Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Motu Patlu Teaches The Alphabet For Kids - B Colors For Children - Cartoon Motu Patlu In Hindi

For more infomation >> Motu Patlu Teaches The Alphabet For Kids - B Colors For Children - Cartoon Motu Patlu In Hindi - Duration: 3:35.


Jenna Coleman Read Queen Victoria's Diaries to Prepare for Victoria - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Jenna Coleman Read Queen Victoria's Diaries to Prepare for Victoria - Duration: 6:06.



Welcome Back to my Channel. I'm Alucc.

I will Be in Turin for the R6 Gran Final Session, where Italian teams will face each other

Spikeimperial found this animation of Ash Elite

This is a Leak, we can't see her Special Uniform in this video

The special uniform leaked was this

We can see ASH answering an invisible Phone, maybe because she usually rush and she has no time!

Let me know about your opinion in the comment session and subscribe to my channel for more R6 News!

For more infomation >> ASH ELITE MVP ANIMATION LEAK - RAINBOW SIX SIEGE - Duration: 1:23.


Seth Rogen and Seth Clear the Air - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Seth Rogen and Seth Clear the Air - Duration: 6:47.



For more infomation >> VLOG: ЖДЕМ КУРЬЕРА С НОВЫМ ТЕЛЕФОНОМ - Duration: 19:26.


Emotionaler Tag: YouTube-Star Jolina ist offiziell eine Frau - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Emotionaler Tag: YouTube-Star Jolina ist offiziell eine Frau - Duration: 2:24.


BhagavadRamanuja Vaibhavam Part 14 || Devotional || Bhakti Ranjani - Duration: 16:11.

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For more infomation >> BhagavadRamanuja Vaibhavam Part 14 || Devotional || Bhakti Ranjani - Duration: 16:11.



For more infomation >> TEASER KERST SPECIAL DELIVERY YOUTUBE - Duration: 0:45.


Express Payload (with English Subtitle) - Duration: 12:50.

They have Pharah main

Be careful

Is our comp powerful enough?

Don't lose your confidence

Do we have enough damange?

Should be enough

We play by getting pick

Mei picks one then you hammer him

The target should be dead

Usual strat, I will wall right side then we go left side

Moira is ok, can outheal them

Can Moira's right click pass through Rein's shield?

Right click cannot pass through, only the orbs

No primary fire can pass through barrier

Only orbs do

How about Winston's primary?

Orisa again

Ready? I will wall right and we go left - Speedboost

1, 2, 3 go

Torb's turret far behind

No hook!

Come left (3x)


Be careful

Mercy got 2 hits!

Zenyatta down!

Mercy down

Orisa down

Pharah inside

I don't have left click, follow my orb

Almost have hammer down

Pharah commited suicide?


Torb changed to soldier

Pharah changed to Genji

And Tracer - Single tank

Tracer changed to D.Va

Get ready to be spammed

Don't feed the firestrike

I think he has earthshatter


I will pick Rein

Get ready to use charge

Genji (5x)

1 1 1

Omg my hammer disappeared


Genji below

Bottom left

Cut from there! (2x)

Nice - Alright

Rein alone! (2x)


You guys can go in

Go go go go go go

LOL I got Reaper

Can rez?

Err I don't have rez


They have reaper now, stand back a bit

Soldier changed to Reaper


Go back (3x)

AAHH wall!!!!

Such an egoistic wall

I can't. That was too high.

You should've entered under the bridge and walled me as well

Surprise hammer!

Oh sh*t ryuujin!

Oh come on, get real

No need (2x)

Disturb him!

Point point - Contest contest

Rein escaped

Zarya: I have ult Rein: ##### hammer (unclear)

Rein half

My mercy come here, my Mercy


Genji changed to Junkrat

Ready to pick? 1 ...

Zarya self bubbled


Nice one


Only Reaper left? Be careful

Oh nvm


Spawn camp (2x)

I'm ready to bodyblock

1 go left

Iced! (LOL)

Iced (another LUL)

Zenyatta very low! (2x)

I got Rein

Hammer down ready

No need

Mercy (2x)

What happened guys?


That hammer outta nowhere

That solo Q guy, what did he play?

Don't know - Not DPS IIRC

I think he played tank

No no no, he tanked

D.Va - Rein

Are you fine without Rein?

Ok, we can try

You can even go Symmetra

I don't like triple tank of defense

Not triple, but 2 and half

We can, as long as we don't go past choke we will be fine

I also want to play Symmetra actually

Zarya and Mei guard the choke

Junkrat will guard left side

They won't go through our def

The only thing left if they have Pharah, it's McCree's business

McCree and Mercy's together

(To Mercy) Hey! Where are you? Come and right click on me

Let's reenact the past event

A rat, a satan and a spider

They have Zarya D.Va

Oh, you are in front?

(To Junkrat) Don't give them 80 charge, be careful

Did they have D.Va just now?

They have - This is the line

Go back before you are walled by Mei


That happened

And they used rez, 30 seconds

3:20 next enemy rez available

Zarya low

Sorry, I mean I need healing

D.Va went up

I enter the house

Ok, split up and go back to choke

Go back to point

WTH, Lucio is flying so high

Can you rez me?

Thank you

Nice stagger - Nice wall

Go back to choke (2x)

Thank you for the rez

I will wall here

I have my trap on top. I will tell if it is triggered

Heal gamma first, heal me later

Someone is triggered up top - D.Va went up

Genji above!

Nice - I have grav

Genji on right

D.Va mech is going to be destroyed

D.Va no mech - Point first (2x)

On point (2x)

Lucio (2x)



Nice wall

Nice wall

Omg, his head was already shaking

Ah, I'm pissed

Eh, we don't need it. Omg

It's fine

My trap returns to the left side

I am guarding top

They have grav

Nodasque, don't keep hiding there, peek a bit

I need body (to tank) - Moira's orb deflected

Here comes the body

No no, wait wait

My trap is destroyed on left side


Left! (2x)

Point! (3x)



Kill Genji pls

Oh no - What!?

I got Lucio

We have valk

Someone's triggered

Oh G enji slashed me

Rip tire coming soon

Soldier half!

He's healed

Baby D.Va low


Genji half

Don't target Lucio (2x)

Nice one (2x)

Go back to choke (3x)

Ok, I'm still walking from spawn, taking a long time

Do you have bubble?

I have

Ok, I'm back

Ok guys, back (3x)

Zarya! - D.Va triggered


Zarya has no grav

10 seconds

You have grav, don't you?


Has enemy Zarya grav-ed?

Genji trying to get it - Can grav now!

Genji down

I still don't have grav, still 60%


This is a good game to end the day

This must be that one outta nowhere

Oh not that one

This is the one after "outta nowhere"

My wall is red? Esports ready

36 is gold elim

For more infomation >> Express Payload (with English Subtitle) - Duration: 12:50.


TRUST YOURSELF AGAIN (One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever) - Duration: 16:39.

the only way you're ever going to get to

the other side of this journey is you

have got to suffer to grow to grow you

must suffer most of this generation

quits the second they get talked to you

did this wrong you did this wrong or

they get yelled at

it's so easy to be great nowadays

because everybody else's most people are

weak this this is a softened generation

so if you have any mental toughness any

of any ability give any fraction of

self-discipline the ability to not want

to do it but still do it people have a

hard thing understand I hate to run and

it makes me so crazy it doesn't even

more people why do you run if you hate

it what are you talking about I don't

want to take showers and neither I hate

that too then the whole that's a life

man that is in it it wasn't until I

changed that mentality that I became

somebody so have dreams

but have goals life goals

yearly goals monthly goals daily goals

and understand that to achieve these

goals you must apply discipline

and consistency in order to achieve your

goals you must apply discipline and

consistency every day not just one

Tuesday and miss a few days you have to

work at it every day you have to plan

every day you learn to saying we don't

plan to fail we fail to plan hard work



working really hard is what successful

people do



I want to share with you how to reach

your goals I think the Bible's greatest

motivational book ever been written now

I want you to repeat after me please we

got to recondition our minds first let

us say together good things that's

supposed to happen to me

yeah write that down I want you to say

that to yourself every day see we live

in a world what we believe that bad

things are supposed to happen to us

I remember the point of my life bishop

when things are going good for me and I

said this is too good to be true

something is bound to happen guess what

it did

thou shalt decree a thing that shall be

established unto you and shall

accomplish that win too it has been sent

watch your words watch what you say

about yourself about your affairs be

conscious of that on a daily basis why

because your words are powerful in the

beginning was the word life and death is

in the tongue watch what you say never

say I'm broke so I'm overcoming a cash

flow problem


claim what you want not what you don't

want so firm good things as opposed to

happen to me and begin to believe that

began to expect that now I was talking

to my oldest son Calvin we're going for

a walk and I said Calvin do you want to

be successful he said yes I dad it's

okay you kept on walking then I stopped

and I looked him in the eyes

it's my namesake my Junior

I said Calvin we're looking at each

other eye to eye now do you expect to be

successful given the fact that you are a

single parent of two kids given the fact

that you decided not to go to college to

further your education given the fact

that you're very talented but you're

behind on your dreams and your bills do

you expect based upon your performance

based upon what you produce at this

point in time in your life do you expect

to be successful and Calvin got quiet

because see if you ask those people at

the manpower conference do you want to

be successful do you want to live a life

of productivity do you want to live a

life of contribution do you want to be a

better father do you want to have your

own business other dreams you want

everybody will say yes but see what

shows up in conversation expectation

shows up in behavior say I can tell what

you expect by what you do that's why the

Bible says judge it's a tree by the

fruit it bears

not the fruit that it wants

not the fruit that it talks about not

the fruit that it claims but by what you

are doing see what you do when you leave

here when the music stops when the

shouting dies down your behavior how you

conduct yourself writing your goals down

deciding to enroll in school to get a

GED deciding to sit in the class with

children young enough to be your

grandchildren decide to find some

products some idea of some service that

you can provide so that you can begin to

create some value for yourself so you

can create well let me tell you

something ladies and gentlemen it's very

important that we begin to learn how to

create well I'm not talking about loving

money so I believe that a lack of money

is the root of all evil people are steal

for money people have killed for money

people go to jail for money every time

the unemployment goes up in those areas

where the unemployment is high that's

what you have the highest incidence of

crime and violence whenever the

unemployment goes up 1% in our community

10,000 children and women are better won

money makes a difference in your life I

never wanted to be rich all I've ever

wanted to do was to be comfortable how

many of ever want to be comfortable

raise your hands then I realize not to

be comfortable you got to be rich

no friend of mine Zig Ziglar said people

say money won't make you happy but

everybody want to find out for


rita davenport save money and important

put it right up there with oxygen and

let me tell you something fellas even if

you're homeless I am if you've got some

money women will find something cute on



he got in mode like Denzel Hardin money

makes a difference I used to be so broke

when creditors would call the house my

children would answer the phone and say

bye daddy say yeah I was on broke at one

time my life I walked my bacon tripped

the alarm


I'd say you poverty sucks you hear me

repeat after me please I'll never be

broke again

yes write that down I affirm that I'll

never be broke again never never will I

ever be broke again let me tell you what

money does number one it gives you

control over your life write that down

number two it gives you options three it

allows you to live a life of

contribution to contribute to things if

you feel strongly about like this

ministry and the work a project two

thousand will be doing to change the

lives of young people

Bishop Jake's vision is if we can have

Lou League football teams and baseball

teams and basketball teams then we can

have Little League dermatologists and

cardiologists and endocrinologist so he

is now establishing an institution

project mm to give our young people the

methods the techniques to reinvent

themselves as we go into the next

millennium and this era that Peter

Drucker calls the era of the three C's

accelerated change overwhelming

complexity and tremendous competition so

here's the first step to accumulating

wealth if you expected to and write this

down you must be willing to do the

things today others won't do in order to

have the things tomorrow others won't

have that's why the book of life said

the road to life is straight and narrow

and few there be that find it because

fuel there will be that are willing to

do the things today others won't do in

order to have the things tomorrow others

won't have what are the things that

others won't do

make discipline a major force in your

life how many of you know if you'd have

been more disciplined you'd be further

along to reach your goals right now

Socrates said the undisciplined life is

an insane life road to life is straight

and narrow because few there be that are

willing to discipline themselves here's

something else that most people won't do

make it okay to fail a lot of people 85%

of people allow their fear of failure to

outweigh their desire to succeed repeat

after me please anything that's worth



is worth doing badly yes anything is

worth doing is worth doing right as we

have been taught if you know how to do

it but if you don't know how to do it is

worth doing badly until you get it right

now write this down you don't have to be

great to get started but you have to get

started to be great


the first time I set up the speak I

stood up and my mind set down I looked

at the audience and I panicked I had to

introduce a play at school Weah popped

we've got the story ran up mr.

Washington mr. Brown where are you going

on mr. wash and I I can't think I don't

know did you rehearse yes sir I did well

what's wrong why did you say you're Liza

I don't know Sal I just I've got it then

I looked at them and everything let me

let me do it another day please sir no

go back out there mr. Baum mr.


huh that's a fleece earth though don't

don't don't send me out there now I'll

mess up mr. Brown if you run now you

will always be running anything that's

worth doing it's worth doing badly until

you get it right why are you moving

right yeah I got to go to the bathroom

sir mr. Brown go back out there yes sir


we stopped a flea call 12 Angry Men

directed by mr. Leroy Washington that

ran off the next thing Hey


they dogged me out they talked about me

so bad the next time another event came

up mr. Washington mr. Brown you were up

I said no mr. Washington everybody says

no not him I said there right mr.

Washington not me he said mr. Brown you

are uh yes sir

and I went out and pretty soon when

people laughed at me didn't bother me

they would throw paper and I can catch

it without losing my concentration

and then one day I came out and a hush

went across the audience because it must

have been something about me that

indicated that I had come to myself and

mr. washing had been practicing with me

to give a presentation and I looked at

the audience and I said I choose not to

be a common man it's my right to be

uncommon if I can

I seek opportunity not security I did

not wish to be a kept citizen humbled

and dull by having the state look after

me I want to take the calculated risk to

dream and to build to fail and to

succeed I refuse to live from hand to

mouth I prefer the challenges of life to

the guaranteed existence the thrill of

fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia

I will never cower before any master nor

been to any threat it's my heritage to

stand erect prouder than afraid the face

to row boldly and say this I have done

girl stood up say that's my boy Freddy

unlike me some less proud baby but I

didn't start off like that you have

something special you have talents and

abilities in you that you don't even

know so how do we begin to create wealth

let me give you some some ideas number

one write this down knowledge what

knowledge that you have in this economy

part of what we need that people willing

to pay you for that next is talent

what talent Deon's talents playing

football I don't have that as a tower

my talent is talking to me that my

definition of success is doing what you

love to do and find somebody to pay you

to do it

you want to master your talent find out

what it is that you love to do I love to

talk scripture is another key that says

to us of what we need to do to begin to

develop ourselves

Luke 1234 where your treasure is there

will your heart be also so what do you

love to do and then explore ways in

which you can earn a living doing that

cooking writing painting working with

numbers working with people the other

thing is not only must you have

knowledge talent some skill but the

other thing that's important faith to

act on whatever your dream is see if you

don't believe in yourself how many

people you know that have a lot of town

a lot of abilities but they don't

believe in themselves raise your hands

cf faith is very important so the faith

to act on those dreams those desires

here in scripture that I that I like

very much proverbs 16 sixteenth chapter

third verse commit thy works unto the

Lord and I thought shall be established

commit means to carry into action did

commit means to make it happen no matter

what commitment the difference between

next time you have bigger maids the

chicken was involved the pig was

committed he had to give it all up

that's gonna take a minute to sink in

all right see when you make a commitment

I'm going to become wealthy when you

make it important when you decide I'm

gonna do it no matter what life changes

for you see most people don't keep their

commitments to their commitments that's

why they lead lives of poverty lives of

misery lives of unhappiness Socrates

said the uncommitted life isn't worth

living so part of what you must do

whatever commitment or whatever covenant

you make with God while you're here to

go back to be a better father to go back

to make a difference in the community to

go back to change your life to decide

not to ever to use drugs or alcohol

again to decide together that you're

going to begin to recreate yourself that

you're going to be reborn to a new state

of consciousness whatever commitment

that you make keep your commitment to

your commitment no matter what if it's

hard then do it hard

or keep your commitment to your


For more infomation >> TRUST YOURSELF AGAIN (One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever) - Duration: 16:39.


How to Measure Accurately - The Work Around - HGTV - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> How to Measure Accurately - The Work Around - HGTV - Duration: 1:49.


Nightcore/Bass Boost - Post Malone - Rockstar ft. 21 Savage (Crankdat Re-Crank) - Duration: 3:39.

Subtitles edited by YoshiFan (avrilloosing) [Original lyrics from Genius]

(Rockstar, feel just like a...)

Ayy, ayy

I've been fuckin' hoes and poppin' pillies

Man, I feel just like a rockstar (star, ayy)

All my brothers got that gas

And they always be smokin' like a Rasta (-sta)

Fuckin' with me, call up on a Uzi

And show up, name them the shottas (-tas)

When my homies pull up on your block

They make that thing go grrra-ta-ta-ta

Cocaine on the table, liquor pourin', don't give a damn

Dude, your girlfriend is a groupie, she just tryna get in

Sayin', "I'm with the band" (ayy, ayy)

Now she actin' outta pocket, tryna grab up on my pants

Hundred bitches in my trailer say they ain't got a man

And they all brought a friend (yeah, ayy)

I've been fuckin' hoes and poppin' pillies

Man, I feel just like a rockstar

(Rockstar, rockstar, rockstar, rockstar...)

Man, I feel just like a rockstar

(I've been pop-)

(I've been pop-)

(Star, star, star, star...)

I've been in the Hills fuckin' superstars

Feelin' like a popstar (21, 21, 21)

Drankin' Henny, bad bitches jumpin' in the pool

And they ain't got on no bra (bra)

Hit her from the back, pullin' on her tracks

And now she screamin' out, "¡no más!" (yeah, yeah, yeah)

They like, "Savage, why you got a twelve car garage

And you only got six cars?"

Cocaine on the table, liquor pourin', don't give a damn

Dude, your girlfriend is a groupie, she just tryna get in

Sayin', "I'm with the band" (ayy, ayy)

Now she actin' outta pocket, tryna grab up on my pants

Hundred bitches in my trailer say they ain't got a man

And they all brought a friend (yeah, ayy)

(I've been pop-star)

(I've been poppin', poppin')

(Man, I feel just like a rockstar)

(Rockstar, feel just like a...)

(I've been pop-star)

(Man, I feel just like a rockstar)


Man, I feel just like a rockstar

(Rockstar, rockstar, rockstar, rockstar...)

Feel just like a rockstar

(I've been pop-)

(I've been pop-)

(Star, star, star, star...)

(Star, star, star, star...)

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Nightcore/Bass Boost - Post Malone - Rockstar ft. 21 Savage (Crankdat Re-Crank) - Duration: 3:39.


BhagavadRamanuja Vaibhavam Part 12 || Devotional || Bhakti Ranjani - Duration: 27:55.

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For more infomation >> BhagavadRamanuja Vaibhavam Part 12 || Devotional || Bhakti Ranjani - Duration: 27:55.


BhagavadRamanuja Vaibhavam Part 13 || Devotional || Bhakti Ranjani - Duration: 25:30.

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For more infomation >> BhagavadRamanuja Vaibhavam Part 13 || Devotional || Bhakti Ranjani - Duration: 25:30.


PTUM 2017 Executives Introduction - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> PTUM 2017 Executives Introduction - Duration: 5:19.


"Smart" Meters Recalls, Replacements, Fires, Explosions, General - Duration: 11:57.

�Smart� Meters Recalls, Replacements, Fires, Explosions, General Failure, Measurement

Errors, Privacy Concerns, Cybersecurity Risks, and Sick People

by Edward Morgan

In 2011, Consumers Digest predicted that �Smart� Meters �represents little more than a boondoggle

that is being foisted on consumers by the politically influential companies�: �Why

Smart Meters Might Be a Dumb Idea.�

So it�s not all that surprising that so far � hundreds of thousands of �Smart�

Meters have been recalled and/or replaced throughout North America due to various reasons

including fires, explosions, general failure, and measurement errors. There are utility

companies who are already making plans to replace hundreds of thousands more.

All over the world, concerned citizens, elected officials, and organizations have been fighting

to keep �Smart� Meters out of their communities due to health, safety, privacy, and cybersecurity

concerns. When they haven�t been able to completely stop utilities, they fight for

the right to �opt out� of �Smart Meters� being installed on their homes and businesses.

Even proponents who originally gushed about �Smart� Meters seem to have changed their

tune. One example is Sara Jerome of Water Online:

From her 2015 article, �Tapping Into the Power of Smart Meters�:

The capabilities of smart water and electric meters are astounding, going far beyond what

consumers may normally associate with this technology. GreenTechMedia recently documented

just how powerful these devices can be.

From her June 2017, �Report Finds That Costs Still Make Smart Meter Tech A Tough Sell�:

�The cost of installing a smart meter is a] heavy lift no matter what the size of the

utility,� George Hawkins, DC Water�s chief executive officer and general manager, told

Bloomberg BNA.


Now back to the hundreds of thousands that have been replaced and/or recalled already

as well as the plans to replace more. This isn�t a complete list and it only includes

examples from North America. Problems are going on everywhere with these �Smart�

Meters. Certainly there are people profiting from them but it doesn�t seem to be the


�Remote disconnect switch failure resulted in a recall of over 10,000 �smart� meters

in Lakeland, Florida where 6 house fires occurred.�

�More Fires, More Smart Meter Recalls for Sensus: Utilities pull 105,000 meters in Canada,

70,000 in Oregon; Sensus says it�s not at fault�

�Smart� meter-caused house fires in Pennsylvania

NV Energy has responded to 70 �consumed meters,� since it first started installing

them in 2010.

�Big rig crash into pole leads to power surge in Discovery Bay� � Besides the

exploding SmartMeters, one resident told us smoke and some flame was shooting out of the

outlets inside her home.

�Power surge raises questions about SmartMeters. East Palo Alto electricity surge burnt out

digital meters�

�Surge Blows Smart Meters Leaves Neighbourhood Without Hydro�

Lawsuits Claim Faulty PG&E Smart Meters Started House Fires:

For an updated list of where fires and explosions have occurred, visit

INCORRECT BILLING, DEPRECIATION, FAILURE� In 2010, the utilities were claiming a 20

year useful life. This article acknowledges immediate maintenance problems and need for

more frequent replacements. PG&E also acknowledges battery replacements. Meter collectors and

repeaters also have batteries.

�After years of obvious problems, Hydro One finally admitted that rural �smart�

meters do not work, and has decided to pull the plug on 36,000 of them � to start.�

�BC Hydro must remove 88,000 meters suspected of failure.�

�Seven years after installation, 45,000 smart meters replaced in Arizona due to failure.�

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) found a number of reasons why almost 45,000 of its

Smart Meters haven�t worked as planned due to installation errors, data storage issues,

communication failures, and measurement errors.

PG&E also had to replace 1,600 defective smart meters that inflated customers� electric

bills. Customers were given �scanty� refunds:

The coordinated propaganda campaign between the CPUC, PG&E and marketing firms that resulted

in the smart meter deployment couldn�t tolerate news such as the fact that 500,000 smart meters

were at risk for overcharging in hot weather.

Officials at the Public Service Company of Oklahoma say they will replace around 25,000

smart meters in the Tulsa metro area. Recently the manufacturer of these smart meters notified

PSO there is a malfunction that could cause the meter�s screen to go blank.

The City of Santa Fe�s decision to replace its Firefly water-meter readers, installed

just under 10 years ago and now largely known for their failings� is expected to cost

$6 million for the equipment and installation of 36,000 meters, and an additional $2 million

for service, software maintenance and cell tower space for signal transmission over the

10-year contract.

Meanwhile in Naperville, IL in 24 hours the verdict changed on the cost effectiveness

of smart water meters:

February 24, 2016: �Naperville to retrofit residents� water meters with wireless.�

February 25, 2016: �Naperville water meters too costly to read remotely, director says�

� Despite this:

As Naperville gets ready to retrofit up to 4,000 homes each year with new electronic

water meters, the city�s water director stressed that reading the meters remotely

is not cost effective and workers will continue going home to home to retrieve the information.

The city is preparing to purchase Sensus iPerl water meters to replace aging and less-accurate

mechanical meters. The first 4,000 should be installed in the fall, and the rest would

follow at a rate of 4,000 annually until all 43,000 in Naperville are replaced.

March 1, 2016 in Arizona: �Safford correcting overbilling errors,� Eastern Arizona Courier,

Feb. 20, 2016. �Meter readers will physically read the meters for the next three months

at no charge. In addition, �(several thousand of) all gas meters will be inspected and recalibrated

manually by staff from the Gas and Customer Service Department.�

October 12, 2016: �New Hampshire energy cooperative says all Elster Smart Meters purchased

are defective�

November 2016: �LADWP Accidentally Overcharged Its Customers By At Least $67.5 Million�:

After LADWP installed the PricewaterhouseCoopers designed billing system, customers almost

immediately began finding bogus fees and overcharges on their utility bills. Four separate individuals

filed class-action lawsuits against LADWP, all of which were eventually merged into one

single case, according to KPCC.

January 2017: Duke Energy Ohio rate increase proposal with $143.4M earmarked for replacing

700,000+ AMI �smart� meters installed between 2010-2015 due to depreciation:

(See testimony of Donald L. Schneider Jr. filed on March 16, 2017 on behalf of Duke


Feb 2017: �But Larocque says when Consumers Energy installed its new �upgraded meter,�

the exact opposite happened to his bill. Gas usage remained the same but electricity usage

doubled. The family�s total bill for December, $592.96�

February 2017, ABC Cleveland, OH: �Cleveland Water customers could face higher bills due

to critical meter installation error.� Incorrect meter programming leads to billing error

May 2017: Northern Kentucky/Duke Energy:

The new meters will replace not only old analog mechanical meters, but also first-generation

smart meters deployed in past years by Duke Kentucky as part of a pilot project. Those

meters communicated with a central office using signals sent on power lines, a system

that Duke Kentucky said had technical limitations.

June 2017, New Orleans:

The system had a ten year warranty and now more than 6000 of those smart meters no longer

give out a signal. The parish CFO Ross Gonzales estimates by the end of the year more than

half of the registers will no longer transmit a signal.

ADVERSE HEALTH EFFECTS AND OTHER MISC. ISSUES: The American Cancer Society claimed �Smart�

Meters could increase cancer risk � in 2014.

In 2015, The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) created their �Resolution

For A Moratorium on the Installation of �SMART� Meters and No Cost Opt-Out� because of their


�Internal smart meter report shows government put people at risk�

Bennett Gaines, the chief information officer for Ohio-based FirstEnergy, told a U.S. Congress

subcommittee in October 2015, �The lifespan is five to seven years for a wireless �smart�

meter.� and �These devices are now computers, and so they have to be maintained.� First

Energy received $57 million in federal stimulus.

Attorney Generals in Michigan, Illinois and Connecticut, rejected smart meter programs

citing �exorbitant costs to consumers with no proven benefits after testing a pilot program

with 10,000 customers.�

�Memphis Police Association Petition and Request for Forensic Audit and Ethics Review

Includes Wireless Smart Meters�. The association has 2000 members.

What has happened with the mass deployment of wireless smart meters without consultation

or informing insurers, education, sciences or anyone requires that Forensic Audit. The

idea that a plastic head with water or the ridiculous Specific Absorption Rate test was

represented as science substantiating safety requires an investigation based on a global

unprecedented health and environmental emergency.�

2017 Dutch Study of the 9 most commonly installed �smart� meters found that they cause measurement

errors 30%-582%. It was also counterchecked.

Original one-way transmitting analog meters lasted on average 40 years and they didn�t

have these problems.

For more infomation >> "Smart" Meters Recalls, Replacements, Fires, Explosions, General - Duration: 11:57.


HULK Surprise Toys and IRON MAN Surprise Eggs - Duration: 20:52.

HULK Surprise Toys and IRON MAN Surprise Eggs

Hey Dino Pals, this is Toy Rex here. Let's see what Toy surprise we have today.

Hulk Surprise Toys and Iron Man Surprise Eggs

It's a Hulk Toy Surprise Party with Hulk Surprise Eggs!

Hulk toy teams up with Ironman toy and Captain America Toy

But wait there's more surprise toys Watch

Wow there's so many Hulk Surprise Toys I can't even see the Hulk Surprise Eggs. Let's open up these surprise toys

Which one should we open first guys how about this one. Its a Marvel Mystery mini.

I see Thor Spiderman Hulk

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** See description box/comment section for Link to the Final Episode 23 ***

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