Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Washington Post Gets Lit Up by The Donald After Spreading Fake News Story

If there�s anything that Donald Trump likes more than being president, being rich and

being able to melt liberal snowflakes everywhere, it�s going after the �fake news media.�

And the great thing is, they make it so easy.

Take The Washington Post, the place where democracy (and factual reportage) has been

dying in darkness ever since Janet Cooke was �covering� prepubescent heroin addicts

in the early 1980s.

They haven�t printed anything quite that fake in recent years, but darned if they haven�t

been trying to at least approach Ms. Cooke�s lofty standard of hoaxery.

One of those strivers is Dave Weigel, a WaPo reporter who decided to tweet about President

Trump�s rally in Pensacola, Florida, on Friday.

Given Weigel�s employer, I�m going to guess he doesn�t exactly have a monthly

rail pass on the Trump train.

On his private Twitter account, Mr. Weigel took a shot at the president, as WaPo reporters

are wont to do:

There are two things one notices here: 1) Dave Weigel�s ridiculous Twitter avatar

makes him look like one of the lesser members of the fictional band Stillwater from Cameron

Crowe�s �Almost Famous� and 2) this looks like the crowd from an XFL game.

The second point would have been a devastating prospect for Trump.

After all, he�s known for his loyal fan base, and if his crowds are being reduced

to Jeb Bush-sized affairs, that�s not a good thing.

There�s one slightly teeny little problem here, however: The picture, according to Trump,

was taken hours before he arrived at the venue.

And, as you can see from the photographic evidence the president provided, one tends

to believe the commander in chief:

Trump said that Weigel �put out a phony photo of an empty arena hours before I arrived

@ the venue, w/ thousands of people outside, on their way in.

Real photos now shown as I spoke.

Packed house, many people unable to get in.

Demand apology & retraction from FAKE NEWS WaPo!�

Weigel actually did apologize because � well, what was the alternative?

He�d already been called out by the president and the U.K. Daily Mail�s U.S. politics

editor David Martosko, according to The Hill, which led to the photo�s deletion.

Nevertheless, Trump decided apologies weren�t quite going to cut it.

Weigel can apologize all he wants, but this is a serious issue.

I don�t wish unemployment on Dave Weigel, but let�s put it this way: Were this me

and had I done this, I�d be working on my resum�.

Either way, he deserved the savage burn he (and his employer) got from President Trump.

Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you agree.

Editor�s note: This story has been modified since it was originally published.

What do you think should happen to this reporter?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Washington Post Gets Lit Up by The Donald After Spreading Fake N - Duration: 3:48.


league of legends l Imaqtpie Bị Vợ Gank ,Gosu đẳng cấp Vayne , Leesin Trong Tay Gripex quá ảo diệu - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> league of legends l Imaqtpie Bị Vợ Gank ,Gosu đẳng cấp Vayne , Leesin Trong Tay Gripex quá ảo diệu - Duration: 10:08.


R.I.P. BUNGEE CORD - Duration: 2:35.

Alright so the tree was just put onto and we are getting ready to tie it down and go home

Ah man

Ah man

Oh my gosh I got that on camera

It broke

It broke?!


Well it snapped off

Mom. Dad's bungee cord just broke...

They can tie it for us honey

Like... I filmed it

Oh no

This is gonna be another R.I.P. Furniture Dolly video!

It's gonna be like R.I.P. Bungee Cord

And the tree's gonna go flying off

Oh no

Are you gonna use his leash?

Oh goodness

This is not gonna end well

Oh... at least you have a couple more but I mean...

They didn't uh... these aren't really made well

Maybe they're not meant for like... Christmas trees



What is he doing...

He's like about to fall over


I don't think he knows what he is doing...


I don't really know what he's doing right now...

He like... put one end of the bungee cord on the car...?

Yeah that's a good typed tree right there

This... oh... goodness I don't know what this is

Oh no it's gonna break again... its gonna break!

Oh my gosh he's standing on his tippy toes

It's gonna break...

Look at him. Look at him. Look look look look!

He's pulling with all his strength

I believe in you

Thank you!

10 Seconds later

Dad they'll tie it for you

Yeah have them tie it

Dad you should just let them tie it

You should just let them tie it

Dad can you please have them tie it down

Dad I think you should just let them do it

Dad please just let them tie it


You can leave that one on if you want or you can take it off

Alright. I'll probably center it



For more infomation >> R.I.P. BUNGEE CORD - Duration: 2:35.



For more infomation >> NEW GTA 5 DOOMS-DAY DLC HEIST WALKTHROUGH!!! NEW UPDATE WITH SETUPS - Duration: 1:23:29.


U.S. willing to begin direct talks with North Korea without preconditions: Tillerson - Duration: 2:12.

There's a fresh sense of optimism that rising tension between North Korea and the U.S. could

be about to cool sharply.

In a major shift in policy,...

America's top diplomat says the United States is willing to begin direct talks with Pyongyang

without preconditions.

Rex Tillerson also said diplomacy will remain open until "the first bomb drops."

Park Soyun reports.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says Washington is "ready to talk" to Pyongyang

at any time without preconditions.

It marks a big shift in the Trump administration's previous stance as it's the first time the

United States has suggested opening a dialogue channel without any caveats.

Speaking at the Atlantic Council Korea Foundation Forum in Washington on Tuesday,... Tillerson

said it's unrealistic to say the U.S. would only engage in dialogue with Pyongyang on

the condition the regime abandons its nuclear development program.

"We have said, from the diplomatic side, we are ready to talking anytime North Korea would

like to talk, and we are ready to have the first meeting without preconditions...

*****... So we need the DPRK to come to the table for talks.

We are ready to talk any time they are ready to talk.

But they have to come to the table, and they have to come to the table with a view that

they do want to make a different choice."

Tillerson said he hoped Pyongyang would "make the right choice" and "sit down to talk about


But he warned North Korea if keeps pushing the boundaries, it may end up exhausting its

diplomatic options.

His comments come as North Korea hinted at the possibility of engaging in dialogue with

the United States.

A key North Korean official at the UN, Ja Song-nam, told reporters in Beijing on Tuesday

that talks are possible if the "right conditions" are met.

Pressed on what those conditions might be,... Ja said "the conditions North Korea requires."

With both the United States and North Korea pushing for dialogue, watchers say the two

sides might finally have an opportunity to quell tensions through diplomatic channels.

Park Soyun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. willing to begin direct talks with North Korea without preconditions: Tillerson - Duration: 2:12.


Kim Jong-un vows to make North Korea 'world's strongest nuclear power' - Duration: 0:50.

Kim Jong-un has vowed to make North Korea "the world's strongest nuclear power."

The country's state-run media reports that Kim told officials at a munitions conference

in Pyongyang that the successful development of weapons, including the recently launched

Hwasong-15 ICBM,... marks a historic victory for the North Korean people, but one that

came at a great cost.

Kim reportedly added that he hopes North Korea can take the country's nuclear power to a

new level with its latest launch.

This is the first time the North has reported on the conference.

Experts say it's likely intended to show off the North's nuclear accomplishments.

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-un vows to make North Korea 'world's strongest nuclear power' - Duration: 0:50.


New York City bombing suspect warned Trump on Facebook - Duration: 2:13.

Now for a look at stories making headlines around the world….

And we start with the latest on Monday's attempted terror attack in New York.

Authorities say the suspect mocked President Trump on social media before his attack.

For more let's turn to our Ro Aram….

Aram… what message did this man have for the President?

Well Semin….

Akayed Ullah posted a status update on his Facebook page saying, "Trump you failed to

protect your nation."

The Bangladeshi immigrant also told law enforcement officers at the hospital where he was taken

with burn injuries: "I did it for the Islamic State."

The 27-year-old is accused of blowing up what officials have called a homemade pipe bomb

strapped to his body in an underpass at Manhattan's Port Authority Bus Terminal during morning

rush hour.

During a search of his Brooklyn apartment, investigators recovered some disturbing material.

(English) - Reuters Edit No. 2225 "….A search yesterday of his apartment in

Brooklyn, revealed metal pipes, pieces of wires and metal screws consistent with the

bomb materials recovered at the scene.

Officers also found a passport there in Ullah's name with handwriting that included one particularly

chilling note, and I quote, 'Oh America, die in your rage'."

Prosecutors on Tuesday brought federal charges against Ullah, including providing material

support to a terrorist group, use of a weapon of mass destruction and three bomb-related


Police believe he acted alone and that Monday's attack was an isolated incident and not part

of a bigger IS plan.

Over in Bangladesh, counterterrorism officers were questioning Ullah's wife and other relatives

to dig deeper into why and how he was radicalized.

Ullah is said to have last visited his home country in September to see his wife and newborn

son before leaving them behind to return the U.S.

Hours after Monday's attack, President Trump said the explosion highlighted the need to

change immigration policies, including the type of family-based visa Ullah obtained to

come to the U.S. in 2011.

For more infomation >> New York City bombing suspect warned Trump on Facebook - Duration: 2:13.


Plush Adventure Time Music: Magical Christmas - Duration: 2:52.

Christmas is the most magical holiday of the year, it's everyone's favorite holiday and that makes it so magical

It's the most magical time of the year and a great time to bring people together all around the world

It's the most magical holiday of the year

It's the most magical holiday of the year

It's the most magical holiday of the year

For more infomation >> Plush Adventure Time Music: Magical Christmas - Duration: 2:52.


Double - Arrowed Consciousness | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai - Duration: 3:10.

Move from the known to the knower.

When someone insults you, abuses you,

So far your focus has been only on the abuser;

Why is he abusing? He should not do this. He should do this.

These were your thoughts.

For once, make your awareness double-arrowed.

Know the abuser; now focus on the one receiving the insult.

Look… now he is feeling bad. Look!

Look… he is feeling hurt.

Look… now he is experiencing dislike.

Look… now he wants to express it.

Look… he has suppressed it, thinking he should remain calm.

Look… he is planning that when the other person does this, then I will tell him,

You were saying this to me, but what about you? Look!

So beautiful!

Always the torch is outside,

Outside is okay, as you are a social being, you have to live in society, you can't act stupid.

But the soul illuminates the Self and the non-self

Hence, I said know both

Know the non-self but be aware of the Self too

Double-arrowed consciousness

This is to make your knowledge effective. Understood?

The efficiency of knowledge is when awareness becomes double-arrowed.

Know the non-self, but without forgetting the Self.

And then the experience is beautiful, very different.

Who is behind your ears?

Who is in front of your eyes?

I am.

Who is behind your eyes?

When you begin to recognise that Supreme Essence,

Then your knowledge will bear fruit.

Who is behind your skin, without whom, heat and cold cannot be felt?

Even if you put a piece of ice on your hand;

If the essence beneath the skin is not there,

Then you will have no experience of, 'this is ice, this is cold.'

Who is behind the ears? Who is behind the eyes?

Who is inside the nose, Who is inside the tongue, Who is underneath the skin?

You would certainly have heard the logical explanation about the existence of the Soul,

But now, to go to the experiential level

Oh - who is listening?

The ears are just a medium, But who is listening?

What is that?

If you turn towards its nature,

Everything will start to fade out.

And that's how you must win over sensual desires.

For more infomation >> Double - Arrowed Consciousness | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai - Duration: 3:10.


NFL Is Failing, Record Low Ticket Sales May Doom Organization | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:47.

NFL Is Failing, Record Low Ticket Sales May Doom Organization.

There aren't many things you can purchase these days for only $2.

You can't even buy a gallon of gas for $2.

One thing you can buy with $2, though, is an NFL ticket.

Well, at least on Sunday you could.

In a match-up between the Buffalo Bills and the Indianapolis Colts, Vivid Seats was selling

tickets for as low as $2.

Even the really good seats near the 50-yard line were going for $29.

Granted, there was a snow storm that day in Buffalo, but that game wasn't the only one

selling tickets for extremely low prices.

Tickets for the Green Bay Packers and Carolina Panthers game were going for as low as $7

In contrast, New York Upstate reported that in the same area as the Bills game, a college

hockey team had tickets for $28.


That hurts.

It should be noted that not all teams are suffering from those extremely low ticket

sales, but overall, ticket prices aren't what they used to be.

When Colin Kaepernick started his protests by kneeling during the National Anthem, he

probably never expected the negative impact that his decision would have on the NFL.

The NFL never really learned its lesson, though.

In fact, earlier this year, players doubled down on their protests and continued kneeling

despite pressure from fans to stop.

Fans responded in force by turning the TV off, and they also stopped going to the games.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell needs to learn the basic economic principle of supply and


Provide a product that people actually want to see, then your prices will skyrocket due

to demand.

Tick your fan base off, and ticket sales will plummet due to the lack of demand.

You know things are bad for the NFL when tickets for the game are cheaper than a hot dog and

drink at the stadium.

Goodell doesn't have the backbone to deal with the protesters, though.

In fact, it was even suggested by some owners that players should just stay in the locker

room during the National Anthem next year.

Yeah, that's a great idea.

Instead of dealing with the problem, let's just try and hide the players.

It takes leadership to run the NFL, Mr. Goodell.

Leadership requires that you make the right decision even when it's unpopular.

It's time to deal with these protesters once and for all.

Require them to stand for the anthem and watch those ticket prices jump back up to normal


If not, I'll send you a bottle of ibuprofen (which is something else you can't buy for


You can expect more economic headaches in the future.

What do you think is in the NFL's future?

Please share this news and Twitter and let us know what you think of NFL ticket prices.

What do you think is in the NFL's future?

Scroll down to comment below!

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> NFL Is Failing, Record Low Ticket Sales May Doom Organization | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:47.


Macron steps up fight against climate change at 'One Planet' summit - Duration: 0:40.

French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that the world is losing the battle against

climate change.

He told world leaders and business chiefs at the 'One Planet' summit in Paris on Tuesday

that action against global warming was not being taken fast enough.

Macron hosted the event seeking to take the lead on climate change after the U.S. pulled

out of the Paris Climate Accord and also stepped back on measures to prevent carbon emissions.

President Trump was not invited to the summit.

The gathering is also aimed at financing efforts to tackle climate change, with a number of

attendees pledging to provide funds, support and technological backing for the effort.

For more infomation >> Macron steps up fight against climate change at 'One Planet' summit - Duration: 0:40.


Tử Vi Tuổi Thìn Tháng 11/2017 Âm Lịch: Sự Nghiệp Tài Lộc Khởi Sắc, Tình Cảm Sức Khỏe Ổn Định - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> Tử Vi Tuổi Thìn Tháng 11/2017 Âm Lịch: Sự Nghiệp Tài Lộc Khởi Sắc, Tình Cảm Sức Khỏe Ổn Định - Duration: 10:37.


Cee & Bekah - Revolution feat Arte Y Lenguaje: 1:02 - 1:13 - Duration: 0:12.

♪ From the Buddhists, Jews, Muslims and Hare Krishnas ♪

♪ These bigot Christian fundamentalists are worse than terroristas ♪

♪ It's all the same thing, just a different name man ♪

♪ The spiritual side is losing to the political right ♪

For more infomation >> Cee & Bekah - Revolution feat Arte Y Lenguaje: 1:02 - 1:13 - Duration: 0:12.


Ya Baseer-The Great and Blessed Name Of Almighty-Urdu/Hindi-Health Tips-2017 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Ya Baseer-The Great and Blessed Name Of Almighty-Urdu/Hindi-Health Tips-2017 - Duration: 3:50.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3 - Arms warrior 2v2 rated arenas grind up - Duration: 15:24.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3 - Arms warrior 2v2 rated arenas grind up

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3 - Arms warrior 2v2 rated arenas grind up - Duration: 15:24.


SEC Chairman Issue's Warning To Investors Of Cryptocurrency - Duration: 13:09.

hello and welcome so today I might do something different might do on what is

amuses about 20 hours oh it's as a post by Jonathan Shiba

cyber cyber pronounce your name wrong but I think this is something we should

all take into account so the group market's going to go crazy SMC chairman

weighs in Savannah with the SEC the Securities and Exchange Commission so

given the crazy run crypto currencies like Bitcoin ether and my coin have been

on the last week which been nuts anyway there's only a matter of time before the

Securities and Exchange Commission weighed in well now it has the fall of

an open letter from SEC chairman J plates and it's a closed it addresses

his comments to both mainstream investors in financial services and

market professionals that are selling the new financial products and he has

choice words from foreign so it's done a statement with three main principles so

for investors its buyers beware the market professionals coin offerings are

securities and for market makers you may be in violation of US security laws if

you're not registered with the SEC and selling some securities so he's come up

with its current with a checklist so here's some sample questions for

investors considering a crypto currency or ICO investor opportunities so no one

who exactly am i contracting with number two who is issuing and sponsoring the

products what are their backgrounds and have they provided a full and complete

description of the product or they have a clear written business plan that I

understand so I mean that's pretty important guys to always do the due

diligence obviously before you invest in any money or even into a program in that

way as well I mean you should be at least googling LinkedIn Twitter maybe

even Facebook you should be checking about what you know who what and who you

actually put your money into the universe only 100 bucks and they still

hunt dogs made you know it depends on what your

starting within that but I mean you know even a hundred bodies under boxes to be

spewed so I salute Ramona product promoting marketing Pro Tour their

backgrounds the same thing only license to sell the products Haley being paid by

the product I mean this is why your China

so you know you're willing this a project that has a prototype pretty much

I mean if it was just a white paper I mean you're crazy even try investing it

to be honest I mean it's got that sort of nothing

Lisa has got an app or for Asha platform for a product I mean that's that be the

person you'll be checking as well in the background of the people and advisors

that's where the enterprise located yes and I know it might not be II but I mean

still still we get checked out now where's the money going what would be

used for says my money going to be used to cash out others so obviously if

that's the case internet it's a scam it's a pyramid system so if ya got

money's going to pay someone else you know straight away it's yeah it's all

gone it's not going to last that long so don't get burn that way I mean

appreciate loving burnt before I mean I know I have so but you're living

mistakes there so for me is no programs yeah yeah morning you know ciose to me

at the moment so while we go back to the program

yeah with George admins or stuff about or dodgy you know one percent of day

game up Senate day on you know he's lending programs one percent a day back

for over three years something like cracking box sort of every iPod billion

or five million the whole song the anything feels like a thousand ten years

of people getting that same point yes where's the money coming from so it's

got to be smart yeah use your head are there financial statements is so are

they ordered it so same lending phone as most I think programs don't even show

you their training or in it so you know there y'all it's a next what is

it that is it training darling so is there any way to verify yes yes there

this is saying that anything kinds of shit um that guys I mean I'll link the

link Polly can lead to this article in the description below

have a read I mean it's it's good to actually educate yourself stuff like

this I don't know I mean ideally we don't want we don't want i ciose to be

regulated but you know I'd rather not but I maybe get ripped off bombing you

guys I mean it's your it's your responsibility anyway if you're

investing into these you know you've got a now in the back of your head that

there is always risk no matter what what accepts the pronouns I cos it's just a

man doing your due diligence and simple as that so guys what I use I'm in

private SEO course we pretty much can pick that we pretty much you do the

course you pretty much pick apart by SEOs not determining if it's a good

project bad project you know if it's going decent product the team behind

that the token metrics and everything even know what I'm talking about it's

like a metrics another reason why you probably need to jump in this so okay so

just know I'll go there are tons of Oh SEOs launching every day with

opportunities to profit it's knowing how to spot the good ones avoid the bad ones

we show you exactly how to pick the diamonds in the rough in a step-by-step

SEO Gold Rush video in course so we offer an educational training course to

help you people profit from paisios initial quite often saw SEOs leverage

expertise and let us help you profit from ICS minimizing your risk it's there

are scams so I mean at the moment there's the ratios coming out I mean not

even we can keep up with what's coming out there's so much right so we work as

a team you pay out or maybe do your horse so one offers no monthly no

nothing yours forever whatever divers meet honest you want and

then there's the five easy steps to profit so step ones are finding the i ce

o--'s except to applying it to our checklist

which is approved our checklist step 3 obviously invest responsibly

which we just talked about set four is to sell tonin's on the exchanges in and

out of the exchanges and step 5 rinse and repeat we also are so obviously you

can miss i ciose like a pre i ciose ins that and the token sale so we also got

ways to buy post i co at nearly i co cross or sometimes even under it's a

pant just depends last only last night i was trying it on last night and I

couldn't wear troubles everyone let's try to get at the same time but the DM

networks obviously blocked up at the moment it sounds Bitcoin so it's just

for those things so sometimes you can get is that price you want it but

and then obviously rinse and repeat so what's in the core so it's pretty much a

step-by-step blueprint on how to invest in i ce o--'s from A to Z let me show

you how to sell those Tigers to make profits every step of the way is shown

so if you're a newbie or experienced i ciose you will still learn something new

Ichi yeah pointing out to shave today like

shocking the throttle week for anyway this is always less than one basics

again on the same page lesson 2 is your wallet set up sending the receipts

Hogan's lesson 3 the core lessons in the ISO checklist lesson 4 is the checklist

videos lesson 5 is the flipping for profit and lesson 6 is the summary and

guys I mean the trick I mean everyone wants to home run I mean I understand

that everyone wants to get in like you know getting on in Bitcoin we all know

you years ago and you'd be laughs and right now but I mean you looking for the

next best thing so I mean if you're in litecoin to look what sevens just having

a lot coin they're all going up heading to 2018 and obviously early 2018 like

ones and who knows what like wanting to go so what we're trying to do we try to

find decent projects that we you know that we know as you know minimal risk of

losing you know a value you know a valuable coin and we're trying to top up

double it quadruple it five times whatever-whatever is sometimes you might

hit that you'll hit the one that goes up 10 20 times maybe it's only depends okay

probably the ideas so we have a set group everyone's done the courses free

access this or for life and I mean as always I see oh is it profitable CEO in

these you know the ways I mean wants to make money online industry comes into

this this it's gonna really hurt everybody

if you don't mean make my own loins you always fucks everyone up simples that

enough they have a good look at Bitcoin mining in the moment look at Genesis

like nobody knew Genesis a year ago when I first jumped in in there everybody 30

minute freedom dog wants it and he can't get so it's obviously his Genesis didn't

while they clean the head very well but uh but they're building their farmers

now I mean obviously the new contracts don't start so mark so yeah so you know

I show go to get back to the gold rush to slack groom everyone helps each other

so pretty much is information the information there sometimes can be sorry

for that but it's good it's not a bad thing it's a good thing

e-everyone top of each other they run same when I she was getting listed

online yeah when they that what day whatever to the exact time what prices

Yoshio was even doing pre post ICO unified year how much it was entice you

and how much you get it oh yeah you and I watch you buy then seal suit you know

in compare and stuff of that webinar we gonna wear without Monday nights you

can't make the women doesn't matter I mean it's replayed these about I

choose you up about 24 hours later and yeah that's real good for us but I said

there's guarantee as well really you read that the links in description below

guys other than that I mean my two main things into 2018-2019 is definitely the

mining mining size of Genesis I'll tell you know you can't get morning at

Genesis morning at the moment baby can get Genesis mining at Swiss gold global

you only have to come a free memory and still boy ain't up to for terror has for

a free member if you want even more warning in gap to about 25 maybe tear

hash and but you have to become a an affiliate but I've got a faster link

down below again sir Swiss tell global yeah it's

amazing that means Genesis morning the million customers but yet swisco Bible

cool apartment you know Jess is partnered with we've got contract still

with Genesis so there aren't clients don't so you know that's mother leg apps

are being Swiss coal global and the only thing is left is Manero there's still

nothing on the Monaro I mean Manero could I still profitable so you might

might take about surrounded days hit yeah and he shouldn't see back but the

next years is full profit so yo D again compounded I don't know how long this is

going to be earful guys because they've already up the the minimum there's the

up there's a hurt so up as a hash so yeah I may be hard to compare with this

obviously comparing like 830 every times there's that's the only any issue I've

got through that moment other than that we joined Swiss no global job is a free

member cost nothing I do you kyc probably take it 24 hours okay I see and

then start buying are you packed doc you morning but then problem is that

such the 15th of March so you've got a way up you know really but you gotta

want to when's the next time that contracts you have available again see

we don't know that's the problem so yeah you just got it right up there are guys

have to up a video give it a thumbs up if you're not subscribe to my channel

hit the subscribe button hit the bell if you want to see the updates is I've

uploaded video and other than that guys leave me a comment what do you think of

breathing at the SEC I try get involved into oh she owes and yeah I think I know

like girls are gonna be bad so and I love to hear your thoughts cuz thank you

want me to talk about or any coin you want me to review like feel free to

leave that in the comments below as well any questions miss me on Facebook always

available and spare my Australia so I can be sleeping if your health saw the

world it's your morning but and that goes over day so yeah

For more infomation >> SEC Chairman Issue's Warning To Investors Of Cryptocurrency - Duration: 13:09.


ATBP | Ang mga Halaman | Early Childhood Development - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> ATBP | Ang mga Halaman | Early Childhood Development - Duration: 2:12.


20/20 ABC My Reality A Hidden America December 13th 2017 Must Watch!! - Duration: 40:55.

For more infomation >> 20/20 ABC My Reality A Hidden America December 13th 2017 Must Watch!! - Duration: 40:55.


幅の広い斜面でカービング & 降ったら最高な粉雪 / 菅平スノーリゾート -奥ダボススノーパーク-  [ゲレンディング] - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> 幅の広い斜面でカービング & 降ったら最高な粉雪 / 菅平スノーリゾート -奥ダボススノーパーク-  [ゲレンディング] - Duration: 1:31.


YA MUHAIMIN-Remain Free from grief and sufferings-Health Tips-English/Urdu/Hindi-2017 - Duration: 2:43.

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