Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Doctor Baheeg

What do days represent to you

Old days

Gosh how sweet were old days

I want to tell you that I get the chills as l recall a song For children From the old days or even an old cartoon

Where's greedy Cubitus The Albino Leo the lion Da dada

Captain Maguid used to score the goal in six episodes

I also love Mawkly the jungle boy


N' the Power Rangers

The Smurfs special thanks to the smart Smurf

Do you remember my lady this song

Hum el mum hum el mum

Not only a great song but also a super song

When I hear it I salivate

Cos' I remember my mum God rest her soul feeding me porridge n' singing it to me

Those were the days

when a lettuce could quench thirst Now you eat an apple it's like a sour cucumber

What's your name Alaa

''It's Alaa'' ,''Nice name Alaa, Alaa what ?'', ''Alaa Talaat'' , ''very clever Alaa''

''How old are you Alaa''

''Two n' a half..Three years''

Say Knock knock loudly Alaa

Knock knock

I am I am The tea pot My hand is like so. My spout is like so I pour the tea n' I go back like so

My hand is like so. My spout is like so I pour the tea n' I go back like so

Tut Tuttuttuttuttuttut

For more infomation >> Ahmed Mekky - Esketsh Zaman | "أحمد مكى - زمان "إسكتش - Duration: 2:35.


Energy Shift Update – We Just Had A Major Shift! - Duration: 7:59.

Energy Shift Update � We Just Had A Major Shift!

by Tiffany Stiles,

Holy Shi+ Beautiful Souls!

We just had a major shift!



Pure Source Energy surge through the body.

I will liken it to a vortex of swirling energy around the body.

This is assisting one in opening their personal portal at the heart chakra to align this energy

with the encoded number portals in a few days.

This will further assist in anchoring New Earth frequency here!

Rainbow energy frequencies are pouring in now to create the bridge to higher consciousness

and physical reality.

When this energy came in it felt like a power surge through the entire body!

The expansion in the heart�s electromagnetic field is like KA BOOM!

There was a timeline split that just occurred!

We are shifting to a future timeline without AI! (artificial intelligence)

We are rapidly approaching the TRIFECTA (3) Energetic portals of The 11 Master Energy.

12-12 December 12th� 12-21 December 21st & 1-1 January 1st.

January 1st � (11) is when the Energetic Pulse shifts to MASTER Energy!

11 is the Master Number in numerology.

2018= 11.

I�ve written about this several times over the past month to prepare you all for what

is coming, so that you take this time at your Zero Point to practice your manifestation


Michelle and I have become very close since we started talking in September.

Her and I vibrate at the same frequency, Soul si-stars.

I don�t even know how to articulate the 2 1/2 hour conversation I just had with Michelle

Walling it is so mind bending!

But I will try my best to put it in terms that are understandable.

When we no longer run linear it�s difficult to put into words what easily flows through

the mind.

Every time Michelle and I get on the phone it�s 2 to 4 to 5 hours of talking about,

You name it!

And time flies we have so much fun talking with each other.

Today was The Matrix and AI, (artificial intelligence holograms).

I want you to think about every single thing that had occurred in your reality, just today,

and then in the past, KNOW YOU CREATED IT!


I want you to think of the people in your life who repeat themselves over, and over

and have not one thing new to add, and see how they �glitch� because it is AI interference

lowering your vibrational frequency to CREATE from a distorted space of lower vibrational


When these AI are not in your reality, your vibrational frequency raises back up and BAM,

you�re manifesting BLISS!



Notice when you are communicating with AI it is like groundhog day all over again.

And when they glitch it is a repetitive action that begins to occur.

Whether you�re trying to remove them out of your reality and they keep ringing your

phone off the hook, or they keep making the same body motion; foot tapping, rapid blinking,

whatever, know this AI is running interference on you.

And now that you know this YOU have the power to shift this reality FROM YOUR HEART SPACE


When you bring this pure Source Energy into your heart�s electromagnetic field you exponentially

increase the electromagnetic field to Infinite time/space!

Now you manifest from the pure template of Love.

We manifest and create with emotion.

That is the driving force.

When you manifest on a lower vibrational frequency emotion your reality doesn�t look so great,

does it?

When you manifest from the Purest Divine Spark of Love you create BLISS!

You manifest abundance!

You manifest healing!


I had an entirely telepathic conversation with my daughter this morning.

I knew everything she was going to say before she said it.

Helen witnessed it all.

This occurs often for me.

Another example today, when I was talking with Michelle I mentioned Julie Ann Lindeen

also being a Master Creator.

I hang up with Michelle to open a text from Julie stating the Rainbow Ray is here.

She attached a photo of the frequencies pouring in.

I felt Julie�s energy when she was texting me.

Telepathy is becoming more prevalent which will force complete transparency and authenticity.

There�s no choice, it is happening now.

So if you are not in full alignment with your authentic self, now is the time to get there.

Huge shifts are amping up with the TRIFECTA of Portals right around the corner.


Be cognizant of your heart frequency, is it open, loving, compassionate?

Or is it closed, fearful and unforgiving?

From this very space is where you CREATE your here and now!

What do you wish to see?

Remove the AI from your reality.

As you become more and more cognizant of your heart space, and you remain in a high vibrational

state, the AI will automatically fall away.

The more you engage, the more they delay you.

They wipe your memory and you forget as you sleep.

You have to re-remember all over again.

Put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror; �I create my reality from the pure template

of Divine Source of unconditional love.

I am powerful in my creations of love!� You see it every morning, and you remember

to be cognizant of your heart space, what you�re creating and where you�re creating

it from.

Because yes, you created the AI too, when you see why you created it, what you see from

your Higher Self you fully see the big picture.

Then you can just as easily un-create it.

The AI is glitching so much right now because we are on the brink of shutting it down.

We are creating a new timeline without AI by realizing how we created from the distorted

space of low vibrational frequency.

Now we reverse engineer it to create with love in an authentic template.

We are all players here in this game called life.

Now you learn to be the Master, not the player!

There is no spoon, as the movie The Matrix states.

When you realize that, you clear a ton of programming and distortions out of your reality,

and you create from a pure space that is not distorted.

Try and eat high vibrational foods, organic, whole healthy from Mother Earth.

It is very important to keep your vibrational frequency high as we approach the final portals

of 2017 going into the Master Energy on January 1st, 2018.

Master your creation and Create The World you wish to see here on New Earth.

Once this Energetic Pulse shifts on 1-1 � (January 1st) � 2018= 11 = 11-11 manifesting your

reality will be instant!

This is the time to anchor and hold the New Earth Frequency here through your personal

portal and through the Rainbow Bridge.

The Matrix~ �Do not try and bend the spoon, that�s impossible.

Instead, only try to realize the truth�there is no spoon.

Then you�ll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.�

Much love,

For more infomation >> Energy Shift Update – We Just Had A Major Shift! - Duration: 7:59.


Ahmed Mekky - Mo'akhera |" أحمد مكى - "المؤخرة "إلى هى عكس المقدمة - Duration: 1:43.

If you want to know the relation nowadays between Arab nations

that are supposed to be one nation,


try to put any video clip on YouTube

Put any useless video

for example a turtle eating lettuce

After a while the first comment would be' '

Graced be God '

a tortoise eating lettuce

'Someone would reply' 'no bro. this isn't lettuce it is arugula

someone replies It isn't it is leak

Things escalate they start swearing at one another

Then at the other person's country, you son of this,you son of that

It is heart breaking n' agonizing

at the other person's religion

Christian, Muslim

Then everyone is swearing,

and then you realize that it is impossible those people would unite any day,

As long as we hate, look down on one another,

, it is impossible then that we could or may become number one

God show us the way

In God's will all's good

For more infomation >> Ahmed Mekky - Mo'akhera |" أحمد مكى - "المؤخرة "إلى هى عكس المقدمة - Duration: 1:43.


Ahmed Mekky - Ayam Zaman | أحمد مكى - أيام زمان - Duration: 3:46.

I wish I would live a day that I lived before

Those days in which we lived in peace,

We live day to day ,unaware of time's spiteful stabs

Kind satin hearts with a record sheet white n' stainless

We were clueless of perfidy, disloyalty n' falseness Unaware of betraying serpents

Backstabbing adders showing Smiley faces

Backstabbing adders showing smiley faces

For me Dough was just trivial papers

For the dough man filched n' killed

N' for the dough men ravished n' raced

''The one who won the race is to be praised'' It's an old saying; it's commonly said N' It furthered N' It furthered

I wish I would sleep in my old bed

I'd fall fast asleep just as I lay my head,

Envision cartoons peaceful,n' all my burdens are buried

now I am sleepless n' my mind is pained

My heart was soft n' smooth like satin with no scratches,

turned dark, scratched n' obscure oblivious to me n' tainted

I looked into the mirror I saw a face deformed

Hidden behind a mask with a smile refined

My heart was soft n' smooth like satin with no scratches,

turned dark, scratched n' obscure oblivious to me n' tainted

I looked into the mirror I couldn't figure it out

A man hidden behind a mask with a smile refined

The older I get my sins are multiplied

I say I won't sin but I only sin some more

More I grow older, life unveils deformed features furthermore

The growth of enemies just becomes the actual nitty-gritty

The more one grow, one's enemies score more n' more

Closer people are the most sinister opponents, they're the worst

My face is sulky wrinkled my heart hardened

I seized to feel like before, I'm just puddle numbed

I stopped to giggle my heart out

''In honesty lies peace'' a meaning to be cherished

The older people grow the more their masks are worn

For life to go on hypocrisy n' deceit will proceed

If hatred for someone is felt, why wouldn't it be shown?

When I was younger my loved ones I caressed

And if I hated someone my face started sulking

Showing fake feelings wasn't in my diction n' wasn't practiced

What shows onstage or backstage is evenly expressed

I still recall first time joy in everything

As you grow the joy dies out of ''repeating''

Feelings wilt and wither n' become a dreary habitual waste

Sweet taste of discovery becomes like how bitter coffee tastes

My heart was soft n' smooth like satin with no scratches,

Turned dark, scratched, obscure, oblivious to me n' tainted

I looked into the mirror I couldn't figure it out

A man hidden behind a mask with a smile refined

My heart was soft n' smooth like satin with no scratches,

Turned dark, scratched, obscure, oblivious to me n' tainted

I looked into the mirror I couldn't figure it out

A man hidden behind a mask with a smile refined

My heart was soft n' smooth like satin with no scratches,

Turned dark, scratched, obscure, oblivious to me n' tainted

looked into the mirror I couldn't figure it out

A man hidden behind a mask with a smile refined

My heart was soft n' smooth like satin with no scratches,

Turned dark, scratched, obscure, oblivious to me n' tainted

looked into the mirror I couldn't figure it out

A man hidden behind a mask with a smile refined

The old days

I wish I would live a day that I lived before

For more infomation >> Ahmed Mekky - Ayam Zaman | أحمد مكى - أيام زمان - Duration: 3:46.


Ahmed Mekky - Atr AL Hayah | أحمد مكى - قطر الحياة فيديو كليب - Duration: 8:29.

Every round for the hour hand in a clock My lifetime passes and leaks

People n' life change Even the iron gets rusty

Only I keep standing still Some folks chose a path that prospered Some folks chose a path n' lost n' failed

My feelings are cruel n' rough When people see you a failure

Your pa, ma, brothers and your friends see you jobless n' Useless

Go son search n' try Broken tired of trying

Every time I try to score a goal turns out to be a foul

I neither have a skill nor a connection My loss is such a loss My last pedal push after the gas is over

Every job interview they say turn back your papers r' just useless

A flash back made me count my years turned out that I am thirty I counted again n' again n' I was alarmed

I looked into the mirror I saw a few grey hairs n' my dad still provides for the house

n' that I'm treated by my family like a heavy burden, I am a case in point My self-confidence is became no morality ,n' success is an impossibility

I want to run away from myself my state n' from my family from life

I hope I find a life that I could escape to even for a second

Until one day my friend said, that he'd tell me the way The friend is who gives advice listen up then all the way

He said there's a sweet buzz tonight

I said hash he said B.S I said I'm off

He said you're never a junky from first prick At night he induced n' it was first prick

joints melted, relaxed my spirit vanished I blabbered within outside me was muted

My gloom was lost my vision fainted Every problem died out n' disappeared to waste

Hours flew in seconds n' the company back in session at home by dawn my folks were asleep

Buried myself under the blanket frozen Fast asleep in seconds as if anaesthetized

The train of life passes year in year out N' I'm the same I'm just a year old

Life is as it is I'm still as I was I'm sick n' tired of life you can say I'm fed up

I sobered, back to real somber strife a day, slow like it was months or a year,

I wish day to pass my stuff is so near I'd be King, away from the world of fear

The pals paid for my stuff for I was invited It's done,I'm in,n' the road's already painted

My pal surprised me saying it bluntly your dough would keep you floated ''where could I find enough to get me n' you stuff

" Shake your bucks man

from free stuff you are deprived agreed' ''agreed"

I went home n' the next day n' in dose time my body was if electrocuted My back'swhip lashed n' cracking ,in agony n' my nose is running

I want a' 'hit'' how to get the dough How to get the dough

I got loans from anyone l know

I snatched my bro's n' sister's lessons s' dough Everyone hated n' ran away from me

50,50,100,n' a100.I steal daily from the house,n' everyone suspected me

I sold all presents that were given to me,I'm out of money, until a super thought came to me

My mom's gold, sister's cell n' my brother's laptop

I stole all of them but my papa told me stop, He tried to hold my hand too tight I pushed him he looked at me how could I be his son n' able to hurt him

He took everything back n' locked the door behind him I asked the weirdest thing either

I get money or I'd commit a crime

He called me mad n' another thing All room doors started opening My fam did yet reach full reasoning He's maybe serious or just joking

I took my three year old niece to the window n' I was threatening Give me the dough or I I'll send her flying panicky tension,

n' my mom severely crying For a second I was sobering Said don't show your face again you

are not my son you are a devil you ugly thing I took the dough n' to my home I'm not returning

The train of life swiftly passes year in year out N' I'm the same I'm just a year old

Life is as it is I'm still as I was I'm sick n' tired of life you can say I'm fed up

I 'm lonely, left all my family n' friends Where can I get dough I have to find a road

Then I remembered a peer who always stayed alone, His dad has a job n' he lives abroad

To the same road I was pulled to I pulled him I found a new source of dough a home n' a friendly hand We take doses with his dough'' we never appeared

His dad's life savings in 4 months just vanished

Once we were dosing, he got a call that he hardly believed His dad went to ''I. Care'' he knew how his money was embezzled

Every nerve in my body trembled, the normal dose was useless so I increased

I saw my life history before me portrayed I poured more poison in my veins,

I wished I I'd die or like water would be evaporated

More 'n more I still increased n' increased ALL my body by yellow it covered

My friend panicked alarmed said Why are you so pale? You'resweaty, n' your body shaking as if bitten by an adder?

I'm soaked in sweat n' I feel so cold n' pained I was alarmed so I stood but fell to the ground

My body refused to respond n' my power was destroyed All's is fading n' gradually dimmed My last tragic life moments I witnessed My friend in panic watching my soul that departed

The train of life swiftly passes year in year out N' I'm the same I'm just a year old

Life is as it is I'm still as I was I'm sick n' tired of life you can say I'm fed up

My life ended swiftly I reviewed my life record completely I wasted n' ruined

all my life entirely I regret every dark moment I lived immensely

God I beg a second chance to go back to life fully

I will go correct n' straight endlessly It's really tough to disappear from life totally When folks don't remember any good you did perfectly

For more infomation >> Ahmed Mekky - Atr AL Hayah | أحمد مكى - قطر الحياة فيديو كليب - Duration: 8:29.



For more infomation >> GTA $50,000,000 SPENDING SPREE ON THE NEW DOOMSDAY UPDATE DLC - Duration: 1:43:07.


Shenzhen 360º: Bee+ Coworking Space (Madventure Camera Test) - Duration: 21:21.

So today I am going to show you guys a co-working space.

It's called Bee+.

And I know I...

It's very loud. I am sorry for the noise nearby.

Because it's near by the intersection and all the roads.

So now let's go in and take a look.



Is David here?

Oh, David?

Yes, Daivd knows I am coming here today. I made an appointment at 2pm.

Let me ask around.

OK, thanks.

They don't accept cash here. So I am going to pay by WeChat wallet.

In case you don't know, pretty much everything in Shenzhen is digital for payment. I just need to scan their QR code.

I can pay by WeChat wallet or now they have Alipay also.

They have a very cute membership card here.

It's very cheap it's only like six dollars.

Maybe I should put it here.

So it's only six dollars for a day. You can drink whatever you want to drink.

They have beer, coffee, tea, other beverages it the refrigerators there.

But the beverage in the bottle you need to pay for that (*turns out you don't) and they've got some snacks.

I am just waiting for our tour guy to show us where we are going, show you what's inside

and let him explain to you how things work here.

Ok, thanks

It is recording now.

Really? Everyone is going to have to listen to my Mandarin with a thick Cantonese accent

Oh no, all the people in the World will know this.

No problem, just speak Cantonese, I have to subtitle it anyway.

Let me scan the QR code.

So I am going to swipe it and go in.

This is a craft beer lounge.

Why doesn't it work?

Because this is not included in the set you purchased.

Is something wrong?

You have to use the blue ticket for you to get in.

The blue one?


How much for the blue ticket?

10 dollars.

No problem, let's go upgrade my card.


If you are using the yellow ticket, the six dollar one, you can't use the craft beer lounge.

In order to show you guys I am going to get the 10 dollar one.

Fortunately you are here to remind me.

We were just having a meeting.

So now I got the blue ticket, so I guess I can swipe it.

Now it works, come on in


Let me set the camera down first. This is the craft beer.

I remember last time they have the, oh they have the glass cooler. Show me.

Can you show us the glass cooler? How does it work?

Like this, the water will come out and spray from inside, it cleans the glass and also cools it off a bit.

Really? Is it cold now? Let me try

Press it down


Which one should I try?


Juicy peach?

Cider. I like the cider beer.

A lot of bubbles.

This is good, no need to pour more. It is a lot of bubbles.

Drinking during the day.

I like the apple cider.

and they have

all kinds of beer.

Only 10 dollars, you can enjoy the craft beer, you can drink however much you want.

I have to swipe the card to get out.

Yes, you have to scan the QR code to get out.

So in here, can you tell me what this is?

There are many kinds of flower tea here.

What we have here, we have...

Wait a minute, don't block me from the camera.

Oh, I am sorry.

We have Jasmine tea, Chrysanthemum tea, Bitter Melon tea, Kuding tea

Goji berry with red jujube tea etc.. Anyway, a lot of healthy tea.

For Cantonese flavor, I think we can get some red dates and goji berry into the chrysanthemum tea

Ok, sounds good. I want a cup of that.

Ok, and there is a trendy saying on the Internet says you can add red dates and goji berry in your beer too

I have never try that.

He told me that I could add some of the ingredients to my beer if I want to.

For us, we are both cantonese, when we have Dim Sum

we drink puer tea, we drink chrysan something? (chrysanthemum tea)

other tea, I forget. The name is too long. Anyway we drink it and now we mix with other stuff.

We believe it's better for yor health.

They have the water machine here for hot water and cold water.

Ok, here is your tea.

We probably wait a bit, let me poke it and try to push the tea leaves down.

I think quite a few people show up today

Is it because of your activity tonight, so more people show up now?

No, because we have more people choose to come here to work now.

It's not too strong, I like my tea strong just like I like to add a lot of sauce in my food.

So I will just put it here. Wait until it soaks in a little bit and it can add more flavor to it.

I want a coffee too.

Can you make a cup of coffee for me?

Not me, the machine can make it for you.

We have the Pepsi, Mirinda, Sprite, Lemon tea

No, not the soft drink, I want coffee.

I used to own a coffee machine. But not like this one.

Then pull it up like this.

Which one should I get? They have Americano, milk coffee and latte.

Maybe a cup of latte.

Milk coffee and latte is similar.

Yes, I think so, they need to add milk in both.

What's in here? Milk container?

Nothing in there.

First the milk comes out and then

the coffee will come out.

This coffee machine I bet is very expensive.

I think it costs 10K-20K RMB.

Around 100K RMB

What? 100K? RMB

Yes, about 100K RMB

This coffee machine is the same like the one they used in 5 star hotel, but this is a upgrade version, it's even better.

So fancy

What is the handle for?

Honestly, this handle is just a decoration.

So there is no use for it?

Completely useless.

I have never seen anyone use it.

Useless handle for decoration.

At least I can taste the coffee, but there is no flavor in the tea

That's why I need to let it soak in a little bit

Yes, right

and this is also a beverage machine, they are all free.

With my blue ticket, are all the drinks unlimited?

Right, right. The yellow ticket, the six dollar one, you can't go into the craft beer lounge

but if you want beer you have to get the blue ticket.

Ok, so for six dollars you can also enjoy everything here.

Except the beer but for the 10 dollar one you can both enjoy beer and everything here.

What's in the drawer?

We put the bottle beverage inside.

Do we need to pay for the beverage in the bottle?

No, they are free too.

Can I go through from here?

Are you recording?

Yes, I am. Sorry for blocking your way. Please go through from here.

Here comes my milk tea. Do you guys pour the milk tea powder in advance?

Yes, that's correct. The powder goes down and then mix with hot water.

Too sweet for me, I will put them all here, and I will come back and finish them later.

Sure, but that looks like a lot for you.

Ok, and people can take whatever you like from the refrigerator to drink.

For foreigners, I think they prefer soda water like this one.

I guess, haha.

But do they need to pay for the beverage in the refrigerator?

No, they don't. They are all free

Really? They can just take them for free?

Yes, they can drink as much as they want.

Wow, ten dollars to drink as much as you want?


Maybe some people will drink until their bladder explode.

They can drink everything as much as they want for free, but the snacks here they need to pay for it.

Ok, drinks are all free, except the snacks you have to pay for it.

I am going to demonstrate for you just like last time.

I will put the camera down here. And I am going to buy.

What flavor is this?

I don't know which one I want.

I am a bit picky, ok I will get this one.

Let me try a bag of the seaweed.

First we are going to tap the tablet here. Tap to start.

Then I am going to scan the QR code here.

Then it will get recognized, it is three dollars, I am going to pay for it.

That's all I want. Tap to select the way you pay. Alipay or WeChat wallet?

Whatever, maybe WeChat wallet.

David messaged me said he is on his way, maybe he went out for lunch or something

Does it need a card to unlock it?

No, you just need to scan the bar code on your phone to pay.

Yes, you are right.

I put that underneath, they used to, they change the system.

You can just scan my QR code on phone too. They used to use this one.

Then they switch to the one underneath the tablet.

I don't know which way is better but I prefer the one with the handle.

What's next? Maybe go inside and show us the office.

Ok, you can eat your seaweed too.

Maybe I should eat it later.


Ok now let's go into the office.

So they have a big, oh David. Why are you stopping? Let's go inside and take a look

So how much for a monthly membership?

2000 rmb a month.


Isn't it cheaper to just buy the six dolllars ticket everyday?

But they can't come in and use the space here. They can only work in the lobby

But for the $308 dollars membership, they can use more equipment.

They can nap, shower and use the conference room here.

So this equipment are only included in the 308 dollars membership?

Yes, right.

But for the six dollar one.

They can only work in the lobby.

Ah, I see.

You can take a look at this, this is our adjustable desk.

This one when you...

They can stand to work.

The main purpose of this desk is for people who wants to stand to work.

If you want to stand to work, you can stand to work, just need to adjust the height of the desk.

I prefer to sit. It is too hard for me to stand to work.

This is a double glass soundproof door.

Double glass soundproof door.

Yes, when you close the door, nobody can hear what you say from outside.

Oh, good, and you have the central air conditioning equipment here.

Yes, in every one. Let me show you another design of the office in the back.

These are other similar design of the first office.

I think I am seeing more and more people use your co-working office.

Yes, you are right,

It is definitely busier than when you guys first opened the space.

Yes, back then was too early now we are doing better.

Hey, there is a 3D printer here.

Look, someone put one in there.

No, I think it is just a thing specifically to use with their product.

It is a 3d printer, they even write it on the bed.

Oh yes, you know better than me.

I deal with 3d printers.

Now I know it is a 3D printer

Maybe I should lower my voice, so quite in here.

This room looks a bit like a warehouse to me.

Over here is an open area, it is much bigger. And they are seperated, so you can use them individually.

If you are in a foreign trade business, this is quite suitable, you can put your product on the table.

Can you rent a room to a company?

They have to rent the whole room

How much for one room?

Count by how many people sit in there

So you mean count by chairs?

Count by tables, like this one, 6 tables, 2000 for a seat, 6X2000 = 12000 a month

So if they rent the whole room for month, even they don't show up, other people can't use the room.

Yes, you are right. Other people won't have access to this room.

I see.

Our card is like a hotel card. You can only open your door room with your card.

If others can't open you door, they can't get in.

I see.

That's how things work here


They have a copy machine here.

Yes, the member can swipe their card and use our copy machine.

Once they swipe the card they can print or do other stuff.

No need to connect with the laptop, just upload to the server directly

David, did you go out for lunch?

I was answering to a phone call.

You can just speak Cantonese.

I was answering to a phone call.

Oh, no problem

He can take over from here. Talk to her in English for the next part.

Are you free now?

Are you live streaming?

No, just 360 videos, will edit the video later.

Oh, you can edit the video? I have to put away my stuff first.

Ok, we will finish this floor.

Ok, no problem.

Now we switch to English because David is from Hong Kong and he speaks English.

Ok now we will go to the second floor.

Yes, take me to the second floor.

Feels weird, we are switching Chinese and English back and forth.

Yes, that's why I need you here. Most of my followers speak English

Ok let's go to the second floor, they also have an elevator, you can take the elevator but

let's just say most of my exercise is just eating chips.

So today it might be a good thing for me to just walk up stairs.

Usually I just take the elevator everywhere.

And I am not wearing super high heels today so I guess it's ok

So this is our second floor.

Yes, second floor looks similar to the first floor.

Yes, we also have different size of rooms for different size of companies.

and for this one, this is a....

Pink studio, what are they doing in there?

This one is the smallest office room here. This one why you see is all so pink

it is rented by some beauty bloggers.

So these beauty bloggers sometimes they come in here and they do blogging and Youtube as well.

Cool, let's go inside and take a look, very similar style.

It is all empty there so.

All empty?

Yes, sorry.

We just have to cut that.


Yes, no need to show you guys same space that look the same and empty.

It's a little bit bigger than the first floor, Startup Grind.


You guys have a lot of meetings and events.

Yes, doing this for a long time.

Yes, I guess that really worked out, you know compared to the first time I came here

now I see it is so busy, and the price is reasonable.

That's why a lot of people come and...

more refrigerator.

Yes, open kitchen

This area is for chill out.

They have a nice bicycle here, I don't know why, for decoration.

Yes, it is nice.

Not for me to sit. Oh, I really want to try this, wait a minute.

People are napping, you have to be quiet

I have to be quiet here because everyone is taking nap.

If you are tired from work, it is not bright enough.

Can you hold my camera for me?

Can you hold this for me.

I am wearing my shoes to try the bed, and they have blankets for you

and they have the charger, you can't see it's too dark in here, and you can close the curtain to sleep.

For all the Chinese people, we need to take naps.

Well, because we are hardworking.

Oh, this one.

You see here, these are the phone booth.

Yes, if you are here to make phone call, just close the door.

For phone call.

When I close the door he can't hear me from outside. Hello, hello, hello.

Like that. Sorry, excuse me, let me out

That's the pho.o booth, you have enough privacy.

I need to show them the fancy bathroom, that's for gentlemen, is that for girls?

No one is here.

I don't think so, oh gentlemen one is also, it's kind of strange I am in a men's bathroom

Ok, it's uh, I prefer the female one.

We have a shower room.

Oh, and that's the shower room.

I prefer the girls bathroom.

A meeting room.

They have a Mi display.

So these meeting rooms are all free to our tenants. If they want to use it, they can book it on the app system.

Hou much? You guys have an app?


What about the WeChat official account? Do you have official account too?

Yes, we have that.

How much for an afternoon?

It's free.

It's free?

It's free for our tenants.

Oh, I see for the member.


Ok, I see. If I have a Maker class, what if I am not a member and I want to book the room, how much?

around 300 RMB an hour

300 RMB an hour? Ok

300 RMB an hour, that's about 50 dollars. Oh, someone is in there.

So let's go to the, this is the last floor, right?

Third floor

Third floor, do we have a fourth floor?


So this is third floor, people can come out and chill out

Ok, let's go to the fourth floor

So we have all the office here

A cat?

Yes, you see that?

Do you guys allow pets to stay?

Only temporary.

Only temporary, oh no.

For more infomation >> Shenzhen 360º: Bee+ Coworking Space (Madventure Camera Test) - Duration: 21:21.


Ahmed Mekky - Mante'ty | أحمد مكى - منطقتى - Duration: 4:44.

My neighborhood

My life,

And dearest nostalgia,

ultimate school, I was taught there At the home for intelligentsia

My friends, neighbors and loved ones Are there

We're it's refuge, and it is ours We're its powers

My neighborhood is Talbeya

friends, love n' Feast allowance biggest pigeon lovers raised me to love the lofts Water on wooden tables on all the roofs

I used to bread Egyptian Swifts ,Rollers ,High Fliers n' Racing Pigeons At dusk the sun was covered with its pigeons At noon quenches

your thirst like sugarcane Juice There's nothing like anywhere in the world

They said it's a vicious neighborhood

Yes there's here n' there a thug or a hood And some r' tender people n' kind hearted

All sorts of people you'd find in ''Talbeya''

Within myself there were questions asked As children why was it by us against the strangers defended

Without thinking we'd go n 'fight not caring even if there'd be blood shed

For me it's not a neighborhood it's a school where I learned Even if we were over the top, we became respected

My love for is beyond reason, under my skin painted It will not depart from me even if from it I departed

My neighborhood My life,

And dearest nostalgia,

ultimate school, I was taught there At the home of intelligentsia

My friends, neighbors and loved ones Are there We're it's refuge, and it is ours We're its powers

My neighborhood

Why am I to my neighborhood so attached Or cos my best memories over there I lived

Or is when the times were poor n' toughened But the loyal folks love in their hearts is cherished

It was the simplest life ever lived In summer you'd enjoy drenched dates n' in winter sweet potatoes are devoured

one has a problem it's by everyone shared If it's a wedding it's the night of the whole neighborhood

We lived many days with no burdens carried No matter what your troubles are everyone helps until it's buried

Sitting on the roof beside the lofts was the best place to be enjoyed The odor of basil filled the place with my hands in the floor I planted

I have a "Tombac"(hukah Tobacco)"Skitto" coffee which is not boiled

I think n' look at the sky in a magical sunset

Every corner in my neighborhood I would never forget I know everyone children, youth or on pensions,

whatever bad things said about it my mind will remain set It remains my neighborhood n' in my heart I deeply will respect

My neighborhood My life,

And dearest nostalgia,

ultimate school, I was taught there At the home of intelligentsia

My friends, neighbors and loved ones Are there We're it's refuge, and it is ours We're its powers

My neighborhood

For more infomation >> Ahmed Mekky - Mante'ty | أحمد مكى - منطقتى - Duration: 4:44.


Couple Try The Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Couple Try The Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask - Duration: 7:21.


Ahmed Mekky - Moqadema | أحمد مكى - مقدمة - Duration: 2:39.

The semi island of Arabia,

was the first place for verbal fencing n' war by lampoons

Two poets have a public challenge At the market

n' each poet attacks his opponent n' improvises

People r impressed by the poets' ability n'their quick witty response N' their ability n' language satires

Even when God send them a miracle it was the holy Quran

because it is a linguistic insuperability

N' when they read it they believed It is impossible that a human can arrange, it is a divine creation

Arabs developed poetry and they made a special science for it ''El Aroud''

Which is classifying poetry to rhythmical units

The founder of this was Al khaleil Ben Ahmad El Faraheedy when he was walking in the Black Smith's market

He heard the tempo of shaping swords

he came up with the rhythm with speech,

n' the ideas reached Africa through trade ' Africans love tempo by nature

they said poetry with tempo n music

When America was discovered n' slaves were taken from Africa to America,they used to tell their problems n' street problems by art n' tempo

This art appeared n' they called it rap

But it is originally ''ARAB''

For more infomation >> Ahmed Mekky - Moqadema | أحمد مكى - مقدمة - Duration: 2:39.


Beautiful Girl Fishing - Lady Fishing Using Net || Girl Fishing videos - Duration: 4:09.

Girl Fishing videos

For more infomation >> Beautiful Girl Fishing - Lady Fishing Using Net || Girl Fishing videos - Duration: 4:09.


Ahmed Mekky - El Hassah El Sab'a | أحمد مكى - الحاسة السابعة - Duration: 4:05.

One day with a cigy n' coffee in a coffee stop

I closed my eyes on a memory where my brain had a hop

How earthy life is, like a dirty mop

And people's love 90 percent is just a deal,

I thought of much, yet this is the core and peal

I recalled a memory, when I tasted loss

An oldy in our alley said life is ''sweet n' bitter''

Learn the tale from me, you'd figure the hidden glitter

A guy like all the chaps whose road is bleak and foggy

consumed by depression his life is bland and soggy Hunted n' devoured by hounds n wolves of depression I'm Losing It!!

Why's the outcome always darkness and delusion?

Despite I spent my life working hard and knocking at doors,

Things I reach for become a mirage of mirage Lost in a world ruled by jungle regulations

My capital is my mum my fitness n' a few friends, a few also depressed n' buried in coffins of addictions

''From dust to dust'' n' the door was locked, may their souls rest with benedictions

It's terrible to give and give but all is in vain, you continue in a path, that is so dreamless n' too rough to pass.

I worked in every field, what's left was to become a ''sarge'' Until I found a job at a video club,

My love for cinema grew fonder, whether history, English, Arabic, modern or old colored or black and white,

All required to tell a tale ''Oh that's so Bright'' It's' 'once upon a time''...through ...''lived happily ever after''

The notion of telling a tale just made me look after

my life pouch of tips experience and expertise, they will all come in handy,

All I recalled as a child or of my street was part of ''Me'' how dandy

I studied movie making, my movies during studying won trophies in Egypt and abroad,

Thank goodness I can taste success that is so broad

After graduation a ''shot'' to direct a movie, I am the youngest director in Egypt and the Arab nation

At last life is smiling at me not in aggravation I said good bye to buses and I got myself a car

I got a membership in a posh health club (Gold's Gym) n' I waved goodbye to the old alley gym

Instead of three friends there were sixty seventy n' a hundred and multiply by a hundred n' a hundred

I was at peace with life n' felt secure

I forgot that life is a test n' this was a mere tour and I received it hard n' slow when life is after you, you receive it sideways and all the way.

My film came out n' no-one saw it and was all astray I took a smack, a punch, a blow, and life just kicked me pretty low

A cremation over

You'd never know who's a friend or foe No-one has empathy, you'd never know a true real dude except in need and crisis.

Now I'm back to worse than square one,

only the bus fare was raised another one

Time and time passed and the money evaporated, I fell in debt

Can't say my mind is sane or has it swept

One day I boiled had a fever, sweaty, sick and I fell in bed The doctor said my son don't grief.

''I feel remorse cos' I fell for lying creeps'' From them I was taught lessons for ''keeps''

Some folks love you when you're high on top And leave you n walk away just when you drop

The doctor tossed his case away Wiped his eyes, Looked into mine n' he didn't know what should he be saying

He pat my back and said there's an old ''saying'' Your true mate protects you by himself in a typhoon, not the dude that only shares laughs, a good time n' a smoke

The bell buzz, I opened the door, my old pals, they came to pay a visit to their old chap in his illness

Almighty! What a bliss, when someone gives a dam for your distress Not one who drains you when you're wealthy and potent

With a smile stabs your back at the proper moment

The number of friends is not the real quest One friend could be more precious than all the rest

My pals stood by my side got me out of the dark side The blow that doesn't kill you is your strengthening guide

For more infomation >> Ahmed Mekky - El Hassah El Sab'a | أحمد مكى - الحاسة السابعة - Duration: 4:05.


10 Dresses for Indian Girls Kids Party Wear Traditional Dresses in flipkart shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:50.

LATEST TOP 10 Dresses for Indian Girls Kids Party Wear Traditional Dresses in flipkart shopping online dresses

For more infomation >> 10 Dresses for Indian Girls Kids Party Wear Traditional Dresses in flipkart shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:50.


انقذوا كلبا عالقا في حفرة مياه !! من يرحم يرحم !! - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> انقذوا كلبا عالقا في حفرة مياه !! من يرحم يرحم !! - Duration: 2:54.



what is up everybody welcome back to the five reasons why series where I do the

research by scouring the internet for information so you don't have to in this

series we discussed the topic at hand I defend it as well as give insight and my

opinion my name is ZSG and in this video we are

talking about the five reasons why people hate the actor James Franco

pretty much everybody that I picked for this series I like because I know that

in order for me to make these videos I'm gonna have to do research on them so I

like James Franco I like the movies that he makes I think that he's a great actor

and I also think that he's been lucky enough to be in a lot of really great

movies and great comedies over the years so not only do I enjoy him as an actor

but I also enjoy a lot of the movies that he has started I imagine that

pretty much everybody is already familiar with James Franco he's one of

the biggest actors in the world but if you're not that familiar with his come

up a little bit of background information from James Franco he is

mostly known for his breakthrough role where he starred in the TV show Freaks

and Geeks that was all the way back in 1999 he was born in Palo Alto California

and for me being a California local I got to appreciate another native making

it in the big come up of what is required in this state that only has

something like thirty three million people that live here now but we're

still proud of you nonetheless James Franco he was born in 1978 he stands 5

foot 11 and some of the movies that he is best known for are the films 127

hours this is the end which is completely hilarious a couple spider-man

movies one of my personal favorite comedies of all time pineapple express

as well as the brand-new movie the disaster artist which I haven't had a

chance to see just yet but it looks hilarious so what I want to know from

all of you right now is whether or not you like James Franco or you don't like

James Franco no matter your personal opinion make sure you make your voice

heard and do so right now in our poll by voting subscribe if you are new if

you're already a subscriber of the channel and you want to be notified

every single time I upload a video be sure to hit the bell note of Kay

right now so you can be notified every single time zsg uploads the video with

all of that out of the way let us go to begin and dive into it with a number 5

reason why people hate James Franco at number 5 the people say he's overrated

but consensus for the number 5 reason why people hate James Franco saying that

he's overrated was basically the idea that he's an OK artist he's an OK actor

but he's really not that good at least that was the attitude of a lot of people

they felt that he was fine but by no means should he be a starring role actor

he's nothing really admirable or incredible they should make him a stand

down for any kind of movie role I gotta say I think that's ridiculous just based

upon the idea that any residual actor that you see in Hollywood is there for

one simple fact that they sell movie tickets people are going to see their

movies that's why they're casted in roles it isn't so much about

entertainment as it is about money I personally got to say that I've enjoyed

a lot of James Franco's movies and from what I've observed I feel like he could

have been better in certain roles or some movies where he played a character

better than he did in other movies in the movie pineapple Express I thought

that he fit the character perfectly in the 2014 movie the interview where he

played Dave Skylark I kind of over the top reporter I felt like he just did not

play that character very well my impression of how he represented and

played that character in that movie was he just didn't really prepare for it so

I kind of understand where people are coming from saying that he's overrated I

think that in some movies he definitely does better than other movies that he

plays in but overall I think he's a great actor I think he's entertaining

you'll have to let me know what you think down below in the comment section

and that brings us to the number four reason why people hate James Franco and

number four the people say they hate James Franco because he's successful and

people are threatened by that so for this one it isn't literally what people

were saying people weren't actually saying he's successful and I hate him

because I'm threatened by a success but you have to understand kind of the sub

context of what everybody was saying it essentially was the idea that people

just hate and because he's so successful he does

so well a little bit of an extension of the idea of James Franco being overrated

just a lot of people that are super salty about the idea that if they did

they think he's just kind of a regular guy that doesn't really have any

standout acting capabilities but clearly really made it in Hollywood and made a

lot of money became very successful that is simply something that a lot of people

are threatened by if you're one of those people that are threatened by somebody

else's success really you got to ask yourself why their success does not take

away from your success so don't sweat it it doesn't matter who cares how well

James Franco does and that brings us to the number three reason why people hate

James Franco at number three and this one was extra salty but a lot of people

saying that James Franco comes across as a squinty-eyed just rolled out of bed

stoner douchebag if James Franco ever actually hears that

I hope he has a good sense of humor about it I do have to say that to an

extent I understand where people are coming from with this because I kind of

have to say that James Franco has to count his lucky stars with how

successful he has been in Hollywood considering he very easily could have

been typecast in as being a STONER douchebag loser the count does have that

persona he's got a little bit of that personality he's got a little bit the

look in the face in the eyes he kind of comes across as being a STONER loser you

might actually be surprised to find out that James Franco is very educated and

apparently really intelligent and that brings us to the number two reason why

people hate James Franco and number two the people say they hate James Franco

because he hooked up with an underaged fan or at least it was rumored to have

happened that he at least attempted to hook up with an underaged fan back in

2016 if you want to look into the background and the story of this

allegation you're more than welcome to do so by googling it I don't want to get

into too much about all this drama in this video James Franco did it in fact

DM an underage girl and tell her to come to his hotel room there's a lot of

specifics that go into it for legal reasons I don't

even care to dive in but there were a lot of different claims and allegations

essentially the girl was underage James Franco did in fact invite her to come to

his hotel room by using the diem supposedly he didn't really know her age

and nothing really happened but still there were a lot of drama and

fanfare that revolved around this and as you can imagine anything that would

involve an underage fan and an adult actor like James Franco it was gonna

stir up a big uproar by the audience and a lot of people are really upset about

this and that brings us to the number one reason why people hate James Franco

at number one the people say his movies suck and he's not a good actor I

actually think this is kind of the best reason to hate on an actor by saying

their movies suck and you don't think that they're talented clearly the guy is

doing all right clearly he's doing well in the entertainment business

he's a very heavy hitter he is a huge actor so even if he may not be your cup

of tea if James Franco is not the type of actor that you enjoy maybe he just

simply doesn't appear in the movies that you liked even if you think that he is

the suckiest actor to have ever lived and you hate him to the core the guy

still doing all right for himself obviously he's got millions of adoring

fans there are a ton of people out there that really enjoy his movies I've

enjoyed several of his movies if you made it all the way to the end and you

enjoyed the video make sure you hit the like button right now I'll see all of

you in the next video zsg out

For more infomation >> WHY DO PEOPLE HATE JAMES FRANCO - Duration: 7:53.


Ahmed Mekky - Hallet Mahshy | أحمد مكى - حلة محشى - Duration: 4:23.

Take the stuffed leaves to your aunt''''

Which one Mayar?Your aunt Mervat boy not Mayar

In the morning I went to deliver stuffed leaves to my auntie

Vine n' Cabbage leaves local pepper and tangerine

In the street I sobered up it's too crowded god have mercy between each one there's one

I wonder why the crowd are they giving free meat away?

I looked into my watch God save us it's two o'clock, god save us from disaster

Rush hour for employees, all schools are out a crowd n' no mercy, everyone war by their horns declare, Voices mingled topped by the parking guy's whistle Reverse some more dude

I have to find a the quickest shortcut I'm so stuck in here I want to be there in as quick as a glimpse

Beginning of Talbiya n' Helmy to Manial Before the vine leaves spoil n' my trip would be in vain My thoughts were interrupted by a "TukTuk" with a sideways risky drift

I tried to get on it he said wait tis' my break for lunch n' a hukah My heart broke to pieces as I expect calamity

My heart broke to pieces as I expect calamity I said take me n' you can have quarter of stuffed leaves ,I showed him he was impressed He picked me took the quarter, fare pickled carrots n' pepper the,

All the way a drift between cars n' a leaves roll around 100 side-mirrors he smashed n' he swears instead of saying sorry,

Oh Dark day, the vine soup filled my lap, let me off coach,

I wasn't speedin'

God dam you n' your nerves a pan of vine leaves for auntie, 'your Auntie Mervat not Mayar

You don't' like it get off n 'get a taxi',

'if you think yourself a prince'

'useless passengers''

Got off around the corner hopped into a microbus to ''Giza''

Written on it' 'Prince of the Night'' And it's music was bright

He looked wimpy and in his ear he stuck a tenner coin his pinky nail so long dirty by it 's nature,

I said next to him he said what's on your lap dude, I said stuffed leaves, he said ''gimme one or you'll be stingy

He took the sunglasses off, his eyes are red he looks like he is on something, he stuck his hand into the pan singing n' humming squeezing it N' sniffing

I won't eat it is cold n' moldy it needs heating, gimme a tangerine instead, he took one he kept chewing and showering me with spit, I was really exploding

He keeps spitting the pulp away they hit me each time as if he was aiming

I got off at the stop as I leave he says where's the fare or I'll flick a knife on you

Are you up to that coach he said

Yes up to it,

''You can't do a thing to me''

My lips were cracked, I'm waiting for the ''Manial'' bus,it's my dream n 'aim

I saw it I was happy as if I've gone to heaven, my thrill was over, as it came closer my cheer was gone

it's crowded n' people oozing out from the door like from a sardine can,l jumped inside from shoving and pushing I ended up behind a fat busty woman,

she turned n' stared at me badly, then she screamed Help a guy just harassed me ''God dam you'' ''Oh my God''

By the neck people took me as if they were my enemies, in a police station I have a right to a statement' in the chaos the ticket man took off with the 100 bucks change ''I gave him the 100 bucks''

my limbs got frozen, he became athletic n' out of the bus somersaulted with the change

I snapped where's the pan, I screamed ''where's my stuff''

I found a man stuffing his face inviting others with the rest

Deep in my heart I hated ''man'' it's a barbaric creature I was from another species on land or under water

Suddenly Panicked hung up as if I was a chemo junky

a chemo junky

Going down to deliver a pan of stuffed leaves to my auntie

Auntie Mervat not Mayar

Does anyone go at noon my son!!

I wish I was delivering shrimp ,Lobster or Caviar

I stripped to nudity, naked beside the pavement, Directing the traffic under the summer burning sun,

Howling, clucking n' sometimes meowing Pickering people in the street like a Swallow bird

Like a Swallow

Ohhh swallow

For more infomation >> Ahmed Mekky - Hallet Mahshy | أحمد مكى - حلة محشى - Duration: 4:23.


6-Year-Old Made $11M on YouTube - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> 6-Year-Old Made $11M on YouTube - Duration: 1:02.


Yippii Intro | Cartoons For Toddlers | Truck Videos | Carnage Crew | Kids Shows | CryptoTrucks - Duration: 1:15.

Yippii Intro

For more infomation >> Yippii Intro | Cartoons For Toddlers | Truck Videos | Carnage Crew | Kids Shows | CryptoTrucks - Duration: 1:15.


Ahmed Mekky - Taraqt Babak | أحمد مكى - طرقت بابك - Duration: 3:42.

I wished to be a kid, but I always had a job From job to job until I was an adult

My family early split against my will I lived a drama n' I was the hero

At age twelve I became the provider

God give me power to make my mom live betterr

My work since nonage toughened my bones well Video clubs testify it n' citadel n' pigeon markets

Friday market taught me well, 'missed'' reminders that will be my rescue till dooms day

Life is a jungle ''survival of the fittest' The soul of kindness lost, no one to complain to the heartless life is a jungle not for hares only for wolves to cross through

Don't yield to the notion or you'll be down

I'll tell what will make this notion vanish like mist

Listen, no state stays the same, the sun must always rise after the long darkness

If your ship is broken down don't get depressed God will make it work tomorrow

I knocked on your door God

(Blessings gone, unbearable illness or sayin' farewell for him or her n' folks you loved

Predestined role it is neither in her hand nor your hand All in your is to knock on doors a pray God to open 'em

God has the keys for all the doors, he'd never let her

or his turmoil go in vain N' if you feel the burdens n' the road is blocked, remember him you probably forgot

He's blocked them to remind you of him not out of fury it is out of love If didn't love he would've left you not to wake

He's missed you call his name

your God is great generous n' fulfills n' doesn't refuse a request in prayer

So make a step to him he'll step two to you everything passes He created compassion n' he's the Most Merciful n' the Most Compassionate ,

our life expires quicker than the breeze Hand all your matters to him, n' rest you'll try the taste of paradise

I knocked on your door God

For more infomation >> Ahmed Mekky - Taraqt Babak | أحمد مكى - طرقت بابك - Duration: 3:42.


Ahmed Mekky - El Rap Ya Bashar | أحمد مكى - الراب يا بشر - Duration: 1:18.

I'm speaking from within my heart without n' not so eloquently not made up ,but free

I try to render, peel the bitter sore street n' Life's ugly reality

My street tales are endless you, pull first thread it goes endlessly

Supreme juice of my deep alley astute n' street savvy

Street slang talk n' that's what's rap for all folks it's catchy

It's pop alley talk back on the road for all the walks n' it's trendy

Deep daring issues about jungle street life, drugs n' killing' N' blemish n' is prickly

Winding up jokes mocking life actuality n' struggle, fait n' destiny

I wish I sing a song and the chorus would be ''Ghassan Mattar''(a stereotype Egyptian Cinema villain)

''Wack' em real Well''

''Wack' em real Well''

HaaaaHaaaa Ho Ho

HaaaaHaaaa Ho Ho

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