Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Alphabets Phonics Song

A is for apple, A-A Apple

B is for Ball, B Ball

C is for Camel, C-C Camel

D is for Doll, D Doll

E is for Elbow, E-E Elbow

F is for Foot, F Foot

G is for Gold Fish, G-G Gold Fish

H is for Hand, H Hand

I is for Igloo, I-I Igloo

J is for Jar

K is for Kitten, K-K Kitten

For more infomation >> Learn Phonics Song | Kindergarten ABC Alphabets for Kids | Baby Nursery Rhymes by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:54.


#1 Skyrim: Norse Afterlife (Religion and Spirit) - Duration: 11:41.

Hello friends my name is Arith Härger and this is me right here... hehe...

I wish...

I would get all the ladies!

Anyway, as you can see this is a different kind of video

I'm sure that spending a few minutes just listening to me in any subject tends to be a little bit boring

so I had this idea of using this wonderful game

to explain Norse afterlife and the concept of spirit

this doesn't mean that in the future I will continue to do videos like this, it highly depends on your feedback

but the thing is, some of my friends told me that I would like this game because-

it's based on Norse mythology - this is Skyrim from Bethesda the fifth game of the Elder Scrolls series

I absolutely loved playing this game

I expected to see things related to Norse mythology and Scandinavian history

to my surprise not only was based in mythological and historical accounts

but there is also a great amount of Norse spirituality in this game

so I wanted to talk about the concept of afterlife in ancient Scandinavia and use Skyrim to illustrate this subject

hope you don't mind with no more delay let's get started

I'll try to be brief in this subject and summarize it a lot

so let's make an introduction first to the essence of religion and the concept of spirit

this is the first video of these series and now I'm not going to focus just yet on the Norse afterlife

that will be on the next video

now what I want you to understand first, before delving into the main subject

is how religions view reality and the spirit

to better understand the essence of Norse paganism we have to take in mind that we can divide religions into two groups

the world accepting religions and the world rejecting religions

the religions that reject reality are, for instance: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism

in Christianity you live your entire life trying to save your soul

trying to save a spot in heaven

the idea is living this life only to prepare your soul for the next life

the afterlife is the life that matters

with Islam is the exact same thing but also there is a great emphasis on the correct observance of rites and prayers

in Buddhism you try to reach your higher self

no preoccupations whatsoever and just like the previous religions you are working for yourself

so it turns into a religion for the individual rather than for the community

and of course in Hinduism reality is "Maya" - an illusion

these religions have in common the fact of promising to their practitioners

something that is beyond reality, beyond our mortal world

so our world becomes a mere transition towards something better and eternal

so there is the absolute negation of this world

on the other hand most pagan religions had a very different point of view about our world

they were religions associated with everyday life

and were much more connected and concerned with the tasks of everyday life

and the insertion of the human being into the natural order of things

as an agent and an auxiliary of natural events

the goal of religions that accept reality or accept the world is generally to protect the life of the family

to cause well-being and fertility

things associated with life itself and material things

most pagan religions are religions concerned with the community and to try to live this life in the best of ways

without being so eager to die and go into the afterlife

the Norse and Germanic spiritualities are the types of religions that are world-accepting

of course at some point warriors were eager to die in battle and go to Valhalla

but that was a minority in Scandinavian societies, belonging to a different cult

which I will talk about on another video

summing this up, the religions that deny reality tend to focus on individuals

what is important is the individual salvation, the reward in the afterlife

it takes away the collective consciousness

no one can save third parties

no one can take other people into the other side

you are working for yourself and your own well-being

whilst pagan religions are much more community focused

since they are religions that accept reality

there is the need for collective work to cause well-being in general

the human being here is not seen as independent of nature and of the human community as a whole

but as a part of a greater plan

the group, the tribe, is an entity itself

Christianity, for instance, like many religions

is based on the notion of worship through faith

faith is what brings the individual to their God, or Gods

most pagan religions in general didn't have the concept of an individual having a special connection with a certain deity

although we have some cases, of course, of people worshipping a single deity

or an Oracle, sorcerer, shaman, and so on, having contact with the gods and the gods speaking through that person

but in general the connection people had with the gods was always concerned with the community

and giving gifts to the gods and spirits to keep the bonds of friendship strong

and to have a continuation in the blessings the gods sent to the community

pagan religions are based on the preservation of certain community acts towards the gods

these gifts to the gods generally fulfill the role of the faith

an animal was killed and shared with a certain deity or deities

part of the crop burned to be sent to the gods and/or spirits of the land

valuable objects were broken to release the force in it

to be given to the being to whom it was being offered

there is an exchange of "megin" - that is, of power, of energy

which through the sacrifice/death/burning sends this "megin" to the beings we want

and they, accepting those gifts, find themselves obliged to give to us something in return

not only we mortals continue these activities to keep the bonds of friendship between gods and mortals alive

but the gods themselves keep alive this circle of brotherhood, friendship

the "friðr", which is peace, love, and a sort of harmony

while other religions worship through faith and prayers

most pagan religions worship through gifts

speaking about breaking valuable objects to gift them to the gods

we see this in archaeology during the Bronze Ages and the Iron Age

thousands of weapons broken and distorted so no one would steal them

but also broken to release their power, the very human essence that belongs to the object

because we created them

and giving that essence to the gods

and in return the Gods gift us with spiritual force, essence, power

Unlike religions that pray to a certain deity so the deity intervenes and the deity does the things FOR people

in most pagan religions the deities do the things WITH people

people weren't expecting the gods to do something for them

that's why there were these gifts to the gods to give them power, force, essence

so the gods in turn would give us the same thing, the motivation, strength, power

so we can do the things for ourselves and to help the community

I've already spoken about objects on purpose

because the concept of spirit in different religions can also be divided into two aspects

there is a relation between matter and spirit

to our Western society greatly influenced by Christianity...

the matter and the spirit are two different things

the spirit is immortal and will animate the matter which is mortal

the matter can die while the spirit lives on

which reinforces the idea that this life is a mere passage to evolve and come to an individual perfection

so we can go into the other side uncorrupted

the matter ends while the spirit flees into someplace else

pagan religions often don't have this same idea

for most pagan religions there is no division between matter and spirit

mortal versus immortal

what exists is one inseparable thing

if you have matter you have a spirit

the spirit is not seen exactly as an individual consciousness

in fact, it is more of a force as in the old Nordic "megin", as I have mentioned before

having a personality is different from having an individuality

personalities are relational things defined not by the subject itself

but by his interaction with others

but individuality is what you define which later will influence your personality

this is one of the reasons our ancestors had ritual hunting

eating the meat of certain animals to obtain their essence

because the matter lived alongside the spirit

by feeding on one you also incorporate the other

so there aren't two separate things

the body is equal to the spirit and the spirit is equal to the body

once again using Christianity as an example, in the point of view of such religions

the spirit is individual and inhabits the body and can relate to the divine only through faith or good deeds

in certain pagan religions such as the Norse one

the spirit has its roots in matter but tends to spread to other "higher dimensions"

the concept of the spirit in certain pagan religions

is the same concept of the structure of a community

the community is a body

but can be divided into tribes and a tribe having different families

and within each family a number of individuals different from one another

it's like a great web, a collective consciousness constructed by other branches of consciousness

like a great tree

I'm sure you can already see the spiritual similarities with Yggdrasil and what it represents

there is the self and the self is divided

there is the "hamr" and within it, it is divided by Hugr, Munr, Fylgja, Hamingja, Ættarfylgja,

which I will explain on another video

but this only to tell you that the self is divided into different parts

belonging to the same thing

forces that influence us because they are part of us

the material body, "líkr", is part of this Hamr

which possesses all these different realities

the different parts of the spirit construct the Hamr, construct the form itself in which people see us physically

alright friends let's end this video here and continue on the next one

now that you know the concept of spirit in pagan religions

especially in the Norse pagan traditions

I think it will be easier for you to understand the concept of afterlife in the perspective of the ancient Norse

which I will try to explain on the next video

thank you so much for watching and see you on the next video

tack för idag! (Thank you for today!)

For more infomation >> #1 Skyrim: Norse Afterlife (Religion and Spirit) - Duration: 11:41.


como fazer hambúrguer caseiro - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> como fazer hambúrguer caseiro - Duration: 4:50.


Trump Signs $700 Billion Defense Bill, Arby's New Sandwich - Monologue - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Trump Signs $700 Billion Defense Bill, Arby's New Sandwich - Monologue - Duration: 3:22.


Jokes Seth Can't Tell: Starbucks' Gay Agenda, the Lowest Point in U.S. History - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Jokes Seth Can't Tell: Starbucks' Gay Agenda, the Lowest Point in U.S. History - Duration: 3:25.


Papi et Charlie - DOCTEUR PAPI - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Papi et Charlie - DOCTEUR PAPI - Duration: 1:44.


Kim Jong-un vows to make North Korea 'world's strongest nuclear power' - Duration: 1:44.

Meanwhile, North Korea is continuing to boast about the success of its latest ballistic

missile launch... although experts remain divided on whether it was indeed successful.

Proudly touting its defense-related achievements on state-run TV,... Kim Jong-un vowed to make

North Korea the strongest nuclear power in the world.

Park Hee-jun with more.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has vowed to make North Korea "the world's strongest

nuclear power."

The state-run Korean Central News Agency reported on Wednesday that he made the remarks during

the 8th Conference of Munitions Industry in Pyongyang,... which was held to celebrate

the regime's experiences and accomplishments.

And one of those key accomplishments was, of course, the recently launched Hwasong-15

ICBM, which is said to be capable of reaching anywhere in the United States.

According to the report, Kim Jong-un said that the country "will victoriously advance

and leap as the strongest nuclear and military power in the world."

Kim added that the successful weapons development marks a historic victory for the North Korean

people, but one that came at a great cost.

He went on to award the developers of the Hwasong-15 on the last day of the special

military conference.

This is the first time that North Korean state media has publically reported on the conference.

(Korean) - "Kim's character of wanting to show off his

achievements may have led to the event being made public.

And by declaring that North Korea is a full-fledged nuclear power,... the leader intends to put

the nation in a position where it can negotiate at the international table."

Experts say that the unprecedented coverage aims to solidify North Korea as a nuclear

power,... and that the regime has no intention of scaling down its weapons program.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-un vows to make North Korea 'world's strongest nuclear power' - Duration: 1:44.


Cold wave continues to freeze the nation _ 121317 - Duration: 1:41.

Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the weather update.

The mercury rose slightly compared to yesterday but it's still colder than the seasonal average.

The cold weather alert is still in effect here in the central region, and in Gyeongsangbuk-do

and Jeollabuk-do provinces,... and this cold spell is expected to continue for tomorrow

as well.

The nation will wake up to sunny skies, with Seoul beginning the morning at minus 9 degrees

Celsius, while Daegu and Busan also start below zero at minus 9 and minus 2 degrees.

Into the day, it will get cloudier with Seoul rising up to 1 degree while Gwangju and Busan

hit 7 and 9 degrees.

The strong cold wave will ease off by Friday, so we expect a gradual rise in the temperatures,...


The weather is extremely dry with a dry weather alert in places, so please watch out for anything

that could start a fire.

And make sure you drink a good amount of water.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

For more infomation >> Cold wave continues to freeze the nation _ 121317 - Duration: 1:41.


South Korean President Moon Jae-in kicks off four-day state visit to China - Duration: 2:37.

President Moon has kicked off his four-day state visit to China.

The South Korean leader's visit comes at a critical time for the two countries' future


Our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung is traveling with the president.

She joins us from Beijing.

Connyoung, fill us in on th latest.

Devin, you said it.

This is a critical visit by the South Korean president which will have huge implications

not only for Seoul, Beijing bilateral relations but the geopolitics of the entire Northeast

Asian region.

Upon landing in Beijing for his very first state visit as president... the South Korean

leader has been doing exactly what he said he would prior to setting out for his China

tour - mending bilateral relations between his country and China that soured in the last

year over Beijing's opposition against Seoul's deployment of U.S. missile defense system

and "unofficial" economic retaliation that had a major blow on South Korean businesses

operating in Asia's largest economy.

First on the agenda was a meeting with South Korean residents in China where he struck

a note drawing shared history and values between the two countries and reassured the nearly

400 Korean nationals there that their bilateral relations will be restored.

President Moon vowed to work towards normalizing relations in all areas including economic,

political and security and that his government has been taking enormous efforts to repair

the bilateral relations.

Business, obviously, is one area the South Korean president would like to see flourish

once again between the two countries.

Making headlines is also the size of his business delegation.

Absolutely, Devin.

The South Korean president is traveling with the biggest business entourage ever -- top

executives from roughly 220 South Korean businesses - now, that includes Samsung,

Hyundai Motor, LG, SK and Hanwha groups - came together with just about that many Chinese

firms for a South Korea, China Business Roundtable followed by a business forum.

Here, South Korea's top CEO unveiled the blueprint for South Korea, China cooperation in a range

of areas including business, economic, climate change and innovative growth... one that will

shape the next 25 years of Seoul, Beijing bilateral ties.

This as the two nations mark 25 years of diplomatic relations this year.

The details are quite interesting and we'll have a breakdown of that outline in our later

newscast, Devin.

For more infomation >> South Korean President Moon Jae-in kicks off four-day state visit to China - Duration: 2:37.


10 Years Ago... Matchday 16 LaLiga 2007/2008 - Duration: 3:09.

Ten years ago, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona were preparing themselves for the following weekend's Clasico.

Both kept up their momentum coming into the big game with convincing victories.

The leaders saw off Osasuna with a stunning goal from Sneijder and another from van Nistelrooy,

who managed once again to put the ball past his ex-teammate Ricardo Lopez.

At Mestalla, Samuel Eto'o, having been practically absent all season due to injury,

returned to his best form and registered his first two goals in LaLiga.

If the first was a masterpiece the second was a collective work of art:

The Cameroonian's strike being preceded by 19 passes in 46 seconds.

Barça managed the win without either Deco or Ronaldinho. In fact, the

the Barcelona number '10' didn't even come on when Messi got injured.

The Argentinian, as it turned out, would not be fit for El Clasico.

A blow for Rijkaard's side just as they had incorporated Eto'o back into their ranks.

The curse of the Fantastic Four continued to hold sway.

After a crushing defeat at home, Koeman took a drastic decision;

He decided he would no longer count on the services of his captains David Albelda and Santi Cañizares.

It seemed like they had made their final appearances in the Valencia colours.

At the Ruiz de Lopera Paco Chaparro was in charge for the first ever Andalusian derby against Almeria.

Despite Diego Alves impressing on previous outings, Cobeño came back into the line-up.

His stay was short-lived, however: he got sent off, the Brazilian came on, and was a regular from then on in the side.

Real Betis had to come from behind, but thanks to a brace from Mariano Pavone, the Verdiblanco coach remained unbeaten.

However, when it came to unbeaten runs, the attention was all on Espanyol who equalled a record number of games without defeat.

A single goal from the ill-fated Dani Jarque helped them to a win over the bottom club in the league.

Another plus for them was the return of David Garcia to the side after an absence of seven months.

Two players stood out in the clash at the Coliseum Alfonso Perez.

Nihat, who guided Villarreal to victory with two cracking goals.

Kepa who scored once and could have put his team back on terms after winning a penalty.

Unfortunately for Getafe, he blasted his spot kick high over the bar.

For more infomation >> 10 Years Ago... Matchday 16 LaLiga 2007/2008 - Duration: 3:09.


YouTube partner oluşturma ya da adsense - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> YouTube partner oluşturma ya da adsense - Duration: 6:50.


Как поднять бабла? (Пародия на ак47 - азино три топора) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Как поднять бабла? (Пародия на ак47 - азино три топора) - Duration: 1:09.


BIG WHEEL BRUSSELS CHRISTMAS MARKET - Visiting Brussels Xmas Market Juergen Schreiter #BRU #XMAS - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> BIG WHEEL BRUSSELS CHRISTMAS MARKET - Visiting Brussels Xmas Market Juergen Schreiter #BRU #XMAS - Duration: 0:48.


'Amazon Coupon' | 'Sleeping Bag' | 25% off TETON sleeping bag | 2017 Amazon coupon code - Duration: 1:10.

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For more infomation >> 'Amazon Coupon' | 'Sleeping Bag' | 25% off TETON sleeping bag | 2017 Amazon coupon code - Duration: 1:10.


Korea's traditional paintings printed on the floors of a Seoul Metro's line 3 train - Duration: 2:50.

There are more than 136-thousand pieces of Korea's cultural heritage... that you can't

see in person here in Korea.

They're overseas, having been stolen or sold away.

The city of Seoul is now trying to make the country's lost paintings visible here once

again through a project on the subway.

Our Lee Ji-won went to take a look.

For the next couple of weeks, passengers on Seoul subway line three will have something

to brighten up their commute.

(standup) "Seoul Metro has been working together with

a local cultural heritage foundation to share with the public some of Korea's traditional

paintings that are stored overseas.

And last Friday, they unveiled the project."

Two pieces of traditional artwork are printed on the floors of two cars of a Seoul metro

line three train.

One of the pieces is the "Sagepungsokdo",.. or "Portrait of Four Seasons" by Kim Hong-do,

one of the most talented and famous painters of the Joseon Dynasty.

And like most of Kim's works, the paintings on the train satirically portray the lives

of Koreans in the 18th century in four different seasons,... including the noblemen feasting

with gisaeng, or female entertainers.

The painting was purchased by a French diplomat in the late 1800s,... and was donated to the

Guimet Museum in Paris after he died.

Another work displayed in the train is the "Ship-jangsaeng", or the "Ten Symbols of Longevity".

King Gojong of the Korean Empire had the painting made in 1880, after his son recovered from


The painting portrays various elements of nature, including water, the sun, fruits and

animals that symbolize eternal youth and prosperity.

The painting was sold and brought to the United States in the early 1900s,.. ending up at

the University of Oregon.

(Kor) "These paintings have recently been digitally

restored, but because the original works are abroad, many Koreans don't really know about

them or have the chance to appreciate them.

We hope the project sparks people's interest in this lost cultural heritage."

(Kor) "It looks very nice because it makes the dull

floor colorful, and I think it's a good opportunity to introduce our culture and history to people."

Explanations of the history of the works are posted on the walls, letting passengers learn

more about the country's lost cultural heritage.

(Korean) "I think it's really sad that our cultural

heritage was taken out of our country when we were weak and poor.

I hope those works can be brought back."

And by boosting public interest in the more than 136-thousand pieces of Korean cultural

heritage taken or sold around the world,... the organizers hope to one day bring them

all back home.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea's traditional paintings printed on the floors of a Seoul Metro's line 3 train - Duration: 2:50.


Talking About... Dani Parejo, Valencia CF player - Duration: 4:05.

"Hi, I'm Dani Parejo, and this is what my teammates think of me"

"I have the privilege of considering myself a friend, and in my opinion, he's a very good friend to his friends"

"He's a warm person, he likes being among friends, he's sociable"

"I'm a bit of a homebird at heart. I sometimes argue with my wife about it, because I'll want to stay in and she'll

insist on going out"

"He's one of the jokers in the changing room, but as a captain we all respect and look up to him, he helps us all

a lot."

"Whenever there's a problem, or in any awkward situation, you watch what he's doing, and you follow

his example"

"Though he's made the most appearances for the club out of all of us, when he comes into training,

it's as if it's his first day at the club"

"He's the captain of the ship. He's the one at the helm as it were.

"He's a quality player, there aren't many at his level"

"He's a remarkable midfielder with a lot of class"

"When the game is getting out of hand, he knows how to calm things down"

"I'm a level-headed sort of person. I like to manage the time during the game, slow things down and take a

pause when it seems the right thing to do. I think that's one of my real strengths"

"I've got loads of anecdotes because he's my roommate. I'm really forgetful and we often lock

ourselves out of the room. It's always me who has to go down to reception for a spare key because

I'm the youngest."

"I always remember the time I was coming through the ranks at Mestalla, there were quite a few keepers in the

squad, it was a difficult period, but he was always there for me, supporting me. It made a difference.

I'll always be grateful to him for that"

For more infomation >> Talking About... Dani Parejo, Valencia CF player - Duration: 4:05.


Christmas Drawing Idea - How to Draw Snowman - Christmas Drawing for Kids (2017) - Draw So Easy - Duration: 2:49.

Hello Guys, Please Subscribe and Press the Bell Icon to

never miss video from Draw So Easy

For more infomation >> Christmas Drawing Idea - How to Draw Snowman - Christmas Drawing for Kids (2017) - Draw So Easy - Duration: 2:49.


The Interview: Enis Bardhi, Levante UD player - Duration: 7:05.

"It's a really good feeling to be here being a part of Levante."

"I'm feeling really good."

"I always said that it was my dream when I was young."

"Thanks God I got to come here and I am living my dream."

"I wanted to come here to LaLiga because for me it is the best league in the world."

"The best quality you will have on football is here."

"I knew that I would improve so much here"

"From the matches, from the training."

"From the atmosphere, from everything."

"It would be a very good experience for me."

I didn't think so much to choose Levante. When I knew that interest I knew it was Levante,

it was LaLiga, I immediately just signed the contract."

"First days when I came here I was thinking that it was not going to be easy, because

I didn't speak good Spanish and the other guys don't speak good English.

It was not going to be so easy. But from the first day I was really good with them,

they accepted me very good. They tried to help me in every case. I am feeling really good."

"It's a very good team. They are trying to give me all the best."

Like I said in the first day everyone was accepting me and now I am trying

to be better on my Spanish so it's going to be easier all the time."

"I am trying to work and improve myself. I want to score goals and try to be better.

But the most important thing is the team can achieve things at the end of the season.

Staying in LaLiga is the most important thing for me. If we achieve this after I should look

individual success like goals or assists. If this doesn't happen then other things are not important."

"I say every training, every situation, every moment I am trying to give my maximum,

I am trying to give all the best what I can for the team."

"And if I can help the team with more goals it will be perfect for me and also for the team."

"It was the first goal that I scored in LaLiga. It was a special goal for me. It was a free kick."

"We were 2-0 losing and I scored for 2-1 and the team was getting better, being motivated."

"I don't know how to explain it. It was a really very good feeling, it was amazing."

"Since I was young I was training the free kicks. I was always shooting the free kicks.

When I came here I think I improved also my free kicks in Levante."

"I try to put the ball the best I can. Sometimes it's not going how I want. But I try always after the training, staying and shooting."

"I really think the more you train it will be much better."

"When I was in Hungary we had a very big derby, Ujpest against Ferencvaros.

It's a really big big derby. I was always thinking about scoring against Ferencvaros but I couldn't score.

I hit the post, I had the chances. But I couldn't score. When I came here I knew about Levante and Valencia.

So when I scored the goal against Valencia I was really happy."

"And I want to score again in Mestalla."

"My dream is going with Levante to Europa League or Champions League, why not one day."

"And why not scoring 15 goals or some assists. I have many dreams."

I just want to play football, enjoy it and now I am on the best moment, I am in LaLiga."

"Macho Levante"

For more infomation >> The Interview: Enis Bardhi, Levante UD player - Duration: 7:05.


Korean government holds meeting to regulate cryptocurrency - Duration: 1:42.

Investors in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have made a lot of money this year.

But concerns of a bubble have got the Korean government's attention.

More than a million people in the country are believed to hold at least some Bitcoin.

And today top officials held a meeting about how to go about regulating the crypto market.

Kim Hyesung has the details.

The Korean government has announced a series of measures to curb speculation on cryptocurrencies

amid what appears to be a speculative frenzy.

During an emergency meeting Wednesday, senior officials from various ministries, including

justice, finance, and others agreed to crack down on cryptocurrency-related crimes such

as hacking and illegal foreign exchange transactions.

The government is concerned that a cryptocurrency market bubble could cost people significant

amount of money, so it said banks will have to thoroughly verify users' identities and

make sure they conduct cryptocurrency transactions only with their own accounts.

Minors and foreigners will be banned from opening investment accounts.

On top of individuals, financial institutions will also be banned from buying and selling

virtual currencies.

They are also banned from raising money through bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, making

Korea the second country after China to do so.

Such measures come amid the growing craze over bitcoin.

The virtual currency has been trading in Korea at a significant premium over prevailing international


As for taxing cryptocurrency capital gains, government officials said they will announce

details after discussing with experts through a taskforce team and refer to other countries'

polices so as not to hinder the development of technologies like blockchain.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

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