Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Salvēte, sodālēs! / Howdy, partners!

ego sum Lūcius, agnōmine / I'm Luke, a.k.a.


et nunc dē CH loquāmur / and now let's talk about CH

ego prōnūntiātiōn' utor Classicā seu Restitūtā / I use the Classical or Restored pronunciation

ut meā sententiā / as I believe

Rōmānī antīquī dīcēbant / the ancient Romans spoke

sīc ut PH et TH / just as with PH and TH

CH est digramma ex litterā Graecā / CH is a digraph from a Greek letter

id est Χ (chē) / that is χ

aut (Koinē) chī / or in Koine "chī"

exempla / examples

H littera est tantummodo / letter H is only

nota aspīrātiōnis / the sign of aspiration

nōlī dīcere ut Germanice / don't pronounce like in German

etiam Rōmānī antīquī / even the ancient Romans

nōnnumquam cōnsonantibus H litteram apposuērunt / sometimes added the letter H to consonants

exemplī grātiā / for example

sed sī nōn facile est vōbīs / but if it's not easy for you

"cha" et "ca" distinguere / to distinguish "cha" and "ca"

modo "ca" dīcī licet / it's okay just to say "ca"

hīc fīnem faciō / that's it for now

ego et cactī vōs salūtāmus / best wishes from me and the cacti

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce Latin (Letters CH) / De Latine Pronuntiando (CH Digramma) - Duration: 1:38.


Overwatch 4 Keys of Consistency Guide - Finding FLOW in Overwatch | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 8:18.

Hey there!

Consistency is key to victory both in Overwatch and other real-life activities.

Being unable to perform consistently hinders your play and often makes you feel really

uncomfortable about the game.

We are going to give you some helping tips on how to achieve at least 80% of your potential

consistently, whatever happens!

Hello guys, and welcome to the dojo!

The topic of consistency is often overlooked, however, it has a really great impact in your

will to play and in your performance in different situations.

What we are going to talk about here is not only useful in Overwatch but can have a positive

effect on any life activity that you regularly do.

Keep listening!

What we want to help you to achieve is to be around 80% efficient or more at any given

time when playing Overwatch, whatever happened that day.

Even if you feel a bit tired or overwhelmed, the tips that we present here come from research

in sports psychology.

These are proven ways to make sure that your athletic performance is good.

Alright, so how do we do this?

If you do something that you really enjoy, sometimes you are able to reach "the zone"

or the "flow" as [cheek-sent-me-high] Csíkszentmihályi describes it in his famous


This is a state of mind that makes you forget about the passage of time and allows you to

solely concentrate on what you are doing right there and right at that time.

People can outperform their wildest expectations, often not even realizing how much work they

are doing when in the zone.

However, achieving this state of mind is not easy.

Let's talk about entering the flow before we talk more about consistency.

When you are playing the game, you need to use your accumulated skills in order to win,

and the game tries to match you with others who give you a challenge.

Achieving the state of flow can happen when both the challenges and your skills are high.

Take a look at the picture shown right now to see how this works when the skills and

challenges are on a different level.

You can see that if both your skill and the challenge is low, it is a state of apathy.

Whatever you do will feel that wrong.

Does it ring a bell?

Did it happen to you anytime when you wanted to get into something and found out it is

a lot harder to do than you imagined?

This whole system can apply to Overwatch and anything else seamlessly if you give it some


When the challenge level rises, but your skill stays low, you will start worrying and become


This is not something that we want.

This happens a lot of times to people who one trick a single hero and want to change

to something else on a high level.

The skill with other heroes did not rise, but the challenges stayed high, thus they

will become worried or even tilted and start feeling bad about themselves and start to

throw their games to feel better.

By now, you should get the idea.

In order to perform really well, we want to enter the state of the flow and be focused,

and happy about the game.

This can happen if the challenges and the skills you have are both at a high level.

However, the path is also valuable that you walk until you get to the state of flow.

By balancing the challenges and your skills, keeping them at an optimal level, you can

feel good about what you are doing while also feeling confident, even happy when doing them.

This is what you should strive for!

In this section, we are going to discuss hands-on strategies to achieve that 80% of performance

every time.

This will make you feel better about the game and give you an opportunity to reach the state

of flow more frequently.

The first step is preparation.

Overwatch is a team game, but your own performance is 1/6th part of the team's efforts.

If you want to reach consistency, you need to concentrate on the game.

It is usually recommended to have some kind of warm-up ceremony before you enter your

first game.

This can be as simple as playing deathmatch in the arcade but can also include physical

warmup and mental preparation as well.

Leave a comment with your ceremony below so others may gain inspiration from them!

We recommend that you figure out what works for you.

The goal of this step is to make sure that you are prepared for your game, and that you

are focusing on what you are doing right at that moment.

Try different things, but decide on something and make sure that you do it consistently.

It's also important to talk about training here.

A lot of people train different things like headshots, ability usage, reaction times,


It is a good thing to do, but make sure that training has its proper place.

Do it at the same time, before or after your sessions.

This will make sure that you are really prepared for what is to come.

The second step in achieving consistency is self-awareness.

You need to be aware of how you feel, what motivates you and what makes you go forward.

In its simplest case, you just want to have fun.

This is perfectly fine!

Others may find joy in seeing their SR grow, breaching new ranks or meeting new people.

We want to think that most of you are here for improving, thus we will assume that in

these sections.

Be aware of your mistakes.

Accept that sometimes you do bad things, others do these as well.

What is important here is to realize these mistakes and have the will to fix them.

Easier said than done, but being aware of your motivations and flaws help tremendously

in achieving consistency.

This can serve you as a guide when playing hard games, so you get tilted less easily,

being able to focus on the great picture instead of just one win or lose.

Even if you win, you should be able to learn from it.

Reinforcing positive habits help a lot too, it's not always about the mistakes.

The takeaway in this step is to slow down sometimes and inspect yourself.

Have goals that you can use to measure your success and be able to recognize your mistakes

and fix them.

The third step is the effort.

All we have talked about so far go to waste if you don't put effort into it.

You need to grind and grind the games to become better.

You need to sit down after this video, or even right now and think about the previous


You need to make effort.

We need you to make effort.

It will hurt…

We are sure that you will have a hard time keeping yourself motivated after the 5th game

where someone is throwing.

But if you put effort into what you want to do, you can ease these negative things out.

There is no easy path that you can take if you want to improve and be consistent.

You need to experience the game, and learn from it.

A before you can perform consistently.

Putting effort into what you want to do will help a lot in achieving consistency.

If you do the same thing a hundred times while paying attention to the quality of that one

single thing, you WILL improve.

An important thing here is not to overdo whatever you do.

If you feel like you are burnt out, start performing a lot worse than you expect yourself,

just stop.

Effort should be made over time, not on a single day.

This is really important.

The fourth step is to have a mind for improvement.

This somewhat correlates with the second step, but the emphasis is on trying to look for

improvement continuously.

Watch pros play and learn from them.

Review yourself twice a week.

Join a competitive team and play scrims.

Do what makes you happy, but always try to have a mind for improvement and see how the

activity that you do can help you in your improvement.

Don't be shy to ask questions, you will learn from them.

Here comes the interesting part, you can have the mind for improvement in your real life

as well, and it will affect your gaming performance.

Making sure that you are committing some of your time to do some kind of sports are proven

to increase physical and mental performance.

You can literally shoot better if you are doing exercises regularly.

Another great issue that we gamers tend to have is an inconsistent sleep pattern.

Figure out how much sleep you need and stop staying up late for another game.

You can achieve consistency in Overwatch if you sleep for the same duration every day,

going to bed and rising at the same times.

Really works, trust us!

There may be a lot of other things that can help you in achieving better performance in

the game.

If you know about something or experienced something on your skin that works, make sure

to share it in a comment below.

Don't forget that Overwatch is a game, however seriously you take it.

You should have fun while playing it.

We think about ourselves as evangelists for improvement and would love to have your feedback

on our work.

An active Discord community awaits you if you click the card right now, and you can

get coached by the dojo team and support the channel if you head over to our Patreon page.

One more thing: we have a giveaway where you can win battlenet gift cards that you can

use for lootboxes in the upcoming winter event.

Click the card right now or the link in the description to enter.

You can help the dojo to grow bigger if you spread the word about us and participate.

As usual, like, favourite and share our video!

See you guys next time!

For more infomation >> Overwatch 4 Keys of Consistency Guide - Finding FLOW in Overwatch | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 8:18.


Musume. Photoset At Sheraton hotel/ Sky Lounge Bar. - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> Musume. Photoset At Sheraton hotel/ Sky Lounge Bar. - Duration: 6:59.


♥ Zooplus Haul #2 ♥ | - little Pawtners - - Duration: 4:02.

Hello everybody, today I will unbox a Zooplus package. It came relatively quickly... maybe 3-4 days.

I got this tent in a separate package 'cauz I ordered it from amazon.

and yeah... it's for my guinea pigs... just as everything I will show you. :D

They will get a run-out soon so I bought some stuff for that.

The run-out will come in a few days... and yeah let's start with this package. :D

Mh... it cost me around 30 Euro.

And now let's open it. :D

That's a huge package tbh.. I didn't expected it to be this big.. (that's what she said )

okey lets see... what do we have in here

wtf... well there is a house in there and I really didn't expected it to be this huge.

Sooo at first I have here a willow bridge, it's in size M... guinea pig size... but I think it's a bit too small. So I also ordered it in size L... let me tell you L is huge af.

So.. here we have Rodent grass, I had it a few years ago when I got my piggies but never had it again since then. I wanted to try it out again 'cauz it's really fun. You will also see a review of it soon. :)

Sorry if you hear background noises.. that's my dog :D

As I said I will make a Review to this and I'm kinda excited for it.

Then I bought a hay reck, the house I bought has a hay reck inside but I also wanted to buy an extra one.

Then there is alot of bubble wrap I love to keep. :D

Oh my.. wtf.. okey... uhm.. let me lift and turn this around without breaking it or me. :D

Here you can see the house I bought.. yes it's for rabbits.. well at least my piggies have alot of space. :D I do understand why it's so big when it's for rabbits. :D

I don't know how to build this properly.. but I will try it and make a video of it :D

As you can see it has only 1 "door" so I will put another door on one of the sites. So the guinea pigs don't annoy eatch other and can go away if they want to. :)

My gosh I didn't expected it to be this huge... but yeah if it's for rabbits it's understandable :D

Now to the last thing in this box.. it's the large willow bridge... this is huge af.

It's normaly for bunnys... but I love it for the piggies it's big and comfy and they can hide together.

But what... is... weird... look at the sizes... THIS is M... guinea pig size... and this is L... tf?

That was everything in the package, I hope you enjoyed it and that we see us next time. :)

For more infomation >> ♥ Zooplus Haul #2 ♥ | - little Pawtners - - Duration: 4:02.


KATYA reagindo a MEMES BRASILEIROS - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> KATYA reagindo a MEMES BRASILEIROS - Duration: 3:46.


MAI VÀNG GHÉP 5 MÙA - HOÀNH 25CM - CAO 1,4M - SỐ 61 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> MAI VÀNG GHÉP 5 MÙA - HOÀNH 25CM - CAO 1,4M - SỐ 61 - Duration: 0:31.


Football, Texas Episode 4: Win One for Coach...Kinda - Duration: 4:45.

Hey, Charlene

Yeah, Jake?

You, uh, wanna...

go to prom with me?

I thought you'd never ask!

I would love to

Oh, man

I don't know why I was just so nervous

Hey, Jake?

Yeah, Charlene?

Did you know that only like

2% of high school sweethearts wind up married?

And more than half of them end up divorced?

Yeah, I mean, when you think about it

with 7.4 billion people on Earth, the odds that we'd find

our soulmates in this small town of 1,379 people is mathematically impossible

So we agree!?

I mean, we're good with this for the time being

but it's not gonna be, like, a long-term thing?

Oh, of course not

I'd never want to be in a relationship when I go off to college

I love that about you

And I love you

Until orientation week

and then, we will never talk again

Oh, yeah, obviously

(ANNOUNCER 1) 27 minutes and 35 seconds until the big game!

(ANNOUNCER 1) But who's countin'?

(ANNOUNCER 2) I'm countin'!

(ANNOUNCER 2) 27 minutes and 29 seconds

(ANNOUNCER 2) 28 seconds!

(ANNOUNCER 2) 27 seconds!

(ANNOUNCER 2) 26 seconds!

(ANNOUNCER 2) 25 seconds!

Huddle up, huddle up, huddle up!

Alright boys listen up

Big game tonight


A wise man once said to me

Life is a game

of inches

And every inch we need, is around us

We tear ourselves to pieces for that inch!

We claw with our fingernails

for that inch!

Isn't that the Any Given Sunday speech?


What do I have to do to reach you guys?!

If you lose

you're gonna be known as losers, now and forever

You wanna be known as losers for the rest of your lives?




We're not losers, Coach.

What's that?

We love football, but, but you're ruining it.

Most of us won't ever play again at the end of this season

But we will go on to be doctors

and lawyers

and teachers!

Football's just a game

But life

Yeah, life

is what we choose to make of it!

Jake Ramsey

You are by far

the stupidest kid I ever met in my entire life!

I'm done, Coach

What does that mean?

I'm not playing tonight

Me too!

Yeah I'm out...I'm out too...Me too!...I'm out!

Hey, don't ruin this for me

If we win tonight

I've got a job waiting for me

at Texas City Junior College


They have a football team?

Uh huh!

And I'll be the special assistant of the special teams coach

If I win tonight

If we win tonight

Well, then come on boys

Let's go get ourselves a win

and never see Coach again!







For more infomation >> Football, Texas Episode 4: Win One for Coach...Kinda - Duration: 4:45.


PECS® & Core Vocabulary, Part II - Duration: 11:24.

Hi my name is Catherine Horton and I'm the clinical director of Pyramid U.S.

My background is in speech and language and I'm also a board certified behavior analyst.

Today I wanted to continue our discussion regarding core vocabulary.

As a review, core vocabulary as defined by Beukelman and Miranda in 2013 refers to

those words and messages that are commonly used by a variety of

individuals that occur very frequently.

Whereas fringe vocabulary refers to a vocabulary that's more specific to a

topic, environment, or individual. Out of confusion exists based upon the fact

that different practitioners include slightly different words on their core

lists; however for our purposes today, I will be referring to the core words

originally included within the 2003 article by banjee and colleagues

entitled core vocabulary determination for toddlers. People have mistakenly

asserted that Pyramid is anti core, however our stance has always been to

teach vocabulary in a way that's meaningful to our learners. We collect

and analyze data to make sure that all of our students are making progress.

If a student's skills aren't progressing in any way; functional academics

independent living skills, etc, then it's an indication that a change needs to

occur within our lesson plans, or the way that we are teaching the skills.

Our approach is the same for any communication skills that we're teaching

to our learners including when we provide instruction on either core or

fringe words. Further, we've long believed that the question should not be core or

fringe, rather; our model encompasses the inclusion of core words as appropriate

and not a transition to core. In a video that remains available online Dr. Joe

McCleery described considerations for when to teach core

vocabulary based upon research regarding typical speech and language development.

The most important part of our view is that inclusion of the core words is

based upon the repertoire of typically developing children who already have 350

to 400 words in their vocabulary. It's reasonable to look at an AAC users

vocabulary when it's that large to assure that the most common spoken words

are being addressed by the current AC system; however, to argue that the most

frequently used words when the repertoire is at least 400 should also

be representative of a person's language when the repertoire is 100 or less just

isn't reasonable. Doctor McCleery also notes some research suggesting that when

the language of typically developing children includes an overabundance of

Core versus Fringe words subsequent language development may be impoverished.

Thus, attempts to focus on teaching core vocabulary too early may not lead to

successful long term communicative growth. Further, despite extensive searches we

have not been able to locate any controlled or experimental studies

demonstrating the effectiveness of teaching core words to our emergent

communicators. In addition to analyzing core vocabulary from a developmental

perspective, it may also be helpful to use Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior to

classify the conditions under which the Core versus Fringe vocabularies

generally appear. For our learners with autism spectrum disorders, a variety of

teaching strategies recommend an early emphasis upon mand development since the

associated reinforcers tend to be more powerful for young children with ASD;

however, an analysis of several of the words on the Banajee

Core vocabulary list reveals that many of the words function as generalized

mands. This is the case for words like more, that the learner may use to gain

access to a variety of different edibles items or activities, research regarding

generalized mands shows us that specific mands are more effective in reducing

problem behavior and specific mand training has also been shown to support

the development of other verbal operants, such as tacts and echoics. Further, if

generalized mands are taught first, extinction will have to be employed to

teach more specific mands later. In other words, if we teach 'more' without teaching

specific requests first later on we're going to have to stop responding to the

learner's use of 'more'. Continued use of Skinner's analysis reveals that in many

circumstances, use of core vocabulary may best be conceptualized as an autoclitic.

An autoclitic is verbal behavior that depends upon the speaker's own verbal

behavior, in fact on page 330 of the book 'verbal behavior' Skinner specifically

indicates in the absence of any other verbal behavior whatsoever autoclitics

cannot occur. We do not simply say 'almost' or 'perhaps' or 'some' or 'the'. Note that both

'some' and 'the' are two of the words incorporated on the Bannajee list and

this analysis could appropriately be extended to other core items such as 'a'

'that' and other words depending on the context. Quite simply, words like 'some' and 'the' modify other words and are only acquired in conjunction with other words

Children don't walk into a room and announce 'some'. In fact if this did happen,

a communication breakdown would likely occur. Given the occurrence of

challenging behavior on the part of many learners it's important to ensure that

early communication training focuses on teaching specific words that result in

access to the exact item that specified. This information supports our approach

to focus on teaching specific vocabulary often referred to as 'fringe words first'

This vocabulary should be selected based upon individual preferences for each

learner once this repertoire is in place we continue with our assessments to

determine which of the core words should be included for selection within our

structured teaching lessons. Within my role as a consultant, I've had the

opportunity to observe a variety of approaches for teaching core, this

includes one common approach often referred to as aided language

stimulation and which their trainer repeatedly models a variety of core

words in the hopes that the student may eventually begin pointing to these same words.

'Put all in here...'

Just as with any skill there is no one Universal teaching strategy that's going to be effective for all learners. However, it's important

to note that in order for modeling to be an effective teaching strategy the

student must both be attending to the communication partner as well as

imitating, these two skills in of themselves are oftentimes difficult for

students with ASD. Given this information we often consider a structured teaching

plan when introducing new skills including core vocabulary. One example of

this approach can be found in the PECS second edition manual written in 2002 by

Lori Frost and Andy Bondy regarding the description for teaching requests for

help. Help is a word commonly included on many core lists. This skill should really

only be introduced after mastery of specific mands. To teach this skill, we

first identify opportunities where the learner may require

assistance, for now let's look at a student who has difficulty turning the

knob of a wind-up toy. Notice that the learner is first given

the opportunity to wind the knob on his own, at the point, when he has attempted

to wind, but before he begins to engage in a challenging behavior the physical

prompter prompts the student to request assistance by constructing the sentence

'I want help'. In addition, the child also hands over the windup toy so it's clear

that he needs help with the toy. The communicative partner then provides the

appropriate amount of assistance. It's important to ensure generalization of

this skill by structuring opportunities for 'help' with a variety of different

items, in addition be sure that the student does not over generalize this

skill by sometimes providing the toy already wound given the structured

teaching plan. The goal is to begin eliminating the prompts provided by the

physical prompter as quickly as possible, thereby moving towards independence.

Over time, systematically increase the communicative expectation to more

complex utterances such as 'I want help toy' and eventually 'I want help winding toy'.

A more advanced lesson could occur with teaching a preposition 'on', this may best

be conceptualized as an advanced attribute or commenting lesson. To teach

this concept use a preferred item and another common object that is in the

students repertoire, from there vary the placement of the preferred item as a fun

way to target prepositions. Specifically there's a preferred ball on the top of

the container and a broken or non preferred ball in the container, and so

doing, you have captured a request for 'I want the ball on the container' and use

of other prepositions like 'in' or 'next to' would be viewed as an error, signal in

the use of error correction strategies. I hope these two examples begin to provide

you with a guideline for an alternative approach to teaching core words. As with

any skill detailed lessons should be created implemented and modified as

necessary to ensure that all of our learners are making meaningful progress

I believe that we all have the same end goal for all of our learners to the

independent communicators and I'm hopeful that this information will

assist you and further evaluating your plans to make this goal a reality for all students.

For more infomation >> PECS® & Core Vocabulary, Part II - Duration: 11:24.


How the German network of demonstration farms in organic farming works - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> How the German network of demonstration farms in organic farming works - Duration: 2:21.


FR_Comment Afficher ou supprimer l'historique des recherches youtube - Duration: 2:14.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

How to View or delete search history in YouTube.

If you are trying to find a particular video you have searched for in the past, Search history may help.

Your YouTube search history lets you view your previous search queries on YouTube. Your YouTube and Google search history, also

influence the recommendations that you see on your Home. You are in control.

You can clear your entire search history. Remove individual search entries from search suggestions.

Or pause your search history. Search entries you delete will no longer influence your recommendations.

After clearing your search history, your past searches will no longer show as suggestions in the search box.

Search queries you enter while your search history is paused will not be saved in your search history.

Keep in mind that any searches you make while logged in to your account will appear in your account's search history across devices.

To view or delete what you've previously watched on YouTube, check out your watch history. Access your search history by selecting History

in the Guide And selecting the Search history tab. Remove an individual search entry.

Select the X to the right of the search entry to remove it from the Search History. Delete your entire search history.

Select clear all search history to delete your entire search history. Pause your search history.

Select Pause search history to pause your search history. Hope, this information, is helpful,

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> FR_Comment Afficher ou supprimer l'historique des recherches youtube - Duration: 2:14.


"That cat is Tarık, you're the mouse!" - Elif Episode 623 | Season 4 Episode 63 (English subtitles) - Duration: 2:23.

Listen, girl!

Look, look.

That cat is Tarık.

And you're the mouse.

He's been chasing after you.

But he just can't grab you.

Don't worry.

While I'm here, he can't do anything.


Show is over, cat couldn't catch the mouse.

Come on, change the channel. My show is about to start.

Come on!

I'll clean up the table. This shouldn't stay here.

Leave it, I'll take care of it.

Leave it, I'll get those!

You go to your room.

Why did Vildan return to treating me badly again?

Did I do something wrong?

What happened, Elif?

Are you scared of a little roughness?

You haven't gotten used to my temper!

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid of me.

Look, we're now on the same side here.

If you stick with me, you'll see, we will win this battle.

For more infomation >> "That cat is Tarık, you're the mouse!" - Elif Episode 623 | Season 4 Episode 63 (English subtitles) - Duration: 2:23.


Vlogging in Korean: We Forgive you IKEA, Unboxing P.O Box | DTV #66 - Duration: 21:20.

What about pine cone, sis?

Isn't it cute?

It's ugly....


How about reindeer?

How about this, sis?!

Let's go out!

Let's go out Qwon!

Hello there~

Hi Qjin :)

This Cafe is really big!

We found this cafe through online and it's called Awesome 845

Hope there aren't many people inside

Can we be more natural when speaking Korean?


This cafe is ginormous!!

We're going up to the 3rd floor

You can manually heat up the floor

There you go!

Hi sis!

What's up

Did you heat up the floor?

Yup, I just did

I turned it up to the max lol

It's cool that you can have your own private room like these ones

We have our own private room!! YASSSS

We completely forgot to bring in the gifts that our Qtees sent to us <3

So we're heading back to the car

We are so awkward speaking Korean on camera yoo...

Hope our vlog today won't end up being a fail...

Sis.... what in the world are you doing?!!

You should have opened from the side of the car -_-

There's a lot to unbox with you qtees today :)


One of our Qtees from California sent us cookies!!

Mom, we're doing a vlog in Korean today

OMG, for real?

Today we ordered two ice americano and one hot americano

The hot one is for mama QQ

OMG it's so weird hearing you girls speaking in Korean

Today we are all speaking in Korean in DTV

I'm so happy about it :)

That ones for you, and these are for us

Ok, time for unicorn dandruff!

Please hand me some unicorn dandruff, sis

Of course sis

Can you give it to me nicely?


Please give it to me nicely man~

Mama QQ: "You are so mean Qjin"

The story of my life..

I can say the magic spell in english, right?!

Yeah, go ahead

By the color of the coffee, I think it's going to taste good

But I think we're going to need one more unicorn dandruff

My turn!

I will sprinkle two unicorn dandruff too

Yeah! It's good :)

Do they sell cake here? / Yes, they do

Should I have some cake?

Mom said she want's some cake

You guys go ahead / Gotcha

It seems mom wants something sweet

We're heading upstair to buy some cake

It's unusual for mom wanting sweet stuff becuase she usually don't like sweets

Mom, I feel so awkward in front of camera today.. What should I do?

We hope we don't fail today's vlog (finger crossed)

Becuase the cafe has only "cheese" cake, mom decided to.....

Why are you laughing mom?

I'm trying to do my best here lol

Mom said...

....because there are....

....only cheese cakes...

....she wanted egg and cheese toast instead :)

I can do it!

I can do it, right mom?!

Of course!

I felt like there was something different about my face today when I saw myself through the camera

And just realized I forgot to apply blush today.... oops

I should hurry apply the blush

Hi sis! Did you miss me?

Yeah man.. I was freakin bored..

I will apply the blush that I forgot to apply this morning

I like the color in the middle

Qjin: "Hurry up, sis"

Can you repeat what you just said to me?

"Hurry up please"

Nope, not that but before that

"Please hurry my luv~"

No, you didn't say that

You specifically said, "Hurry up you little b****"

Our lovely Qtees sent all these gifts and letters <3

Letters & Gifts

Shall we open these letters first?!

This letter is from Evangela <3

Where is she from?

Is this postcard also from Belgium?

Yup, it's from the capital city of Belgium

Evangela is 19 years old and she is in freshman of college

This means "I love you Qjin & Qwon, from Eva"

This letter is from Canada, Ontario

It's from Melissa <3

It seems like there's something inside this letter

What would it be?


It's really difficult purchasing Splenda from Korea

My precious~

Thank you so much Melissa <3

You are the BEST Melissa :)

Melissa started watching our channel since this summer

She discovered our channel when she was searching about what to do in Seoul, Korea

And when she came to Seoul, she went to DB Story Cafe to DIY her own phone case!

She lives in Niagara falls!

Now, let's unbox this last gift

Qtee who sent this gift to us actually hand drew these cute images on the packaging

Such as these trees and snow flakes <3

This gift is from California

Her name is Sage

it cost her up to $33 to send this to us.....ㅜ_ㅜ

You didn't have to Sage.... T.T

What is it?!

Oh! This is vegan cookie! / For real?!

I acutally saw this cookie back in LA

Can we have some? / of course we can!

Sage knew that we are vegan and prepared so many vegan cookies for us X)

I love poppy seeds!

omg how many are there?

One, two, three...

I think these are all from Wholefoods?!

She wrapped the mac and cheese on this cute panda gift wrapping paper <3

The cheese sauce in this box is vegan

It has pumpkin and sweet potato flavor

Now, lets read the letter

I think she drew us!

Is this is a drawing of us?

Mama QQ: "Yes, it is!"

Wow, this is amazing!

Look what Sage wrote on the middle of the drawing:

Sage is super talented!

What medium did she use to draw this?

I think it's markers

This is so good!!

Now I'll really read the letter!

She literally cut and paste the shape of the state of California and the shape of South Korea <3

And then she drew the route of letter being sent from LA to Seoul :)

That detail though...!!

This letter is full of creativity!

Let's hurry read it x)

There is so much love in this letter <3

The first video that Sage watched from our channel is the DIY Oxblood dress

That's like really old video of ours!

She appreciates how we haven't changed as a person even after our channel has grown a lot compared to the past

Sage is also a vegan, but semi-vegan because she still eats egg

She was worried that we are lacking B-12 on our diet, so she sent us these cookies so that we can charge up our B-12 consumption

She hopes that we hold a meet&greet if we ever visit LA

We will visit next year for sure!

Sage also gave us her instagram account ID

Can we have a look?

Wow, her feeds are so artistic!

So talented!

Thank you for the cookies Sage <3

Looks so delicious

It tastes so darn good!!

It's very dense and rich!

I'm gonna eat slowly to enjoy every bite

The combination of this cookie and the coffee is perfect!

Little more pretty

We always take thumbnail, but never use them..lmao

Can I get some thumbnails too?



I was too excited to the point that I accidently ripped off my gel nail

Are you watching this Tropical Nail Seo-Yeon 원장님 ㅜ

May I get a retouch very soon? lol

I just

Just eat it man

This is my last bite

I left a big one hehe

Don't do it sis....

Look what I just took

The last gift that we're going to unbox are gifts that we sent to us from a Korean brand called Healing Bird

It's a fragrant brand that specializes in hair care and body care products

So we brought the gifts all they way to Konju city to unbox with you qtees :)

We haven't opened them yet

But it was super tempting to open them ahead lol

But based on our glimpse, it seems like there are things like lotions and shampoo and hair oil products

We have never heard of this brand before as well

There are so many!

This is Scalp Clear cleansing pack

Oh! This is for people whose scalp easily becomes greasy

It says that this body cream turns into oil once you apply them on your body

I guess it means it's that much hydratiing?

This one has Iris scent and this one has rose scent

The packaging is so pretty

This is a floral scent?

Oils for damaged hair

That is something that we definitely need!

Oh! It also says "heat damaged hair care"

I definitely need that!

This one is the same product but in different fragrance

I guess the Healing Bird staff saw how damaged our hairs are on our videos lol

These are hair mists

There are such things as hair mist?!

Should I try it? / Yup!

I wanna try it too!

It's super sweet <3

It smells so freakin good!

This one has peach scent. I'll try this one as well

This one is also slightly sweet

Wow, the smell is so good!

Thank you so much Healing Bird

Can I just use this as a daily perfume?

I really love this scent

It has a blueberry & vanila scent

the mist i sprayed on this side is cherry blossom & peach

it has a less sweater scent than the buberry one but

it has a stronger floral scent

when i use a heat starightner, i alwasy use an oil instead of

heat protector spray

and this one is acutally a heat protector oil

it comes in both small and large size so

it'll be great to carry these small ones while traveling

oh this one's for hair dyed damaged hair!

i guess.. teams at healing bird saw our vidoes and thought

our hair condition was pretty messed up lololol

cause' they sent us all these products we acutally need <3

this entire space doesn't smell like cofee at all

but all sort of floral and fruit scent lol

this scent is very strong!

it has fressia scent

the scent is strong

the cool thing is that it has a creamy texture but once you apply it

it beomces like an actual oil

this is like perfect for dry winter

we should use this oily scalp clear masks for summer

what kind of scent is it?

it's a different scent from fressia

oh~ I think this one's for us!

it's sweet and fresh

so this one has a strong floral scent

and this one has a sweet and fresh scent!

then we'll take this one

and this one's for mama QQ

this could be a great Christmas gift! / oh yeah!

yeah! just give this entire one bag and that's it

oh~ what is this??

oh this is a mini size shampoo!

great for traveling!

oh that's another roll on perfume

it's a freesia scent

the strong flower scent right?

cause we don't really like strong flower scented perfume

but I really like flower scent x)

oh this is conditioner! these are perfect for traveling

just a little amount goes a long way (the scent)

mama QQ these are for you too

omg thank you x)

wait those also have flower scent? / YES

I love these hair mists the most!

love the scent so much!

let's see what this scent is!

it says it has iris & white musk scent

we really love white musk scent

white musk is also slightly sweet!

yeah I know! that's why we love :)

oh~ this is quite new

this seems like a great unisex scent

has a bit of mens cologne scent to it

omg this is mine yooo

I don't think you'll like it mama QQ

I'll summarize the scent for you qtees ;)

this one's best for qtees who enjoy floral scent!

rose & cedar wood has a bit of coco Chanel scent

has a very feminine and mature scent

iris & white musk has that unisex scent

for both men and women

so that was Qwon's roll on perfume review

thank you!

thank you team healing bird :)

thank you too!!

이 모든 제품은 왓슨스 나 클럽 클리오 매장에서 만나 보실수 있어요 :)

관심있으신 큐티님들께서는 아래 더보기 박스에 링크 남겨 두었습니닷 :)

we're buying a new Christmas tree!!!

we might get that one

what do you think about this one Qwon?

you need to speak Korean dude

oh this one's pretty too~ lolol

we went to buy Christmas tree at IKEA yesterday but they were all sold out

but there's so many options here at EMART omg

we can put this star at the top of our Christmas tree x)


now let's find some decoration ornaments for the tree

let's make sure to get this one!

what should we get~?

oh~ we won't need this!

this one's pretty yooo

I think we'll need some red on our tree

should we get pine cones sis?

it's cute isn't it? / it's ugly sis

how about this??

let's get yellow lights

we should definitely get this one too!

all set!

why sis?

gotta use some of our brain lmao

the head? lol

let's put the head inside

what the heck is this?

okay the tree itself is done!

current status

now let's put on the lights

it's better to turn on the lights first right?

yeah so that we can see better

I'm so excited to see how this tree is going to turn out!

ohhh this one's pretty!!

(someone's way too excited)

oh~ so pretty x)

how do we do this?

just like this dude

connect these ornaments with fishing lines and hang on the tree

why don't you do all these by yourself my love lol

what do you mean do all by my self...=_=

We need to do all of these...

There are too many!

So far we've done this much

We just need to do these much more

We have six left!

Speed up sis!


It really feels like Christmas now X)

So here comes the end of our korean speaking vlog

It was quite difficult than we expected

This can be the first and last of our Korean vlog

BUT! If our qtees want another Korean Vlog, we'll definitely do it!

Please let us know in the description box below :)

Thank you for watching this vlog until the end

We'll come back tomorrow with an English vlog!

Bye Bye ~ <3

For more infomation >> Vlogging in Korean: We Forgive you IKEA, Unboxing P.O Box | DTV #66 - Duration: 21:20.


| DIRECTO | Hello Neighbor TRINUS VR | 13 Dic | Godin Gamer | LOW LATENCY - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> | DIRECTO | Hello Neighbor TRINUS VR | 13 Dic | Godin Gamer | LOW LATENCY - Duration: 10:27.


Good Music Habits: The Musicality Podcast - Duration: 9:39.

Ever wondered why some people seem to have a gift for music have you ever

wished that you could play by ear sing in tune improvise and jam you're in the

right place time to turn those wishes into reality

welcome to the Musicality Podcast with your host Christopher Sutton. Did you

know that often what holds musicians back isn't a lack of good instruction or

a lack of effort is that their practice isn't part of a consistent music habit

that gives their brain body and is a chance to learn what they need to in our

recent interview with David Andrew Wiebe of and the

new music industry podcast we talked about the importance of a strong habit

for supporting the creative process and this is a topic that cuts broadly across

all of music learning and musicality training there are lots of habits that

can help you in music things like remembering to warm up before you play

going through a pre performance ritual to get your mind in the right state

bothering to introduce yourself to the venue manager when you play a gig but

today we're talking about practice habits what do you do on a consistent

basis to help you improve in music inside musical you we have a training

module called the music habit which walks you through creating a suitable

practice habit for yourself and it's packed with tips and strategies to make

it really effective I'm going to be sharing four ideas and tips from that

module in this episode how is your music habit at the moment do you practice on a

regular basis or just when you happen to find time a you 100 percent clear on how

music fits into the rest of your life are you confident that your music habit

is providing the maximum results from the time and effort that you put in

wherever you are at with your music habit I hope this episode will give you

some new ideas to improve it the first tip is your habit must serve your goals

goal setting and planning is a huge and important topic one that we go into

great detail on in musical you it underpins the effectiveness of

everything else you do we won't dive into it now but if you're not yet clear

on your musical goals and how the time you spend on music is leading you

towards them then I recommend checking out episode 82 of the learn jazz

standards podcast where I was a guest and we talked all about effective goal

setting for musicians we'll have a link to that in the show notes if you are

clear on your goals it's going to be much easier to form an effective

practice habit you're going to have a better sense of how much work is

required to follow your plan and hit that goal and what kind of practice

habit will best serve you some types of music learning are best done in short

sessions a few times a day such as ear training others such as mastering

repertoire or perfecting instrument technique can benefit more from longer

daily sessions and if it's a more creative task like a song writing for

example then you might find your music habit needs to fit around the times in

the week when you're in the right physical and mental state for creating

so tip number one is to make sure your music habit is serving your musical

goals the second tip is be realistic and start small the research results on

habit formation vary in how long they say it takes to form a new habit whether

it's the often mentioned 21 days or longer some people myself included say

it almost doesn't matter because you start getting the benefits of your habit

from day one and it becomes more and more habitual the longer you do it what

all the experts do agree on is that for forming a new habit consistency is the

most important thing that means it's better to establish a daily 5-minute

habit then have a 10-minute one you do randomly every few days that goes doubly

for the kind of listening skills we often talk about on this podcast your

brain really needs that regular input to develop the new neural pathways to

recognize what you're training it to so start small

maybe it's singing through sulfa exercises every day in your car on the

way to work or listening to ear training mp3s while you walk the dog

those are both things I personally recommended to members inside musically

you to help them fit more training into a busy schedule

don't trip yourself up by being too ambitious too soon it's a bit like

dieting to lose weight there are so many diets out there some are extreme some

are more toned down some work great for some people

others can't handle them at all and they say that ultimately the most effective

diet for you is going to be the one that you can stick to it goes the same for

music habits it doesn't do you any favors to try and force an unrealistic

practice habit into a life that's too busy to allow it start with something

you're certain you can stick to get into the habit and then you can always

increase the time or frequency from there so that's tip number two be

realistic and start small the third tip is to embrace the concept of music time

as you move towards your goals you reach them and you establish new ones you're

going to go through a variety of training plans and details of your

practice are going to change over time but your music habit doesn't need to one

thing that's been really useful to our members from the music habit module is

the concept of music time music time is just the time on your calendar that's

marked out for music practice now you might be thinking what difference does

that make I know when I practice music but giving

it the label music time and marking it very clearly on your calendar alongside

your other commitments reframes things it helps you to see music time as

something that gets priority you start to treat it like a doctor's appointment

or a commitment to pick up your kids from school something that you don't

missed that's very different from having a vague intention to slot in some music

practice if you can once you've taken care of all the things that are on your

calendar so start marking out your music time each day or each week and giving it

priority that reframe alone can make it far easier to form a consistent habit so

that's tip number three commit to music time the fourth tip I wanted to pull out

from our music habit module is gay support musicians we're funny creatures

although we love to play and perform together a lot of us are actually very

solitary when it comes to practicing I don't know about you but I certainly

always felt a big mental burden around music practice

I was so keenly aware of all my shortcomings that I didn't want to share

that practice process with anyone else I just wanted to fix it all myself before

anyone else heard me playing but if you try and go it alone like this you're

actually doing yourself a big disservice a musical you we put a big emphasis on

community and that's not because we all have plenty of time to sit around

chit-chatting on social media it's because having support in your training

can transform the results you get so we really encourage our members to share

their journey along the way with other members and with the team as a result

they're able to stick to their plan better overcome obstacles better and

reach their goals faster and more reliably so when setting up your new

music habit give some thought to where you can get support is there a friend or

a family member who could act as an accountability buddy for you that means

they don't need to necessarily listen to you practice or get involved they can

just check in with you regularly and ask if you're keeping to your intended music

habit knowing that someone's going to be asking you like that can actually go a

long way to helping you to keep up the habit this is something we discussed in

my upcoming interview with Matthew Scott Phillips and Jeremy burns of the music

student 101 podcast Jeremy said that for him as an adult learner it's

tremendously helpful to have that support and accountability and it can

actually make the difference between him following through on his intended

training or not so think about where you can get support and accountability for

your music habit whether that's in real life or in an online community those

were just a few tips from our music habit module that helps you figure out

exactly how to fit an effective habit into your life no matter how busy it is

a habit that's going to maximize your results and your satisfaction no matter

what you're studying in music if you're listening to this podcast then

I know that you love music you want to be the best musician you can be and

you're putting in time and effort to make that happen so do yourself a favor

and set up a strong consistent music habit that's going to help you reach

your musical goals faster and more reliably thank you for listening to the

musicality podcast this episode has ended but your musical journey continues

head over to musicality podcast calm where you will find the links and

resources mentioned in this episode as well as bonus content exclusive for

podcast listeners that's musicality podcast calm

For more infomation >> Good Music Habits: The Musicality Podcast - Duration: 9:39.





بالحرف الواحد | بين السماء والأرض - الحلقة (1) - Duration: 16:39.

For more infomation >> بالحرف الواحد | بين السماء والأرض - الحلقة (1) - Duration: 16:39.


Wat moet er in de verbanddoos? - KoopKracht (Consumentenbond) - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Wat moet er in de verbanddoos? - KoopKracht (Consumentenbond) - Duration: 3:54.


NYC Speakeasy's Six Course Dessert Menu || Eat Seeker - Duration: 5:23.

- [Chef] You don't just use smoke because smoke looks cool.

You use smoke because it actually enhances,

it does something to the dish.

It makes the dish what it is.

I think for me, there's definitely an element of theater.

I think it's very important that, when you do that,

there's a reason behind it.

So the dessert bar is a full dining experience

featuring sweet and savory desserts

which could easily be your dinner.

The whole point is so you can see what we're doing

so it's almost like a show.

So you can see the whole process from start to finish

and then as a pastry chef

always worked in fine dining restaurants,

generally we're in the back of the kitchen,

and we work all day to create this stuff and then

we never get to talk to anyone about it.

We never see if people like it or not.

We never get to see that moment of eating it.

I always wanted people to see all the work that goes into a dessert.

So for the dessert bar, we wanted to be totally transparent and really

show everyone step-by-step how we plate it.

I've wanted to do this sort of dessert bar concept

and dessert tasting for a few years,

and then when I got this opportunity and we had this space,

I was just like, "Let's do it."

It's a big risk in New York City.

You've got competition and it maybe doesn't work,

but you've got to try these things.

I think traditionally, people skip dessert

because they have this notion that it's gonna be so sweet,

that you've had a meal, and you're kinda getting full up.

You can't eat a load of sugar.

So it's very important for us to really find

that balance between sweet and savory.

Essentially, it almost is a meal

as opposed to six separate desserts.

So for the six-course tasting menu, we try and start almost savory.

So when you sit down, we start with some salt.

The first course is actually an olive oil gelato.

We use eucalyptus, which is pretty much not sweet.

And eucalyptus is meant to,

sort of clean your sinuses almost.

The olive oil is a very neutral flavor.

And then the second course is then yuzu, honeycomb,

and barley ice cream, and that dessert is totally sweetened

with honey.

So even though there is an element of sweetness,

it's not gonna affect you as much as that refined sugar.

The third course is a, it's definitely a sweeter course.

It's our take on a PB&J,

which we serve in a vintage peanut butter jar.

And again, that's not just to be gimmicky or make it a show.

When you eat it, you eat it out of a jar,

it's kind of, it's meant to take you back to being a kid.

And then moving down the line,

this is a miso cashew dessert,

which has an element of sweetness,

but again, miso is a very savory flavor,

which we'll pair with pink grapefruit,

which has a very bitter flavor.

So again, it's finding that balance.

Moving on from that, we have a black sesame

and chocolate dumpling with a ginger yuzu tea

and finger limes.

So that's a take on a traditional Chinese dessert.

You take a dumpling in one bite and then you drink the tea,

which kind of like, again cleans your palate again.

And then the last course would be a apple tatin.

This is kind of our nostalgia type dessert.

It's meant to take you back to your childhood.

And we're not trying to change anything with this.

We're just going classical.

We flambé that with calvados in front of the guests,

and then we serve it with some tonka ice cream.

I think the nostalgia element of the meal,

and especially at the end, is really important down here

because that's what desserts are for a lot of people.

It's that being at home, even if it's

eating ice cream out of a tub.

It's that moment that you really remember.

So when we create a new dish in the dessert bar,

we really start with the flavors.

So we'll have like, two or three flavors we're working with,

and if we get to a stage where molecular gastronomy is gonna

make that dish, then we use it.

Sometimes, your dish is kind of, it's lacking something,

or we want to change the texture,

or we want to kinda reverse things around

so the guest gets one flavor first and then the next flavor last.

The whole process about creating a menu, any menu,

for me anyway, it's really about trial and error.

It's never just think of something, do it, go with it.

You have to almost do it wrong to get it right.

So there's so many things where I've thought,

"This is gonna be great." But when we taste it,

it just doesn't work.

And there's a lot of times there's the one you're like,

"Ah, it's not gonna work."

You try it, and it's really like a perfect match.

With the desserts and the trial and error,

I think it's been a real challenge for us

to find that balance with the six courses.

So you can have one great dessert

that really just tastes really good,

but does it fit in with the other five?

Is it too rich?

Is it too sour?

Is is too acidic?

Having those challenges is definitely a good thing

because it pushes you.

Otherwise you can just kind of come in every day

and just sling stuff out.

That's not what we're trying to do.

We're really trying to affect what we're doing.

And that challenge is good because

I think from that challenge that you end up

with the best product you can get.

If it's too easy then everyone would do it.

For more infomation >> NYC Speakeasy's Six Course Dessert Menu || Eat Seeker - Duration: 5:23.


This Tick Drank Dinosaur Blood Millions of Years Ago - Duration: 4:10.

A tick loves to suck, it seems that it sucks millions of years.

Warning, this video will suck.

Hi, I'm Heathcliff. You're watching another LIONS GROUND video

And I really hope you have a fantastic day

Fossil Insect Researcher, Paul Nascimbene, has smoking gun evidence that ticks drank

blood from dinosaurs millions of years ago.

The official report, published on December 12, 2017, on, explains in volumes

about the findings.

Paul has found amber ticks in a 99 million-year-old Cretaceous.

amber(a fossilized tree resin) This is about hard ticks and the extinct new family Deinocrotonidea.

"Ticks are currently among the most prevalent blood-feeding ectoparasites, but their feeding

habits and hosts in deep time have long remained speculative.

Here, we report direct and indirect evidence in 99 million-year-old Cretaceous amber showing

that hard ticks and ticks of the extinct new family Deinocrotonidae"

Paul has found evidence that the ticks fed on dinosaur blood, non-avialan or avialan,

excluding crown-group birds.

The fossils were found in northern Myanmar (Burma), next to China.

In this photo, you see a feather and the hard tick.

In this photo you can see the new tick type "Deinocrotonidae".

In A. you see the man and in B you see the woman.

I think many people get the jitters when they see photo "G".

In figure 4 you can see the mouth, skin, the legs of the new tick type in better details.

I will add a link in the video description so that you can read the study carefully.

So, conclusion, the ticks lived millions of years ago hand in hand with crocodiles and


Interesting fact, when ticks lived millions of years ago, they also spread diseases millions

of years ago.

The extinct new tick species is a related relative of the black-legged tick or deer

tick that spreads the Lyme disease today.

What fascinates me is that many animals today were also there

millions of years ago.

Besides the tick, you have the Goblin Shark (118 million years old), the Martialis Heureka

Ant (120 million years old), Frilled Shark (150 million years old), Sea Sponge The sponge

is the oldest species on the planet coming in at a staggering 760 million years old.

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I'm Heathcliff, and I'll see you tomorrow(monday) at 3 pm CET.

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