Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Viral Meme Destroys Obama Lovers With Brutal Truth Behind Trump�s Economy

Despite being in office for less than a year, President Donald Trump�s commitment to deregulating

vital industries and draining the administrative swamp have engendered some of the most impressive

economic numbers seen in decades.

Moreover, the economic boom seen under Trump�s leadership completely dispels the warnings

posited during the presidential election last year by leftists � particularly those blindly

devoted to former President Barack Obama.

Take a doomsday warning issued by a senior Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald, a man known

for his unabashed love of Obama.

Look at what he wrote in September of 2016, two months before the election:

Like other leftists who know less about business and economics than they claim, Eichenwald

guessed wrong � very wrong, in fact.

Enter political cartoonist A.F. Branco, who poked fun at leftists like Eichenwald in a

strip he published last week

It would not surprise me if Eichenwald is among those who still miss Obama, despite

the economic decline the former president helped foster.

And, more importantly, despite the booms seen under Trump.

As noted by Stephen Moore, an economic consultant with Freedom Works, �The U.S. economic revival

has defied the predictions of almost every Donald Trump critic.�

�I vividly remember on the campaign debating Hillary Clinton�s economic gurus who accused

Mr. Trump and his advisers like me of �lying� when we said pro-growth policies would speed

up the economy to 3 to 4 percent growth,� he wrote last month for The Washington Times.

According to the Weekly Standard, the economy during the Trump presidency has already hit

an annual 3 percent growth rate and now is eyeing a potential 4 percent rate.

Trump�s presidency has also spurred record high consumer confidence, record high stock

performance and record high unemployment.

The New York Observer notes that the key to Trump�s success has been his commitment

to �restoring Ronald Reagan�s pro-growth economic policies: slashing tax rates, deregulation,

and cutting government spending.�

In others words, rolling back Obamanomics, i.e.

Obama�s �tax hikes, zero interest rate monetary policies, $8 trillion of deficit

spending, three minimum wage increases, stimulus spending plans, tax increases on the rich,

Obamacare, tight financial regulations, a war against fossil fuels,� etc., as pointed

out by Moore.

And lo and behold, the plan has worked like a charm, demonstrating that Trumponomics/Reaganomics

always beats Obamanomics � no matter what the Obama-loving naysayers claim.

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about all the

warnings posited by Obama lovers during the election last year.

What do you think about the economic boom seen under Trump?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Viral Meme Destroys Obama Lovers With Brutal Truth Behind Trump' - Duration: 3:52.


designer blouse designs for back neck | designer blouse designs,hand embroidery stitches flowers, #2 - Duration: 10:20.


For more infomation >> designer blouse designs for back neck | designer blouse designs,hand embroidery stitches flowers, #2 - Duration: 10:20.


Invoking Your Soul Power - Duration: 3:52.

Invoking Your Soul Power

by Conscious Reminder

I began to be interested in Self- Healing because I was desperate to do something with

my life and my emotions.

A friend of mine introduced me to it and after that there has been no going back�

I have learnt so much on this journey and I wish to share some of it with the readers.

So, Soul Healers believe in the idea that everything has a soul; whether it is trees

or animals or even inanimate objects; everything.

This is the reason why we believe that everything can be cured if you heal your soul and look

after your soul.

Yes, that�s all that�s needed to lead a better life.

However, it is not as easy as it sounds.

One of the most important things that you have to understand is that you cannot even

begin the process of healing your soul or transforming your life, if you don�t know

how to talk to your soul.

Yes, you need to know how to have a healthy conversation with your soul.

This conversation has to be based on the premise that our soul has been through a lot and it

knows a lot more than our minds.

Our mind only knows what has happened in this life but our soul has been in the game of

this Universe for a very long time.

So, at the centre of Soul Healing is a four power technique.

This technique involves talking to your soul and you have to do this by directly addressing

your soul.

After addressing your soul, relax and take a break for three minutes before doing this


This will really open you up to your soul and you will be able to learn a lot about

yourself and this way you will be able to solve a lot of your problems.

There are three more ancient healing techniques that you can use as well:

Body power: It involves hand and body positions and is done for smooth energy flow.

Mind power: This is also called creative visualization.

Sound power: This is done through chanting and vibrational sounds that heal.

All of the above techniques are very powerful in isolation but they are also very useful

if they are done together.

They have been created after 5000 years of European wisdom combined with modern knowledge.

The cell theory talks about the reason why illness occurs.

Excess of energy is the reason behind all sorts of illnesses.

And lack of energy causes around 15 percent of the illnesses.

The cure has to be found out depending on the situation of energy in your body.

Soul healers believe that all the cells constantly vibrate and this creates a sort of energy

field around them.

Whenever a cell contracts; the matter inside converts into energy outside in the spaces

between the cells.

On the other hand when the cell expands; the energy outside converts into the matter inside

the cell.

It is believed that we fall sick whenever this intricate balance between energy and

matter is mismatched.

This means that this balance is extremely precarious.

But all of the soul techniques release any blockage that happens on a cellular level

and thus allow the flow of energy freely.

This ensures good health.

I realized all this when I realized that I have a healer within me and I have all the

energy to change my life around.

Yes, all of us do.

For more infomation >> Invoking Your Soul Power - Duration: 3:52.


Make a FREE YouTube Intro Video + Music & Graphics - Duration: 17:48.

Hey guys, I made that video intro that you just watched in Blender for free,

and in this video tutorial I'm going to show you how to do the same for your own

needs. I'm not going to go into the intricacies of how Blender works because

it is a powerhouse, but I am going to show you how to do things like edit the

text and change the colors. All you're going to need for this tutorial is to

download Blender, so go over to if you haven't already download

the program and then let's get started! Right, so let's go ahead and do this

start to finish together. We're in this together people! So if you've just

downloaded Blender this is what it should look like and don't worry about

any of these tools. The point of this tutorial is not to show you how to make

something from scratch but rather how to edit a template. So what I want you to do

is open a browser and go ahead and type in Top Free Intro. Now this is just a

site that I like for Blender intro templates because I think they have

a lot to choose from and I do like that it gives you the option to preview a

template before you download it. I'm going to pretend like this one is the one

that I want to use for my own video intro. Again you can press this button

to preview the template before you actually download it. If it all looks

good to you go ahead and click download, you'll be brought to a second tab, you're

going to want to scroll down towards the bottom and look for this little download

option again. Your zip file will download and you're done with the website, so go

ahead and close tab out, and you can open your file to unzip, and ensure that

you have a "dot blend" file to select because dot blend is particular to

Blender. Now something I will say that is very atypical are - instructions! Usually

templates do not come with instructions, so I'm going to move this to the side

and pretend like they don't exist because typically you will open a

template and it will look like this and you will have no idea what to do from

here. So let's get cracking! The first thing that we should probably do is get

rid of this "your name." While you're in object mode, whether you're using a

trackpad like I am or a mouse, go ahead and click on the

text and you'll see when it's selected there's a slight orange hue. I know it's

a little hard to tell because the background of this particular template

is orange but once you have your text selected, you're going to toggle over to

edit mode. Edit mode is how we actually edit the text, so once you're in edit

mode you should see this cursor at the end of your text. You're going to go

ahead and click delete. Simply delete to get rid of that text and then you're

going to type in your name, whether it's the channel name or the blog name. I'm

going to go ahead and type in Remote Work Guides, and if you're like me and your

name is longer than the template allows for, don't worry! It's a very easy fix.

From here, you're going to click command a, and that's going to highlight all of

your text for you. Now look on the right hand side on this panel you'll see an F.

That is F for font and we're going to scroll down until we see size. Now from

here there are two ways to go about this - you can manually enter your own font

size or you can use the left and the right arrows to toggle the size itself.

So I think this looks pretty good so far. I think the size is better but I don't

like that it's not centered between these two lines any longer. No problem -

we're going to scroll down and we're going to look for offset. Now Blender is great

because it allows you to move things along X Y & Z access. For the purpose of

these two-dimensional templates, if you want to move something to the left and

the right, it's your X access, and if you want to move something up and down, it's

your Y access. So I think that looks pretty centered. I'm much happier with it


And there are a couple other things you can do. If you want to space out your

letters go ahead and look under spacing and there are lots of different

things you can do, but I think - to keep it simple - these are the easiest.

You know what? It's still not centered. All right so it's still not as centered as I

want it to be. I went the wrong way. At this point this is where you

type in your own numbers and get a feel for where it should be and just work on

it until you you're happy with the end result. So - oops - sorry about that

everyone! Now you know what Christmas music is out. So there are a couple other

things we can do from here. Let's say you don't like the font template - sorry -

let's say you don't like this particular font and you want to change it or maybe

you want to use a font that you use across your website. Once again hit

command a to highlight your text and we're going to scroll back up until we see

this option here - regular - under font. Now this is the font that comes standard

with this particular template. If you want to get rid of it click this X. That

effectively clears out everything that's come kind of prefab in this template and

you're going to open up this file looking letter thing, and there are a number of

ways to go about doing this. One - you can navigate your way to your own library

and look for fonts. Here, you can choose the font that you normally would

but let's say there's a new font you want to use - no problem. I'll show you how

to do this really easily. Let's go ahead and go over to Dafonts. I think this is

a good website because most of the fonts are free and it's very simple to

download something. So let's say Honeyguide - that looks pretty fun - I'm

going to go ahead and download that. Now something I like to do is help make

navigating it within Blender very easy so once you open up this new text file I

want you to click it and I want you to drag it onto your desktop, and let's

close that we don't need it anymore, and I'll show you why. Because when you go

back into Blender and you want to open that new font, you're going to go to this

open file and you're going to go to desktop and here. It's very very simple.

So there's your new font! Wow, I'm actually glad I accidentally did

this. Let's say like me you have just click something on your trackpad that

you weren't supposed to and oh my god you're completely upside-down you have

no idea what to do. No problem! From this point you're going to go back to

object mode and then you're going to click the number zero on your number pad. Zero

is a great way it's a to get you back to what's called camera view. It means we're

looking through our camera this is just what it looked like when we first opened

our template, so again if you're in this crazy view make sure you're in object

mode, click 0, and you're good as gold again. Now okay so it's very easy to

change the text but let's say you've made a bunch of changes and then you're

like shoot I don't like them. Hit command Z because like other programs, command Z

is the way in which you undo. Unfortunately for me, I undid too much,

but that's essentially how it works. So I'm going to get back to this just

so I can show you...why are you not let me do that,,,alright so we're back to where

we started. So now you know how to change the size, now you know how to change the

placement, now you know how to change the font itself. Lastly, I'm going to show you

how to change the font color. When your font is highlighted again - if for

whatever reason you've deselected it, hit command a. I want you to

come over here to this little globe. Now this little ball is our properties and

this basically shows you what the color is and from here it's very simple. You're

just going to click on the color of the material and you're going to choose

something new. So let's say I want to blue, now my font is blue, and there's

really nothing to it more than that. So if you're happy with the blue font,

I'm happy with how this looks so far, okay great.

But let's say you're not happy with the orange background. Again very simple. When

you're in object mode you want to click - physically click - on the orange itself.

You'll know that you've successfully highlighted the background color when

you see in your properties that the or that the ball is now orange and again to

the same processes as out font, we're just going to go through and kind of finagle

with this until we find a color that we like. So I'm gonna make this really bold

and ugly. Okay so from here I'm pretty happy with this. If for whatever reason

this is what I want my template to look like, when you are ready to save the file

you're going to come up here to the camera and there are a couple things that we

need to do before we can physically save it. First I want you to change the output.

The output is where the file is going to be saved. So you're going to click on this

file right here and if you want to save it to your desktop, go ahead and click

desktop. If you want to do it to your documents, same thing, but once you have

desktop highlighted go ahead and rename it. I'm just going to name it RWG Intro,

and click accept. If you don't click accept, nothing will be saved,

so as long as that's selected you're okay. Then I want you to select RGB and

finally come over here and make sure you're saving it as under movie - avi JPEG.

Now here you have a couple options, you can change the quality. I find that the

lower the quality is the worse it looks but the faster the Blender renders the

video for you. However if you have some time to kill and you're a very patient

go ahead and nudge that up to 100% so that your quality is very high. Again

this will take a little extra time. The higher the quality the longer it takes

to actually render the video but that's okay, and once you're happy with all that

go ahead and just click animation. Now I will say real quick let's say

you've clicked animation and Blender is doing its thing and it's starting to

save the file and all the sudden you realize oh my god I hate this color pink,

this is not what I wanted. Rather than let it

render all the way through, go ahead and click this X. That effectively stops

the render. Now to get back to the view where we were and where we were editing,

come down here you'll see this little picture looking thing. Go ahead and

select that and go to 3d view and we are back to exactly where we were. And from

this point, you can go ahead and make changes. If you've realized you made a

mistake in your font, make sure your font is selected, go back to edit mode, go back

to fonts and make the changes however you need. And once you're done

with that - yeah it looks good - you can change the color again if you want to.

Don't forget, to change the color, we're going to our properties. So if you're

good with all this and you think like yeah this is what I want then it's the

same process. Go back to your camera, make sure that everything is the same - it

should be - and once you're good to go click animation. Now it will take Blender

a long time to render and it especially matters if you're using an older

computer or if you have a longer video or a video that's perhaps not 2d maybe

you opted for a three-dimensional template. That will matter and that will

take a longer time to render. So you'll know when your video is done when this

green line gets to this side of the light gray box. So I'm going to go ahead and

pause the video here and I'll see you in a second when my video is done rendering!

If your Blender is done rendering and if you've saved it on your desktop,

here's your video. Let's go ahead and take a look. So we have our new yellow

color - excellent - we have our blue font. Alright pretty good, so congratulations

you've just edited your very own template! Now something that I do want to

cover real quick is let's put some music to this bad boy and then put it all

together. Open up iMovie if you have iMovie.

Let's go ahead and open up a new - hey it's me, doing

many different videos. If you have iMovie and I think iMovie actually is free and

standard so if you have a Mac even better, but go ahead and drag your intro

right into iMovie and as you can see it's gonna play just like a regular file.

Okay so I want to add some music to this. Now there are a number of different ways.

You can do this you can go on at Google and just literally just search for free

or royalty free music or you can use websites like jamendo (jamando)? I'll put

that in the description, I've used that before, that's music that you can buy, you

can purchase a license. It's a really good one, they have thousands of songs

that are awesome. But if you're just looking for a really

quick loop - like this template that we made is seven seconds - and you don't

necessarily want to pay for some music, Orange Free Sounds dot com I think is a

really good site because they have like a pretty substantial list of

royalty-free and totally free music, and logos, and not logos, sound effects for

you to use. It's one of my favorites which is why I'm showing it to you right

now. So let's just see what this looks like. All right, so let's say that that

really speaks to me and I want that to be in my intro video. I'm going to go ahead

and click download and come down here to free download and again you're going to

click this to unzip the file. And once again I'm going to move this mp3 to my

desktop because I just like to make things very easy for myself. I'm going to

close this and since it's on my desktop now I am just gonna drag this under my

new template. And it's very long! I don't need it to be - oh it's very long - if

you're unfamiliar with iMovie go ahead and just follow me along. If you are

familiar awesome. You can simply drag and kind of time the music with that. You can

add a little fade, I'm just going to go ahead and fade this. Something else I

like to do, which I don't know, you don't have to do this, I just like

to add a transition. I think it gives it like a millisecond of nice fade. Anyway

let's see, now I (sigh)...I have my music and I have my template, so

let's see what it looks like altogether! Well I'll be darned, I like it!

So if you are happy with this, you're going to come up here to this arrow up here

and you're going to click save file. I'm going to go ahead and type RWG Intro Final. Click

next. I'm gonna save it to my desktop and once

this is done (you'll know when it's done because this little circle will be - it'll

no longer be transparent - it'll be white). Once that's done saving you can go ahead

and check out your brand-new intro on your desktop. Now I'll just talk through

a little bit while this is saving. The best thing about doing it this way

saving it with music that you like is that once you save this as an mp4 file,

it's yours forever! You can pop that file into future iMovies or whatever video

editing software you are using and that's it! You will always and forever

have this intro video just the way you intend it to look. So let's go ahead and

take a look. Here it is! Here's the file, here's your final template. Alright so if

you enjoyed watching this video and thank you so much for sticking with me -

go ahead and leave me a comment below! Again I'm Erin with Remote Work

Guides. I hope you found value in this video and again Blender is really cool!

In fact I made this diamond using Blender because I just wanted to try to make a diamond one day! So I do recommend now that you have Blender that you check it out!

Thanks again for watching, leave me a comment if you have any questions,

comments, or concerns, and until next time, don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Make a FREE YouTube Intro Video + Music & Graphics - Duration: 17:48.


জীততে চাইলে হারতে হবে | failure is the reason for success | way to success | motivational video ban - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> জীততে চাইলে হারতে হবে | failure is the reason for success | way to success | motivational video ban - Duration: 4:01.


Driver arrested, accused of 7th OWI - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Driver arrested, accused of 7th OWI - Duration: 1:27.


league of legends l Imaqtpie Bị Vợ Gank ,Gosu đẳng cấp Vayne , Leesin Trong Tay Gripex quá ảo diệu - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> league of legends l Imaqtpie Bị Vợ Gank ,Gosu đẳng cấp Vayne , Leesin Trong Tay Gripex quá ảo diệu - Duration: 10:08.


Introduce yourself at a Job Interview - Giới thiệu bản thân phỏng vấn bằng tiếng Anh - Duration: 3:35.

Hello guys welcome to Terelingos English. In this video I'll give you some

easy tips on how to answer one of the most commonly asked questions "Tell me

about yourself". You can definitely start by talking

about your qualification work experience and personal achievements. But the thing is

the interviewer may have already seen that information on your resume and

cover letter. So many people would choose to repeat it to make yourself stand out

among other candidates, don't just talk about what you have done but also WHY.

You can talk about why you chose your major why the University and why you

want to work for that company. Also reveal a little bit about yourself and

your personal qualities to the interviewer according to the jobs

requirements. Here is an example of a person applying for an English teaching

job. Before heading to the University I knew for sure that I wanted to be an

English teacher, because for me teaching is such a fulfilling career. You don't

simply teach your students but also inspire them in so many ways so that

they can actually achieve amazing life opportunities in their own futures. And

I'm so grateful for having an amazing time and opportunity being a student of

British Council Vietnam. I wanted a school that could provide me with an

international learning environment, and with dedicated teachers who can inspire

me to be like them one day. And British Council not only taught me how to be an

excellent English teacher, but also gave me many unforgettable opportunities to

apply what I had learned in real life. For instance being a very active and

initiative person who loves taking on challenges, so when the school first

offered voluntary teaching jobs for primary students at rural areas, I signed

up for it immediately without thinking, and ended up doing it every single

summer. Not only did it sharpen my teaching and interpersonal skills, but

also gave me countless meaningful experiences

that reminded me to work even harder and inspire more people to fall

in love with English not fear it. Here you can see that I have purposely

divided this answer into three parts. The first part I share why I want to be an

English teacher, and since I'm applying for one it really shows to the

interviewer how passionate I am with the job without directly claiming it. In the

next part, I talk about why I chose to study with British Council. It shows that

I'm a person with a clear goal and can be a great achiever if I join their

company. Last but not least, here you can see that I brag a little bit about

myself, that I'm very active, initiative and I

love challenges I also show that I'm a dedicated teacher who truly wants the

best for her students. The trick is to describe your personal qualities in

accordance with the job requirements. That's it I hope I have showed you how

easy it is to answer these questions. If you have learned something useful from

this video please like and share it with your friends. And don't forget to

subscribe to our YouTube channel, and like our Facebook page where we upload

tons of cool English tips every day. See you next time!

For more infomation >> Introduce yourself at a Job Interview - Giới thiệu bản thân phỏng vấn bằng tiếng Anh - Duration: 3:35.


How To Prepare For A Field Sales Call - Duration: 8:41.

Most sales reps make a mistake that can

be the difference between success and

failure and that's coming to a sales

call unprepared.

An ancient Greek

military leader once said or at least

they should have said- "The battle is won

or lost before the warrior steps into the


Hi I'm Steve Benson, CEO of Badger

Maps, an application for field


Today we're going to focus on

how to master the preparation for a

field sales call.

Why should you listen

to me?

Well, my whole career has been in

field sales focusing on maximizing field

sales people's success.

I was Google's

top field salesperson before I started

Badger Maps, a company that helps field

Salespeople, so this is basically all

I've been thinking about for 10 years.

In this video series- Training

Tuesday's for Field Sales, I focus on

showing you the tips and tricks to the

key field sales skills that I've

developed over the years to help you

close more deals.

First our Field Sales

Stat of the day - You probably know that

field sales is really important for

companies but did you know that one in

eight full-time jobs in the United

States is a sales job?

What I'm going to

show you today is a key skill that you

can use to close more deals and be more

successful in sales.

All right, so let's

get started!

Today we're going to talk about three

things for you to prepare for a field

sales call.

Number 1: we're gonna talk

about how to do research before a sales


Number 2: we're going to talk

about how to do a preparation call or a

pre call and Number 3: we're gonna

talk about how to think about an

approach who's going to be in the room.

The first thing we're going to do:- How To

Do Research Before A Sales Call.

So the

first thing you really want to

understand- what your prospect does

before the sales call.

So you want to

understand this person's role in an

organization and how that maps to other

parts of the organization and other

people in the organization.

So their

title might be director of sales

operations but what does that mean

personnel report to a senior director of

sales operations or do they report to

the VP of Sales.

You can often figure out

really what their role is.

Another great

thing to do in terms of preparation for

the call is to look up the person.


their LinkedIn profile, look for common

things you have at this person, Google

search them.

Find out things you can talk

about to build the relationship.

Like if if it's very apparent from this

person's Facebook profile that they love

skiing and you love skiing or even kind

of like skiing you can talk about skiing

and you can talk about the ski trip you

took last year etc.

So look for common

people you know- LinkedIn is amazing for


You can take all this

knowledge that you learned and put it

together to get a really clear feel for

who is this person and where they sit in

the organization.

The next thing I'd

like to understand is - The Company.

The more you understand about a

Prospect's company, their industry, what

are the really important

drivers of a business, the better you'll

be able to map your solution to their


People often ask me, Steve,

why are you a successful

salesperson? and I don't think it was

because I'm the most articulate guy in

the room, or the smartest guy in the

room, or the best sales person in the

room but one thing that I did a lot

better than a lot of other salespeople

when I was a rep was that I really

understood people's businesses, I understood

their business model and so you

can learn this kind of thing from the

website, from articles about them, you can

search their company on Google News, find

out what's going on right now but really

understanding what are the analysts

saying about this company,

what's the general opinion, what are the

executives saying?

Most companies have

like three major things they're working

on at a given time and you want to be

able to map your solution to one of

those major three things because then

it's really easy to get funding and it's much easier if the person,

the decision maker at the company that

you're selling to can attach this

project to one of the major three

initiatives the whole company's working

on for the year.

All of a sudden, it

really greases the skids to get a deal



next try to understand the context at

the company under which this

conversation is going to occur- are you

attached to a specific project? or is

this person in charge of that project

are they supposed to find solutions for


Figure out why are they having this


What's going on in

the organization that made them land on

your on your website, download a white

paper and become a lead for you that now

they invited you to their office to

have a conversation?

Why is that


A key thing is to really

schedule this out and I didn't always do

this when I was a rep but I always

kicked myself when I didn't but you

really have to just block off some time

on your calendar to do your homework.

Capture that information somewhere that

you can have it just like you know as

you're ready the elevator do see this

person you can like go ahead and set it

and bring it up in your mind again.


the next thing that I'd like to talk

about is doing a pre- demo call.

So how

would I set this up?

I might say –"Hey,

would you like to have a 5-minute

prep-call before we have the call

with the group just to make sure that we

can be prepared and make sure everything

goes smoothly?

You know, I just I want

to make sure that we can we can focus on

the things that you want to get out of

this and what's most important to you,

what's the main goals that you want to

achieve with this meeting?"

That can be

done over email but it's better if it's

done on the phone so you can actually

get some back-and-forth.

Not to

mention, a pre-call like this you can

find out things like do they have the

budget for this? who's the decision maker?

Is this a part of a bigger project?


the decision going to be made for this


Let me go over

what types of questions you'd want to

ask and get some texture there.


just kind of pretend that I'm the

sales rep and you're the

person, I guess you

can't talk back, so pretend you're

talking back.

I'll call you.

"Hey, I wanted to call and check if

everything was

straightforward and we're all set up for

tomorrow's demo if that's okay with you?"

You can work out logistics so like- "Hey,

we're meeting at X location and at x

meeting room and for X amount of time,


A big question might be, "Hey, just

so as

to make sure that I'm focusing what's

most important to you, Mr. customer,

what's the main goal you want to achieve

with this meeting?"

Another thing you can

ask, "So today how are you solving this

problem like obviously did you know you

guys have this problem today what are

you doing what does it cost you to not

be doing this?"

And then in the actual meeting

you might be able to say "Hey, well you

mentioned that this cost you roughly two

hours a day per person involved and that

is a real problem"

The final thing, the third point on how

to prepare for an in-person sales call

is- Knowing who's going to be in the room,

who are the proponents or your sales


What I need to give them for

them to be my champion? and to have the

tools to convince the other stakeholders

in the room to actually go through with


And who's your opponent?

Who are the

people that don't want to do this?

Does the CFO in the room

think this is a stupid waste of money?


that's the case, then you know

you're setting it up for later when

there is going to be money and that's

important to understand.

Or, maybe you're

saying, you're able to show, "well there

might not be any money but this is going to

make you this

amount of money, in this amount of time

this is the payback and so it really is

worth it because you're going to make that money

back in five months".

Knowing who the

final decision-maker is who's the person

that really ultimately controls this in

controls are we going to make this

purchase or not.

Those are the three

major things that I wanted to talk about

in terms of what you can do to prepare

for a great sales call.


talked about - Doing your research

before the call and really getting a

solid understanding of the people

involved and the company, we've talked

about doing your pre-call, doing a

preparation call where you're able

to really tease out the information

that's going to make the call be more

successful and then we've talked about

understanding who the people are in the


If you do those three things here

you're well-prepared for a fantastic

field sales call.

I hope you've enjoyed

this discussion and we'll talk soon.


This is part one of a three-part series

on -How To Master Field Sales Calls

focusing on in-person sales interactions.

If you've enjoyed these tips, we have a

ton of content for field salespeople

that we've made available.

Just subscribe

below and check out our website.

Badger Maps makes an application for

field salespeople that helps them be



S check that out too.


care and happy selling!

For more infomation >> How To Prepare For A Field Sales Call - Duration: 8:41.


How To Survive The Holidays | Chronic Illness Edition [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 10:02.

The holidays are right around the corner.

Some love the holidays and it's their favorite time of the year.

And some of us are grinches and it's their least favorite time of the year.

But I think if you have a Chronic Illness or a disability then I think you can agree

with me on this next statement - The holidays are difficult.

Physically were trying to dodge every flare that pops up after going shopping, or going

to a social event, or decorating or cooking.

And financially were worried that we may not be able to afford Christmas presents for our

family and friends, or even afford our medication come to the end of the month.

In today's video, I am going to share with you some tips for those of us with Chronic

Illnesses and disabilities on how to survive the holidays.

Also, you should check out the video I did last year where I talked about Chronic Illness

and the holidays, and all the struggles that those of us with Chronic Illnesses face when

the holiday season rolls around.

And you should also check out last weeks video where I give you gift ideas on what to get

someone with a Chronic Illness or Disability.

So let's get started.

The first tip I have is to try to save a little bit of your money throughout the year so you

can be able to afford Christmas presents when it comes time to go shopping.

This could be as little as $10 a month to $20 a month.

Also, another great tip is buying presents throughout the year so you don't have to spend

a whole bunch of money when it comes around Christmas time.

So you can just buy small little gifts through the year for certain family members and friends,

and have it stored somewhere in your home and then give it to them when it comes Christmas


I know all too well how hard it is to save up money to buy things and it's especially

hard when you're on a limited income, it's nearly impossible to save anything.

My next tip is shopping online.

Shopping online can save so much time, energy, and in some cases money.

And you can also really buy really unique things online that you really wouldn't find

in a Walmart.

I don't know about you guys but my family always leaves Christmas shopping to like the

very last minute.

And shopping in crowded stores is like one of the worst things.

It takes so much energy, and it takes so much time.

And sometimes things in stores around Christmas time are super expensive and you really don't

end up getting that much of a deal.

So online really is the way to go.

I usually don't mind paying shipping if I have saved time, my energy, and I get to stay

in bed.

I - I'm willing to pay the extra just to have those three things.

The next tip I have is about wrapping presents.

I don't know about you but wrapping presents is hard and sometimes painful and really difficult

to do.

Especially if there are a lot of gifts to wrap.

What I recommend is getting a gift bag and shoving all of the presents in there, maybe

with some, uh, fancy looking tissue paper, just to make it fancy - don't wrap the individual

presents because that will just cost you time and energy, but just put everything in the

bag and then seal the bag with some tape, and you're done.

That's all you have to do.

So I find this a very quick and easy way, its time efficient, its energy efficient,

you don't waste so much energy and pain doing things and it gets everything done so much


And if you get a really nice looking bag, and some really you know, cute tissue paper

then you can make it look like you actually put a lot of effort in it, when you really


Another option you may have is to either ask a friend or a family member to wrap your presents

for you if you physically are unable to do so and it causes a lot of pain and you just,

you know, you don't have the energy for it.

Um, its always okay to ask for help, and if you have someone there that can help you to

wrap your presents or you can get someone to wrap your presents for you that would also

be a really great option.

Decorating can be very draining, time-consuming, and it can cause a lot of pain.

Sometimes your best option is to get someone to help you decorate if you are really into

making your house look very festive, then getting help decorating wouldn't be such a

bad idea.

It depends on how much you go all out with your decorating, whether you put up lights

on outside your house or you do most of your decorating inside your house.

Um, also its kind of difficult to put up a Christmas tree sometimes when you are - your

Disabled, your Chronically Ill and you may not have someone around to do that for you.

Your options are either getting a fake tree and doing it yourself if you're able to.

But another really cool option that I thought would be really quick and easy and look kind

of unique would to um, either draw a tree or have like a big uh, picture of a decorated

Christmas tree and just stick it on the wall and put all of your presents under it, and

I've even seen some things on Pinterest where people will put Christmas lights on their

wall and have it in the shape of a Christmas tree so they don't actually have a tree up.

That could also be another very time efficient but also cute way of putting up a Christmas

tree but not having a big Christmas tree in your living room.

But I totally feel you all on not being able to you know, decorate and stuff like that,

the past few years, um when we've been decorating I've just been handing the decorations to

my brother and sister to either put on the tree or put on the wall because I physically

cannot do it anymore.

My next tip is to prioritize parties or maybe some family gatherings if you can.

If your one of those lucky people who gets invited to a lot of Christmas parties because

you still do have friends with your Chronic Illness and Disability then you may get invited

to quite a few parties and naturally you want to go to all of them, but physically your

body may not allow you.

If you happen to get invited to a party I recommend prioritizing which parties you want

to go to the most and which ones that you kind of have to be at.

Something I have learned a lot is to not over do it during the holidays.

So really, prioritizing which parties to go to, and kind of pacing yourself is a good


Because by the time Christmas day rolls around you could be in a major flare and be in too

much pain to get up and get out of bed to open the presents, and you'll be in too much

pain and feel too awful to end up going to the Christmas dinner, which means you cannot

eat the amazing food that your family have made.

So yes, pace yourself with the parties, have fun at them but don't kill yourself having

too much fun because your body will definitely be paying for it.

And of course adding on to the last tip pacing yourself is very important during the holidays,

and it really does go a long way in trying to prevent flares so you can make it through

the holiday season.

Only do what you know you can do, and what your body can handle.

Don't spend the entire day making cookies, and cakes, and pies, and you know, Christmasy

treats if you know you're going to be pushing yourself doing it.

Try to pace yourself by possibly baking for no more than 2-3 hours instead of the entire


And maybe wait an entire day in between your next baking session just so you can recuperate

and not overdo yourself.

Kind of doing things like this - just pacing yourself and taking your time and not overdoing

yourself it makes a huge difference.

Learn to know when to take a break and stop, and learn when to ask for help so you don't

overdo it and you don't cause yourself a flare, so you don't wake up the next day and you're

unable to get out of bed.

My next suggestion is to take time to relax.

I know the holidays are busy, there are so many things to do, like shopping, you have

family and friends to visit, you have to bake things and possibly prepare dishes for the

Christmas dinner, you have to decorate, there are - I mean there are so many things to do

throughout the holidays.

But please do not forget to practice self-care and relax.

Have a day where you do nothing at all, or at least do things that are very low energy.

You will thank yourself.

Plus it's probably cold, and snowy outside so you really - your best option is to just

curl up on the couch with a very snuggly blanket, with a kitty or a puppy in your lap and just

watch some Netflix.

Honestly that's really all it takes to get me to stop and relax and just chill out.

And remember to try to stop worrying over all of the little things, it'll be all ok

in the end.

Just try to enjoy the holidays.

And my last tip is to not be so hard on yourself.

Those of us with Chronic Illnesses really do seem to get mad, and upset with ourselves

when we cant do the things that we want to do, and that we need to do, or go to the places

that we need to go.

I know I have experienced this myself as well but it does get a little bit easier.

You will come to realize that sometimes your health does take priority over going to a

party or going shopping, or maybe even sometimes going to see family members and friends.

So please just cut yourself so slack if your unable to get up out of bed and do the things

that you need to do, or you want to do.

you're doing the best that you can and that is what matters.

I hope you guys enjoyed today's video.

In the comments below I want to know what other tips you would suggest to other people

with Chronic Illnesses to help them get through the holidays.

I'm also currently taking video suggestions, so if there is a video you would like to see

me make please be sure to leave it in the comments below and I'll be sure to add it

to my list of videos to make.

Please be sure to give this video a thumbs up, subscribe if you're new.

Please be sure to hit the notification button down below to get notified when I upload new


All my social media links will be in the description below, and I hope to see you guys next time,


For more infomation >> How To Survive The Holidays | Chronic Illness Edition [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 10:02.


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For more infomation >> Muramasa | Wii | #1 | A Morte de Momohime - Duration: 31:55.


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Kurti Meri Cheet Di | Punjabi Folk Songs | Live Performance by Neelam Sharma | USP TV - Duration: 3:01.

Kurti meri cheet di, duppatta mera lehriya

Laen kahnu aayo sanu paekey hun veriya

Jaa maa diyan pakkiyan kha

Ja dhola ve, janda ee tere naal sada paula ve

Dewar bhairha chhota tan vaikho kadde danddiyan

Maa nu saddh liyaeya jadh ambiyan main chakhiyan

Sukhe paye ne sah

Ja dhola ve, janda ee tere naal sada paula ve

Nanand mehney maardi, sada kaleja sarhdi

Sirr nu lavan kangha, te bohda mera sarhdi

Rakhan di na chah

Ja dhola ve, janda ee tere naal sada paula ve

Saurey jandiyan paundiyan van suvaniyan choorhiyan

Nitt chakaundi sohneya, amma teri roorhiyan

Utton paendi maar

Ja dhola ve, janda ee tere naal sada paula ve

Kurti meri cheet di, duppatta mera lehriya

Laen kahto. aayo hun paekey sanu veriya

Jaa maa diyan pakkiyan kha

Ja dhola ve, janda ee tere naal sada paula ve

Janda ee tere naal sada paula ve

Janda ee tere naal sada paula ve

For more infomation >> Kurti Meri Cheet Di | Punjabi Folk Songs | Live Performance by Neelam Sharma | USP TV - Duration: 3:01.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর দেখুন এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১৩ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 13:26.

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