Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Hey guys it's Thomas from Baton Rouge Guitars and today I'm going to show you

our new pickup system the BR-2P.

Today I would like to introduce you into our new pickup system, the BR-2P. BR

obviously stands for Baton Rouge Guitars. The two in this case stands for the 2way

pickup system we built and the P is for percussive. Since we have a lot of

percussive fingerstyle guitarist playing our Baton Rouge instruments we decided

to create a 2-way pickup system that allows you to combine the natural sound

of an acoustic guitar, together with the percussive possibilities that an

acoustic guitar body gives you. And that's the reason why we came together

with the guys of Shadow electronics to create a pickup system, that allows you

to improve your fingerstyle sound. But let me just shortly show you how the

BR-2P works. It basically consists of three parts the first one is this one this is

the shadow preamp system which you might already know from many Baton Rouge

Guitars there is only a little difference in the order of controls we

built in. Second one is this tiny cute little thing here and if it gets ... there

we go: This is the Shadow HD Nano Flex bridge

pickup and this gives you the well-known natural sound of Shadow acoustic guitar

pickups. And third one is the tap pickup this one here. There we go. This is

the Nano Mag pickup. An active nano Mag pickup which is installed in the body of

the guitar. So with this pickup here you will not influence the natural sound of

the bridge pickup. It is just influencing so much that you get a little bit more

of the natural reverb that a guitar body gives you anyway. So let me just shortly

explain how the pickup system works and which possibilities you have here on the

preamp module. First thing is the volume control.

Here you can control the volume, this is actually self-explanatory; if you put

this on the minus side you can just play quiet or put down the volume and you put

up the volume if you go to the plus side. More important actually are those two

tone controls with this two controls you can control both pickups separately. You

have the TapEQ and on the other side the FlexEQ. Tap stands for the

percussive pickup and the Flex in this case stands for the bridge pickup you

have here which is the natural sounding pickup. With these controls you can

control the sound of both pickups separately which is very cool actually.

Let me just shortly explain how this work. Starting from the middle going to

the left here this way you leave the treble where it is but you enchance the

bass. Starting from the middle going to the right side you leave the bass where

it is but you enchance the treble. This works the same way for both pickups,

you can just use the tone control here. Next one is the blend control. This one

gives you the possibility to mix up both pickups, the bridge and the percussive

pickup. We actually recommend to not leave it on the middle, which would give

you a 50/50 percentage of both pickups, we actually recommend to put it

somewhere in between 12:00 and 3:00 o'clock. Which gives you a little bit

more of the natural sound of the bridge pickup and a little less of the

percussive pickup but as we find it gives you the best quality sound out of

this two-way pickup system. So just leave it somewhere in between 12:00 and 3:00

o'clock. But as it always is, maybe you should also try it on your own

and find your own way and find the best for you how this pickup system could

sound. One last special thing is the two possibilities to plugin your guitar. You

have on one side here a normal mono check and the other one here is the

possibility for you to play your guitar in a stereo way. So if you plug in the

guitar here you can just play it normally with all the things that I

explained you here on the module. If you would like to get a separate channel for

your percussive pickup, then you have the possibility to use the second check. And

this one gives you the possibility to use separate effects, maybe some more

reverb, or a chorus or whatever without changing the natural sound of the bridge

pickup. So this is a very cool thing which you don't have to use, but if you

want to go a little bit further with your percussive sound, then you can use

this and it will give you a chance to do a lot of more percussive then you are

able with playing just a mono sound. So that's basically it, this is the Baton

Rouge AR11C/ACE with the BR-2P 2-way pickup system. It's a new pickup

system we developed together with the guys from Shadow electronics if you have

any further questions make sure to comment down below and if you haven't

yet than make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel that's it for this time

have a good time and thank you for being part of the Baton Rouge family.

For more infomation >> It is all about percussive fingerstyle - Duration: 6:30.


"ВАМДОДОМА". Реальные ОТЗЫВЫ клиентов. О мобильном приложении. Доставка товаров из IKEA,Hoff,OBI - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> "ВАМДОДОМА". Реальные ОТЗЫВЫ клиентов. О мобильном приложении. Доставка товаров из IKEA,Hoff,OBI - Duration: 0:22.


Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice Part 3 - Surt เทพแห่งไฟ ซับไทย/ No Commentary - Duration: 18:53.

For more infomation >> Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice Part 3 - Surt เทพแห่งไฟ ซับไทย/ No Commentary - Duration: 18:53.


Unseen And Rare Moments Of Anushka-Virat Wedding In Italy - Duration: 6:03.

Unseen And Rare Moments Of Anushka-Virat Wedding In Italy

For more infomation >> Unseen And Rare Moments Of Anushka-Virat Wedding In Italy - Duration: 6:03.


TOP 10 BOX OFFICE PREDICTIONS 2018 - Duration: 8:08.

So 2018, like every year now is filled to the brim with huge franchise blockbusters

that are bound to make a ton of money.

So today I thought it could be fun to predict which 10 movies will make the most money next


And this year I'm switching it up a bit by also adding how much I think each film

will make, so I can look even stupider if it turns out to be wrong.

Also, just so you know, I'm talking worldwide grosses here, not domestic.

Alright, with all that said, let's get into it.

Kicking off the list at number 10 is Mission Impossible 6 - $680 million.

These movies after so many years are somehow more popular than ever, with the last being

critical and commercial hits.

So with the 6th entry rolling around, I'm pretty sure it'll follow suit.

Tom Cruise is a little hit or miss with the box office these days, but this franchise

has been pretty stable for him.

Plus people just like spy movies, they have for a while and these days they're as big

as ever.

So this isn't gonna be the biggest event of the year, but in the top 10, yeah I can

see that.

Also I'm pretty sure everyone's gonna go to this just to see how glorious that Cavill

stache really looks in the actual film in the end.

Now at number 9 I've got Aquaman - $730 million.

So the DCEU is….well it is what it is.

And Justice League in the end was not the sure fire hit that I at least thought it was

going to be.

But I'm pretty sure Aquaman is gonna be another Wonder Woman type situation.

Or maybe not, y'know, to that extent, but somewhere around there.

James Wan makes pretty good movies and he seems to have had a relatively smooth production

on this film.

Aquaman was also pretty well received by most people in Justice League.

And don't forget, despite some exceptions, superhero movies in general make a lot of


So with all that added up, I think this could be a pretty good success for DC.

At number 8 I have Black Panther - $750 million.

The MCU solo movies tend to hit around the 600-700 million dollar range, and with how

good Black Panther looks I'm guessing it'll be in the upper part of that range.

I mean there's not much to say for this.

Like I just said, superhero movies just generally make a lot of money, and MCU movies generally

make a lot of money, and this is a character people really like, so yeah.

A lot of money.

Marvel's on a winning streak of about 10 years and it doesn't look to be slowing

down anytime soon.

Now coming in at number 7 is the only r-rated film on my list, Deadpool 2 - $800 million.

Deadpool was obviously a massive breakout surprise that caught most people off guard,

and the sequel seems to be the next logical progression of that.

The marketing so far has been a huge hit online, and because most people loved the first I

imagine the audience for this type of superhero movie has grown even larger.

Now there's some speculation that this could be the first r rated movie to make a billion

dollars….I don't know about that.

I'd say it'd have to be like insanely great for that to happen, and hey by the looks

of things, it might be.

But I just don't think Deadpool is gonna have THAT kind of mainstream crossover appeal.

Still, think it'll do really well.

For my number 6 I have How the Grinch Stole Christmas - $840 million.

Say what you will about Illumination's movies quality wise, but they undeniably make a ton

of money.

From marketing to style to everything, they're just really successful.

And this movie is probably gonna follow that trend.

Not only that, but it's also coming out around Christmas time and The Grinch story

is one of the most iconic Christmas stories ever.

So….yeah, this is pretty perfectly positioned for families to see many times over.

Coming in at number 5 is Fantastic Beasts 2: The Crimes of Grindelwald - $860 million.

The first Fantastic Beasts wasn't a huge standout in the Harry Potter series, but just

for a movie it did quite well.

So with the sequel stepping things up in a big way I'm thinking the numbers are gonna

be even bigger.

Adding one of the biggest plot points of the Harry Potter universe, young Dumbledore fighting

Grindelwald, basically Wizard Hitler, sounds like an amazing concept that I think a lot

of people, fans and non-fans alike, are gonna be curious to see.

Despite any controversy around this film, specifically a certain cast member who shall

remain nameless...but not faceless, I think this is gonna do great business as a setup

for potentially even bigger things to come.

At the number 4 spot I've got Solo: A Star Wars Story - $890 million.

Each of the new Star Wars movies has made a billion dollars.

I mean, I'm recording this before the Last Jedi has even come out, but I'm pretty confident

in saying it's gonna cross that.

I don't know if this will make it quite there though, but it's definitely still

gonna be pretty huge.

I mean, the only reason this isn't higher is that there has been so much talk of how

this production has been….not the cleanest in the world, and really I feel like the movie

may end up being good, but not anything very unique.

Just kind of standard, which I don't think is something people are gonna go out to see

again and again.

But on the other hand, it IS Star Wars, and it's got one of, if not the most popular

character of the entire saga at the forefront.

Plus it's got a great cast, and who knows, maybe it will end up being really good.

I just really wish Lord and Miller would've stayed on.

So some of you might say I'm crazy for not putting this higher, but I'm sticking with

number 4.

Now coming in at number 3 is Jurassic World 2 - $900 million.

This was my number 2 originally, but after that trailer came out I had to move it down

a notch.

I mean, it's still gonna make loads of money, the last one was huge.

But that one was also riding off the nostalgia of the first and the return to this world,

while this sequel doesn't really have that as much.

Plus I know a lot of people loved it, but that trailer makes this look a lot like a

Transformers mixed with a little Fast and Furious type movie with dinosaurs.

And while I'm interested to see this go in a different direction, well in some ways,

I don't think this'll be that critically well received and so will make less than the

first one.

Still, just based on how strong this franchise has been before and the Chris Pratt factor

I'm thinking this'll be in the top 5.

At number 2 is The Incredibles 2 - $1 billion.

Now based on Finding Dory's success, I'm betting this is going to be a similar story.

The first Incredibles movie is one of the classic Pixar movies that almost everyone


So kids are gonna go see this and people who saw the original growing up and are now adults

are gonna go see it.

The buzz around this movie has been building for so long, people have wanted this sequel

for years and years, and now that it's finally here I imagine people are gonna turn out in


Even without the franchise factor Pixar nearly always makes a ton of money, so adding on

the fact that this is the follow up to a beloved first film makes this a pretty much guaranteed

smash, and a potential billion dollar club contender.

So before I unveil my number one, here are some other films that maybe could creep into

the top 10.

Ready Player One.

Spielberg movie, trailers look promising.

Hotel Transylvania 3.

These movies have been making more and more, so who knows.

Wreck It Ralph 2.

First one didn't do amazing business, but since then it's become a bit of a huge hit.

Plus the Disney factor.

Mamma Mia 2.

The first one made 600 million dollars.


Either this will be huge or it'll be like a Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 situation.


Transformers movie.

They do well.

Mary Poppins Returns.

First one's a classic, if this is good it could really take off.

Ant-Man and the Wasp.

It's Marvel.


Could be a Deadpool esque surprise?

And Halloween.

I doubt this'll make it, but It proved that horror movies can really come out of nowhere

and be massive, and so far this one seems to have quite a lot of hype around it, especially


So who knows.

And number 1 is of course Avengers: Infinity War - $1.5 billion.

I mean, sometimes there are movies that pass the MCU movies for the number one spot for

whatever reason, but this time, I would be incredibly surprised if this isn't at the


I mean, it's the climax of everything in the MCU!

All these characters coming together, everyone's favorites, plus it's probably gonna be great,

I just don't think there's anyone who's gonna be like, oh Infinity War's out?

Ehh I'll skip it.

The hype has been building for years and somehow got even bigger after that trailer, and also

I can really imagine Marvel fans especially seeing this many many times over, I'll probably

be seeing it more than once in the cinema.

So yeah, for obvious reasons, I think Avengers 3 is gonna be the biggest

So those were my thoughts on what movies will make the most money next year.

What do you think of my list?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other

Friday with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast, and subscribe

for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 BOX OFFICE PREDICTIONS 2018 - Duration: 8:08.


Virgil's Aeneid Book 1, lines 1-57 / Aeneis Vergilii I.1-57 - Duration: 7:50.

Avete, fautores Vergilii! / Greetings, Virgil fans!

Ego sum Lucius, agnomine / I'm Luke, a.k.a.


et hodie hunc librum legemus / and today we will be reading this book

id est / that is

P. Vergilii Maronis / Publius Vergilius Maro's

Aeneid / The Aeneid

libros I et IV / books 1 and 4

ah usum discipulorum edidit Hans H. Ørberg

hac versione / in this version

videmus notas marginales / we see marginal notes

imagines permultas / so many pictures

perbella est haec versio / this version is just lovely

si vultis / if you like

nexum Amazonis in descriptione / I put the Amazon link in the description

hujus pelliculae imposui / of this video

errores si faciam / if I make any mistakes

veviam peto / please pardon me

bene / all right

legamus / let's read

Aeneidis liber primus est / here is book 1 of the Aeneid

bene, sodales / well, my friends

gratias sescentas / thank you so much

ego sum Lucius, et postea / I'm Luke, and later

magis, id est plus legemus / we'll read more

bene, valete! / well then, take care!

For more infomation >> Virgil's Aeneid Book 1, lines 1-57 / Aeneis Vergilii I.1-57 - Duration: 7:50.


Liverpool's Incredible Counter-Attack | By The Numbers - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Liverpool's Incredible Counter-Attack | By The Numbers - Duration: 4:11.


Weekend at Ottobiano Circuit | Aftermovie + CRASH - Duration: 8:32.

I have to hear if it's hot...

It's hot!

I was going to kill a person..

Hi to all!

I'm... walking

I'm walking because of the bike now is set for the track

I put the slick tires and the sliders on it

Now we are going to take the bike with the car trailer

We will be 3 people, me and 2 friend of mine with honda crf

.. that I do not know where they are

(this was the meeting place)

"Here you are! I'm coming"

Random beasts

Well, let's quickly wash the bike than we will put it up on the trailer

Ok, it can't see anything

It's saturday, 7.28 AM

I'm going to the highway entrance

My friend are waiting me to start

and I have the breakfast!


This is like Milan ambience (foggy)

"Ehi everything good?" "I was going to kill a person.."

... AN IDIOT ...


While I was falling, I lost the fuel breather cap..

But it doesn't metter.. look at this beautiful sunset!

For more infomation >> Weekend at Ottobiano Circuit | Aftermovie + CRASH - Duration: 8:32.


বলিউড সিনেমার বিখ্যাত | যে ১০ জন অভিনেতাদের মেয়ে | ওয়ার্ল্ডে অনেক ফেমাস - Duration: 3:08.

AllToppersBD Present

For more infomation >> বলিউড সিনেমার বিখ্যাত | যে ১০ জন অভিনেতাদের মেয়ে | ওয়ার্ল্ডে অনেক ফেমাস - Duration: 3:08.


030: A year ago today {cc} - Duration: 3:46.

What is going on with my hair? I don't understand? Anyway hi guys, how you doing?

We're doing it off-the-cuff video, that hasn't happened in a while.

But yeah, I just found a photo of myself from this time last year. Which is scary!

I'll link it around or here it is now.

Yeah that was me, a year ago today. Bit of a difference.

I remember taking that photo. I remember taking those photos, I remember,

the energy it took. And what happened afterwards, because I almost passed out.

And the angle that I was leaning on my bed, I was kneeling down.

And how long it took to get back up again. I didn't think I would be able to get back up again and everything.

It's so weird being able to remember that exact feeling.

That my bones felt and that my body felt. I don't understand the feelings I'm having.

Looking at them, but I'm talking about myself, and that's not what I wanted to do.

I wanted to send some love to everybody dealing with Gastroparesis.

To everybody who is still fighting it, still dealing with it, on a day to day basis.

Still having to fight the system, to get help and fight the system

to get treatment. The misunderstanding that comes with it,

the pain and everything. I have so much love for you all, and so much just,

I don't know how to send it to you, and how to tell you that it's gonna be okay.

Because I know what it's like to me down there, and I know saying it's gonna be okay.

Isn't enough because for a lot of people,

it's not gonna be okay. People die from gastroparesis because it's misdiagnosed,

or not explained or not understood. I almost did, I was just very very lucky.

At the last second, I found somebody who understood. But I wanted to say thank you as well.

To everybody who got me out of that hole, everybody who sat by my

bedside and held my hand. Just, you guys dealt with so much stuff,

And I wanted very, so grateful, that isn't English. But I'm so so grateful to

everybody who was there for me. Not just holding my hand,

but messaging me. There are certain people, I don't even know how to thank.

I have said it before but, I could never say enough. But for everybody who just,

was a human and reached out and was nice. I'm grateful to be here, because a year ago.

I was close to not being, pretty much a month after that photo was taken.

I was in a&e, on complete body shut down.

And ya know, it wasn't good.

So let's be thankful let's be grateful and I've turned all preachy all of a sudden.

I'm just.....that photo was scary man!

I hope you guys are good.

And that wherever you are, you're warm and you're well fed and well watered.

And well Loved x

For more infomation >> 030: A year ago today {cc} - Duration: 3:46.


[ENG] LuHan - KFC Golden Christmas season CF ver D (KFC bucket) - Duration: 0:19.

I want a bucket

A huge KFC bucket making a surprise attack in Christmas

A three levels huge bucket with a cake

That sweeping across your taste buds

Limited supply in town

A huge Christmas bucket

Come and get it quickly

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan - KFC Golden Christmas season CF ver D (KFC bucket) - Duration: 0:19.


Mød vores medarbejdere: Morten, lead softwareudvikler | Danske Fragtmænd - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Mød vores medarbejdere: Morten, lead softwareudvikler | Danske Fragtmænd - Duration: 1:19.


Мультфильмы для детей с игрушками. Игрушки Маша и Медведь - Сон/Мультики для малышей видео для детей - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Мультфильмы для детей с игрушками. Игрушки Маша и Медведь - Сон/Мультики для малышей видео для детей - Duration: 5:21.


Vores medarbejdere fortæller: Casper, chauffør | Danske Fragtmænd - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Vores medarbejdere fortæller: Casper, chauffør | Danske Fragtmænd - Duration: 1:14.


Dealing with Deeply Rooted Thoughts - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 6:54.

so a shift an inner shift from thought

- awareness presence

and then the miracle happens and it is happening for many of you here now of

being here as a field of awareness rather than as a person

and the miracle is there when you can look upon this room listen to this voice

and let it be so completely allow it to be as it is so completely there's no

need to add mental commentaries to it you can look at the flowers and perceive

it through what we could call stillness alert aware stillness and that is the

arising often intelligence far greater than the limited human mind which is

only a small aspect of the vastness of intelligence the one intelligence and

that's gained a very limited word the arising within you of non conceptual

intelligence that is what Krishnamurti called the awakening of intelligence and

that is there when you renounce thought thought subsides it can still happen and

when it's needed it's there beautifully not

problematically when self a sense of self is invested in thought thought

becomes problematic and the self that almost everybody lives with is burdened

with that sense of self is in itself problematic you cannot separate

problematic from yourself they are indistinguishable to walk

around with a mind derived self is to be problematic is to live in a problematic

life situation and to experience your life as problematic because you live

mostly than in past and future which is problematic

whereas this moment is not problematic ever so to step out of all that

so that yourself your sense of self is no longer in the movement of thought

that's all that it is there's still a movement of thought your sense of self

is not invested in every thought that arises this way you're pulled this way

and then you pulled that way or you know you may have deeply lodged thoughts that

never leave you obsessions convictions believes this is

how it is just ask me I'll tell you how it is deeply entrenched thought faults

that many people walk around with and it's they say that's me they don't see

it as thought trance that they walk around with they are the thought forms

they are the convictions they are the one who is looking for somebody to

disagree with to strengthen their sense of self they are their thoughts stepping

out of that is the great liberation it's the renunciation and to some people

the renunciation of that thought comes because they can't stand thought anymore

it becomes so painful that finally there and what they do then is they the

renunciation of thought of course it's also the renunciation of past and future

except for practical things that's okay but as that overwhelming concern with me

and my future and things that happened in the past things that are going to

happen to me or not going to happen to me pronounce that and recognize that

past and future are only thought forms no more they have no existence time

which is past and future has no existence except as thought you cannot

encounter past in future and nobody has ever matched the past touched it seen it

the lived in it you may think people lived in the past how can we live in the


the Romans they lived 2,000 years ago that's sounds plausible but of course

they didn't they lived in the now

and so this unless you create a thought-form of past there is no past

and the moment you can only create a thought form at this moment

For more infomation >> Dealing with Deeply Rooted Thoughts - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 6:54.


Мониторинг отзывов о компании в интернете. Отслеживание отзывов о компании в интернете. Павел Титов - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Мониторинг отзывов о компании в интернете. Отслеживание отзывов о компании в интернете. Павел Титов - Duration: 5:36.


Former Bayelsa Commissioner shot dead by unknown gunmen|NVS News - Duration: 2:14.

Former Bayelsa Commissioner shot dead by unknown gunmen

Former Commissioner for Investment, Trade and Industry, Ayekeme Masa, in Bayelsa state has been shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Yenagoa, the state capital.

He died at the Federal Medical Centre Yenagoa where he was rushed to.

The late Masa, who served in the first tenure of Governor Seriake Dickson, was shot in the early hours of Sunday at his residence along Palm Avenue behind the popular Bolex lounge in Yenagoa.

Bayelsa State‎ Police Command spokesman, Asimin Butswat, confirmed the incident, adding that investigation into the murder had commenced.

He further disclosed further that "the killers were in Masa's sitting room having argument with his wife when he arrived home.

"He walked into the argument between his wife and the unknown gunmen.

His attempt to escape proved abortive as he was shot by the assailants.

"One of the security men in his house told police investigators that he heard gunshots and came out of his cubicle to meet the injured body of his boss outside the gate," he said.

Masa's killing is coming on the heels of the shooting of a journalist attached to the Government House by suspected armed robbers.

For more infomation >> Former Bayelsa Commissioner shot dead by unknown gunmen|NVS News - Duration: 2:14.



Hi everyone! I'm Martyna! :)

Today I'm coming to you with

second video about Christmas traditions

in Greece.

It's a series "5 facts about Greece",

so this is how many I've prepared.

I hope you're gonna like this video

as much as you do first part!

You left very beautiful comments there and I'm glad for it.

Fact number one:

One of the Christmas symboles is

special bread, called "Christopsomo"

which is translated to "Bread of Christ".

It's round shaped bread, filled with nuts

and has cross on it.

This is the most characteristic

and important in this kind of bread.

You can find it in every house

during Christmas.

Fact number 2:

It is known, that Greek people are very superstitious

and they believe, that during last weeks of December

their life is disturbed by

small gobblines, called Kallikantzaros.

Because of them

our every day life become unlucky!

When we wash a dishes - we break a glass.

When we clean windows - we spill the water!

They just trip us up all day long!

What can you do to avoid them?

There is one, very easy way!

All you have to do, to open a fire in your fireplace!

Kallikantzaros enter the house by chimney

so you have to remember to keep the fire open!

Second way to keep your house

in peace and my third fact is

another Greek Chrismas symbol.

You can see it in every Greek house

It's a wooden bowl, hanged on wire handle

which is placed in the front door.

It's filled with holy water

and next to it is a small cross with a basil twig.

You have to watered this cross together with basil

and spilled a bit inside the house.

This way you can bring happiness to your home.

Fact number 4

which is not very Christmasy

but I want to tell you about it.

Since 2008, Greeks celebrate very...

sad anniversary.

Which is called "2008 Greek Riots".

you can easly find it in the Internet.

Riots started 6th of December 2008.

This day is remembered as very sad, full of tears and furious.

It's connected with

with all political and political situations in Greece in that period of time.

People were angry and stressed,

they started to notice effects of the crisis.

They didn't know what's going to happen

and they didn't know what to believe.

Tension and aggression was growing up

in every city.

But of course Athens were in the center of it.

Atnehs are a capitol

so every demonstration and

manifastations took place there.

But what happend 6th of December?

It was the beggining of one of the biggest riots in WHOLE Greece.

Culmination point, which cause it

was a murder of 15 years old boy.

He was shot by policemen.

With absolutely no reason to do it.

They shot him with cold blood.

This huge wave of hate

to politics, police

went across Greece.

That day really dangerous riots started.

People destroyed everything what was around them!

It happened in Athens

but other cities joined very quickly.

Till today, you can find articles about it.

I hope I can find some and link them down below.

And since then,

every year, 6th of December

is one of the most dangerous days

to visit Athens.

Riots there are taking place every year.

All those sad memories are not dead

in Greek hearts.

There is also a movie about it

it's called "Wasted Youth".

It's a story about Alexandrous, who was killed.

This movie is Greek

but I'm sure you can find English subtitles.

You should watch this movie, to understand why it was so hard to deal with.

Ah, and one more word about riots.

In 2008, like every year,

on the main square of Athens

which is called Syntagma

was a huuuge, huge Christmas tree.

And first Christmas tree was burned

and mayor decided

which is still incomprehensible for me

decided to buy another one!

Anyways, second Christmas tree was "decoreted"

with trash.

That was 2008 in Greece...

Fact number five:

is, like in previous part, food!

It's super super tasty

and I'm talking about a cake

which is made for New Year's Eve / New Year.

It's called vasilopita,

becasue 1st of January is

a namday of Vasilis

(in Poland: saint Bazyli day)

So every year on New Year

you have to bake a cake

with a coin inside!

Cake is very easy to made,

you can find a recipe in the Internet.

The most important is of course

a coin!

Whoever find a coin, is going to be happy for all year!

That was all I've prepared for you!

I hope you like this video as much as previous one!

That's all for today!

Thank you for watching, see you next time!

Maybe it will be a video from Poland? Who knows!

Anyway! Give is a thumbs up and leave a comment down below!

And I'd be glad when you subscribe to my channel!

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