Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

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For more infomation >> 🔴 Must see!!! Ronnie O'SULLIVAN vs. Judd TRUMP | FINAL European Masters Snooker - Duration: 3:39:54.


#VLOGMAS DAY 12 | Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (A Cappella) - Duration: 3:11.

Hi! I am scruffy, disheveled, covered in dirt, and entirely makeup-free. Because

the last two days have been spent moving house! Which is probably why it sounds

all echoey.. So this is fairly low-key.. no pretty aesthetic, no fancy lights, no

tripod setup or anything.. I just thought that... I.. I just.. I felt the sudden urge to

film one last video in this apartment before I leave it. Even though it's empty,

and sad, and I need to get cleaning. I just felt like it might be a nice thing

to do, to film one more video here before this chapter of my life... ends.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,

let your heart be light,

from now on your troubles will be out of sight,


have yourself a merry little Christmas,

make the yuletide gay,

from now on your troubles will be miles away,

here we are as in olden days,

happy golden days of yore,

faithful friends who were dear to us

will be near to us once more,

through the years we all will be together,

if the fates allow, so

hang a shining star upon the highest bough,

and have yourself a merry little

Christmas now.

Anyways... I have no idea if that worked or not, I guess I'll find out! I don't really

know what to say as a sign off to that. I don't even know if this video will work,

if you're seeing it obviously it did, if it didn't work you'll never know that I

tried this anyway! But happy vlogmas day whatever-the-hell-day-it-is... I'll see you

tomorrow hopefully for another vlogmas video. I hope that you are having a

wonderful festive time wherever you are.

I love those J I N G L E bells.

Oh! Those holiday J I N G L E bells!

For more infomation >> #VLOGMAS DAY 12 | Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (A Cappella) - Duration: 3:11.


לילי וסילבר סאנס - אנימת טלנובלה רשמית | הפרומו - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> לילי וסילבר סאנס - אנימת טלנובלה רשמית | הפרומו - Duration: 1:58.


MONORAIL - Voltas pelo braço! - 1 DIABOLO TUTORIAL - Duration: 2:46.

imagine schuuuuuu, fuaaaaa, tic tic tic tic

fram !!!

that's what we'll have today,

give this video a thumbs up

buy a diabolo in the channel store and I'll see you ...

in a bit ... no! we're going to start, let's see, let's see the trick!

Diabolo tutorial: Monorail

Monorail is a little more complex than the other body tricks I taught here

such orbits and so on

but if you train and give a good speed to the diabolo before starting to do the trick

you will get it easilly, do not worry

Knowing how to do the around the arm and the arm's hook can help you

so if you haven't seen these tutorials click here or on the description and take a look at them first.

So let's go

First let's understand a key move to do the trick,

it consists in this small twist with the string around the arm

wow, this string is full of dust

to do so practice without diabolo passing the right stick under the string here

and up again,

this will leave a twist on your arm

so we are here in the around the arm position

pass the stick underneath and up, spin!

then we go straight to the diabolo

we do this little twist in the arm that we just learned,

with the diabolo spinning with good speed already

thorw the diabolo in this small part of string that is on the right

as if we were making a normal orbit

but here comes the fun

the diabolo will go through this little twist on the arm during the orbit

you can give a bit of a turn with the arm to help this movement

you could end there but it would be very boring,

then when the diabolo get to the left hand you throw it up

and fastly take it from above

only with the impulse of your hand it will return around the arm

this time there's no turning to help with the arm

the secret is in the left hand impulse

when you get to that contortion you use the swing to make it go to the opposite direction

and unscrew all your arm using the right arm movement in two big turns in the air

to finish it's easy like on the arm hook

trapeze on the left, as we are on the backside turns to an inverse trapeze

and thorw up or back to the string


It may seem complex but you will see that practicing and watching the video you will get it easy!

post any questions down there on a comment or video response with your difficulties

I answer and help you, ok?

remember to buy a shirt of the channel on the store or a diabolo to suport the project

and take a look at the old diabolo tutorials also

I'm Lucas Abduch,

are you aware of your breath right now?

and I'll see you in a bit!

For more infomation >> MONORAIL - Voltas pelo braço! - 1 DIABOLO TUTORIAL - Duration: 2:46.


Why Do Some People Hate Cilantro? - Duration: 2:48.

Cilantro is of the most common herbs in the world, but unlike any other, this little leaf

is infamous for it's polarizing love-it-hate-it reaction among foodies.

It's kind of like the Benedict Cumberbatch of taco toppings.

Today we're taking a look at why such a poor, innocent leaf can stoke such vitriol

from the cilantro-phobes among us.

This is Coriandrum sativum, an herb whose leaves we've come to know as cilantro, and

whose seeds are used as spice commonly called coriander.

Its love of warm weather lets it grow all over the world, with the largest exporter

being Mexico.

So it's no wonder you're going to find it in these.

This little plant also comes from the same family of aromatics as celery and parsley.

But unlike parsley, which is probably one of the most inoffensive plants out there,

cilantro bares the burden of being one of the most divisive herb known to humankind.

Lots of people love its aromatic quality, while others are totally repulsed by it.

Every person has a different taste in food, but this cilantroversy is so distinct in the

population that it has led scientists to ask whether there is an actual physical difference

in cilantro haters.

It's been estimated that 4-14% of the population can't stand the taste of cilantro, but here's

where it gets interesting.

Among that group of haters is a subgroup who literally can't help but hate it - they

may have a genetic mutation that makes it so.

These folks describe the taste of cilantro as soapy or dirt-like, terms that have a bit

to do with the kind of smell you get from raw fats, bugs, or cosmetics.

And For the rest of us taco lovers, I know this can seem like a huge disgrace, but I'm

here to tell you today not to blame your cilantro hating friend for their poor taste - these

are matters that might rest far out their hands of control.

These haters may be coping with a small change in their DNA called a single-nucleotide polymorphism

or SNP for short.

Cilantro haters tend to have a different version of a SNP in an area of chromosome 11 directly

related to your sense of smell.

This region contains the genes for several odor detectors, and the culprit is thought

to be OR6A2.

The rodent version of this gene is known to bind to a cilantro-abundant group of molecules

called aldehydes, and common mutations in the gene may change the way OR6A2 detects

certain molecules in the aldehyde group, giving people with these genetic changes an altogether

different cilantro-sperience than the rest of us.

Aldehydes are cilantro's primary odor-causing compounds.

Two compounds in this group, decanal and dodecanal offer an earthy, sweet, green aroma.

But the center of the cilantroversy is found with the (E)-2-Alkenals, which give it that

characteristically "soapy" taste.

That SNP mutation mentioned earlier MAY cause cilantro haters to experience these (E)-2-Alkenals

differently than the rest of us, ultimately making them the dominant flavor of the plant.

But at this point, scientists haven't discovered the exact mechanism behind this soapy phenomenon.

So when people out there say they hate cilantro, now you know that it might not actually be

their fault.

They may be genetically programmed to taste the stuff of soaps!

What side of the cilantroversy are you on?

Let us know in the comments.

Have any other food related chemistry questions you're looking to have answer?

Post them down there as well, and don't forget to hit thumbs up and subscribe on the

way out and we'll see you again soon.

For more infomation >> Why Do Some People Hate Cilantro? - Duration: 2:48.


MARATHON OF ROPE SWING | Happy wheels | PatrikGamer - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> MARATHON OF ROPE SWING | Happy wheels | PatrikGamer - Duration: 10:01.


Como Decorar um Escritório com Plantas Artificiais. Super Dica | Eleny Inoue - Nature Flores - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Como Decorar um Escritório com Plantas Artificiais. Super Dica | Eleny Inoue - Nature Flores - Duration: 2:12.


Amazing Inventions That Completely Mess With Your Mind - Duration: 4:37.

Every day, our lives are positively impacted by world-changing innovations people once

thought were crazy, like airplanes, cell phones, and the internet.

Some crazy inventions, though, take a while to catch on.

You may not have heard of them yet, but here's a look at some amazing inventions that completely

mess with your mind.



A special coating made from extremely tiny carbon nanotubes, the ultimate darkness known

as Vantablack paint is so black the inventors claim no instrument exists that is capable

of measuring just how dark it is.

And they continue to innovate even darker versions, which are eventually expected to

absorb all light in the universe, along with hope and probably human souls.

The Dino Sphere

For just under $60 you can have a Dino Sphere, which is powered not by a cord or batteries

but by the tiny sea creatures that live inside it.

Called dinoflagellates, these marine plankton glow using the same process employed by fireflies

and some species of jellyfish.

To make the sphere work, you just pour in the dinoflagellates, expose them to "moderate

lighting" for 8 to 14 hours a day, then shake.

And boom!

You have a living lightbulb.

For about three months, at least.


Scientists at NASA were looking for a way to control fluids in space, so they created

the ferrofluid, a liquid medium containing tiny suspended particles of a magnetic solid.

They may resemble the Terminator T-1000, but the metallic fluids actually have a ton of

diverse uses, including improving the performance of loudspeakers and creating seals in hard


Plus, you know, they just look awesome.

Robot walking tiles

Have you ever wished for an infinite walking surface?

These robot walking tiles use ultrasonic sensors to guess the direction of your next step,

and then they reorient themselves so they're in exactly the place you want to go.

Is it really surprising they're from Japan?

They're a little too slow at the moment to have much practical application yet, but one

day, who knows?

Hydrophobic sand

It's just regular sand that's been covered with a special substance to make it waterproof,

but hydrophobic sand flat out can't get wet, making it terrible for sand castles... and

hilarious for practical jokes.

So what can you actually use it for?

Well, scientists are investigating its uses in farming otherwise arid areas.

You can also buy it from your local pet shop as a handy way to collect your cat's pee for

veterinary samples.

So... that's fun!

Robotic cell phones

Have you ever wanted a robot cell phone that could walk, dance, and make faces?

Then you're going to love Callo and Cally, who are able to do exactly that... for reasons

that are unclear to everyone.


If you and a buddy both have robot phones, you can even communicate through them by having

the robots act out your emotional state.

We can't wait to see how they interact with Tinder!

WikiCells edible containers

One of the more innovative attempts to cut down on waste is the invention of the WikiCells

edible container, which is exactly what it sounds like: packaging you can eat.

So after munching down a candy bar, rather than throw away the wrapper, you just eat

that too!

And since it's mainly made from stuff like fruit, nuts, and chocolate, it doesn't taste

too bad, either.

You're welcome, environment!


Invented by hairdresser Maurice Ward, Starlite was an incredibly heat-resistant plastic.

In fact, it was so heat resistant that if an egg coated in Starlite was blasted with

a 4500 degree blowtorch, not only would the shell remain intact but the egg inside would

still be completely raw at the end of the test.

And it could withstand a nuclear blast the size of 75 Hiroshimas.

It could have revolutionized the world.

Unfortunately, though, Ward was so protective of his formula that he took the secret of

how to make Starlite with him to his grave, and nobody yet has figured out how to make

the magical plastic again.

Being able to change the world, but choosing not to?

That's truly mad science.

The Gömböc

After over a decade of research, scientists finally managed to create the ultimate Weeble.

"Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down!"

Called The Gomboc, this artificial rock rights itself no matter how you put it down.

So when you place the Gomboc down on any side other than its stable resting position, it

does a little dance of indignation and then rights itself.

Pretty neat, but do we really need rocks that can fight back?

"What have you done?

What have you done?"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Amazing Inventions That Completely Mess With Your Mind - Duration: 4:37.


A VISÃO DA FÍSICA E A REALIDADE p/Owen K. Waters - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> A VISÃO DA FÍSICA E A REALIDADE p/Owen K. Waters - Duration: 6:36.


Actress Emma Stone 'For The First Time In History We Have A Pres - Duration: 2:14.

Actress Emma Stone: �For The First Time In History We Have A President That��

Hollywood star Emma Stone shared her opinion recently about the political situation in

the US and commented President Trump�s controversial actions.

Emma Stone stated that she is usually not �involved in politics�, but current political

events do have an effect on her which is why she felt the need to say her opinion about


She stated: �I simply want what�s best for our nation.

I admit that at first I wanted Hillary to win, but with time I understood that America

made a great choice with Donald Trump.� �I understand that people don�t like him

� I really do.

At first I didn�t either, but he became our President so what we need to do is stand

behind him in times like this.�

�Hatred is the last thing we need nowadays, we must unite.

I feel that Donald Trump is doing everything he can to improve our nation, you might just

want to respect him and stay patient.�

Emma Stone also stated that there is nothing wrong if you give someone a chance.�I don�t


I think that people need to stay patient for a while and see what happens.

People are too nervous these days.

There is no need for that.� �Let�s give him a chance.

So far he�s doing ok and I really believe that for the first time in history we have

a President that can change this country for the better.�

What do you think about this?

Share this story and leave a comment below.

For more infomation >> Actress Emma Stone 'For The First Time In History We Have A Pres - Duration: 2:14.


QUEEN ELIZABETH'S SECRET AGENTS | Official Trailer | PBS - Duration: 0:31.

MAN: The Queen's life is in danger

VO: Queen Elizabeth I

must fight to stay in power

MAN 2: Somebody close to

Elizabeth has been plotting to

take over the realm.

VO: The Queen must rely on the world's

first secret service.

MAN 2: This is William Cecil. He runs everything.

WOMAN 1: He's got eyes

and ears everywhere in Europe.

VO: A network of spies,

double agents and codebreakers.

MAN 2: This is a very volatile moment.

MAN 3: The Throne of England

hangs in the balance.

VO: Queen Elizabeth's Secret Agents

Sunday at 10, 9 central.

Only on PBS.

For more infomation >> QUEEN ELIZABETH'S SECRET AGENTS | Official Trailer | PBS - Duration: 0:31.


How To Turn Your Child's Behavior Around On A Dime… - Duration: 3:12.

Hi everyone, Rene Bastarache here and I'd like to speak to you about Rewarding Positive

Behavior with your children.

It's amazing how the "norm" seems to be taken for granted

but things out of the ordinary are immediately noticed.

What I mean by this is how children that are usually well behaved most of the time

may not be recognized however as soon as they behaved badly it's noticed and dealt with

as it's out of the ordinary.

In fact some children seldom get attention from their parents unless they act out

or become naughty.

Since the good behavior isn't noticed and the negative behavior is…

the child decides to become negative as a way to get their parents to notice them and spend more time with them.

In other words negative behavior does have its own rewards.

Because of this it's very important to recognize and compliment positive behavior.

The idea is to reward the positive behavior as a way to encourage the child to continue.

After all why would a child want to spend all their time behaving if it's not noticed

or recognized by their parents.

Here's a short list of behaviors that you can be on the lookout for so you can complement

your children more often.

Remember positive reinforcement is a better incentive than negative attention however

when positive reinforcement isn't available then the child may realize that negative attention is still attention.

Complement and/or reward your children for: For being obedient.

For being respectful or courteous to others.

For simply being part of or contributing to the family.

For being themselves.

Doing their chores.

When they achieve a goal at home or at school.

When they achieve a partial goal along the way to a larger one.

Even if their best is short of perfect or less than desired.

For their sense of style and uniqueness.

Their imagination.

Be more vigilant in rewarding positive behavior than for noticing the negative.

Now if you enjoyed the information in this video and found it useful please let us know

in the comments below so we can keep them coming and to help us out I'd like to ask

you to please SUBSCRIBE and most importantly share this with your friends who have children.

This is the only way we can grow is by you letting your friends know about us.

Thanks for watching and have a great day.


For more infomation >> How To Turn Your Child's Behavior Around On A Dime… - Duration: 3:12.


The People of Penang - Past In The Present, Antiques Collector | Wilson Teh 檳城人 - 古董收藏家 - Duration: 6:46.

I live here.

My uncle gave this house to me 2 years ago

And I've been staying here since then.

[Our team is perfecting the ENGLISH subtitle at the moment, kindly give us some time to update it.]

It was empty here when I got this house.

Nothing but empty walls.

Last year I decided to turn this place around.

And I realized that I fell in love with vintage style.

Especially from 60s and 70s, something we used to see in the old movies.

When I started collecting stuffs...

I was into old potteries.

Such as bowls, plates, cups and so.

Especially the ones during old Nyonya times....

There's this thing called Blue and White Pottery.

Every pieces has its own unique style and design.

To me, I buy them not only to collect, I use them as well.

That's what it supposed to do.

Another thing is called gramophone.

As far as I concern, this costs a lot in the market.

It ranges around RM1K to RM2K, or even higher.

But I got this one for only RM800.

I'd say it's almost impossible to get one at that price tag.

I felt lucky when I saw one.

I always believe that we need the fate to collect something.

It's not that you can get everything you want if you got the money.

The time and fate matters.

If it's destined for you, then it's yours.

I'm glad that today I've got one gramophone that functions very well.

It is considered as one of the luxurious things you could get back in the days.

Not everyone can get one during that time.

Whenever I play music on it, it advances my space, as if I live in the old times.

One day I met a new friend on Facebook.

And he's a Buddhist monk.

And we've become good friends since then.

This friend is really good at Tea Ceremony.

What is Tea Ceremony?

It's our Chinese traditional art.

You might think it's simple, just pouring the hot water and drink it.

But it consists of our Chinese wisdom and requires certain skills.

Until you learn it, you'll see it more.

It's not as simple as what you thought.

That's why it attracts me.

Typically, you can find many antiques here in Penang.

This is one hella place in Malaysia where you can find tons of them.

There are many senior collectors around here.

And it's not hard to notice antiques shop here.

And some of the antiques are very costly.

Besides of the big shops, there are also other place you can find antiques.

My favorite place, the largest flea market in Penang.

It opens everyday, it's called Lorong Kulit.

People used to called it Thief market and whatever.

Basically, I've visited all antique shops in Penang.

All I would say is...


Because there are many things are beyond of what I could afford.

So I can just enjoy looking at them.

Antiques of Penang represent our own heritage.

We can't have no heritage without them.

It is what our ancestors have left for us.

It represents a proof of our past.

And the stories were written on it.

Stories of what it has been through all theoe years until today.

It's not only an object.

It tells story and tends to be a proof of past.

There's one thing I hope that can be improved in Penang.

It's about our old houses near Georgetown.

I always like our Penang Heritage area.

Recently I feel kinda upset.

I don't wanna say who bought the houses or what.

But they treat them wrongly I think.

They buy the old houses, renovate and turn it into something else.

The houses were built in that way, why change the way how it looks?

Giving example, just look at Singapore.

You hardly find the originality.

They have been commercialized and running for businesses.

The old houses are no business.

It's for us PenangLang here to stay.

Just look at Love Lane, that area has been turned into a drinking space for tourists.

That area has lost its originality and being renovated into something modern such as the guest house.

I hope that whoever owns one of the house...

please keep the way how it looks and pass it on to our next generation.

I know that it could be a hit attraction for tourism.

But no matter what you do, remember to stay original.

Because if we don't...

I believe that one day...

Penang will lose the title of "UNESCO World Heritage Site".

For more infomation >> The People of Penang - Past In The Present, Antiques Collector | Wilson Teh 檳城人 - 古董收藏家 - Duration: 6:46.


グリコの豚キムチ炒飯の素で作った炒飯を初めてベトナム人に食べさせてみた【第566話】 - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> グリコの豚キムチ炒飯の素で作った炒飯を初めてベトナム人に食べさせてみた【第566話】 - Duration: 10:04.


How High Will Bitcoin ($BTC) Go After Futures Launch? - Duration: 5:06:55.

How high will futures go?

For more infomation >> How High Will Bitcoin ($BTC) Go After Futures Launch? - Duration: 5:06:55.


Dino trucks for kids | Building blocks for children | Ice cream truck | Dinosaur Car - Truck Games - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Dino trucks for kids | Building blocks for children | Ice cream truck | Dinosaur Car - Truck Games - Duration: 10:53.


@SETH DROPPING EMERALD LOCKS... | Growtopia - Duration: 11:08.

what is going on guys?

welcome back to a brand new video

and I have a little follow up to the last video

For more infomation >> @SETH DROPPING EMERALD LOCKS... | Growtopia - Duration: 11:08.


Healthy Santula Recipe | ସ୍ଵାସ୍ଥ୍ୟକର ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସନ୍ତୁଳା | Boiled Vegetable Curry | Odia Authentic - Duration: 6:30.

Namaskar. Welcome to

Today we will make Santula ( Boiled vegetable curry )

It is a very healthy recipe

And can be serve with roti on daily basis

If you enjoy my recipes don't forget to like , share and subscribe

Let's start today's recipe

We need all these ingredients for making this dish

Cut the veggies into big and square size pieces

Diced pumpkin


Ridge gourd


Raw papaya

Broad beans

Raw banana ( Keep it in turmeric water otherwise banana colour will get black)

Tomato - 1

Garlic cloves

Green chili

Badi ( Sun dried urad dal paste )

Coriander leaves

Panch phoron - 1/2 tsp

Dry red chili

Mustard oil

Instead of it you can also take refined oil

Asafoetida / Hing

And salt

Let's start boil the vegetables

Turn on the flame and place the pressure cooker on it

Pour only 1 glass of water in it

Let it simmer on high flame first

Here the water started boiling

Now put salt as per taste

** Do not use turmeric powder **

Then add all the cut vegetables in it

Close the lid of pressure cooker

Cook the veggies for 1 whistle on medium flame

Here 1 whistle has come

Turn off the flame now

And wait until the cooker has cool down completely

Let's crush the garlic and green chili

Take it out into a container

And keep it aside

Then break the badi ( sun dried urad dal paste ) like I have shown

It is done now

keep it aside

Once the cooker cool down completely, open the lid carefully

It looks well cooked now

** Do not over cook the vegetables **

Make it like this

Heated up the kadhai for tempering

Then pour 1 - 1½ tsp of mustard oil in it

Oil is heated now

Then add dry red chili

And 1/2 tsp of panch phoron in it

Seeds are started sputtering

Now add the badi and roast it

Badi turned to light brown in colour

Then add the crushed garlic and chili

Fry it on low - medium until the raw smell goes away

** Do not add onion especially in this dish **

Crushed garlic gives the authentic taste to this dish

So try to make it using garlic

You can add crushed ginger instead of garlic ( without onion and garlic )

Put a pinch of asafoetida as it helps to digest the food

Now add the boiled vegetables and mix it gently

Then put salt carefully ( according to your taste ) as we have added earlier

Leave it to boil for few minutes

Then add chopped coriander leaves and mix it gently

It is done now

Turn off the flame

And get it out into a serving bowl

Healthy Santula (boiled vegetable curry ) is ready to serve now

You can serve it with roti in dinner

It is very healthy as it is prepared with less oil and without any masala or spices

So try this recipe at home

And share with us your valuable feedback

Thank you

See you soon in my next video

You could subscribe my channel by clicking on this face icon

For more infomation >> Healthy Santula Recipe | ସ୍ଵାସ୍ଥ୍ୟକର ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସନ୍ତୁଳା | Boiled Vegetable Curry | Odia Authentic - Duration: 6:30.


UNBOXING... Regalo di Natale da AMAZON! #SDAISTHENEWBABBONATALE - Duration: 8:03.


For more infomation >> UNBOXING... Regalo di Natale da AMAZON! #SDAISTHENEWBABBONATALE - Duration: 8:03.


Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed & More Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs - Duration: 10:50.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"Put those monkeys back to the bed!"

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