Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

Thank you for walking me home.

But you don't have to do this.

I don't want you to waste your time on

the road going back and forth.


I don't want you to go home alone.

I'm fine going home alone.

I know you are.

But I won't let you go home alone.

Take a shower and go to bed.

See you tomorrow.

Hold on, Pong.

I want to ask you again

are you sure

you want to work for me?


If you just want to mess around with me,

you can quit now.

I put all my efforts into this café.

I love my café.

I'm serious when it comes to work.

I don't want to hire someone who is lazy.

I want someone who has integrity

and works hard for me.

I know

to you,

I may be just a lazy bad boy in the past.

Wait and see tomorrow

I show you that

I'm better

than you think.

We'll see.

Well then,

see you tomorrow at 7 o'clock sharp.

Don't be late

or else don't bother to come to work.


Do you have some left for me?


these are for selling at my café.

What about this tray?


Have a quick bite of this.

In case traffic is bad,

you won't be too hungry.

Thank you, Kris.

You've saved my life.

I'm starving to death.

You are always starving.

When I'm hungry in the morning,

my brain doesn't function well.

the acid in my stomach

takes over my body.

By the way,

are you sure you want to hire Pong?

It's better than seeing him

making money through racing.

You seem to be worried about him.

I'm not worried about him.

I have been looking for someone

to work for my café for so long.

Nobody shows interest to apply.

But I'm concerned

that he may bring more troubles

to you if he works for you.

He always looks for troubles.

I have set some ground rules with him.

He must not involve in any violence.

He must not be late.

I will kick him out if he's late.



I'm late now.

Hurry up.

Come on.

Don't be late?

Come on.

You will be kicked out if you're late.


He's late on the first day.


Namkhing is late too.

It's fine for me to come late.

But Pong cannot be late.

You should be on our friend's side.

And you always spoil her.


where are you now?

I told you, right?

I won't hire you if you are late.


I'm not late but you are.

I have been here since 6.30 am.


Be chilled.

I smell nice, right?


If you want to work with me.

You should not smell

like cigarette like this.

She's getting cranky again.

Let's get out of here

before she takes it out on us too.


we have to go now.

Have a good day, then.

Do your best.

Call me if anything happens.

Hey, Mr. Tomboy.

Don't worry about her.

I'll take good care of your friend.


Let's go to uni.

Let's go.

What cake is this?

Blueberry Cheesecake.

You made it?

Move away.

Can I eat it?

It's for selling.


why are there many cigarette butts?

Hey, Pong.

don't throw cigarette butts

all over the floor like this.

It's dirty.

I told you

not to smell like cigarette

while working here.

Clean them.

Get up and clean them.

This side too.

Put more strength to it.

Okay. Okay.

This side too.

Clean it properly.

I can't accept

to have that bad boy

working for our daughter.

Don't jump into conclusion so fast.

That man

may not be as bad

as you have heard.

But he's a motor punk.

He's loitering around

with his bike day by day.

How could you say he's not bad?


And who is this man?

It's not the same.

He drinks and smokes too.

He does?

What about this

and that?

Whom do they belong to?

At least,

I have high responsibility.

I have a solid job.

I don't involve in any violence.

More importantly,

I don't do gambling

and you know that.

All right.

that's something I can't argue.

What do I do to keep

that guy away from our daughter?

Don't do anything.

Just sit down and talk to her nicely.

You know that

she hardly listens to me these days.

If you want her to listen to you,

you will have to clear up

the old issues first.



A year earlier.

I've contacted a university over there for you.

And your dorm

is right across the campus.

It's really convenient.

No, dad.

You can't force me

to go there like this.


Didn't you tell me

you want to further your study abroad?

So I look for one and get you in.

I don't want to go there just yet.

I want to finish my degree here first.

And I told you that

I didn't want to study administration.

We won't go to that topic again.

I'm tired of arguing with you as well

that I don't want to study administration!


Take it easy, dear.


you should know that

he does everything for your own good.

He wants you to have a good future.


I didn't open that café for you

without a good reason.

I want you to learn

how to manage a business

so you have experiences in managing.

This is an advantage for you

when you study abroad.

You have better life experience

than other people.

Why do I have to go now?

I'm just a sophomore.


that university

opens a special course.

If you complete the course,

you will get 2 degrees at once.

But I don't want to go there just yet.

But you have a plan to study abroad, right?

Why wasting your time here in Thailand?

You can just go overseas now.

I don't want to leave my life here.

I have friends.

I have my own society.

You can get new friends,

new society over there.

Come on, dad.

I beg you.

Can I go there when I graduate from here?

No, you can't!

As long as I'm the one

who pays for your tuition,

you must study what I want you to.

If you are so addicted to your friends,

I might as well sell off the condo

you are staying.

And at the end of each day,

when you graduate,

you must come back and stay here.

You will go to your uni with my driver.

And I will not let you

hang around with

your friends ever again.


stop paying the tuition for me.

I will pay for it my own.

I will not ask money from you again.




Let her go.

If she thinks she can survive by herself,

let her be.

Does she really think

it's easy to live by herself?

You are one of the reasons too.

You have been spoiling her all along.


Since that day,

she has been living off

by her own money.

You should at least

see her strong determination.

Does she see my good intention

I have for her?

Do you want to see her continuing

her café like this?

Her business cannot grow

from where it is now.

What I have prepared for her…

is the best future she can have.

What are you going to do next?

Let's put the studying abroad idea

aside for now.

We must find a way

to drive away that motorpunk now.

The smell is so strong.

Your T-shirt has cigarette smell all over.

What do you want me to do?

Take it off.

You want me to take it off?

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.5 [1/5] - Duration: 12:49.


Abandoned Soviet Theme Park, Chernobyl lookalike - Duration: 17:49.

An old olympic stadium. Too late, demolished.

But luckily there's another one.

I have no clue about this building. Nobody has been inside and there are no pictures.

So we are going to check it our ourselves.

It's an old Soviet building, brutalisk style. You can tell by the roof. It looks boring from this side.

Alarm, another alarm.

Camera's, I am sure those work. -I see.

I wonder how the interior looks like. -I see a coat, i guess there is somebody.

Get out some bribe money! There's another thrashed building aswell.

This way?

Looks in a good condition. Wooden closets.

Sealed up pretty good.

At least we tried. -When i climbed inside an alarm went of immediately.

We can check if somebody comes, but i guess we don't have time for that.

It was crazy, the alarm went off immeddiately.

I wanted to run inside but i dont know how fast security arrives. -It's better. Remember that time they arrived within 3 minutes?

Security is checking the building.

He's going inside.

Luckily I didn't check the whole interior. Within 10 minutes security arrived.

We would have a big delay, they didn't look friendly. -They arrived fast with sirens.

Fanatic guy !

I think they will check the whole building.

Making his round.

They pulled him out of a dungeon. We go to the next location, see ya !

We're NOT going to a power station which you can see on the background.

There's a complete village built around the power station, like Chernobyl.

And it also has a theme park which we are going to visit. But before we continue we have to tell something. Something happened with Eelco.

For years he was untouchable with exploring.But then it went wrong...

With a....


Damaged my arm badly, so i only can...

Check open doors, nothing more.

We'll see, i hope it works out.

I made a list with easy locations especially for Eelco. I think we simply walk into this park. It's pretty remote.

What's the name of the village? -Elektrenai.

Called after power station. -Original.

Pretty high chimneys. -Easily 200 meters, maybe 250 meters.(820ft)

We just passed this sign with this immense city drawn on it.

Power station at the left... The ferris wheel...water sports feast.

A church. -A very ugly one.

And the building right is.... A sports complex.

We heard they have future plans with this theme park.

But there are legal and financial troubles, so it's not happening yet.

The park was already in a bad shape during the last years when the park was open.

We saw that the rollercoaster got stuck. -people had to move the roller coaster trolley themselves.

Show us.

Look them suffering.

I wouldn't go back to such theme park.

They succeed, there they go.

You can see the ferris wheel already. It's funny because the police station is right in front of it.

Police cars.

You'll have to climb a fence. -I noticed.

Q4S (security company)

What can people destroy here?

Check the side?

Let's check for an easy entrance for you.

It's not going to be easier Bob.

It succeeded.

Eelco is on the other side of the fence safely.

A rollercoaster in the distance.

We check the side first, in case security shows up.

That was easy right Bob? It doesn't have to be hard all the time to get inside.

Former Soviet Republic. -Indeed, normally there's a lot of security.

And nice decay. -We don't know about the security yet.

Bob and the ferris wheel.

The ferris wheel reminds me of Chernobyl. -Yes me too.

Chernobyl's ferris wheel has a yellow color.

All Soviet parks are the same. -Indeed.

Funny that it's built only for the villagers. -They didn't have to go out of the village. Everything was present in the village.

It's well maintained. The grass is really short.

Everywhere the same colors.

Luckily the colors are faded, otherwise it would be very ugly.

There's a car in front of the main gate. Probably no security.

-Maybe rush a little.

So if we get caught we have everything on film.

And make beauty shots later on.

Nice arcade game. -Did you see the Russian text? Well don't know if it's Russian.

Nice right? -Some kind of basketball game? Launching balls.

The rest of the hall is burned. I'm surprised that arcade game is still standing.

What a shame.. vandalised.

Better this instead of the attractions. -Nice vintage look.

Reminds me of South Korea.

And as you might remember Encore Garden in Taiwan.

How many abandoned theme parks have we visited? -Most people only 1 or 2.

Spreepark Berlin & Dadipark. We did many theme parks in Asia.

Taiwan, in the jungle, South Korea, cool ones Japan, also very cool. Also a lot of parks with themes.

You did China. -Myanmar, everywhere...Singapore.

In Vietnam you did a big theme/water park. -A long list.

But this one is also really nice !

Everybody goes to church now, it's sunday.

The waiting time is 0 minutes.

That's the bad part about active theme parks. Standing in line for a decade for 3 minutes of fun.

That's what i like about exploring ,never stand in line.

But nothing works anymore, which is a shame too.

But it's nice to walk around.

No walking path next to the coaster.

I'm not disappointed. -I like it too.

You don't expect it in a country like this. Normally you only find ruins.

The price of steel is more important than the historical value.

In the European Union, all Soviet/communist stuff has to be demolished.

It's not directly communist. -But it's from the same age.

There's something standing,jetstra... I will check with the drone.

Doesn't look good. I hope the inside looks better.

Nice right?

An eye for details.

We have to spoil the viewer. -In Elektrenai.

Let's check if there's security.

Even for the disabled Eelco it's a walk in the park, in the theme park.

It's not that known, only some Lithuanians have been here.

That's right. -Guess we're the first from Western Europe. And the first that will be kicked out the park by the security.

Accompanied by four German Shepherds.

The security does a good job, all doors are wide open.

I think he's on holiday.

I wonder if the bumpercars are still there.

A few?

We only need two.

Nice, a round one. The bumper cars look exactly the same as in Chernobyl right?

Let's compare them.

A chicken paw.

It's a real one, hungry?

A real one? -Yes a real one.


For the people who think it's a fake one..

Maggots are crawling.

The drawings are cool, it's really Soviet style Bob, cool.

Make detail shots.

Cars from different times.

Well made.

It's an 80ies look.

We're backstage at the bumper cars. -Storage room. There are some spare cars.

Enough light?

Back to Kazakhstan. Reminisce a good trip.

Cool rockets.

Cobwebs. -Especially with that graphic on it.

Now i can't make a picture anymore.


Bob is gonna make a ride.

Aren't you too old for this attraction Bob?

I'm mentally a bit behind. -Exactly, you mentally and i physically.

Jetstarz is a modern and marketing name with a Z.

To show that we're in a far country.

Still firm?

They can also turn. -It's rusted. I have never seen it before.

You do. -Turn???

Never? Almost every ferris wheel you can circle around with a steering wheel.

Why did i never notice it?

Normally it's fixed. I've seen enough in Asia.

I think there's a steering wheel often.

For more infomation >> Abandoned Soviet Theme Park, Chernobyl lookalike - Duration: 17:49.


Online dog obedience training course announcement. - Duration: 6:24.

hello guys lover my name is Saro I'm a dog trainer also coach dog owners

welcome I am very excited to announce that I'm starting my online dog training

Academy and I'm starting with the basic obedience course the course is online in

dog basic obedience course using play and praise reward system without the use

of treats or food aversive tools force or domination you're going to be

one of the very few who is going to be able to attend a course like this this

has not been done before and nobody has done such a thing no dog training

without the use of treats or force or domination is available online anywhere

in the world and you're going to be one of the very few lucky ones who are going

to be able to learn and find out exactly how to train your dog to become an

well-behaved healthy and happy dog without the use of treats force or

domination the goal of this course is to teach you to learn the system and become

an educated dog lover that you will have the ability to solve most of your dog's

behavioral issues everybody loves dogs and everybody wants to have a dog that's

the easy part the hard part is to have a well-behaved manageable healthy dog and

that's where I come and help you I've been training and teaching this method

and educating dog owners for over 10 years and now I'm ready to get this

course online in this course you're going to learn how to exactly

communicate with your dog clearly you're going to learn the six basic obedience

commands you're going to learn how to walk your dog properly on a loose leash

without being pulled or pushed you're going to learn the complete form of play

and praise reward dog training system and you're going to learn a lot more

you're going to learn a dog's five essential needs dog psychology

dog training psychology how dogs learn and many many many more topics I've

built the course in the level so you have to be able to accomplish one level

in order to achieve and go to the next level so you can take your time to

achieve and accomplish each level before moving to the next there is no rush you

have all the time in the world to accomplish this course just don't rush

and take your time and learn everything that you need to learn and you will have

a well behaved dog that you're gonna enjoy actually having your own you're

gonna have fun learning and fun teaching your dog and training and interacting

with your dog to the point you that you're gonna look forward to get into

that session of training with your dog you will also get short detailed videos

of every concept every idea every training session you're gonna get

detailed handout plans to train your dog homework and how to practice with your

dog challenges and games they're going to be invited to a Facebook group page

that you're gonna be able to interact with all the members and ask questions

ask questions directly from me and a lot more did you know that 60% of dog

training is dog order training and if I can train you you will be able to train

your dog training dogs is the easy part training you is the hard part but I'm

sure using my system you will be able to learn how to train your dog you see dog

training is a communication system between you and your dog if you don't

have that communication system you won't get resolved your dog simply won't

listen to you because you don't have that communication going on between you

and your dog and that is the reason why your dog doesn't listen to you dog

training is not just to teach the dog to sit and stay and count more than that

it's building a healthy relationship between you and your dog the tools that

we're gonna use in this course are very simple a simple color a harness maybe a

six-foot leash and your dogs that's all we're not gonna use any

treats we're not going to use funny tools we're not going to use force or

domination and remember you have a 30 days money-back guarantee within that 30

days if you see that it's not for you you don't like it you don't like what

you're getting and you're not getting any value out of it just simply return

it and you will get your money back within 30 days but I guarantee that

you're gonna love it here are some testimonials

so if you want to become an educated dog lover and have a great well behaved dog

consider registering to this course and give it a try there's no better time

than now I have a special going as well and you can find all the details on the

link below this video or around this video and just simply click on it and

let's get started can't wait to help you to become an

educated dog lover let me help you to have fun with your dog

For more infomation >> Online dog obedience training course announcement. - Duration: 6:24.


Short Creepy Horror Story - Duration: 6:36.

workers refused to work at my new house because they heard a girl's cries there

after lots of convincing some did agree but that too not after 6 p.m. my wife was

scared she didn't want to go to a haunted house I said her that it was all

just an excuse made by the workers but it was all useless since we had bought

the house my daughter always kept getting up at night and the reason

always stayed a bad dream all the investments I had made to buy this house

were about to become a loss because of the ghost stories which scared my wife I

needed to do something and hence I decided to spend a night at the house

and see if there was actually something which people kept talking about

after hours of convincing my wife finally allowed me to go there and by 6

p.m. I reached there when the last worker left giving me the keys I kept my

bag at the sofa and went to the kitchen to

unbox my tiffin but the Tiffin had become cold so I went to the neighbor's

house to check if they could help me to warm it the neighbours were good and

they helped me with open hands I was happy that our new neighbours were so

good I came back home and started inspecting the work done by the workers

the work was only half done because of the stupid ghost stories someone

knocked the door I opened it but there was no one

I closed it and someone again knocked the door

I opened it this time much faster but still there was no one this time I acted

to close it but kept it a bit open to suddenly grab the person attempting to

disturb me I heard a girl cry outside my house and

I was pretty sure that this was the same goal haunting others and hence I

immediately opened the door to see who she was I didn't find anyone outside and

hence I went back into my house closed the door and went to the wash basin to

wash my face someone knocked the door again

and I went very slowly close to it and when I was very close to it someone

knocked it again I immediately opened the door and as I did it something

pushed me from behind throwing me out of the house and closed the door immediately

I try to open the door but the efforts were useless it seemed like someone

tried to push the door from the other side I tried to break to the door but

failed again and again after lots of efforts I was finally somehow able to

break the door and as I entered inside my bag was on fire so I immediately picked

up my phone to call the fire brigade as the fire was spreading but when I picked up

my phone the phone rang and it was my wife who had called me to warn me that

our daughter had seen a bad dream in the dreams she saw me in a burning house and

a woman 2 times taller than me standing right behind me

with wide-open eyes

what happened next did you survive of course I did but that house is haunted

you better not go there after saying this Rajeev left and Vijay walked closer

to that house the neighbors came out to ask him why was he standing there

Vijay them about his meeting with Rajeev and after hearing this the

neighbors were shocked as Rajeev died that same night

as a memory Rajeev's daughter made a painting of what she saw her painting

sold at a very high price but whoever bought it his or hers house caught fire

killing everyone

For more infomation >> Short Creepy Horror Story - Duration: 6:36.


Transavia Jer & Mir reageren #5 Instappen zonder vliegtuig?! - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Transavia Jer & Mir reageren #5 Instappen zonder vliegtuig?! - Duration: 2:59.


Борьба за справедливость. Про Робина Гуда и Бэтмена. - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Борьба за справедливость. Про Робина Гуда и Бэтмена. - Duration: 2:13.


МИР БУДУЩЕГО [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> МИР БУДУЩЕГО [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 12:52.


The Untold Truth Of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Duration: 5:18.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi somehow managed to keep pre-release details shrouded in secrecy

- and that caused fans to dream up their own unusual theories and speculations before even

buying a ticket.

Considering that at two and a half hours, The Last Jedi is the longest franchise entry

to-date, there's a lot to look forward to that no amount of teasers could possibly spoil.

But some of the behind-the-scenes details surrounding the movie were guarded a little

less under carefully.

From Easter egg reveals to production conflicts as well as even one or two plot-related scoops

that came through a little earlier than expected, here's what you might not know about Episode


One last stand

Due to the unexpected passing of actress Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia's planned appearance

in Episode 9 became a point of major speculation for fans.

Given that her part in the next film was supposed to be enhanced, the loss made some fans wonder

whether the filmmakers might digitally insert her into Episode 9 like they had in Rogue


Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy, however, dispelled rumors of a potential CGI Leia appearance

in Episode 9 and said The Last Jedi will mark Princess Leia's last physical appearance in

the Star Wars universe.

Perhaps it's a fitting final stand for Fisher because, as director Rian Johnson has since

revealed, she was instrumental in his script-writing process for the picture.

Johnson said that while developing Episode 8, he'd go to her house and talk with her

about the script; what resulted were "...a kind of stream of consciousness, jazz poetry

sessions" and that their conversations usually led to changes in the script, such as in the


Considering a large portion of Fisher's non-Star Wars career was spent doctoring screenplays

like this, The Last Jedi sounds like it'll feature a culmination of her many talents.

Actor objections

It's no secret that Mark Hamill hasn't been entirely pleased with the process of bringing

Star Wars back for the New Trilogy.

First, he was disappointed over his lack of screentime in The Force Awakens and its treatment

of Han Solo, and now, he's taken umbrage with Rian Johnson's vision for The Last Jedi.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Hamill said that he confronted Johnson about his thoughts

on the script, and told him,

"I pretty much fundamentally disagree with every choice you've made for this character."

Luckily for Johnson, though, Hamill wasn't put off enough to walk away and instead, he

told the writer-director,

"Having said that, I have gotten it off my chest, and my job now is to take what you've

created and do my best to realize your vision."

So even though The Last Jedi will feature a Luke Skywalker that Luke Skywalker himself

doesn't approve of, at least the actor will be giving it his best effort.

Unique influences

Even if Mark Hamill doesn't quite get his vision, Rian Johnson sure boasts some novel

sources of inspiration for his segment of the Star Wars films.

For example, the aerial dogfights and space combat seen in The Last Jedi were at least

partially inspired by 1949's Twelve O'Clock High, an American war drama about the U.S.

Air Force's involvement in World War II.

Additionally, 1964's Three Outlaw Samurai has impacted his directing style, meaning

that that movie's pulpy plot and hack-'n-slash sword fighting action will have a presence

among the space drama and fancy lightsabers of Star Wars.

The film series drawing influence from classic films is nothing new, since A New Hope borrowed

from 1954's The Dam Busters and Akira Kurosawa's 1958 film The Hidden Fortress, so while those

might not be the most ordinary muse movies, maybe this means an even truer return to classic

Star Wars.

Royal cameo

If you were tickled by the news that James Bond actor Daniel Craig had a cameo in The

Force Awakens, well, you're in for a royal surprise in The Last Jedi.

"There's loads of rumors man, but you know it's a hard secret to keep, you know the Royal

Family in the, in the Star Wars universe?

I'm sure you wouldn't be able to keep that secret."

"I know nothing"

Princes Harry and William were both seen on-set goofing around, and actor John Boyega confirmed

that Tom Hardy was there as well.

Boyega said of the surprise guests,

"They were there.

I'm sick of hiding it.

I think it was leaked, anyway.

There were images."

He took it a step further in November, 2017 by telling The Hollywood Reporter that not

only would both princes appear as stormtroopers in the film — in addition to Hardy and singer

Gary Barlow— but they'd all donned the instantly recognizable armor for the same scene.

Scar switcheroo

When it came to Kylo Ren's gnarly facial scar, Rian Johnson has admitted that he moved it

simply because it didn't look right back in The Force Awakens.

Now it resides on Kylo's right cheek rather than the bridge of his nose… not because

of midichlorians, but just because of his own personal preference.

It's not exactly universe-shattering canon reconfiguration there, but it is something

Kylo Ren's fans will certainly take notice of.

Code name

Just as Return of the Jedi used the fake working title "Blue Harvest" to fool autograph-seeking

fans during filming, The Last Jedi had its own pretend moniker in play while the cameras

were still rolling on the film.

But instead of holding any clues to the substance of Episode 8, the fake name was simply "Space


Yep, Space Bear.

That might be some subtle nod to Chewbacca or one of the other furry creatures coming

along in The Last Jedi, or the fact that porgs are basically the new Ewoks … or it might

just be Rian Johnson toying with everyone because he can.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Duration: 5:18.



MATERIALS 1 package oreo Edible print Star Wars characters White overcoat chocolate Round ice mold (large)

MATERIALS 1 package oreo Edible print Star Wars characters White overcoat chocolate Round ice mold (large)

MATERIALS 1 package oreo Edible print Star Wars characters White overcoat chocolate Round ice mold (large)

Chocolate melted benmari

Chocolate melted benmari

Chocolate melted benmari

Chocolate melted benmari

Wait 20 minutes for the chocolate to freeze in the fridge

Wait 20 minutes for the chocolate to freeze in the fridge

For more infomation >> STAR WARS ÇİKOLATA - HOW TO MAKE STAR WARS CHOCOLATE - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:49.


ROTATION ON TRAMPOLINE tutorial - How to JUMP #12 [ENG. SUB.] - Duration: 9:38.

Welcome to today's special episode where I'm going to show you how to do some rotation.

A few tips from me and I'm sure we'll manage.

Tricks in episodes to come will need some rotation.


If you want to see some screws, click on the bell Icon below

and we'll be sending some notifications on new tricks your way.

Let's go up to do some jumping.

Once we've decided to give rotation a go,

we should do one simple warm-up exercise

that I'm sure you already know: jump and turn.

You should do this both ways.

Our body should be flex and the turn should be done with the whole body.

Arms shouldn't be loose while doing this.

Whole body and stomach should be flex, especially right here in the centre.


This exercise is the absolute basics.

Now for the other one.

I'd recommend a professional trampoline,

the smaller one, since it's harder.

We're jumping on our back,

anyone can do that,

and try to turn in this position.

One way and the other way.

Your body should not be loose.

Don't do this.

Much worse.

This is not the way.

Here's the first thing that I'm sure anyone can manage.

Once you've practiced how to fall,

this can be fun.

You can do the turn once you've fallen and during that as well,

once you've bounced from stomach or back.

See me do that.

We start from the sitting position.

Sitting, falling and turning.

Another one.

Landing, legs and turning.

It's good to make your body stand upright as soon as you can.

You can check if you've learned the ordinary jump and turn combination properly.

On my back, centre and turning.

One turn.

It's important to fix your eyes on one spot.

Sitting, turning and looking at the same spot.

A gentle twist of my feet is not so much important.

The important thing is to focus your eyes on the same spot to prevent the situation

where you don't know where you are.

If you want to do some more difficult tricks,

the important thing will be knowing where you are

and how many turns you've done.

During falling and after the bounce.

I'm not waiting to land on my feet

and try to do the turn once I've hit the trampoline with my bottom.

One more time.

This is quite difficult and you have to be flex.


As you can see, the whole body is divided.

We try to catch the moment where we can do the turn as fast as we can.

If I do this at the bottom, my body will break here.

My trunk will do the turn while legs won't make it yet.

That's not the point.

The point is the whole body should do the turn.

Stomach, for example.

One side. One more time.

Not good.

Better. One more time.

We try to do this as many times as we can.

The thing is to be warmed up.

Do this ten times and see if you can make it.

The same goes for the back.

It's easier.

The stomach is flex and the turn can be better.

I'd recommendthis kind of exercise.

In a moment I'm going to show you another exercise using the wall.

This beauty here.

Any challenge here will be fun.

Let me explain some things first.

The first thing is the arms.

You choose how you align them.

Doing the turn right-wise you can align them so.

Some do this while jumping into water, I do this doing a half-turn.

I don't mind this.

If I'm doing the combo however, I align them so to do the turn asap.

You can do this so or so, or any other way.

It's not about the arms themselves but about making your shoulders flex.

If your shoulders are loose, the arms will fail to pull the whole body.

The thing is the arms should pull the shoulders in initiate the turn.

f I do the back flip and do the turn left-wise,

my left arm makes my shoulder and hip open for the turn,

and then I pull everything together.

While doing the turn, our body should be upright and stretched upwards.

We keep this part flex.

If it's loose, you'll be bending while doing the turn.

Worst option ever.

Once I bend and try to turn,

my trunk will be doing this in one plane,

while my legs in the other one.

The whole turn will be impossible.

I'd have to literally break my spine right here.

Keep your body straight.

You can bend your legs as long as this part is straight.

Now for a little exercise.

First a half.

I make a jump at the wall

and do the half-turn on my back.

I know we've done this before, but you can practice some longer jumps.

Jumping and pulling arms together.

Once we've managed the half-turn, we go for another whole turn

which would be one and a half turn in total.


Very good.


Don't worry about the landing.


Now for some bonus.

Our bonus is the front flip with a turn.

This is not something you can see in How To, but I can do this specially for you.

If we go for the front screw,

it would be best to start with a simple flip or some piked one.

The most important thing is to make your body straight asap.

Otherwise you won't make it.

Once we've bounced, we use our arms.

If they are a little wider, the rotation will be bigger.

A little work of legs from the trampoline will be good as well.

Once I bounce, I fix my eyes on one spot,

and after doing a turn I fix my eyes on the same spot as quick as I can.

Just as for some ordinary jump 360.

One more time.

We can keep jumping.

If you've not mastered simple head on exercises on a trampoline, go for the foam pool.

You can put a mattress here so as to practice your landing in advance and keep on adding some more stuff.

The foam pool might be of some use.

Also, an instructor might be of some assistance if you're practicing your front-wise screw.

Some head on exercises as well, piked and straight.

Once you've managed all types of it, you can add some turns.

That's all for today.

Remember to subscribe, that is the bell icon I've told you about.

Try clicking on it and see what happens.

Give us some thumbs up if you liked this episode.

See you in the next episode, the aerial twist!

For more infomation >> ROTATION ON TRAMPOLINE tutorial - How to JUMP #12 [ENG. SUB.] - Duration: 9:38.


የእርድ ላቴ ለጉንፋን መከላከያ | How to make Turmeric Latte » cold remedy | EthiopianFoodie | የአማርኛ መመሪያ ገፅ - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> የእርድ ላቴ ለጉንፋን መከላከያ | How to make Turmeric Latte » cold remedy | EthiopianFoodie | የአማርኛ መመሪያ ገፅ - Duration: 2:34.


รวมเพลงฮิต 2017 #ANIMOJITHAILAND - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> รวมเพลงฮิต 2017 #ANIMOJITHAILAND - Duration: 2:11.


Flashpoint Coming SOON? Ezra Miller On Jeffery Dean Morgan As Batman!! Does DCEU Know What To Do? - Duration: 6:03.

what is good youtube Warstu here with a video on the highly anticipated

flashpoint movie which we are getting lots of news about recently as it

appears it could be coming sooner than we actually thought even though

originally it was slated to come out next year which we all know isn't going

to happen so a lot of people think that the flashpoint movie is going to be a

soft reboot for the DC EU after Justice League failed well no it didn't fail

it's currently domestically a tenth biggest movie in America of the year and

broke 600 million dollars in 23 days which isn't really that bad

so flashpoint is a very bold a movie for the first flash movie seen as the flash

that we got in the Justice League didn't really know that much about himself or

about his powers and we didn't really see anything about how he got his powers

didn't hear anything about his mother the only kind of acknowledgment of that

reverse-flash is alive and exists in this timeline is the fact that Henry

Allen his father was in jail so most people that watch - just leaked movie

probably watched the flash TV show last year during the season 3 they butchered

their flashpoint timeline kind of storyline because they only spent one

episode inside the flashpoint storyline although the whole season was based

around it me as a big flashpoint fan I wasn't really happy in that timeline

Barry Allen's mother's alive and essentially he has to let a bath on with

her flash killer in order to set the time stone timeline back to its natural

course but of course it will never be the same so recently in an interview

with comic book calm Justice League star as ramela who's also in fantastic beasts

talked about what he would like to see in the up-and-coming flashpoint movie

from the flashpoint comics he had this to say and I quote I think that the

emotional arc of Thomas Wayne stuff in flashpoint is one of the lists parts and

to see the different manifestations of Batman and his whole different style 7

Miller I loved the reality that you have the universe that is inverted from the

one we know and this one factor remains the same but in

this flipped way Batman is steady but is going to be the result of a different

side of the same tragedy with Thomas Wayne instead of Bruce and that his dope

any went on say of course in battle versus Superman dawn of Justice Thomas

Wayne was played by the walking dead star Jeffrey Dean Morgan

when we asked Miller if he would like to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan take on the

Batman role in the flashpoint movie Miller was very enthusiastic hell yeah I

think he's amazing said Miller I think he will fall right in to what is

becoming a very serious actor which is kind of interesting so obviously this is

pretty cool news we know he wants to play the role as recently at a

convention at the Walker Stalker con in New Jersey when asked if he would take

on the role in theater he said no because there's a role in DC the

universe that he's got his eye on so that is most likely what he wants to

play and he did say in another into that he's in talks with DC but couldn't go

in-depth with what he is all about so recently this weekend there was an Ace

Comic Con in Long Island just outside of New York

Ezra Miller was asked when are we getting the flashpoint movie by a fan

and he said we are getting the flashpoint movie pretty soon and he

couldn't wait to start working it so we know from Brazil comic comic experience

that it's slated for 2019 so Ezra Miller was most slightly talking about

pre-production already being in the pipelines unless Warren was is currently

fast track in the whole project which could be the case because it comes out

in 2019 supposedly just like Shazam will be they're gonna have to film it by late

2018 at latest in order to edit edit it market it and get it out in order for

2019 so I think this is a movie that no company could mess up I wait the flash

TV show messed up but realistically I don't think they could mess up the

flashpoint movie I mean personally who I want to direct the fight

maybe as I want the person who directed the back to future movie I can't

remember his name off hand but I think he would be awesome direct to direct it

I really can't remember the name but I think that would be the course actor

director sorry some people put Zack Snyder's name out there

sadly Zack Snyder won't be doing that because obviously he's got the whole

hate crew on him so I don't think he'd be doing that but if they're already

just about to start pre-production then that tells me that they've already got a

directors scripts all ready to go and if they are fast-tracking it after the kind

of fail of Justice League even though it didn't really fail we never know if

we're gonna get to see the actual proper Justice League movie but it is promising

because the flash was one of the standout people in other Justice League

movie for me alongside Superman the flash and Superman were pretty much to

stand out I know Jason well a crime was meant to be to stand out but from what

he said it's a lot of his stuff wasn't actually in the movie that was gonna be

in a movie which probably would make me put people more height for a crime movie

so I can't understand why they didn't show more of Aquaman see and as his

movie comes out 12 months after the Justice League movie but we only got

glimpses of him there here but here and there so they're gonna have to market

the ACMA movie heavily because not much height for that movie currently anyway

guys let me know what you think about all this

flashpoint movie news talk and I will catch you in that notification squad

down below just hit that red button and we will see you in another video

no we won't see you we'll catch you in another video guys very soon and catch

ya later

For more infomation >> Flashpoint Coming SOON? Ezra Miller On Jeffery Dean Morgan As Batman!! Does DCEU Know What To Do? - Duration: 6:03.


Dota 2 Cheaters: Legion Commander with DUEL SCRIPTS! - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Dota 2 Cheaters: Legion Commander with DUEL SCRIPTS! - Duration: 10:01.


6-year-old made $11 million in one year reviewing toys on You Tube? - Duration: 6:21.


For more infomation >> 6-year-old made $11 million in one year reviewing toys on You Tube? - Duration: 6:21.


Ở Trong Thành Phố - B Ray x Masew (Ft Hannah) 1 hour - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Ở Trong Thành Phố - B Ray x Masew (Ft Hannah) 1 hour - Duration: 3:06.


Lucifer 3x11 Promo "Til Death Do Us Part" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Lucifer 3x11 Promo "Til Death Do Us Part" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


GR Anime Review: Mars Of Destruction - Duration: 11:33.

The Year is 2005, it was not the worst of years, but most certainly not the best either.

Anime releases such as Eureka Seven kept the hype for anime high, with alternate releases

like Noein and Blood+ In the mix for those with a more (mocking voice) "Refined Pallet".

Added along of course with the big three in shounen going strong, Bleach had just started

the year before, One Piece goes into its 6th year and the original Naruto is only 2 years

out from having been rebooted with the release of Shuppuden.

This was a fairly low-key year, nothing big or gaming changing, but nothing too drastically

horrible…until of course the release of the anime we are going to be talking about today.

A single OAV production that not only is considered by some to be the worst anime they

have ever witnessed, but was so bad it ended the careers of many of the staff who worked on it.

It has a story so convoluted it was like trying to deliver the plot to an average 24 episode

mech anime in a mere 20 minutes

It is a production that is really only noteworthy for one thing, that it got animated in the

first place.

Thankfully it's almost impossible to find, let alone watch.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and others my name is Arkada and today on Glass Reflection we have dived

deep into the bowels of anime history to bring you an anime so loathed, and so horrible,

I almost couldn't find the footage to show you just how bad it really is.

Today is Mars of Destruction, God Help us all.

Let's Jam.

So before we dive headfirst into this sh**fest allow me to explain upfront how this OAV is

one that you will thankfully never have to watch.

Mostly because of it's availability.

It's never been licensed in North America so no DVD's and even no VHS copies are available,

because it is just barely old enough to qualify for that.

It's not available on any legal streaming service, and in my research only one Fansub

group was ever brave enough to sub and release it online.

Even that release though is hard to find anywhere and comes in "beautiful 640x480 AVI format".

Which I say in jest because it's not even 640x480.

It's more like 640x413 because there's this suspicious black bar at the bottom.

There's no other releases out that I could even find to compare, so I can't confirm if this black

bar is in the original production or if it was just added by the subbers as a convenient

place to put subtitles.

Considering though how the shots are framed, I'm inclined to believe it's actually

the anime that's doing this, in which case WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR ASPECT RATIO.

I should also point out that this video will be spoiler-tastic, though honestly?

Do you really care in this case?

Like really?

Freakin Re-

Allow me to attempt to explain what exactly is going on in this show, because as

I mentioned the pacing is completely wacked in the head.

In the long far off year of 2010 some guys returning back from Mars and burn up upon

retry to earth's atmosphere due to some "mysterious malfunction" that is never explained.

Shortly afterwards many a bizarre event begins to happen on the streets of Tokyo, apparently

because of this Martian debris.

At least that's what's being assumed by the expletory text here.

Make sense so far? Good!

that won't last.

Next we see some alien creature's referred to as "ancients" attacking the city.

And it's up to an elite taskforce of Moeblob girls with assault rifles to defend the city!

Why Young girls?

Why no Helmets?


I'd say that they forgoed the helmets to showcase the character designs but I've

seen fan work on Deviantart better than this.

Not that any of this matters because one of the girls gets her head blown off anyways,

as your reminder that this is a "serious" and "grounded" action series.

Eventually though the girls get outmatched, and are saved by our protagonist in a skin-tight

mech suit wielding a plasma sword.

Though I say "saved" but our protagonist gets smacked down so hard I question why the

story didn't just end there with all of their DEATHS.

We cut to him in the hospital being doted upon by the surviving female soldiers but

nowhere do we get an explanation on how they managed to escape.

The ancients just let them go I guess?



Because that makes sense.

There is a lot in this story that's blatant hand waving for the sake of progressing…

what I assume to be the plot.

I don't know if someone thought that this was good character development or what but

having our protagonist get the living shit kicked out of him is not a good start.

In fact it's not a good end either.

Within 5 minutes we are in another fight scene where he once again gets shat on.

But eventually he's able to save the day because, who I assume to be the main

female lead is in danger once again, but also because our big bad conveniently and very

politely stands still for the pre-requisite amount of time for our hero to line up a sniper

shot and slam it into his torso "SAVING THE WORLD".

This is of course after "twist" where the bad guy reveals that they were REALLY

earthlings all along, awakened by the Martian debris, and Humanity itself is the villain!

Because that makes sense.

*sigh* ooook.

We have a lot to unpack here, so let's start simple.

There is no reason to care about any of the characters in this story because there is

no character development.

Yes there's only 20 minutes long and that's not a lot of time to work with, sure, but

deal with that by cutting away all of the extra characters and just focus on one maybe two of them.

Let's not spend several minutes of our limited time talking about these 4 female soldiers

and how specialized and badass they are, only for them to be of no use whatsoever.

The development of our main character Takeru consists of two fight scenes where he get's

beat up showing how inept he is at what he's supposed to be good at.

There's an overly long suit up sequence where he gets seemingly crushed by the suit

as he attempts to put it on. Oh yeah and their's this scene of him talking to a disembodied voice telling

him to get into the damn mech suit because if we can't give him his own character development

we can just pretend he's shinji ikari and he'll get development via osmosis or something.


The animation is not much better than the story.

It is not only poorly drawn, it is not just stiff, it is something I'd use on someone

if I wanted to attempt to cause blindness that's how bad I found it.

To be fair this was 2005, the industry is just starting to get a leg to stand on

in this new era of digital animation.

For a lot of productions your mileage did vary, but for a time where we had such

samey bland digital character designs, these feel like they came out of the bottom of the

bargain bin.

They consist of every bad stereotype from the time, the action scenes could be recreated

by a student and 30 minutes in an editing program moving characters from one side of

the frame to the other.

Saying nothing about the musical score for the show which somehow I found somehow to

be an even more of an outrageous offence.

There is little original music in this production, what exists I feel like was created on a $5

synthesizer someone found in a back alley in Akihabara.

The worst though is the out of context bastardization of classical music.

Seemingly thrown into the mix because its free to use and someone thought "well there

has to be music right"?

Is a bunch of well-known pieces by classical composers. There for no reason.

No thought however was put into how this music is supposed to complement the rest of the production,

because it doesn't complement AT ALL.

It's there to have music playing. That's it.

It enrages me because I now cannot listen to these pieces without remembering this sh**fest

I now attach them too.

And don't get me started on that "Twist" shamalan-esk ending by saying "Oh the ancients

are the real earthlings and it's the humans who are the invaders."

That is such a copout ending with no buildup whatsoever.

It would have been fine to end with that if there was anything before it to lead us to

believe it was even remotely a possibility, or you know if we had any reason to care about

the plot in the first place.

Really though by the time the twist came about I'd already tapped out and was trying to

figure out if I would die via alcohol poisoning if I tried to turn watching this into a drinking game.

The answer to that is yes by the way.

Every single aspect of this production, from the story, the characters, the animation,

the sound are all devoid of any creativity or possible enjoyment.

Everything is so bad that if even one of these aspects was in any other production they

would have dragged down a 10/10 show down into 1 or 2 out of 10 territory at best.

No one in their right mind should watch this.

I'm obviously not in my right mind because I watched it THREE TIMES to try and figure

this s**t out, trying to find some "Deeper Meaning" but there is none.

Don't watch this.

Don't buy it, not that you can.

Don't download it, it's an insult to your bandwidth.

I'd rather marathon both SAO and School Days back to back without a bathroom break,

because at least then I'd have some semblance of a satisfying ending to trick me into believeing

that it was worth it in the end, but this?

There's nothing.

no payoff, no reason to watch at all!

Go and watch paint dry, at least

that's entertaining on a microscopic level.

I'm legitimately pissed right now, you know what I'm not even going to dignify this

with a proper ending, I have three more horrible anime to review and need to

keep my fortitude up so I'm going to go watch something good and this video can just

finish on its own.

Ok? Stay Frosty everyone. Bye.

*Door Opening*

*PS3 startup beep*

*PS3 startup sound*

*PS3 resume sound*

*Off-key singing of STAND PROUD*

For more infomation >> GR Anime Review: Mars Of Destruction - Duration: 11:33.


Glühwein Trichtern vong heute (12 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Glühwein Trichtern vong heute (12 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:45.


JoJo Siwa & Ella Anderson Teach 'How To Make a Crunchy Holiday Slime Snowman' ☃️ | Nick - Duration: 1:30.

- Hey, everyone, I'm JoJo. - And I'm Ella,

and we're so excited because we're going to show you

how to customize some crunchy holiday slime!

We've already got this white slime made

and we're gonna make a snow person out of it!

It's gonna be pretty awesome.

Before I even get into making my snow person,

you ready for this? Watch this.

Wait for it, ready? Now listen to this noise.

So I'm gonna have to do the body of it first

and then I'm gonna put the little legs on it.

Boom, shakalaka!

And we're gonna give him one small eye, I think, and one big eye.

Oh, he's such a cutie.


There's my little bow that I made for him, right there.

His hat's gonna be like this.

So mine is finished, look at how beautiful it is!


This little snowman right here, he's a little melted,

but that's OK because we still love him.

It can transport...

Anywhere that it wants to go.

Ahh, help me!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, woohoo!

This is great, look at my snowman!

This is awesome!

That was so much fun, I think it looks absolutely amazing!

Aww, thanks guys!

So thank you guys so much and I'll see you soon.

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