Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

- In today's video, I've decided to do something

a little different and share with you my business story,

so everything that I've gone through in the past two years

when I first started my business.

So the ups, the downs, the mistakes, the wins,

the ugly and the pretty,

I'm gonna share it all with you today.

Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Just The Tips.

My name is Trena if you are new here

and I help creative business owners like you

get started on YouTube.

Typically here on my channel, I'll go through, you know,

tips, strategies, advice on how to use YouTube

in your creative business

but I wanted to share with you my business story.

I get asked this quite frequently,

and I feel it's so important for us to be transparent

with our business journey because a lot of the times

we see people being successful, right?

Maybe they have been in business five, six years

and maybe they caught a great break

but we really don't get to hear what goes on

behind scenes and how they got there.

So just a brief recap of my education.

I went to college straight out of high school.

I got a Bachelor's of Science in business

with a concentration in marketing

and a minor in public relations.

I got my full-time gig about six months after that.

I did a few side jobs in radio and I forget where else I was

but I got started working for the Department of Defense

doing some human resource stuff.

It wasn't typical human resource stuff

and it just was not my thing.

It was not a healthy environment.

One good thing that came out of that job though

is they paid for me to get my master's degree in business,

so I also have that as well.

In 2015, after working at my job for five years,

I had my daughter, and while I was off on maternity leave

for four months, I started to realize how unhappy

I really was at that job.

I mean, I knew I was unhappy but having that time off

and dreading going back,

not only because they leaving your baby at home,

or at daycare, not home alone,

but knowing you have to go back.

I somehow fell into the online world of creating courses

and this whole new world that I've never known

and I started to drink the Kool-Aid.

I watched a webinar.

I convinced my husband, "Guess what?

"I'm gonna make the same amount of money

"that I'm making in my current job

"by starting my own business online."

I knew I could do it, just follow the steps.

In December of 2015, I quit my job, walked out the door,

and started January 1st.

I instantly dug into creating a course

because that's what you're supposed to do.

You're supposed to have a course, create passive income,

followed all of the steps.

I did joint venture webinars.

I did my own webinars.

I did everything they say you should do.

I released my first course in May of 2016

and (crickets chirping)

I think I had six people sign up

and one of them was a friend of mine.

Instantly, I became crushed.

I had spent five months up late working,

creating this content, like really following these steps

and it was a flop.

Also, during that time, I got my first client.

She reached out to me on Facebook

and she wanted to get started right away.

We had our first call, she was excited,

and then dropped off the face of the earth.

Not really, but she couldn't make the next call.

She didn't want to reschedule.

She'd already paid.

All of a sudden she wanted her money back.

I didn't a have a contract in place,

so one mistake that I want you to learn from,

always have a contract in place.

So, after some dispute back and forth,

we dealt through PayPal, that's how she paid.

She ultimately got her money back.

So that was really a learning experience for me.

So then the first six months of my business,

two major fails, right?

Enough to make you question what are you doing.

So in June of that year, I took time off.

We were going to the beach.

It had been a dream of my husband's to go the beach

for two weeks, so we went to the Outer Banks

in North Carolina for two weeks, and during that two weeks,

I had another potential client reach out to me.

We talked on the phone,

we thought about how we were gonna work together,

and she ended up being the lifesaver of,

not only getting the chance to work with her,

but learning from her,

learning more about the online business world from her,

and really getting in contact with a lot of connections

that she had for me.

So one of my big takeaways for you during that time

is connect with people, whether it's coffee dates

or whether it's through Facebook,

or any way you can connect with other business owners

that are doing online stuff or doing things similar to you

because you're not, you're going to feel alone.

You going to have times where you feel like a failure.

Trust me, there's times every single day

I feel like a failure, but having those people

that I connected with, having those people

that I can reach out to definitely helps keep me motivated.

So after that summer, I really spent time working with her.

Like I said, she got me in contact with some other people

as well to start working with,

and I just kept pivoting my business.

I knew my first course didn't work

so I decided to change it a little bit,

tried to launch it again at the end of the summer,

so in September.

No biters, no bites at all.

So I didn't even forth with the complete launch.

I just scrapped it instantly.

The third launch that I had,

I was getting ready for Black Friday,

and I had a mini-course that I just pulled out

of the full course that I created

at the beginning of the year and pitched that

with I think it was a video idea package,

and that got some traction.

That got me some clients as well, but nothing big,

no big break.

And then in December, it was time to have the baby,

but what was really great is through the connections

from that first client that I had,

not the nightmare client but the dream client,

through her, the connections that I made,

they made other connections

and those people were signing contracts to work with me

as I was having a baby.

So I started 2017 with clients

excited for what was to come, but I had a newborn, right?

So the first three months of 2017 were tough.

Figuring out this new life with a newborn

and a two-year-old, plus we were living in a tiny apartment

since we had sold our house really fast unexpectedly.

So the beginning of 2017 was really tough.

I had clients, but honestly, I probably wasn't working

as hard as I should on those clients.

Just having a baby doesn't mean, you know,

to eat, sleep, and poop.

There's a lot going on.

And in 2016, when it all broke down,

I basically broke even with my business.

Luckily, I wasn't in debt with my business

but I didn't make much money.

So I started to think a lot.

Do I go back to work?

Do I apply for jobs?

What am I gonna do?

Where is this business going?

But one thing that I did know

is that I was willing to change, I was willing to evolve.

And so as you are working with your business

and something is not working, change it up a bit.

Don't get stuck in one thing.

Keep evolving your business.

Keep pivoting.

I love that scene from Friends

where Ross is yelling for Chandler to pivot.

- [Ross] Pivot!



- You just gotta keep pivoting.

Keep seeing what works.

Now here we are at the end of 2017.

I revamped my course that I created in 2016

that I thought I was gonna make lots of money on.

I released it to a select few beta people.

So I reached out to some people

that I knew wanted to do YouTube

that I thought would give me great feedback

and asked them to take part in this course, you know,

for free, as long as they gave me testimonials

and feedbacks.

I reached out to them.

They really helped me craft my content, evolve my content.

So then in the summer, I released that beta program

as the first time, the introductory price of my new program

YouTube Boot Camp, and through that program,

I had some amazing girls.

I was able to really get great feedback from them.

I was able to see some of them release YouTube channels

and they are doing so amazing,

and I would not have gotten to this program idea

had I not gone through all those failures in the beginning

and I wouldn't have got there if I just quit,

if I just went back to work.

It takes a lot of persistence in this online world

and it's tough.

There are days where you are going to struggle.

There are days where you're gonna feel like

you're not doing something right,

and I still have those days, right?

But you need to have people to reach out to.

You need to keep growing and keep learning.

Then in October I took everything that I learned

from those two launches that I had, the beta,

and the introductory course and had my best launch yet.

I've reached my goal number.

It was a five-figure launch and it really made me feel good,

but with that, you also have that quick dip again,

and you think, "Okay. What could I have done better?

"How could I make more money? What's next on the list?

"What's next? What do I gotta do?"

As I continue to grow and evolve my business,

I just want you to understand that

it's not always rainbows and butterflies and unicorns here.

I have bad days.

I have days where I don't want to get out of bed.

I have days where I feel like what am I doing,

scrap this whole thing, I'm gonna go work at a coffee shop.

So as you are growing your business,

as you are figuring out your path

in this entrepreneurial world,

just understand you're not alone,

that sense of failure or that feeling of failure

that you're having, it happens.

The best way you can combat it is find some friends.

I loved doing my weekly accountability

with my business friends.

I have a mastermind that I talk to every month.

Having those people that understand

what you're going through and can give you that support

and can give you, you know, that confidence and say,

"Hey. Here's maybe what you need to change.

"Here's what I think you're doing well."

That is key in succeeding here on business.

And so, I just wanted to share with you my journey.

I want you to know that it's not an easy road.

A lot of people you see being successful,

you're seeing them at step 10 and 11,

whereas you may be at step two and three.

So don't get discouraged,

and don't think you're doing something wrong.

If something's not working, change it up a bit.

Pivot it.

- Pivot!

- Just a little bit to see if a slight tweak can change it

'cause that's really been able to make changes

in my business.

And constantly educate yourself.

You're never going to become an expert in something

because it's constantly changing.

How many times has Facebook changed?

How many times has YouTube changed?

Find other experts to learn from.

As they're learning, you can learn from them as well.

Keep up to date on your field of expertise.

You can't just say, "Hey, I learned everything

"there is about Pinterest," and quit learning.

Pinterest is always changing.

This online world is always changing.

So continue to educate yourself.

My question of the day for you is,

"Where are you having a hard time with your business?

"Is that feeling like a failure, feeling like an imposter?"

Let me know down in the comment section below.

If you like this type of video,

make sure you give it a thumbs-up

and you click that circled subscribe button

because every week I'm posting new videos here

to help you create a YouTube strategy for your business.

Thank you so much for watching and I will see you next week.


For more infomation >> My Business Story and What YOU Can Learn From My Journey - Duration: 12:16.


Youtube-Star Angry Grandpa ist tot! - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Youtube-Star Angry Grandpa ist tot! - Duration: 2:25.


BEST Builder Hall 7 Base +5000 CUPS! | CoC BH7 Base Design 2017 | Clash of Clans Gameplay - Duration: 10:18.

BEST Builder Hall 7 Base +5000 CUPS! | CoC BH7 Base Design 2017 | Clash of Clans Gameplay

For more infomation >> BEST Builder Hall 7 Base +5000 CUPS! | CoC BH7 Base Design 2017 | Clash of Clans Gameplay - Duration: 10:18.


🍕 Tummy Treasures 🍩 | ANIMATION MEME (gift) - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> 🍕 Tummy Treasures 🍩 | ANIMATION MEME (gift) - Duration: 0:42.


Choose Love ♡ (THANK YOU!) - Duration: 10:32.

Hi guys!

So I've been on Youtube for a year now,

I started precisely in November last year.

And recently I took the time to look back upon my year

what had happened and what I learned ever since I started my Youtube channel,

and I really want to share them with you guys,

because I believe they are priceless lessons

and all of you lovely people have been a huge part of my Youtube journey,

so I would like to return the favor by sharing them.

So overall, I would say it was a lonely and challenging journey,

but I never ever regret having started.

Before I started my Youtube Channel,

I considered myself a strong, independent, and invincible woman,

not only physically but also mentally.

And I wouldn't say that's entirely wrong,

but my Youtube journey made me come to terms with how weak and feeble I actually am.

I wouldn't share in detail what sort of hard things I went through,

because all of us go through hard time and I don't want to sound like I'm complaining by listing all my problems.

But I would just keep it this way:

with the start of my channel,

never in my life have I received hate this much

and I'm not talking about online hate alone,

I'm also talking about hate from people I know in real life.

but at the same time,

never in my life have I received love this much as well.

So, many things have happened that hurt me emotionally

and some of what happened even made me think,

"How could he/she/they do that to me?"

"What did I do so wrong that this is happening to me?"

And I even considered some of them to be unforgivable.

But despite everything,

there was one thing that made me keep going,

and that's love.

If I can break love down into two categories,

there are two types of love:

1) love that you give,

2) the love that you receive.

The love that you give is what is already inside you.

As long as one is human, everyone is capable of giving love.

So if you wish to feel love,

the closest and the easiest source you can access is the love that you have within you already.

It's the love where YOU are the one who is in full control of making the choice

between withholding or releasing by giving out.

However, the second type of love,

the love that you receive is completely out of your control.

You cannot force other people to give you love.

Therefore, if you want to feel love,

the most sensible way is to start by tapping into love that you already have.

In other words, you can give love to others to feel love.

And I guess that's what I chose to do during my journey.

I never lost faith in love,

even in times when I felt like I'm no more capable of loving,

when I felt "There's no way I can forgive this person," "There's no way this situation is acceptable,"

I still held onto love.

When I felt upset, I prayed.

I read beautiful quotes on forgiveness, patience and courage,

and that magically healed me.

And this one time, I would cry my eyeballs out without withholding my sorrow,

and after a few hours I would find myself having purged,

and became able to think with love again.

This spiritual purging is also a scientific process,

and I'm going to talk about this in my future video,

but for now I would keep it this way:

the power of love is real and it transcends everything.

It is with love that made me think,

if keep giving out my talent and knowledge,

keep on working hard

then I have something valuable to offer to other people.

It is with love that made me feel confidence and have faith in what I do,

no matter what some people said about it.

Even in circumstances when I found it hard to love,

I consciously made effort not to let my fear and frustration and disappointment blur my sight

and make me get out of touch with my ability to love.

Now, then, let's talk about the love that you receive.

Amazing truth is,

giving and receiving happens simultaneously.

It's reciprocal.

The more you cheerfully give out love, the more you feel love;

happy, joyful and peaceful.

It instantaneously comes back.

But to specifically talk about the love that other people give you,

it's beautiful and incredible how,

with time, the love you put out there does come back to you

in a greatly glorious form by others,

not the least of which is, friendship,

one of the noblest yet rare virtues,

and that's precisely what came back to me.

So my friend's name is Carol,

she's Chinese,

and we started out as an online language exchange partner,

and I know that's not a conventional way of making friends.

Many people usually go to online website

to find someone to hook up with or to have temporary chat,

not to find a friend you deeply connect with.

So this friendship is a very unexpected gift and grace for me,

and at first I never expected it to grow into something this much intimate and valuable.

We first met a few months before I started my YT channel,

and the first few months of our interaction

was mainly focused on language exchange.

But now,

we are connecting in a much deeper level.

We share our dreams, deepest emotion, sorrows, happiness, 笑话

I feel that the more I share my honest thoughts through my videos

the more find it easier to do the same when I'm with other people.

And that's what I'm doing with Carol,

and very thankfully Carol is doing the same for me too.

And we give inspiration to each other as well,

Carol just started learning Korean,

she said it's because she wants to have a conversation with me in Korean

so that we can understand each other more.

And she's helping me so much in my Chinese language,

she's the main reason why I was able to keep up with Chinese,

although it's still not that fluent, there's definitely been some progress,

and overall, we're helping each other grow and feel happier every day.

They say true friendship is rare, and I agree,

because it just doesn't happen overnight,

just like any other good virtues.

It takes consistent effort and care

and also, without some sort of hard time together,

you cannot genuinely realize how precious the presence of a good friend is.

While I was building my channel,

I was growing my friendship simultaneously,

because as lonely and hard as my journey was,

I realized how the presence of a good friend such as Carol

can powerfully encourage and relieve me.

I feel like through my YT channel,

I'm not just building a channel.

I'm building a life.

I'm building stronger foundations,

and I'm experiencing things in a deeper level.

In other words, through my channel,

I'm upgrading my own happiness.

And of course,

I forgot to mention another love that returned to me!


Love and support I'm receiving back from you guys.

That's priceless too, you know.

And I find it so magical

that many times, the encouraging emails and messages and comments

come at just the right time when I needed it.

Please know that I never underestimate your ability to feel my message,

and the action you take to express gratitude,

because that is the proof that you are tapping into the power of love you have within you.

All of those are love too you know,

and you guys are giving out your love to me.

And thank you so much for the love, and may God bless your heart.

To put all what I learned during my journey in a nutshell:

Miracles will happen if you do.

I'm the living proof.

And you can be one too.

Jim Carrey once said, in one of the best commencement speech I've seen,

Whatever it is that you dream to fulfill,

by all means, start (Please)

And along your journey,

whatever you get to face, always remind yourself and believe from heart

that love wins.

Because you know what? It does.

Thank you so much for watching,

and thank you so much for the love,

and I wish you all the best on your journey of love.

For more infomation >> Choose Love ♡ (THANK YOU!) - Duration: 10:32.


Stossel: The Fight Against Food Trucks - Duration: 5:30.

You have food trucks in your neighborhood?

I do.

We have lots of them, and I like them.

They provide good, different foods at good prices.

Laura Pekarik drives a food truck in Chicago.

She sells cupcakes

and the truck let her open a business

without having to hire a staff


rent a whole building.

I was able to rent a kitchen space

instead of renting a whole brick and mortar and

managing a team of people.

It was just me and one baker at the time

and everything kind of was under my control,

to kind of get my feet wet in the business.

Joey Vanoni's a food truck entrepreneur in Baltimore.

He sells pizza.

Not just any pizza,

delicious pizza.

When did you get the idea to open this food truck?

I was looking around for some jobs

and I could not find anything.

It's kind of a new idea.

It really started taking off

right around the recession, you know

2008 timeframe.

A lot of restaurant entrepreneurs,

the capital they had was not enough

to actually go out and start

a restaurant on their own.

Banks weren't willing to give loans,

so the food truck phenomenon really took off.

Food trucks are just a way for people to enter.

Dick Carpenter of the Institute for Justice

studied food trucks and concluded

they're an important part of the economy,

because they provide a first rung

for people starting out.

The costs are often much less for a food truck.

So it's a way for them to get into business

and then grow that business into something bigger.

But new rules now make that tougher.

Some cities restrict food truck sales

to two hours.

Others tell food trucks you may not park

near an established restaurant.

It became ever more difficult

to find parking locations when we went to the city

to try to sell our cupcakes.

I would have customers calling me, trying to find us

and I was like I'm trying. I'm trying to find a parking spot,

I'll post as soon as I land.

Every moment that we're driving around

and not parked in the location with our window open

meant that we couldn't sell.

Parkings limits it

because politicians want to protect

existing restaurants.

And you can't be 300 feet next to a restaurant

that offers the same product.

Well there are pizzerias all over Baltimore,

so that means Joey is severely restricted

in where he can go.

They're paying taxes.

They had to use brick and mortar.

Baltimore's just trying to keep things fair.

Well, it's funny you say that John

because I also invested in my business


I pay taxes as well.

So you can still run your business,

you just have to stay away from those restaurants.

There's almost no place left for me to operate.

But we must protect existing restaurants,

says Chicago Alderman Tom Tunney.

I'm going to be prejudicial

towards those kind of businesses

because that keeps my neighborhood.

A brick and mortar is a much more stable enterprise.

This is a prime example of protectionism

Wait, who are these kids

talking about protectionism?

I'm Ethan

and I'm Emily.

Together we're the Tuttle Twins.

More on the Tuttle Twins in another video.

But, they rightly ask

"Why would the government favor

a business over another?"

That's a good question.

Often times it's because one side

lobbied for regulations.

Sometimes that side also donated money to a

politician's campaign.

Man, the government can be so shady.


it can be.

And by the way,

Tunney the politician

who's in charge of limiting food truck parking

in this district

just happens to own some brick and mortar restaurants.

At least he discloses that.

For obvious transparency reasons, I'm a restaurant

operator in the city of Chicago

for almost 40 years.

They want to keep competitors as far away as possible

The guy who opened the restaurant

and had to pay real estate taxes

and pay for his building,

isn't he getting ripped off

by these new guys?

That assumes that the food truck operator doesn't pay

expenses of the same type.

In fact, food truck operators pay

taxes, they pay rents,

and through their rents they pay property taxes.

Laura and Joey

now are fighting the regulations in court.

They argue it's unconstitutional to

favor one industry

at the expense of another.

To try to push us back and down and

prevent us from doing business is unfair.

This case with Laura,

five years

and going.

The Restaurant Association

has so much influence

over those

who are elected officials.

That gives existing restaurants

the power

to stop newcomers

by imposing lots of rules.

The nerve of them!

That's getting in the way of new jobs!

This is true of all bottleneckers.

Yes, it is.

Like closing a lane on a highway,

bottleneckers stop all sorts of progress.

Cosmetologists take jobs from hair braiders,

optometrists ban computer eye tests,

union bus companies

ban these minivans,

florists say,

you may not do flower arrangements without a license.

These bottleneckers say they're protecting us,

but mostly

they collude with government

to protect themselves.

In this case,

taking away our choices

one meal at a time.

For more infomation >> Stossel: The Fight Against Food Trucks - Duration: 5:30.


【完整版】名嘴VS藝人!誰是演藝圈長舌八卦王?2017.12.12小明星大跟班 - Duration: 44:53.

For more infomation >> 【完整版】名嘴VS藝人!誰是演藝圈長舌八卦王?2017.12.12小明星大跟班 - Duration: 44:53.


Fluorite Stone. 9.34 Carats Natural Stone of Fluorite - Duration: 0:50.

fluorite stone weight 9.34 carrots

visit our official factory website to learn more we are based in Jaipur India

a city famous for cutting the best gems in the whole world

For more infomation >> Fluorite Stone. 9.34 Carats Natural Stone of Fluorite - Duration: 0:50.


РЕШЕТКА на РУКАХ / ХИРОМАНТИЯ - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> РЕШЕТКА на РУКАХ / ХИРОМАНТИЯ - Duration: 3:26.


ম্যাডামের মুখেই শুনুন আসল ঘটনা | Discuss About Tour On Narsingde Stadium & Dream Holiday Park - Duration: 5:38.

Discuss About Tour On Narsingde Stadium...

For more infomation >> ম্যাডামের মুখেই শুনুন আসল ঘটনা | Discuss About Tour On Narsingde Stadium & Dream Holiday Park - Duration: 5:38.


Let's Play GOOKA 2: the Mystery of Janatris |39| - Waben Beauties {EN} - Duration: 10:08.

I'm sorry that I've followed your men, oracle. I had thought they've wished me to...

Yes... It came to me to my knowledge that you were ambushed. By Chories!

Our village has some unfinished business with them,

and you have helped us greatly by sinking their ship and overpowering their crew.

That's why I've sent my personal guard for you immediately, so that I could meet with you.

We're honored.

Some of the pirates that've survived the crash have managed to save themselves and swim to our beach...

My best hunters are searching for them, so that they couldn't cause any more harm.

The pirates, as is known, attack ships on the sea. They don't venture into the mainland, do they?

You know very little about Chories... but you surely know that they hate men.

How do you explain that there is more and more of them, then?

Not only do they kidnap immature women from our and other villages,

but this year, they even managed to find a path to our food storage.

They are stealing our food supplies bit by bit and the winter is coming...

And we have no idea how are they getting inside!

That's very bad, but we can leave a part of our ship's supplies here.

I'm honored by your offer, but that changes nothing about the fact that the pirates can come anytime they want

and take whatever they wish without being noticed...

But thankfully... thanks to you that is, we can hunt down a few exhausted Chories.

Tonight we will get to know everything from them during the Ritual of Blood!!!

Hmmm... probably some kind of torture... I need to know as much as I can from the Chories as well.

I know that it is an uncommon plea, but could I take a part in the Ritual of Blood?

That's... unfortunately not even thinkable.

We can help you with your ship, but only the inhabitants of this village can take a part in the ritual.

I hope I didn't offend you by that... can I at least stay for a bit in the village?

Of course, be welcome here. You will be welcome in every hut, just don't get close to the forbidden Place of Blood(tm).

I thank you for your warm hospitality, oracle.

Hmmph. I need to take a part in the Ritual of Blood.

Isn't she beautiful?

For a little 3D warped monster?

Also her feet are all fu*ked up!

Look at her feet! xD

And now I'm really disorientated.


Greetings, hunter! I am Gooka, the judge. What is thy name?

You be greeted as well. I be the hunter for food supply, Tvanai.

Nice to meet you, Tvanai. Can I ask you to do something for me?

We will see each other later, thanks, Tvanai.

That be sure, Gooka.


"Can I ask something?" -> "Auf wiedersehen"!

No secret behind that waterfall. That's videogame heresy right there!

Of course I can't go through the leaves, because they are made from solid adamantinum.

That was another invisible wall there on the river-something.

Unfortunately anything can be an exit point from the location...

... given the fact that last time it... I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING. CAMERAGE ANGLES!

I had no idea that the camera would get even worse as you progress through the game. Or that it was even possible... :D

I won't bother her without a reason. I need to find a way to get to the ritual.

Good day, warrior!

Good day, judge Gooka, wish to make a trade with oracle?


Originally there probably was something on that spot but it was removed.

Crab meat - to tell the truth, a very smelly edible thing, that only a few can consume.

Bone machette

The Talking Stone - An enchanted stone of waben natives, according to them the stone will talk when it's its time.

Healing potion.

Warrior's Herb - Eating this herb excites the character so much,

that for the duration of the battle he or she won't be exhaused by attacking.

Dried meat

Tincture of Fury - Harms the character for 10 points of Health, but raises his or hers speed by 3.

Let's see if the walkthrough says anything about the talking stone. Because I am very suspicious.

I mean I do have the money for it, .... but it seems to be a red herring.

Only really stupid devs tend to do this.

Anyway, let's take a look into the tents.

I can't talk with her, unfortunately.

Let's explore this location a little bit.

Onto the beach.

So there is only one exit?

Also Tvanai seems to be the sidequest character. Even through the walkthrough only identifies him as "the person with the spear". The walkthrough was made by the developers themselves, by the way.

I shouldn't come too close.


Look out! That swarm will sting you, run away!

You need to worry not. I oraclis (heheh) saelh-dia, this one of my quest, that I need do,

to get higher wisdom - control my mind so that wasp not be enemy, and they not attack.

That's amazing...

I admire your courage. I would like to try the same one day.

That not a problem, I happy to teach what I know.

But after the Blood Ritual I have to lead the Evil Spirit Warding Ritual,

so that not even a single Chorie could harm,

when she leave her body... and I not fully prepared for it, I need something.

Can I be of assistance?

I think not, but that isn't problem, young Tvanai, tribe hunter near river,

he could make time helping me prepare, if you ask for me.

I'll do what I can.

No wonder it isn't a part of one of the walkthroughs I have.

I think it is bugged, becuase you really need to go step by step to be able to initiate dialogue with her.

For more infomation >> Let's Play GOOKA 2: the Mystery of Janatris |39| - Waben Beauties {EN} - Duration: 10:08.


MIKA @ SWITZERLAND (Taste of Xmas | Eng sub) - Duration: 0:59.

It smells so good here.

It smells pine trees.. it smells a smoked haddock..

It smells mountains... it smells chalets..

- It smells the winter.. - It smells Switzerland !

It smells like 1st day of winter of the year.. And it puts me in a really good mood.

After this all you feel a little International.. – Yes !

Where are we? - In Berge !

For more infomation >> MIKA @ SWITZERLAND (Taste of Xmas | Eng sub) - Duration: 0:59.


Kenneth Ulmer: Revelation of the Gospel Mystery [Undergraduate Chapel] - Duration: 19:25.

For more infomation >> Kenneth Ulmer: Revelation of the Gospel Mystery [Undergraduate Chapel] - Duration: 19:25.


奇跡体験!アンビリバボー! 見たことない奇跡の瞬間SP!実在した運命の赤い糸! - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> 奇跡体験!アンビリバボー! 見たことない奇跡の瞬間SP!実在した運命の赤い糸! - Duration: 9:23.


Wazifa For Job | Marzi kai Mutabiq Naokari Ka Wazifa by the pakistani teacher | Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> Wazifa For Job | Marzi kai Mutabiq Naokari Ka Wazifa by the pakistani teacher | Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 12:01.


Легкий куриный суп с фасолью. Самый простой и вкусный рецепт. - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Легкий куриный суп с фасолью. Самый простой и вкусный рецепт. - Duration: 2:52.


WordPress 5 MASSIVE Change Coming - End of Plugins? - Duration: 24:20.

For more infomation >> WordPress 5 MASSIVE Change Coming - End of Plugins? - Duration: 24:20.


Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde | w/Sarah the Scrivener | Buddy Read Book Review [CC] - Duration: 11:20.

Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and joining me today is my friend Sarah.

Sarah: Hi, I'm from The Princess and the Scrivener [channel].

Kathy: You've seen the Princess on this channel and now you

are seeing the Scrivener. Well, you've seen them both before, but you've seen

the Princess talk about books with me before, and now you are seeing Scrivener.

Sarah: Yes, Paige reads a lot more books than I do, but I managed to

read some this year, so that was great.

Kathy: I'm a very good influence on people.

Sarah: Yes, very, very much so.

Kathy: So I do a segment on this channel called Buddy Read Book Review

where I will force another person to read the same two books as me and then we

will talk about them. So over on Sarah's channel, we've already talked about Geekerella

and today we are talking about Queens of Geek. One of the things that we like to

do, because otherwise these videos will go forever, and will be a nightmare to edit,

and also, you know, I've got to go to work, is we like to set the timer and go.

Sarah: Starting.

Kathy: Alright, so a quick synopsis of this is three friends, two romances, and one

convention, and that's a pretty good synopsis. Sarah: Yeah.

Kathy: We've got three friends who are traveling from Australia to the United States to go to something called

SupaCon which is basically a giant comic book convention. We've got a couple

of point-of-view characters: we've got Charlie, an independent film actress and

she's there promoting her movie, and then we've got Taylor, who is one of her two

friends ,who is awesome and I love her. [laughs] But she's got huge social social anxiety

and she's at the con specifically to meet her favourite author.

Sarah: You did a way better job describing that book than I did describing Geekerella. It just-

Kathy: I mean, like, as soon as you say Cinderella retelling, people know what you're talking about.

So you don't even have to say any more,

but when you do people like, sure, cool.

Sarah: Fair enough. Kathy: We both read this. We both love this.

I read this in one day. Sarah: It took me a couple days to finish it but I was, like

reading it when I was on vacation in England, but it was adorable. I really

liked the point of view changes. Kathy: Yeah, me too.

Sarah: That's another thing that it had in common with Geekerella - it switched between two characters.

I liked that.

Kathy: I liked that they were both at the same event and they're both friends and

they're both excited about the one event but as cons are, like, they got separated.

They had their own things going on. Sarah: And because Charlie has all the film

promotion stuff to do, she's got a completely different experience than

somebody who's, like, on the floor almost all the time, like Taylor is.

Kathy: Two different points of view of the same thing -

I really love when authors are able to pull that off.

Sarah: Yeah and I liked that they also

would meet back up in their hotel room, and like they weren't just, you know,

three people traveling together. You can really tell that they were friends. Like,

they have plans to move to California after they graduate from high school.

They were all so young! They were babies! And, like, that was another thing of, like -

I'm 23 year old person and some of these things just aren't things I think about

anymore. But um... you're all babies. Speaking of how young Charlie is, Charlie

is a Youtuber and somehow has amassed a million subscribers. What the hell does

she make? What kind of content is she doing?

Kathy: Kind of maybe like an Anna Akana type of thing? [Sarah: Yeah]

She's talking about, like, the fact that she does act, and stuff. That type of thing, but, like, she talks about

whatever she wants to talk about. Especially because when she does a collab with

somebody later in the book, like, they just pull up a random tag to do. [Sarah: Yeah.]

So it's not like they did a sit down interview type thing.

Sarah: Relatable! That was so relatable. The way being a Youtuber was portrayed in this is

actually - there was a lot of it that was pretty accurate that I felt, like, this is -

this is me; yes, I agree. But then there were also things where like - social media

came into play and I felt like this doesn't sound like somebody who actually

uses these platforms. It sounds like somebody trying to sound like they use

it.Taylor writes pretty consistently like in a diary style format on Tumblr.

It's not the way that she writes that so much bothered me. It was like the way she

used hashtags.Like in the blog post. That didn't quite sit well with me. The thing

about Anna Akana is - is that, like, she's been making video - videos - for years, and I

don't understand. Like, I'm not saying that it's impossible, like, it's certainly

possible for teenagers to have very successful YouTube channels, but the

amount of content she must be generating! Like, to be able to amass a million

subscribers before she graduates from high school just seems off.

Kathy: Yeah, literally everybody I've talked to about this who also YouTubes is just like,

"yeah, that makes no sense".

Sarah: No it doesn't. I mean like okay -

Kathy: It's another suspension of disbelief, really.

Sarah: Yes, I mean, like, you get into like a couple hundred thousand

or even tens of thousand - that would have been more realistic, but I guess that's

not as interesting as saying, "she's just got a million subscribers; it's no big

deal" but like the way that it was talked about, it was like "it's just a million

subscribers, it's no big deal" and I'm like, yes it is!

It's a huge deal. But a lot of the other YouTube stuff was very intensely relatable.

Some of the other YouTube stuff was not relatable, like her

personal assistant uploading the wrong fucking video.

Kathy: Do you not do your own work? Like-

Sarah: Right?! Like you're 18 goddamn years old! You can't upload a video by yourself and do the meta tag,

like the metadata, and shit? Like that's - I live for that stuff.

Kathy: Not to mention, like, a tag video like that - that shit should be edited down. You should be

adding, maybe, a music track that's your thing. Yeah, there's no way that they just

filmed that and they were like, yeah, that's perfect to upload.

Sarah: Yeah, that's ready! [snorts] No, that's not how any of this works.

The other funny thing was that, like, going to VidCon this year, really like, let me know -

you know you want to do all these collapse with people but you just have to think of two ideas for every single

person and channel that you want to do a collab with. You have to think of

something for your channel, you after think of something for their channel.

They did one thing for her channel, and I'm like "this is fake".

Kathy: You need to film something else for the other person' channel. That's how it works.

Kathy: Yeah, but I mean, like, there were lots of things about YouTube in here that I felt

very much, like as far as her not wanting to talk a lot about her personal life on

her channel was- like something I really felt, cuz it's like, it's not anybody's business.

Kathy: And if it's not relevant to the content you're making, then why would you?

Sarah: Yeah. Kathy: Unless you really needed to talk about it.

Sarah: I mean like those quips about Youtubing aside, I really, really enjoyed

the book. It was a very simple story. It was very easy to follow. I really cared

about the characters. They were all really nice and it was fun to watch them

like find these ways that they were happy and - and get that happiness, and um...

oh my god, Charlie is so gay, I loved it. Kathy: Mhm, that was a good surprise.

I was like, oh, oh, oh, you like her. Okay. Fantastic.

Sarah: Charlie was bi and I loved that. I loved the thing with Alyssa. Did I send you that

fan art I found on Twitter? Kathy: No, but you should!

Sarah: My -my girlfriend, like ,found fan art of this, and she also read it, and so she sent it to me

and she's like look, "it's Charlie and Alyssa!" and I'm like "Ah!" So I will have to send it to you. [K: Thank you.]

Alyssa. I loved. I loved, particularly, I think my favorite part in the book as

far as like the writing goes was the scene after they have their date

and they're lying in bed together and Charlie says that she feels like she's

constantly buzzing. She feels trapped when she's not in motion and yet here in

this like particular morning, just lying there with Alyssa, just enjoying cuddling

with her, she feels like peace, and being still, and I was like that is so gay I love it!

It's so good! [K: Yes] and I also, like, I felt that on a personal level because, like, I

have ADHD and so like my body and brain kind of constantly feels like it's

buzzing. For her to say that, and then kind of have this thing where she's just

like "and so it was just really nice to be still" I'm like I get this so hard.

Kathy: I found that there was a lot of great rep in this book. So bi rep which was like yay!

Yay, we exist! And it's great, and you've talked - and, like a character talking about how she

had just been in a relationship with a man and now she's trying to form a

relationship with a woman. Like, I was like "hurrah!" But then you also had

neurodiversity rep and I was like, "you're actually gonna talk about this girl

getting diagnosed on the autism spectrum - yes!"

Sarah: The conversations with - with the illustrator that's - that Taylor met who

is autistic, was so good. It was... it was a good book as far as represent-

representation goes. I loved the part where Charlie is like - Charlie's living

that YouTube dream. She's got a million subscribers and now she's she's getting

to go on a date with this YouTube crush of hers. I'm like, girl you are having

a good year. Taylor getting to meet the author was great. I loved that whole

storyline. I loved how it played out.

Kathy: Yeah, and the author just being like any

other awkward human is like, yes this is accurate. [laughs]

Sarah: Yeah, yeah, especially having gone to like VidCon this year and gotten to meet so many of the people that

I've been watching for all of these years - that really resonated with me as far as

her being like, "I thought that she would be this big scary person but actually

she wrote this nerdy thing and turns out she's a nerd, too!" and I'm like that is

usually how it works. It was an adorable story. It was really enjoyable to read.

I liked that Chase never got to a point where like he really ruined something in

the story; he was just annoying. He was just an annoying straight boy.

Kathy: He was definitely there to be that character that you just want to punch in

the face. Sarah: Oh my god!

There are people like out there like him. I've met them before

How do you exist you in this day and age? How do you

not understand so many things about the world?

Sarah: There was that part where he gets drunk and first of all he's not 21.

In the United States, like, he is not legally allowed to be drunk and so that was really frustrating that like none of

them wanted to call security. I'm like, "fuck that; call security!" And then nobody

else was like, "no don't do that" - like it's fine. I'm like "no it's not; he could be

arrested! Like, arrest him!" Like but I'm very vindictive and petty

So where chased punches Jamie - I think I might

have texted you about this - where like, he punches him and then Jamie doesn't fight

back, and he's like "I don't want to give him the satisfaction; I'm better than

that" and I like texted you and I'm like, "I cannot relate to this content." Like -

Kathy: Yeah, I remember that text.

Sarah: That - punching somebody back who assaults you is not...

it's not stooping to their level. It's I will knock your lights out and I don't care.

Kathy: It's interesting how both of these books had, you know, a punching

out scene. There - there are so many similarities between these books. It's kind of wonderful.

Sarah: It was really fun to read them back-to-back. I really enjoyed reading both of them.

Queens of Geek was definitely a simpler storyline.

It was definitely easier to remember all of the stuff that happens, but that

doesn't mean that one is better than the other. I enjoyed both them.

Kathy: Yay, getting people to read things!

Sarah: We've reached the end of our timer. Do you have anything else to say about the book?

Kathy: I love the cover art. It's cute. It's fluffy. I freaking loved it. It made me cry.

Sarah: Oh, what part made you cry? Kathy: Um I think the - the anxiety and neurodiversity

scene that we already talked about in the artist alley, like that part made me cry.

Sarah: So thank you for getting me to read these books. Kathy: Yeah, you're very welcome.

It's what I'm here for.

Sarah: A million subscribers! I'm still mad.

Kathy: Like this video if you think a million subscribers

by the time you're 17 is ridiculous. Sarah: Unrealistic!

Kathy: But like I mentioned we did film another video over on the Princess the Scrivener channel

where we talked about Geekerella, so be to check that out, obviously links down

below. So if you've read this book, let us know what you thought about it down in

the comments below. On the way down to the comments, if you hit that Subscribe

button that would be very nice of you. You can like it share this as you see

fit and I will see you later. Bye!

[outro music]

Kathy: Maybe that shouldn't go in the video. [laughter]

Sarah: Edit the fucking video! Don't leave your personal assistant upload this video, Kathy.

Kathy: I'll see what I can do about that.

Sarah: It was the most unrealistic part in the book but whatever.

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde | w/Sarah the Scrivener | Buddy Read Book Review [CC] - Duration: 11:20.


MIKA @ MAGIC SHOP (Taste of Xmas | Eng sub) - Duration: 1:01.

Hi ! What is your name ? - Hi ! I'm Patricia.

Hi Patricia ! This is you Shore ? - Yes, since 1985. Where ? - In Palais Royal. Always there.

Benjamin is coming to join us.

This is one of the most amazing Shops in Paris. You're just getting lost in this place like in Wonderland.

Thank you. It's good when you're Young..

- These are our future Projects. - Nothing changes here and stay like this forever. Memories..

- Do you feel yourself Young ? - Very young. The soul of a Child.

For more infomation >> MIKA @ MAGIC SHOP (Taste of Xmas | Eng sub) - Duration: 1:01.


Pull Off - GEICO Motorcycle - Duration: 0:31.

♪ I'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪

♪ I'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪

♪ I'm goin' to someplace where I never been before. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

GEICO Motorcycle,

great rates for great rides.

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