDS, all of them combined

ever killed in one year.

It's also a higher death toll than all US military casualties in the Vietnam and Iraq

war combined.

This is real.


That's what we're talking about.


Every news…

You think about 9/11.


9/11 was such a tragedy and we talk about it all the time, but if you look at the opioid

statistics, we lose enough Americans to make a 9/11 every three weeks in our country right


So it's time for us to – and you know, Marie, you and I care also about – we care

about raising money and we care about helping people.

We also care about telling stories that are important.


You know, I think right now we're in this – our country is in a fever pitch and we

think we have two options, fight or flight.


We have to add fuel to the fire, make everything worse by being nasty, or we have to hide from

it all.


Watch more cat YouTube videos.

But those two options suck.

There is a third way.


There's fight, flight, and then there's invite.

Like, we can do something together that is beautiful because the world is not changed

by our opinions, but it is changed by our love.

And our actions.

And our actions.


So that's what we're doing today.

We're getting into action.


So tell us about – okay.

So another thing I want to mention, because I feel so blessed that there's folks all

around the world who read my emails and watch our show and pay attention.

And one thing I do want to mention, you know, if anyone outside the US is watching this

right now and going, "Wow, this is really an American problem.

I should just tune out.

This doesn't matter to me."

It really does matter to you, and here's why.

First of all, concretely the opioid crisis is starting to bleed into Canada.

And you'd better know that these pharmaceutical companies are doing everything in their power

to start selling internationally, so the rest of the world, this is coming.

I do not expect this to stay contained in the US.

The second thing though is you can use this conversation and this invitation as an opportunity

to take a look around your world.

Even if you don't want to join in our particular flash mob, which we would love you to, we

want you to be able to use this as an opportunity to catalyze yourself and take action on something

that matters.

To look around your community, to look around something where you see suffering, you see

pain, you see real human beings who need help.

And rather than say "oh, gosh.

That's heartbreaking."

To step up and step in and say, "What can I do to help?

What's the next right thing?"

Yeah, because we know heartbreak is a clue.



Heartbreak is your clue that that's what you're meant to do.

So whatever breaks your heart, you run towards it.


Towards it.

So tell us, just give me a word or two about some of our goals for this flash mob.

Okay, so my team at Together Rising went to visit this amazing home that was created by

a woman in New Hampshire whose son had overdosed.

She was a nurse, her town was just ravaged by opioid addiction.

And she – a girl came to her office who was pregnant, and she had nowhere to turn

her to because there's no services for girls and women and mothers.

So she basically she put a notice on Facebook and said, "Help.

My heart is broken.

What do I do?"

And of course when we do that, when we reach out to our communities everybody else says,

"Me too."


So another woman who was a doctor said, "My heart's broken too.

Let's start a home.

We can use my house.

I'll move out."

She moved her whole family out.

She moved her whole house.

Her whole family out of her house.



So there are amazing people in this world.

So they started this home.

Anyway, they created this place called Hope on Haven Hill.

We went and visited, we held the babies, we held the mamas.

Warriors there.

What's important to remember about these babies, Marie, is that, you know, many of

us think, "why do they to drugs?


Just say no."

Well, many of these women that we met, these young women, were born into addiction.


This is a cycle.

These are generations.

I think about my own addiction, I got off a path that all I had to do is come back to

the path.


To my – that my parents had made for me.

These kids have no path.


They're pioneers.

They are creating – trying to create lives for their babies that they've never even

seen before.


They're warriors.

And so we – they graduate from this program in Hope on Haven Hill that we went and said,

"What's the next right thing for you?

What do you need?

And they said "we need a transitional home.

Because these girls graduate, and they're gonna go straight back to the streets after

all the work they've done."

There are no transitional homes for girls in recovery and their babies where they can

stay together, where the babies can stay together.

None in New Hampshire.

So we're gonna buy them a house today.

We're gonna buy them a house this day.

And, Marie, you have to show them somewhere on this fancy screen that I know – you have

to show them this house.

Because it's…

I will.

We'll put links, we'll put pictures in the blog post.

We'll have everything so people can check out all the details.

It's so precious and it's got this big front porch, and I just want these girls to

just walk in there and have a safe place to be loved.

A family.

They haven't had a family.

The girls that they go through recovery with are their family, and so this is the next

right thing for them.

Also Marie, I think an important thing to note is that the more we research this opioid

crisis the more we realize this is very parallel to the heroin and crack crisis of the 80's

and the 90's.

The difference is that back then we declared a war on drugs.


And since there was a war on drugs, most of the money and funding went to criminalizing

addiction and jails.


It didn't work.


So now that this is mostly a rural, white problem we're calling it a crisis.


Because when there's a war there's enemies to fear.

When there's a crisis there are victims to help.

So there are many, many class and race issues involved in here.


The great news about that is that we realized this is not new.

The people have been serving beautifully this addiction crisis in the inner cities forever.

So we also went to Baltimore to a place called Martha's Place in the inner city.

These women taught us so much about recovery.

You'll learn all about it in the post, but we are also going to fund salaries for women

at this Martha's Place that have been doing this work for so beautifully for so long.

And we're gonna keep this dream alive that they've been working their butts off forever


So we're gonna serve Hope on Haven Hill, we're gonna serve Martha's Place, and

we're gonna just like create hope.


That's what this is all about just like doing hope.

Doing hope, and giving people a real chance to break a cycle, to get back on their feet,

and to create that ripple effect of possibility that each of us needs so terribly.

And, you know, I read something else that really struck me.

They said "it's easier in America to get high than to get help."

And that's true.

It's easier to get high than to get help.

So many news reports that I've watched that have cracked my heart open have been young

women watching them and saying they want help, and there's no place for them to go.

They want to stop, and there's nowhere that they can get to that will help them.

So I love that we're doing this.

And, again, I know I said this a little earlier, even if you don't join our flash mob, which

I want you to do so badly, join us.

This is so much fun and it's so good and give whatever you can.

You can also use your voice if financially you're not able to donate.

Use your voice.

Spread this video.

Spread this blog post.

Spread it around wherever.

Gather your friends together.

Or if for whatever reason this doesn't align with your heart, use this as an opportunity

to take all that love that you have inside, all that desire to make the world a better

place, and don't wait for some day.

Don't wait for some fictional time in the future when you think that you'll be more

capable or that you'll have more money or more resources or more influence.

Now is the perfect time.

You know, one of these quotes that I found when I was just popping around in the internet,

Glennon, was that – and it's kind of an interesting quote, because I'm usually always

sharing things that are positive.

But it went something like this.

"The ugliest thing ever is a human being without compassion."

And something struck me in that, and it had these images pop up of just when each of us

can go in and pretend that we don't see what's happening around us.

And that we close off our hearts.



And let me add one thing to that.

I'm so glad you said that.

And I think that the difference between compassion and pity to me is so important.

So pity is "I feel bad for you."

So helpful.


"I feel sad.

I feel so sad.

I'm sad."

Like, great.

Pity is your pain in my heart.

Compassion is different.

Compassion is your pain in my heart and back out through my hands.


Compassion has – you are not a compassionate person unless you turn the energy and the

fire and the heartbreak inside of you into action.


Otherwise you're just someone who sympathizes.

And we need people of action.

So do – you're exactly right.

Do something today.

Join our flash mob.

We want you to join us.

We think this is the right story.


If you don't want to join us, join something.

Do something.

Be a person of compassion.

That's what we need right now.

Glennon, I love you so much.

I love that we do this together.

This is the perfect time.

Thank you for making the time to share the stories, to give us the details, to do all

of the work that you do.

Your organization, you as a human being, you know you're my soul sister.

But all of the work that you guys do behind the scenes, for everyone watching, I'm in

on the emails.

I see it.

I see like just a tiny fraction.

And it is absolutely incredible.

So my sister, I love you.

For everyone watching, thank you for taking the time to hear this.

Join us in this love flash mob.

You will not regret it.

We are gonna change lives and we are gonna do the next right thing.

Thank you so much.

That's right.

Marie, thank you for your heart and your spirit.

You're such an angel.

We love you guys.

Thank you, bye.

For more infomation >> Marie Forleo & Glennon Doyle: An Invitation To Do Some Good - Duration: 13:01.


TF2動畫 戰地要塞1 [HDCC字幕] - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> TF2動畫 戰地要塞1 [HDCC字幕] - Duration: 1:49.


បរិយាយអំពី​​ ស្នូរសម្រែកអ្នកម្ដាយ​-Khmer talking about sound mother- speak by Venerable Somrith Toch - Duration: 4:58.

Please help me Subscribe my CH

For more infomation >> បរិយាយអំពី​​ ស្នូរសម្រែកអ្នកម្ដាយ​-Khmer talking about sound mother- speak by Venerable Somrith Toch - Duration: 4:58.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante de Ursos sem Curso em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante de Ursos sem Curso em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:34.


(VTP) (17) Masak - Duration: 0:28.

Let's make something! Let's make something!

Well Then, I wonder what's going to be made?

It's Finished!

Let's make something! Let's make something!

Well Then, I wonder what's going to be made?

It's Finished!

But this isn't food at all.

For more infomation >> (VTP) (17) Masak - Duration: 0:28.


Take Your Girlfriend Picture - Duration: 0:47.

Photography is to capture the best moment in life

Tips of beauty can be life changer

Unfortunately, that dude who are supposed to capture my life

take shitty pictures

For more infomation >> Take Your Girlfriend Picture - Duration: 0:47.


LA DIETA BIODINAMICA - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> LA DIETA BIODINAMICA - Duration: 5:37.


| Sales Report Analysis in Two Methods in Excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 8:29.

Welcome to My Excel Channel

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Download the file from the link in the description

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Download the file from the link in the description

Please like,comment,share and subscribe

Download the file from the link in the description

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> | Sales Report Analysis in Two Methods in Excel in Hindi | by Let's Learn Excel - Duration: 8:29.


Разбитая Любовь - Грустная Песня о Любви, Ольга Алмазова - Duration: 4:12.

Broken Love, Sad Song of Love, Olga Almazova

For more infomation >> Разбитая Любовь - Грустная Песня о Любви, Ольга Алмазова - Duration: 4:12.


BEHIND THE SCENES | How To Film and Edit Yoga & Fitness Videos for YouTube | ChriskaYoga - Duration: 14:40.

Clip 1 for behind the scenes of ChriskaYoga.. (why is this giving me such trouble?)

Hi, I'm Christina and today I'd like to take you behind the scenes of how I film and edit

My yoga videos so you might be wondering

Christina you already did a video like this, and to that I say, "yes, I did!"

I did but for one it was awhile ago and

Things have changed. I have updated my process. I have changed my equipment

I have kind of streamlined things making it a little bit more efficient and

Another thing I didn't put that video on this channel

I put it on my vlog Channel if you'd like to go check it out what I was doing back earlier this year

Then you can head on over there

I will leave a link on the screen and in the description box below this video basically today

I'm going to share with you all the things that have changed my entire

Process from start to finish of how I film and edit my videos for YouTube so first of all I am

Recording right now on my microphone. This is a

Lavalier microphone that flips on to your shirt or whatever and then I wire it down

through my shirt, it goes underneath my shirt all the way out the bottom, and I'm holding my

Sound recorder right now, so I'll show you the reporter am I

This is a zoom h1 recorder as you can see it is recording right now. It'll focus alright

I have to fix my focus on my camera, but as you can see this recorder is recording my voice right now

It has a micro SD card in there

if I can show you

So I have heard certain people are

very particular about the sound reporters that they use they say do not waste your money on cheap cheap recorders because

The quality is terrible

And I disagree I have been producing

Decent quality audio in my opinion for quite some time

And I have not spent over a hundred dollars on my voice recording devices

But I have spent the money on is the editing software which I will show you

Later on the video so stick around for that and that is where I really get the good quality for my audio

No, you do not have to spend thousands of dollars on a voice recorder in my opinion

you can produce very good quality audio for your yoga classes either voice over or in real time instruction and

Still do it on a budget so as I said I clip the microphone here

I thread the microphone underneath my shirt, and then I simply tuck this voice recorder into my leggings

And I tuck the wire into the leggings as well a lot of

Sports leggings have a pocket here where you can keep your gym key obviously. I'm not a dream

I don't need a key I stick my wire in there

And I also leave enough wire out so that when I'm actually moving

The wire does not get disrupted and the audio does not get disrupted, and then I simply

Put the shirt over it

That's why in my videos you see a huge lump sometimes in my side

Hopefully you know that's not my body. It is my microphone. So yeah, that's my audio I

Turn this around so this is my set I'm standing set right now because I completely tore apart my

living room and dining room area so I shoved all of my furniture into the

Living room area of my apartment, and this is where I point a lot of my lights at the set the standing set

This is where I I just basically shoved all of my furniture to the edges

So I had enough room to have what appears to be a at home yoga studio

Actually is a functioning at home yoga studio

I often do yoga here at myself for personal practice, but yeah

This is where where it all happens keep my props over there, so this is where I keep some

production equipment

I guess this is where my camera it will sit when I'm not holding it in my hand

I'll try and show you a cutaway clip of my camera right now. It is the

G7x the canon g7x mark tail I got it a couple months ago, and I've been

Very happy with it, so I keep my tripod here the camera goes on top of the tripod, and then you'll see


So I adjusting with it forward. I make sure that you don't get any of the furniture in this shot

It's a little less crooked than this most of the time

But this is mainly the shot you will see I'll insert a clip of what you've seen in the video

So yeah, and then if you just turn a little bit over here

My bad goes in there

That's the front door. This is my I kicked some more yoga props here are some books


people candles just random things that you normally would keep on a bookshelf, but basically this is where I

have my whiteboard now I

Usually reference this during the class so I don't have to keep running back and forth to a notebook to see the sequence

These videos have already been uploaded, so there's no spoilers here. Yeah, I write down my sequences

I write down if I'm doing a talking head video

Um I talked by write down the bullet points of what I want to discuss and the video so yeah

This just helps me to have everything organized especially

Since I'm batch film my video so that means I film multiple videos in one filming session

It depends the timing of this session depends

on what I'm actually filming and the

quality of the audio

And how things are going and my surroundings so sometimes my surroundings can get quite

Noisy, and where my surroundings get noisy. I can't film because it is not helpful to have

Lawnmower choices in my video or sometimes a little birds like to come on my windowsill and chirp

Incessantly, I love animals

But not when they chirp incessantly my window trim my filming that's besides the point so this is my content calendar I am

not going to share with you anything

Below this mark because that is also spoilers coming up

But basically I have everything planned out that I'm going to do these are all the videos that I have done

This is when I added an extra video, so I was doing two videos per week now

I'm doing three videos per week to the best of my

Ability, but basically I have every single video that I've done over the course of

2017 that's when I started to become more organized I do not have my videos organized quite this well

Before that so when I need to film a video or when I need to film my videos or upcoming content

I go on to here, and I look to see what is coming up. I write down everything that I need to

Film for that day, and then I put the sequences on to my whiteboard that I just showed you

Cut to

Several weeks later where I'm ending the video as I'm editing it right now

I figured maybe that would be appropriate since this is a behind the scenes yes

I'm wearing a hat inside because it's cold. I am in editing mode right now as I might have mentioned in the video

I bulk film I film several videos in a row

In one chunk in one period of time and then I edit them

I wish I could say I didn't them in bulk as well

But sometimes I edited an upload all in the same day

It just depends on the schedule and what's going on in my life at that moment so yeah, I'm editing this video right now

I've been editing the 12 days of Kristin

Yeah, the videos lost other things that I have to edit because I have a couple of other projects

I'm doing lots of lots of endings just what happens around here

That's how things go so I'm just going to show you my editing software here. This is not a Final Cut Pro editing

Tutorial so I'm not going to get into it

But I'm showing you the clips that I'm editing right now for this video that you're watching so piece of the clips

Some of them look black because there is audio and no video so that's what that looks like

But basically this is what it looks like when I edit right computer screen is filthy so I apologize for

Fingerprints and stuff, but anyway. Yeah, this is what it looks like when I ended on Final Cut Pro

It is a learned skill so you have to learn how to use it

It's not terribly difficult, and it is doable for everyone if I can do it you can do it

I did take a class on how to edit on iMovie in college

So it wasn't just how to edit an iMovie

It was included in this class that I took part of the curriculum

So they taught us how to edit in iMovie for a particular project that we were doing in the class anyway

so I took that skill and I brought it over to learning how to

Edit in Final Cut Pro so for my master's degree

I did a dance film as my final project for my district patience in the UK they call it

dissertation for a master's degree in the US they call it thesis so I say dissertation because I got my masters in the UK

sidenote anyway, so I used this software to edit that dance film it was a half an hour dance film I

enjoy editing videos

So this is why you're part of the reason why I?

Edit YouTube videos and edit videos and upload them to YouTube blah blah blah you can use iMovie

It is very user friendly if you don't know how to use any of these things

Literally search it on YouTube there are tutorials on YouTube for everything if you don't know how to do something even now

Sometimes when I don't know how to do something and I need to do it on Final Cut Pro

I'll just go to youtube and search how to do this on Final Cut Pro and

Odds are someone has made a tutorial on it, so if you don't know how to do it

Just google it literally Google YouTube search you will find the answer, but thank you so much for watching this video

I really hope you enjoyed this behind-the-scenes look

If you like vlog style videos I do have a vlog channel where I do videos of this nature

I'm just talking to the camera

I'm holding it in my hand and I'm taking you just around my life and stuff

so if you like that type of thing check out my blog channel link is in the

description box below if you liked this video

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It really would help me out support your independent youtubers support the people that you enjoy watching

If them thumbs up subscribe to them not just saying to me

But to all the little youtubers that you watch the ones especially under 10,000

Subscribers those guys really need to help even the ones that are under a hundred thousand subscribers need some

extra love and care

So please support your favorite youtubers

It means more than you know! Speaking of, please subscribe to this channel if you aren't already for two free

videos every single week

Is the 12 days of ChriskaYoga. So, this is day 3, I think. There are lots more videos coming up

up until December 21st!

So, be sure you subscribe to turn on notifications

So that you don't miss out of my hand is killing me from holding the camera... God bless the tripod

Let me know in the comment section below. What did you think of this behind the scenes look at this channel?

Did you have any idea that these were all the things that we had to go through to make these videos?

Are you a YouTube yourself? Did any of these things help you and inspire you to

make youtube videos? Just give me your thoughts let me know in the comment section below. I love to hear from you and

interact with you

So please leave me a comment for even more yoga from me helpful yoga tips and advice free other challenges premium yoga resources

Check out my website!

I'm still in the process of designing the new website, but it is coming very shortly

Because it has to be done soon

So keep an eye out is getting a makeover you can head over and see the old website now and then come back in a couple weeks

And see the new one let me know which one you like better

I'm hoping the new one fingers crossed! Also, please follow me over on Instagram @chriskayoga on Instagram

I post regularly over there

Lots of updates on the insta story lots of fun stuff that goes on over there on Instagram, too

If something is happening on this channel

You will get updated first on Instagram so be sure that you are following me over there as well

Everything is listed in the description box below, so be sure to check that out

I will see you tomorrow for another day of the 12 days of ChriskaYoga. Please wish me luck so that

I don't keel over from editing at 12 videos in a row and uploading them

I am tired. If I look tired, it's because I'm tired. Thank you so much for watching. See you next time!

For more infomation >> BEHIND THE SCENES | How To Film and Edit Yoga & Fitness Videos for YouTube | ChriskaYoga - Duration: 14:40.


How to download youtube video from youtube no software use - Duration: 3:11.

how to download you tube video from you

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