Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

For more infomation >> Cricketers Wife - 15 Most Beautiful Wives Of Popular Indian Cricketers | Indian Cricketer Wives | - Duration: 4:43.


【MMD || Undertale || Chara || Vietsub CC + Engsub subtitle】The girl - Duration: 1:10. Boston..

Lives in the world she's lost in..

Victim of compromise..

He's starring at her Aberdeen heart..

London eyes..Glasgow bone..

She's a whistle in the catacombs

A paradox..

He's in love with a statue in a marble block..

He's in love with the girl that time forgot..

She just shuts her ears..

She fallen to far,

with the salt in her scars

Don't let him taste her tears

She's fallen too far

The girl that time forgot!

For more infomation >> 【MMD || Undertale || Chara || Vietsub CC + Engsub subtitle】The girl - Duration: 1:10.


Cuánto DINERO PUEDES GANAR con tu cuenta de INSTAGRAM - Duration: 7:12.

have you ever thought you monetize

account instagram how much money you can

win with it

Today I want to tell you about a tool

that will help you get an idea

about the money you can generate

with your account Instagram depending

the number of followers and English

wayne you generate


Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome or new video

If this is your first time if you want to learn

all the tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

Started by subscribing to my

channel not miss any of the

vídeos que publicó diario es fácil

generar ingresos con tu cuenta de


te diría que sí y que no es decir cada

día se ve más cuentas en esta gran que

aparentemente son influencers porque

tienen un gran número de seguidores

pero la realidad es que cuando las

analizas la realidad no es del todo


hay gran parte de los seguidores que han

sido comprados con estrategias digamos

de una manera poco lícitas

es importante que si quieres que tu

cuenta de instagram tenga valor y se

influyente en determinado sector

enfóquese en crear una comunidad del

real valor en torno a ese micro nicho y

no crecerá únicamente el número de

seguidores sin ningún tipo de sentido

cuando generas una comunidad con un

nicho muy definido tu cuenta de

instagram empieza a cobrar un valor

importante para llegar a dicho mercado y

para ello es importante que genera es

una biografía en tu perfil que esté

alineada con tu objetivo y además

generar contenidos con una alta

frecuencia y que esos contenidos sean de

muy alta calidad y diferenciadores

además no olvides usar hashtag

relevantes para el sector en el cual

quiera es posicionar sus contenidos y

establecer un canal de comunicación con

tus seguidores es decir que instagram

sea mucho más que una simple

herramienta para publicar fotos

una vez que tienes esto ya creado hay

distintas maneras en las que puedes

generar ingresos con tu cuenta de

instagram y las principales formas son

las siguientes los patrocinados

esta es una de las mejores formas de

generar ingresos ya que puedes llegar a

un acuerdo con determinada marca que te

paga una cantidad concreta de dinero por

publicar un contenido relacionado con

dicha marca

el cuándo puedes cobrar por un post

patrocinado depende como bien decía no

del volumen de seguidores y del

engagement que generes con ellos pero te

voy a dar algunas métricas que puedes

valorar y que te servirán al menos de

referencia para cuentas que tienen

alrededor de 100.000 seguidores se puede

cobrar en 36

108 800 euros por post si tienes

alrededor de 500 mil seguidores pues

rondaría los 3.000 euros por cada

actualización y de ahí en adelante

aunque como te digo

estas cifras son muy aproximadas y

pueden variar dependiendo del engagement

del sector al que te diriges y otros

muchos factores marketing de afiliación

otra de las vías que puedes usar es

promocionar productos de otras empresas

y generar ingresos en función de las

ventas que se produzca aunque el

principal problema de esta estrategia es

que necesitarás al menos tener 10.000

seguidores para poder tener activa la

opción de poner un enlace en su

publicación y poder derivar tráfico ya

que si tienes por debajo de 10.000

seguidores pues por el momento no lo

permiten por lo tanto es una estrategia

que no la podría llevar a cabo hasta

ese momento promocionar tu propio


si tienes un proyecto o una empresa

puedes utilizar tu propia cuenta de

instagram para promocionar sus productos

y servicios y con ello obviamente

generar ingresos

estas podríamos decir que son las tres

principales vías por las que puedes

empezar a generar ingresos con instagram

pero para que puedas tener también una

estimación un poco más exacta de

cuánto puedes generar con tu cuenta de

instagram al menos en cuanto a post

patrocinados quiero comentarte una

herramienta que te dará esta


analizando tu cuenta en base a las doce

últimas publicaciones que has hecho te

dejo el enlace de la herramienta en la

descripción del video es muy importante

que mantengas muy controlado los costes

para mí el tema uno de los grandes

errores que se cometen muchas veces al

emprender es el tema de de los core de

la parte financiera del negocio no los

que nos dedicamos a marcar tiempos como

que lo financiero no nos gusta tanto lo

dejamos de lado pero para mí es una

parte fundamental porque en función de

cómo juegues con eso incluso cómo

juegues con los pagos ingresos en tiempo

te permite tener un cash flow mayor para

jugar con ello y hacer más dinero del


otra cosa que te recomendaría yo soy un

obsesivo de la medición y los datos

entonces lo que hemos hecho en la

agencia es medir cuál de los servicios

nos deja mejor rentabilidad

me explico decir al final vemos qué

ingresos generamos y cuánto tiempo nos

consume que importe cobramos y con eso

el margen de

oficio por hora de cada servicio de tal

manera que nos dimos cuenta imagínate

que cuando ofrecemos el seo nosotros por

seo al final de de margen de beneficio

nos queda 40 dólares ahora mientras

cuando hacemos marketing de contenidos

son 10 es decir cuatro veces menos que

hacemos con eso vale vamos a fomentar el

pse o porque nos deja mayor margen de

beneficio antes tienes unas líneas que

te compensa más que otras pero soy yo

creo que tienes al final que atacar el

marketing desde dos puntos de vista uno

para vender hoy porque tú necesitas

tener clientes hoy para mantenerte pero

otro para vender los próximos tres

años y eso es una parte de la

inversión que a día de hoy no te va a

ser rentable pero que te puede ser en

dos o tres años no yo básicamente mis

acciones las vividas y hay una parte de

la inversión que que hago acciones hoy

que el experto que en tres años me

genera el negocio una vez es una

función a otras no

esto es parte de la prueba y el error

como bien sabes no pero creo que es

importante si te quieres mantener

constante en el tiempo en jugar con esta

dualidad de marketing para hoy marketing

para tres años se dividiría esas

métricas cómo estás haciendo en

cuantitativas y cualitativas donde

realmente a ellos que suba el engagement

que les da igual les van absolutamente

iguales lo habitual aunque tiene valor

pero ellos no lo ven

entonces yo relacionaría eso al final

con lo que ellos les va a interesar que

es los links decir que son pocos nits y

está escapando liza tres dólares o 3

dólares y pico que son pocos ni

incrementa la inversión y la inversión

publicitaria situada incrementarás vas

a ganar más lips

así de sencillo decir cuando alguien me

oyes que sólo generó 30 pero invierto

100 invirtamos 500 que la mejor genera

por cien lips

al final hay una relación directa entre

todo esto no hay no hay otra cosa

te ha gustado el video dale me gusta y

quiero hacerte partícipe de él por lo

que deja de los comentarios con el

hashtag seguidores en instagram

si consideras que está grave es una

buena herramienta para influenciadores

de distintos sectores entre todos los

comentarios recibidos del mes sortear en

mi curso online estrategia de marketing

digital por lo que cuanto más

comentarios de hessen mis videos a lo

largo del mes más oportunidades

tendrás de ganarlo por lo que no

esperes más y deja ahora mismo tu



si llueve



For more infomation >> Cuánto DINERO PUEDES GANAR con tu cuenta de INSTAGRAM - Duration: 7:12.


今個聖誕整蠱人的最佳禮物!日本超流行的風力發電燈!驚喜度100分!一開出來,笑翻了!| rios arc 弧圓亂語 ft. Saaii - Duration: 11:22.

For more infomation >> 今個聖誕整蠱人的最佳禮物!日本超流行的風力發電燈!驚喜度100分!一開出來,笑翻了!| rios arc 弧圓亂語 ft. Saaii - Duration: 11:22.


Zurich, Switzerland City Tour!! - Duration: 2:40.

So I find myself just in front of the main train station of Zurich in Switzerland and starting from here

I'll walk into the city center, which is like this direction and I'll take you along!

Crazy stuff is happening

So I was just walking through the city center which is like down there

and now I find myself at the so called Bellevue square, which is here

On this side is the Zürichsee, It's a very big lake, it's amazing, we have a beautiful view here

And now what I will do I'll go kind of back to the train station

But now through a different area of the city called Niederdorf, which is like right there!

It's kind of starting to rain, and it's getting dark and I'm back at the train station

It's actually right there behind me

Thank you so much for watching. This was just a basic insight now into the city and in the future

I want to show you also the nightlife. How it looks like also at the Christmas market. There's so much more to see here!

Thank you for watching!

Zurich Zürich Switzerland City Tour 2017 2018

For more infomation >> Zurich, Switzerland City Tour!! - Duration: 2:40.




by Edward Morgan

The truth is that far from being the poor victim it likes to portray itself as, Israel

is in fact the most aggressive and belligerent nation in the region, having invaded pretty

much everyone it shares a border with.

The following maps show just who is wiping who off of the map!

The above map is Israel as it was first created by UN declaration in 1947. The blue portion

is Israel, the rest is all Arab lands. Note that Jerusalem was completely within Arab

lands and Israel was much smaller than it is today. Note also that there is NO Israeli

presence inside the area surrounding Jerusalem. No settlements, certainly no IDF. The red

square outlines the approximate region shown in the map to the right. This is Israel as

it is today. Note that the western border of Palestine has been pushed up to Jerusalem.

Such a land grab is NOT the result of a defensive act, but of an invasion to bring Jerusalem

under Israeli control, even though Jerusalem was not originally part of Israel. The maps

clearly tell the story of an Israel conquering lands which do not belong to it. Since Sharon

took office, Israel has built more illegal Jewish Settlements on Palestinian land. Note

on the above map that the majority of the lands which were originally Arab lands when

Israel was created, are now under complete (dark blue) or partial (green) Israeli control.

Only the black areas remain to the Palestinians, and those are shrinking by the minute.

How does a defensive action result in the total conquest of someone else�s lands?

The answer is that it does not. Israel is the aggressor. The maps of Israel then and

now prove it.

Stop buying into what Sharon claims Israel �has to do� and look at what Israel has

actually done. The maps tell the story of a nation eager to conquer lands which do not

belong to it. Israel has invaded virtually every nation it shares borders with, including

Syria and Lebanon, and as the map above shows has almost conquered Palestine and is ready

to �ethnically cleanse� the region. Far from being the poor victimized society desperately

defending itself Israel likes to pretend it is in order to wrest more money from Americans,

Israel is in fact the most militarily aggressive nation in the region.

Israel has ALWAYS portrayed non-Israelis as animals, in order to make it easier for the

American tax payers who pay for the weapons accept their killing. And Israel has always

resorted to staged terror bombings to further its agenda, such as the Lavon affair and more

recently when a supposed suicide bomber turned out to be a known Israeli collaborator. In

one recent case photos showed that what was reported as a suicide bomb in Jerusalem was

actually a car bomb

Even now, the Israeli media admits that nobody (other than the purported bomber) was actually

hurt in this latest bombing. Now, would a real anti-Israel suicide bomber, obviously

able to select where and when the bomb is to go off, really choose to detonate the bomb

when there is nobody around, damaging ONLY buildings?

So, if you are being lied to about the Jerusalem bombings, and with Israel�s past use of,

indeed PRIDE of, deception as a tool to be used against friend and enemy alike, it�s

time to take another hard look at the fact that every other nation on Earth except the

United States is opposed to what Israel is doing.

You know, if the United States REALLY wanted peace in Palestine, all they have to do is

stop signing the checks that pay for Israel�s war machine.

�Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I

want to tell you something very clear: Don�t worry about American pressure on Israel. We,

the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.�

� Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.

HISTORICAL PALESTINE Another claim that Israel likes to make is

that Palestine never really existed to start with.

�How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.� Golda

Maier, March 8, 1969.

�There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed.� Golda Maier Israeli

Prime Minister June 15, 1969


The people shall hear, and be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina.

� Exodus 15:14

Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken : for

out of the serpent�s root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery

flying serpent. � Isaiah 14:29

Howl , O gate; cry , O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved : for there shall come from

the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times. � Isaiah 14:31

Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine?will

ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your

recompence upon your own head;� Joel 3:4

And again, the maps tell a different story.

One can imagine who complained and why! The video can also be watched or downloaded here.

The following is by Nima Shirazi

Specific references to �Palestine� date back nearly five hundred years before �the

time of Jesus.� In the 5th Century BCE, Herodotus, the first historian in Western

civilization, referenced �Palestine� numerous times in chronicle of the ancient world, The

Histories, including the following passage describing �Syrians of Palestine�:

��they live in the coastal parts of Syria; and that region of Syria and all that lies

between it and Egypt is called Palestine.� (VII.89) The above translation by Harry Carter

is featured in the 1958 Heritage Press edition of Herodotus� famous work. Both older and

newer versions corroborate the accuracy of the reference. A. D. Godley�s 1920 translation

of the crucial line states, �This part of Syria as far as Egypt is all called Palestine�,

while Robin Waterfield�s 1998 updated Oxford translationrenders the passage this way: �This

part of Syria, all the way to the border with Egypt, is known as Palestine.�

A hundred years later, in the mid-4th Century BCE, Aristotle made reference to the Dead

Sea in his Meteorology. �Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine, such

that if you bind a man or beast and throw it in it floats and does not sink, this would

bear out what we have said,� he wrote. �They say that this lake is so bitter and salt that

no fish live in it and that if you soak clothes in it and shake them it cleans them.� (II.3)

Two hundred years later, in the mid-2nd Century BCE, ancient geographer Polemon wroteof a

place �not far from Arabia in the part of Syria called Palestine,� while Greek travel

writer Pausanias wrote in his Description of Greece, �In front of the sanctuary grow

palm-trees, the fruit of which, though not wholly edible like the dates of Palestine,

yet are riper than those of Ionia.� (9.19.8)

Despite the Zionists� claim �the Romans didn�t rename Judea as �Palestina� until

a hundred years after the death of Jesus,� contemporaries of Jesus also routinely referred

to Palestine as, well, Palestine. For instance, in the first decade of the 1st Century, the

Roman poet Ovid mentioned Palestine in both his famed mythological poem Metamorphoses

and his erotic elegy The Art of Love. He also wroteof �the waters of Palestine� in his

calendrical poem Fasti. Around the same time, another Latin poet Tibullus wroteof �the

crowded cities of Palestine� in a section �Messalla�s Triumph� in his poem Delia.

The noted Alexandrian Jewish philosopher Philo, writing around the 1stCentury CE, opined,

�Also Syria in Palestine, which is occupied by no small part of the very populous nation

of the Jews, is not unproductive of honourable virtue.� (XII.75)

The Jewish historian Josephus (c.37-100 CE) was born and raised in Jerusalem, a military

commander in Galilee during the First Jewish Revolt against the occupying Roman authority,

acted as negotiator during the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE and later penned vital volumes of

Levantine Jewish history. His The Jewish War, Antiquities of the Jews, and Against Apion

all contain copious references to Palestine and Palestinians. Towards the end of Antiquities,

Josephus writes, �I shall now, therefore, make an end here of my Antiquities; after

the conclusion of which events, I began to write that account of the war; and these Antiquities

contain what hath been delivered down to us from the original creation of man, until the

twelfth year of the reign of Nero, as to what hath befallen the Jews, as well in Egypt as

in Syria and in Palestine, and what we have suffered from the Assyrians and Babylonians,

and what afflictions the Persians and Macedonians, and after them the Romans, have brought upon

us; for I think I may say that I have composed this history with sufficient accuracy in all

things.� (XX.11.2)

The claim that the Roman emperor Hadrian, eager to punish Jewish inhabitants of Judea

after the Bar Kokhba Revolt, officially changed the name of the region to �Syria Palaestina�

or simply �Palestine� in 135 CE and forced the Jewish community into exile is dubiousat

best, especially when, by then, the terms �Syrian Palestine� and �Palestine�

had already been in use for over six hundred years.

The Balfour Declaration (emphasis added).

Foreign Office November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty�s Government, the

following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted

to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

�His Majesty�s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national

home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement

of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice

the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the

rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.�

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist


Yours sincerely, Arthur James Balfour

From a reader:

Here is a follow-up to my previous e-mail which touched upon the topic of how many Zionist

Jews claim that Palestine doesn�t exist, never did exist ever, and of course, they

really want to wish away Palestine completely forever, that�s obvious.

Well, as I mentioned, if you look in your Bibles, you will clearly see Palestine on

the maps in there.

And I took the following photos at the local Palm Springs Air Museum, which focuses on

WWII history, in November, 2007.

What is also interesting to note, is how this museum, which as you will see, has a huge

wall map including Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East right around WWII. You

can clearly see Palestine (G.B.). The G.B.. stands for Great Britain, since after WWI,

Great Britain took over control of Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, whose base was in

what was to become modern-day Turkey. The Palestinians never suffered under Ottoman

control, nor British control, however, ever since Zionist Jews from Eastern Europe decided

to create a racist, ethno-centric militant Jewish state in Palestine (as they successfully

got a green light from Great Britain as in infamous Balfour Declaration of 1917), which

came into being as �Israel� in 1948, the Palestinians have mightily suffered ever since

then under militant Jewish rule, having to deal with militant Jewish terrorists, and

many fled in terror, hoping to return, however the Palestinian refugees have NOT been allowed

their inalienable Right to Return, nor compensated, even though it is their right according to

UN Resolutions, International Law and the majority of world opinion.

What is also interesting, and irksome, and so typical, is that some Zionist Jew just

had to put their propaganda on the map, as you will see in a following photo, even though

Israel was NOT in existence by the time of the WWI or even WWII. Zionist Jews are relentless

in spreading their misleading, self-serving, malicious and false propaganda in order to

deceive the American public so they will continue to support Israel blindly.

Here is the overview of the map:

Look closely to the right of the right plane�s tail with the letters BP above, and you will

see the Israeli propaganda on two pages in a black frame � a close up to follow further


And here is the Israeli propaganda below, most of it is complete misinformation, since

Israel started that war and then slammed all of Lebanon, causing massive damage to infrastructure

all over Lebanon and killing thousands of innocent Lebanese civilians. However Hezbollah

was able to drive the Israelis out, thanks to the weapons and excellent intel they possess.

Unlike Gaza, their borders are NOT controlled by the Israelis, and they can rightfully defend

and arm themselves, surviving despite the outrageous, lethal barrage of bombings that

Israel rained down on Lebanon, completely out of proportion to any harm that Lebanon

was able to inflict on Israel (miniscule in comparison). They were �lucky� at least

to drive Israelis out of their country, again by the way. This is not the first insane massive

bombing attacks the Lebanese have suffered by the war-mongering Israelis, who still illegally

occupy some of southern Lebanon, the Sabaa Farms, and wants to claim the big river�s

water for Israel. That is one reason why Lebanon and Israel are officially at war and enemies.

I called up the museum and complained about the what I called Israeli false propaganda

there on the map, and the person who answered thanked me and said she would look into it.

I have not been back since to see if it was taken down. But as you can clearly see below,

yes indeed, there was PALESTINE on the map, and I pray to God it will be restored, and

once again the Palestinians will be able to live in peace and dignity on THEIR ancestral

homeland, safe, secure and sovereign. Note how this Israeli propaganda labels the Palestinian

Territory as simply West Bank. ALSO, please note that the Golan Heights, as shown in the

Israeli propagandistic map above, is SYRIAN territory and is ILLEGALLY occupied to this

day by Israel, but our mainstream media RARELY ever mentions that. This is why Syria and

Israel are enemies to this day. Oh, but we are supposed to believe that Syria just �hates�

Israel because it�s �Jewish�. HA. Hogwash! Stealing land is an ACT OF WAR in any culture.

NO ONE would tolerate some neighbor just stealing their neighbor�s land! How would YOU like


The Department of Corrections: Ben-Hur, the LA Times & a place called Palestine

�You know the law � every son of Israel must have some occupation.�

� Lew Wallace, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, Chapter IV

On September 26, The Los Angeles Times ran a short Calendar section item on the new belated

50th anniversary, fully restored DVD and Blu-Ray editions of William Wyler�s 1959 blockbuster

biblical epic Ben-Hur. The film, which was based on an 1880 novel by former Civil War

general and New Mexico territory governor Lew Wallace, is described by the paper as

a �period drama [that] revolves around Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston), a Palestinian nobleman

who is enslaved by the Romans, engages in one of the most thrilling chariot races ever

captured on screen, and even encounters Jesus Christ.� As no innocuous (or factual) mention

of �Palestine� goes unpunished, especially when the culprit is a major American publication,

the Zionist advocacy group, The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America

(CAMERA), was immediately on the case. The same day the Ben-Hur blurb appeared, CAMERA

issued a call to its supporters to contact the Times and complain about its usage of

the term �Palestinian nobleman� to describe Ben-Hur�s title character, claiming, �Of

course, there was no such place as �Palestine� in the time of Jesus, since the Romans didn�t

rename Judea as �Palestina� until a hundred years after the death of Jesus.� Considering

CAMERA�s supposed interest in �accuracy�, it should be noted that its condemnation calls

Ben-Hur a �1951 Hollywood blockbuster.� In reality, the film was released in November

1959.Nevertheless, two days later, as a result of CAMERA�s complain-campaign, theLA Times

printed a correction to its original item. It apologized for referring to Ben-Hur as

a �Palestinian nobleman� and continued:

�The character Ben-Hur was a Jew from Judea who lived long before the place now known

as Palestine was given that name.�

Unfortunately, the paper was far too quick to issue this correction and should have checked

some primary sources rather than merely rely on the flurry of emails and phone calls from

outraged and misinformed Zionists for their historical information.

To call CAMERA�s claim that �there was no such place as �Palestine� in the time

of Jesus� is a matter of revisionism is an understatement. The allegation is not only

simply false, it is a deliberate lie.

Specific references to �Palestine� date back nearly five hundred years before �the

time of Jesus.� In the 5th Century BC, Herodotus, the first historian in Western civilization,

referenced �Palestine� numerous times in chronicle of the ancient world, The Histories,

including the following passage describing �Syrians of Palestine�:

��they live in the coastal parts of Syria; and that region of Syria and all that lies

between it and Egypt is called Palestine.� (VII.89)

The above translation by Harry Carter is featured in the 1958 Heritage Press edition of Herodotus�

famous work. Both older and newer versions corroborate the accuracy of the reference.

A. D. Godley�s 1920 translation of the crucial line states, �This part of Syria as far

as Egypt is all called Palestine�, while Robin Waterfield�s 1998 updated Oxford translation

renders the passage this way: �This part of Syria, all the way to the border with Egypt,

is known as Palestine.�

A hundred years later, in the mid-4th Century BC (still nearly four hundred years before

the birth of Wallace�s fictional hero), Aristotle made reference to the Dead Sea in

his Meteorology. �Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine, such that if

you bind a man or beast and throw it in it floats and does not sink, this would bear

out what we have said,� he wrote. �They say that this lake is so bitter and salt that

no fish live in it and that if you soak clothes in it and shake them it cleans them.� (II.3)

Two hundred years later, in the mid-2nd Century BC, ancient geographer Polemonwrote of a place

�not far from Arabia in the part of Syria called Palestine,� while Greek travel writer

Pausanias wrote in his Description of Greece, �In front of the sanctuary grow palm-trees,

the fruit of which, though not wholly edible like the dates of Palestine, yet are riper

than those of Ionia.� (9.19.8)

Despite the claim �the Romans didn�t rename Judea as �Palestina� until a hundred years

after the death of Jesus,� contemporaries of Jesus also routinely referred to Palestine

as, well, Palestine. For instance, in the first decade of the 1st Century, the Roman

poet Ovid mentioned Palestine in both his famed mythological poemMetamorphoses and his

erotic elegy The Art of Love. He also wrote of �the waters of Palestine� in his calendrical

poem Fasti. Around the same time, another Latin poet Tibullus wrote of �the crowded

cities of Palestine� in a section �Messalla�s Triumph� in his poem Delia. Incidentally,

Ben-Hur�s childhood friend and subsequent betrayer is named Messala.

The bulk of the action of Ben-Hur takes place in the third decade of the 1st Century CE.

The noted Alexandrian Jewish philosopher Philo, writing around the very same time, opined,

�Also Syria in Palestine, which is occupied by no small part of the very populous nation

of the Jews, is not unproductive of honourable virtue.� (XII.75)

The Jewish historian Josephus (c.37-100 CE) was born and raised in Jerusalem, a military

commander in Galilee during the First Jewish Revolt against the occupying Roman authority,

acted as negotiator during the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE and later penned vital volumes of

Levantine Jewish history. His The Jewish War, Antiquities of the Jews, and Against Apion

all contain copious references to Palestine and Palestinians. Towards the end of Antiquities,

Josephus writes,

�I shall now, therefore, make an end here of my Antiquities; after the conclusion of

which events, I began to write that account of the war; and these Antiquities contain

what hath been delivered down to us from the original creation of man, until the twelfth

year of the reign of Nero, as to what hath befallen the Jews, as well in Egypt as in

Syria and in Palestine, and what we have suffered from the Assyrians and Babylonians, and what

afflictions the Persians and Macedonians, and after them the Romans, have brought upon

us; for I think I may say that I have composed this history with sufficient accuracy in all

things.� (XX.11.2) [emphasis added]

Josephus� own emphasis on accuracy appears to be far more credible than that of CAMERA.

The claim that the Roman emperor Hadrian, eager to punish Jewish inhabitants of Judea

after the Bar Kokhba Revolt, officially changed the name of the region to �Syria Palaestina�

or simply �Palestine� in 135 CE and forced the Jewish community into exile is dubious

at best, especially when, by then, the terms �Syrian Palestine� and �Palestine�

had already been in use for over six hundred years.

It should certainly be pointed out that Wallace�s original text of Ben-Hur makes no mention

of �Palestine� and consistently refers to �Judea�, �Judeans�, �the land

of Israel� and �Israelites.� With this in mind, I agree that an appropriate description

of the Ben-Hur character would be as a �Judean prince� or even a �Jewish nobleman.�

Nevertheless, referring to him as a �Palestinian� is not at all inaccurate or incorrect, nor

should it be in any way offensive or cause of umbrage. To lead a charge against such

a reference is to promote not only the rewriting of history, both ancient and modern, but also

to encourage the continual Zionist efforts to erase, destroy anddeny Palestinian history

and culture in their own historic homeland.

And yet, the major U.S. newspaper went out of its way to announce that �Ben-Hur was

a Jew from Judea who lived long before the place now known as Palestine was given that

name,� a statement clearly lacking in any semblance of accuracy.

It appears to be time for the Los Angeles Times to issue a correction on their correction.

For more infomation >> ISRAEL & PALESTINE THE MAPS TELL THE TRUE STORY - Duration: 25:17.



For more infomation >> CHUYỆN TÌNH LÀNG VŨ ĐẠI XƯA VÀ NAY | HUỲNH LẬP, HỒNG TÚ, QUANG TRUNG, THƯ LÊ, XUÂN TIẾN from DAMtv - Duration: 4:44.


POLYGOT PROBLEMS 😠😓 - Duration: 9:07.

Hello Lina, how are you? Have you already made the food?

Hi good looking, well what are you doing?

What what? I worked, I´ve come home and want to eat And she hasn´t made anything??

What is this?



And what shall we do today?


Hi, yes Roman here How may I be of assistance Mrs.Vasquez?

Do you see this here??

It is 8:39pm

WRONG. It is 8:38pm and 30 seconds to be precise

We´re late! Our appointment was at 8:36pm

No then no... with that No I just can´t work with that

No no no that doesn´t work

The contract will not be signed

This matter will be sorted between our lawyers


Between different languages when you are speaking

F$§"%"$ Yep, that´s it

Like this, like that, like this

Hello everyone this is my boyfriend

And I am not "little"

No he´s not small

in several languages just like that so that we suddenly speak English

You´ve got to do it with me

You´re no longer in this scene

I am hungry because I didn´t eat a lot today

Because today I not a lot...... HAVE EATEN

I was so hungry today and I got this and that from the Asian place today and OMG

And it was so tasty I thought to myself, I´m gonna get that next time I shop

It was just mad, it was so good, and I thought Do they have the same thing at the gym?

And then how is it even possible that it gets made so quickly in such a short time?

I asked myself all of these questions and found out

OMG she was right

omg, that´s like peeing in a violin (it´s so useless)

It´s like - Well you know what "peeing" means

Yes honey, I understand Good, well you understand what I am saying

to open something

For more infomation >> POLYGOT PROBLEMS 😠😓 - Duration: 9:07.




Hi come in my house

Iem and I are in the car

She is refueling the car


It doesn't work

Oh yes it works

We're going to Epic Hard at Tilburg

And I'm so excited

It's gonna be so much fun

I'm going to tell you the line-up

She's not okay.

And Ceazar has to play too

So that's fun, I'm curious what the night will bring

and we're going to take you with us

My hair is purple

I love it

It's not annoying

Yesterday was

Epic Hard in Tilburg

and Rebellion was the mainact

And what do we think about last night?

It was a really great night, and the DJ's played good sets

We went to house at three when Rebelion was ready with their set

Because we were pretty tired

We wanted to go at the same time at 2.55am

and Rebelion had to play till 3

so that was perfect

We saw them

I did an interview with them

So nice!

They were very kind

Everybody was very nice

We first saw Ceazar, then Apexx

We spoke to him after his set

He must fly every week from Scotland to the Netherlands

I got so much respect for them

and then Rebelion had to play for an hour and a half

Oh no, before them Delete had a set

We saw him for a little while

because while he was playing we had the interview with Rebelion

and after them Malice had to play

We didn't see him because we went home then

It was really busy at Epic

Much busier than the last time we were there

There were also really big fans of Rebelion with t-shirts and things

Normally there coming more people that live near by Tilburg

Now there were people from the whole country

We had a great night

especially because it was Epic Hard again

Really nice to go. Highly recommended

They always have a great line-up

So this was the vlog of Epic Hard

Epic Hard Rebelion and friends

Tonight we're going to Snakepit

this video is coming online next Friday at 12pm

Don't forget to like and subscribe of course

And have a nice week!


For more infomation >> EPIC HARD WITH REBELION - AFTERVLOG #108 - Duration: 14:03.


Valerie Bertinelli's Root Vegetable Gratin | Food Network - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Valerie Bertinelli's Root Vegetable Gratin | Food Network - Duration: 1:06.


Learn Fruits and Berries names in English Learn English for Kids Children Preschool Part 2 - Duration: 12:01.

Learn Fruits and Berries names in English Learn English for Kids Children Preschool Part 2

For more infomation >> Learn Fruits and Berries names in English Learn English for Kids Children Preschool Part 2 - Duration: 12:01.


Plantation | 4 elementos para entender a economia colonial - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Plantation | 4 elementos para entender a economia colonial - Duration: 1:50.


【MMD || Melanie || Vietsub CC + Engsub subtitle】Still Here - Duration: 0:56.

Musing through memories..

Losing my grip in the grey...

Numbing the senses..

I feel you slipping away..

Fighting to hold on..

clinging to just one more day..

Love turns to ashes

With all that I wish I could say..

I'd die to be where you are..

I tried to be where are you are..

Every night..

For more infomation >> 【MMD || Melanie || Vietsub CC + Engsub subtitle】Still Here - Duration: 0:56.


日本這種商店,難道不怕有小偷嗎?😳|MaoMaoTV - Duration: 9:03.

Hi I'm Mao

I'm so happy that I'm not alone anymore!

I'm Hanna

I'm with Hanna~

Hi guys

you guys know her right?

We gonna travel together!

as a youtuber living in Kyoto you really feel so lonely

Taiwanese youtubers are in Taiwan, and I can't go to events in taiwan very often

and also I dont live in Tokyo where many foreign creators live. I live in Kyoto

there are really no creators i know in Kyotoo

finally I found Hanna!

not lonely anymore!

cuz we both live in Kansai area

So today we're going to...

KUrikoma mountain! (栗駒山)

it's in Kurihama city where you guys might have not heard of cuz this time we want to go to places that are very local

it's in country side

yes! we're going to countryside !

so mission of the trip is not being alone anymore and go to countryside in Japan!

let's go!

the temperature is ...

no reception lol

it's quite high here! 1113m

and it's cold

We saw tourists all put on there super big coat right after they get off from the car

look! so foggy

they said we can see cloud sea

i think we are in the cloud sea lol

so cooold!

watch out. we might see bears

this trip we're gonna travel very local, and of course do what's seasonal!

it's autumn now so we can't miss out the red leaves!

we have maple leaves and also other red leaves.

momiji means maple, and kouyou is just red leaves in general

too bad it's so foggy so we can't see the red leave on top of the mountains

red leaves here are very unique

not just maple and red. you see red, green ,yellow ,orange...

i actually think it's even prettier than only maple

it's like the mountain is covered by a carpet

here's maomaotv QNA section! what are those sticks by road side

actually i dont know either. the question is from Hanna

it's must be relative to height

yes! you're clever

you're very close

cuz it looks alike what we see at the doors of a convenience store

it looks like that thing what to measure thief's height

to measure the height of car?

why do they need that lol

some cars are too high to go through a tunnel?

hit! what's the different of weather between tohoku and kansai

it's cold


it snows!


so ?

to measure the height of the snow!


and on the way down hill, we saw what's very rare to be seen in Taiwan

I got my money

cuz im going to a

shop that has no shopkeeper!

look at this radish. it looks like human

the locals sell there fruits and vegetables here

no body is looking at the shop, so if you wanna buy just put the money in the box

these are for 2oo yen

so you put money into this i think

it's a shop of honest

very very rare

we are lucky that we met the owner!

and he told us a secret

no matter what country it is, there are thieves. (don't steal!)

me and Hanna wear the same by coincidence

like sisters!!

I was also thinking of wearing denim skirt but I thought I was gonna be cold so i didn't wear that

if I did we would really look the same

brown jacket and white top

Lunch today is about if you wanna success, you need to make effort!

so today i''m going to make my own lunch!

we gonna make Soba. it's my first time. so i'm a bit nervous

I dont really eat soba, but I wanna try make it. It's must be fun

I'll try not to fail. Because if I fail, I'll be the one who eats it.

it's the instruction

but I think it's better to let the teacher show us how.

this knife is made for soba

my turn

The teacher did this very carefully. I'm not a careful person, so I need to really concentrate on this

the teacher say one thing, and I do one thing haha

done! here's my soba!

we got think ones and thin ones haha. I love you no matter you're big soba or small.

it's my soba

let's eat!

it's cold

i think I took too much

i cut it too think

I feel like I'm eating udon

after Osen, I have no make up on. But you guys should already got used to this right?

wont have nightmare ya?

the onsen here is very warm!

when I put my legs in. I thought my legs were going to be cooked. but after the onsen it's so just gooood. so relaxed

the onsen was soooood good. so I'm going to sleep now! Good night guys!

the next morning. we woke up at 3am for a rare scenery

it was very amazing! just one thing..

people who do bird watching really get up so early lol

The owner is so nice! He went back to kitchen and got this back to us

it's bone sake that you can see the whole fish in there

i took a look

it's kind of scary. You can see the whole fish in sake

it's a whole fish!!! and the month is open


this sake is dangerous

it's like drinking soup

yeah! i also just said the same comment

you dont know you're drinking sake or soup

so good!

For more infomation >> 日本這種商店,難道不怕有小偷嗎?😳|MaoMaoTV - Duration: 9:03.


RUSSIANS REACT TO GREEK MUSIC | Νάσος - K@ριoλα (Official Video Clip) | REACTION | αντιδραση - Duration: 4:08.

Is that him? -Yes

Wow, it's so beautiful out there

You've reacted to him before -Yeah, me and my mom

In that other video he was playing guitar as well

But this video is brighter

His motorcycle died

He ran out of gas

He's probably gonna see his girlfriend with some other guy

He has beautiful voice

He sings with his soul

It's December now but it's still warm in Greece

Well, it's Greece

Beautiful girl

When it's +10C in Greece, it's cold for them

Three guys riding a scooter

Poor scooter!

I still can't understand who are that couple?!

Is that his girlfriend?

No, it's some other...

Ahhh, he saw his girl with some other guy

He doesn't care though -He's gonna hang out with friends now

Maybe she's not his girl and he just likes her

The video is beautifully filmed

I like the brightness

Something is gonna happen now

He saw her again

He's like: not again!

So many girls and they are all beautiful

That guy is a star

Look at the way she's dancing!

Those girls are so beautiful

They are so hot

"Leave me alone"

That's his ex-girlfriend I guess

Well, either that or she became an Ex after he saw her with that dude

The video is very bright! I wish all videos were like this

You can see all the colors

Many times people use black and white colors and all the colors disappear

Well, the song is good, the artist is good

Beautiful girls, very beautiful girls

The video has some storyline, which is good

From what I understood, he saw his girlfriend with another guy

And then went to hang out with friends

The song is called Kariola. I wonder what it means

Please write the meaning in the comments guys

We hope you liked this video guys

Press "like", subscribe to our channel

Also follow us on Instagram

And go check our merch on

Salute Greece

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO GREEK MUSIC | Νάσος - K@ριoλα (Official Video Clip) | REACTION | αντιδραση - Duration: 4:08.



For more infomation >> BORUTO AMV - BORUTO VS KAKASHI & KONOHAMARU VS SARADA / THIS TIME - Duration: 3:30.


Learn Colors With Cars | Rhymes For Babies | Toddler Videos | Kids Songs - Five Little Monkeys - Duration: 9:30.

"Look at those jumping monkeys! How many are there?"





and 5

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, And the doctor said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

"1 2 3 and 4"

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

"1 2 3"

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

"1 2"

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed


One little monkey jumping on the bed He fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

Put those monkeys right to bed

Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Cars | Rhymes For Babies | Toddler Videos | Kids Songs - Five Little Monkeys - Duration: 9:30.


Weight loss motivation losing 40kg in 40 weeks accountability vlog Day 41 - Duration: 4:44.

Hit the like button and subscribe. you can

also follow me on instagram to see my daily doings.

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