Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

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For more infomation >> 🔴 Must see!!! Ronnie O'SULLIVAN vs. Judd TRUMP | FINAL European Masters Snooker - Duration: 3:39:54.


לילי וסילבר סאנס - אנימת טלנובלה רשמית | הפרומו - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> לילי וסילבר סאנס - אנימת טלנובלה רשמית | הפרומו - Duration: 1:58.


MONORAIL - Voltas pelo braço! - 1 DIABOLO TUTORIAL - Duration: 2:46.

imagine schuuuuuu, fuaaaaa, tic tic tic tic

fram !!!

that's what we'll have today,

give this video a thumbs up

buy a diabolo in the channel store and I'll see you ...

in a bit ... no! we're going to start, let's see, let's see the trick!

Diabolo tutorial: Monorail

Monorail is a little more complex than the other body tricks I taught here

such orbits and so on

but if you train and give a good speed to the diabolo before starting to do the trick

you will get it easilly, do not worry

Knowing how to do the around the arm and the arm's hook can help you

so if you haven't seen these tutorials click here or on the description and take a look at them first.

So let's go

First let's understand a key move to do the trick,

it consists in this small twist with the string around the arm

wow, this string is full of dust

to do so practice without diabolo passing the right stick under the string here

and up again,

this will leave a twist on your arm

so we are here in the around the arm position

pass the stick underneath and up, spin!

then we go straight to the diabolo

we do this little twist in the arm that we just learned,

with the diabolo spinning with good speed already

thorw the diabolo in this small part of string that is on the right

as if we were making a normal orbit

but here comes the fun

the diabolo will go through this little twist on the arm during the orbit

you can give a bit of a turn with the arm to help this movement

you could end there but it would be very boring,

then when the diabolo get to the left hand you throw it up

and fastly take it from above

only with the impulse of your hand it will return around the arm

this time there's no turning to help with the arm

the secret is in the left hand impulse

when you get to that contortion you use the swing to make it go to the opposite direction

and unscrew all your arm using the right arm movement in two big turns in the air

to finish it's easy like on the arm hook

trapeze on the left, as we are on the backside turns to an inverse trapeze

and thorw up or back to the string


It may seem complex but you will see that practicing and watching the video you will get it easy!

post any questions down there on a comment or video response with your difficulties

I answer and help you, ok?

remember to buy a shirt of the channel on the store or a diabolo to suport the project

and take a look at the old diabolo tutorials also

I'm Lucas Abduch,

are you aware of your breath right now?

and I'll see you in a bit!

For more infomation >> MONORAIL - Voltas pelo braço! - 1 DIABOLO TUTORIAL - Duration: 2:46.


Actress Emma Stone 'For The First Time In History We Have A Pres - Duration: 2:14.

Actress Emma Stone: �For The First Time In History We Have A President That��

Hollywood star Emma Stone shared her opinion recently about the political situation in

the US and commented President Trump�s controversial actions.

Emma Stone stated that she is usually not �involved in politics�, but current political

events do have an effect on her which is why she felt the need to say her opinion about


She stated: �I simply want what�s best for our nation.

I admit that at first I wanted Hillary to win, but with time I understood that America

made a great choice with Donald Trump.� �I understand that people don�t like him

� I really do.

At first I didn�t either, but he became our President so what we need to do is stand

behind him in times like this.�

�Hatred is the last thing we need nowadays, we must unite.

I feel that Donald Trump is doing everything he can to improve our nation, you might just

want to respect him and stay patient.�

Emma Stone also stated that there is nothing wrong if you give someone a chance.�I don�t


I think that people need to stay patient for a while and see what happens.

People are too nervous these days.

There is no need for that.� �Let�s give him a chance.

So far he�s doing ok and I really believe that for the first time in history we have

a President that can change this country for the better.�

What do you think about this?

Share this story and leave a comment below.

For more infomation >> Actress Emma Stone 'For The First Time In History We Have A Pres - Duration: 2:14.


Dino trucks for kids | Building blocks for children | Ice cream truck | Dinosaur Car - Truck Games - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Dino trucks for kids | Building blocks for children | Ice cream truck | Dinosaur Car - Truck Games - Duration: 10:53.


@SETH DROPPING EMERALD LOCKS... | Growtopia - Duration: 11:08.

what is going on guys?

welcome back to a brand new video

and I have a little follow up to the last video

For more infomation >> @SETH DROPPING EMERALD LOCKS... | Growtopia - Duration: 11:08.


Emotional And Funny Moments Of Anushka Sharma And Virat Kohli's Wedding Program 2017 - Duration: 4:19.

Emotional And Funny Moments Of Anushka Sharma And Virat Kohli's Wedding Program 2017

For more infomation >> Emotional And Funny Moments Of Anushka Sharma And Virat Kohli's Wedding Program 2017 - Duration: 4:19.


Roma, Totti: "Non sottovalutiamo lo Shakhtar" - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Roma, Totti: "Non sottovalutiamo lo Shakhtar" - Duration: 5:03.


Dhanurmasa Vaibhavam EP-1 || Devotional || BhakthiRanjani - Duration: 19:39.

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For more infomation >> Dhanurmasa Vaibhavam EP-1 || Devotional || BhakthiRanjani - Duration: 19:39.



For more infomation >> ИТОГИ КОНКУРСА НА 500 ПОДПИСЧИКОВ! // КОНКУРС НА 1000 ПОДПИСЧИКОВ! - Duration: 1:04.


シリアスサム2 #24 グリーンデール - Duration: 26:08.

For more infomation >> シリアスサム2 #24 グリーンデール - Duration: 26:08.



For more infomation >> 21 CÂU HỎI THƯỜNG GẶP KHI KIẾM TIỀN TRÊN YOUTUBE - Duration: 16:03.


Les Brown - When You Feel Stuck in Life (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 6:46.

Les Brown► this thing called life some people call a marathon I say it's a process

I remember Mother Theresa saying something that really grabbed me

she said just when I thought I had a handle on life the handle broke I had

figured this thing out I found out it wasn't true I was living off somebody

else's assumption and I didn't know that I didn't know and I thought I knew and

that's why a lot of people get caught off guard and a lot of people feel like

life it had fooled them or they were living in an illusion or they had the

rug snatched out from under them and I say one of the best ways to go through

life is is to have a spirit of optimism and to be open to the possibilities and

I really rely greatly on on st. Francis Lord grant me the serenity to accept the

things I cannot change the courage to change the things that I can which is me

and the wisdom to know the difference and when you approach life in that

spirit of humility it gives you power creativity and gratitude to make the

journey so you got to look at your dreams and goals and if you've been

running into a wall it doesn't mean that you can't get through it means that you

need to find someone who's on the other side or find someone who knows someone

who's on the other side I wanted to be on the Robert Schuller program when I

saw dr. Norman Vincent Peale when he was alive and he was interviewed I said I'm

gonna be on the Robert Schuller program I called them hi my name is les brown I

like to be interviewed by dr. Schuler do you have a book no I don't well have you

done anything of any national significance no I haven't are you known

well no but if you bring me on I'm a good guess I will become known then

that's the idea I'm sorry we're not in the business of

making people celebrities when you write a book to do something of some national

consequence let us know no guarantee but let us know that's it okay remember I

said you got to have passion and try and you've got to have persistence and

perseverance and people and project what do you need projects well that was a big

deal of being loud shields broken how do we discover our greatness by upgrading

our relationships and by having goals that's beyond our comfort zone why

because it causes you to reinvent yourself Brian Tracy calls it the danger

soul you want to do something you've never done so being on his program was a

big deal for me I kept telling you with conviction I'm going to be

on the Robert Schuller show when I'm not exactly showing

do you know rubbish you know I don't do you know anyone who knows Robert

Schuller no I don't I was persistent I continue to persevere here's something

like this town XP powered by you you got an idea you have a dream ladies and

gentlemen you've got to take responsibility that can happen your

dream your life going to the next level will be powered by you don't put your

destiny in anybody's head nobody's gonna care more about your dream than you

nobody nobody's gonna work on your stuff more than you so I continue to tell

people one weekend a Saturday evening I was flying from Detroit to Chicago maybe

about five passengers on board I'm sitting next to a guy I introduced him

myself to him in Lafayette Jones hi my name is les brown

hi I'm Lafayette Jones but guess what man what I'm gonna be on the Robert

Schuller program is that right when I'm not exactly sure you know anybody knows

Robert Schuller he said yes I said Who well mr. Johnson that I work for you're

kidding how does he know him he donated a million dollars to his ministry

you are kidding I would like to meet him what do you do I'm a speaker you gotta

be kidding why because man I'll speaker cancelled can you speak in a program yes

well mr. Johnson be there yes whoa

how much do you charge well at that time I did not know I said well how much have

you allocated well all we have is $5,000 well for the first time better do whoa

I came I spoke got a standing ovation mr. Johnson was sitting two seated to my

right he stood up he said young man I've never heard of you you were phenomenal

he said if I can ever do anything for you please let me know I said do you

know Robert Schuller he said yes bob is a very good friend of mine I donated a

million dollars to his ministry I said I want to build his program he said don't

worry about it I haven't call you two weeks later I'm

in the riverfront apartment over downtown Detroit I get a call at night

hello this is Robert Schuller let's speak to Les Brown please I said this is

Joe come on no this is Robert Schuller I'd like to

speak to Les Brown this last round I say yes from jalapeno I got to go to


when I get excited I gotta go I gotta go I guess he just a minute hello who are

you he's a great my friend Bob Johnson

called and he said you want to be on the program I said yes sir he said no

problem I'll have myself call you and we'll bring you on I was on three

different times I know it works you want to keep those fired peace your life is

powered by you give your dream a round of applause is going to happen it's

going to happen it's going to have her you

For more infomation >> Les Brown - When You Feel Stuck in Life (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 6:46.


How to Add Graphics to Your YouTube Videos Part 2 - Duration: 5:47.

okay this is part 2 of a two-part video where I am showing you how to create

graphics in canva that you can use in your videos so we're going to be using

ScreenFlow to edit the video and what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna go

ahead and pull in all of the footage I need for the video and the graphics that

we created in part 1 of how to create the graphics in canva for your YouTube

videos so let's go ahead and do that here are my graphics that I created all

PNG files and I'm just gonna go ahead and drag and drop those right there and

as you can see those are all the graphics we've created in part 1 next up

I want to go ahead and pull in the raw video files that I'm gonna be using in

this video so let's go ahead and pull those in I have these two right here

perfect and now I'm just gonna take these drop these down into the timeline

down here put them like so I'm just going to give myself a little more room

here make that it's just a teensy bit smaller because well okay so here we go

step one is this graphic here and I'm just going to go ahead and drag this

down and I'm going to just expand this to fill the frame and I can also add by

clicking this little cog a starting and ending transition if I want to give it

some motion because I created still graphics not motion graphics so let's

just say we want to starting and ending transition let's just zoom in so we can

take a look

all right so I want it to come in there

all right now if I want to change this to something else there's a whole bunch

of different options here try not to get cheesy with it

so let's just take a look it may be a cross blur see what that looks like so

that's what that would look like let's take a look at something some other

color drop let's see what's this no definitely not that so let's just keep

it with the keep it simple with the cross dissolve you could play around if

you have other options in your editing software or your using ScreenFlow check

through the different options that are available and choose whatever it's gonna

work for you so let's go and I just extend that here and for the sake of

this demo I'm not going to edit this entire video because there's a lot of

other components that are going to be going into it I just want to show you

how I'm going to use these graphics remember we created this graphic you

know the four pillars why who what how so if I want to like just have that kind

of like hanging off into the corner or you know just put it here like that and

then again right-clicking and adding the starting and ending transition the cross

dissolve I can do something like that if I wanted to and I'm able to just drag

and drop these onto my timeline because I saved them as PNG files with

transparent background and I did that purposely obviously because I don't want

a background to be interfering with the graphic that I created in canva and want

to pull over and light on top of my video file okay so let's just take a

zoom out let's just scrub through this timeline at that - right here is gonna

be this here again I'm just going to just pull this in

okay so perfect let me just zoom in a little on this

in my starting and ending transitions

again drag this out just a tiny bit and then I want to go ahead and add in this

eyeball that we created I'm going to put the playhead over the eyeball so I can

see what its gonna look like and just want to make this a little bit bigger

and add that in there and then I want to make sure I add in an ending transition

to fade it out all right perfect let's see step four here use your vision

I'm just going to go ahead again adding the starting and ending transition

perfect and adding in this graphic here adding in that ending transition putting

the playhead over making sure this is the right size and in the right location

perfect so let's just zoom out here that's how you would then take those

graphics that you created in canva and lay them onto your videos and you know

they're not motion graphics they are still graphics but you can add some

motion in by adding you know different transitions depending on what we have

available in whichever program you're editing in so that is the quick and fast

way to create graphics in canva if you missed part one make sure to go back and

check it out if you like this video make sure to like it and subscribe and if you

know somebody else who might enjoy this content go ahead and share it up and

again make sure you go back and check out part one where I show you how I

created these graphics

For more infomation >> How to Add Graphics to Your YouTube Videos Part 2 - Duration: 5:47.


Blue House releases Pres. Moon's itinerary of his state visit to China - Duration: 2:24.

Our top story centers around President Moon Jae-in's state visit to China.

Cheongwadae confirmed his itinerary which includes a summit, meetings with Korean residents

and businessmen and a trip to Chongqing.

Hwang Hojun starts things off for us at this hour.

President Moon has repeatedly called the trip a monumental undertaking to mend the bilateral

relationship between Seoul and Beijing.

He will kick off his four-day state visit Wednesday meeting with Korean residents in

China to communicate with and encourage them.

That will be followed by a business roundtable and forum in which he will take part and deliver

a speech.

Top officials from dozens of leading South Korean companies, accompanying the President

will also be there.

Thursday will be the long-awaited day of the bilateral summit between President Moon and

his Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping.

An official welcoming ceremony will be held at the Great Hall of the People, which will

be followed by an expanded summit and then a small-scale bilateral summit, where the

two heads of state will share their thoughts on regional and international issues,... including

the North Korea nuclear issue as well as economic cooperation between Seoul and Bejing.

Presidents Moon and Xi will then ink key agreements and MOUs before the Chinese President will

host a state dinner in honor of his South Korean guest.

There will also be a special ceremony for cultural exchange, signifying 25 years of

bilateral relations between the two countries.

President Moon will deliver a speech at Peking University on Friday and then meet with key

politicians including Chinese Premier Li Keqiang as well as Zhang Dejiang,.. the chairman of

the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, roughly the equivalent of the Seoul's

National Assembly speaker.

He will then move to the southwestern city of Chongqing, which is about 18-hundred kilometers

away from the capital city.

According to the Blue House Chongqing not only holds historical significance for Korea

as the site of the nation's Provisional Government during the Japanese occupation, which he will

visit on Saturday... but is also the linchpin of President Xi's policies focused on China's

economic cooperation and development.

As a matter of fact, President Moon will attend another business forum focused on the joint

advancement of Korean and Chinese industries into third countries.

He is then scheduled to meet with Chen Min'er, the local secretary of the Communist Party

of China before returning home on the same day.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Blue House releases Pres. Moon's itinerary of his state visit to China - Duration: 2:24.


Dhanurmasa Vaibhavam Ep-1 || Devotional || Mybhaktitv - Duration: 19:25.

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For more infomation >> Dhanurmasa Vaibhavam Ep-1 || Devotional || Mybhaktitv - Duration: 19:25.


PM Lee calls for eradicating bird flu at initial stage before 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics - Duration: 1:58.

The government will step up quarantine measures to prevent further spread of Avian Influenza.

That's according to the nation's prime minister who also called for thorough preparations

to ensure a smooth opening for Incheon International Airport's new passenger terminal.

Ji Myung-kil shares with us the PM's remarks.

Concerning the recent outbreak of Avian Influenza at a duck farm in Yeongam county in the southwestern

of Korea...

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon said Tuesday the government would tighten its quarantine efforts.

The prime minister said all ducks within a 3-kilometer radius of the site were slaughtered

to prevent the spread of AI, and that disinfection measures were being stepped up at nearby farms.

Quarantine officials have issued transportation bans and increased in-depth inspections of

ducks at nearby farms.

The confirmation brings the number of cases this winter season to four,... following two

outbreaks in the southwest of the country and one on Jeju Island last month.

The government hopes to avoid a repeat of last year, where more than 30-million birds

were slaughtered to contain Korea's worst ever bird flu outbreak.

During the meeting the prime minister also said Incheon International Airport's newly-built

second passenger terminal will be ready for service on January 18th next year.

He emphasized the need to undergo numerous simulations for immigration, quarantine, and

customs checks to minimize any problems when the terminal opens.

The prime minister called on the justice, agriculture, and transportation ministries

and the customs service to dispatch officials to the airport for administrative assistance.

He said safety, hygiene and convenience were critical for Incheon to become an airport


Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> PM Lee calls for eradicating bird flu at initial stage before 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics - Duration: 1:58.


Learn Colors with Fruits Orange WOODEN FACE HAMMER XYLOPHONE For Toddlers Soccer Balls for Kids - Duration: 4:22.

Suti Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Fruits Orange WOODEN FACE HAMMER XYLOPHONE For Toddlers Soccer Balls for Kids - Duration: 4:22.


شاهد عملية هبوط الطائرة كما يراها ربان الطائرة ||Atterressage d'un avion : Vue de pilote - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> شاهد عملية هبوط الطائرة كما يراها ربان الطائرة ||Atterressage d'un avion : Vue de pilote - Duration: 1:17.


Essence of Murli 13-12-2017 - Duration: 7:32.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 13th December 2017

( In today's Murli Baba is teaching us - how to sit for rememberance ? ....So lets learn on same...... )

Essence: Sweet children, when sitting in remembrance, sit with your eyes open

because you have to stay in remembrance of the Father while eating, drinking, walking and moving around.

Question: What is the reason why people wander from door to door searching for God?

Answer: Because people have said that God is omnipresent and made others wander around a great deal.

If He were omnipresent, where would you find Him? They then say that God is beyond name and form.

If He were beyond name and form, how would you find Him? For whom would you look?

This is why they continue to wander from door to door.

You children have now stopped wandering around.

You say with faith that Baba has come from the supreme abode.

He speaks to us children through these organs. ( Organs means medium of Brahma Baba )

However, there is nothing that is beyond name or form.

Essence for dharna: 1. Follow shrimat and show everyone the way to become pure.

Create methods to give the Purifier Father's introduction.

2. In order to claim your inheritance from the Father and to take refuge with the Father, finish all attachment.

Practise remembering the Father with your eyes open.

Blessing: May you be constantly happy and carefree and remain safe from the shadow of Maya by staying under the canopy of the Father's protection.

The means to remain safe from the shadow of Maya is to stay under the Father's canopy of protection.

To remain under the canopy means to remain happy.

You have given all of your worries to the Father.

Those who lose their happiness, who become weak are influenced by the shadow of Maya because weakness invokes Maya.

If the shadow of Maya comes even in your dreams, you will continue to be distressed and you will have to battle.

Therefore, remain constantly under the Father's canopy of protection.

Remembrance is the canopy.

Slogan: Those who have love for the murli are master murlidhars.

( All of you listening to Murli now are Master Murlidhars aren't you ? Also listening with lots of love for Baba )

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

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