Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Energy Shift Update � We Just Had A Major Shift!

by Tiffany Stiles,

Holy Shi+ Beautiful Souls!

We just had a major shift!



Pure Source Energy surge through the body.

I will liken it to a vortex of swirling energy around the body.

This is assisting one in opening their personal portal at the heart chakra to align this energy

with the encoded number portals in a few days.

This will further assist in anchoring New Earth frequency here!

Rainbow energy frequencies are pouring in now to create the bridge to higher consciousness

and physical reality.

When this energy came in it felt like a power surge through the entire body!

The expansion in the heart�s electromagnetic field is like KA BOOM!

There was a timeline split that just occurred!

We are shifting to a future timeline without AI! (artificial intelligence)

We are rapidly approaching the TRIFECTA (3) Energetic portals of The 11 Master Energy.

12-12 December 12th� 12-21 December 21st & 1-1 January 1st.

January 1st � (11) is when the Energetic Pulse shifts to MASTER Energy!

11 is the Master Number in numerology.

2018= 11.

I�ve written about this several times over the past month to prepare you all for what

is coming, so that you take this time at your Zero Point to practice your manifestation


Michelle and I have become very close since we started talking in September.

Her and I vibrate at the same frequency, Soul si-stars.

I don�t even know how to articulate the 2 1/2 hour conversation I just had with Michelle

Walling it is so mind bending!

But I will try my best to put it in terms that are understandable.

When we no longer run linear it�s difficult to put into words what easily flows through

the mind.

Every time Michelle and I get on the phone it�s 2 to 4 to 5 hours of talking about,

You name it!

And time flies we have so much fun talking with each other.

Today was The Matrix and AI, (artificial intelligence holograms).

I want you to think about every single thing that had occurred in your reality, just today,

and then in the past, KNOW YOU CREATED IT!


I want you to think of the people in your life who repeat themselves over, and over

and have not one thing new to add, and see how they �glitch� because it is AI interference

lowering your vibrational frequency to CREATE from a distorted space of lower vibrational


When these AI are not in your reality, your vibrational frequency raises back up and BAM,

you�re manifesting BLISS!



Notice when you are communicating with AI it is like groundhog day all over again.

And when they glitch it is a repetitive action that begins to occur.

Whether you�re trying to remove them out of your reality and they keep ringing your

phone off the hook, or they keep making the same body motion; foot tapping, rapid blinking,

whatever, know this AI is running interference on you.

And now that you know this YOU have the power to shift this reality FROM YOUR HEART SPACE


When you bring this pure Source Energy into your heart�s electromagnetic field you exponentially

increase the electromagnetic field to Infinite time/space!

Now you manifest from the pure template of Love.

We manifest and create with emotion.

That is the driving force.

When you manifest on a lower vibrational frequency emotion your reality doesn�t look so great,

does it?

When you manifest from the Purest Divine Spark of Love you create BLISS!

You manifest abundance!

You manifest healing!


I had an entirely telepathic conversation with my daughter this morning.

I knew everything she was going to say before she said it.

Helen witnessed it all.

This occurs often for me.

Another example today, when I was talking with Michelle I mentioned Julie Ann Lindeen

also being a Master Creator.

I hang up with Michelle to open a text from Julie stating the Rainbow Ray is here.

She attached a photo of the frequencies pouring in.

I felt Julie�s energy when she was texting me.

Telepathy is becoming more prevalent which will force complete transparency and authenticity.

There�s no choice, it is happening now.

So if you are not in full alignment with your authentic self, now is the time to get there.

Huge shifts are amping up with the TRIFECTA of Portals right around the corner.


Be cognizant of your heart frequency, is it open, loving, compassionate?

Or is it closed, fearful and unforgiving?

From this very space is where you CREATE your here and now!

What do you wish to see?

Remove the AI from your reality.

As you become more and more cognizant of your heart space, and you remain in a high vibrational

state, the AI will automatically fall away.

The more you engage, the more they delay you.

They wipe your memory and you forget as you sleep.

You have to re-remember all over again.

Put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror; �I create my reality from the pure template

of Divine Source of unconditional love.

I am powerful in my creations of love!� You see it every morning, and you remember

to be cognizant of your heart space, what you�re creating and where you�re creating

it from.

Because yes, you created the AI too, when you see why you created it, what you see from

your Higher Self you fully see the big picture.

Then you can just as easily un-create it.

The AI is glitching so much right now because we are on the brink of shutting it down.

We are creating a new timeline without AI by realizing how we created from the distorted

space of low vibrational frequency.

Now we reverse engineer it to create with love in an authentic template.

We are all players here in this game called life.

Now you learn to be the Master, not the player!

There is no spoon, as the movie The Matrix states.

When you realize that, you clear a ton of programming and distortions out of your reality,

and you create from a pure space that is not distorted.

Try and eat high vibrational foods, organic, whole healthy from Mother Earth.

It is very important to keep your vibrational frequency high as we approach the final portals

of 2017 going into the Master Energy on January 1st, 2018.

Master your creation and Create The World you wish to see here on New Earth.

Once this Energetic Pulse shifts on 1-1 � (January 1st) � 2018= 11 = 11-11 manifesting your

reality will be instant!

This is the time to anchor and hold the New Earth Frequency here through your personal

portal and through the Rainbow Bridge.

The Matrix~ �Do not try and bend the spoon, that�s impossible.

Instead, only try to realize the truth�there is no spoon.

Then you�ll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.�

Much love,

For more infomation >> Energy Shift Update – We Just Had A Major Shift! - Duration: 7:59.


Man dies after driving truck into pond - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Man dies after driving truck into pond - Duration: 1:21.



For more infomation >> GTA $50,000,000 SPENDING SPREE ON THE NEW DOOMSDAY UPDATE DLC - Duration: 1:43:07.


Operation Winter Storm - 12/12/1942 - Duration: 0:59.

Today in military history, 1942, Operation Winter Storm

commences in an attempt to relieve

encircled Access Forces during the Battle of Stalingrad.

In the fall of 1942, the German 6th Army attempted to sack

the city of Stalingrad, but the Soviets had fortified

their defenses and reinforced their lines.

As the invaders fought their way deeper into the city,

they were met with Soviet resistance.

By November, the Germans were stalled with limited men

and resources, but Hitler forbade withdrawal.

In a brilliant counteroffensive, the Soviets managed to

surround the German 6th Army, nearly 300-thousand men.

In response, the Luftwaffe attempted to resupply

the 6th army with an airlift, but failed.

A rescue was also attempted, but it too, failed.

The Germans were forced to winter in the city,

where they faced freezing conditions and starvation.

In February, 1943, the Germans were forced to surrender,

after 150-thousand German lives were lost.

It was a humiliating defeat for Hitler,

and a turning point in the war for the Soviets.

For more infomation >> Operation Winter Storm - 12/12/1942 - Duration: 0:59.


Shenzhen 360º: Bee+ Coworking Space (Madventure Camera Test) - Duration: 21:21.

So today I am going to show you guys a co-working space.

It's called Bee+.

And I know I...

It's very loud. I am sorry for the noise nearby.

Because it's near by the intersection and all the roads.

So now let's go in and take a look.



Is David here?

Oh, David?

Yes, Daivd knows I am coming here today. I made an appointment at 2pm.

Let me ask around.

OK, thanks.

They don't accept cash here. So I am going to pay by WeChat wallet.

In case you don't know, pretty much everything in Shenzhen is digital for payment. I just need to scan their QR code.

I can pay by WeChat wallet or now they have Alipay also.

They have a very cute membership card here.

It's very cheap it's only like six dollars.

Maybe I should put it here.

So it's only six dollars for a day. You can drink whatever you want to drink.

They have beer, coffee, tea, other beverages it the refrigerators there.

But the beverage in the bottle you need to pay for that (*turns out you don't) and they've got some snacks.

I am just waiting for our tour guy to show us where we are going, show you what's inside

and let him explain to you how things work here.

Ok, thanks

It is recording now.

Really? Everyone is going to have to listen to my Mandarin with a thick Cantonese accent

Oh no, all the people in the World will know this.

No problem, just speak Cantonese, I have to subtitle it anyway.

Let me scan the QR code.

So I am going to swipe it and go in.

This is a craft beer lounge.

Why doesn't it work?

Because this is not included in the set you purchased.

Is something wrong?

You have to use the blue ticket for you to get in.

The blue one?


How much for the blue ticket?

10 dollars.

No problem, let's go upgrade my card.


If you are using the yellow ticket, the six dollar one, you can't use the craft beer lounge.

In order to show you guys I am going to get the 10 dollar one.

Fortunately you are here to remind me.

We were just having a meeting.

So now I got the blue ticket, so I guess I can swipe it.

Now it works, come on in


Let me set the camera down first. This is the craft beer.

I remember last time they have the, oh they have the glass cooler. Show me.

Can you show us the glass cooler? How does it work?

Like this, the water will come out and spray from inside, it cleans the glass and also cools it off a bit.

Really? Is it cold now? Let me try

Press it down


Which one should I try?


Juicy peach?

Cider. I like the cider beer.

A lot of bubbles.

This is good, no need to pour more. It is a lot of bubbles.

Drinking during the day.

I like the apple cider.

and they have

all kinds of beer.

Only 10 dollars, you can enjoy the craft beer, you can drink however much you want.

I have to swipe the card to get out.

Yes, you have to scan the QR code to get out.

So in here, can you tell me what this is?

There are many kinds of flower tea here.

What we have here, we have...

Wait a minute, don't block me from the camera.

Oh, I am sorry.

We have Jasmine tea, Chrysanthemum tea, Bitter Melon tea, Kuding tea

Goji berry with red jujube tea etc.. Anyway, a lot of healthy tea.

For Cantonese flavor, I think we can get some red dates and goji berry into the chrysanthemum tea

Ok, sounds good. I want a cup of that.

Ok, and there is a trendy saying on the Internet says you can add red dates and goji berry in your beer too

I have never try that.

He told me that I could add some of the ingredients to my beer if I want to.

For us, we are both cantonese, when we have Dim Sum

we drink puer tea, we drink chrysan something? (chrysanthemum tea)

other tea, I forget. The name is too long. Anyway we drink it and now we mix with other stuff.

We believe it's better for yor health.

They have the water machine here for hot water and cold water.

Ok, here is your tea.

We probably wait a bit, let me poke it and try to push the tea leaves down.

I think quite a few people show up today

Is it because of your activity tonight, so more people show up now?

No, because we have more people choose to come here to work now.

It's not too strong, I like my tea strong just like I like to add a lot of sauce in my food.

So I will just put it here. Wait until it soaks in a little bit and it can add more flavor to it.

I want a coffee too.

Can you make a cup of coffee for me?

Not me, the machine can make it for you.

We have the Pepsi, Mirinda, Sprite, Lemon tea

No, not the soft drink, I want coffee.

I used to own a coffee machine. But not like this one.

Then pull it up like this.

Which one should I get? They have Americano, milk coffee and latte.

Maybe a cup of latte.

Milk coffee and latte is similar.

Yes, I think so, they need to add milk in both.

What's in here? Milk container?

Nothing in there.

First the milk comes out and then

the coffee will come out.

This coffee machine I bet is very expensive.

I think it costs 10K-20K RMB.

Around 100K RMB

What? 100K? RMB

Yes, about 100K RMB

This coffee machine is the same like the one they used in 5 star hotel, but this is a upgrade version, it's even better.

So fancy

What is the handle for?

Honestly, this handle is just a decoration.

So there is no use for it?

Completely useless.

I have never seen anyone use it.

Useless handle for decoration.

At least I can taste the coffee, but there is no flavor in the tea

That's why I need to let it soak in a little bit

Yes, right

and this is also a beverage machine, they are all free.

With my blue ticket, are all the drinks unlimited?

Right, right. The yellow ticket, the six dollar one, you can't go into the craft beer lounge

but if you want beer you have to get the blue ticket.

Ok, so for six dollars you can also enjoy everything here.

Except the beer but for the 10 dollar one you can both enjoy beer and everything here.

What's in the drawer?

We put the bottle beverage inside.

Do we need to pay for the beverage in the bottle?

No, they are free too.

Can I go through from here?

Are you recording?

Yes, I am. Sorry for blocking your way. Please go through from here.

Here comes my milk tea. Do you guys pour the milk tea powder in advance?

Yes, that's correct. The powder goes down and then mix with hot water.

Too sweet for me, I will put them all here, and I will come back and finish them later.

Sure, but that looks like a lot for you.

Ok, and people can take whatever you like from the refrigerator to drink.

For foreigners, I think they prefer soda water like this one.

I guess, haha.

But do they need to pay for the beverage in the refrigerator?

No, they don't. They are all free

Really? They can just take them for free?

Yes, they can drink as much as they want.

Wow, ten dollars to drink as much as you want?


Maybe some people will drink until their bladder explode.

They can drink everything as much as they want for free, but the snacks here they need to pay for it.

Ok, drinks are all free, except the snacks you have to pay for it.

I am going to demonstrate for you just like last time.

I will put the camera down here. And I am going to buy.

What flavor is this?

I don't know which one I want.

I am a bit picky, ok I will get this one.

Let me try a bag of the seaweed.

First we are going to tap the tablet here. Tap to start.

Then I am going to scan the QR code here.

Then it will get recognized, it is three dollars, I am going to pay for it.

That's all I want. Tap to select the way you pay. Alipay or WeChat wallet?

Whatever, maybe WeChat wallet.

David messaged me said he is on his way, maybe he went out for lunch or something

Does it need a card to unlock it?

No, you just need to scan the bar code on your phone to pay.

Yes, you are right.

I put that underneath, they used to, they change the system.

You can just scan my QR code on phone too. They used to use this one.

Then they switch to the one underneath the tablet.

I don't know which way is better but I prefer the one with the handle.

What's next? Maybe go inside and show us the office.

Ok, you can eat your seaweed too.

Maybe I should eat it later.


Ok now let's go into the office.

So they have a big, oh David. Why are you stopping? Let's go inside and take a look

So how much for a monthly membership?

2000 rmb a month.


Isn't it cheaper to just buy the six dolllars ticket everyday?

But they can't come in and use the space here. They can only work in the lobby

But for the $308 dollars membership, they can use more equipment.

They can nap, shower and use the conference room here.

So this equipment are only included in the 308 dollars membership?

Yes, right.

But for the six dollar one.

They can only work in the lobby.

Ah, I see.

You can take a look at this, this is our adjustable desk.

This one when you...

They can stand to work.

The main purpose of this desk is for people who wants to stand to work.

If you want to stand to work, you can stand to work, just need to adjust the height of the desk.

I prefer to sit. It is too hard for me to stand to work.

This is a double glass soundproof door.

Double glass soundproof door.

Yes, when you close the door, nobody can hear what you say from outside.

Oh, good, and you have the central air conditioning equipment here.

Yes, in every one. Let me show you another design of the office in the back.

These are other similar design of the first office.

I think I am seeing more and more people use your co-working office.

Yes, you are right,

It is definitely busier than when you guys first opened the space.

Yes, back then was too early now we are doing better.

Hey, there is a 3D printer here.

Look, someone put one in there.

No, I think it is just a thing specifically to use with their product.

It is a 3d printer, they even write it on the bed.

Oh yes, you know better than me.

I deal with 3d printers.

Now I know it is a 3D printer

Maybe I should lower my voice, so quite in here.

This room looks a bit like a warehouse to me.

Over here is an open area, it is much bigger. And they are seperated, so you can use them individually.

If you are in a foreign trade business, this is quite suitable, you can put your product on the table.

Can you rent a room to a company?

They have to rent the whole room

How much for one room?

Count by how many people sit in there

So you mean count by chairs?

Count by tables, like this one, 6 tables, 2000 for a seat, 6X2000 = 12000 a month

So if they rent the whole room for month, even they don't show up, other people can't use the room.

Yes, you are right. Other people won't have access to this room.

I see.

Our card is like a hotel card. You can only open your door room with your card.

If others can't open you door, they can't get in.

I see.

That's how things work here


They have a copy machine here.

Yes, the member can swipe their card and use our copy machine.

Once they swipe the card they can print or do other stuff.

No need to connect with the laptop, just upload to the server directly

David, did you go out for lunch?

I was answering to a phone call.

You can just speak Cantonese.

I was answering to a phone call.

Oh, no problem

He can take over from here. Talk to her in English for the next part.

Are you free now?

Are you live streaming?

No, just 360 videos, will edit the video later.

Oh, you can edit the video? I have to put away my stuff first.

Ok, we will finish this floor.

Ok, no problem.

Now we switch to English because David is from Hong Kong and he speaks English.

Ok now we will go to the second floor.

Yes, take me to the second floor.

Feels weird, we are switching Chinese and English back and forth.

Yes, that's why I need you here. Most of my followers speak English

Ok let's go to the second floor, they also have an elevator, you can take the elevator but

let's just say most of my exercise is just eating chips.

So today it might be a good thing for me to just walk up stairs.

Usually I just take the elevator everywhere.

And I am not wearing super high heels today so I guess it's ok

So this is our second floor.

Yes, second floor looks similar to the first floor.

Yes, we also have different size of rooms for different size of companies.

and for this one, this is a....

Pink studio, what are they doing in there?

This one is the smallest office room here. This one why you see is all so pink

it is rented by some beauty bloggers.

So these beauty bloggers sometimes they come in here and they do blogging and Youtube as well.

Cool, let's go inside and take a look, very similar style.

It is all empty there so.

All empty?

Yes, sorry.

We just have to cut that.


Yes, no need to show you guys same space that look the same and empty.

It's a little bit bigger than the first floor, Startup Grind.


You guys have a lot of meetings and events.

Yes, doing this for a long time.

Yes, I guess that really worked out, you know compared to the first time I came here

now I see it is so busy, and the price is reasonable.

That's why a lot of people come and...

more refrigerator.

Yes, open kitchen

This area is for chill out.

They have a nice bicycle here, I don't know why, for decoration.

Yes, it is nice.

Not for me to sit. Oh, I really want to try this, wait a minute.

People are napping, you have to be quiet

I have to be quiet here because everyone is taking nap.

If you are tired from work, it is not bright enough.

Can you hold my camera for me?

Can you hold this for me.

I am wearing my shoes to try the bed, and they have blankets for you

and they have the charger, you can't see it's too dark in here, and you can close the curtain to sleep.

For all the Chinese people, we need to take naps.

Well, because we are hardworking.

Oh, this one.

You see here, these are the phone booth.

Yes, if you are here to make phone call, just close the door.

For phone call.

When I close the door he can't hear me from outside. Hello, hello, hello.

Like that. Sorry, excuse me, let me out

That's the pho.o booth, you have enough privacy.

I need to show them the fancy bathroom, that's for gentlemen, is that for girls?

No one is here.

I don't think so, oh gentlemen one is also, it's kind of strange I am in a men's bathroom

Ok, it's uh, I prefer the female one.

We have a shower room.

Oh, and that's the shower room.

I prefer the girls bathroom.

A meeting room.

They have a Mi display.

So these meeting rooms are all free to our tenants. If they want to use it, they can book it on the app system.

Hou much? You guys have an app?


What about the WeChat official account? Do you have official account too?

Yes, we have that.

How much for an afternoon?

It's free.

It's free?

It's free for our tenants.

Oh, I see for the member.


Ok, I see. If I have a Maker class, what if I am not a member and I want to book the room, how much?

around 300 RMB an hour

300 RMB an hour? Ok

300 RMB an hour, that's about 50 dollars. Oh, someone is in there.

So let's go to the, this is the last floor, right?

Third floor

Third floor, do we have a fourth floor?


So this is third floor, people can come out and chill out

Ok, let's go to the fourth floor

So we have all the office here

A cat?

Yes, you see that?

Do you guys allow pets to stay?

Only temporary.

Only temporary, oh no.

For more infomation >> Shenzhen 360º: Bee+ Coworking Space (Madventure Camera Test) - Duration: 21:21.


The FBI Just Hits Bernie Sanders With Very Bad News, You'll Cheer - Duration: 3:14.

The FBI Just Hits Bernie Sanders With Very Bad News, You'll Cheer.

Senator Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign for the presidency was something of an irregularity.

Here we had an elderly, bad-to-the-bone communist pressing in the recent college grads at his

primary campaign rallies.

The inquiry "why" was properly inquired.

It is safe to say that we are to infer that those in their twenties are confirmed leftists?

Maybe they observed Hillary to be as loathsome of a candidate as those on the right, and

just couldn't force themselves to help any of the Republicans.

Whatever the case, he was a persistent issue for Hillary.

Plainly she needed to move to one side politically amid the primaries to keep from losing more

votes to Bernie.

This made her less alluring to the political focus, something Donald Trump put to great

use in the general election.

Indeed, even Hillary's plot with then Chair of the DNC Schultz to derail Bernie backfired.

In any case, Bernie has an issue.

As a matter of fact, it's his wife, Jane, who has the issue.

She was president of Vermont's Burlington College in 2010.

She leads a real estate to expand the land owned by the school.

She secured a bank advance and some subsidizing from the Catholic parish that claimed the


After a year she was out of a vocation over cases that she misdirected the bank to get

the credit.

Furthermore, the FBI is as yet examining the issue.

The Daily Caller Reported:

"The investigation surrounds a real estate transaction that Sanders initiated while she

was president of Vermont's Burlington College in 2010.

Sanders wanted to buy about 33 acres from a neighboring Roman Catholic parish in order

to augment the college's space.





It appears to be odd that this examination is still in advance seven years after the

alleged offense happened.

Be that as it may, if the FBI is thinking about assembling a stupendous jury, it sounds

like the authority is not kidding about this case.

"Former Burlington College Board Chairman Yves Bradley also confirmed with Fox News

that the FBI was continuing to investigate, asking Bradley several questions about Sanders

and the bank controversy.

"Sanders attorney Rich Cassidy asked Bradley about the FBI investigation, but Bradley opted

not to respond.

Cassidy has not responded to Fox News' requests for an interview.

"Neither Bernie Sanders's spokesman nor stepdaughter Carina Driscoll would speak to

Fox News about these latest developments."

It's not been a decent couple of years for the Sanders couple.

Bernie was the victim of some fairly devious battle methods by Hillary.

What's more, now his better half may be headed to jail.

You don't need to be a liberal to be assaulted by Hillary, nor to be blamed for bank extortion.

It just makes your life all that more hopeless.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> The FBI Just Hits Bernie Sanders With Very Bad News, You'll Cheer - Duration: 3:14.


Bon Matos vlog et vidéo PAS CHERE !! - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Bon Matos vlog et vidéo PAS CHERE !! - Duration: 5:56.


Reef Triggerfish - 3:10.5 - Nature Meets Paper - Duration: 6:38.

hi I'm Brandon and welcome to nature meets paper the place where we go on an

adventure to discover the world of marine biology you clicked the blue icon

so what does that mean alright I'll tell ya so the blue icon

with the blue thumbnail is the segment of how-to art this segment where I show

you how I do my art I post new videos every Tuesday and Saturday Saturday at 8

a.m. and Tuesday at 4 p.m. there are plenty of ways to do art this is just

how I do it brushes ready let's dive in I had a terrible reference photo to

begin with look at that Wow I also had to figure

out how to paint the light scale patterns of the fish

trigger fish have pronounced scales and texture

I wanted to replicate that here as always I'll work on my background first

I found my reference photo was too busy to really appreciate the patterns of the

fish so I put simplified it the tank at the aquarium was dark blue and washed

all the colors out into a blue kind of blue hue I want to make sure that the

colors of the fish stand out from the background

luckily orange and blue or complementary colors I work on my background first

from the top right hand corner to the bottom left I am left-handed and I don't

want to get paint all over my hand close or arm if you're a right-handed go in

the opposite direction

I'm starting with my darkest colors this time around I lay out all of my blacks

first and then I go into with my regular style of mid-tones to darks then lights I

start with a sandy brown color from the lower segment and a medium brown for the

top portions as I let the orange and brown colors dry I add highlights of

gray to my black areas I mapped out the pattern spacing in size of each dot

needed to be for the scale texture I make these in a dark brown these will be

the darkest parts of the scale basically the shadows as I work on the light

portion I use glazing medium to see patterns and colors underneath the

glazing medium changes the opacity of the paint I paint the shapes and

structures of the fish to give it some nice forms

in this fish the light source is coming from above I add highlights to the

scales on the dorsal surface between my mid-tones and darks everything has a

high contrast look since I haven't glaze over it to soften the details yet I

noticed that my front portion color was too dark you can see me glaze a mix of

white and brown over this section to lighten it up I can usually fix my

mistakes I just need to figure out how I also work on laying out the first layers

of the dorsal and anal fins I just want to get down a layer now so that I can

add more detail later I glaze again to create the shape I am looking for I

don't want my painting to be flat when doing this last glaze layer I make sure

to leave some light brush marks and some patchy areas this fish are not smooth

and I don't want to give the impression that they are I'm happy with the amount

of detail on the dorsal surface so I go into the last layers of glaze this time

I use a bright orange to glaze over everything this process pushes all of

the colors into place the cool thing about using glazing

medium is that you can see through every layer this gives the piece at shine and

a glow that isn't captured on camera it creates a depth to the painting to tie

the fish back into the painting and make it look like it's a part of the scene I

glaze a light layer of blue to the shadows of the fish you can do this

trick as well to your subject of your painting in the shadows pull some colors

from the environment or background into your subject I try to lay them down the

background colors onto the shadows I go in with my highlights these are going to

be the brightest and lightest colors there they're applied to the surface

that the that face the light source once this is done I can go back through and

clean up my lines by adding tiny finishing details dark lines and shadows

and places that need finally I finish with the eyes I fill in the pupils with

black and then I add tiny details for the highlights of the eyes I do

this dance between darks and lights what I'm really doing is adding clean lines

to my painting I often see people using only mid-tones and their art looks very

flat I want to make sure that you believe that my subject is real and is

tangible I want to capture the character of the animal as well and in order to do

that I need to be able to clean up by the strokes make it look nice and clean

and crisp and bring life to this painting

with that done I will call this painting finished

thanks for watching this video I'm selling my Christmas t-shirt at you can find that in the link down below

I have men's women's v-necks and long sleeve tees each shirt is 20 dollars I'd

really appreciate your support thank you for being an active member of this

community by leaving likes comments and shares the only way I can grow as a

channel is if you guys share this content if you have it already you go

ahead and watch the science portion of this video click the little I and that

will send you there happy creating and God bless

For more infomation >> Reef Triggerfish - 3:10.5 - Nature Meets Paper - Duration: 6:38.


Couple Try The Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Couple Try The Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask - Duration: 7:21.


Video: Temperatures in the teens for some - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Video: Temperatures in the teens for some - Duration: 2:42.


VEDD | So I Failed... - Duration: 3:41.

it's been days okay hey y'all it's me Dasha

so obviously VEDD know modeled after Veda encountered a couple bumps in the road.

when I started this journey, right, I was really trying to get out of my comfort

zone, you know, I was inspired, shoutout to Evelyn from the Internets and I was trying to

just like go for it right cuz this this process can be a little bit

nerve-wracking I enjoy it but it's a lot of work so I was like "you know what imma

just dive in imma just go for it just dive in imma do VEDD it's gon be, you know, all December

everyday in December its gonna be great but the problem with diving in is that sometimes you don't really think about the things that could go wrong.

for example just imagine, ju- just for a second, you're like on some type of like cliff or you bout

to jump off a waterfall something you jumping off something high

into a body of water not a pool, some unknown body of water and as you jump you

realize that there might be something in there that could hurt you badly right

it's too late to go back it's too late to realize you know to change course to

to rearrange what you've been doing because you already jumped and you ain't

think about those like bumps in the road or those rocks in the water so that's kind

of what happened to me I was trying to make videos y'all I promise I'll make

videos and the video making part wasn't the problem

it was the editing part my computer kept crashing like

I did not prepared well for this project I underestimated the processing power that

it takes to put out videos every day and in a timely manner so yeah so it was a

struggle but I'm back and we're going to try this

again continuing with this beautiful month of December and hopefully it'll

be ok I'm feeling more prepared you know this is a learning process this is all

about learning and pushing limits overcoming fears figuring things out and

encountering problems that you didn't know existed that's that's what I'm

trying to do in this month of December so mission kind of accomplished

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! anyways for real y'all are gonna see me tomorrow and

hopefully the next day and the next day and the next after that cuz I think I think

it'll be better if you would like to stay tuned in my

learning process please click that subscribe button below if you like this

video I know I mean I know it's really just about me talking about failing but

feel free to like my failure I will not take offense I really won't alright

hopefully I'll see y'all back here tomorrow, byyyeee

For more infomation >> VEDD | So I Failed... - Duration: 3:41.


| DIRECTO | League of Legends | 12 Dic | Godin Gamer | LOW LATENCY - Duration: 59:11.

For more infomation >> | DIRECTO | League of Legends | 12 Dic | Godin Gamer | LOW LATENCY - Duration: 59:11.


The Lemon, Master of Deception - Duration: 0:31.


Here we go!


Do you like it?




For more infomation >> The Lemon, Master of Deception - Duration: 0:31.


Weight Loss, On What We don't Know About - Duration: 4:22.

What we don't know about weight loss? Losing unwanted weight is not an easy

task, many ideas on this subject may be harming us.

Keep watching. Myth number one, losing weight quickly may mean recovering it

faster than losing it gradually. Scientific evidence does not support

this statement. Myth number two, setting realistic weight loss goals is important.

Studies do not demonstrate that setting realistic goals leads to longer lasting

weight loss. Myth number three, the readiness to undergo an eating regimen

is important for those who seek to lose weight. There are experiments in favor

and others that refute this belief, overall there is little data showing

that a firm willpower facilitates weight loss.

Myth number four

the differences between thin and fat people have to do with willpower,

uncontrolled eating and the types of food that is consumed. There is

convincing evidence that being overweight is a disease and that there

is not enough willpower and healthy eating to avoid it.In 2013

the AMA or American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease not just

a risk factor. The South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

is pleased to announce that we are taking steps to allow us to recognize

obesity as a disease. Many arguments support this view including the impaired

functioning of appetite control, abnormal energy balance endocrine problems among

others and this disease is inherited from our parents and relatives. Critics

claim that this is removing personal responsibility of the problem. However, it

is a fact that researchers followed 4,000 pairs of twins for 25 years in

order to study the influence of inheritance on obesity and they found

that the body mass index or BMI at age 20 was 77% caused by the genes at 45

years this force arrived to 84 percent.

as the time come to correct the negativity surrounding obese people?

Perhaps the best and first step is to recognize that your obesity is a disease

and not a character flaw. But now I am mess, I'm totally out of state,

because all that i can thought... is that.. I'm an.... addict, I'm an addict, I'm an addict, and it's

really annoys me because I really don't want to be one, I don't want to be

a food addict. If we do it we can build a new relationship that can help them deal

with this difficult problem and it's terrible consequences.

To know more see links in the description of the video, thank you so

much for watching me I'd love you to drop a line in the comments, don't forget

to subscribe to the channel, like and share this video and follow me on

Facebook. I'll see you in the next video with another amazing subject. See you.

For more infomation >> Weight Loss, On What We don't Know About - Duration: 4:22.


Quiet and cold, few clouds late - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Quiet and cold, few clouds late - Duration: 3:43.


How to Color like a Rebel! : Episode 4 - Duration: 7:03.

hi there mary beth cryan here I'm an artist

and this is going to be another video about coloring

today's topic is rebel coloring are you ready

uh if you've seen my past videos you might notice some differences one I got

new glasses two my hair shorter and three I'm missing 25% of my lungs my last

video was shot over a year ago because I have been quite ill but I am feeling a

lot better and I'm gonna make a go at these videos again so I hope you'll join

me it's time to draw what we're going to color today and for one of my goofy

stories I think you'll find this week that my coloring is quite rebellious I

have been feeling rebellious ever since I left the AT&T store I went there to

pick up my new iPhone and after refusing to buy from the salesman a hundred

dollar case and the insurance the salesman told me that he couldn't

believe I was going out into the world with my brand-new iPhone

unprotected he told me I was quite the rebel and I said that's right Ice Man

okay that's not what I said but that would have been awesome now I am

scanning in this baby and I'm gonna print it out

alright all printed out and this is what the page would look like if you

decided to download this little note card from my Etsy store you might notice

that there's a little something extra on the side that's a stencil we're going to

use today but you know how I like you to you be able to use these tutorials on

any of your coloring books I don't need for you to download mine although I

appreciate it if you do and so I'm going to show you how to make this stencil

yourself do not fret it's coloring time and like I said we

are going to be completely ignoring the lines yes I said it

we're going to be coloring and we're going to be ignoring the lines how could

this be how could this be well we're about to find out

my first tip is make a border you might remember a similar tip from my

metallics video which is video number three I'm gonna ease you into this crazy

rebellious coloring technique of ignoring the lines by just simply making

a border all along the outside as you can see I'm just following the outside

edge with a colored marker my second tip is fill in the corners I'm just making a

rounded shape here and then filling it in and I'm gonna go around and do all

four corners easy peasy

number three is trace what's already there so I'm just gonna go around and

trace what we've already drawn first I'm going to do a red marker then add some

interest I'm going to use a colored pencil and then I'm going to go around

once more with some pink polka dots time to make that stencil I was telling you

about if you downloaded the file from my shop just take the little stencil and

fold it in half and cut out the half hearts if you didn't just take any piece

of paper draw three half hearts of any of three different sizes and cut them

out when you open it up you'll have three beautiful little heart

stencils this sounds like a good idea for another video don't you

think tip 4 is obviously cover the page with stencils there's two approaches to

this you can either outline your stencil and then take the stencil away and fill

it in or you can leave the stencil down on the page and color it in while the

stencil is lying on the page I find that this is a good technique for larger

areas but for the small hearts it's better to just trace the little hearts

and then color in what you've drawn

my fifth tip is outline the heart you've drawn this is just gonna give them a

little more emphasis and make them pop off the page my final tip is cover the

background in polka dots video number two was all about polka dots so if you

like this technique you can go and check it out but I'm just gonna fill in the

whole background area with a whole bunch of different colored polka dots we've

reached the part of the video where I explain what in the world that thing is

in the corner of my video today's mystery objects are some paper craft

shoes a little chair and a little paper pocket book

these are from my book that I did with american girl called paper shaper chic boutique

it's like the cutest thing it's one of my favorite books you can make 2

little stores and all the accessories that go in them and we are done isn't it

beautiful well thank you so much for watching um I

hope you found some good tips you can use on your colorings this one I admit

was kind of a crazy one so if this was too crazy for you you should check out

some of my other videos they're a little more conservative but um these tips will

work on any of your coloring books if you want to download the exact drawing

that I did in the video and print it out at home you can find it in my shop and I would love love to see your rebellious

coloring so please tag me on social media

#marybethcryan and until the next tip

For more infomation >> How to Color like a Rebel! : Episode 4 - Duration: 7:03.


Beautiful Girl Fishing - Lady Fishing Using Net || Girl Fishing videos - Duration: 4:09.

Girl Fishing videos

For more infomation >> Beautiful Girl Fishing - Lady Fishing Using Net || Girl Fishing videos - Duration: 4:09.


10 Dresses for Indian Girls Kids Party Wear Traditional Dresses in flipkart shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:50.

LATEST TOP 10 Dresses for Indian Girls Kids Party Wear Traditional Dresses in flipkart shopping online dresses

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