Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

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For more infomation >> Dhanurmasa Vaibhavam Part 1 || Devotional || MusicHouse27 - Duration: 19:44.


Hong Chau Shares Her Story as a Refugee Coming to America - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Hong Chau Shares Her Story as a Refugee Coming to America - Duration: 1:22.


John Anderson - Seminole Wind (Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> John Anderson - Seminole Wind (Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:59.


The White House Has Issued an Executive Order Officially Prepa - Duration: 16:58.

The White House Has Issued an Executive Order - Officially Preparing For The �Event�

- Links and Commentary

The truth community is an extremely diverse place.

Here we can find any variety of belief and perspective on the planet, most of which are

conducive to free thought and growth on both an individual and a collective scale.

It is our differences that allow us to learn and to be diverse in our growth potential.

As this takes place, our similarities allow us to continually reconvene and enjoy the

benefits of a life of diversity and balance.

In the truth community, it can be easy to get lost in the sea of alternative information

there is to examine on the awakened path.

Each potential pursuit is more interesting than next.

However, it can be easily forgotten that we are not simply swimming around in a sea of

fantasy and imaginative aloofness.

We are dealing with the real world and the truth we have been denied for lifetimes on


The issue we know as the Event, the Solar Event, or Solar Flash has been a topic of

discussion for a number of years now.

In fact, it has become so popularized that it has reached a certain level of ambiguity

which prevents us from knowing whether or not it is a forthcoming occurrence or simply

a nice story.

None of us have ever seen anything like it in our lifetime.

Yet we hear of something similar to a large solar release of energy from ancient texts

from numerous religions worldwide.

So how can we determine if this is a true event that we can expect to experience, or

if it is simply a religious belief which ancient cultures liked to talk about?

Let's remember that on October 14, 2016, President Obama unexpectedly gave an executive order

for the nation to prepare for a large scale solar event.

This was nothing like we have seen in the past coming from the questionable administration.

This order came following decades of solar activity and did not seem to be needed, given

our current situation as a planet.

We have weathered some fairly massive coronal mass ejections and flairs over the years.

So why might we need a national order to prepare for another one?

It seems logical to assume that the White House at the time considered it necessary

to prepare not only for the usual solar event, but for an event that dwarfed all of the CMEs

and flairs the planet has experienced.

This is not to be fearful in any way, but it does go to show that even a Cabal-established

government had the thought to openly state that they expected the sun to erupt in ways

not seen in possibly centuries of time.

We may, however, keep in mind that it is only the (then) current establishment which considers

such a solar event to be destructive in these ways.

Many ancient texts describe this event as an opportunity for grand renewal of humanity

and the planet, and that both would change in unimaginable ways for the benefit of all,

granted we had the proper vision and focus to see such a positive occurrence take place.

We do not know what such an event might bring for us.

Yet whatever the results, it does seem that those of us in the truth movement are no longer

the only ones expecting monumental change to take place.


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United

States of America, and to prepare the Nation for space weather events, it is hereby ordered

as follows:

Section 1.


Space weather events, in the form of solar flares, solar energetic particles, and geomagnetic

disturbances, occur regularly, some with measurable effects on critical infrastructure systems

and technologies, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), satellite operations and communication,

aviation, and the electrical power grid.

Extreme space weather events � those that could significantly degrade critical infrastructure

� could disable large portions of the electrical power grid, resulting in cascading failures

that would affect key services such as water supply, healthcare, and transportation.

Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across

entire continents.

Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires

partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance

industry, non-profits, and the private sector.

It is the policy of the United States to prepare for space weather events to minimize the extent

of economic loss and human hardship.

The Federal Government must have:

(1) the capability to predict and detect a space weather event,

(2) the plans and programs necessary to alert the public and private sectors to enable mitigating

actions for an impending space weather event, (3) the protection and mitigation plans, protocols,

and standards required to reduce risks to critical infrastructure prior to and during

a credible threat, and (4) the ability to respond to and recover

from the effects of space weather.

Executive departments and agencies (agencies) must coordinate their efforts to prepare for

the effects of space weather events.

Sec. 2.


This order defines agency roles and responsibilities and directs agencies to take specific actions

to prepare the Nation for the hazardous effects of space weather.

These activities are to be implemented in conjunction with those identified in the 2015

National Space Weather Action Plan (Action Plan) and any subsequent updates.

Implementing this order and the Action Plan will require the Federal Government to work

across agencies and to develop, as appropriate, enhanced and innovative partnerships with

State, tribal, and local governments; academia; non-profits; the private sector; and international


These efforts will enhance national preparedness and speed the creation of a space-weather-ready


Sec. 3.


(a) The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), in consultation

with the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Director

of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), shall coordinate the development and implementation

of Federal Government activities to prepare the Nation for space weather events, including

the activities established in section 5 of this order and the recommendations of the

National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), established by Executive Order 12881 of November

23, 1993 (Establishment of the National Science and Technology Council).

(b) To ensure accountability for and coordination of research, development, and implementation

of activities identified in this order and in the Action Plan, the NSTC shall establish

a Space Weather Operations, Research, and Mitigation Subcommittee (Subcommittee).

The Subcommittee member agencies shall conduct activities to advance the implementation of

this order, to achieve the goals identified in the 2015 National Space Weather Strategy

and any subsequent updates, and to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the activities

specified in the Action Plan and provide subsequent updates.

Sec. 4.

Roles and Responsibilities.

To the extent permitted by law, the agencies below shall adopt the following roles and

responsibilities, which are key to ensuring enhanced space weather forecasting, situational

awareness, space weather preparedness, and continuous Federal Government operations during

and after space weather events.

(a) The Secretary of Defense shall ensure the timely provision of operational space

weather observations, analyses, forecasts, and other products to support the mission

of the Department of Defense and coalition partners, including the provision of alerts

and warnings for space weather phenomena that may affect weapons systems, military operations,

or the defense of the United States.

(b) The Secretary of the Interior shall support the research, development, deployment, and

operation of capabilities that enhance the understanding of variations of the Earth�s

magnetic field associated with solar-terrestrial interactions.

(c) The Secretary of Commerce shall:

(i) provide timely and accurate operational space weather forecasts, watches, warnings,

alerts, and real-time space weather monitoring for the government, civilian, and commercial

sectors, exclusive of the responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense; and

(ii) ensure the continuous improvement of operational space weather services, utilizing

partnerships, as appropriate, with the research community, including academia and the private

sector, and relevant agencies to develop, validate, test, and transition space weather

observation platforms and models from research to operations and from operations to research.

(d) The Secretary of Energy shall facilitate the protection and restoration of the reliability

of the electrical power grid during a presidentially declared grid security emergency associated

with a geomagnetic disturbance pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 824o-1.

(e) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall:

(i) ensure the timely redistribution of space weather alerts and warnings that support national

preparedness, continuity of government, and continuity of operations; and

(ii) coordinate response and recovery from the effects of space weather events on critical

infrastructure and the broader community.

(f) The Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shall:

(i) implement and support a national research program to understand the Sun and its interactions

with Earth and the solar system to advance space weather modeling and prediction capabilities

applicable to space weather forecasting;

(ii) develop and operate space-weather-related research missions, instrument capabilities,

and models; and

(iii) support the transition of space weather models and technology from research to operations

and from operations to research.

(g) The Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) shall support fundamental research linked

to societal needs for space weather information through investments and partnerships, as appropriate.

(h) The Secretary of State, in consultation with the heads of relevant agencies, shall

carry out diplomatic and public diplomacy efforts to strengthen global capacity to respond

to space weather events.

(i) The Secretaries of Defense, the Interior, Commerce, Transportation, Energy, and Homeland

Security, along with the Administrator of NASA and the Director of NSF, shall work together,

consistent with their ongoing activities, to develop models, observation systems, technologies,

and approaches that inform and enhance national preparedness for the effects of space weather

events, including how space weather events may affect critical infrastructure and change

the threat landscape with respect to other hazards.

(j) The heads of all agencies that support National Essential Functions, defined by Presidential

Policy Directive 40 (PPD-40) of July 15, 2016 (National Continuity Policy), shall ensure

that space weather events are adequately addressed in their all-hazards preparedness planning,

including mitigation, response, and recovery, as directed by PPD-8 of March 30, 2011 (National


(k) NSTC member agencies shall coordinate through the NSTC to establish roles and responsibilities

beyond those identified in section 4 of this order to enhance space weather preparedness,

consistent with each agency�s legal authority.

Sec. 5.


(a) Within 120 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Energy, in consultation with

the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall develop a plan to test and evaluate available

devices that mitigate the effects of geomagnetic disturbances on the electrical power grid

through the development of a pilot program that deploys such devices, in situ, in the

electrical power grid.

After the development of the plan, the Secretary shall implement the plan in collaboration

with industry.

In taking action pursuant to this subsection, the Secretaries of Energy and Homeland Security

shall consult with the Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

(b) Within 120 days of the date of this order, the heads of the sector-specific agencies

that oversee the lifeline critical infrastructure functions as defined by the National Infrastructure

Protection Plan of 2013 � including communications, energy, transportation, and water and wastewater

systems � as well as the Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector, shall assess

their executive and statutory authority, and limits of that authority, to direct, suspend,

or control critical infrastructure operations, functions, and services before, during, and

after a space weather event.

The heads of each sector-specific agency shall provide a summary of these assessments to

the Subcommittee.

(c) Within 90 days of receipt of the assessments ordered in section 5(b) of this order, the

Subcommittee shall provide a report on the findings of these assessments with recommendations

to the Director of OSTP, the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism,

and the Director of OMB.

The assessments may be used to inform the development and implementation of policy establishing

authorities and responsibilities for agencies in response to a space weather event.

(d) Within 60 days of the date of this order, the Secretaries of Defense and Commerce, the

Administrator of NASA, and the Director of NSF, in collaboration with other agencies

as appropriate, shall identify mechanisms for advancing space weather observations,

models, and predictions, and for sustaining and transitioning appropriate capabilities

from research to operations and operations to research, collaborating with industry and

academia to the extent possible.

(e) Within 120 days of the date of this order, the Secretaries of Defense and Commerce shall

make historical data from the GPS constellation and other U.S.

Government satellites publicly available, in accordance with Executive Order 13642 of

May 9, 2013 (Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information),

to enhance model validation and improvements in space weather forecasting and situational


(f) Within 120 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Homeland Security, through

the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and in coordination with

relevant agencies, shall lead the development of a coordinated Federal operating concept

and associated checklist to coordinate Federal assets and activities to respond to notification

of, and protect against, impending space weather events.

Within 180 days of the publication of the operating concept and checklist, agencies

shall develop operational plans documenting their procedures and responsibilities to prepare

for, protect against, and mitigate the effects of impending space weather events, in support

of the Federal operating concept and compatible with the National Preparedness System described

in PPD-8.

For more infomation >> The White House Has Issued an Executive Order Officially Prepa - Duration: 16:58.


Korea's humanoid robot 'HUBO' joins PyeongChang Olympic torch relay - Duration: 2:17.

With less than 60 days to the start of the PyeongChang Games... the Olympic Torch relay

continues in Korea despite the freezing temperatures.

One of the latest runners to carry the flame isn't concerned about the cold though.

That's because he's Hubo the robot from Korea's science and technology university.

Lee Ji-won reports from Daejeon.

From Jeju's haenyeo, or women divers, to Korea's legendary warship, the Turtle Ship,... the

Olympic torch has been carried around the country by some unique means.

And in Daejeon, robots joined the relay.

On the 41st day of the Olympic Torch Relay, the humanoid robot HUBO and a team of robotics

scientists kicked off the third theme of the torch relay, Information Technology, at the

country's technology research hub, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

in the western city of Daejeon on Monday.

HUBO won the DARPA Robotics Challenge in 2015, and during Monday's relay, it re-enacted one

of its award winning moves.

Demonstrating its ability to use tools,... the robot broke through a wall and handed

over the Olympic flame to its developer Professor Oh Jun-ho.

The professor said Monday's relay was a chance to show the unlimited possibilities of robots.

(Korean) "Through the robots' participation in the

Olympic Torch relay, we were able to show the world how far Korea's robotics industry

has developed, and show people the different ways that robots could be used in the near


The KAIST section of the torch relay also included Professor Oh's next generation riding

robot, FX-2,... and Professor Dennis Hong, one of the top young robotics scientists shaking

up the industry in the U.S.

After its quick tour of KAIST, the Olympic torch was then carried around Daejeon before

arriving at the Expo Park, where a closing ceremony for the Olympic torch in Daejeon

was held.

Monday marked the third and final day at Daejeon,... where some 530 torch bearers participated

in the relay, including Park Chan-ho, Korea's first Major League Baseball player.

(Standup) "After a day off on Tuesday, the torch will

come up north,... and continue its relay in Sejong city for two days, visiting places

including the Sejong Government Complex."

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News, Daejeon.

For more infomation >> Korea's humanoid robot 'HUBO' joins PyeongChang Olympic torch relay - Duration: 2:17.


Numbers Drawing How to Draw And Paint Numbers Coloring Book Fun Painting - Duration: 13:41.

For more infomation >> Numbers Drawing How to Draw And Paint Numbers Coloring Book Fun Painting - Duration: 13:41.


Police Vehicles For Kids | Rhymes For Toddlers | Kids Songs | Educational Video - Duration: 14:47.

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...



Three Little Numbers...



Six Little Numbers…



Nine Little Numbers…



Ten little numbers…

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...

ten little numbers...

ten little numbers...

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

For more infomation >> Police Vehicles For Kids | Rhymes For Toddlers | Kids Songs | Educational Video - Duration: 14:47.


8in1 Пеленки для собак - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 8in1 Пеленки для собак - Duration: 1:46.


Lord Gayatri Devi Idol || Powerful Gayatri Devi Temple || श्री गायत्री देवी || DARSHANAM LIVE - Duration: 3:12.

DARSHANAM LIVE – Everything about INDIAN temples grandeur and visual feast

For more infomation >> Lord Gayatri Devi Idol || Powerful Gayatri Devi Temple || श्री गायत्री देवी || DARSHANAM LIVE - Duration: 3:12.


AIRBNB retire sa carte de crédit ANTI-FISC - Monkey - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> AIRBNB retire sa carte de crédit ANTI-FISC - Monkey - Duration: 3:25.


โทริโกะ ตอนที่1 กินจระเข้การาระ - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> โทริโกะ ตอนที่1 กินจระเข้การาระ - Duration: 1:21.


【Undertale 音樂翻譯】強者 Stronger [中文CC字幕](By Whec 227) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> 【Undertale 音樂翻譯】強者 Stronger [中文CC字幕](By Whec 227) - Duration: 3:20.


The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Perfect Drink Side Quest! - Duration: 5:39.

woah what there's a lady passed out on the what okay misae suma shrine I'm

done for hello may I help you I just found this shrine too ugh my throat it's

so dry I can't move a muscle if this is really the end I wish you could have one

last taste one sip one sip of ice-cold noble pursuit can i really not get into

the darn shrine because looks like we're doing a side quest yippee hey how's it going dino

club my name is IamTabu and welcome to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild

perfect drink side quest so yes it's um a side quest to get into

the misae suma trying so yeah we gotta find the perfect drink so you want to go

to Gerudo town if you don't know how to get in gerudo town I have a video on that

I'll link it up on YouTube card right here but before we get into this video

if you're new to my channel hit that subscribe button and notification bell

to join the Dino Club and never miss out on my weekday Nintendo content

okay so what you do is want to go to this bar and it is right between the

jewelry shop and the inn so about that talk to this person I'll invade I can't

to hold you up this list is definitely not for young because we green star here

from different regular drinks noble pursuit we went by our signature drink

number certain unfortunate news huge my ice swimming bed drink and I'm fresh out

right now besides it's a really strong drink even though they're coming in when

it's a live a like you actually would you say

Toki's collapsed hmm I want to help her out but I can't maybe you know what

without ice this ice at the ice house but my legs are in the best shape for

hauling ice alright sir you'll get it then be a huge help poking my best

customer I'm sure I wish you could get to harass myself anyway the ice house is

north of town ank manages it but I think if you explain situation shallow you

house ice you should know that she heads to bed quite early you plan to go you'll

need to get there walked spread out Oh young lady carrying ice all the way

through that desert in the hallway to town I can't let

that stand if you bring ice to the entrance to ruins between town and the

ice house I can take it from there okay so that is all over here so we need

to all we have to do is go that's a long way our bread take us and seal and let's

go okay so there's a place down here that we can go to so if we got it here

all there is some ice give me that oh can I not okay all right so they go to

bed early and shoot all right well I gotta wait this out them up wake up

Laurie my work is done for the day so you need something come back to my dang

it gosh darn it right we're gonna have to wait

oh she's waking up lady go can you please give me some ice

I need that what the Freak I think you can walk through the person okay no more

well sup this ice this is an ice house is for storing the ice brought down from

the mountains seeing as we live in a desert so it's pretty important for

stuff person grito so I guard the ice has 24 hours/day actually I see well if

you're someone's eyes then you should bring her some you're permitted to take

some ice you taking the heat into account right if you move too slowly the

ice will surely melt furiosa has no use for water um can we like freeze it with

the oak in so we can just like smack it and it should work so yeah smack you

super hard there we go I believe in you fly alright pretty

sweet oh no doubt about that Stephanie ice from the ice house I'll be able to

make a noble pursuit with this it may be the best I've ever made sweet I've got

one more favor to ask could you go and let pokey nodes tell her the best drink

ever is waiting for her what no of course this will work knowing her if she

hears a delicious drink is waiting she'll come right wow really yeah what's

up lady I've got a weird drink thing for you you wouldn't yeah I just run over

there can't take any more I'm going to write

here actually huh of course did you say it best no purse together I'm gone it's

gonna take a while to get there it took me a long time with the Sam seal good

luck Oh sweetie we did it you B that's an

easy shrine because we so it's a sidequest so basically the Cypress

wasn't a shrine we got a diamond whoa so anyway guys

before link dies of heatstroke I just want to say thank you so much for

watching this video on The Legend of Zelda the wild misae suma shrine

help you guys all enjoyed and how and the Zelda breath of the wild how to get

the perfect drink side quest so yeah thanks for watching up I enjoyed it if

you did and would like to see some more Legend of Zelda breath of the wild smash that

like button down below also if you're new to my channel hit that subscribe

button and notification bell to join the dino club and never miss a

video before I go remember these three life lessons don't do drugs stay in school and subscribe

good bye

For more infomation >> The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Perfect Drink Side Quest! - Duration: 5:39.


Hong Chau Reveals What People Always Ask Her About Matt Damon - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Hong Chau Reveals What People Always Ask Her About Matt Damon - Duration: 4:15.


Learn English Alphabets A to Z letters for Kids A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Duration: 6:55.

Learn English Alphabets A to Z letters for Kids A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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